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Raymundo, Aico Marie F. April 06, 2022

1st Year BSBA-1C Mrs. Edna Macrohon

I. Get 1 real-world example from current events. Try watching a video of
Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zolensky. Write your observations on the
manner of communication. Both come from two different contexts. Prepare
at least two short paragraphs.

Vladimir Putin is also a good public speaker and it is really amazing to watch and listen to
everything he says. Inspires people and has good speech and communication, especially in front
of many people. His mind is wide and I can see that he has one word. There are expressions in
speech, gestures and so on. We can also see that he loves his country very much. And in Moscow
it is about the unity of the soldiers and their country and he praises it because only now has they
seen that kind of unity. Then his speech is about his soldiers. And they almost work together and
support each other.

Volodymyr Zolensky, on the other hand, is also good when it comes to speaking in public
and in the media. . He is also one of the most admired by people, especially in his country. It can
also be seen that he is happy with what he is doing and he loves his job. Also, what he says in
front of many people is true and everything he says is love for the people of Ukraine. All his
defense is just for the country, everything he will explain to the country. So I was also one of
those impressed by his speech in the media, in public and anywhere.

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