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out of 12 questions correct 1. Write the following in numerals. (a) Ninety-two thousand and eight (b) Seven hundred and forty-five thousand 2. Write the following in words. (oc) 10638 (b) 23740 3. Fill in the blanks. (a) In 21 764, the digit 7 stands for (b) In 328 917, the digit 8 stands for ______. 4. Fillin the blanks. (a) 2090 = 2000 + (b) 83 140= 30000 ent 20) Pre-Test 1 5. Fill in the blanks. (a) 80000 + 1000 + 300 + 20 = (b) 10 000 + 9000 + 700 + 3 = Complete the following number patterns. (a) 29051, 29 201, s » 29651 (b) 51838, 52 068, 52528) Write the following in numerals, (a) Two million — (b) Nine million and twenty-five _ ae Write the following in words. (a) 3002000 >> ae (b) 4018 000 —— » Round off the following to the nearest $100. (0) $3746 ~ aes (b) $1757 ~ {© Educational Publishing Ho Round off the following to the nearest $1000 fa) $2593 0 i 2S moms (b) $6409 ~ Do the following. (a) Find the sum of 80 400 and 9000 and round off the answer to the nearest thousand. (b) Find the difference between 23 000 and 99 and round off the answer to the nearest thousand. Calculate the following. Pre-Test 1. (o) 92-33-29= (b) 77 +23-51= () 27+45+9-10= (d) 88-22+2 x 3= (@) (91417) +9= () 7 x G2-27)= © Feducational Publishing House Pre Lid In this unit, you should know how to: Read and write numbers in numerals and in words Round off numbers to the nearest 1000 Work out sums with combined o perations involving the 4 operations and the use of bracl kets 1. Write the following in numerals, (@) Eighty thousand and two (b) Seven hundred and forty-five thousand and one (©) Four hundred and thirty-three thousand and fifteen © Educational Publishing Unit 1 Whole Numbers ) (d) One hundred and two thousand and nine hundred (e) Two hundred and seventy-nine thousand and eleven (f) Eighty-eight thousand, five hundred and sixty-two (g) Ninety-nine thousand, one hundred and twelve 2. Write the following in words. (a) 11532 (b) 46708 () 72110 (d) 39054 (e) 502 003 {© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Ge) (f) (9) (h) ers (1) 300 800 ——— LTC 673 210 es =. 930011 a | = Fill in the blanks, (a) (b) () (d) (e) In 92 463, the digit 4 stands for ee In 517 904, the digit 7 stands for — In 326 501, the digit 2 stands for ee In 73 265, the digit ee oinithe ten thousands Place. The Value of the digit is In 892 173, the digit = 5initie hundred thousands Place, The value of the digit is Fillin the blanks, (a) (b) ( 9200 = 9000 y. 28 930 ama +5000, + 500 102 = +100 + ae a 30) © Educational Publishing House (d) (e) Unit 1 Whole Num 437 000 = _____ + 30 000 + 760 300 = ___ + 60 000 + 5. Fill in the blanks. (a) (b) © (d) (e) 50 000 + 1000 + 200 + 6= 70 000 + 4000 + 900 + 2= 600 000 + 3000+ 40+ 5= 900 000 + 20 000 + 10 + 1 = ——___—_—_ 800 000 + 5000 + 30 + 4 = —__—_—_—__. 6. Complete the following number patterns. (a) (b) () (d) (e) © Educational Publishing 13050, 3200, —— i — 13 650 62 831, 63 061, ——_———_——_ 63 521, ———_—_—_ 55 550, ————_—_—— 57 950, —_——_——— 60 350 93 008, 91 908, —————_—— 89 708, ————_ A) 20), —— 3 00 eee 301600 1g House Pee Ltd Unit 1 Whole Numbers (1) 7. Write the following in numerals. (a) Nine million (b) Three million and two thousand (C)_ Eight million and forty thousand (d) Seven million, two hundred and thirty thousand | (e) Six million, nine hundred and | five thousand () Five million, three hundred and twenty-one thousand 8. Write the following in words. (a) 7000000 (b) 6 008 000 () 9014000 (d) 3761000 (e) 7934000 =. Ue — ee © Educational Publishing House Pei ee na asm a ee ml Unit 1 Whole Numbers (1) 9. Round off the following to the nearest $10. (a) $478 ~ (b) $782 (Q $2794 = (d) $8365 ~ (2) ROUGE eee (f) $6076 ~ 10. Round off the following to the nearest $100. (a) $3475 = (b) $8724 ~ ( $12291 ~ (d) $47167 ~ (@) $589:999 = __ (f) $601 073 ~ 11. Round off the following to the nearest $1000. (a) $8703 ~ (b) $5499 = (Q $17680 ~—_. (d) $69610 ~ (e) $462 500 ~ —________ (f) $329970 ~ 12. Do the following. (a) Find the sum of 3400 and 8300 and round off the answer to the nearest thousand. (b) Find the sum of 780 200 and 92 000 and round off the answer to the nearest thousand. © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid (> a Find the difference between 2100 and 888 and round off the answer to the nearest hundred. (d) Find the difference between 97 100 and 3880 and round off the answer to the nearest thousand. (e) Find the product of 800 and 9 and round off the answer to the nearest thousand. (f) Find the product of 7 and 700 and round off the answer to the nearest thousand. (9) Find the Quotient when 2700 is divided by 4 and round off the answer to the nearest ten. (h) Find the quotient when 4184 is divided by 8 and round off the answer to the nearest hundred. Calculate the following using a calculator. (0) 99-15-28= (b) 57+ 23-48 = () 32-17+66= (d) 108+4+9= (:) 78x4+6= (f) 232+8x7= me © Fdvcatonal Publishing House Pet a a a ay Unit 1 Whol: ie Numbers (1) (9) 68+37x4= (h) 546-39x3= (i) 9244128 +8= (j) 334-91+7= “ Calculate the following using a calculator. (0) 209-114-37= (b) 352 +47-278 = () 93-23+176= (a) 245 + (e) 54x3+9= (f) 161+7x5= (g) 23x5-13= (h) 1774+9x9= () 16x 10 +276 = (j) 645 + 132 + © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 15. Calculate the following. Numbers (1) i (2) 94+35+7-6= (b) 70-24=8x2= ~~ () 94-27 +9-8x3= (d) 18x6+21+3= () 132=4-3x5= () 7x9-5x8+3= (g) 60+3+25+5= (h) 72 + (100 - 62) = (i) 94~(51~19) = Oneal © Educational Publishing House Pe 16. Calculate the following. Unit 1, Whole Num! bers (1) (a) 12+42+6-19= (b) 110-33 + 11x5= (i) 81+ (54+ 6)= () 97-72+9-5x5= (d) 16x8+48+3= (e) 108+ 12-3x2= (f) 8x8-3x9+5= (g) 100 — (38 + 42) = (h) (81-37)-13= () 72+ (2«3)= © fiducational Publishing House Pre Lid 17. Calculate the following. (a) (15+17)+8= (b) 6x (31-27)= he (c) 50 + (44-39) = (d) (99-33) + 11= (e) 10 x (63 + 7) = (f) 12+(9-3)x8= (g) 22 + (56-45) = (h) 7x (8-2)-39= | (i) 25+(13+17)+3= () 4x (27-18) + 6= 18. Calculate the following. Unit 1 Whole Numbers (1) (a) (21+33)+6= (b) 4x (82-65) = (90 + (57-42) = (d) (145-24) = 11= (ce) 14x (56 = 8) = (f) 78+ (32-23)x7= (g) 6x(3+8+2)x4= (h) 12+(41-5)=9x3= (i) 10+ (57+3)+6= (j) 8+44+9x(6-2)= © Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 19. 20. eS — —6hUlrlc poorer umnbersi(1) Calculate the following (0) 32+ 84(25x4)= [w a3+in=6-2- > ( (76+14)+9-15+3= (d) 31x 19-9x23= (e:) 49=7x7+49= Oa ZeeslOt 158 = (9) (330-12 x 20) + 6 = (h) (60 + 12+ 10) x 25 = (i) (289 + 167-265) x () 4x (125+ 175) +8 = 121 + 11)= [ (121 + 11) Calculate the following. (0) (162-84 = 7)x3-250= (b) 62x (87-60) +28 () (2300-20 x 40) = 50 = (d) 4800 = (6 x 4) 4750 - (e) (315 + 3547)x4= f (56 + 7) x (28 = 14435) - (9) 3x (560-323 1 *17)-17= (h) 3x (27 +1372 = 49) - QD te24= 128-16) encom : | (041-736 = 23) 4 108 - a Oli © Educational Publishing House Pt 1. The total score for some tests that Mandy took was 285. She scored 92 marks for History, 99 marks for Science and the rest of the marks were for English. How many more marks did she score for Science than for A WS English? x “J S Eg” The fares for a China tour were $983 for an adult and $505 for a child. How much do Mr and Mrs Li have to pay for themselves and 3 of their children for the tour altogether? scational Publishing House Pte Ltd (75 > her. He sold 66 23. Ali sold 358 apples on Monday and Tuesday pitsaethe cae Fe a apples on Tuesday than on Monday. How many Monday? Unit 1. Whole Numbers (1) P a A watch cost 4 times as much Roy paid $60 for a watch, a p Roy paid for a book. as a pen. A pen cost twice as much as g book, _- en and 2 books altogether. Fi nd the price that © Educational Punicr ee 1, Whole Numbers (1) ie Miss Li bought a whole cake for $14. She cut it into 8 equal pieces and sold all of them. If she collected $18 altogether, how much did she make from each piece of cake? 26. Oranges were sold at 3 for $1.10 and pears at 7 for $2.50. Mrs Wong paid i $11.90 for 12 oranges and some pears. How many pears did Mrs Wong buy? © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid 27. Mr Raju had 19 / of oil in a drum. He repacked the oil into 8 cans of 7 & capacity and the rest into cans of 500 m/ capacity. How many cans of 504" capacity were there? 4 Eg 1 kg of grapes cost $8 and 1 kg of rambutans cost $3. Minah bought 3 kg of arepes and 5 kg of rambutans. If she paid with two $10 notes and four $5 notes, how much change did she get in return? © Educational Publishing House Pet! a” Pies 3 for $5 Burgers 6 for $7 <7 After paying for a dozen pies and 2 dozen burgers, Mr Salim was left with $18. How much money did he have at first? Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Gy Sa irene ren cae = ae tas 7 ___ out of 12 questions Core 5. 1. Write the following in numerals. i irteen aa (a) Eighty-one thousand, five hundred and thi 6. b) Fort h n hun and thirty-two (b) Forty-five thousand, seven hundred thirty Sd 2. Write the following in words. () 19812 (b) 60511 3. Fill in the blanks. (a) In 78 293, the digit 7 stands for ae (b) In 921 354, the digit 9 stands for re 4. Fillin the blanks, (2) 79 320 = 70 090 + + 300+ es | ee, 3) (b) 85 ON ee A pol 9 kd © Educational Publishing House Pe Post-Test 1 5. Fill in the blanks. (a) 20000 + 3000+ 800+ 10+5= (b) 70000 + 9000+60+4= 6 Complete the following number patterns, fa)! 32,007; 32.25), — 33 001 (b) 70 800, 71 000, 71 400, 7. Write the following in numerals. (a) Three million, six hundred and twentu-one thousand (b) Six million, two hundred and seventeen thousand 8. Write the following in words. (a) 1012000 (b) 5370000 9. Round off the following to the nearest $100. Kc) Wea$9 267 cea (b) $6449 © Educational Publishing House Pe id (25 Post-Test 1 10. Round off the following to the nearest $1000. (0) $12599 ~ (Cee 11. Dothe following. ff ()_ Find the sum of 90 200 and 7000 and round © the answer to the nearest thousand. ie id (b) Find the difference between 72 000 and 12 ani round off the answer to the nearest hundred. a 12. Calculate the following. (a) 102-38-43= (b) 274+ 64-99= () 322+98+7-130= (d) 108-36+9x5= (e) (89455) =12= (f) 4x (50-38) = Se Ena. le ut of 10 questions correct 1. Multiply the following. (a) 33x 20= (b) 193 x 40= (2528 x 80 = 2. Multiply the following. (a) 27x 100= (b) 198 x 200 = (3619 x 700= © fducational Publishing House Pe id (5 Multiply the following: 43 x 2000 = 187 x 4000 = (b) 4. Divide the following: (a) 50210= (b) 180+20= L (9 1750 +50= (d) 24000 +80= © Educational Publish 5. Divide the following. (a) 900 + 300 = (b) 1500 + 500 = () 49000 + 700 = 6. Divide the following. (a) 15000 + 3000 = (b) 720 000 + 9000 = © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid (23

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