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1.1 Background of the Study

Telfairia occidentalis belongs to the genus Telfairia Hooker, Tribe Joliffeae, sub-

family Cucurbitoideae and family Cucurbitaceae. It is an important vegetable of

the Tropical West African. In Nigeria, it is indigenous to Southeastern Nigeria,

where it is cultivated as an important nutritional and commercial vegetable. In the

North Central Nigeria, it has gained acceptability and there is increase in its

cultivation by small farm holders as a source of income (Ndor et al., 2013). Its

cultivation has also spread into the Northern Guinea Savannah and into other

cultures where the leaves apart from its use as vegetables are extensively used in

African traditional herbal medicine for the treatment of anaemia in view of its high

ferrous content which is about 700 ppm (Aiyalaagbe, 2011) and in the treatment of

cough, diarrhea, tuberculosis and other bacterial infections (Egbomeji et al., 2006).

Recently, fluted pumpkin is associated with protection from devastating blood

pressure, cholesterol and diabetes (Ugwu et al., 2000). The young shoot and leaves

of the plants are used to make soup because of the pleasant taste but more

importantly, is the nutritional benefits of blending fluted pumpkin seeds into wheat

flour for bread making (Giami, 2003). The seeds can also be eaten whole, ground
or fermented into ‘ogiri’ which serve as condiments for making soup and source

(Asiegbu, 1987). The fruit pulp which constitutes 64 % of whole fresh fruit

weight can be used as feedstuff for livestock (Essien et al., (1992); Egbekan et al.,

(1998) and the pectin content of the pulp 1.0% has been used in the production of

marmalade (Egbekan et al., 1998). The seeds of Telfairia are large and weighs 80

times more than those of melon 0.1512.50), and 55% of the weight of the dry seed

kernel constitutes high quality non-drying oil. The increasing relevance of

Telfairia seeds and oil as industrial raw material is creating International Trade

opportunities for countries where they are grown. The high oil content makes it a

potential source of raw materials for the vegetable oil industries in Nigeria, for

making margarine and these justify the apparent increase in its production in

Nigeria (Odiaka et al., 2008). The seeds are also in high demand for consumption

by nursing mothers because of their lactation promoting properties, owing to the

high concentration of essential fatty acids and poly unsaturated fatty acids and

iodine. The oil is also used for hair treatment as it enhances luster and hair growth

(Bird, 2003). The Telfairia occidentalis plants according to reports can be used in

bioremediation of heavy polluted soils (Obute, et al., 2001).

Recently, based on its importance in the economy of Nigeria, the Ministry of

Agriculture approved the procurement of Telfairia occidentalis seeds for

distribution to 200 vegetable farmers in five (5) selected States of Abia, Ogun,
Delta, Cross Rivers and Imo (Acha, 2013). This is an indication of the recent high

trend in the demand of Telfairia occidentalis leaves and seeds.

The agronomy of fluted pumpkin according to Olamiyi and Akanbi (2007) has

been neglected because it does not fall into the export category like most other

tropical vegetable crops.

Morphotypic variations also exist in Telfairia occidentalis in many quantitative

and qualitative characters and these pose many agronomic problems encountered

when growing the crop, and to increase yield, the farmers are always constantly

searching for more efficient procedures to increase the production of the vegetable

grown, and the correct choice of planting time is of very exceptional importance.

Concomitantly with this, there is an urgent need to screen available genotypes in

order to identify the planting time with higher tendency to increase leaf yield,

produce more seeds per fruits, and more fruits per plant. This will and form basis

for breeding and also unmask hidden traits for the basis of selection of the most

suitable planting time. This work will evaluate the growth, yield and nutrient

components of Telfairia occidentalis genotype as affected by time of planting.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Planting time is one of the most important factors for fluted pumpkin production as

it is associated with temperature and availability of rainfall. Limitation of rainfall

and cool weather conditions to induce flowering is the main constraint of fluted

pumpkin production in many tropical countries, including Nigeria. As a result,

many farmers resort to using proper timing for the cultivation of their crops in

order to maximize yield. The demand for quality, true-to-type seeds is increasing

from time to time. The price of quality seeds is also high. Environmental

conditions greatly influence growth and development of fluted pumpkin, and

growth phases of pumpkin have different environmental requirements (Ziant et al.,

2012). Study on planting time and how it improves growth, yield and nutrient

content is limited. This is one of the problems of farmers around the current

research site as well as many parts of Nigeria.

Keeping all these above facts in view, the present study was therefore, undertaken

to determine an appropriate planting time for better plant growth, yield

components, and nutrient content of fluted pumpkin.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

The major aim of this study is to examine the growth, yield and nutrient

component of fluted pumpkin as affected by time of planting. The specific

objectives include to;

i. Cultivate fluted pumpkin in different planting periods (dates)

ii. Examine the growth performance of fluted pumpkin under different

planting times

iii. Carry out a yield and nutrient component examination on fluted pumpkin

cultivated in different planting times

iv. Suggest the best planting time for maximum yield when cultivating fluted


1.4 Justification of the Study

Lack of adequate information on the effect of planting time on the growth, yield

and nutrient components of fluted pumpkin has been one of the major reasons why

most Nigerian farmers make wrong choices in their cultivation practices and suffer

great losses. Findings from this research would therefore be of immense benefits to

fluted pumpkin farmers, as it will provide adequate information on the best

planting time to adopt when cultivating fluted pumpkin, thereby making it possible

for them to make the right choice and hence maximize yield. The information
gathered would add to the body of existing literature in this domain, therefore

being relevant as a reference material to researchers, students, lecturers, etc. who

intend to embark on any further studies in this vein.



2.1 Origin and Description of Fluted Pumpkin

Fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis Hook F.) is a herbaceous perennial cucurbit

with about 90 general and more than 700 species (Purseglove, 1977). It has a

chromosome number of 2n = 22, 24 (Oliv, 1971). The common names for the plant

include; fluted gourd, fluted pumpkin, Iroko (Yoruba) and Ugu (Igbo). The term

fluted, refers to the shape of the female flower. It originated from tropical West

Africa (Esiaba, 1983). Fluted pumpkin occurs in the forest zone of West and

Central Africa most frequently in Nigeria, Benin and Cameroon (Schippers, 2002).

It is a popular vegetable in Nigeria especially in the South east. It is rare in Uganda

and absent in the rest of East Africa. It has been suggested that it originated in

South-eastern Nigeria and was distributed by Igbos who have cultivated this crop

since time immemorial (Akoroda, 1990a). The wild type of fluted pumpkin have

been harvested to extinction and are now replaced by cultivated forms. The fruits

of fluted pumpkin contains ovoid compressed male and female seeds which are up

to 4.5 cm long and are usually black or brown-red in colour varying from 1 g to 68

g (Nkang et al., 2003). The plant can produce between 30-70 seeds per fruit and 2-

5 fruits per plant. The fruits are mostly pale green in colour and can weigh between
3-10 kg at maturity and up to 25 cm in diameter (Flood, 1987). The germination of

fluted pumpkin is hypogeal developing first a taproot and then numerous spreading

axillary roots (Emebiri and Nwufo, 1996). The cotyledons of the plant are usually

planoconvex and fleshy and the epicotyl is 5-12 cm long (Odiyi, 1997). The plants

begin to bear fruits at about 4 months after planting and the fruits can mature 4-5

months after flowering. The first harvest of the female shoots and leaves may

begin 80-90 days after sowing. Male plants produce few edible shoots. Fluted

pumpkin is a dioecious herb climbing by coiled, often branched tendrils to a height

of more than 20 m and their root system ramifies the soil to a shallow depth

(Akoroda et al., 1990). The stems of fluted pumpkin are angular and glabrous at

the early stage and become fibrous when old (Cobley and Steele, 1976). Their

leaves are arranged spirally and are pedately compound with 3-5 leaflets, and the

petioles are between 4 to 11 cm long (Okoli, 1987). The petiolules of the leaflets

are small, 0.5 to 3.5 cm long, and the central ones are larger, up to 5-10 cm while

the lateral ones are asymmetrical and usually dentate in the upper two-thirds

(Odiaka and Schippers, 2004). The male inflorescence is an auxiliary raceme up to

3 cm long on a peduncle up to 25 cm long and at the base of the peduncle is a long-

pedicellate flower (Akorodo et al., 1990). The female flowers are solitary in the

leaf axils, numerous and cream coloured. The pedicel are up to 4 cm long, and the

sepals are triangular up to 5 mm long and the petals are free, oblong and fringed
(Burkill, 1985). The male flowers have three stamens, two 4-locular and one 2-

locular, with large reddish connective. The female flowers are similar to male

flowers but with inferior, cylindrical, 3-ceiled ovary and three large heart shaped

stigma. The male to female plant varies ranging between 0.17-1.10 and 1.00-1.10

(Onwueme et al., 1986, Anyim and Akoroda, 1983). The vegetative growth

pattern of the plant is sigmoidal and reaches its peak at 3 months after planting for

the males and 4 months after planting for the females (Jeffrey, 1980). Under

selective and periodic pruning of the edible young leaves, the vegetative growth

pattern reaches its peak about six months after planting (Obiagwu and Odiaka,

1995).The first harvest of female shoots and leaves may begin 80-90 days after

planting (DAP). Male plants produce few edible shoots. Male plants flower about 3

months after planting, a month earlier than the females. Identifying the female

plant from either seeds or young seedlings has not been successful, but vine size at

64 days after planting could be used as a sex indicator because female plants are

more vigorous than male plants (Emebiri and Nwufo, 1996). The leaves and stems

of the male fluted pumpkin are more fibrous than those of the females (Ajibade et

al., 2004). Somsri et al., (1998) reported that in pawpaw varieties, sex is controlled

by a single gene locus with three alleles M 1, M2, and m, for male, hermaphrodite

and females. Fluted pumpkin is an important traditional crop in West Africa; it is

central to the culture and survival of the people of West Africa. Farmers cultivate,
store and propagate this crop as an important part of conserving plant biodiversity

in the region. Pests and diseases of fluted pumpkin are rarely serious (Williams et

al., 1991).

2.2 Commercial potential

Fluted pumpkin leaves are common in the markets of lowland areas in Republic of

Benin, Nigeria and Cameroon (Schippers, 2002). There is a high prospect in

production of fluted pumpkin and market structure reveals both wholesale and

retail from within and outside Nigeria. The large succulent broad leaves of the

females make them commercial vegetable and in high demand while their fast

growth rate are preferred by farmers because of quick returns. Fluted pumpkin is

one of the most popular vegetables ranking as one of the three most widely eaten

vegetables in Nigeria (Abiose, 1999). During the dry season in Nigeria intensive

trade develops in areas along river banks for sale to urban areas (Ojeifo et al.,

2006). Commercially, fluted pumpkin is grown as a sole crop. The conventional

method of propagation is by seed sown directly at the rate of 30,000 to 70,000

seeds/ha and spaced at 0.3-1 m x 0.3-1 m (Ossom, 1986). Densely spaced stands

are best for leaf production while wider spacing is best for fruit production

(Obiagwu and Odiaka, 1995). NIHORT (1998) recommended 40,000 plant per

hectare for fruit production. Female plants are more vigorous than male plants and
produce higher vegetative yields hence high proportion of female plants by

removal of a part of the male plants is desirable for high leaf and fruit yields

(Asiegbu, 1985). Fluted pumpkin can be produced throughout the year; in the rainy

season and with irrigation in the dry season thus making the vegetable available all

the time (NIHORT, 1986). Small scale farmers are the main producers of the crop

in West Africa especially in Nigeria. Harvesting of fluted pumpkin leaves can

begin as early as one month after planting. Farmers harvest and sell the leaves in

bunches at the market and they expect more profit during the dry season. New

shoots can be harvested at threeweek intervals, also fluted pumpkin is a major

income earner for many subsistence families and it features prominently in

transborder trade. Their green leaves are well known in south-eastern Nigeria

because of their pleasant taste which is better than most other vegetables. Asiegbu

(1983) recommended harvest interval of 2-4 weeks after planting (WAP) and

should be done by cutting the shoot at the base close to a new shoot to allow an

offshoot of another branch of the plant for frequent harvest. Oluchukwu and

Ossom (1988) suggested the use of length of vine as harvest indicator since

different sex have different growth rate for maximum utilization and profit. The

harvested leaves are sold fresh immediately after harvest for maximum profit to be

made as they cannot be stored for a long time. Fresh leaves attract higher premium

than preserved leaves. The leaves can be stored for three days in a cool place like
other leafy vegetables while the fruits can be stored in a cool dry place for a period

of 3 months. Commercial production of fluted pumpkin leaves can start with 0.002

hectares and on the average of 0.25 hectares (Odiaka et al., 2008). However a

hectare or more is preferable for commercial production and about 2,056 fruits are

expected per hectare. Fluted pumpkin production is therefore a viable enterprise

and a high demand for the leaves exist in Nigeria, especially in the Northern states.

2.3 Adaptation and agronomic practices

Generally, fluted pumpkin tolerates drought more than most vegetables (Van

Epenhuijsen, 1974; Maduewesi, 1977). In the wild, fluted pumpkin occurs in forest

fringes and secondary forest possibly often as a relic of former cultivation (Bucher,

1989). It grows fast in the warm humid tropics producing edible leaves in the rainy

season and at the beginning of dry season for a period of 6-10 months. Fluted

pumpkin can be grown under a wide range of soil conditions. It can be managed as

a short term perenial crop but mainly grown as annuals especially by West African

traditional farmers (Obiagwu and Odiaka, 1995). The stem, leaf blades and petioles

of fluted pumpkin are covered with multicellular hairs which probably help to

confer on the plant drought resistance (Okoli and Mgbeogu, 1983). The fruits

mature at the senescence stage when the plants begins to dry mostly at the onset of

dry season and at the beginning of rainy season, new shoots develop along the

main branches especially when cultivated as perennial crop. Planting in the nursery
especially with sawdust before transplanting in the field leads to better

performance and establishment of the plants. Fluted pumpkin can be propagated

only by seed as efforts to use vegetative propagation has not been successful. The

crop thrives better in the rainy season and during the dry season farmers cultivate

the plant at the edge of the river for the purpose of dry season vegetable

production. The soil in the river areas are fertile, and farmers normally channel

water from the river to the beds where the plants are growing. Fluted pumpkin can

be inter planted with melon, maize, pepper, okro, waterleaf, tomatoes or cassava.

Fluted pumpkin can be grown on beds, flat land, mounds or ridges and planting

depth of about 6 cm is preferable (Odiaka et al., 2008). The crop can tolerate

elevation of up to 1000 m and fertile, moisture retaining soil is the best. Humid

tropics normally provide the best conditions for growing fluted pumpkin. Organic

and /or inorganic manure are needed for increase in leaf production at the rate of

30 kg N/ha, 100 kg/ha K2O (Ossom et al., 1998), 22 kg/ha P (Obiagwu and

Odiaka, 1995). Pruning of terminal shoots are encouraged for branching. The total

number of seed/seedlings ranged from 1-2 but one seed per hole is preferable for

optimum performance. Fruits harvested for the subsequent season can be stored

under a tree or in a cool place. The fruits to be used for planting can also be left on

the plant until planting time

2.4 Economic importance of fluted pumpkin

Fluted pumpkin is a creeping vegetative shrub that spread low across the ground

with long twisting tendrils (Horsfall and Spitt, 2005). It protects the surface of the

soil against direct impact of rainfall and can also compete favourably with weed.

The plant is an important leaf and seed vegetable of high nutritional, medicinal and

economic potentials, especially in West Africa. The leaves of fluted pumpkin are

potentially useful as food supplements because of their high content of mineral

nutrients such as magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, carotene and vitamin A, C and

K. The tender shoots and succulent leaves can be cooked and consumed as

vegetable all year round. They are also the main part used in soup preparation. The

seeds are high in essential amino acids and can be compared with soyabean meal.

The seeds contain about 30% protein and a high percentage of a non-drying oil

(FAO, 1992). The potassium and sodium available in the seed of fluted pumpkin

are more than that of soyabean seed cake ( Esuoso et al., 1998) The seeds are also

believed to have lactation-promoting properties and are in high demand by nursing

mothers (Schippers, 2002). The rind and pulp of the fruit of fluted pumpkin are

used as fodder for livestock such as grasscutter, sheep and goats (Essien et al.,

1992). When compared with most common vegetables, the protein content of

fluted pumpkin is high (Okoli and Mgbeogu, 1983). The high oil content of the

seeds makes it a potential source of raw material for vegetable oil industries in

Nigeria. The oil from the seeds can also be used in the production of
oleochemicals; an alkyl used for production of soap and cosmetics. The seed

contains 13% oil (Okoli and Nyanayo, 1988) and is used for cooking (Horsfall and

Spitt, 2005), and marmalade manufacturing (Egbekun et al., 1998). Seed

cotyledons can also be processed into seasoning, high-protein cake, infant weaning

foods, flour bread supplement and different local fermented foods (Egbekun et al.,

1998). The healing properties of the seeds have also been recently investigated

with respect to arthritis (Egbekun et al., 1998).

Studies have shown that the addition of the seeds to diet compares favourably with

conventional drugs in reducing inflammatory symptoms. Harvesting of fluted

pumpkin leaves can begin four weeks after emergence and this can be done by

cutting beneath the lowest acceptable leaf (Asiegbu, 1983). The fresh shoot and

leaf yield can be as high as 310 t/ha which are of great economic return to fluted

pumpkin farmers. The leaves of fluted pumpkin are nutritionally important (Sanni,

1982; Achinewhu, 1983; Taylor et al., 1983) and are consumed in Nigeria

(Okigbo, 1977) and some part of Ghana as a pot herb. Fluted pumpkin has been a

source of income to many subsistence farmers and is an important component of

cross-border trade among Nigeria, Cameroon and Benin Republic. The seeds,

shoots, stems and leaves can be consumed together with other food items. The

seeds can reach 1.9 t/ha derived from 3000 fruits (Akoroda, 1990b). Fresh shoots

are sold wholesale to traders, mainly women who retail them in smaller bundles.
Large bundles can be wrapped with plantain or banana leaves or loosely covered

with old jute or kenaf sacks, and sparingly watered to preserve freshness. Their

roots have high alkaloid content and their extracts are therefore used for

controlling pest and rodents (Akubue et al., 1990, Ajibesin et al., 2002)


3.1 Study Area

The experiment will be conducted in 2022 at the Research Farm Complex of

Federal College of Agriculture, Ishiagu. The area lies within latitude 05° 56´ N and

longitude 07° 41´ E in the Derived Savannah Zone of southeastern Nigeria. The

mean annual rainfall for the area is 1350 mm, spread from April to October with

average air temperature being 29°C. The underlying geological material is Shale

formation with sand intrusions locally classified as the ‘Asu River’ group. The soil

is hydromorphic and belongs to the order Ultisol. It has been classified as Typic

Haplustult (FDALR, 2015).

3.2 Experimental Design and Treatments

The experiment consisted of five (5) treatment plots which were laid out in a

Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) replicated 4 times. There were a

total of 20 plots measuring 30 meters and an inter-block spacing of 4 meters. The

treatments were twenty Telfairia occidentalis fruits of traditional landraces

obtained locally from selected home gardens and markets within five states in the

Southeastern agroecological zones of Nigeria. Four fruits were obtained from each

of the states and named after the states thus:- Imo (IM), Abia (AB), Anambra
(AN), Enugu (EN) and Rivers (RV). The four fruits from each of the states were

characterized for length, width, circumference, then split open, and seeds scooped,

processed, counted and bulked.

3.3 Preparation of Planting Materials and Planting

Each of the seeds from the four fruits were weighed individually and 15 seeds each

of uniform sizes of 12&0.5 grams were selected from each fruit. These were used

for the various replicates. There were 15 seeds per plot in four replicates. These

gave a total of 60 seeds per treatment. The seeds were planted on the ridges and

spaced 2x2 m between and within the rows. These translated to 2, 500 seeds per

ha. One seed was planted per hole of 5 cm depth.

Weeding was done manually using a hoe at 3 and 6 weeks, respectively after

planting. The experiment was fertilized with NPK (20:10:10) at 3 weeks after

planting using ring application method at a rate of 24g/stand which translated to

60kg/ha. No pest control method was adopted as the experimental site witnessed

minimal pest attack. As the seeds germinated, and develop, plants with superior

vegetative characteristics from each plot were duly tagged as potential parents

(male or female).
3.4 Data Collection and Analysis

Data were collected on days to 50 % emergence, leaf, and branch counts, leaf

Area, vine length, flower bud initiation, fruit maturation, fruit weight and number

of seeds per fruit. Soil samples from study sites were air dried and sieved using a

2-mm sieve. Particle size distribution (Sand, Silt, Clay) was determined by the

hydrometer method (Gee and Or, 2002). Soil pH was determined in both distilled

water and )%)*" solution at 1:2.5 soil to solution ratio using a Beckman Zeromatic

pH meter (Hendershot et al.,1993).Organic carbon content of the soil was

determined by the dichromatic oxidation method as outlined by Nelson and

Sommers (1982). Total Nitrogen was by modified micro-Kjeldahl digestion

distillation procedure (Bremner, 1965). Available phosphorus (P) was by the

method of Bray and Kurtz No.1 (Olsen and Sommers, 1982). Calcium,

magnesium, potassium and sodium (Ca, Mg, K, Na) were determined by I N

NH4OAC buffered at pH 7.0, extraction method (Soil Survey Staff, 2010).

3.5 Data Analysis

The data collected were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA). Least

significant difference (LSD) according to Gomez and Gomez (1984) was used to

compare treatments means.


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