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Conscious Touch Foundation Course

Lesson 1: Understanding the Basics

1.1 Introduction

Greetings and welcome to the Conscious Touch Foundation Course. By participating in

this course you have affirmed your intention to grow as an individual and to support the
evolution of the planet through developing your healing touch and presence. Through
practice and experimentation with the primordial force called prana you open your
awareness to realizing the center of your being and by practicing what you learn about
prana for the sake of healing others you open up a gateway to their own center. A friend
of mine once said, “Most people don’t even realize they have a center. When they find
this, they can heal on their own.” This is the basic goal for the techniques presented in
this course. They are to be a guide in realizing the natural unity in the source of Life,
which is the center we all share. This is the vocation of the Conscious Touch Healer.

In this course you will learn how to touch another individual for the sake of healing their
body and mind. This will be accomplished by learning the fundamental concepts that are
the basis of most “energy” healing systems, such as Reiki, Ayurveda, and Qi Gong.
Once you become familiar with the concepts it is important to experiment with the
exercises provided and even develop exercises of your own to practice on your self or
with another person. Theory is helpful as a foundation, but the real mastery comes from
personal experience and application.

You will be provided with a basic framework to become familiar with the healing
potential of prana. This framework involves the use of breathing, mastery of attention,
and various lifestyle guidelines to utilize your natural prana reserve to the fullest.
Healing with prana is about more than just placing your hands on someone for an hour-
long session. For it to be most effective it depends on the practitioners ability to live in
harmony with the prana of their body and the environment. Once this is realized the
techniques and hand positions involved in the one-on-one session become imbued with
the harmonizing force of prana. This is then shared for the sake of healing.

The Conscious Touch Foundation Course is based on the principle of Yoga, or Self-
Knowledge. Many techniques and theories will be covered, such as meditation,
pranayama, explanations of the chakras and nadis, and sound use in healing, etc., but all
of these are simply tools to be discarded when they are no longer needed. Healing is a
state of being and a presence. It is a state of being centered in the Self, which is also the
goal of Yoga. In the beginning the tools are useful to engage the ego so that the real
healing force can do its work. In time and with much practice healing occurs freely, as if

Copyright Ryan Kurczak 2002-2010.

something with an intelligence of its own moves through the practitioner. At this stage,
the healer may only need to think about the person in need, or just sit with their hands on
the person for the highest and best outcome to present itself in the healing process of the
individual. Do not discard the techniques too soon, but be open to letting the power of
prana and consciousness transcend the techniques when the occasion arises. This is a
dynamic art and science, not a stagnant or rigid method of healing. It has been around for
thousands of years, if not for the entire span of human existence. Its name and form may
have changed, but the primary substance and purpose remain the same.

This course contains the basic elements needed to become an effective Conscious Touch
healer. If you have never had any experience with a hands-on healing system, everything
you need to know will be provided. If you simply wish to help your family and friends or
even help your garden grow this course will serve that purpose. If you are already an
experienced practitioner of a healing art use this course to supplement your skill. Use the
techniques as an addition to your healing toolbox, and use the theories to help deepen
your understanding of healing systems you already know. All healing comes from the
same source. You can call it Reiki, Prana or any number of words. All these words are
simply useful signposts pointing to the same thing. Once when I asked Atreya Smith
about the difference between all the various “energy” systems he replied, “It’s all the
same stuff, but with a different flavor.” Keep this in mind when utilizing or comparing
various systems.

The study and proper application of Conscious Touch may take a long time to master, but
diligent experimentation and application of what you learn here will ensure rapid
progress. Take your time and enjoy the journey. As you go new insights about yourself,
your relationships, the nature of healing, and the cosmos itself will begin to unfold.
Embrace this opportunity to reconnect with the holistic force called prana that sustains
life as we know it. Through your own self-healing and service to others engage the
waves of prana and allow them to carry you back to the truth of perfect health.

1.2 Prana Explained

The three most popular questions I am asked during classes at my office always revolve
around what prana is, how it can be explained to someone else, and how it is different
than any other healing practice. The standard answers to these questions are exceedingly
simple but are often hard to grasp at first. In the traditional sense prana means “life
force”. It can be explained as an energy that is directed through the palms of the hands of
the practitioner to assist the healing process. It is different than other systems in that its
origins are rooted in the practice of Yoga and related disciplines from India. To really
get at the heart of these questions requires a much more thorough explanation.

Prana may be translated as “life force”, but this does not really answer the question of
what prana is. It just exchanges one label for another. Prana is the force that maintains
the organization of life in all things. You can feel it in your body, in the bodies of
friends, around trees, emanating from the earth, radiating from the sun, and flowing

Copyright Ryan Kurczak 2002-2010.

through water. It is similar to gravity in that we cannot readily see it, but we are able to
feel its effects. Prana is the vehicle for the effectiveness of prayer and ritual and any
esoteric practice that relies on the direction of “invisible” forces to manifest an outward
result. It is the consciousness in which we all abide and are all made from. This is the
beauty of working with prana. Its interrelationship with life and existence knows no

When practicing a healing session the practitioner theoretically becomes a conduit for the
universal harmonizing intelligence to move through them. If there is an area of disease or
pain within the client’s body, this indicates a condition where the natural flow of prana
has either become disorganized through misuse or trauma or a deficient or excessive
amount of prana is present. By touching the client and practicing the Conscious Touch
techniques they reconnect the client to the larger universal harmonizing force called
prana. When this occurs the area under consideration is directed towards its natural state
of proper functioning. In this way, the natural intelligence of the physical body is
reawakened and the balanced state of prana is restored.

Many healers refer to prana as energy. This appears true to a degree, but in reality
everything is energy, so that does not do much to clear up the mystery of what prana is.
The only way a person can really understand what prana is comes from working with it.
Experience with prana teaches the practitioner what it is. Words can try to describe it,
but those fall short of actually knowing what prana is. Others have called prana love, but
this too is vague and more conceptual than real. The key in understanding prana is
moving beyond the concepts and into the experience.

If other people ask you what Conscious Touch is, you can try to describe it with words
and most people will be satisfied with what you say. Some people may want to know
scientific reasons for why the system works and what exactly the practitioner is doing. If
you feel up to the task, by all means give this your best shot. I’m sure you can find
countless theories or even some research to support your assertions, but keep in mind this
practice comes from an entirely different paradigm.

If you practice enough you will begin to experience repeatedly the healing potential of
the system. You will also begin to see patterns in how it works. Many people you work
with will report similar sensations and experiences. You may witness a sudden shift in
breathing, a deep relaxation, or even multiple muscle releases during your sessions. Your
clients may speak of how warm your hands were, how they could feel currents of energy
in their body, or they were conscious the whole time but deeply relaxed and even
snoring! As they say, “The proof is in the pudding.” Let your own experience with the
system lead you to understanding how it works. When explaining it to other people, try
to get them to just experience a session to see what it is all about. Often that is all it

In comparison to other systems Conscious Touch only differs on a superficial level. Sure
it is based on system from India, which is a different location than the origins of Reiki,
but water is water no matter what country you are in. My first experience with “energy”

Copyright Ryan Kurczak 2002-2010.

work came in the form of Reiki. I became a Reiki teacher and explored many other
systems just to see what they were about. My experience led me to Polarity Therapy, Qi
Gong, Pranic Healing as taught by Master Choa Kok Sui, and a few other lesser known
techniques. The crazy thing about them all was they all had the same effects, felt the
same when practicing them, with the only difference being in how the session was
performed. I’ve noticed many people enjoy touting their healing system as superior to
another. In the overall scheme of things it makes me wonder just how much they actually
know about what they are doing. Master the basics of any healing system and you have
all you need to understand there is only one healing source. Call it prana if you like, or
even make up your own word! The ability to heal is ultimately a personal relationship
with what works best for you to get the job done.

1.3 Discovering Prana

People may live their entire lives with no conscious interaction with prana. They may
have no idea that it exists or where it can be found. On the deepest level they obviously
know it exists, otherwise they wouldn’t be here. Discovering prana requires a shift in
view point. This can happen slowly or spontaneously. It may even happen without our
knowing. In my case, my wife was trying to get me learn about Reiki. At first I didn’t
want to hear about it nor did I believe in it, and then some years later I find myself
teaching the classes and sharing all I can about the power of healing touch. Other people
may have been aware of some unexplainable force they felt when walking through the
woods or when a certain person touched them. Some people may already be masters of
prana without even knowing it. A dear friend of mine is a massage therapist. The first
massage I got from her I immediately knew she had a strong talent for prana healing. Her
hands felt like flames when she touched me.

In the overall scheme of things it doesn’t really matter where we are at in our sensitivity
and ability to work with prana. All it takes is the openness to let new knowledge enter
our awareness and the dedication to develop the necessary skills. Prana is all around us,
in everything. Many people wonder why they weren’t able to experience or know about
prana from the very beginning of their lives. If prana is life, then why don’t we know
that from birth? This is primarily cultural. Many other civilizations do know about it
from birth to death. They know what it is, respect it and work with it every day.
Civilizations are just like people. They need to learn and grow. Thankfully we’ve
reached a stage in our cultural development that allows this knowledge of prana to be
more widely accessible and acceptable.

If at first during this study of prana and conscious healing you do not progress at the rate
you feel you should, don’t worry. All the techniques work. Have patience and use your
imagination if necessary. In time, use of the imagination will slowly free your mind from
its chains that limit perception of prana. All it really takes to find and experience the
prana that exists in all directions is to turn off the mental position that it doesn’t exist.

Copyright Ryan Kurczak 2002-2010.

1.4 Prana Exercise #1

Now it is time to begin to experience prana flows through your own body. The following
exercise is the first step in consciously opening the channels in your body to be able to let
prana flow freely for the purpose of healing. It utilizes simple breathing and visualization
techniques that anyone can do. I first discovered this technique in a book called
Ayurvedic Massage by Atreya Smith. There are three levels of practice and you will be
introduced to all three by the end of the course. Part of your assignment for this lesson is
to practice this a total of seven times, once a day, for a week. You will then comment on
your experiences and send them in with your answers to the questions at the end of this

Ultimately, it is best to practice this technique once a day for the duration of your career
as a healer and before every healing session you undertake. It is simple and doesn’t take
long to practice, but the benefits are endless. What exactly occurs during this exercise
will be covered during the explanation of the nadis, chakras and energy body in lesson
five. For now, just experience the practice and enjoy the after-effects.

Step 1.
Find a nice quiet place you can sit comfortably for 5-10 minutes. Sit up straight. Keep
your spine erect and take 2-3 nice and slow deep breaths. On each exhale let your body
relax and release any tension. Let your body relax, but keep your spine straight. It may
help to imagine all the tension you may have slipping out of your body like water flowing
into the ground.

Step 2.
Place your hands palms down facing your body. You may rest them on your thighs,
abdomen, or place one on your abdomen and one on your heart. Sit for a moment or two
just becoming aware of what your hands feel like resting against your body.

Step 3.
Take a slow deep breath. As you inhale, feel a current of energy rushing into your
nostrils and flowing down into your lower abdomen. Feel the current filling up your
lower abdomen. When you are halfway full of air, feel and visualize the current flowing
up into your heart, filling your heart with a radiant light. Once your breath is full hold it
for only a second or two. Then begin to exhale.

As you exhale feel the radiant light pouring down your arms from your heart and exiting
through the palms of your hands. When you exhale, just let your breath empty out
naturally. Notice any sensations you feel in the palms of your hands as you do this.
Pause for a second or two and repeat. Practice gently and slowly for five minutes. Avoid
strain and just flow with the breathing and sensations.

Copyright Ryan Kurczak 2002-2010.

Step 4.
After you’ve practiced in this way for five minutes, simply sit and take note of your body
and your mental state. Enjoy the after-effects for another few minutes, and when you are
ready go about your day or begin your Conscious Touch session (once you know how).

The above exercise is one of the key things you can do to begin to experience prana in
your life. The more you do this exercise the easier it will be for you to allow the healing
force to flow and the more sensitive you will become to the prana of your surroundings.
It has the added benefits of creating a state of relaxation and clearer thinking, which helps
you do anything more effectively, and it just might improve your energy levels and
overall health.

1.5 Pranayama

Another breathing exercise you may want to try comes specifically from the practice of
Yoga. It is used before meditation practice to calm the mind and balance the prana flows
between the left and right sides of the body.

Pranayama is a useful method to purify the channels of the body and gain conscious
control of the breath. The method described here is called alternate nostril breathing.
This is an additional exercise for the practitioner of Conscious Touch. As stated above,
the clearer the pranic channels, the easier the healing force will flow. The better control
of the breath, the easier the quality and quantity of prana can be regulated.

Alternate nostril breathing is accomplished by blocking off one nostril at a time during
inhalation and exhalation. To begin, take a full deep breath and let it out slowly. Relax
on this exhale. With your fingers, close off the left nostril completely. Inhale fully
through the right nostril, and hold the breath for a second or two. Now release the left
nostril and block of the right nostril. Let your lungs empty, and pause briefly. Keeping
the right nostril covered, inhale through the left nostril and pause before exhaling.
Release the right nostril and cover the left nostril again. Exhale through the right nostril.
Hold the breath again for a second or two. This is one round of alternate nostril

This technique can be practiced for twelve to twenty-four rounds. Begin with twelve, and
if you are inclined slowly work up to twenty-four by adding one round per day. Alternate
nostril breathing can be performed before or after Prana Exercise #1. Experiment with
what works best for you. Prana Exercise #1 is essential to developing your skills with
prana. Use the alternate nostril breathing Pranayama as an adjunct to the first exercise.

Copyright Ryan Kurczak 2002-2010.

1.6 Meditation

Awakening to the subtler side of life, which is one requirement of becoming a prana
healer, depends on the innate sensitivity of an individual to their environment and their
own inner motivations. The most effective way to invite this awakening to occur is to
undertake some form of spiritual practice and meditation. The problems that healers are
called upon to remedy often occur because the client is not aware enough to either choose
a lifestyle supportive of their health or the client chooses to ignore the signs that the body
could be better cared for. If you wish to share healing with someone, embodying the
state of health is an excellent start. Taking up the practice of meditation enlightens your
awareness and provides a clear space to make effective choices in maintaining your
physical and emotional health, which is one of the most practical ways to increase your
own prana levels and maintain balance within your energetic system. Once your physical
and emotional health is secured it is then easier to direct energy to endeavors such as
helping others to a healthy life.

Life is not a problem. It is an experience to enable us to learn and grow to our fullest
potential joyfully. Suffering results from misunderstanding our orientation in life. The
first step to reestablishing harmony on all levels and engaging our life directly is to
become clear within the situation in which we find ourselves.

Problems cannot be solved from the state of being in which they were created. If we find
ourselves suffering from confusion in our mundane or spiritual lives, resulting in
psychological unrest, such as depression, anger or fear we must step back and detach
from the troublesome emotions or thoughts. We are all able to do this, because we are
spiritual beings using the mind and body, and not human beings dominated by the mind
and body. For prana to flow through us freely balance on all levels is necessary.
Meditation is the cornerstone that allows this to occur.

To fully realize this, time is set aside regularly. The daily practice of detachment from
the immediacy of life gives perspective and allows different responses to emerge. It
breaks up obsolete patterns of behavior we may use day in and day out without effect. In
order to proceed efficiently it is good to have a stable routine. This way we practice with
intention and our minds are not given to fantasy or inattentiveness. Plan to practice the
following twenty to thirty minutes a day.

First sit in a comfortable position with the back straight. Close your eyes and look
slightly upward gazing into the darkness of your eyelids. Upward gazing will keep you
alert and awake. Take a few deep breaths, and feel the air come in and leave your body.
With each exhalation let your worries or concerns fall away. As you settle into a relaxed
attentive state set your intention to experience the essence of the Source within and
without you. This can be done with a prayer if you are inclined. Now, return your
attention to your breath. For the next fifteen minutes just breath, and be aware of
breathing. Should thoughts arise, let them pass. Remember to give yourself fully to the
practice. Become absorbed in the breath, prayer or stillness. This is the time for inner
rejuvenation. You have all day to attend to other matters. After any form of distraction,

Copyright Ryan Kurczak 2002-2010.

gently return your attention to your breathing. When you are ready, drop the breath from
your attention. Rest within the stillness that has been allowed to emerge from this simple

After a few weeks gaining proficiency in the above routine, utilizing the following
schedule can deepen the practice. Twice a day sit for thirty to forty-five minutes. Set
aside the same time every day. Sit where you will not be disturbed. Take a few deep
breaths and get comfortable with your back straight. Close your eyes and direct your
attention within. Again, looking slightly upward to stay alert and affirm your innate
connection to the Source. Recite a memorized prayer, or speak one spontaneously
silently to allow the connection with the Source to become more real. Now, use a two
word phrase to direct your attention toward. This can be as simple as “Peace, love” or
any other word that positively attracts your attention.

With your breathing recite your word phrase. On the inhale, listen to the first word inside
your head. On the exhale, listen to the second word. Let it fill your entire awareness.
Give all of your attention to it. Should thoughts or distractions arise, gently bring your
attention back to your word phrase and breathing. Practice feeling the word phrase
resonate in your awareness for the next ten to fifteen minutes. This will calm the mind
and allow the body to relax deeply. Now rest in this relaxed, yet alert, peaceful state.
Remain calm and poised for as long as possible. Once internal or external distractions
begin to make themselves known, start over again. Continue practicing in this way until
you have reached your proscribed time. Finish with a silent prayer, and acknowledge the
peace you experienced, and let it fill your day.

Peacefulness is the center of our being, and is always there. When we become engrossed
in the outside world our sense of identity becomes distorted and we mistake our objects
of perception for who we really are. Also, when we become engrossed in the outside
world, we rarely get the rest that is needed to retain mental purity and physical health. It
must be understood that life is a balance between rest and activity. Constant going will
just deplete our physical resources and weaken our ability to reason. The outward world
of work, spouses, friends, hobbies, and exercise must be balanced with time that is only
for rejuvenation and rest. Practicing in the way described will restore our ability to
appreciate rest and our understanding that our true nature is a serene and knowledgeable
individualized unit of the spiritual source, a small drop of prana in a vast sea of the same

After resting for a while in the pure state of awareness you may conclude and go about
your day, or remain a little longer engaging in constructive problem solving. It is after
the practice that we can most appropriately address any issues in our lives that need it.
When our awareness is not clouded by overactive thoughts or emotions we are more
easily able to understand why things are the way they are. With this understanding
proper action can be taken to change.

Engaging life and unfolding your innate gifts and potentials requires consistency and
applying what is learned. Frustration is not helpful, and patience must be cultivated.

Copyright Ryan Kurczak 2002-2010.

Each day we begin again, and each day we build on the knowledge we successfully
apply. If our original intentions seem to falter we must retire into the silence and truth of
our higher nature and endeavor to experience greater comprehension of life and its
purposes. Knowledge may dawn completely and spontaneously, but for most of us it will
only require that we consciously intend to learn, grow, and apply what we know to be
true daily. This begins with the inquiry into the Source, into your being through

This practice creates the structure in life for the unfoldment of self-realization and
spiritual knowledge. Without this understanding we wander pointlessly into suffering.
Each day we meditate or pray to realize our spiritual purposes and how they transpose
into our physical life, we lay a few more bricks into the structure. With patience and
consistency we will eventually wake up to find that the last brick was set yesterday
morning, and from there all we need do is let life happen spontaneously and
constructively. This is the natural state of flowing freely in the wholeness of the pranic
ocean that sustains all life, the ocean of consciousness.

1.7 The Power of Conscious Touch

As stated in the second section of this lesson, prana is the consciousness in which we all
abide and are all made from. Through the practice of meditation and Pranayama you
purify that consciousness. The clearer the consciousness you realize as a healer the more
effective you become. This is why self-development and self-knowledge are so
fundamental to the proper practice of Conscious Touch. When you touch another person
with the intention to share healing prana with them, you are sharing the quality of your
consciousness. In this way, the practice of healing is simply the giving of conscious

On the subtlest physical level your consciousness has a vibration. It is a harmonic of the
vast consciousness that encompasses and is all things. It resonates by itself, but weakly.
When it is exposed to the great harmony of the absolute consciousness its resonance
deepens, adds to, and is strengthened by the harmonic vibration of the great field of
consciousness. This vibration is then recalibrated with the universe and its underlying
intelligence. This is healing. Mental noise can block this healing. By purifying the
mind, the likelihood of experiencing the natural harmony of the universe within your life
and being increases. This is why it is important to tear down the walls of compulsive
thoughts that deflect the universal harmony from reaching your inner harmonic when
developing your own healing potential. The greater your ability to resonate in harmony
with the universe and its processes, the more profound of a healer you become.

Most people are not called to healing. They are not called to heal themselves or others.
For this reason, there is a real need for those with the inclination to develop their abilities.
When a person comes to you for a healing session that may be all they can do for their
own health. You may be their only means of allowing their inner harmonic to experience
the reintegration with the symphony of the universe. By laying down on your table or

Copyright Ryan Kurczak 2002-2010.

just allowing you to put your hands on their back, they create an opening in their daily
routine of compulsive thinking to give their innate healing intelligence a chance to
awaken and readjust a few imbalanced aspects of their body or mind. This may seem like
a small action, but in the greater evolution of human existence every step, however small,
is an improvement.

Remember that we are not in a closed system surrounded by everyone else who is in his
or her own closed system. The mind can create that illusion, but illusion doesn’t change
reality. For conscious touch to really work we must understand that consciousness is
endless and boundless. Seemingly unconnected people and events do share the same
field of consciousness. By participating in a session with a person where you are able to
give your full attention to your hands while observing the movements and happenings
inside their body a greater harmony will emerge in them. This harmony may not only
improve their health it may also improve their relationships.

Consider the fact a person may have had a rough day at work. The typical pattern may be
to come home from work and yell at the kids for something or ignore them totally due to
exhaustion. If on the way home they decided to have a session with you and through
your touch you create the space for relaxation and unwinding to occur it may change their
whole perception. They may then be happy to see their children and even have the
energy to play with them. By sharing the state of harmony within yourself, it awakens in
them, and they can share it with others in their own way.

You can see that the power in developing your ability to touch with consciousness will
have far ranging effects for the greater good of the world. It is a simple action that
reconnects the healer and the healee to a state of being beyond the normal humdrum of
modern life. This state is the natural state for all of us, but in our fast paced society many
people have forgotten it altogether as is evidenced by the massive epidemic of poor
health and unhappiness. This period of history is providing a wide door way for people
capable of reconnecting with their roots to step through and help the rest of humanity
along their evolutionary path. All it takes is a little time, patience, and the openness to
revealing your inner state of harmony.

This will be your role as a Conscious Touch practitioner. Keep this in mind throughout
your study and practice of this timeless healing art.

1.9 Looking Ahead

The first few lessons of this course encompass the main points you need to be familiar
with in order to work effectively as a healer. Take your time with the material and master
the basics first.

Once you have a good grasp of the material presented in Lesson 1: Understanding the
Basics you are ready for Lesson 2: Consciousness and the Body. In this lesson you will
discover how to experience prana in your body and how prana can be best utilized

Copyright Ryan Kurczak 2002-2010.

through maintaining conscious awareness and lifestyle adjustments. You will also be
introduced to the five main pranic currents and how to work with them.

In Lesson 3: Basic Self-Healing you will be introduced to the varied methods of self-
healing with prana on a physical and emotional level. This lesson deals specifically with
the science of Ayurveda. Self-healing requires more than just energetic techniques,
although these will be covered. By gaining a basic understanding of how to apply
Ayurvedic principles you build the proper foundation to understand Conscious Touch
holistically. Once you are familiar working with the prana in your own body, it is easier
to work on others.

In Lesson 4: Prana in Nature and Lesson 5: Chakra and Nadi Theory, you will learn
more theory to aid your understanding of prana and its varied expressions. These lessons
are probably the most technically difficult and may take more time than the rest. Lesson
4 provides information on reconnecting with the prana in the natural world. Lesson 5
describes the layout of the energetic system and its pathways in the body.

Lesson 6: Techniques for Healing Others provides a complete outline of a basic

Conscious Touch session and detailed descriptions of various techniques and their uses.
Case studies will be provided in this lesson to give you an idea what it is like in the
trenches. Make sure you understand lessons 1-5 before proceeding to this lesson.

Lesson 7: Advanced Work builds upon the fundamentals covered in lesson 6 and
provides information on using visualization and toning sounds, as well as advanced
techniques such as healing from the causal level.

Lesson 8: Integrating Your Approach ties all the material together ensuring a holistic
understanding of the principles of Conscious Touch. This lesson also covers how
Conscious Touch can be easily integrated with other healing modalities.

Once all of the questions and assignments have been completed satisfactorily you will be
sent a certificate of completion.

Copyright Ryan Kurczak 2002-2010.

Lesson 1: Understanding the Basics

Questions and Assignment

1) Over the next seven days practice Prana Exercise #1. Keep a log of your
experiences. Write a paragraph for each day about your thoughts on the
practice and what you experienced during the 5-minute sessions. Submit this
seven day log with the answers to the following questions.

2) Before beginning this course, what did you know about prana? Did you have
any experiences with it? What is your own personal description of what it is?

3) What is your motivation to learn how to heal with conscious touch?

4) Practice the alternate nostril breathing for at least three times over the
course of the week. What was your experience? Could this be of benefit to

5) In your own words, how can meditation practice help in honing your skills as
a Conscious Touch practitioner?

6) Aside from learning the informational component of Conscious Touch,

practice of meditation and the breathing exercises are essential to mastery of
this skill. What will be your schedule of meditation and practice of these

Exercise responses, questions or comments may be submitted using contact information


Copyright Ryan Kurczak 2002-2010.

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