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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 2: Networking Infrastructure

Submission date April 15, 2022 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyen Van Thang Student ID GCH200606

Class GCH1005 Assessor name Ha Trong Thang

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Lecturer Signature:
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 1
P1. The benefits and constraints of different network types and standards ................................................... 1
A. Network ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Definition ......................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Types of network connections: ........................................................................................................ 1
2.1. LAN (Local Area Network) ..................................................................................................... 1
2.1.1. Advantages ........................................................................................................................ 2
2.1.2. Disadvantages ................................................................................................................... 2
2.2. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)......................................................................................... 2
2.2.1. Advantages ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.2.2. Disadvantages ................................................................................................................... 3
2.3. WAN (Wide Area Network) .................................................................................................... 3
2.3.1. Advantages ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.3.2. Disadvantages ................................................................................................................... 4
B. Network Standards: ................................................................................................................................. 4
1. Definition ............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1. International Standards Organization (ISO) ................................................................................. 4
1.1.1. OSI reference model ............................................................................................................. 5
1.1.2. The TCP/IP reference model ................................................................................................ 6
2. Data communications standards ...................................................................................................... 7
P2. The impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements ..................................... 7
A. Network topology ................................................................................................................................ 7
1. Definition ......................................................................................................................................... 7
2. Types of topologies:......................................................................................................................... 8
2.1. Star Topology: .......................................................................................................................... 8
2.2. Mesh topology .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.3. Bus topology........................................................................................................................... 10
2.4. Ring topology: ........................................................................................................................ 10
2.5. Tree topology.......................................................................................................................... 11

2.6. Hybrid topology...................................................................................................................... 12

B. Communication and Bandwidth Requirements. ................................................................................ 13
1. Communication.............................................................................................................................. 13
2. Bandwidth requirements ................................................................................................................ 14
3. Throughput..................................................................................................................................... 14
P3. Networking devices and Server types .................................................................................................... 15
A. Networking devices ........................................................................................................................... 15
1. Hub: ............................................................................................................................................... 15
2. Switch ............................................................................................................................................ 16
a. Working of Switch ..................................................................................................................... 16
b. Connecting Ethernet Segment .................................................................................................... 17
3. Router............................................................................................................................................. 17
4. Firewalls: ....................................................................................................................................... 18
5. Repeater ......................................................................................................................................... 18
6. Bridge............................................................................................................................................. 19
B. Server types ....................................................................................................................................... 19
1. Definition ....................................................................................................................................... 19
2. Operating principles of server types: ............................................................................................. 19
a. FTP server (File transfer protocol) ............................................................................................. 20
b. DHCP server (Dynamic Host Configure protocol) .................................................................... 20
c. DNS server (Domain Name System) ......................................................................................... 20
d. Web server ................................................................................................................................. 21
P4. Inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software .................................... 22
A. Workstation hardware ....................................................................................................................... 22
1. Definition ....................................................................................................................................... 22
2. NIC................................................................................................................................................. 22
a. Internal network card ................................................................................................................. 22
b. External network card ................................................................................................................ 23
3. Cable .............................................................................................................................................. 23
a. Twisted-pair cables .................................................................................................................... 23

b. Optical cable............................................................................................................................... 24
4. CPU (Central Processing Unit) ...................................................................................................... 24
B. Networking software ......................................................................................................................... 25
1. Definition ....................................................................................................................................... 25
2. Firewall .......................................................................................................................................... 25
C. Inter-dependence ............................................................................................................................... 26
II. Conclusion............................................................................................................................................. 26
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................. 26
List of Figures

Figure 1-LAN ................................................................................................................................................... 1

Figure 2-MAN ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Figure 3-WAN ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Figure 4-OSI .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 5-TCP/IP ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 6-Logical topology and physical topology ........................................................................................... 8
Figure 7-Start topology ................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 8-Mesh topology ................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 9-Bus topology ................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 10-Ring topology ............................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 11-Tree topology ............................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 12-Hybrid topology ............................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 13-Process communicate between 2 computers .............................................................................. 13
Figure 14-Bandwidth .................................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 15-Hub network ................................................................................................................................ 15
Figure 16-Passive Hub and Active Hub ......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 17-Switch ........................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 18-Switch in a network ...................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 19-Frame structure ............................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 20-Router ........................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 21-Router in a network ..................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 22-Activity diagram of router ............................................................................................................ 18
Figure 23-Firewall device .............................................................................................................................. 18
Figure 24-Repeater ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 25-Bridge ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 26-FTP server ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 27-DHCP server.................................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 28-DNS server .................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 29-Web server ................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 30-Internal network card................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 31-External network card .................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 32-Ethernet cable .............................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 33-Twisted-pair cables ...................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 34-Fiber optical cable ........................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 35-CPU Intel ....................................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 36-Firewall ......................................................................................................................................... 26
List of Tables

Table 1-Differences between logical topology and physical topology........................................................... 8

Table 2-Advantages and disadvantages of star typology ............................................................................... 9
Table 3-Advantages and disadvantages of mesh typology .......................................................................... 10
Table 4-Advantages and disadvantages of bus typology ............................................................................. 10
Table 5-Advantages and disadvantages of ring typology ............................................................................. 11
Table 6-Advantages and disadvantages of tree typology ............................................................................ 12
Table 7-Advantages and disadvantages of hybrid typology ......................................................................... 13
I. Introduction
With the advancement of computers and the Internet, the Internet is now regarded as the world's most
powerful system. Hundreds of millions of computers, communication links, switches, billions of Internet
connectors, and a wide range of Internet-connected devices, such as televisions, air conditioners, cameras,
smartphones, and PCs. In this research, I will give an overview of the computer system and the Internet.
This section's goal is to give you a high-level overview of my reports. I'll go over the benefits and
drawbacks of different types of networks and networking protocols. In addition to network performance,
network structure, communication speed, and bandwidth requirements have an impact. I also discuss how
network devices work, as well as various servers and network software. Examine the relationship between
network software and workstation hardware.
P1. The benefits and constraints of different network types and standards
A. Network
1. Definition:
A network is a system that allows users to communicate with one another by connecting multiple hosts
and devices for data transmission and exchange. It consists of two or more computers that are linked
together to share resources such as printers and CDs, trade information, and conduct electronic chats.
Computers in a network may be connected by cables, telephone lines, radio waves, or satellites.
(Winkelman 2021).
EPN, VPN are 11 different types of networks, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. The three
types of network connections that have been used everywhere are LAN, MAN, and WAN. (Bourgeois
2. Types of network connections:
2.1. LAN (Local Area Network):

A local area network (LAN) is a collection of connected devices in a single physical location, such as a
building, office, or home. A LAN can be modest or large, ranging from a single-user home network to a
business network with hundreds of clients and devices in an office or school. (Kizza 2005).

Figure 1-LAN

pg. 1
2.1.1. Advantages:
Users can easily share resources with the help of a Local Area Network. Printers, modems, and hard
drives are just a few examples of computer technology that can be shared easily. Customers can also save
money by sharing a single program acquired rather than having to buy the application separately for each
user, and only an online connection sharing system keeps internet prices cheap. Data and messages can
easily be routed over a network of computers (LAN). By logging in from any client PC in the system,
users can examine their own data. LAN management is simple because data is housed on a central server.
(Winkelman 2021).
2.1.2. Disadvantages:
On a LAN, the number of connections available is limited. An office, a structure, or a school, for
example. When creating a LAN, users must pay a costly initial setup charge, and if the LAN is large, an
administrator is necessary to oversee it. It is not a matter of privacy because LAN administrators have the
right to inspect and access personal data as well as the computer history of each user who uses the Local
Area Network, and LAN administrators will implement a fully functional security policy and will be
responsible for the database's safety. (Winkelman 2021).

2.2. MAN (Metropolitan Area Network):

A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a network that connects cities or significant university campuses.
A MAN connects users in a larger area than a LAN but less than a wide area network (WAN). Multiple
LANs are linked together via point-to-point connections to form a MAN. MAN generally comprises
connecting fiber optic lines to boost data transfer speed. (Kizza 2005).

Figure 2-MAN

pg. 2
2.2.1. Advantages:
Connecting MAN to WAN is less expensive. MAN is in charge of data efficiency. In MAN, data may be
easily consolidated and handled. MAN allows you to send local emails fast and for free. Fiber optics are
used by MAN, which allows data speeds to easily reach 1000 Mbps. It is possible to send files and
databases fast. Some MAN installations let users to share their internet connection. As a result, multiple
users can share a high-speed internet connection. MAN is a faster method of connecting two fast LANs.
This is owing to the ease with which connections can be established. It is safer than a WAN. (Kizza 2005).
2.2.2. Disadvantages:
As MAN grows in size, it gets more difficult to control. Due to a security concern and additional settings,
this is the case. Standard copper phone lines are incompatible with MAN. The speed will be exceedingly
slow if MAN is used on copper lines. As a result, fiber optics installation was initially pricey. Hackers are
more likely to target MAN networks than LAN networks. As a result, information may be exposed. Data
can be protected, but it takes highly trained individuals and sophisticated security mechanisms. You'll
need technical personnel who know how to set up MAN properly. Among the technical staff are network
administrators and troubleshooters. (Kizza 2005).

2.3. WAN (Wide Area Network):

In its most basic form, a wide-area network (WAN) is a collection of local-area networks (LANs) or other
networks that interact with one another. The Internet serves as the world's largest WAN. A wide-area
network (WAN) is essentially a collection of networks. It is a computer network that connects computers
over a large geographic area, such as a region, a country, a continent, or the entire world. (Winkelman

Figure 3-WAN

pg. 3
WANs give a wide range of access and limitless access, allowing individuals and businesses to
communicate with one another over long distances with ease, and they can also manage user access. A
WAN always has one or more servers to manage users and the network resources to which they have
access. Through collaborative networks, employees and customers can communicate with one another.
Network users can also share information with other network users via the WAN network. (Kizza 2005).
2.3.2. Disadvantages:
WANs have additional security concerns when compared to LANs and MANs. WANs must use firewalls
and antivirus software to protect data flow on the internet, which can be accessed and modified by
hackers, due to security concerns. Antivirus software must also be installed because some people are
capable of inserting viruses into computers. Although a WAN network can cover a large geographic area,
it is expensive to set up at first. It may need the acquisition of additional networking equipment such as
routers, switches, and security software. Troubleshooting a WAN network can be difficult because it spans
large geographic areas. Troubleshooting a WAN network can be difficult because it spans large
geographic areas. The bulk of WAN lines are lost in the sea, and if those cables are damaged, they will be
lost as well. Repairing the lines beneath the sea requires a lot of effort. Once a WAN network has been
constructed, maintaining it is a full-time job that requires the high-tech knowledge of network supervisors
and technicians. (Sosinsky 2009).

B. Network Standards:
1. Definition:
The technical and physical specifications for network standards are known as network standards. Network
standards provide interoperability of technologies and network standards to ensure that goods from different
manufacturers can do or operate together by defining the communication conventions between networked
There are some networks standard organization:
- International Standards Organization (ISO)
- International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
- Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE)
- American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
- Internet Research Task Force (IETF)
- Electronic Industries Association (EIA) (Reddy 2018).
1.1.International Standards Organization (ISO):

The OSI Reference Model, developed by ISO, the world's largest standard body, is well-known in the
networking industry. To ensure communications system interoperability, it divides data into seven abstract
classes and normalizes protocols into appropriate network functional groupings. OSI is regarded as a
method of

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establishing a link between a network and a user. There are seven different types of classes. Each layer in
this architecture is designed to perform a specific function while also allowing communication between
higher and lower layers. The TCP/IP protocol is also based on the internet model. The session layer and
the presentation layer are combined in TCP/four IP's tiered tiers. TCP/IP only allows out-of-network
communication from the application layer's network layer. (Accerboni & Sartor 2019).

1.1.1. OSI reference model:

The OSI reference model is built using a seven-layer approach. The Physical Layer, Data Link Layer, Network
Layer, Transport Layer, Presentation Layer, and Application Layer are the layers that make up an application.

Figure 4-OSI

- The physical layer is the lowest in the axial model. This layer is responsible for the transmission
of raw data through a physical medium. Data is sent between two communication devices via a
physical medium in the form of electrical, optical, or electromagnetic impulses. In Physics lesson,
the bit is the unit of information transport.
- The Data Link layer establishes a physical connection between two servers, allowing them to
interact. When data is transferred between two or more nodes over physical media, it is responsible
for error correction, flow management, and frame synchronization.
- At the network layer, data is sent between source and destination nodes on the same network. The
Network layer allows servers to directly transmit information between servers that are not
connected to the same physical medium using an IP address or Internet protocol.
- The transport layer guarantees that data created by error control, flow control, service quality, and
segmentation is delivered reliably.

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- The Session class is in charge of handling connections, the session layer, which includes the
transports and procedures required to arrange and coordinate the dialogue, and the data interchange
between the presentation and session layers.

- The presentation layer formats and encrypts data sent over the network, ensuring that compatibility
issues are avoided. In the application layer, it encrypts, decrypts, compresses, and transforms data for
display. Before being transported over the network, data is formatted and encrypted, removing
compatibility concerns.
- Through the application layer, the user can interact with and use software programs to access network
functions. The application layer provides the scaffolding on which the program runs. (PAUL 2011).

1.1.2. The TCP/IP reference model:

TCP/IP is a communication protocol that enables the server to connect to the internet and utilise it.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a commonly used internet protocol. TCP/IP
is thought to be more reliable than the OSI paradigm. When it comes to communication, TCP / IP only
allows non-connected messages from the network layer.

Application layer, transport layer, internet layer, and network interface layer are the four layers of
TCP/IP. Furthermore, the internet layer is comparable to the network layer in the reference model. The
Network Interface layer combines the physical layer and data link layer functions of the reference model.
(Sosinsky 2009).

Figure 5-TCP/IP

- Network layer: The Network Interface Layer is the Physical Layer in TCP/IP Mode. It combines the physical
connection layer and data from the OSI model.
- Internet layer: At the Internet layer, the Internet Class of this type TCP / IP is used to transmit and route data
between source and destination. The Internet layer connects the OSI data and network interfaces.
- Transport layer: The Transport Layer establishes a Session between the two end points. It is the one in charge of
the meetings. It allows data to be exchanged between servers that are on the same network or on different networks.
Using the OSI model's transport layer.

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- Application layer: The application layer serves as a communication route between the program and
the user application. It's an OSI layer application that combines the session, presentation, and
application layers (Sosinsky 2009).
TIA and EIA work together to produce a variety of transmission device standards as well as wiring
The IEEE has numerous committees, one of which, committee 802, is in charge of LAN standards.
802.4: Standard for Token-Bus Networks.
802.5: Token-Ring network standard.
802.3: The Ethernet standard specifies the technology for connecting, transferring data, and exchanging
data between terminals on a LAN. Computers, printers, servers, and routers, for example, will create
connections using the Ethernet protocol and can exchange packets when connected to a local area network.
802.11: WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) is a networking standard. 802.11 operates at 2.4GHz and
employs Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) technology, which provides just 2 Mbps of capacity for
most applications (Sosinsky 2009).
2. Data communications standards:
There are 2 types of data communication standards:
De jure—These specifications have been approved by a governing body in charge of defining protocols
and other aspects of networking. De jure norms frequently have the force of law, even though they are
labeled as recommendations. Countries are advised to use their own enforcement methods, such as
sanctions, to guarantee that these core criteria are met.
De facto standards are those that have not been defined formally but are widely followed. If someone
wants to do something odd, such as being a network equipment manufacturer, this strategy could be
utilized to quickly develop a new product or technology. This type of standard can always be offered for
de jure approval. (Kizza 2005).

P2. The impact of network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements

A. Network topology
1. Definition:
Network topology refers to how nodes and their connections are organized in a network. The
organization of a network's various components is referred to as physical network topology, with
separate connections representing physical network cables and nodes representing physical network
devices. A logical topology is a networking concept that outlines the communication mechanism
design for all nodes in a network.

a network's nodes The logical topology of a network can be dynamically maintained and changed with
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network equipment like routers and switches. The assignment will present network topologies such as
star, bus, ring, mesh, tree, and hybrid topologies. (Sosinsky 2009).
Differences between logical topology and physical topology are described in Table 1.

Physical topology Logical topology

The network's physical configuration is depicted. The logistics of a network concerned with data
transmission are depicted.

The layout may be changed to meet your specific There is not any interfering or manipulating going on
requirements. here.

It may be configured in a star, ring, mesh, or bus It is always detected in topologies such as bus and ring.

Based on the selection and availability of devices, this This has a significant influence on data packet delivery
has a significant influence on network cost, scalability, and speed. It also controls data flow and ensures that
and bandwidth capacity. data packets are delivered in a timely manner.

The transmission path is the real route. It is a simplified depiction of data flow.

It has physical connection to the network The network's data route was followed.

Table 1-Differences between logical topology and physical


Figure 6-Logical topology and physical topology

2. Types of topologies:
2.1.Star Topology:

pg. 9
A star network topology is an implementation of the spoke–hub distribution paradigm in computer
networks. In a star topology, each host is connected to a central hub. In its most basic form, a single hub
acts as a message channel. The star network is one of the most common computer network architectures.
(Kizza 2005).

Figure 7-Start topology

Advantages Disadvantages
Star topology can be installed and wired easily It needs more cable length than a linear topology
When attaching or uninstalling devices, there are no Nodes attached will be disabled if the hub, switch,
network interruptions. concentrator error
It's simple to spot flaws and delete pieces Because to the costs of hubs and everything else, it is
more expensive than linear bus topologies.
Table 2-Advantages and disadvantages of star typology
2.2. Mesh topology:
A mesh topology is a network topology in which every computer and network device is connected to the
others. Even if one of the links breaks, this architecture can distribute most communications. It is a
commonly used wireless network architecture. (Sosinsky 2009).

Figure 8-Mesh topology

pg. 10
Advantages Disadvantages
Messages can be delivered more quickly if the path to the intended Because of the large number
recipient is short, but they should always be delivered since they have of connections required,
many possibilities. complete mesh networks can
No node should be isolated because of several connections (in principle). be difficult to set up and
Numerous connections mean that each node can simultaneously send and maintain.
receive data from multiple nodes, and that new nodes can be added
without interrupting or interfering with current nodes.
Table 3-Advantages and disadvantages of mesh typology
2.3. Bus topology
A bus topology is a LAN topology in which all nodes are linked together by a single wire. The wire that
connects the nodes is referred to as the "backbone." If the backbone is broken, the entire portion will fail.
The bus topology is used in Ethernet networks. (Winkelman 2021).

Figure 9-Bus topology

Advantages Disadvantages
Connecting a computer or peripheral to a linear The entire network goes down if the main cable breaks.
bus is simple. Terminators are required on both ends of the backbone
When compared to a star topology, bus cable. It's impossible to figure out what's wrong when
topology requires less cable length the entire network goes down.
It's not meant to be used as a stand-alone solution in a
large construction..
Table 4-Advantages and disadvantages of bus typology
2.4.Ring topology:
A ring network topology is a network configuration in which each node is connected to exactly two other
nodes, resulting in a single continuous signal path called a ring. Data is transferred from one node to the
next, with each node processing each packet as it passes through. (Sosinsky 2009).

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Figure 10-Ring topology

Advantages Disadvantages
Data can only flow in one direction with this Due to the Uni-directional Ring, a data packet
technology, which reduces the possibility of packet (token) must go across all nodes.
collisions. When a single workstation or node goes down,
In this configuration, additional workstations can be the entire network goes down with it.
added later without compromising network It performs slower as compared to the bus
performance. topology.
Equal access to resources is granted to all. There is no It's a little on the pricier side.
need for a server to handle the connectivity between the It's tough to add and remove nodes from a
nodes in the topology. network, which could cause issues with network
It is low-cost to start and grow. operations.
As little touch as possible should be made. Debugging the ring is challenging.
The data transit speed is extraordinarily rapid in this In order for computers to communicate with one
topology. another, they must all be turned on.
Due to the presence of token passing, ring topology The reliance on a single wire
outperforms bus topology under heavy traffic. is complete.
It's quite easy to use. They were unable to be
The Ring network is extremely well-organized, with scaled.
each device having access to the token and thus being
able to send data.
Table 5-Advantages and disadvantages of ring typology
2.5.Tree topology:
Tree topology refers to a topology with a tree structure in which all computers are connected like branches
of a tree. In a computer network, a tree topology is a hybrid of the Bus and Star topology structures.
(Kizzy 2005).

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Figure 11-Tree topology

Advantages Disadvantages
Individual segments have point-to- The type of cabling utilized limits the overall length of each
point wiring. section.
Several hardware and software The entire portion will collapse if the backbone line breaks.
vendors are supporting this Configuration and wiring are more complicated than with other
initiative. topologies.
Table 6-Advantages and disadvantages of tree typology
2.6.Hybrid topology:
Hybrid topology is the fusion of two or more separate topologies to produce a resultant topology that
incorporates the benefits (and downsides) of all of the component fundamental topologies rather than
having the characteristics of a single topology. (Sosinsky 2009).

Figure 12-Hybrid topology

pg. 13
Advantages Disadvantages
This type of topology combines the benefits of This is a high-cost network type.
multiple topologies into a single one. Creating a hybrid network is a challenging task.
Modifications are available depending on the Hardware must be updated to connect one topology
to another.
circumstances. It's quite adaptive.
Hybrid designs are frequently larger, demanding a
It has a high level of dependability. large number of cables during installation.
Because hybrid networks are structured in Hubs, which connect two networks, are quite
such a way that new hardware components costly. Hubs must also be clever enough to work
may be quickly incorporated, it is easily with a variety of topologies, which sets them apart
expandable. from typical hubs.
The installation procedure is complicated.
Errors are easy to detect and troubleshoot. It
has a lot of traffic.
It's utilized to create a massive network.

Table 7-Advantages and disadvantages of hybrid typology

B. Communication and Bandwidth Requirements.

1. Communication:
The process of sending data between two or more computers, or from one location to another, and vice
versa, using communication between nodes that can send and receive data, such as copper wire or wireless
signals, is referred to as data communication.

Figure 13-Process communicate between 2 computers

A signal transmission path is referred to as a communication channel. In a networked setting, it acts as a means
for exchanging route information from one computer to another. Twisted pair cables, coaxial cables, fiber optic
cables, terrestrial stations, and wireless transmission media are examples of transmission media.
It is used for e-mail, smartphones, and tablets, among other devices and software..
pg. 14
Signaling mechanisms are used in DSL technology. DSL is a data transmission method that uses
telephone lines to transport data between the client and the supplier.
ADSL is a method of distributing data through a high-speed broadband connection in order to make the
most of available bandwidth. ADSL is a data delivery system that uses copper lines with a 10MHz
bandwidth to allow users to view high-quality websites while also working on many projects at the same
time. (Kizzy 2005).
2. Bandwidth requirements:
The amount of bandwidth required to send data from one place to another via a wired or wireless network
is referred to as bandwidth. Bandwidth is important to internet users since it affects connection speed and
service quality. The more data that can be sent and received over a broadband connection at the same time,
the better. Several factors influence network performance, including the maximum capacity of a network
connection. In terminal topology, multiple network lines with different bandwidths are often employed.
There are three types of bandwidth, the first of which takes up the same amount of space as it does
money. The second type of bandwidth is shared bandwidth, which is used by multiple machines and
results in a situation where all available bandwidth is occupied. The last type is a person's bandwidth who
is not sharing bandwidth. Computers can communicate with one another thanks to the bandwidth flow. As
a result, consumers should have the ability to choose their own bandwidth.
It was once used to characterize the speed of a network. For instance, a 1,000 Mbps bandwidth. A cable
modem connection can deliver bandwidth of up to 25 Mbps. (Sosinsky 2009).

Figure 14-Bandwidth
3. Throughput:
Throughput is the amount of data transferred across a network in a unit of time and is used to evaluate the
productivity of computer processors, memory, and network connections. While bandwidth refers to a
network's maximum bandwidth or capacity, throughput measures the amount of data sent over a
connection in a given amount of time and is used to assess how fast or slow a network is (Sosinsky 2009).

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P3. Networking devices and Server types
A. Networking devices
1. Hub:
A hub network is a network device that connects a large number of computers in a local area network
(LAN). A hub network is also used to send data. Data packets are transmitted to all connected devices
because the HUB network and hub cannot filter data. As a result, when a server sends data packets to the
HUB network and hub, data is sent to all of the hub network's connections. Can extend a network's total
distance without sacrificing speed. Hubs, on the other hand, are unable to connect different network
designs such as Token Ring and Ethernet (Sosinsky 2009).

Figure 15-Hub network

Hub has certain drawbacks. When data is sent by one node, it is transmitted to all linked nodes; however,
when data is sent by multiple nodes, the hub is unable to handle it and generates an exception. That is
why there is a switch.
Active hubs and passive hubs are the two types of hubs. Active Hub relays the data signal from all ports
except the one where the signal arrives. These are self-contained hubs that can clean, augment, and
forward data signals over a network. As a result, it improves the quality of the data signal by amplifying
it. Meanwhile, Passive Hub relays the data signal from all ports except the one where the signal arrives.
However, it has no effect on the data stream (Sosinsky 2009).

Figure 16-Passive Hub and Active Hub

pg. 16
2. Switch:
A switch is a network device that connects other computers. To facilitate communication between
numerous networked devices, several data cables are linked to a switch. When a device sends a packet to
another device, the switch examines the packet's header to determine what to do with it. It compares the
destination address or addresses and sends the packet to the appropriate endpoint devices over the
appropriate ports. (Winkelman 2021).

Figure 17-Switch

Switch is Hub's replacement device; it can handle a severe problem that Hub has, namely when data is
given by many nodes; Hub can't handle this, but Switch can.

Figure 18-Switch in a network

a. Working of Switch:
The switch only delivers data to the port to which the destination system is connected when it receives
data from one of the connected devices. The correct port is determined by the device's Media Access
Control (MAC) address. (Omar 2018).

Figure 19-Frame structure

pg. 17
b. Connecting Ethernet Segment:
Redundancy and network growth are aided by having multiple switches in a network. The switch's
maximum number of ports available is 48, limiting the number of users who can connect to it. To
accommodate more users than the switch's available ports, a second switch is required. This switch should
be linked to the switch before it for data transfer between two segments.
A crossover cable is required to link two or more switches. Uplink, in port, and out port are all terms used
to describe crossover ports. Without the use of a switch, a crossover connection connects two PCs with
1000Base-T NICs. (Omar 2018).
3. Router:
On the same network layer, a router delivers Internet access to multiple devices. A router is a network
device that sends data packets across a network. A typical router is a wireless router that transmits Wi-Fi
(some are known as access points or APs), receives Internet data via a modem, and has its own public IP
address on the Internet. Routers connect different network segments, network protocols like IP and IPX,
and network topologies like token ring and Ethernet. (Sosinsky 2009).

Figure 20-Router

Routers connect network segments that are close or far apart at the Network Layer of the OSI model. It
was designed to work in LAN, MAN, and WAN environments. A router must have at least one WAN and
one LAN port. The WAN port connects to a regular phone line, as well as a more advanced phone
connection like ISDN, ASSL, T1, or even a cable modem. Once the router detects the IP address included
in the packet, it is routed. It comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, and uses. (Omar 2018).

pg. 18
Figure 21-Router in a network

pg. 19
Figure 22-Activity diagram of router
4. Firewalls:
A firewall is a network security device that analyzes incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides
whether specific traffic should be allowed or restricted based on a set of security rules. Firewalls are either
software or hardware devices that filter data attempting to access your computer or network. Firewalls
scan for malicious code or attack vectors that have been identified as known dangers during packet
inspection. (Kizza 2005).

Figure 23-Firewall device

5. Repeater:
A repeater is an electrical device that enhances and retransmits a signal to allow it to go further along a
communication path.
It works by gathering and amplifying your current Wi-Fi signal before transmitting the improved signal.
With a Wi-Fi repeater, you can easily double the range of your Wi-Fi network, allowing it to reach all
corners of your home, business, or school. (Sosinsky 2009).

pg. 20
Figure 24-Repeater
6. Bridge:
A network bridge is a computer networking device that joins together multiple communication networks
or network segments to create a single, aggregate network. Routing allows many networks to
communicate while remaining separate, whereas bridging connects two separate networks as if they were
Bridges link two or more LANs using the same protocol, allowing devices (nodes) to communicate with
one another. Bridges connect multiple LANs to expand the network capacity of a single LAN. Because
they work at the data connection layer, they send data in data frames. (Sosinsky 2009).

Figure 25-Bridge

B. Server types:
1. Definition:
A server is a computer or network device that is responsible for managing network resources. Servers will
do a variety of tasks in order to serve a user with a static IP address who is connected to a computer or
internet network. is a platform for running and installing software that allows other computers to connect
to it. Data storage is one of the many purposes for which servers are employed. Working for groups that
oversee the internet. a website, a database, or virtualization, for example (Sosinsky 2009).
2. Operating principles of server types:
There are many types of servers around the world and in this report will show out some popular server
pg. 21

pg. 22
a. FTP server (File transfer protocol)
An FTP server is a piece of software that allows you to transmit files between computers.

FTP uses the same Client/Server paradigm as Client/Server. FTP "Client" is a computer program that
allows you to communicate with and receive data from remote computers. The FTP client receives FTP
instructions and sends them as requests for information to the remote computer, also known as FTP
servers. (Sosinsky 2009).

Figure 26-FTP server

b. DHCP server (Dynamic Host Configure protocol)

DHCP is a network administration protocol that simplifies the process of configuring IP devices to access
network services such as DNS, NTP, and any UDP or TCP-based communication protocol.
A DHCP server assigns a dynamic IP address to each device on a network and other network
configuration parameters so that they can connect to other IP networks. (Sosinsky 2009).

Figure 27-DHCP server

c. DNS server (Domain Name System)

A domain name server (DNS) is a computer with a database that transforms domain names into IP
addresses. A domain name server for each level and type of domain name serves the domain name at that
pg. 23
level and type of domain name, just as the domain name system has a hierarchy.

A user types a domain name into a web browser, such as Before they may receive data
that matches the domain name, domain names must be converted into machine-readable IP addresses.
Before you can visit your site, you'll need to call the data center to find out what IP address the server has.
(Sosinsky 2009).

Figure 28-DNS server

d. Web server
A web server is a computer that serves as a hosting server for websites. It's a piece of computer software
that delivers web pages automatically as they're requested. The fundamental aim of the web server is to
store, process, and distribute online pages to users. This communication is carried out via the Hypertext
Transfer Protocol (HTTP).
When a browser wants to access a file on a web server, it makes an HTTP request to the server. When the
request reaches the appropriate (hardware) web server, the HTTP server accepts it, locates the requested
material, and sends it to the browser over HTTP. (Sosinsky 2009).

Figure 29-Web server

pg. 24
P4. Inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software.
A. Workstation hardware
1. Definition:
Workstations, like computers, are set up to perform specific activities. Edit a video of a workstation that
includes components such a network card, cabling, authorization, system bus, and memory, for example.
The following are some examples of common workstation hardware: CPU, Motherboard, RAM, Graphic
Card, Hard Driver, ROM, Network Interface Card, and so on (Sosinsky 2009).
2. NIC
A network interface card (NIC) is a circuit board that allows you to connect to the internet. It allows computers
to communicate with one another and exchange data. To put it another way, it sends or receives data from the
network. It enables computers to communicate with one another and exchange data.
NIC Depending on the demands of the user, electrical circuitry for wire connections such as Ethernet or
wireless connections such as WIFI is included. As a result, customers have the option of selecting the NIC that
best suits their needs.
There are two different types of NIC: There are two types of network cards: internal and external. (Sosinsky
a. Internal network card
The network card can be installed in an internal network card slot on the motherboard. Network cables
are necessary to provide network access. Internal network cards are divided into two categories: The first
makes use of a PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) connection, whereas the second makes use of an
Industry Standard Architecture connection (ISA) (Sosinsky 2009).

Figure 30-Internal network card

pg. 25
b. External network card
External network interface cards are used in PCs and laptops that lack an internal network interface.
Wireless and USB-based external network cards are the two types available. Although a wireless network
card must be installed on the motherboard, there is no need to connect to the network via a network cable.
When traveling or attempting to connect to a wireless network, they can come in helpful. (Sosinsky 2009).

Figure 31-External network card

3. Cable
A cable is a form of fiber that has components that allow signals or data to be sent across long distances
or to connect hosts. Computers and other equipment are connected by network cables, which transfer data
and information. (Winkelman 2021).

Figure 32-Ethernet cable

There are 2 main types of cables: Twisted-pair cables and Optical cables
a. Twisted-pair cables
Twisted-pair cable is a type of cabling that is commonly used in today's Ethernet networks and for phone
conversations. A circuit consists of two wires that can carry data. Crosstalk, or noise created by
surrounding pairs, is prevented by twisting the pairs. (Winkelman 2021).

pg. 26
Figure 33-Twisted-pair cables
b. Optical cable
Glass fibers are contained in an insulated housing in a fiber optic cable. The purpose of a fiber optic
network is to traverse greater distances and offer higher performance than traditional connections.
(Winkelman 2021).

Figure 34-Fiber optical cable

4. CPU (Central Processing Unit)
A CPU is a programmable and pre-programmable data processing circuit. The CPU, or central processing
unit of a workstation, is one of the most important components of a computer. The speed of the CPU
determines the computer's processing speed, but other components also play a role (such as internal
memory, RAM, or graphics card). It's a multibillion-dollar integrated circuit (transistors) (Morris 2003).

pg. 27
Figure 35-CPU Intel

B. Networking software
1. Definition:
Software is a computer program and its related documentation that fits the needs of users and computer
operators. Software is a set of instructions or instructions written in one or more programming languages
in a precise order to perform a task, function, or solve a specific problem for the user, as well as to directly
influence the computer's operation.
A server is a computer that is connected to a network and shares its application resources with other
network users. The program can then be accessed and used by users.
Client software is a well-known computer network design that works by sending a request to another
program or server, which processes the information and returns it to the client. Despite having access to
network resources, the client is not permitted to share them with the network. It's the same as going to a
website and logging in. This allows users to connect to internet-based programs or other devices.
(Sosinsky 2009).
2. Firewall:
A firewall is a device that divides a secure network from one that isn't. It controls access and safeguards
both the machine and the user against potentially hazardous content. For each computer linked to the
Internet, a firewall is required to manage what is allowed on the network and what is allowed out of the
The server operating system is meant to be used as a basis for executing programs and the operating
system of the machine that runs the operating system in order to be compatible with the software. The
operating system interacts with the user and the computer as an employee of both. (Kizza 2005).

pg. 28
Figure 36-Firewall

C. Inter-dependence
The computer's brain is the hardware, and the software is a library of programs that allow it to function.
Software and hardware work together to run user service apps. Because both hardware and software rely
on hardware, software can be thought of in an abstract sense as something that cannot be held. Computer
hardware is useless without software. In the absence of a physical device, the application will not work.
Both hardware and software must be able to communicate with each other. Different software packages
can be installed on hardware to perform various tasks. Hardware is controlled by software. These two
elements are mutually exclusive and are unable to function without one another. (Sosinsky 2009).
II. Conclusion
Many definitions and examples of networking have been offered in this paper. In P1, I presented the concept of a
network, the many types of networks and their benefits and drawbacks, as well as the formation of common protocol
and network standards. In P2, I discussed the differences between network topology, physical topology, and logical
topology. I've also outlined some of the most important topological concepts, as well as their benefits and
drawbacks. Network connectivity and bandwidth requirements are also covered. In P3, I also talked about network
devices and server types, as well as giving some examples. In P4, I talk about the concept of workstation hardware
and networking software, as well as their interconnection.

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pg. 29
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pg. 30

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