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For my Algebra and Pre-Algebra classes I was required to use the assessments from the provided

book. I provided an example of the lesson plan I created for a topic assessment day. On the day of an
assessment whether for a lesson or the entire topic, as the teacher I will cover the assigned homework
from the previous day. I will quickly review the correct answers with the students. I will always give an
opportunity for the students to ask questions about problems that they had concerns on before
beginning the assessment. I want my students to feel prepared beginning the assessment and feeling
that they can succeed. Using the assessment at the end of each lesson and the entire topic allowed me
to better understand where my students were in their understanding of the material. After lesson
assessments I would review misconceptions that were evident of the quiz. After completing a topic
assessment, I would review commonly missed questions with the class to help the students understand
the problem and how the material applied.

I provided pictures of the completed bridges from my Tiger Innovator students. Their goal was
to create a bridge that would withstand weight being added to the structure. This challenge also
provided the students with a budget to purchase their materials from the supplies in the classroom. So,
the students were graded on the correctness of their purchases as well as graded by a rubric on how
much weight the bridge can hold. In the pictures provided you can see multiple examples of student
work and the testing with the added weights. After assessing the bridges, I discussed with the students
what was the better designs to withstand more weight. The student easily made the connection to the
importance of the shapes in certain designs. The most important shape being triangles, or trusses as
called in bridges.

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