File Feb 8: Multiple Choice Grammar

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 fall short of sth: to fail to reach an amount or standard that was
expected or hoped for, causing disappointment
 spread out: to cover a larger area
 spread sth over sth: to arrange for something to happen in stages
during a period of time

 obsolete(a): not in use any more, having been replaced by
something newer and better or more fashionable obsolescene(n)
 fall into obsolescence: something no longer used
 sleep deprivation: the situation or condition of suffering from a
lack of sleep
 nervous disorders
 souped-up(a): A souped-up vehicle or machine has been made more
powerful or faster by having changes made to it
 hideous(a): extremely ugly or bad
 ordinary pursuits: acts which are a daily routine in every human
being's day to day life like eating food, taking bath, going to
toilet, etc.

 gear sb/sth up: to prepare for something that you have to do, or
to prepare someone else for something
 put a strain on: to place an undue or overwhelming burden on
someone's or something's resources or ability to cope.
 boil down to sth: to have something as a main or basic part
 get to the bottom of sth: to discover the truth about a situation
 get cracking: to start doing something quickly
 get down to business: to start talking about the subject to be
 get the gist of sth: To understand the central, essential, or
general matter of something, such as an argument, speech,
concept, process, etc., without being proficient in the more
specific details.
 swell with pride/anger etc:to feel very proud, angry etc

 out of one’s depth: not having the knowledge, experience, or
skills to deal with a particular subject or situation
 as a (general) rule: usually
 in at the kill: có mặt đúng lúc để chứng kiến việc giết động vật hoặc
sụp đổ của cái gì (tòa nhà, công ty...)
 out of place: not comfortable in or not suitable for a situation
 in one’s wake: used to say what is left behind by someone or
 on the off-chance: hoping that something may be possible,
although it is not likely
 under your breath: quietly so that other people cannot hear
exactly what you are saying
 in the teeth: If something happens or is done in the teeth of
difficulties, the difficulties cause problems but do not stop it
 show oneself in one’s true colors: to show or express one’s real
character, opinion etc
 in denial: in a state of not wanting to believe something.
 in the clear: no longer under suspicion, in danger etc
 in a nutshell: very briefly, giving only the main points

• Sedentary (a): (of work, activities, etc.) in which you spend a lot
of time sitting down

• Repercussion (n): consequence

• far-reaching (a): likely to have a lot of influence or many effect

• taunt (n): lời chế nhạo

• jibe at somebody/something (n): an unkind or offensive remark

about somebody

• perpetuate (v): make something such as a bad situation, a belief,

etc. continue for a long time

• vicious (a): brutal

• moderate (a): staying within limits that are considered to be

reasonable by most people

• fry-up (n): a meal of fried food, such as bacon and eggs

• by and large: generally

• marginalize sb (v): make somebody feel as if they are not

important and cannot influence decisions or events
• bow (v) to : agree unwillingly to do something because other
people want you to

• shoulder sth (v): to accept the responsibility for something

• seize on/upon something: suddenly show a lot of interest in

something, especially because you can use it to your advantage

• warrant (v): make something necessary or appropriate in a

particular situation

• be interspersed with/in something (v): put something in

something else or among or between other things

• swig something (v): to take a quick drink of something, especially


• svelte (a): (of a person, especially a woman) thin and attractive

• in turn: as a result of something in a series of events

• adage (n): a well-known phrase expressing a general truth about

people or the world

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