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At this stage, adolescents are in search of an identity that will lead them to adulthood. Adolescents make a
strong effort to answer the question "Who am I?" Erikson notes the healthy resolution of earlier conflicts can
now serve as a foundation for the search for an identity. If the child overcomes earlier conflicts they are
prepared to search for identity. Did they develop the basic sense of trust? Do they have a strong sense of
industry to believe in themselves?

Elements for a positive outcome:

The adolescent must make a conscious search for identity. This is built on the outcome and resolution to
conflict in earlier stages.

Elements for a negative outcome:

If the adolescent cannot make deliberate decisions and choices, especially about vocation, sexual orientation,
and life in general, role confusion becomes a threat.


Adolescents attempt to establish their own identities and see themselves as separate from their parents.

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