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Laziness is the main cause of obesity

The popular adage reads, "Some people eat to live while some live to eat. "There is truism in
this concept as many people eat just enough to live well while many others make a mission of
consuming countless calories and indulging on the most delicious and decadent of dishes; truly living
their life to the fullest. What we eat is not the only factor leading to rising obesity levels, in fact a
sedentary lifestyle where people are getting lazier to live an active life is perhaps the main cause of
this health dilemma. In my estimation, I undisputedly accede that laziness is indeed the main cause
of obesity in today's modern era. There are many facets to this issue whereby laziness is indeed the
main cause of obesity due to our sedentary lifestyle, laziness to prepare healthier home-cooked
meals as well as being lazy to follow a healthy eating regime.

First and foremost, laziness is the main cause or obesity because people gain a lot of weight
when they live in a sedentary lifestyle. This is because when we do not have an active lifestyle we
will not be spending our energy doing physical activities such as walking. Running or carrying things.
Moreover, when we do not use the calories that we consumed especially in large quantities, then
this unused energy, will be stored as fat and cause high obesity rates among people who live in a
sedentary lifestyle. Take for instance, most young people have a poor sleeping habit, wake up late
and spend most of their time on their gadgets like smartphones and laptops rather than go outside
and take a jog or play some physically challenging games. Thus, it is without a doubt that laziness in
terms of how inactive a person is and the lack of physical movement is the leading cause of obesity
amongst people these days.

Moving on to the next point, another facet of laziness which causes obesity is a person's
unwillingness to prepare healthier home-cooked meals. Most people know how to cook something
for themselves because eating is a daily routine but even though they may know how to cook good
and nutritiously balanced meals, they may be too lazy to go and buy the ingredients. On top of that,
they may even be very good cooks but do not have the motivation especially if they are only cooking
for one person. As an exemplification, it is much easier to order Western fast food or local fast food
like fried rice, 'mee goreng Mamak’, 'roti telur’ and the like, then eat the oily and carbo-laden food
rather than prepare all the ingredients of a healthy meal at home. Therefore, it is crystal clear that
people who are lazy and unmotivated to prepare nutritious home-cooked food is the main cause of
this disease especially in an age where high caloric but convenient food can so easily be bought.

A final point to ponder is that the main cause of obesity can be pinned on people’s laziness
in adhering to the healthy eating regime. More often than not people these days are too caught up
in school work or office work to really be able to eat three square meals a day that are well
balanced. In lieu of this, many people have poor eating schedules where they eat a late breakfast,
late lunch and an even later dinner and supper probably at the 24-hour restaurant that will only sit
in their bellies and turn into fat through the night due to inactivity. To illustrate, workaholics tend to
spend their time at the office and simply grab lunch to satisfy hunger rather than think of the calorie
intake and the nutritional value and they may also put on a lot of weight at dinner and supper
because eating is not planned but a matter of convenience and usually tasty but unhealthy food is
eaten in large portions. Hence, the main cause why people are obese these days can clearly be
attributed to them being lazy and uninspired to stick to an eating plan that is nutritious and able to
control weight gain.

To conclude, laziness in terms of a sedentary lifestyle, unwillingness to prepare nutritious

meals and not consuming them in prescribed portions are certainly the main cause of rising obesity
amongst people today. Personally speaking, I still thoroughly believe that laziness is the main culprit
of obesity. The government through the Ministry of Health should spearhead a strategic campaign to
overcome obesity by setting up a special task force to address child obesity and developing a
program to help them so that they will not face such health risks when they reach adulthood.

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