Nasm Flashcards

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A benefit of being part of an exercise group includes comradery, which is

described by which of the following statements?

Select one:
a. When a group or situation is warm and inviting, it brings people together;
when people feel welcome, they are likely to return.
b. Participants are encouraged to push as hard as they can and may work
harder in the presence of the group.
c. Participants have people they can compare themselves with. Being able to
see what others can do and achieve can serve as further motivation.
d. Participants are forming connections with people who are attempting to
achieve similar results, while experiencing feelings of friendship, closeness, and

The correct answer is: Participants are forming connections with people who
are attempting to achieve similar results, while experiencing feelings of
friendship, closeness, and loyalty.

Squat, push, pull, press, hip hinge, and multiplanar movement are all known as
Select one:
a. Exercises
b. Phases
c. Sports skills
d. Movement patterns

The correct answer is: Movement patterns

What is the primary function of the large intestine?

Select one:
a. Digestion of food and passage of waste into the rectum
b. Digestion of food and passage of waste into the small intestine
c. Absorption of food and passage of waste into the small intestine
d. Absorption of food and passage of waste into the rectum

The correct answer is: Absorption of food and passage of waste into the rectum

Which of the following statements regarding true Tabata training is considered

Select one:
a. The work-to-recovery intervals are 3:1 (30 sec work + 10 sec recovery) for a
total of 12 intervals.

b. The work-to-recovery intervals are 1:2 (20 sec work + 40 sec recovery) for a
total of 10 intervals.
c. The total duration of the workout is 4 minutes long and performed at 170%
of VO2max.
d. The total duration of the workout is 20 minutes long and performed at near
maximal effort.

The correct answer is: The total duration of the workout is 4 minutes long and
performed at 170% of VO2max.

How many minutes of vigorous exercise in hot, humid environments should

children be restricted to (including frequent rest periods)?
Select one:
a. 45 minutes
b. 60 minutes
c. 90 minutes
d. 30 minutes

The correct answer is: 30 minutes

What impacts can exercise have on cholesterol levels in the body?

Select one:
a. It increases both HDL and LDL cholesterol.
b. It can increase LDL cholesterol.
c. It can lower both HDL and LDL cholesterol.
d. It can reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol.

The correct answer is: It can reduce LDL cholesterol and increase HDL

How can basal metabolic rate (BMR) best be defined?

Select one:
a. The amount of energy required to maintain the body when active
b. An anabolic hormone produced by the liver, which is responsible for growth
and development
c. A method to help determine an individual's heart rate
d. The amount of energy required to maintain the body at rest

The correct answer is: The amount of energy required to maintain the body at

Which muscles are typically underactive in association with pes planus

distortion syndrome?
Select one:
a. Upper trapezius
b. Adductor complex (inner thighs)
c. Hip flexors
d. Anterior and posterior tibialis, and gluteus maximus and medius

The correct answer is: Anterior and posterior tibialis, and gluteus maximus and

What statement best describes a low-cost health club?

Select one:
a. A health club that features multiple group-fitness studio options and
provides a selection of high-end amenities like towels and complimentary
personal hygiene products, cafes, pools, sports courts, and childcare services
b. A health club that provides amenities like locker rooms, snack and
supplement sales, and group fitness workouts included in the price of
c. A health club that offers a low-price membership, often including very few
amenities other than access to exercise equipment
d. A health club that uses revenue from fitness programs and memberships to
cover operational costs, improve facilities, and fund a wide range of
community-based initiatives

The correct answer is: A health club that offers a low-price membership, often
including very few amenities other than access to exercise equipment

Which of the following answers indicates a primary difference between

working as an independent contractor and working as an employee?
Select one:
a. An independent contractor is responsible for paying their own taxes, while
an employee has taxes withheld by the employer.
b. An employee can establish their own hours, while an independent contractor
must adhere to a specific work schedule.
c. An employee can earn more per hour than an independent contractor.
d. An independent contractor can expect client referrals from a facility, while
an employee will have to find clients on the gym floor.

The correct answer is: An independent contractor is responsible for paying

their own taxes, while an employee has taxes withheld by the employer.

What is defined as the number of foot contacts, throws, or catches occurring

during a plyometric exercise session?
Select one:
a. Intensity
b. Frequency
c. Volume
d. Recovery

The correct answer is: Volume

Which muscles are typically underactive in association with upper crossed

Select one:
a. Hip flexors
b. Upper trapezius
c. Lower trapezius
d. Abdominals

The correct answer is: Lower trapezius

If the concentric phase of a plyometric exercise doesn’t use all the stored
elastic energy from the eccentric phase, what occurs?
Select one:
a. The unused energy builds up and causes muscular pain.
b. The unused energy is dissipated as heat.
c. The attempt at jumping will fail.
d. The unused energy is stored for the next jump.
The correct answer is: The unused energy is dissipated as heat.

Which of the following does plyometric training help increase?

Select one:
a. Core stability
b. Overall base strength
c. Motor unit recruitment
d. Balance

The correct answer is: Motor unit recruitment

What are the two primary actions of the Golgi tendon organ?
Select one:
a. Sense the change in muscle contraction and the speed of the nerve impulse
b. Sense the amount of eccentric tendon force and joint range of motion
c. Sense the amount of isometric tendon force and speed of shortening
d. Sense change in muscle-tendon tension and speed of tension change

The correct answer is: Sense change in muscle-tendon tension and speed of
tension change

Which of the following should be considered when determining if a client is

ready to undertake plyometric training?
Select one:
a. Body composition
b. Injury history
c. Height
d. Sports skills

The correct answer is: Injury history

What scientific term is used to describe the concept whereby a loaded

eccentric contraction prepares the muscles for a rapid concentric contraction?
Select one:
a. Reciprocal inhibition
b. Stretch-shortening cycle
c. Series elastic component
d. Altered reciprocal inhibition
The correct answer is: Stretch-shortening cycle

Which synergist would assist the upper-body pectoral muscles to enhance

chest stabilization, strength, or power?
Select one:
a. Biceps brachii
b. Quadriceps
c. Latissimus dorsi
d. Triceps brachii

The correct answer is: Triceps brachii

Which type of exercise accommodates effort whereby the harder the individual
pushes or pulls, the more resistance they feel, despite the movement speed
remaining constant?
Select one:
a. Isokinetic
b. Eccentric
c. Concentric
d. Isometric

The correct answer is: Isokinetic

What ideally should follow a day of high-intensity training in stage 3?

Select one:
a. A stage 1 day (recovery day) should follow a hard stage 3 training day.
b. Another stage 3 day to optimize training adaptations
c. Two days of no exercise to reduce the risk of overtraining
d. At least two days of training in stage 1 to recover

The correct answer is: A stage 1 day (recovery day) should follow a hard stage 3
training day.

Social physique anxiety is more prevalent in which population?

Select one:
a. People with a low body fat percentage
b. Males
c. Females
d. People with a low body mass index
The correct answer is: Females

Which of the following modalities will provide the most benefits to Phases 1, 4
and 5 of the OPT model?
Select one:
a. TRX Rip Trainer
b. Strength machines
c. Battle ropes
d. Sandbags

The correct answer is: Sandbags

Davis's law describes what type of changes within the cumulative injury cycle?
Select one:
a. Adhesions may begin due to lack of physical activity and poor flexibility.
b. Adhesions can occur after strenuous exercise that breaks down muscle fibers
and joint cartilage.
c. Adhesions may begin to form structural changes in the soft tissue.
d. Tight muscles may cause synergistic dominance from pattern overload.

The correct answer is: Adhesions may begin to form structural changes in the
soft tissue.

Which of the following variations of a hop exercise would be the most difficult
from a deceleration and balance standpoint?
Select one:
a. Multiplanar single-leg box hop-up with stabilization
b. Single-leg hop forward
c. Multiplanar single-leg box hop-down with stabilization
d. Multiplanar hop with stabilization

The correct answer is: Multiplanar single-leg box hop-down with stabilization

What is the most appropriate response from a Certified Personal Trainer if a

client insists on using a steroid or other harmful substance?
Select one:
a. Tell them it could help with their training.
b. Tell them no.
c. Provide them with a plan and all the information they may need for use.
d. Tell them no, and refer them to a licensed medical professional for further

The correct answer is: Tell them no, and refer them to a licensed medical
professional for further advice.

What disease is a condition in which fibrous lung tissue results in a decreased

ability to expand the lungs?
Select one:
a. Rheumatoid arthritis
b. Peripheral arterial disease
c. Osteoporosis
d. Restrictive lung disease

The correct answer is: Restrictive lung disease

Which of the following nutrition professionals is nationally recognized by the

Commission on Dietetic Registration to provide clinical, community, food
service, and nutrition education?
Select one:
a. Certified nutrition specialist
b. Licensed dietitian
c. Certified dietitian nutritionist
d. Registered dietitian nutritionist

The correct answer is: Registered dietitian nutritionist

If a muscle is stretched too quickly, the muscle responds with an immediate

contraction to stop the stretch. What is this specific action called?
Select one:
a. Eccentric contraction
b. Isometric contraction
c. Lengthening reaction
d. Stretch reflex

The correct answer is: Stretch reflex

What is the scientific term that describes the nervous system’s role in the
contract/relax relationship between agonists and antagonists?
Select one:
a. Stretch-shortening cycle
b. Muscle imbalance
c. Length-tension relationship
d. Reciprocal inhibition

The correct answer is: Reciprocal inhibition

Identify a movement limitation for an individual who walks or runs on a

treadmill if he or she presents with an anterior pelvic tilt.
Select one:
a. Limitations to hip flexion may require hyperextension in the low-back,
placing increased stress on the low-back.
b. Limitations to hip extension may reduce low-back extension which can
decrease ventilation.
c. Limitations to hip flexion may reduce low-back extension which can decrease
d. Limitations to hip extension may require hyperextension in the low-back,
placing increased stress on the low-back.

The correct answer is: Limitations to hip extension may require hyperextension
in the low-back, placing increased stress on the low-back.

Which of these is one of the major curvatures of the spine?

Select one:
a. Posterior thoracic curve
b. Anterior cervical curve
c. Anterior lumbar curve
d. Posterior lumbar curve

The correct answer is: Posterior lumbar curve

Training the eccentric phase of plyometric movements with a new client will
help them improve which of the following?
Select one:
a. Force production
b. Landing mechanics
c. Core stability
d. Power development

The correct answer is: Landing mechanics

What is the best definition of complex carbohydrates?

Select one:
a. Carbohydrates from beans and legumes
b. Carbohydrates that are difficult to digest
c. Carbohydrates used for high-intensity exercise
d. Carbohydrates that are comprised of polysaccharides and that contain both
fiber and starch

The correct answer is: Carbohydrates that are comprised of polysaccharides

and that contain both fiber and starch

What is the concentric motion of the shoulder blades during the standing cable
row exercise?
Select one:
a. Elevation
b. Upward rotation
c. Protraction
d. Retraction

The correct answer is: Retraction

Which muscles are typically underactive when the feet turn out?
Select one:
a. Abdominals
b. Anterior and posterior tibialis
c. Adductor complex
d. Upper trapezius

The correct answer is: Anterior and posterior tibialis

Which type of professionals are qualified to counsel individuals who are

diagnosed with depression, using exercise as a supplemental treatment?
Select one:
a. Psychologist or psychiatrist
b. Registered dietitian or nutritionist
c. Corrective exercise specialist or certified exercise physiologist
d. Certified Personal Trainer or certified fitness professional

The correct answer is: Psychologist or psychiatrist

Local muscles typically consist of which type of muscle fibers?

Select one:
a. Type IIc
b. Type IIa
c. Type IIb
d. Type I

The correct answer is: Type I

Which of the following best describes the term power?

Select one:
a. Joint protection
b. Sport-specific skills
c. Rate of force production
d. Muscle growth

The correct answer is: Rate of force production

Human movement is accomplished through the functional integration of three

systems within the human body: the nervous system, the skeletal system, and
what other system?
Select one:
a. Muscular
b. Vascular
c. Coronary
d. Digestive

The correct answer is: Muscular

What is the anatomical term that describes something positioned on the

opposite side of the body?
Select one:
a. Lateral
b. Posterior
c. Ipsilateral
d. Contralateral

The correct answer is: Contralateral

What do you visualize to detect the movement impairment shoulder elevation?

Select one:
a. The arms falling forward
b. The trunk leaning forward
c. The scapula protruding excessively from the back
d. The shoulders moving upward toward the ears

The correct answer is: The shoulders moving upward toward the ears

Why might range of motion (ROM) be limited for a client?

Select one:
a. Stabilizer muscle relaxation
b. Laxity of a joint
c. Previous injury
d. Prime-mover relaxation

The correct answer is: Previous injury

Which governmental agency regulates dietary supplements in Australia?

Select one:
a. Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
b. World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
c. Health Canada
d. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

The correct answer is: Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)

Which of the following would be the recommended source of hydration after

40 to 45 minutes of exercise with minimal perspiration?
Select one:
a. A hypertonic sports drink
b. Water
c. An isotonic sports drink
d. Fruit juice

The correct answer is: Water

Receptors involved with this sense are specifically responsible for determining
angular accelerations of the head while bending over to pick something up off
the ground.
Select one:
a. Vestibular
b. Somatosensory
c. Sensorimotor function
d. Visual

The correct answer is: Vestibular

Research has demonstrated that moderate-intensity exercise is best for which

of the following?
Select one:
a. Developing intrinsic motivation
b. Winning a triathlon
c. Reducing burnout
d. Providing psychological benefits

The correct answer is: Providing psychological benefits

What is the definition of anthropometry?

Select one:
a. The field of study of the measurement of living humans for purposes of
understanding human physical variation in size, weight, and proportion
b. The assumption that stating the volume of fluid displaced is equivalent to the
volume of an object fully immersed in that fluid or to the specific fraction of the
volume below the surface
c. The measurement of a person’s weight relative to their height, which is used
to estimate the risks of obesity
d. A body composition assessment technique that estimates body fat
percentage by measuring the resistance to the flow of electrical currents
introduced into the body
The correct answer is: The field of study of the measurement of living humans
for purposes of understanding human physical variation in size, weight, and

What is excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)?

Select one:
a. EPOC is the increase in protein breakdown that occurs after exercise.
b. EPOC is the faster rate of glycolysis that occurs after exercise.
c. EPOC is the increase in breathing rate that occurs during rest periods
between exercise intervals.
d. EPOC is the increase in aerobic metabolism above baseline that occurs for a
period after exercise.

The correct answer is: EPOC is the increase in aerobic metabolism above
baseline that occurs for a period after exercise.

How are dietary supplements defined?

Select one:
a. Regulated dietary materials used to increase intake of a desired nutritional
b. Regulated substances that are too dangerous to discuss with clients
c. Dietary products useful only for bodybuilders
d. Dietary materials essential for achieving fitness goals

The correct answer is: Regulated dietary materials used to increase intake of a
desired nutritional component

What is the ability to move the body in one direction as fast as possible?
Select one:
a. Agility
b. Quickness
c. Speed
d. Power

The correct answer is: Speed

What type of exercise would be suggested to address overactive, shortened

Select one:
a. Flexibility exercises
b. Balance exercises
c. Strengthening exercises
d. Plyometric exercises

The correct answer is: Flexibility exercises

Which of the following reasons for group exercise participation is described as

having a schedule and being able to anticipate what the exercise experience
will be like?
Select one:
a. Intensity
b. Consistency
c. Accountability
d. Mindlessness

The correct answer is: Consistency

Which of the following statements defines the chest skinfold location for men?
Select one:
a. A diagonal fold, 1 to 2 centimeters below the inferior angle of the scapula
b. A diagonal fold taken immediately superior to and in line with the natural
angle of the iliac crest (top portion of the hip bone), aligned with the anterior
axillary line
c. A vertical fold taken on the mid-axillary line at the level of the xiphoid
process (which is typically just below the nipple line)
d. A diagonal fold taken half the distance between the anterior axillary line and
the nipple

The correct answer is: A diagonal fold taken half the distance between the
anterior axillary line and the nipple

Which type of joint includes the sutures of the skull?

Select one:
a. Condyloid
b. Nonsynovial
c. Pivot
d. Ball-and-socket

The correct answer is: Nonsynovial

Which core exercise is most appropriate for an obese client to maximize

comfort and to avoid potential hypotensive or hypertensive reactions to the
Select one:
a. Incline plank
b. Supine floor crunches
c. Stability ball Russian twist
d. Supine reverse crunches

The correct answer is: Incline plank

When it comes to barriers to exercise, which statement is correct?

Select one:
a. Barriers to exercise are often cited by people who are sedentary or
infrequently active.
b. It is impossible to ever fully overcome all barriers.
c. All individuals have "lack of time" as a barrier.
d. Barriers never change; therefore, individuals need to focus on motives.

The correct answer is: Barriers to exercise are often cited by people who are
sedentary or infrequently active.

What are two medical precautions for self-myofascial techniques?

Select one:
a. Cancer and bleeding disorders
b. Extreme discomfort/pain and rheumatoid arthritis
c. Osteoporosis and uncontrolled hypertension
d. Joint hypermobility and scoliosis

The correct answer is: Joint hypermobility and scoliosis

The pathway for hormones secreted by the endocrine system may be described
by which of the following?
Select one:
a. The gland secretes the hormone, which bypasses the bloodstream and binds
to a receptor on the target cell to exert a particular action.
b. The target cell releases the hormone, which travels through the bloodstream
to the gland to exert a particular action.
c. The hormone is secreted by the bloodstream and travels to the gland to
exert a particular effect.
d. The gland secretes the hormone, which travels through the bloodstream to
reach a target cell, where it binds to a receptor and influences a particular

The correct answer is: The gland secretes the hormone, which travels through
the bloodstream to reach a target cell, where it binds to a receptor and
influences a particular action.

Which system supplies neural input to organs that run the involuntary
processes of the body?
Select one:
a. Mechanoreceptors
b. Autonomic nervous system
c. Somatic nervous system
d. The brain

The correct answer is: Autonomic nervous system

How much fluid is recommended for rehydration after an intense training

session or event?
Select one:
a. Twice the amount of body weight lost during the activity
b. 2 to 3 liters of fluid
c. 1.25 times the amount of body weight lost during the activity
d. 12 to 15 ounces of fluid

The correct answer is: 1.25 times the amount of body weight lost during the

What type of fitness professional has advanced knowledge, training, and

experience in designing and implementing strength and conditioning programs
for competitive athletes?
Select one:
a. Group fitness instructor
b. Physical therapist
c. Certified Personal Trainer
d. Strength and conditioning coach

The correct answer is: Strength and conditioning coach

What term is defined as the generic modifiable factors that impact behavior?
Select one:
a. Self-efficacy
b. Attitudes
c. Behavior change techniques
d. Determinants

The correct answer is: Determinants

Which plane of movement can be described as an imaginary line that bisects

the body into right and left sides?
Select one:
a. Sagittal
b. Frontal
c. Transverse
d. Extension

The correct answer is: Sagittal

Researchers have found that myofascial rolling can decrease the effects of
what condition after strenuous exercise?
Select one:
a. Delayed-onset muscle soreness
b. Eccentric strength
c. Local muscle endurance
d. Dynamic posture control

The correct answer is: Delayed-onset muscle soreness

Which component of SAQ involves the ability to react to a stimulus (i.e.,

reaction time) and appropriately change the motion of the body in response to
that stimulus (such as hitting a baseball)?
Select one:
a. Quickness
b. Speed
c. Agility
d. Stride rate

The correct answer is: Quickness

If forward head posture is permitted during the drawing-in maneuver, what

muscle may be preferentially activated, leading to poor muscle balance
throughout the spine?
Select one:
a. Upper trapezius
c. Rhomboids
d. Diaphragm

The correct answer is: Sternocleidomastoid

Which component of an OPT workout is intended to help preserve client

Select one:
a. Cool-down
b. Client's choice
c. Activation
d. Resistance

The correct answer is: Client's choice

Which disease is caused by a degeneration of cartilage within joints?

Select one:
a. Osteoporosis
b. Rheumatoid arthritis
c. Osteopenia
d. Osteoarthritis

The correct answer is: Osteoarthritis

What is defined as the number of strides taken in a given amount of time or
Select one:
a. Agility
b. Stride length
c. Stride rate
d. Power

The correct answer is: Stride rate

Core and balance exercises are a component of which part of an OPT workout?
Select one:
a. Client's choice
b. Resistance training
c. Skill development
d. Activation

The correct answer is: Activation

Which vitamin has an increased risk of causing toxicity?

Select one:
a. Vitamin B6
b. Vitamin A
c. Vitamin C
d. Vitamin B12

The correct answer is: Vitamin A

Which muscles are typically underactive with knee valgus during the overhead
Select one:
a. Adductor complex
b. Lower trapezius
c. Tensor fascia latae
d. Gluteus maximus and medius

The correct answer is: Gluteus maximus and medius

Which of the following is characterized as a local muscle of the core?
Select one:
a. Transverse abdominis
b. Erector spinae
c. Rectus abdominis
d. Latissimus dorsi

The correct answer is: Transverse abdominis

What is the RDA for protein?

Select one:
a. 1.2 g/kg of body weight
b. 1.6 g/kg of body weight
c. 2.0 g/kg of body weight
d. 0.8 g/kg of body weight

The correct answer is: 0.8 g/kg of body weight

What best describes an essential amino acid?

Select one:
a. An amino acid that is in all types of foods
b. An amino acid that is available in all protein foods
c. An amino acid that is required after a workout
d. An amino acid that must be obtained via diet, as it is not produced by the

The correct answer is: An amino acid that must be obtained via diet, as it is not
produced by the body

What causes coronary heart disease?

Select one:
a. Osteoporosis
b. Tuberculosis
c. Atherosclerosis
d. Cirrhosis

The correct answer is: Atherosclerosis

What are the three movements performed during the ball combo II exercise?
Select one:
a. Shoulder horizontal adduction and internal rotation
b. Scaption, shoulder abduction, and cobra
c. Hip extension, knee extension, and plantar flexion
d. Row, shoulder external rotation, and shoulder press

The correct answer is: Row, shoulder external rotation, and shoulder press

The addition of balance training to a strengthening program can enhance

Select one:
a. Somatosensation
b. Strength
c. Vision
d. Vestibular senses

The correct answer is: Strength

What RPE range (on a scale of 1 to 10) aligns with training in zone 2?
Select one:
a. An RPE of 3 to 4
b. An RPE of 5 to 6
c. An RPE of 9 to 10
d. An RPE of 7 to 8

The correct answer is: An RPE of 5 to 6

How is steady-state aerobic exercise best defined?

Select one:
a. An exercise training method where the client performs a maximal effort
interval lasting 20 seconds, followed by only 10 seconds of rest for a total of 4
b. An exercise training method that is unstructured and combines low-,
moderate-, and high-intensity efforts into one workout
c. An exercise training method defined by intervals of near-maximal intensity,
broken up by relatively short rest periods
d. Aerobic exercise that remains at a relatively constant intensity, including a
stable heart rate and oxygen consumption

The correct answer is: Aerobic exercise that remains at a relatively constant
intensity, including a stable heart rate and oxygen consumption

Why is the arching quadriceps stretch considered a controversial lower-body

Select one:
a. The stretch provides excessive stress to the quadriceps muscles.
b. The stretch is too complicated for the older client.
c. The stretch provides excessive stress on the kneecap and other tissues in the
front knee.
d. This stretch is too advanced for the average person.

The correct answer is: The stretch provides excessive stress on the kneecap and
other tissues in the front knee.

Denise has just earned her NASM Certified Personal Trainer credential and has
been hired at a health club. She hopes to attract and retain clientele to grow
her business. What qualities would most help Denise be successful in her new
Select one:
a. Providing accountability, support, feedback and guidance, and results
b. Creating a social media page to post client results and a hashtag that her
clients can use to help grow her following
c. Offering her services as an in-home trainer to people in her immediate area
d. Providing a custom exercise prescription with an added meal plan for each

The correct answer is: Providing accountability, support, feedback and

guidance, and results

Food is composed of which three compounds?

Select one:
a. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
b. Ketones, insulin, and ADP
c. ATP, glucose, and pyruvate
d. Amino acids, ATP, and glycogen

The correct answer is: Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins

What is a prospect?
Select one:
a. A method of creating a service identified by specific characteristics
b. An individual who has been identified as a potential client
c. A business management technique that helps predict how much work is
needed to meet a revenue goal
d. A potential career advancement opportunity

The correct answer is: An individual who has been identified as a potential

Which of the following is the functional unit of a muscle cell?

Select one:
a. Actin
b. Myosin
c. Endomysium
d. A sarcomere

The correct answer is: A sarcomere

Which of the following is an example of an exercise that targets the local

muscles of the core?
Select one:
a. Medicine ball soccer throw
b. Floor crunch
c. Cable rotation
d. Side plank

The correct answer is: Side plank

A Certified Personal Trainer may seek further proprioceptive development in

which of the following phases?
Select one:
a. Phase 4
b. Phase 1
c. Phase 2
d. Phase 3

The correct answer is: Phase 1

Which barrier is most often cited as a top barrier among most individuals?
Select one:
a. Lack of time
b. Lack of energy
c. Lack of enjoyment
d. Lack of social support

The correct answer is: Lack of time

Which muscles are typically underactive with knee valgus during the single-leg
Select one:
a. Tensor fascia latae
b. Gluteus maximus and medius
c. Adductor complex
d. Lower trapezius

The correct answer is: Gluteus maximus and medius

Rotational movement of the torso should primarily occur where?

Select one:
a. Sagittal plane
b. Thoracic spine
c. Frontal plane
d. Lumbar spine

The correct answer is: Thoracic spine

What is the dysfunction that occurs due to narrowing and rubbing of the soft
tissue and bony structures of the shoulder?
Select one:
a. Frozen shoulder
b. Shoulder impingement
c. Rotator cuff tear
d. Dislocation of the shoulder

The correct answer is: Shoulder impingement

What is the process in which neural impulses that sense tension are greater
than the impulses that cause muscles to contract, providing an inhibitory effect
to the muscle spindles?
Select one:
a. Autogenic inhibition
b. Stretch reflex
c. Isometric contraction
d. Reciprocal inhibition

The correct answer is: Autogenic inhibition

If a client is using social media to find inspiration, information, or support for

their fitness endeavors, it would be an example of which social construct?
Select one:
a. Social connections
b. Social pressure
c. Social influence
d. Social ambivalence

The correct answer is: Social influence

For the kinetic chain checkpoints during core exercises, what is the appropriate
position of the shoulders?
Select one:
a. Depressed and slightly protracted
b. Depressed and slightly retracted
c. Elevated and slightly retracted
d. Elevated and slightly protracted

The correct answer is: Depressed and slightly retracted

What do you visualize to detect the movement impairment of knee valgus?

Select one:
a. The knees bowing outward
b. An upright trunk and knees in front of toes
c. The knees collapsing inward
d. The hip shifting toward one side or the other

The correct answer is: The knees collapsing inward

If pyruvate is being created via glycolysis faster than oxygen can be delivered to
the muscle, what will happen to the pyruvate?
Select one:
a. The pyruvate will be stored in the muscle.
b. The pyruvate will be converted to acetyl CoA.
c. The pyruvate will be oxidized via oxidative phosphorylation.
d. The pyruvate will be converted to lactate.

The correct answer is: The pyruvate will be converted to lactate.

What are two of the most common issues at the foot and ankle complex?
Select one:
a. Strains and heel spurs
b. Sprains and plantar fasciitis
c. Plantar fasciitis and shin splints
d. Achilles tendonitis and athlete's foot

The correct answer is: Sprains and plantar fasciitis

Which disease is caused by specific medical conditions or medications,

including alcohol abuse, smoking, specific diseases, or particular medications,
that disrupt normal bone reformation?
Select one:
a. Type 1 (primary) osteoporosis
b. Type 2 diabetes
c. Type 2 (secondary) osteoporosis
d. Type 1 diabetes

The correct answer is: Type 2 (secondary) osteoporosis

What do the V and P represent within the FITTE-VP principle for designing
cardiorespiratory training?
Select one:
a. Variables and progression
b. Volume and progression
c. Velocity and pattern
d. Variables and pattern

The correct answer is: Volume and progression

Which option is a common strength-focused resistance training exercise?

Select one:
a. Single-leg cable row
b. Box jumps
c. Barbell bench press
d. Medicine ball soccer throw

The correct answer is: Barbell bench press

Most exercises and motions of the body regularly occur in which plane of
Select one:
a. Frontal
b. Transverse
c. Axial
d. Sagittal

The correct answer is: Sagittal

Core and balance exercises are a component of which part of an OPT workout?
Select one:
a. Client's choice
b. Activation
c. Resistance training
d. Skill development

The correct answer is: Activation

The water-soluble vitamins include which vitamins?

Select one:
a. Vitamin C, D, and K
b. Vitamin C, B complex, and K
c. Vitamin C and the B complex vitamins
d. Vitamin C, B complex, and D

The correct answer is: Vitamin C and the B complex vitamins

The anterior oblique subsystem includes which of the following muscle groups?
Select one:
a. Adductors (inner thigh) and contralateral quadratus lumborum
b. Adductor (inner) thigh muscles, obliques, and hip external rotators
c. Hamstrings and erector spinae
d. Thoracolumbar fascia and contralateral gluteus maximus

The correct answer is: Adductor (inner) thigh muscles, obliques, and hip
external rotators

Which of the following is an example of an exercise that targets the global

muscles of the core?
Select one:
a. Plank
b. Back extension
c. Dead bug
d. Medicine ball overhead throw

The correct answer is: Back extension

Which of the following options would be the correct superset for back
exercises during Phase 2 of the OPT model?
Select one:
a. Seated cable row followed by stability ball dumbbell row
b. Seated cable row followed by single-leg squat
c. Seated cable row followed by lat pulldown
d. Stability ball dumbbell rows followed by bench press

The correct answer is: Seated cable row followed by stability ball dumbbell row

What is the recommended number of SAQ sessions per week for weight-loss
Select one:
a. 1 or 2 sessions per week
b. 3 or 4 sessions per week
c. 5 to 7 sessions per week
d. 0 sessions per week

The correct answer is: 1 or 2 sessions per week

Which vitamin is the most transient?

Select one:
a. Vitamin C
b. Vitamin E
c. Vitamin D
d. Vitamin A

The correct answer is: Vitamin C

Which of the following would be the appropriate progression for a core training
program to optimize function?
Select one:
a. Lumbopelvic stability, intervertebral stability, movement efficiency

b. Lumbopelvic stability, movement efficiency, intervertebral stability

c. Movement efficiency, intervertebral stability, lumbopelvic stability
d. Intervertebral stability, lumbopelvic stability, movement efficiency

The correct answer is: Intervertebral stability, lumbopelvic stability, movement


What type of fitness professional has advanced knowledge, training, and

experience in designing and implementing strength and conditioning programs
for competitive athletes?
Select one:
a. Group fitness instructor
b. Physical therapist
c. Certified Personal Trainer
d. Strength and conditioning coach

The correct answer is: Strength and conditioning coach

Which of the following statements regarding true Tabata training is considered
Select one:
a. The work-to-recovery intervals are 3:1 (30 sec work + 10 sec recovery) for a
total of 12 intervals.
b. The total duration of the workout is 4 minutes long and performed at 170%
of VO2max.
c. The work-to-recovery intervals are 1:2 (20 sec work + 40 sec recovery) for a
total of 10 intervals.
d. The total duration of the workout is 20 minutes long and performed at near
maximal effort.

The correct answer is: The total duration of the workout is 4 minutes long and
performed at 170% of VO2max.

You are working with an intermediate client on SAQ drills. From the choices
provided, what would be the best choice for drills per session?
Select one:
a. 4 to 5 drills
b. 2 to 4 drills
c. 6 to 8 drills
d. 9 or 10 drills

The correct answer is: 6 to 8 drills

Why can personal trainers be considered among the most important

employees within a health club?
Select one:
a. Personal trainers study exercise science and have the knowledge to help
members get results.
b. Personal trainers are often in great physical shape, which demonstrates that
belonging to a health club can produce results members want.
c. Personal trainers come in direct contact with members and can have the
greatest influence on whether members achieve results.
d. Personal trainers are very outgoing and can help create a fun atmosphere in
a fitness facility.
The correct answer is: Personal trainers come in direct contact with members
and can have the greatest influence on whether members achieve results.

How is lower crossed syndrome characterized?

Select one:
a. Anterior pelvic tilt and excessive lordosis of the lumbar spine
b. Flat feet, knee valgus, and internally rotated and adducted hips
c. Posterior pelvic tilt and excessive lordosis of the lumbar spine
d. Anterior pelvic tilt and excessive kyphosis of the lumbar spine

The correct answer is: Anterior pelvic tilt and excessive lordosis of the lumbar

Which of the following statements would be accurate with regard to muscle

force and velocity during an eccentric muscle action?
Select one:
a. As the contraction velocity decreases, the force remains constant.
b. As the contraction velocity decreases, the ability to develop force increases.
c. As the contraction velocity increases, the ability to develop force decreases.
d. As the contraction velocity increases, the ability to develop force also

The correct answer is: As the contraction velocity increases, the ability to
develop force also increases.

Which of the following has been used specifically as part of a protocol to

improve balance?
Select one:
a. Stable floor environment
b. Weight training
c. Biomechanical ankle platform system
d. Aqua therapy

The correct answer is: Biomechanical ankle platform system

Which exercise is a total-body power-focused movement?

Select one:
a. Medicine ball chest pass
b. Two-arm push press
c. Soccer throw
d. Front medicine ball oblique throw

The correct answer is: Two-arm push press

local muscular system

stabilization system
involved in support and stabilization of the spine.

global muscular system

movement system.
responsible predominantly for movement of the trunk and extremities, and
primarily consists of large superficial musculature, such as the rectus
abdominis, latissimus dorsi, and external obliques

What is a professional development technique that helps individuals identify

their personal strengths and weaknesses, opportunities for growth, and
potential threats to success?
Select one:
a. Building rapport
b. A unique selling proposition (USP)
c. A SWOT analysis
d. Forecasting

The correct answer is: A SWOT analysis

A client wants to improve their deadlift. Which of the following is an outcome

Select one:
a. I want to deadlift 300 pounds.
b. I want to deadlift after work.
c. I want to deadlift once per week.
d. I want to lift 3 times per week.

The correct answer is: I want to deadlift 300 pounds.

What does the standing dumbbell lateral raise primarily target?

Select one:
a. Lateral hamstrings
b. Medial gastrocnemius
c. Lateral triceps brachii
d. Middle deltoid

The correct answer is: Middle deltoid

What is the recommended recovery time between bouts of plyometric training

for novice clients?
Select one:
a. 1 week
b. 48 to 72 hours
c. 24 hours
d. 12 hours

The correct answer is: 48 to 72 hours

Which of the following is not considered an open-chain exercise?

Select one:
a. Lat pulldown
b. Push-up
c. Machine leg extension
d. Bench press

The correct answer is: Push-up

What population is the VT2 talk test appropriate for?

Select one:
a. Deconditioned individuals
b. Individuals recovering from an injury
c. Elderly individuals
d. Individuals with performance goals

The correct answer is: Individuals with performance goals

When attempting to increase muscular size and strength in the lower body,
which of the following exercise is least likely to be beneficial?
Select one:
a. Machine leg press
b. Sandbag squat
c. Barbell squats
d. BOSU squat

The correct answer is: BOSU squat

Before amino acids can be used to make ATP, what process do they have to go
Select one:
a. Oxidative phosphorylation
b. Glycolysis
c. Gluconeogenesis
d. Oxidation

The correct answer is: Gluconeogenesis

What is acidosis in muscle?

Select one:
a. An increase in pH, which can lead to feelings of fatigue
b. A decrease in pH, which can improve muscle strength
c. A decrease in pH, which can lead to feelings of fatigue
d. An increase in pH, which can improve muscle strength

The correct answer is: A decrease in pH, which can lead to feelings of fatigue

A client reports that he was recently told by his doctor that he has high blood
sugar and that he should try to reduce it through dietary changes before
considering medication. He asks you for advice. What would be the most
appropriate course of action?
Select one:
a. Explain that medical nutrition therapy is outside your scope of practice, then
refer him to a registered dietitian for nutrition counseling.
b. Agree to review his diet and provide him with specific dietary guidelines on
what foods to eat and what to avoid.
c. Give him a diabetic meal plan that you find on the internet.
d. Say that you cannot help him because this is a medical issue, and tell him he
needs to follow up with his doctor again.
The correct answer is: Explain that medical nutrition therapy is outside your
scope of practice, then refer him to a registered dietitian for nutrition

What advice would enable a client to breathe properly?

Select one:
a. Sit with an increased kyphosis and slowly breathe in through your nose while
minimizing abdominal movement.
b. Sit with an increased kyphosis and slowly breathe in through your nose while
allowing your stomach to expand.
c. Sit upright and slowly breathe in through your nose while allowing your
stomach to expand.
d. Sit upright and slowly breathe in through your mouth while allowing your
chest to expand.

The correct answer is: Sit upright and slowly breathe in through your nose
while allowing your stomach to expand.

Which term best describes the ability to contract muscles of the core with force
in an effort to flex the trunk during a slow controlled movement?
Select one:
a. Core power
b. Core strength
c. Core endurance
d. Core stability

The correct answer is: Core strength

What is defined as the ability to produce and maintain force production for
prolonged periods of time?
Select one:
a. Muscular endurance
b. Rate of force production
c. Muscular hypertrophy
d. Stabilization

The correct answer is: Muscular endurance

Which of the following terms can be used in place of repetition tempo?
Select one:
a. Speed
b. Training duration
c. Rest interval
d. Intensity

The correct answer is: Speed

How is Fartlek training best described?

Select one:
a. Fartlek training is aerobic exercise that remains at a relatively constant
intensity, including a stable heart rate and oxygen consumption.
b. Fartlek training targets many different physiological systems by combining
different formats into one workout.
c. In Fartlek training, the total duration of the workout is 4 minutes long and
performed at 170% of VO2max.
d. Fartlek training is an exercise method defined by intervals of near-maximal
intensity broken up by relatively short rest periods.

The correct answer is: Fartlek training targets many different physiological
systems by combining different formats into one workout.

Pronation of the foot describes what multiplanar movements?

Select one:
a. Eversion, plantar flexion, and ankle abduction
b. Inversion, dorsiflexion, and ankle adduction
c. Eversion, dorsiflexion, and ankle adduction
d. Eversion, dorsiflexion, and ankle abduction

The correct answer is: Eversion, dorsiflexion, and ankle abduction

What is the minimum weekly goal of energy expenditure from combined

physical activity and exercise for obese clients?
Select one:
a. 500 kcal
b. 1,200 kcal
c. 5,000 kcal
d. 12,000 kcal

The correct answer is: 1,200 kcal

Which of the following is considered the gold standard measurement for

cardiorespiratory fitness?
Select one:
a. Steady-state heart rate
b. Maximal heart rate
c. Ventilatory threshold
d. VO2max

The correct answer is: VO2max

Asking a client to stand on a BOSU ball would provide a major challenge to

what system?
Select one:
a. Vestibular
b. Digestive
c. Somatosensory
d. Vision

The correct answer is: Somatosensory

Which of the following modalities is the least likely to increase joint instability?
Select one:
a. Strength machines
b. Suspended bodyweight training
c. Terra-Core
d. Resistance bands

The correct answer is: Strength machines

What should be the first step in a client's program after the assessment?
Select one:
a. Designing the flexibility portion of the program
b. Having the client do their cardiovascular exercise for weight loss
c. Telling the client to eat some type of complex carbohydrate
d. Designing the speed, agility, and quickness portion of the program

The correct answer is: Designing the flexibility portion of the program

What is the blood pressure measurement that occurs when the heart is at rest
or between beats?
Select one:
a. Diastolic blood pressure
b. Systolic blood pressure
c. Pulse
d. Hypertension

The correct answer is: Diastolic blood pressure

If someone went out for a 5-mile jog with their friend, which energy system
would provide most of the ATP for this activity?
Select one:
a. The ATP-PC system
b. Glycolysis
c. Oxidative phosphorylation Ve
d. Beta-oxidation

The correct answer is: Oxidative phosphorylation

A client is asked, "Why do you want to lose weight?" This is an example of what
kind of question?
Select one:
a. Directive
b. Open-ended
c. Closed-ended
d. Contemplation

The correct answer is: Open-ended

According to the text, what percentage of Americans older than the age of 20
years are either overweight or obese?
Select one:
a. 0.92
b. 0.62
c. 0.72
d. 0.22

The correct answer is: 0.72

Which of the following is not a skill-related concept that would enhance core
Select one:
a. Quickness
b. Agility
c. Balance
d. Coordination

The correct answer is: Quickness

How does the stretch-shortening cycle improve concentric force production?

Select one:
a. It builds up elastic energy during the eccentric phase, preloading the muscle.
b. The amortization phase helps generate additional forces.
c. Eccentric contractions are minimized.
d. It builds up extra heat in the muscles, which makes them more powerful.

The correct answer is: It builds up elastic energy during the eccentric phase,
preloading the muscle

A Certified Personal Trainer wants to improve a client's outcome expectations

for resistance training. What behavior change technique might they use?
Select one:
a. Providing information on the health benefits
b. Helping them make a plan
c. Improving their confidence for their technique
d. Helping make the exercises fun

The correct answer is: Providing information on the health benefits

Which structures of the body does osteoporosis commonly affect?

Select one:
a. Cranium and facial bones
b. Scapula and humerus
c. Sternum and clavicle
d. Neck of the femur and the lumbar (low-back) vertebrae

The correct answer is: Neck of the femur and the lumbar (low-back) vertebrae

When using linear periodization with a client, what would you progress them to
after 4 weeks of training maximal strength adaptations?
Select one:
a. Power
b. Stabilization endurance
c. Muscular development
d. Strength endurance

The correct answer is: Power

What is plyometric training also known as?

Select one:
a. Resistance training
b. Stability training
c. Reactive training
d. Strength training

The correct answer is: Reactive training

Which subtopic of psychology deals with how the environment affects exercise
Select one:
a. Social psychology
b. Health psychology
c. Sport and exercise psychology
d. Developmental psychology

The correct answer is: Sport and exercise psychology

Which phase of the OPT model introduces lifting near or at maximal intensity?
Select one:
a. Phase 3
b. Phase 2
c. Phase 4
d. Phase 5

The correct answer is: Phase 4

What are the three micronutrients?

Select one:
a. Protein, carbohydrates, and lipids
b. Vitamins, minerals, and lipids
c. Vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients
d. Protein, carbohydrates, and fluids

The correct answer is: Vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients

You are training a youth client. What is the best choice for number of SAQ drills
per workout for this athlete?
Select one:
a. 1 or 2 drills per workout
b. 9 or 10 drills per workout
c. 4 to 8 drills per workout
d. 2 or 3 drills per workout

The correct answer is: 4 to 8 drills per workout

The core is defined by the muscles in which region of the body?

Select one:
a. Back region
b. Scapular region
c. Leg region
d. Lumbo-pelvic-hip complex region

The correct answer is: Lumbo-pelvic-hip complex region

Which of the following is the best source for reviewing information about
dietary supplements?
Select one:
a. A professional athlete
b. The supplement company's website
c. A fitness magazine
d. PubMed

The correct answer is: PubMed

Which statement best describes the first stage of the sales process?
Select one:
a. Promoting the benefits of personal training for improving health and
b. Asking for referrals
c. Discussing pricing options
d. Identifying a customer's needs

The correct answer is: Identifying a customer's needs

To enable weight-loss clients to perform SAQ exercises at a high intensity in a

variety of movements, what can fitness professionals create?
Select one:
a. Steady-state treadmill workouts
b. Long continuous runs
c. Small circuits
d. Heart rate cardio

The correct answer is: Small circuits

If Joe takes a 6-second heart rate count on his client and notes 8 beats, what
would his client’s heart rate be?
Select one:
a. 80 beats per minute
b. 66 beats per minute
c. 64 beats per minute
d. 72 beats per minute

The correct answer is: 80 beats per minute

In which phase of the OPT model would suspended bodyweight training be the
most desirable for optimal outcomes?
Select one:
a. Phase 3
b. Phase 2
c. Phase 4
d. Phase 5

The correct answer is: Phase 2

What is unique about a kettlebell when compared to a dumbbell?

Select one:
a. A dumbbell is safer.
b. Kettlebells and dumbbells are the same.
c. With a kettlebell, the center of mass is farther from the handle.
d. A kettlebell is heavier.

The correct answer is: With a kettlebell, the center of mass is farther from the

Carbohydrate intake prior to intense or long-duration exercise serves which of

the following functions?
Select one:
a. It provides adequate energy for muscle protein synthesis during training.
b. It replenishes depleted amino acid stores prior to high-intensity training.
c. It is the primary energy source for low-intensity and long-duration exercise.
d. It replenishes glycogen stores and provides adequate fuel for performance.

The correct answer is: It replenishes glycogen stores and provides adequate
fuel for performance.

How is a general warm-up best defined?

Select one:
a. Low-intensity exercise consisting of movements that mimic those to be
included in the more intense exercise immediately following.
b. High-intensity exercise consisting of movements that do not necessarily
relate to the exercise immediately following.
c. Low-intensity exercise consisting of movements that do not necessarily
relate to the more intense exercise immediately following.
d. High-intensity exercise consisting of movements that mimic those to be
included in the more intense exercise immediately following.
The correct answer is: Low-intensity exercise consisting of movements that do
not necessarily relate to the more intense exercise immediately following.

Can supplements contain food allergens?

Select one:
a. No, because supplements are not real food.
b. No, because supplements are not food.
c. Yes, but only if the supplement is sourced from whole foods.
d. Yes, and if they do contain allergens, they should be listed on the label.

The correct answer is: Yes, and if they do contain allergens, they should be
listed on the label.

When a muscle is held during a stretch for a prolonged period, the GTO is
activated, which results in the muscle relaxing. What is this action called?
Select one:
a. Autogenic inhibition
b. Isometric contraction
c. Stretch reflex
d. Reciprocal inhibition

The correct answer is: Autogenic inhibition

Which statement about lowering blood pressure is true?

Select one:
a. Exercise can help control body weight, but it cannot improve blood flow.
b. Planned exercise alone is typically insufficient for acutely lowering and
controlling hypertension.
c. There is no direct evidence that exercise will result in lower blood pressure.
d. Reducing excessive alcohol use will not have an impact on high blood

The correct answer is: Planned exercise alone is typically insufficient for acutely
lowering and controlling hypertension.

What is it called when a ligament is overstretched or torn?

Select one:
a. A strain
b. A pull
c. A twist
d. A sprain

The correct answer is: A sprain

At what age is total peak bone mass reached?

Select one:
a. 18
b. 30
c. 25
d. 35

The correct answer is: 30

Which of the following is an appropriate assessment for a senior client who is

Select one:
a. Davies test
b. Pushing test
c. Shark skill test
d. Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) test

The correct answer is: Pushing test

What would not be a reason to terminate an exercise test?

Select one:
a. The individual is tired from the test.
b. The individual chooses to stop or requests to stop the test being
c. Any malfunction or failure of any exercise or testing equipment.
d. Visible signs of unusual or excessive fatigue, shortness of breath, or a
wheezing type of breath that is not typical of intense exercise.

The correct answer is: The individual is tired from the test.

What term is used to describe muscle tension that is created without a change
in muscle length and no visible movement of the joint?
Select one:
a. Eccentric
b. Isometric
c. Concentric
d. Isokinetic

The correct answer is: Isometric

How heavy should the medicine ball be when performing the soccer throw
Select one:
a. At least 21% of body weight
b. 11 to 15% of body weight
c. 16 to 20% of body weight
d. No more than 10% of body weight

The correct answer is: No more than 10% of body weight

What type of flexibility training is most likely to use instruments or equipment

to help the body improve range of motion?
Select one:
a. Self-myofascial techniques
b. Active stretching
c. Static stretching
d. Dynamic stretching

The correct answer is: Self-myofascial techniques

Jane is a high school hockey goalie. Which type of SAQ training best relates to
the physical skills needed at her position?
Select one:
a. Quickness training
b. Olympic weightlifting
c. Speed training
d. Powerlifting

The correct answer is: Quickness training

What is the neuromuscular phenomenon that occurs when a synergist muscle

takes over for a weak or inhibited muscle?
Select one:
a. Reciprocal inhibition
b. Synergistic dominance
c. Altered reciprocal inhibition
d. Altered length-tension relationship

The correct answer is: Synergistic dominance

When a gymnast balances on a beam, they are aware of their body's general
orientation and the relative position of its parts. This is due to which key
sensory function?
Select one:
a. Wolff's law
b. Proprioception
c. Neuroplasticity
d. Stretch reflex

The correct answer is: Proprioception

Which of the following hormones have an anabolic function and have been
shown to increase up to 48 hours following resistance training?
Select one:
a. Calcitonin
b. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)
c. Cortisol
d. Glucagon

The correct answer is: Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)

Which type of assessment is typically performed first in the assessment flow?

Select one:
a. Bench press strength
b. Single-leg squat
c. Static posture
d. 40-yard dash

The correct answer is: Static posture

Which of the following tests is designed to test reaction capabilities,

acceleration, and maximal sprinting speed?
Select one:
a. Lower extremity functional test (LEFT)
b. Overhead squat
c. 40-yard dash
d. Pro shuttle

The correct answer is: 40-yard dash

What is an example of an external factor that may influence the risk of falling in
older adults?
Select one:
a. Ligament integrity
b. Muscle strength
c. Joint stability
d. The environment

The correct answer is: The environment

Which exercise is a total-body power-focused movement?

Select one:
a. Front medicine ball oblique throw
b. Medicine ball chest pass
c. Two-arm push press
d. Soccer throw

The correct answer is: Two-arm push press

Which individual is suffering from an acute disease?

Select one:
a. Tricia, who has type 1 diabetes
b. Jorge, who is sick with the flu
c. Roger, who has type 2 diabetes
d. Perry, who suffers from a congenital heart condition

The correct answer is: Jorge, who is sick with the flu

SAQ training among seniors may help prevent which of the following
Select one:
a. There is no evidence to show that SAQ programs for seniors may prevent this
b. Lung cancer
c. Arthritis
d. Osteopenia

The correct answer is: Osteopenia

What is an example of a mechanism that can lead to muscle imbalance?

Select one:
a. Inability to exercise 3 times per week
b. Too much cardiovascular exercise
c. Poor SMART goals
d. Postural distortions

The correct answer is: Postural distortions

Humans can learn new things at any stage of life, due to which process that
causes the brain to reform neural pathways?
Select one:
a. Neuroplasticity
b. Neuromotor skills
c. Remodeling
d. Neurocircuitry

The correct answer is: Neuroplasticity

Which of the following is a component of quickness training?

Select one:
a. Stride rate
b. Acceleration
c. Speed
d. Assessment of visual stimuli

The correct answer is: Assessment of visual stimuli

A client asks you how she could lose fat as quickly as possible for a beach
vacation next weekend. Which of the following is the best way to respond to
her question?
Select one:
a. Explain that fat loss occurs in a caloric deficit and she should cut her caloric
intake drastically over the next week to drop fat fast.
b. Suggest that she avoid eating carbohydrates during the week to promote fat
c. Explain that fat loss takes time and is best achieved with a moderate calorie
deficit sustained over a period of time. Rapid weight loss usually results in loss
of water weight and lean muscle mass, and it is not advisable.
d. Suggest that she avoid eating any fat during the week to promote fat loss.

The correct answer is: Explain that fat loss takes time and is best achieved with
a moderate calorie deficit sustained over a period of time. Rapid weight loss
usually results in loss of water weight and lean muscle mass, and it is not

Dan, an NASM Certified Personal Trainer, completed what he felt was a very
successful interview with the hiring manager at a top fitness studio. What is the
best course of action if Dan is interested in moving on to the next phase of the
interview process?
Select one:
a. Sending a text to the manager saying, “Thanks for your time.”
b. Posting a video on social media showing him working out at the health club
c. Writing a handwritten note to thank the hiring manager for the opportunity
to interview for the job
d. Calling the manager to ask when the first day of work will be scheduled

The correct answer is: Writing a handwritten note to thank the hiring manager
for the opportunity to interview for the job

When a client makes a plan, such as, "When I am done with work, I will run for
30 minutes," what are they doing?
Select one:
a. Creating a coping plan
b. Forming an implementation intention
c. Self-monitoring
d. Stating an outcome expectation

The correct answer is: Forming an implementation intention

For someone training in the Muscular Development phase, which of the
following changes would be optimal?
Select one:
a. Body fat loss
b. Muscle mass increase with no body fat loss
c. Decreased volume and intensity
d. Muscle mass atrophy

The correct answer is: Body fat loss

Which condition is an example of a chronic disease?

Select one:
a. Flu
b. Strep throat
c. Appendicitis
d. Type 2 diabetes

The correct answer is: Type 2 diabetes

If someone specifically wanted to burn a lot of fat (not necessarily total

calories), what type of exercise should they do?
Select one:
a. High-intensity exercise for less than 10 minutes
b. Walking for 5 minutes
c. High-intensity exercise for 10 to 15 minutes
d. Low- to moderate-intensity exercise for 30 to 60 minutes

The correct answer is: Low- to moderate-intensity exercise for 30 to 60 minutes

What type of listening involves making a best guess as to what the speaker
means, then stating it back to the speaker?
Select one:
a. Motivational interviewing
b. Reflective listening
c. Affirming
d. Active listening

The correct answer is: Reflective listening

Which type of muscle contraction/action produces force through muscle fiber
Select one:
a. Isokinetic action
b. Isometric action
c. Eccentric action
d. Concentric action

The correct answer is: Concentric action

Which of the following is an open-ended question?

Select one:
a. What do you currently weigh?
b. Did you exercise this week?
c. What has prevented you from reaching your goals in the past?
d. Have you experienced barriers to reaching your goals?

The correct answer is: What has prevented you from reaching your goals in the

What are the three movements performed during the ball combo I exercise?
Select one:
a. Shoulder extension, adduction, and internal rotation
b. Hip adduction, flexion, and internal rotation
c. Wrist flexion, elbow flexion, and shoulder flexion
d. Scaption, shoulder abduction, and cobra

The correct answer is: Scaption, shoulder abduction, and cobra

Which movement assessment utilizes weighted pullies to assess a pushing

Select one:
a. Standing push assessment
b. Standing overhead press
c. Standing pull assessment
d. Davies test

The correct answer is: Standing push assessment

What types of foods contain carbohydrates?
Select one:
a. Proteins
b. All foods
c. Plant foods and dairy
d. Animal and plant foods

The correct answer is: Plant foods and dairy

How often should elastic resistance bands be checked?

Select one:
a. Only when there are signs of wear
b. Prior to every use
c. Once a day
d. Once a week

The correct answer is: Prior to every use

What is the correct order of segments for the spine, starting at the top?
Select one:
a. Thoracic, cervical, and lumbar
b. Cervical, lumbar, and thoracic
c. Lumbar, cervical, and thoracic
d. Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar

The correct answer is: Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar

Contraction of the hamstring and rectus abdominis muscles create what

motion of the pelvis in the sagittal plane?
Select one:
a. Medial pelvic tilt
b. Lateral pelvic tilt
c. Anterior pelvic tilt
d. Posterior pelvic tilt

The correct answer is: Posterior pelvic tilt

Which type of muscle contraction/action attenuates force through muscle fiber

Select one:
a. Isokinetic action
b. Isometric action
c. Concentric action
d. Eccentric action

The correct answer is: Eccentric action

During normal walking, the pelvis rotates in what plane to facilitate the
necessary momentum for the swing phase?
Select one:
a. Transverse
b. Sagittal
c. Frontal
d. Axial

The correct answer is: Transverse

A hypertensive client is taking a beta-blocker medication. What is the most

appropriate method to monitor exercise intensity?
Select one:
a. The Tanaka formula
b. Haskell’s 220-minus-age formula
c. Metabolic Equivalent (MET)
d. The talk test

The correct answer is: The talk test

What two factors are used to calculate body mass index (BMI)?
Select one:
a. Height and weight
b. Weight and age
c. Age and level of physical fitness
d. Height and age

The correct answer is: Height and weight

Which of the following is considered a component of NEAT?

Select one:
a. Structured exercise
b. Sleeping
c. Walking
d. Eating

The correct answer is: Walking

What does the electron transport chain (ETC) do?

Select one:
a. The ETC uses an oxygen gradient to create ATP.
b. The ETC uses a hydrogen gradient to create ATP.
c. The ETC uses proteins to create ADP.
d. The ETC uses proteins to create hydrogen ions.

The correct answer is: The ETC uses a hydrogen gradient to create ATP.

Which endocrine gland serves as a communication channel between the brain

and pituitary gland?
Select one:
a. Hypothalamus
b. Stomach
c. Liver
d. Pancreas

The correct answer is: Hypothalamus

What is Bernadette’s waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) if she is measured with a waist

circumference of 28 inches and a hip circumference of 33 inches?
Select one:
a. 1.18
b. 0.85
c. 1.04
d. 0.97

The correct answer is: 0.85

What is cardiac output?

Select one:
a. The volume of blood pumped by the heart per beat or contraction
b. The amount of blood in the ventricle before contraction
c. The volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute
d. The amount of blood remaining in the ventricle after contraction

The correct answer is: The volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute

Repeat squat jumps are a progression for which of the following exercises?
Select one:
a. Tuck jump
b. Butt kick
c. Multiplanar jump with stabilization
d. Power step-up

The correct answer is: Multiplanar jump with stabilization

What is defined as an individual’s level of effort, compared with their maximal

effort, which is usually expressed as a percentage?
Select one:
a. Training duration
b. Training frequency
c. Training volume
d. Training intensity

The correct answer is: Training intensity

Which of the following is a recommendation when assessing skinfold

Select one:
a. Do not open the jaw of the caliper before removing it from the site.
b. Do not give clients prior instructions about measurement protocol, as this
can skew results.
c. Take skinfold measurements immediately after exercise.
d. Take a minimum of two measurements at each site; each measurement
must be within 1 to 2 mm to take an average at each site.

The correct answer is: Take a minimum of two measurements at each site; each
measurement must be within 1 to 2 mm to take an average at each site.
What duration does the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) typically
recommend for the cardiorespiratory portion of the warm-up?
Select one:
a. Between 3 and 5 minutes
b. Between 1 and 3 minutes
c. Between 5 and 10 minutes
d. Between 10 and 15 minutes

The correct answer is: Between 5 and 10 minutes

At which stage of change are self-efficacy levels generally the highest?

Select one:
a. Precontemplation
b. Preparation
c. Contemplation
d. Maintenance

The correct answer is: Maintenance

Which muscle would be considered underactive, leading to the excessive

forward trunk lean during the overhead squat assessment?
Select one:
a. Gluteus maximus
b. Hip flexor complex
c. Rectus abdominis
d. Gastrocnemius and soleus

The correct answer is: Gluteus maximus

Which two electrolytes are most commonly supplemented by athletes to

replace those lost in sweat?
Select one:
a. Magnesium and sodium
b. Potassium and manganese
c. Sodium and calcium
d. Sodium and potassium

The correct answer is: Sodium and potassium

Which communication technique allows the fitness professional to show
appreciation of a client's strengths?
Select one:
a. Transitional summaries
b. Collecting summaries
c. Affirmations
d. Reflections

The correct answer is: Affirmations

Which of the following conditions would produce nutritional ketosis in the

Select one:
a. A caloric surplus
b. High-intensity exercise
c. A very low-carbohydrate diet
d. A low-protein diet

The correct answer is: A very low-carbohydrate diet

What training stage is ideally suited for new exercisers seeking general health-
and-fitness improvements, such as reducing their risk for diabetes?
Select one:
a. Stage 3
b. Stage 1
c. Stage 4
d. Stage 2

The correct answer is: Stage 1

Which of the following is not a tracked component on an athlete’s macrocycle

annual training plan?
Select one:
a. Off-season training
b. In-season training
c. Preseason training
d. Cardio training

The correct answer is: Cardio training

What is the general recommended rest between SAQ reps for intermediate
Select one:
a. 90 to 120 seconds
b. 0 to 60 seconds
c. 120 to 180 seconds
d. 60 to 90 seconds

The correct answer is: 0 to 60 seconds

What is pertinent information for the fitness professional to consider before

prescribing flexibility exercises?
Select one:
a. Cardiovascular testing and overhead squat assessment results
b. Any medical precautions or contraindications
c. PAR-Q and overhead squat assessment results
d. Client lifestyle and PAR-Q results

The correct answer is: Any medical precautions or contraindications

How can fitness professionals earn CEUs?

Select one:
a. Reading scholarly research journals
b. Reading exercise-science textbooks
c. Attending fitness industry conferences
d. Accumulating hours training clients either independently or in a health club

The correct answer is: Attending fitness industry conferences

Why is the hurdler's stretch considered to be a controversial lower-body

Select one:
a. The stretch provides excessive stress to the inside of the knee.
b. The stretch is too complicated for the new client.
c. The stretch is too advanced for the average person.
d. The stretch provides excessive stress to the hamstring muscles.

The correct answer is: The stretch provides excessive stress to the inside of the
How is lower crossed syndrome characterized?
Select one:
a. Posterior pelvic tilt and excessive lordosis of the lumbar spine
b. Flat feet, knee valgus, and internally rotated and adducted hips
c. Anterior pelvic tilt and excessive lordosis of the lumbar spine
d. Anterior pelvic tilt and excessive kyphosis of the lumbar spine

The correct answer is: Anterior pelvic tilt and excessive lordosis of the lumbar

Asking a client to balance on an unstable surface while barefoot would

challenge which system?
Select one:
a. Visual system
b. Vestibular system
c. Auditory system
d. Somatosensory system

The correct answer is: Somatosensory system

What is defined as the distance covered in one stride?

Select one:
a. Stride length
b. Agility
c. Stride rate
d. Power

The correct answer is: Stride length

What is stroke volume?

Select one:
a. The amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute
b. The amount of blood remaining in the ventricle after contraction
c. The amount of blood in the ventricle before contraction
d. The amount of blood pumped out of the heart with each contraction

The correct answer is: The amount of blood pumped out of the heart with each
What statement best describes a premium health club?
Select one:
a. A private health club offered only at luxury resorts and golf courses
b. A health club that offers a low-price membership, often including very few
amenities other than access to exercise equipment
c. A health club that features multiple group-fitness studio options and
provides a selection of high-end amenities
d. A health club that uses revenue from fitness programs and memberships to
cover operational costs, improve facilities, and fund a wide range of
community-based initiatives

The correct answer is: A health club that features multiple group-fitness studio
options and provides a selection of high-end amenities

What phase of plyometric movement is also referred to as the

electromechanical delay?
Select one:
a. Eccentric
b. Concentric
c. Amortization
d. Isometric

The correct answer is: Amortization

Which term describes the movement of bones, such as flexion and extension?
Select one:
a. Arthropathy
b. Osteokinematics
c. Osteoporosis
d. Arthrokinematics

The correct answer is: Osteokinematics

What phase of the OPT model aims to improve movement patterns and
enhances stabilization of the system?
Select one:
a. Power Training
b. Stabilization Endurance Training
c. Muscular Development Training
d. Maximal Strength Training

The correct answer is: Stabilization Endurance Training

Which of the following is true of protein shakes?

Select one:
a. They are a poor choice for recovery.
b. They are required to build muscle.
c. They are convenient options for increasing protein intake.
d. They are dangerous and should be avoided.

The correct answer is: They are convenient options for increasing protein

Which component of a monthly training plan should always be performed

before moving to the next month’s mesocycle?
Select one:
a. SAQ
b. Reassessment
c. Resistance
d. Cardio

The correct answer is: Reassessment

What must be sufficient in order to prevent overtraining and injury during a

plyometric training regimen?
Select one:
a. Frequency
b. Recovery
c. Intensity
d. Volume

The correct answer is: Recovery

Which statement best describes the final stage of the sales process?
Select one:
a. Communicating solutions for the customer's needs
b. Identifying a customer's needs
c. Making the sale by asking for a financial commitment to solving the
customer's needs
d. Asking for referrals

The correct answer is: Making the sale by asking for a financial commitment to
solving the customer's needs

What part of a SMART goal involves being able to track progress?

Select one:
a. Attainable
b. Measurable
c. Timely
d. Specific

The correct answer is: Measurable

What is meant by the term tolerable upper limit (UL)?

Select one:
a. The amount recommended for the average person to take
b. The greatest quantity of a vitamin or mineral that may be consumed in a day
without risk of an adverse health effect
c. The same as daily value (DV)
d. The amount of a specific nutrient in a single serving

The correct answer is: The greatest quantity of a vitamin or mineral that may
be consumed in a day without risk of an adverse health effect

What is the resting metabolic rate (RMR)?

Select one:
a. RMR is the number of calories burned through digestion.
b. RMR is the number of calories burned after exercise.
c. RMR is the number of calories that the body uses at rest to function.
d. RMR is the number of calories burned through fidgeting.

The correct answer is: RMR is the number of calories that the body uses at rest
to function.

Excessive anterior pelvic tilt would lead to this posture of the lumbar spine.
Select one:
a. Decreased kyphosis
b. Increased lordosis
c. Increased kyphosis
d. Decreased lordosis

The correct answer is: Increased lordosis

Which of the following is a question that may provoke resistance?

Select one:
a. If you decided to make a change, what might you do?
b. What might you want to change?
c. Why don't you want to change?
d. What might work for you?

The correct answer is: Why don't you want to change?

Which exercise primarily strengthens the gastrocnemius and soleus?

Select one:
a. Single-leg dumbbell scaption
b. Standing dumbbell lateral raise
c. Ball cobra
d. Calf raise

The correct answer is: Calf raise

Performing 4 weeks of stabilization training before moving on to strength

endurance training for another 4 weeks would be an example of what kind of
Select one:
a. Nonlinear periodization
b. Localized periodization
c. Linear periodization
d. Undulating periodization

The correct answer is: Linear periodization

What term refers to the ability of a test to produce consistent and repeatable
Select one:
a. Reliability
b. Appropriateness
c. Relevance
d. Validity

The correct answer is: Reliability

Which of the following would be the recommended stability ball size for
someone under 5 feet tall?
Select one:
a. 55 cm
b. 65 cm
c. 75 cm
d. 45 cm

The correct answer is: 45 cm

Which mechanoreceptor is sensitive to changes in muscular tension and rate of

that tension change, causing the muscle to relax, which prevents the muscle
from excessive stress and possible injury?
Select one:
a. Joint receptors
b. Golgi tendon organs
c. Muscle spindles
d. Interneurons

The correct answer is: Golgi tendon organs

A Certified Personal Trainer asks a client who is not currently doing any aerobic
training how ready they are to do aerobic training one time per week for 30
minutes using a scale of 1 through 10, with 1 representing not at all ready and
10 representing completely ready. They say they are at a 1; what stage of
change are they in?
Select one:
a. Action
b. Precontemplation
c. Preparation
d. Maintenance
The correct answer is: Precontemplation

Circuit training is best described as what?

Select one:
a. A full-body program that incorporates high-intensity aerobic conditioning,
muscular strength, and endurance training movements
b. Exercises that are performed back-to-back with no rest between each
c. A system of handing straps that allows the user to use their own body weight
to load exercise movements
d. Taking two modalities and combining them into one exercise movement,
such as placing the hands on a balance tool while performing a suspended

The correct answer is: A full-body program that incorporates high-intensity

aerobic conditioning, muscular strength, and endurance training movements

Which of the following exercises is typically used to measure maximum

strength of the lower extremities?
Select one:
a. Overhead squat
b. Lunge
c. Single-leg squat
d. Squat

The correct answer is: Squat

What term is used for a condition that would make it unsafe for the client to
participate in any type of flexibility exercise?
Select one:
a. Cardiovascular precaution
b. Precaution
c. Psychological concern
d. Contraindication

The correct answer is: Contraindication

How is osteopenia best described?

Select one:
a. A bone weakness disease caused by vitamin D deficiency.
b. A disease characterized by low bone density.
c. An age-related loss of muscle mass resulting in weakness and frailty in older
d. The loss of bone density related to the aging process.

The correct answer is: The loss of bone density related to the aging process

Which type of assessment measures overall strength, stability, muscular

endurance, and agility?
Select one:
a. Performance assessment
b. Static posture assessment
c. Dynamic posture assessment
d. Overhead squat assessment

The correct answer is: Performance assessment

Which exercise would be most appropriate for a maximal strength movement

in Phase 4 (Maximal Strength Training)?
Select one:
a. Shoulder/military press
b. Squat jump
c. Stability ball push-up
d. Single-leg dumbbell biceps curl to shoulder press

The correct answer is: Shoulder/military press

When discussing suspended bodyweight training, which of the following is the

most accurate statement?
Select one:
a. It decreases core muscle activation.
b. It increases muscular hypertrophy.
c. It increases flexibility and joint mobility.
d. It decreases challenges to balance and stability.

The correct answer is: It increases flexibility and joint mobility.

Empathy is best described as?
Select one:
a. The ability to identify with how another person feels
b. Listening to a client but not providing any support
c. Providing instrumental support to an individual
d. Being positive and outgoing during training sessions

The correct answer is: The ability to identify with how another person feels

Beth is considering opportunities for how to begin her career as a fitness

professional. If her primary goal is to earn a stable income by helping clients
reach their fitness goals, which of the following would provide the best option?
Select one:
a. Offering in-home training services
b. Working for a low-cost health club company
c. Working for a premium health club company
d. Creating online coaching programs

The correct answer is: Working for a premium health club company

What is the bone type of the clavicle, radius, and ulna?

Select one:
a. Long
b. Short
c. Flat
d. Irregular

The correct answer is: Long

What are two contraindications for self-myofascial techniques?

Select one:
a. Pregnancy and diabetes
b. Hypertension that is controlled and varicose veins
c. Cancer and bleeding disorders
d. Young children and older adults

The correct answer is: Cancer and bleeding disorders

What surrounds the skeletal muscles and connects them to other surrounding
Select one:
a. Tendons
b. Connective tissues
c. Muscle spindles
d. Fascia

The correct answer is: Fascia

The hip hinge is an important fundamental movement. During a hip hinge,

what movements are occurring?
Select one:
a. Adduction and abduction
b. Supination and pronation
c. Abduction and extension
d. Flexion and extension

The correct answer is: Flexion and extension

Individuals in this stage of change may sporadically engage in physical activity

but without any form, structure, or consistency.
Select one:
a. Precontemplation
b. Preparation
c. Maintenance
d. Contemplation

The correct answer is: Preparation

Reactive training is another common name for which type of exercise?

Select one:
a. Plyometric training
b. Power training
c. Stabilization training
d. SAQ training

The correct answer is: Plyometric training

Balance exercises used for introducing balance training should initially involve
little joint motion and improve what type of contractions?
Select one:
a. Preplanned voluntary contractions
b. No muscle contractions are involved in balance training.
c. Voluntary contractions
d. Reflexive (automatic) joint-stabilization contractions

The correct answer is: Reflexive (automatic) joint-stabilization contractions

Which movement assessment is a good assessment of a client's balance during

Select one:
a. Overhead squat
b. Single-leg squat
c. Push-up test
d. 40-yard dash

The correct answer is: Single-leg squat

Which of the following would be a helpful and sustainable strategy for

achieving a moderate calorie deficit for fat loss?
Select one:
a. Replacing high-calorie foods with leaner substitutes
b. Limiting meals to once a day
c. Replacing high-fiber foods with low-fiber options
d. Avoiding a food group (e.g., fats or carbohydrates)

The correct answer is: Replacing high-calorie foods with leaner substitutes

What is an example of the role of the Certified Personal Trainer in working on

balance training with a client?
Select one:
a. Performing medical rehabilitation with the client for their balance deficits
b. Prescribing medications or supplements to improve components of the
balance system (e.g., vision, vestibular, somatosensation)
c. Diagnosing balance disorders
d. Prescribing progressive, appropriate balance training exercises with
knowledge/awareness of the client's medical history

The correct answer is: Prescribing progressive, appropriate balance training

exercises with knowledge/awareness of the client's medical history

Which of the following muscles is primarily targeted when performing a biceps

curl exercise with the thumb up?
Select one:
a. Biceps brachii
b. Brachioradialis
c. Triceps brachii
d. Brachialis

The correct answer is: Brachioradialis

What blood pressure is reflective of stage 1 hypertension?

Select one:
a. A systolic reading greater than 180 mm Hg and/or a diastolic reading greater
than 120 mm Hg
b. A reading of 120 to 129 mm Hg systolic and less than 80 mm Hg diastolic
c. A reading of 130 to 139 mm Hg systolic or 80 to 89 mm Hg diastolic
d. A systolic reading of 140 mm Hg or higher or a diastolic of 90 mm Hg or

The correct answer is: A reading of 130 to 139 mm Hg systolic or 80 to 89 mm

Hg diastolic

Improved performance during a plyometric jump is dependent upon which of

the following?
Select one:
a. Absent stretch reflex
b. Prolonged amortization phase
c. Release of stored energy during concentric phase
d. Rapid amortization phase

The correct answer is: Rapid amortization phase

Which of the following solutions would allow an individual to achieve a greater
depth during the lowering phase of the squat if ankle stiffness is the cause?
Select one:
a. Stretch the ankle dorsiflexor musculature
b. Stretch the ankle eversion musculature
c. Place a small board under the toes
d. Place a small board under the heels

The correct answer is: Place a small board under the heels

What is a kilocalorie (kcal)?

Select one:
a. The amount of energy needed to raise 1 pound of water by 1 degree Celsius.
It is also the same thing as 1 food calorie.
b. Unlike 1 food calorie, this is the amount of energy needed to raise 1 kilogram
of water by 1 degree Celsius.
c. The amount of energy needed to raise 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree
Celsius. It is also the same thing as 1 food calorie.
d. The amount of energy needed to raise 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree
Celsius. It is equal to 1,000 food calories.

The correct answer is: The amount of energy needed to raise 1 kilogram of
water by 1 degree Celsius. It is also the same thing as 1 food calorie.

A client is performing a push-up exercise with a 4-3-2-1 repetition tempo. For

how many seconds is the eccentric muscle action performed?
Select one:
a. 4 seconds
b. 2 seconds
c. 1 second
d. 3 seconds

The correct answer is: 4 seconds

What is the weekly total of time recommended for cardiorespiratory training if

participating in moderate-intensity exercise like brisk walking?
Select one:
a. 75 minutes per week
b. 125 minutes per week
c. 150 minutes per week
d. 300 minutes per week

The correct answer is: 150 minutes per week

Which postural distortion is characterized by anterior pelvic tilt and excessive

lordosis (extension) of the lumbar spine?
Select one:
a. Upper crossed syndrome
b. Excessive pronation
c. Lower crossed syndrome
d. Pes planus distortion syndrome

The correct answer is: Lower crossed syndrome

Which of the following statements would be accurate with regard to muscle

force and velocity during an eccentric muscle action?
Select one:
a. As the contraction velocity increases, the ability to develop force decreases.
b. As the contraction velocity decreases, the ability to develop force increases.
c. As the contraction velocity decreases, the force remains constant.
d. As the contraction velocity increases, the ability to develop force also

The correct answer is: As the contraction velocity increases, the ability to
develop force also increases.

What type of client would ideally participate in stage 4 training?

Select one:
a. Advanced clients with moderate levels of cardiorespiratory fitness, seeking
improvements in anaerobic capacity and speed
b. Fitness enthusiasts with high levels of cardiorespiratory fitness, seeking
improvements in aerobic capacity and power
c. Fitness enthusiasts with moderate levels of cardiorespiratory fitness, seeking
improvements in aerobic capacity and speed
d. Advanced clients with high levels of cardiorespiratory fitness, seeking
improvements in anaerobic capacity and power
The correct answer is: Advanced clients with high levels of cardiorespiratory
fitness, seeking improvements in anaerobic capacity and power

What is the primary purpose of the peripheral nervous system?

Select one:
a. To transmit impulses between afferent and efferent neurons
b. To connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body
c. To transmit nervous impulses from neuron to neuron
d. To coordinate the activity of all parts of the body

The correct answer is: To connect the central nervous system to the rest of the

What three joint actions comprise triple extension?

Select one:
a. Plantar flexion, knee extension, and hip extension
b. Dorsiflexion, knee flexion, and hip flexion
c. Spinal extension, hip extension, and plantar flexion
d. Knee extension, shoulder extension, and elbow extension

The correct answer is: Plantar flexion, knee extension, and hip extension

What is the practice of identifying a negative inner narrative and replacing it

with positive statements?
Select one:
a. Reverse listing
b. Stopping
c. Cognitive fusion
d. Imagery

The correct answer is: Reverse listing

What type of input may provide a runner with a cue to contract the evertor
muscles to avoid an inversion injury?
Select one:
a. Stretch-shortening cycle
b. Force velocity
c. External feedback
d. Proprioception
The correct answer is: Proprioception

How is upper crossed syndrome characterized?

Select one:
a. Anterior pelvic tilt and excessive lordosis of the lumbar spine
b. Flat feet, knee valgus, and internally rotated and adducted hips
c. Forward head and protracted shoulders
d. Excessive forward lean and arms fall forward

The correct answer is: Forward head and protracted shoulders

Which term best describes when someone has mixed feelings about exercise
and can see both the pros and cons of participating?
Select one:
a. Confusion
b. Ambiguity
c. Ambivalence
d. Unequivocal

The correct answer is: Ambivalence

What is the best description of a steady-state heart rate?

Select one:
a. The point at which the body's energy system converts glycogen to glucose
without the use of oxygen
b. The point at which the body uses an equal mix of carbohydrate and fat as
fuel sources
c. The point at which glucose provides nearly all the energy for the activity.
d. Any stage at which the physiological response of heart rate from the
cardiovascular system becomes relatively constant in relation to the amount of
work being performed

The correct answer is: Any stage at which the physiological response of heart
rate from the cardiovascular system becomes relatively constant in relation to
the amount of work being performed

Your client has shown great improvements in their mobility and flexibility.
Following the OPT model, what phase would you recommend next?
Select one:
a. Phase 5
b. Phase 3
c. Phase 4
d. Phase 2

The correct answer is: Phase 2

Which of the following hydration options would be most appropriate for

exercise lasting over 90 minutes, or shorter-duration exercise in warm
temperatures with heavy perspiration?
Select one:
a. Water mixed with fruit juice
b. Sports drink or electrolyte tablets mixed with water
c. Fruit juice
d. Plain water

The correct answer is: Sports drink or electrolyte tablets mixed with water

Which of the following statements pertaining to high-intensity interval training

(HIIT) is incorrect?
Select one:
a. It can produce results in a compressed period of time with a smaller volume
of work.
b. Measuring intensity by performance (objective measure) is an accurate
measure of intensity.
c. Measuring intensity by one's “effort” (a subjective measure) is an accurate
measure of intensity.
d. Intervals are performed at higher intensities and use longer recovery

The correct answer is: Measuring intensity by one's “effort” (a subjective

measure) is an accurate measure of intensity

Which source of social support has been shown to be particularly important for
older adults?
Select one:
a. Exercise group
b. Family
c. The community
d. Exercise leader

The correct answer is: Family

Which benefit will positively affect the body through integrated training?
Select one:
a. Decreased fat loss
b. Improved sleep
c. Decreased hormonal function
d. Increased rate of power decline

The correct answer is: Improved sleep

How should an eccentric muscle action be described?

Select one:
a. The development of muscle tension at a fixed speed during both shortening
and lengthening of the contractile tissue
b. The development of muscle tension during shortening of the contractile
c. The development of muscle tension during lengthening of the contractile
d. The development of muscle tension without shortening or lengthening of the
contractile tissue

The correct answer is: The development of muscle tension during lengthening
of the contractile tissue

For what is vitamin D most important?

Select one:
a. Eyesight
b. Bone health
c. Hair growth
d. Skin pigmentation

The correct answer is: Bone health

What principle describes the nervous system’s ability to recruit the correct
muscles to perform movement?
Select one:
a. Concentric control
b. Neuromuscular efficiency
c. All-or-nothing principle
d. Eccentric control

The correct answer is: Neuromuscular efficiency

At his first visit to his new fitness trainer, Robert's BMI was 37. According to
this information, how would Robert be classified?
Select one:
a. Underweight
b. Obese
c. Overweight
d. Healthy weight

The correct answer is: Obese

What statement best describes a nonprofit health club?

Select one:
a. A health club that offers complimentary memberships and free childcare
services for low-income families
b. A health club that uses revenue from fitness programs and memberships to
cover operational costs, improve facilities, and fund a wide range of
community-based initiatives
c. A health club that offers a low-price membership, often including very few
amenities other than access to exercise equipment
d. A health club that features multiple group-fitness studio options and
provides a selection of high-end amenities like towels and complimentary
personal hygiene products, cafes, pools, sports courts, and childcare services

The correct answer is: A health club that uses revenue from fitness programs
and memberships to cover operational costs, improve facilities, and fund a
wide range of community-based initiatives

Why are plyometrics best performed on grass playing fields, basketball courts,
or tartan tracks?
Select one:
a. They protect the exerciser from real-world movement.
b. The surfaces are more stable, which helps reduce injury risk.
c. Only athletes need plyometric training.
d. The surfaces are unstable and proprioceptively enriched.

The correct answer is: The surfaces are more stable, which helps reduce injury

Which is a primary adaptation of the Power Training phase?

Select one:
a. Muscle growth
b. Rate of force production
c. Stability
d. Muscular endurance

The correct answer is: Rate of force production

What is end-systolic volume?

Select one:
a. The amount of blood pumped out of the heart with each contraction
b. The amount of blood remaining in the ventricle after contraction
c. The amount of blood in the ventricle before contraction
d. The volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute

The correct answer is: The amount of blood remaining in the ventricle after

What is the primary function of the global muscles of the core?

Select one:
a. Stabilize individual vertebral segments
b. Force production during dynamic whole-body movements
c. Limiting strain on the vertebral discs
d. Limit excessive compression between vertebral segments

The correct answer is: Force production during dynamic whole-body


Which of the following would not be an example of core musculature to

stabilize the trunk and pelvis?
Select one:
a. Obliques
b. Pectoral group
c. Quadratus lumborum
d. Gluteal complex

The correct answer is: Pectoral group

Which substrate provides nearly all the energy for activity at and above VT2?
Select one:
a. Protein
b. Glucose
c. Ketone bodies
d. Fat

The correct answer is: Glucose

What is the process called that prepares fatty acid substrates to enter the citric
acid cycle?
Select one:
a. Ketosis
b. Beta-oxidation
c. Glycolysis
d. Acidosis

The correct answer is: Beta-oxidation

What is the high-energy compound used by the body to do work?

Select one:
a. Glucose
b. Fat
c. ADP
d. ATP

The correct answer is: ATP

What is the general adaptation syndrome?

Select one:
a. The general adaptation syndrome describes how traits are handed down
from parents to offspring.
b. The general adaptation syndrome describes the way in which the body
responds and adapts to stress.
c. The general adaptation syndrome describes how humans evolve over time.
d. The general adaptation syndrome describes how an individual emotionally
adapts to positive reinforcement.

The correct answer is: The general adaptation syndrome describes the way in
which the body responds and adapts to stress.

What is the approximate percentage of those who will quit a fitness program
within the first 6 months after they begin?
Select one:
a. 0.5
b. 0.25
c. 0.4
d. 0.1

The correct answer is: 0.5

Which predominant anatomical position of muscle groups would be enhanced

by using pulling motions?
Select one:
a. Superior
b. Lateral
c. Posterior
d. Anterior

The correct answer is: Posterior

What artery is used to measure blood pressure?

Select one:
a. Radial artery
b. Carotid artery
c. Brachial artery
d. Femoral artery

The correct answer is: Brachial artery

What phase of the OPT model aims to enhance stabilization endurance and
simultaneously increase prime-mover strength?
Select one:
a. Strength Endurance
b. Stabilization Endurance
c. Maximal Strength
d. Power

The correct answer is: Strength Endurance

What is an appropriate tempo for Phase 1 of the OPT model?

Select one:
a. X-X-X-X
b. 1-2-3-4

c. 4-2-1-1
d. 2-0-2-0

Karim, an NASM Certified Personal Trainer, recently retired from playing

professional football and is beginning his career in the fitness industry. How
can Karim best promote his experience as a professional athlete?
Select one:
a. Karim’s experience as a professional athlete allows him to create a unique
selling proposition (USP) allowing club members to exercise with a former
professional athlete.
b. Karim’s experience as a professional athlete allows him to establish
immediate rapport with club members and potential clients.
c. Karim’s experience as a professional athlete gives him the ability to create an
accurate business forecast.
d. Karim’s experience as a professional athlete allows him to establish a
recognizable brand identity.

The correct answer is: Karim’s experience as a professional athlete allows him
to create a unique selling proposition (USP) allowing club members to exercise
with a former professional athlete.

Which sense provides information about changes in pressure on the skin,

muscle length, and joint angles?
Select one:
a. Visual system
b. Vestibular system
c. Somatosensory system
d. Hearing system

The correct answer is: Somatosensory system

A long-term client has recently indicated that she wants to start training for a
fitness competition and, due to her competitive nature, she indicates that she
wants to win. Which type of motivation is driving her?
Select one:
a. Intrinsic motivation
b. Autonomy motivation
c. Extrinsic motivation
d. Affiliation motivation

The correct answer is: Extrinsic motivation

What is a progression for the box jump-down with stabilization?

Select one:
a. Squat jump with stabilization
b. Multiplanar jump with stabilization
c. Tuck jump with stabilization
d. Box jump-up with stabilization

The correct answer is: Multiplanar jump with stabilization

What is the process by which bone is constantly renewed?

Select one:
a. Neuroplasticity
b. Wolff's law
c. Osteoporosis
d. Remodeling

The correct answer is: Remodeling

The lengthening reaction is often seen with what type of flexibility technique?
Select one:
a. Ballistic stretching
b. Static stretching
c. Dynamic stretching
d. Active stretching

The correct answer is: Static stretching

Which governmental agency regulates dietary supplements in the United

Select one:
a. European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
b. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
c. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA)
d. Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)

The correct answer is: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

What is the most important thing for a client to focus on when they are new to
plyometric training?
Select one:
a. Proper technique
b. Jump height
c. Amortization speed
d. Explosive power

The correct answer is: Proper technique

Which of the following is iron considered to be?

Select one:
a. Performance supplement
b. Trace mineral
c. Macromineral
d. Vitamin

The correct answer is: Trace mineral

Which of the following best defines cholesterol?

Select one:
a. A waxy, fatlike substance found in bodily cells
b. A raising of blood pressure
c. A narrowing of arteries to the heart
d. A substance that attaches itself to muscles and tendons

The correct answer is: A waxy, fatlike substance found in bodily cells

Which type of muscle fiber has a large number of capillaries?

Select one:
a. Type IIx
b. Type IIa
c. Type III
d. Type I

The correct answer is: Type I

Vitamin and mineral supplements are which kind of supplements?

Select one:
a. Anabolic steroids
b. Performance supplements
c. Health supplements
d. Stimulants

The correct answer is: Health supplements

Receptors involved with this sense are specifically responsible for determining
foot position while standing on an unstable surface.
Select one:
a. Vestibular
b. Sensorimotor function
c. Somatosensation
d. Vision

The correct answer is: Somatosensation

What involves reacting to a stimulus and then changing the body's sprinting
direction in response to that stimulus?
Select one:
a. Quickness
b. Speed
c. Power
d. Agility

The correct answer is: Agility

During which Phase of OPT should the exerciser be most concerned with
increasing the speed (repetition tempo) of exercises?
Select one:
a. Phase 5 Power
b. Phase 4 Maximal Strength
c. Phase 1 Stabilization Endurance
d. Phase 3 Muscular Development

The correct answer is: Phase 5 Power

What is the name for projections protruding from the bone to which tendons
and ligaments attach?
Select one:
a. Bone spurs
b. Processes
c. Depressions
d. Sulcus

The correct answer is: Processes

What activity is especially beneficial for combating the loss of muscle mass,
power, and strength for aging adults?
Select one:
a. Resistance training
b. Aerobics
c. Cardio
d. Walking

The correct answer is: Resistance training

Not having someone to exercise with would be an example of which type of

Select one:
a. Lack of motivation
b. Lack of willpower
c. Lack of convenience
d. Lack of social support

The correct answer is: Lack of social support

Hypertension is categorized by a blood pressure greater than what

Select one:
a. 125/75 mm Hg
b. 80/120 mm Hg
c. 120/80 mm Hg
d. 120/60 mm Hg

The correct answer is: 120/80 mm Hg

A community could influence physical activity for its inhabitants by doing which
of the following?
Select one:
a. Reducing the number of fast-food restaurants
b. Allowing more permits for fitness facilities to open
c. Limiting the number of sports leagues that are using a community center
d. Creating more green spaces, playgrounds, and walking trails

The correct answer is: Creating more green spaces, playgrounds, and walking

Which of the following workout stages can include steady-state exercise?

Select one:
a. Stage 3
b. Stage 5
c. Stage 2
d. Stage 4

During which exercise will the upper body likely fatigue before the lower body?
Select one:
a. Multiplanar step-up
b. Ball squat
c. Single-leg Romanian deadlift
d. Squat, curl to two-arm press

The correct answer is: Squat, curl to two-arm press

Which of the following is a component of total daily energy expenditure

Select one:
a. Resting metabolic rate (RMR)
b. Nonexercise anabolic thermogenesis (NEAT)
c. Thermic effect of fasting (TEF)
d. Elapsed activity thermogenesis (EAT)

The correct answer is: Resting metabolic rate (RMR)

Which of the following is considered an "under the water" foundational

adaptation, per the "iceberg effect"?
Select one:
a. Strength
b. Stability
c. Endurance
d. Power

The correct answer is: Stability

Improving frontside running mechanics is associated with which of the

Select one:
a. Less speed
b. Less forward drive
c. Less braking force
d. Less stability

The correct answer is: Less braking force

What is a characteristic of a type I muscle fiber?

Select one:
a. Less force production
b. Larger in size
c. Fewer capillaries
d. Quick to fatigue

The correct answer is: Less force production

Jessica is looking to grow in her career as a personal trainer. Which

employment option would offer her the best chance to provide mentorship to
fitness professionals, use managerial skills, and respond directly to member
needs when necessary?
Select one:
a. Fitness manager
b. General manager
c. Strength and conditioning coach
d. Master instructor

The correct answer is: Fitness manager

What principle is hydrostatic underwater weighing based upon?

Select one:
a. Davis's principle
b. Principle of specificity
c. All-or-nothing principle
d. Archimedes' principle

The correct answer is: Archimedes' principle

For effective weight loss, how many calories should obese clients expend per
exercise session?
Select one:
a. 25 to 75 kcal
b. 600 to 700 kcal
c. 200 to 300 kcal
d. 100 to 150 kcal

The correct answer is: 200 to 300 kcal

Which of the following is the most accurate statement regarding

proprioceptive modalities?
Select one:
a. Using heavy weights while performing exercises on proprioceptive modalities
is considered dangerous.
b. Proprioceptive modalities should be used only with the most advanced
c. Proprioceptive modalities have not been shown to help improve balance.
d. Using heavy weights while performing exercises on proprioceptive
modalities has been shown to be safe and effective.

The correct answer is: Using heavy weights while performing exercises on
proprioceptive modalities is considered dangerous

Roderick, an NASM-CPT, has submitted his application to be a personal trainer

through the website of a large health club company. What will provide the best
opportunity to get noticed by the hiring manager?
Select one:
a. Showing up at the club in workout clothes, explaining that he is an applicant,
and asking for a free workout
b. Posting workout videos to a social media account and tagging the health club
and hiring managers
c. Calling the health club, asking to speak to the hiring manager, and explaining
he is perfect for the job
d. Wearing a suit and tie to the health club to drop off a resume with the hiring
manager and complete an application in person

The correct answer is: Wearing a suit and tie to the health club to drop off a
resume with the hiring manager and complete an application in person

Which term defines the degree to which a test specifically measures what it is
intended to measure?
Select one:
a. Reliability
b. Relevance
c. Appropriateness
d. Validity

The correct answer is: Validity

Abnormal breathing may be associated with which of the following effects?
Select one:
a. Deep breaths with use of the diaphragm
b. Slow inhalation through the nose with limited chest movement
c. Slow inhalation with expansion of the stomach
d. Shallow rapid breaths with use of the sternocleidomastoid

The correct answer is: Shallow rapid breaths with use of the

Which answer best represents the timeframe when delayed-onset muscle

soreness (DOMS) occurs after strenuous exercise?
Select one:
a. 36 to 72 hours after strenuous exercise
b. 24 to 72 hours after strenuous exercise
c. 4 to 12 hours after strenuous exercise
d. 2 to 4 hours after strenuous exercise

The correct answer is: 24 to 72 hours after strenuous exercise

What is defined as the state of deficient glucose in the bloodstream?

Select one:
a. Hypoglycemia
b. Hypertension
c. Hypotension
d. Hyperglycemia

The correct answer is: Hypoglycemia

What are the five kinetic chain checkpoints?

Select one:
a. Tibia, fibula, femur, ilium, coccyx
b. Metacarpals, ulna, radius, humerus, clavicle
c. Feet, knees, hips, shoulders, head
d. Sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing

The correct answer is: Feet, knees, hips, shoulders, head

Which pressing exercise would be appropriate for someone who has high levels
of upper-body strength but has no equipment because they are traveling?
Select one:
a. Sit-ups
b. Chin-ups
c. Leg press
d. Handstand push-up

The correct answer is: Handstand push-up

What type of movement happens during the concentric phase of plyometric

Select one:
a. Stabilize
b. Land
c. Gait
d. Jump

The correct answer is: Jump

Which component of evidence-based practice refers to a fitness professional’s

accumulated education, experience, and practical skills?
Select one:
a. Best external evidence
b. Number of continuing education units earned
c. Individual professional expertise
d. Client values and expectations

The correct answer is: Individual professional expertise

What are the three categories within the lipid family?

Select one:
a. Triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols
b. Saturated fat, unsaturated fat, and cholesterol
c. Saturated, unsaturated, and hydrogenated fats
d. Cholesterol, omega-3s, and omega-6s

The correct answer is: Triglycerides, phospholipids, and sterols

Which of the following benefits may occur as a result of exercises that comprise
only eccentric muscle actions that are appropriately loaded?
Select one:
a. Decreased anabolic hormone stimulation
b. Increased catabolic hormone stimulation
c. Decreased catabolic hormone stimulation
d. Increased anabolic hormone stimulation

The correct answer is: Increased anabolic hormone stimulation

What parameter of Muscular Development Training would be most associated

with this style of training?
Select one:
a. Growth and volume
b. Strength and stabilization
c. Strength and volume
d. Growth and stabilization

The correct answer is: Growth and volume

What step cadence is used during the YMCA 3-minute step test?
Select one:
a. A cadence of 112 steps per minute
b. A cadence of 96 steps per minute
c. A cadence of 60 steps per minute
d. A cadence of 36 steps per minute

The correct answer is: A cadence of 96 steps per minute

What term is used to describe the premise that increased ventricular filling
improves contractile force of the heart as a result of greater stretch of cardiac
Select one:
a. Valsalva maneuver
b. Frank Starling Law of the Heart
c. Peripheral resistance
d. Venous pooling

The correct answer is: Frank Starling Law of the Heart

You read an article in a popular magazine explaining the weight-loss benefits of
including a certain nutrient in your diet. What should you consider in deciding if
this is credible nutrition information?
Select one:
a. Is the information supported by research, and has it been reviewed by other
qualified individuals?
b. Is the magazine article in a recent publication or is it outdated?
c. Has the information been reported on the news and in other media?
d. Is the nutrient available as a supplement, given the purported weight-loss

The correct answer is: Is the information supported by research, and has it
been reviewed by other qualified individuals?

What type of diabetes occurs when specialized cells in the pancreas (called
beta cells) stop producing insulin?
Select one:
a. Type 2
b. Type 1
c. Prediabetes
d. Gestational

The correct answer is: Type 1

Which of the following would be the appropriate progression for a core training
program to optimize function?
Select one:
a. Movement efficiency, intervertebral stability, lumbopelvic stability
b. Lumbopelvic stability, movement efficiency, intervertebral stability
c. Lumbopelvic stability, intervertebral stability, movement efficiency
d. Intervertebral stability, lumbopelvic stability, movement efficiency

The correct answer is: Intervertebral stability, lumbopelvic stability, movement


In which training stage would you utilize work intervals performed just above
VT1 and recovery intervals performed below VT1?
Select one:
a. Stage 3 training
b. Stage 1 training
c. Stage 2 training
d. Stage 4 training

The correct answer is: Stage 2 training

The risk of which lower-extremity injury was decreased in female basketball

athletes who participated in a 5-week balance training program that improved
landing movement mechanics?
Select one:
a. Foot injury
b. Patellar fracture
c. Anterior cruciate ligament injury
d. Shoulder injury

The correct answer is: Anterior cruciate ligament injury

What measurement is dependent upon the length of the lever arm and the
angle between the force application and the lever arm?
Select one:
a. Torque
b. Arthrokinematics
c. Force velocity

The correct answer is: Torque

Which of the following is the most effective type of exercise to increase

proprioceptive demands in training?
Select one:
a. Seated exercises
b. Standing exercises on a gym floor
c. Exercises with free weights
d. Exercises using selectorized machines

The correct answer is: Exercises with free weights

Which option is an inaccurate description of the Valsalva maneuver?

Select one:
a. It is a recommended technique for those with hypertension.
b. It involves expiring against a closed glottis.
c. It increases intra-abdominal pressure and spinal stability.
d. It can raise an individual's heart rate and blood pressure.

The correct answer is: It is a recommended technique for those with


When designing a 4-zone model for cardiorespiratory training, what range of

intensity defines zone 2?
Select one:
a. Below VT1
b. From the midpoint between VT1 and VT2 up to VT2
c. Above VT2
d. From VT1 to the midpoint between VT1 and VT2

The correct answer is: From VT1 to the midpoint between VT1 and VT2

Where in the heart is the sinoatrial node located?

Select one:
a. Right atrium
b. Left atrium
c. Right ventricle
d. Left ventricle

The correct answer is: Right atrium

What is the complete transition from eccentric to concentric muscle actions

known as?
Select one:
a. Unloading phase
b. Stretch-shortening cycle
c. Loading phase
d. Amortization phase

The correct answer is: Stretch-shortening cycle

Which of the fundamental movement patterns is a lower-body compound

Select one:
a. Squatting
b. Pulling
c. Pushing
d. Hip hinge

The correct answer is: Squatting

Which of the following modalities has the potential to be used effectively in

every phase of the OPT model?
Select one:
a. TRX Rip Trainer
b. Suspended bodyweight training
c. Cable machines
d. Terra-Core

The correct answer is: Cable machines

A client is performing the multiplanar step-up, balance, curl to overhead press

exercise. During the movement, their low-back arches. Which muscles are
potentially overactive and underactive?
Select one:
a. Overactive latissimus dorsi and underactive abdominals
b. Overactive upper trapezius and underactive lower trapezius
c. Overactive core stabilizers and underactive hip flexors
d. Overactive hip adductors and underactive gluteus medius

The correct answer is: Overactive latissimus dorsi and underactive abdominals

Strength-training machines provide training primarily in which planes of

Select one:
a. Frontal and sagittal
b. All planes of motion
c. Sagittal and transverse
d. Transverse and frontal

The correct answer is: Frontal and sagittal

The body can adapt to new demands while becoming stronger and more
resilient through which exercise programming approach?
Select one:
a. Progressive overload
b. All-or-nothing principle
c. Systematic approach
d. SAID principle

The correct answer is: Progressive overload

For a fitness professional using the OPT model, the goal of the Stabilization
Endurance phase is to focus on which of the following aspects?
Select one:
a. Movement quantity
b. Movement intensity
c. Movement speed
d. Movement quality

The correct answer is: Movement quality

What is another term for the annual training plan that outlines the entire year’s
worth of programming?
Select one:
a. Megacycle
b. Macrocycle
c. Microcycle
d. Mesocycle

The correct answer is: Macrocycle

What is bioenergetics?
Select one:
a. The study of the ways in which food is turned into energy
b. The study of metabolism during exercise
c. The study of weight loss
d. The study of aerobic metabolism

The correct answer is: The study of the ways in which food is turned into
What is the main role of a personal trainer?
Select one:
a. Teach, lead, and motivate individuals through large-group exercise classes
b. Provide nutritional advice, therapy, and counseling to a wide range of clients
c. Assess clients and make recommendations for exercise programming and
other lifestyle changes
d. Provide advanced strength and conditioning programs for competitive

The correct answer is: Assess clients and make recommendations for exercise
programming and other lifestyle changes

Which of the following is a banned substance in the United States?

Select one:
a. Dimethylamylamine (DMAA)
b. Creatine
c. Hordenine
d. Caffeine

The correct answer is: Dimethylamylamine (DMAA)

Accumulating too much of a vitamin or mineral in the body may lead to what?
Select one:
a. Deficiency
b. Improved performance
c. Better outcomes
d. Toxicity

The correct answer is: Toxicity

Having an informal role in an exercise group is demonstrated by which

Select one:
a. Planning social gatherings for the group
b. Planning the workout for the group
c. Providing modifications during the workout
d. Setting the time for the group to meet
The correct answer is: Planning social gatherings for the group

Which term specifically describes motor function of muscles in the lower

Select one:
a. Afferent nerve function
b. Neuromuscular function
c. Vestibular function
d. Sensory function

The correct answer is: Neuromuscular function

When performing a dumbbell biceps curl, the biceps brachii is considered the
agonist (prime mover), and the triceps become the inhibited antagonist. What
is this phenomenon called?
Select one:
a. Stretch reflex
b. Reciprocal inhibition
c. Autogenic inhibition
d. Isometric contraction

The correct answer is: Reciprocal inhibition

Which characteristic is exhibited by type I muscle fibers?

Select one:
a. Slow to fatigue
b. Fewer capillaries
c. Short-term contractions
d. Decreased oxygen delivery

The correct answer is: Slow to fatigue

Active and dynamic stretching utilize which physiological action?

Select one:
a. Synergistic dominance
b. Reciprocal inhibition
c. Lengthening reaction
d. Length-tension relationships
The correct answer is: Reciprocal inhibition

When it comes to exercise, older adults find which of the following to be the
most motivating?
Select one:
a. Health and well-being
b. Improved physical appearance
c. Competition with others
d. Being a part of a social group

The correct answer is: Health and well-being

What are ground reaction forces?

Select one:
a. Deceleration forces in the muscles
b. The force of gravity
c. Forces imparted on the body when it contacts the ground after jumping
d. Forces used by the muscles during a jump

The correct answer is: Forces imparted on the body when it contacts the
ground after jumping

What are the end products of the electron transport chain?

Select one:
a. ADP and water
b. ATP and water
c. ATP and oxygen
d. ADP and hydrogen ions

The correct answer is: ATP and water

What is something that allows a fitness professional to stand out from others in
featuring their services?
Select one:
a. Statement of work (SOW)
b. PERT estimate
c. Unique selling proposition (USP)
d. SWOT analysis
The correct answer is: Unique selling proposition (USP)

Unrealistic goals can become a barrier when which of the following happens?
Select one:
a. When outcome goals are objective
b. When goals are not adjusted
c. When process goals are too specific
d. When only one goal is set

The correct answer is: When goals are not adjusted

How many calories are in 1 gram of protein?

Select one:
a. 4
b. 2
c. 9
d. 6

The correct answer is: 4

Informational support would be provided by which example?

Select one:
a. Holding the client accountable to lifting weights 3 days per week
b. Teaching a client how many minutes of cardio they should be accumulating
each day
c. Working out alongside a client
d. Letting a client know they are not alone in the process of losing weight

The correct answer is: Teaching a client how many minutes of cardio they
should be accumulating each day

Which upper-body yoga stretch is considered controversial and may be a risk

for injury?
Select one:
a. Plow pose
b. Downward dog pose
c. Bound angle pose
d. Cat pose
The correct answer is: Plow pose

A new client has indicated that they are exercising due to advice from their
physician, but they are generally amotivated. What would be the best choice
for the personal trainer in their initial meeting?
Select one:
a. Establish short- and long-term goals.
b. Inquire further about what their motives are for participating.
c. Start establishing an emotional support system.
d. Create a plan for overcoming barriers.

The correct answer is: Inquire further about what their motives are for

Which division of the skeleton is made up of the arms, legs, and pelvic girdle?
Select one:
a. Lateral
b. Axial
c. Peripheral
d. Appendicular

The correct answer is: Appendicular

What are the components of ATP?

Select one:
a. Adenine, amino acids, and three phosphate groups
b. Adenine, ribose, and three phosphate groups
c. Adenine, glucose, and one phosphate group
d. Adenine, ribose, and two phosphate groups

The correct answer is: Adenine, ribose, and three phosphate groups

What is the physiological process by which the body maintains a relatively

constant internal body temperature, including events like sweating to cool the
body and shivering to warm the body?
Select one:
a. Peripheral vasodilation
b. Thermoregulation
c. Resting metabolic rate (RMR)
d. Nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)

The correct answer is: Thermoregulation

What are common tools used for self-myofascial techniques?

Select one:
a. BOSU balls, air-filled discs, and stability balls
b. Stretching straps, stability balls, and BOSU balls
c. Foam rollers, handheld rollers, and massage balls
d. Stretching straps, battle ropes, and sandbags

The correct answer is: Foam rollers, handheld rollers, and massage balls

During a squat, which muscle group isometrically contracts to prevent

unnecessary thigh movement in the frontal plane?
Select one:
a. Hip abductors
b. Hip extensors
c. Hip internal rotators
d. Hip flexors

The correct answer is: Hip abductors

Proper abdominal crunches on a stability ball allows for:

Select one:
a. Greater range of motion, allowing for increased spinal flexion
b. Greater support and safety for elderly clients
c. Increased spinal extension due to the curvature of the ball
d. Less range of motion as compared to traditional floor crunches

The correct answer is: Increased spinal extension due to the curvature of the

When compared to machines, free weights provide which of the following

benefits to users?
Select one:
a. Increased user safety
b. Decreased challenges to balance and stability
c. Decreased opportunities to perform full-body movements
d. Increased multiplanar movement

The correct answer is: Increased multiplanar movement

The posterior oblique system includes which of the following muscle groups?
Select one:
a. Adductors (inner thigh) and contralateral quadratus lumborum
b. Adductors (inner thigh) and hip external rotators
c. Thoracolumbar fascia and contralateral gluteus maximus
d. Hamstrings and erector spinae

The correct answer is: Thoracolumbar fascia and contralateral gluteus maximus

When family members are not supportive of exercise-related behaviors, it can

be viewed as which of the following?
Select one:
a. A barrier to exercise
b. Amotivation to exercise
c. An influence on exercise
d. Ambivalence toward exercise

The correct answer is: A barrier to exercise

Which term best describes a class of chronic respiratory dysfunctions that are
characterized by increased breathlessness, airflow limitation, and accelerated
decline of lung function?
Select one:
a. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
b. Hypertension
c. Lung cancer
d. Asthma

The correct answer is: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

The pancreas secretes which of the following hormones?

Select one:
a. Testosterone
b. Insulin
c. Insulin-like growth factor
d. Growth hormone

The correct answer is: Insulin

The standard Jackson and Pollock 3-Site protocol for women requires skinfold
measurements at which of the following sites?
Select one:
a. Triceps, abdomen, and thigh
b. Suprailiac, thigh, and triceps
c. Chest, suprailiac, and abdomen
d. Abdomen, thigh, and suprailiac

The correct answer is: Suprailiac, thigh, and triceps

Training to enhance the size of muscle, or an increase in muscle mass, is an

example of which improvement of the body?
Select one:
a. Muscle hypertrophy
b. Muscle strength
c. Muscle endurance
d. Muscle power

The correct answer is: Muscle hypertrophy

Which is involved in frontside mechanics?

Select one:
a. Lead leg
b. Ankle plantar flexion
c. Knee extension
d. Rear leg

The correct answer is: Lead leg

Which activity best demonstrates evidence-based practice?

Select one:
a. Reading information presented in a blog article
b. Referencing a social media post
c. Referring to a colleague's practical knowledge
d. Referencing peer-reviewed research

The correct answer is: Referencing peer-reviewed research

In an integrated training program, what would the last portion of the training
session involve as the main exercise or movement component?
Select one:
a. Balance training
b. Core training
c. Cardiorespiratory training
d. Resistance training

The correct answer is: Resistance training

What is reached when a talk test during exercise reveals a client to be working
at ventilatory threshold 2?
Select one:
a. The ability to talk or hold a conversation during an activity at various
intensity levels
b. The point at which the body uses an equal mix of carbohydrate and fat as
fuel sources
c. The level at which the body can work at its highest sustainable steady-state
intensity for more than a few minutes
d. The level at which the body can work at its highest sustainable steady-state
intensity for only few seconds

The correct answer is: The level at which the body can work at its highest
sustainable steady-state intensity for more than a few minutes

Which statement is an accurate reflection of exercise and physical activity as it

relates to cancer?
Select one:
a. Balance training poses serious risks to the hips and pelvis.
b. Core training poses serious risks to the vertebral column.
c. Resistance training is contraindicated for clients with diagnosed cancer.
d. Self-myofascial techniques are not recommended for clients receiving
chemotherapy or radiation treatments.
The correct answer is: Self-myofascial techniques are not recommended for
clients receiving chemotherapy or radiation treatments.

From the list of assessments provided, which should be conducted first to

preserve its validity?
Select one:
a. Body composition
b. Flexibility
c. Muscular fitness
d. Cardiorespiratory fitness

The correct answer is: Body composition

Into which category would a resting blood pressure score of 128/86 mm Hg

Select one:
a. Normal
b. Stage 1 hypertension
c. Elevated
d. Stage 2 hypertension

The correct answer is: Elevated

Flexibility is defined as the following:

Select one:
a. Normal extensibility of all soft tissues that allows for complete range of
b. A muscle’s capability to be elongated or stretched
c. Optimal flexibility, joint range of motion, and the ability to move freely
d. The degree to which specific joints or body segments can move, often
measured in degrees

The correct answer is: Normal extensibility of all soft tissues that allows for
complete range of motion

Which phase of training would be the best option for someone who is looking
to improve their physique in a way similar to that of a bodybuilder?
Select one:
a. Muscular Development Training
b. Maximal Strength Training
c. Power Training
d. Stabilization Endurance Training

The correct answer is: Muscular Development Training

The social standing of a person or group that includes education, income, and
occupation describes which term?
Select one:
a. Socioeconomic status
b. Social influence
c. Net worth
d. Income status

The correct answer is: Socioeconomic status

Which hip muscle helps maintain a level pelvis in the frontal plane?
Select one:
a. Hip flexor
b. Erector spinae
c. Gluteus maximus
d. Gluteus medius

The correct answer is: Gluteus medius

How could the personal trainer make the “single-leg throw and catch” balance
exercise more difficult for the client?
Select one:
a. Decreasing the velocity of each throw
b. Increasing the velocity of each throw
c. Throwing the ball at the same height each time
d. Decreasing the distance between the client and the personal trainer

The correct answer is: Increasing the velocity of each throw

Which muscle would be considered overactive, leading to shoulder elevation

during the pushing assessment?
Select one:
a. Lower trapezius
b. Infraspinatus
c. Latissimus dorsi
d. Upper trapezius

The correct answer is: Upper trapezius

Why is third-party verification important?

Select one:
a. It is required for a supplement to be put on the market.
b. It sets regulations regarding illegal ingredients.
c. It shows which supplements to trust.
d. It provides unbiased testing for a product.

The correct answer is: It provides unbiased testing for a product.

What are the two categories of bone markings?

Select one:
a. Irregular and flat
b. Surface and deep
c. Short and long
d. Depressions and processes

The correct answer is: Depressions and processes

Why are proper frontside mechanics in sprinting important?

Select one:
a. Frontside mechanics align the lead leg to optimally apply force into the
ground to help propel the body forward.
b. Triple extension involved in frontside mechanics is essential to keep the
pelvis in a neutral position and facilitate force production.
c. Frontside mechanics align the rear leg to optimally apply force into the
ground to help propel the body forward.
d. Frontside mechanics are associated with a stronger push phase, including
hip-knee extension, gluteal contraction, and backside arm drive.

The correct answer is: Frontside mechanics align the lead leg to optimally apply
force into the ground to help propel the body forward.
What is sarcopenia?
Select one:
a. Chronic inflammation of the joints
b. Lower than normal bone mineral density
c. Age-related loss in bone mineral density
d. Age-related loss of muscle tissue

The correct answer is: Age-related loss of muscle tissue

Which balance task would require significant use of the vestibular system?
Select one:
a. Naming the months of the year while standing on one limb
b. Standing on two limbs with eyes open
c. Squatting on one limb with eyes closed
d. Standing on two limbs catching a ball

The correct answer is: Squatting on one limb with eyes closed

Which of the following is a component of agility training?

Select one:
a. Reaction
b. Deceleration
c. Assessment of visual stimuli
d. Stride rate

The correct answer is: Deceleration

Which disease is caused by specific medical conditions or medications,

including alcohol abuse, smoking, specific diseases, or particular medications,
that disrupt normal bone reformation?
Select one:
a. Type 1 diabetes
b. Type 1 (primary) osteoporosis
c. Type 2 diabetes
d. Type 2 (secondary) osteoporosis

The correct answer is: Type 2 (secondary) osteoporosis

What is a normal physiologic process of aging that results in arteries that are
less elastic and pliable?
Select one:
a. Hypoglycemia
b. Atherosclerosis
c. Hyperglycemia
d. Arteriosclerosis

The correct answer is: Arteriosclerosis

Which of the following types of balance occurs when an individual seeks to
maintain the center of mass over an ever-changing limit of stability?
Select one:
a. Dynamic balance
b. Semi-dynamic balance
c. High-level balance
d. Static balance

The correct answer is: Dynamic balance

If a client is having trouble maintaining form during a tuck jump exercise, what
type of regression should be applied?
Select one:
a. Switch to single-leg power step-ups
b. Increasing speed
c. Adding a stabilization pause between reps
d. Being more explosive

The correct answer is: Adding a stabilization pause between reps

Which of the following does plyometric training help increase?

Select one:
a. Overall base strength
b. Core stability
c. Motor unit recruitment
d. Balance

The correct answer is: Motor unit recruitment

What are three postural distortion patterns to look for in static postural
Select one:
a. Low-back arches, shoulders elevate, and head juts forward
b. Pes planus distortion syndrome, knees cave inward, and arms fall forward
c. Knee dominance, upper crossed syndrome, and lower crossed syndrome
d. Pes planus distortion syndrome, lower crossed syndrome, and upper crossed
The correct answer is: Pes planus distortion syndrome, lower crossed
syndrome, and upper crossed syndrome

What blood pressure is reflective of stage 1 hypertension?

Select one:
a. A reading of 130 to 139 mm Hg systolic or 80 to 89 mm Hg diastolic
b. A systolic reading of 140 mm Hg or higher or a diastolic of 90 mm Hg or
c. A reading of 120 to 129 mm Hg systolic and less than 80 mm Hg diastolic
d. A systolic reading greater than 180 mm Hg and/or a diastolic reading greater
than 120 mm Hg

The correct answer is: A reading of 130 to 139 mm Hg systolic or 80 to 89 mm

Hg diastolic

When observing sprint mechanics, which joint action should you see occurring
in the rear leg if proper form is used?
Select one:
a. Ankle dorsiflexion
b. Ankle plantar flexion
c. Knee flexion
d. Hip abduction

The correct answer is: Ankle plantar flexion

Resistance band exercises are best utilized in which phases of the OPT model?
Select one:
a. Phase 2 and 5
b. Phases 3 and 4
c. Phase 2 and 3
d. Phase 1 and Phase 4

The correct answer is: Phase 2 and 5

What interventions are suggested for an individual with a resting blood

pressure of 134/86 mm Hg?
Select one:
a. None are needed, as this value is considered normal (i.e., maintenance is
b. Medical monitoring coupled with medications to lower blood pressure
c. Some lifestyle changes coupled with some medical monitoring
d. Lifestyle changes alone

The correct answer is: Some lifestyle changes coupled with some medical

Which of the following nutrition professionals is nationally recognized by the

Commission on Dietetic Registration to provide clinical, community, food
service, and nutrition education?
Select one:
a. Licensed dietitian
b. Certified dietitian nutritionist
c. Certified nutrition specialist
d. Registered dietitian nutritionist

The correct answer is: Registered dietitian nutritionist

What type of muscle contraction occurs between landing and jumping during
plyometric training?
Select one:
a. Isometric
b. Isokinetic
c. Concentric
d. Eccentric

The correct answer is: Isometric

Which of the following statements describes the abdominal skinfold location?

Select one:
a. A vertical skinfold taken on the mid-axillary line at the level of the xiphoid
process (which is typically just below the nipple line)
b. A vertical skinfold taken 1 inch lateral to the umbilicus (belly button)
c. A diagonal fold taken immediately superior to and in line with the natural
angle of the iliac crest (top portion of the hip bone), aligned with the anterior
axillary line
d. A horizontal skinfold taken 1 inch lateral to the umbilicus (belly button)
The correct answer is: A vertical skinfold taken 1 inch lateral to the umbilicus
(belly button)

What is end-diastolic volume?

Select one:
a. The amount of blood remaining in the ventricle after contraction
b. The amount of blood in the ventricle before contraction
c. The amount of blood pumped out of the heart with each contraction
d. The volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute

The correct answer is: The amount of blood in the ventricle before contraction

What are common physical characteristics of those with emphysema?

Select one:
a. Those with emphysema frequently display high oxygen content in the blood.
b. Those with emphysema are frequently overweight and may exhibit
atrophied neck muscles.
c. Those with emphysema frequently display knee valgus and pes planus.
d. Those with emphysema are frequently underweight and may exhibit
hypertrophied neck muscles.

The correct answer is: Those with emphysema are frequently underweight and
may exhibit hypertrophied neck muscles.

Approximately what percentage of the human body (in male and female adults)
is comprised of water?
Select one:
a. 0.5
b. 0.8
c. 0.6
d. 0.4

The correct answer is: 0.6

What is the scientific term that describes the nervous system’s role in the
contract/relax relationship between agonists and antagonists?
Select one:
a. Stretch-shortening cycle
b. Length-tension relationship
c. Muscle imbalance
d. Reciprocal inhibition

The correct answer is: Reciprocal inhibition

What plyometric exercise variable is defined as the distance covered and

amount of effort applied by the muscles?
Select one:
a. Frequency
b. Intensity
c. Volume
d. Recovery

The correct answer is: Intensity

What are the three movements performed during the ball combo II exercise?
Select one:
a. Row, shoulder external rotation, and shoulder press
b. Hip extension, knee extension, and plantar flexion
c. Scaption, shoulder abduction, and cobra
d. Shoulder horizontal adduction and internal rotation

The correct answer is: Row, shoulder external rotation, and shoulder press

What muscles work with the obliques will assist a client in completing a
standing cable rotation movement?
Select one:
a. Erector spinae
b. Gluteus medius
c. Rectus abdominis
d. Latissimus dorsi

The correct answer is: Erector spinae

Which of the following tests is used to measure lateral speed and agility?
Select one:
a. Vertical jump
b. Lower extremity functional test (LEFT)
c. 40-yard dash
d. Pro shuttle

The correct answer is: Lower extremity functional test (LEFT)

What is a characteristic of a type I muscle fiber?

Select one:
a. Larger in size
b. Fewer capillaries
c. Less force production
d. Quick to fatigue

The correct answer is: Less force production

Which of the following is characterized as a global muscle of the core on the

posterior aspect of the body?
Select one:
a. Multifidus
b. Quadratus lumborum
c. Erector spinae
d. Diaphragm

The correct answer is: Erector spinae

Which of the following is considered a superficial muscle of the core?

Select one:
a. Transverse abdominis
b. Pelvic floor muscles
c. Erector spinae
d. Multifidus

The correct answer is: Erector spinae

Which essential component of an OPT workout is beneficial for developing

stability, muscular endurance, hypertrophy, strength, power, and athleticism?
Select one:
a. Activation
b. Warm-up
c. Skill development
d. Resistance training

The correct answer is: Resistance training

Which disease is caused by a degeneration of cartilage within joints?

Select one:
a. Osteoporosis
b. Rheumatoid arthritis
c. Osteoarthritis
d. Osteopenia

The correct answer is: Osteoarthritis

You are training a youth client. What is the best choice for number of SAQ drills
per workout for this athlete?
Select one:
a. 2 or 3 drills per workout
b. 4 to 8 drills per workout
c. 1 or 2 drills per workout
d. 9 or 10 drills per workout

The correct answer is: 4 to 8 drills per workout

If your client is working in Phase 1 of the OPT model, what type of flexibility
training should they utilize?
Select one:
a. SMR/static stretching
b. SMR/active stretching
c. Dynamic/active stretching
d. SMR/dynamic stretching

The correct answer is: SMR/static stretching

A client is performing the multiplanar step-up, balance, curl to overhead press

exercise. During the movement, their low-back arches. Which muscles are
potentially overactive and underactive?
Select one:
a. Overactive upper trapezius and underactive lower trapezius
b. Overactive core stabilizers and underactive hip flexors
c. Overactive latissimus dorsi and underactive abdominals
d. Overactive hip adductors and underactive gluteus medius

The correct answer is: Overactive latissimus dorsi and underactive abdominals

What three joint actions comprise triple extension?

Select one:
a. Spinal extension, hip extension, and plantar flexion
b. Knee extension, shoulder extension, and elbow extension
c. Dorsiflexion, knee flexion, and hip flexion
d. Plantar flexion, knee extension, and hip extension

The correct answer is: Plantar flexion, knee extension, and hip extension

What step cadence is used during the YMCA 3-minute step test?
Select one:
a. A cadence of 60 steps per minute
b. A cadence of 96 steps per minute
c. A cadence of 36 steps per minute
d. A cadence of 112 steps per minute

The correct answer is: A cadence of 96 steps per minute

Flexibility is defined as the following:

Select one:
a. The degree to which specific joints or body segments can move, often
measured in degrees
b. Normal extensibility of all soft tissues that allows for complete range of
c. Optimal flexibility, joint range of motion, and the ability to move freely
d. A muscle’s capability to be elongated or stretched

The correct answer is: Normal extensibility of all soft tissues that allows for
complete range of motion

Which of the following statements pertaining to high-intensity interval training

(HIIT) is incorrect?
Select one:
a. Measuring intensity by one's “effort” (a subjective measure) is an accurate
measure of intensity.
b. It can produce results in a compressed period of time with a smaller volume
of work.
c. Intervals are performed at higher intensities and use longer recovery periods.
d. Measuring intensity by performance (objective measure) is an accurate
measure of intensity.

The correct answer is: Measuring intensity by one's “effort” (a subjective

measure) is an accurate measure of intensity.

Other than age, training history, and injury history, what screening tool is most
beneficial in assessing whether a client is ready for plyometric training?
Select one:
a. PAR-Q+
b. Body composition assessments
c. Strength assessments
d. Movement assessments

Which scheme would be the most ideal to achieve stabilization and muscular
endurance adaptations?
Select one:
a. 3 sets, 10 repetitions, 77% 1RM
b. 2 sets, 20 repetitions, 50% 1RM
c. 4 sets, 8 repetitions, 30% 1RM
d. 5 sets, 5 repetitions, 85% 1RM

The correct answer is: 2 sets, 20 repetitions, 50% 1RM

Which of the following statements defines the chest skinfold location for men?
Select one:
a. A vertical fold taken on the mid-axillary line at the level of the xiphoid
process (which is typically just below the nipple line)
b. A diagonal fold taken immediately superior to and in line with the natural
angle of the iliac crest (top portion of the hip bone), aligned with the anterior
axillary line
c. A diagonal fold taken half the distance between the anterior axillary line and
the nipple
d. A diagonal fold, 1 to 2 centimeters below the inferior angle of the scapula

The correct answer is: A diagonal fold taken half the distance between the
anterior axillary line and the nipple

Which type of muscle fiber is predominantly used during movements that

require high levels of force and power, such as a sprint?
Select one:
a. Type III
b. Type Ia
c. Type II
d. Type I

The correct answer is: Type II

What is end-systolic volume?

Select one:
a. The amount of blood in the ventricle before contraction
b. The volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute
c. The amount of blood pumped out of the heart with each contraction
d. The amount of blood remaining in the ventricle after contraction

The correct answer is: The amount of blood remaining in the ventricle after

What is a regression for the box jump-up with stabilization?

Select one:
a. Multiplanar jump with stabilization
b. Depth jumps
c. Squat jump with stabilization
d. Box jump-down with stabilization

The correct answer is: Squat jump with stabilization

Which of the following muscles is primarily targeted when performing a biceps

curl exercise with the thumb up?
Select one:
a. Biceps brachii
b. Brachioradialis
c. Brachialis
d. Triceps brachii

The correct answer is: Brachioradialis

Proper extensibility of which of these global core muscles is important prior to

performing the medicine ball pullover throw?
Select one:
a. Multifidus
b. Quadriceps
c. Latissimus dorsi
d. Diaphragm

The correct answer is: Latissimus dorsi

Which of the following statements would be accurate with regard to muscle

force and velocity during an eccentric muscle action?
Select one:
a. As the contraction velocity decreases, the ability to develop force increases.
b. As the contraction velocity increases, the ability to develop force decreases.
c. As the contraction velocity decreases, the force remains constant.
d. As the contraction velocity increases, the ability to develop force also

The correct answer is: As the contraction velocity increases, the ability to
develop force also increases.
undulating periodization =

uses changes in volume intensity in exercise selection to provide learning

differences on a weekly basis

linear periodization =

traditional method of program design when intensity gradually increases while

volume decreases

macrocycle =

annual training program (long term goal) example- sports program

microcycle =

weekly workout program

Which of the following is a characteristic of undulating periodization?

Changing a cute variables on a weekly basis

Which of the following is considered an underwater foundation adoption per

the iceberg affect?


What can phase 1 of the OPT model best be described as?

Mastering basic movement patterns

training power for two days before moving onto two days of strength training
will be in example of what kind of periodization ?

undulating periodization

what phase of OPT model does adaption

“ muscular strength in hyper trophy fall into?

muscular development

which component of a monthly training plan should always be performed

before moving onto the next months meso cycle

Which of the following core exercise best suit stabilization training

floor bridge

What type of periodization used to change the volume and intensity on a

weekly basis?


during which phase of OPT should the exerciser be most concerned with
increasing speed repetition tempo of exercises?

phase 5 power

what is defined as the level of commitment to a behavior or plan of action

Which of the following tests is used to measure lower-extremity power?
Select one:
a. 40-yard dash
b. Lower extremity functional test (LEFT)
c. Pro shuttle
d. Vertical jump

The correct answer is: Vertical jump

Which muscle would be considered overactive, leading to the excessive

forward trunk lean during the overhead squat assessment?
Select one:
a. Gluteus medius
b. Gluteus maximus
c. Hamstrings complex
d. Hip flexors

The correct answer is: Hip flexors

Competitive athletes who performed balance training exercises reduced the

risk of which injury by 46%?
Select one:
a. Medial collateral ligament injuries
b. Concussions
c. Ankle sprains
d. Anterior cruciate ligament injuries

The correct answer is: Ankle sprains

Which of the following exercises is typically used to measure maximum

strength of the upper extremities during a pushing movement?
Select one:
a. Pulling assessment
b. Bench press strength assessment
c. Pushing assessment
d. Overhead press assessment

The correct answer is: Bench press strength assessment

Loaded movement training is best achieved with which training modality?
Select one:
a. Strength machines
b. ViPR
c. Dumbbells
d. Suspended bodyweight training

The correct answer is: ViPR

What are the recommended training variables for active stretching?

Select one:
a. 15 sets, hold each stretch for 3 to 6 seconds, and repeat for 2 to 5 repetitions
b. 3 to 9 sets, hold each stretch for 4 to 15 seconds, and repeat for 5 to 20
c. 1 to 3 sets, hold each stretch for 1 to 2 seconds, and repeat for 5 to 10
d. 4 to 6 sets, hold each stretch for 1 to 2 seconds, and repeat for 3 repetitions

The correct answer is: 1 to 3 sets, hold each stretch for 1 to 2 seconds, and
repeat for 5 to 10 repetitions

In a group exercise setting within a fitness facility, which person should greet all
members, make everyone feel welcome, and ensure that participants have the
right equipment and attire to participate safely?
Select one:
a. Exercise leader
b. Certified Personal Trainer
c. General manager
d. Fitness manager

The correct answer is: Exercise leader

Shorter reaction times during amortization may help reduce which of the
Select one:
a. Functional movement
b. Tissue overload
c. Force production
d. Motor unit recruitment

The correct answer is: Tissue overload

The upper trapezius works with what muscle as a force couple to create
upward rotation of the scapula?
Select one:
a. Rotator cuff muscles
b. Rhomboids
c. Deltoid
d. Serratus anterior

The correct answer is: Serratus anterior

With SAQ training, what is the recommended number of sets of each drill for
young athletes to perform?
Select one:
a. 1 to 4 sets
b. 5 or 6 sets
c. 7 to 9 sets
d. 0 sets

The correct answer is: 1 to 4 sets

What is a characteristic of a type I muscle fiber?

Select one:
a. Quick to fatigue
b. Less force production
c. Fewer capillaries
d. Larger in size

The correct answer is: Less force production

Which of the following is the most highly progressed plyometric exercise?

Select one:
a. Transverse plane box jump-down
b. Sagittal plane box jump-up
c. Frontal plane box jump-up
d. Sagittal plane box jump-down

The correct answer is: Transverse plane box jump-down

Why are plyometrics best performed on grass playing fields, basketball courts,
or tartan tracks?
Select one:
a. The surfaces are unstable and proprioceptively enriched.
b. The surfaces are more stable, which helps reduce injury risk.
c. They protect the exerciser from real-world movement.
d. Only athletes need plyometric training.

The correct answer is: The surfaces are more stable, which helps reduce injury

Which is a primary adaptation of the Strength Endurance training phase?

Select one:
a. Postural alignment
b. Mobility and flexibility
c. Maximal muscular strength
d. Muscular endurance

The correct answer is: Muscular endurance

Which of the following reflects the characteristics of moderate-intensity

Select one:
a. Inability to talk comfortably during exercise with some breathlessness in the
average untrained individual
b. Ability to talk easily during exercise without any indication of breathlessness
in the average untrained individual
c. The inability to talk at all during exercise with breathlessness in the average
untrained individual
d. Ability to talk comfortably during exercise without breathlessness in the
average untrained individual

The correct answer is: Ability to talk comfortably during exercise without
breathlessness in the average untrained individual
The water-soluble vitamins include which vitamins?
Select one:
a. Vitamin C and the B complex vitamins
b. Vitamin C, D, and K
c. Vitamin C, B complex, and D
d. Vitamin C, B complex, and K

The correct answer is: Vitamin C and the B complex vitamins

Which of the following effects may be experienced with overtraining?

Select one:
a. High levels of cortisol, which lead to a catabolic environment
b. Elevated levels of cortisol, which lead to an anabolic environment
c. Lower levels of cortisol, which lead to an anabolic environment
d. Low levels of cortisol, which lead to an environment that is catabolic

The correct answer is: High levels of cortisol, which lead to a catabolic

How is ventilatory threshold 1 (VT1) best defined?

Select one:
a. An aerobic test that measures the participant’s ability to talk or hold a
conversation during an activity at various intensity levels
b. An exercise training method defined by intervals of near-maximal intensity,
broken up by relatively short rest periods
c. The point at which the body uses an equal mix of carbohydrate and fat as
fuel sources
d. The point during graded exercise in which ventilation increases
disproportionately to oxygen uptake

The correct answer is: The point at which the body uses an equal mix of
carbohydrate and fat as fuel sources

With SAQ training, what is the recommended number of sets of each drill for
young athletes to perform?
Select one:
a. 5 or 6 sets
b. 0 sets
c. 7 to 9 sets
d. 1 to 4 sets

The correct answer is: 1 to 4 sets

What phase of the OPT model aims to increase maximal strength and rate of
force production?
Select one:
a. Stabilization Endurance Training
b. Strength Endurance Training
c. Power Training
d. Muscular Development Training

The correct answer is: Power Training

What term would be used to describe the starting point of an individual’s

fitness level directly after an assessment has been conducted?
Select one:
a. Action phase
b. Transformation phase
c. Set point
d. Baseline value

The correct answer is: Baseline value

A Certified Personal Trainer has been listening to a client's goals. After the
client is done speaking, the trainer restates the goals back to the client. What
best describes the approach the trainer is using?
Select one:
a. Motivational interviewing
b. Active listening
c. Nonverbal communication
d. Reflective listening

The correct answer is: Reflective listening

Which exercise primarily targets the transverse abdominis?

Select one:
a. Medicine ball throw
b. Bracing
c. Drawing-in maneuver
d. Back squat

The correct answer is: Drawing-in maneuver

Which of the following is an example of an exercise that targets development

of the rate of force production (power) of the core?
Select one:
a. Cable chop
b. Medicine ball woodchop throw
c. Bird dog
d. Reverse crunch

The correct answer is: Medicine ball woodchop throw

A client is performing a push-up exercise with a 4-3-2-1 repetition tempo. For

how many seconds is the concentric muscle contraction performed?
Select one:
a. 1 second
b. 3 seconds
c. 4 seconds
d. 2 seconds

The correct answer is: 2 seconds

Individuals with low-back pain have decreased activation of which local muscle
of the core?
Select one:
a. Pectoralis major
b. Multifidus
c. Iliopsoas
d. Latissimus dorsi

The correct answer is: Multifidus

What type of vessel is responsible for carrying blood back to the heart?
Select one:
a. Capillaries
b. Veins
c. Arterioles
d. Arteries

The correct answer is: Veins

What is glycogen?
Select one:
a. The storage form of carbohydrate in animals and humans
b. The storage form of carbohydrate in plants
c. The enzyme that promotes carbohydrate storage in humans and animals
d. The enzyme that promotes carbohydrate breakdown in humans

The correct answer is: The storage form of carbohydrate in animals and

Which of the following are the correct five kinetic chain checkpoints when
utilizing kettlebells?
Select one:
a. Ankles, knees, wrists, shoulders, head
b. Feet, ankles, hips, shoulders, neck
c. Feet, knees, hips, elbows, shoulders
d. Feet, knees, hips, shoulders, head

The correct answer is: Feet, knees, hips, shoulders, head

Which of the following statements is true about proprietary blends?

Select one:
a. Proprietary blends are featured on all supplements.
b. Proprietary blends never contain efficacious doses of ingredients.
c. Proprietary blends should typically be avoided, as the precise amount of each
ingredient is not disclosed.
d. Proprietary blends are used by companies so they can add illegal ingredients.

The correct answer is: Proprietary blends should typically be avoided, as the
precise amount of each ingredient is not disclosed

What phase of the OPT model does the adaptation “muscular strength and
hypertrophy” fall into?
Select one:
a. Stabilization
b. Muscular Development
c. Power
d. Strength Endurance

The correct answer is: Muscular Development

What type of vessel is responsible for carrying blood back to the heart?
Select one:
a. Capillaries
b. Veins
c. Arterioles
d. Arteries

The correct answer is: Veins

How is VT1 identified when using the talk test during a cardio workout?
Select one:
a. Only a few words can be produced between breaths
b. Normal conversation is maintained.
c. Inability to speak at all
d. Continuous talking becomes challenging

The correct answer is: Continuous talking becomes challenging

The anterior oblique subsystem includes which of the following muscle groups?
Select one:
a. Adductors (inner thigh) and contralateral quadratus lumborum
b. Hamstrings and erector spinae
c. Thoracolumbar fascia and contralateral gluteus maximus
d. Adductor (inner) thigh muscles, obliques, and hip external rotators

The correct answer is: Adductor (inner) thigh muscles, obliques, and hip
external rotators

What is it called when an individual performs the same task repeatedly over
time, which can lead to movement dysfunction?
Select one:
a. Autogenic inhibition
b. Stretch reflex
c. Pattern overload
d. Reciprocal inhibition

The correct answer is: Pattern overload

Which muscles are typically overactive in association with lower crossed

Select one:
a. Upper trapezius
b. Hip flexors and lumbar extensors
c. Abdominals
d. Adductor complex

The correct answer is: Hip flexors and lumbar extensors

How far down should a client squat during the barbell squat exercise?
Select one:
a. Knees at 90 degrees of flexion
b. Thighs parallel to the ground
c. Knees at 80 degrees of flexion
d. As far as can be controlled without compensating

The correct answer is: As far as can be controlled without compensating

Why is the arching quadriceps stretch considered a controversial lower-body

Select one:
This stretch is too advanced for the average person.
b. The stretch is too complicated for the older client.
c. The stretch provides excessive stress to the quadriceps muscles.
d. The stretch provides excessive stress on the kneecap and other tissues in the
front knee.

The correct answer is: The stretch provides excessive stress on the kneecap and
other tissues in the front knee.
Which of the following types of balance occurs when an individual seeks to
maintain the center of mass over an ever-changing limit of stability?
Select one:
a. Static balance
b. High-level balance
c. Dynamic balance
d. Semi-dynamic balance

The correct answer is: Dynamic balance

The role of psychology in fitness and wellness is strongly rooted in which area?
Select one:
a. Depression
b. Eating disorders
c. Social physique anxiety
d. Behavioral change

The correct answer is: Behavioral change

What is the Valsalva maneuver?

Select one:
a. The process of increasing the intensity or volume of exercise programs using
a systematic and gradual approach
b. The body’s ability to naturally sense its general orientation and relative
position of its parts
c. The process by which the human body strives to maintain a relatively stable
d. A process that involves expiring against a closed windpipe, creating
additional intra-abdominal pressure and spinal stability

The correct answer is: A process that involves expiring against a closed
windpipe, creating additional intra-abdominal pressure and spinal stability

Question text
What are the two physiological responses that can occur from myofascial
Select one:
a. Pain response and muscle spasm
b. Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and increased strength
c. Davis's law and Wolf's law
d. Mechanical and neurophysiological response

The correct answer is: Mechanical and neurophysiological response

Posture of the spine is primarily controlled by which muscles of the core?

Select one:
a. Local and global muscles
b. Back muscles only
c. Local muscles
d. Global muscles

The correct answer is: Local muscles

Which of the following force couples is accurately linked to the movement

created by their combined action?
Select one:
a. Deltoid and rotator cuff functioning to create shoulder adduction
b. The gastrocnemius and soleus functioning to create ankle dorsiflexion
c. Upper trapezius and serratus anterior functioning to create downward
rotation of the scapula
d. Internal and external obliques functioning to create trunk rotation

The correct answer is: Internal and external obliques functioning to create
trunk rotation

How does taking "high" doses of vitamin C impact health?

Select one:
a. More is not always better. In some cases, increasing the dosage does not
come with many adverse effects, but it also does not increase health benefits.
An increased dose of Vitamin C over 1 g reduces absorption.
b. High doses can be dangerous.
c. It improves the immune system.
d. High doses can improve heart health.
The correct answer is: More is not always better. In some cases, increasing the
dosage does not come with many adverse effects, but it also does not increase
health benefits. An increased dose of Vitamin C over 1 g reduces absorption.

During short, high-intensity exercise, what is the primary fuel source for the
Select one:
a. Amino acids
b. Carbohydrates
c. Lipids
d. Proteins

The correct answer is: Carbohydrates

Which of the following statements describes the abdominal skinfold location?

Select one:
a. A horizontal skinfold taken 1 inch lateral to the umbilicus (belly button)
b. A vertical skinfold taken 1 inch lateral to the umbilicus (belly button)
c. A vertical skinfold taken on the mid-axillary line at the level of the xiphoid
process (which is typically just below the nipple line)
d. A diagonal fold taken immediately superior to and in line with the natural
angle of the iliac crest (top portion of the hip bone), aligned with the anterior
axillary line

The correct answer is: A vertical skinfold taken 1 inch lateral to the umbilicus
(belly button)

What are the fat-soluble vitamins?

Select one:
a. A, D, E, and K
b. C, D, and K
c. A, B12, C, and D
d. B12, B6, and C

The correct answer is: A, D, E, and K

Which of the following is an example of an exercise modality to enrich the

proprioceptive nature of an exercise?
Select one:
a. Tubing
b. Medicine ball
c. Wobble board
d. Cables

The correct answer is: Wobble board

Which three senses are involved in the balance system?

Select one:
a. Visual, vestibular, and auditory systems
b. Visual, vestibular, and somatosensory systems
c. Vestibular, somatosensory, and auditory systems
d. Visual, vestibular, and hearing systems

The correct answer is: Visual, vestibular, and somatosensory systems

Which of the following is an optional component of an OPT workout and is

based on client goals and fitness levels?
Select one:
a. Cool-down
b. Skill development
c. Resistance
d. Warm-up

The correct answer is: Skill development

Which muscle would be considered underactive, leading to the low back

arching during the overhead squat assessment?
Select one:
a. Gluteus maximus
b. Lumbar extensors
c. Latissimus dorsi
d. Hip flexor complex

The correct answer is: Gluteus maximus

Extension of the shoulder is common in many pulling movements. Which of the

following muscles is involved?
Select one:
a. Gluteus maximus
b. Latissimus dorsi
c. Anterior deltoid
d. Pectoralis major

The correct answer is: Latissimus dorsi

At her first visit to her new fitness trainer, Alisha's BMI was 26. According to
this information, how would Alisha be classified?
Select one:
a. Overweight
b. Underweight
c. Obese
d. Healthy weight

The correct answer is: Overweight

Which muscles may be overactive with knee valgus during the overhead squat?
Select one:
a. Gluteus maximus and medius
b. Tensor fascia latae and adductor complex
c. Hip flexors
d. Upper trapezius

The correct answer is: Tensor fascia latae and adductor complex

Which of the following factors is not present when a client is making a

transition to the Power Phase of the OPT model?
Select one:
a. Adequate joint stability
b. Power exercise familiarity
c. Adequate core stability
d. Deconditioning

The correct answer is: Deconditioning

Which balance training exercise is part of the second stage of balance training
that uses dynamic, eccentric, and concentric movement of the balance leg
through a full range of motion?
Select one:
a. Single-leg balance
b. Multiplanar hop with stabilization
c. Single-leg lift and chop
d. Single-leg squat

The correct answer is: Single-leg squat

When glucose is broken down via glycolysis, what molecule is created that
could also be oxidized under aerobic conditions?
Select one:
a. Pyruvate
b. Fatty acids
c. Amino acids
d. Glycogen

The correct answer is: Pyruvate

Iodine has a major role in which bodily process?

Select one:
a. Liver function
b. Thyroid function
c. Heart function
d. Kidney function

The correct answer is: Thyroid function

Which of the following is proper technique during a squat movement?

Select one:
a. Tracking the knees over the second and third toes
b. Maintaining equal extension of the ankles and hips
c. Allowing the gaze to move freely
d. Keeping the feet facing inward

The correct answer is: Tracking the knees over the second and third toes

Low-intensity activity burns a higher proportion of fat as fuel, but if someone

wanted to burn the most total calories from any substrate, which of the
following activities would be most effective?
Select one:
a. 5 minutes of high-intensity activity
b. 20 minutes of low-intensity activity
c. 20 minutes of moderate-intensity activity
d. 20 minutes of walking

The correct answer is: 20 minutes of moderate-intensity activity

Which of these is considered the most advanced plyometric exercise?

Select one:
a. Ice skaters
b. Depth jumps
c. Single-leg hops
d. Box jumps

The correct answer is: Depth jumps

What best defines a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q+)?

Select one:
a. A screening where the results indicate a need for medical clearance, when
one is not, in fact, needed
b. A screening tool used to evaluate the benefits and the risks associated with
starting any type of exercise that is strenuous in nature
c. A detailed questionnaire designed to assess an individual’s physical readiness
to engage in structured exercise
d. A questionnaire with lists of questions that pertain to health history and
habits, such as exercise history, eating behaviors, and general lifestyle

The correct answer is: A detailed questionnaire designed to assess an

individual’s physical readiness to engage in structured exercise

In which population is type 1 osteoporosis most prevalent?

Select one:
a. Adolescent girls
b. Women under the age of 50
c. Men under the age of 50
d. Postmenopausal women

The correct answer is: Postmenopausal women

Which of the following muscle groups work eccentrically in the sagittal plane
during the lowering phase of the squat?
Select one:
a. Quadriceps
b. Biceps brachii
c. Gluteus medius
d. Adductor longus

The correct answer is: Quadriceps

Which part of a food label would help a client review the ingredients in a food
Select one:
a. The ingredients list
b. The nutrition label
c. The percent daily values
d. The nutrition facts panel

The correct answer is: The ingredients list

Which food would be classified as a high biological value protein source?

Select one:
a. Lentils
b. Beans
c. Whole eggs
d. Peas

The correct answer is: Whole eggs

Which term best describes motion at the joint surface?

Select one:
a. Arthrokinematics
b. Osteokinematics
c. Biomechanics
d. Kinesiology

The correct answer is: Arthrokinematics

What is the recommended number of SAQ sessions per week for weight-loss
Select one:
a. 5 to 7 sessions per week
b. 1 or 2 sessions per week
c. 0 sessions per week
d. 3 or 4 sessions per week

The correct answer is: 1 or 2 sessions per week

Which of the following two modalities are the most alike?

Select one:
a. Dumbbell and medicine ball
b. TRX suspension and ViPR
c. ViPR and sandbag
d. TRX Rip Trainer and ViPR

The correct answer is: ViPR and sandbag

What location on the body does NASM recommend for measuring the resting
heart rate?
Select one:
a. Femoral pulse
b. Radial pulse
c. Pedal pulse
d. Carotid pulse

The correct answer is: Radial pulse

How many pages are most appropriate for a resume?

Select one:
a. One to two pages
b. Three to four pages
c. Two to three pages
d. One page only

The correct answer is: One to two pages

Which of the following exercises may increase inaccurate readings while
utilizing a wrist-worn heart rate monitor?
Select one:
a. Suspended bodyweight crunch
b. Stability ball plank
c. Medicine ball catch and pass
d. Barbell squats

The correct answer is: Medicine ball catch and pass

You have a client seeking weight loss. What number of repetitions is most
appropriate for SAQ drills?
Select one:
a. 8 to 10 reps
b. 1 or 2 reps
c. 3 to 5 reps
d. 6 to 8 reps

The correct answer is: 3 to 5 reps

What phase of the OPT model would hypertrophy fall under?

Select one:
a. Phase 2
b. Phase 3
c. Phase 1
d. Phase 5

The correct answer is: Phase 3

How would age and overall health affect testosterone levels among men?
Select one:
a. Age and overall health do not affect testosterone levels.
b. A reduction in testosterone levels occurs with age, and overall health may
affect the degree of change.
c. Testosterone levels are not affected by age, as overall health is the primary
reason for a decline.
d. A reduction in testosterone levels occurs with age, and overall health does
not contribute to the change.
The correct answer is: A reduction in testosterone levels occurs with age, and
overall health may affect the degree of change.

According to the integrated performance paradigm, which of the following is a

requirement for the safe control of movement during plyometrics?
Select one:
a. Strength
b. Speed
c. Power
d. Neuromuscular stabilization

The correct answer is: Neuromuscular stabilization

Which of the following is the most highly progressed plyometric exercise?

Select one:
a. Sagittal plane box jump-down
b. Transverse plane box jump-down
c. Sagittal plane box jump-up
d. Frontal plane box jump-up

The correct answer is: Transverse plane box jump-down

A client is taking prescription beta-blockers for hypertension. Which exercise is

the safest for him to perform?
Select one:
a. Floor bridge
b. Standing cobra
c. Knee-up
d. Reverse crunch

The correct answer is: Standing cobra

When a client's heart rate is raised during cardio activities, this is being caused
by which system?
Select one:
a. Parasympathetic nervous system
b. Central nervous system
c. Somatic nervous system
d. Sympathetic nervous system
The correct answer is: Sympathetic nervous system

What stage of change is a person in if they are not planning on exercising

within the next 6 months?
Select one:
a. Action
b. Precontemplation
c. Contemplation
d. Maintenance

The correct answer is: Precontemplation

The difference between the end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes is referred

to as what?
Select one:
a. Venous return
b. Stroke volume
c. Cardiac output
d. Resting heart rate

The correct answer is: Stroke volume

Which heart chamber receives deoxygenated blood and pumps it to the lungs?
Select one:
a. Left ventricle
b. Right atrium
c. Right ventricle
d. Left atrium

The correct answer is: Right ventricle

What is a proper regression if a client cannot perform the lunge exercise

Select one:
a. Depth jump
b. Barbell clean
c. Step-ups
d. Single-leg squat
The correct answer is: Step-ups

What is best defined as the action of expanding the diameter of a blood vessel
near the surface of the skin, which helps remove heat from the body?
Select one:
a. Thermoregulation
b. Peripheral vasodilation
c. Heart rate
d. Blood pressure

The correct answer is: Peripheral vasodilation

Which muscle would be considered overactive, leading to the low back arching
during the overhead squat assessment?
Select one:
a. Hip flexor complex
b. Gluteus medius
c. Gluteus maximus
d. Hamstrings complex

The correct answer is: Hip flexor complex

What is the primary goal of repeating flexibility training during a cool-down?

Select one:
a. Increase maximal strength
b. Restore optimal length-tension relationships
c. Correct muscle imbalances
d. Improve sports skills

The correct answer is: Restore optimal length-tension relationships

Which of the following best demonstrates an example of exercise?

Select one:
a. Yardwork
b. Weightlifting
c. Shoveling snow
d. Walking a dog

The correct answer is: Weightlifting

What concept allows a person to jump higher during plyometric exercises?
Select one:
a. Eccentric loading
b. Ankle stability
c. Increased amortization
d. Concentric contractions

The correct answer is: Eccentric loading

What is the intended outcome of stage 2 training?

Select one:
a. To increase the capacity of aerobic and anaerobic energy systems for clients
seeking further improvements in exercise capacity
b. To introduce individuals to exercise and improve general health and fitness,
or to provide recovery following higher-intensity exercise sessions
c. To increase the capacity of the anaerobic energy system for high-level
athletes and fitness enthusiasts seeking improvements in anaerobic capacity
and power
d. To increase the workload (e.g., speed, incline) in a way that helps clients
exercise at higher intensities and achieve greater levels of aerobic fitness

The correct answer is: To increase the workload (e.g., speed, incline) in a way
that helps clients exercise at higher intensities and achieve greater levels of
aerobic fitness

Without a perceived discrepancy between a client's current state and making a

change, what is lacking?
Select one:
a. Motivation
b. Self-efficacy
c. Autonomy
d. Positive outcome expectation

The correct answer is: Motivation

It is most important to improve balance in this population to decrease their

fear of falling.
Select one:
a. Those with ankle sprains
b. Young females
c. College athletes
d. Older individuals

The correct answer is: Older individuals

Which of the following is a limiting factor for how long anaerobic glycolysis can
Select one:
a. Free hydrogen ions
b. Lack of pyruvate
c. Depletion of phosphocreatine
d. Lack of fatty acids

The correct answer is: Free hydrogen ions

How are open-ended questions best used during the sales process?
Select one:
a. The questions identify the customer's wants, needs, fears, and desires.
b. The questions are easy for the customer to answer, as they can be answered
with a simple yes or no.
c. The questions help a personal trainer learn if the customer's workout
schedule fits within the personal trainer's availability.
d. The questions help a personal trainer learn about a customer's family
medical history.

The correct answer is: The questions identify the customer's wants, needs,
fears, and desires.

A client asks you to provide her with a meal plan specifying how many calories
and grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fat she should eat for weight loss.
What is the best way to respond to her request to stay within scope of
Select one:
a. Provide her with an online 1,200-calorie meal plan for weight loss.
b. Explain that providing specific nutrient recommendations is outside your
scope of practice, and then refer the client to a registered dietitian or licensed
nutritionist for nutrition counseling.
c. Agree to review her diet and provide her with a meal plan with specific
recommendations for calories and macronutrients.
d. Explain that providing specific nutrient recommendations is outside your
scope of practice, then suggest that she look up weight-loss meal plans on the

The correct answer is: Explain that providing specific nutrient

recommendations is outside your scope of practice, and then refer the client to
a registered dietitian or licensed nutritionist for nutrition counseling.

What tests should be performed last in the overall assessment flow?

Select one:
a. Performance assessments
b. Movement assessments
c. Body composition
d. Biometric data

The correct answer is: Performance assessments

To increase the metabolic demand of SAQ exercises among weight-loss clients,

which of the following adjustments to a workout session could be
Select one:
a. Decreased rest periods
b. Increased complexity of exercises
c. Decreased intensity
d. Fewer exercises

The correct answer is: Decreased rest periods

What does the first law of thermodynamics state?

Select one:
a. Metabolic rate is constant.
b. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
c. Food increases metabolic rate.
d. All energy is converted to heat.

The correct answer is: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed.
How much rest should be given between each repetition of an SAQ exercise for
young athletes?
Select one:
a. 15 to 60 seconds
b. 60 to 90 seconds
c. Less than 15 seconds
d. 90 to 120 seconds

The correct answer is: 15 to 60 seconds

What phase of the OPT model aims to increase growth of muscles to maximal
Select one:
a. Maximal Strength
b. Stabilization Endurance
c. Strength Endurance
d. Muscular Development

The correct answer is: Muscular Development

Approximately what percentage of the human body (in male and female adults)
is comprised of water?
Select one:
a. 0.6
b. 0.8
c. 0.4
d. 0.5

The correct answer is: 0.6

What is the ventilatory threshold 2 (VT2)?

Select one:
a. The point at which the body uses mostly protein as fuel for exercise
b. The point at which it is still possible to talk during exercise
c. The point at which the body switches to using mostly fat as fuel for exercise
d. The point at which the body shifts almost entirely to using carbohydrates for
The correct answer is: The point at which the body shifts almost entirely to
using carbohydrates for fuel

Which of the following examples of training exercises is not a form of

cardiorespiratory fitness?
Select one:
a. Resistance training
b. Sports competition
c. Rowing
d. Jogging/running

The correct answer is: Resistance training

What is a joint disease in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks
its own tissue, causing an inflammatory response?
Select one:
a. Osteoarthritis
b. Osteoporosis
c. Osteopenia
d. Rheumatoid arthritis

The correct answer is: Rheumatoid arthritis

What is the primary adaptation for the Muscular Development phase of the
OPT model?
Select one:
a. Stabilization
b. Hypertrophy
c. Speed
d. Power

The correct answer is: Hypertrophy

How many calories are in 1 pound of body fat?

Select one:
a. About 5,500
b. About 3,500
c. About 1,000
d. About 500
The correct answer is: About 3,500

What are the two primary actions of the muscle spindle?

Select one:
a. Sense the change in muscle length and the speed of length change
b. Sense the amount of eccentric force and the speed of shortening
c. Sense the amount of eccentric force and the joint range of motion
d. Sense the change in muscle contraction and the speed of the nerve impulse

The correct answer is: Sense the change in muscle length and the speed of
length change

The upper trapezius works with what muscle as a force couple to create
upward rotation of the scapula?
Select one:
a. Deltoid
b. Rotator cuff muscles
c. Serratus anterior
d. Rhomboids

The correct answer is: Serratus anterior

Which of the following is a question that may provoke resistance?

Select one:
a. What might you want to change?
b. If you decided to make a change, what might you do?
c. What makes you think you are not at risk?
d. What might work for you?

The correct answer is: What makes you think you are not at risk?

What is the primary action of the multifidus?

Select one:
a. Increase intra-abdominal pressure
b. Support the contents of the pelvis
c. Regulate inspiration
d. Stabilize and extend the spine

The correct answer is: Stabilize and extend the spine

Which of the following processes describes the passage of digested food into
the blood system to be processed for energy, nutrients, and tissue building?
Select one:
a. Motility
b. Absorption
c. Mastication
d. Peristalsis

The correct answer is: Absorption

At the beginning of an exercise session, a client has shared that they are in a
bad mood and would rather skip the session. Which of the following
observations should the fitness professional share with the client?
Select one:
a. Exercise is known to improve mood, even with bouts as short as 10 minutes,
so exercise is a good remedy.
b. Exercise cannot improve mood, so it would be best to reschedule the session
for another day.
c. Exercise is known to exacerbate a bad mood; therefore, stopping the session
is a good idea.
d. Exercise can only affect mood when done for at least 60 minutes, so it would
be best to stay longer than normal.

The correct answer is: Exercise is known to improve mood, even with bouts as
short as 10 minutes, so exercise is a good remedy.

Food in the stomach is processed and then passes into what anatomical
Select one:
a. The ileum of the small intestine
b. Duodenum of the small intestine
c. The ileum of the large intestine
d. Duodenum of the large intestine

The correct answer is: Duodenum of the small intestine

How is nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) best defined?

Select one:
a. The rate at which the body expends energy (calories) when fasted and at
complete rest, such as asleep or lying quietly
b. Energy expenditure through daily activities outside of structured exercise,
such as walking, completing household chores, and taking the stairs
c. The amount of energy required to maintain the body at rest
d. Energy expenditure through structured exercise alone, such as strength
training and cardiorespiratory exercise

The correct answer is: Energy expenditure through daily activities outside of
structured exercise, such as walking, completing household chores, and taking
the stairs

What is the best next progression for a client who can properly perform the
power step-up exercise?
Select one:
a. Depth jumps
b. Ice skaters
c. Proprioceptive plyometrics
d. Squat jump

The correct answer is: Ice skaters

Which of the following tests is used to measure lateral acceleration,

deceleration, agility, and control?
Select one:
a. Lower extremity functional test (LEFT)
b. 40-yard dash
c. Pro shuttle
d. Long (broad) jump

The correct answer is: Pro shuttle

What is the recommended frequency for cardiorespiratory training if

participating in moderate-intensity exercise like brisk walking?
Select one:
a. 6 times a week
b. 3 times a week
c. 5 times a week
d. 4 times a week

The correct answer is: 5 times a week

Which is very important as a prenatal vitamin?

Select one:
a. Niacin
b. Pantothenic acid
c. Folate
d. Vitamin C

The correct answer is: Folate

According to the “iceberg effect,” which of the following training adaptations

are considered “surface level”?
Select one:
a. Stability
b. Endurance
c. Proper movement
d. Mobility

The correct answer is: Endurance

What are nonessential amino acids?

Select one:
a. Amino acids that are not required in the body
b. The by-product of the breakdown of animal proteins
c. Amino acids that must be consumed in dietary protein and cannot be created
by the body
d. Amino acids that can be synthesized by the body if overall nutrition intake is

The correct answer is: Amino acids that can be synthesized by the body if
overall nutrition intake is adequate

What plyometric exercise variable is defined as the distance covered and

amount of effort applied by the muscles?
Select one:
a. Recovery
b. Volume
c. Intensity
d. Frequency

The correct answer is: Intensity

Which of the following best describes the role of micronutrients in the body?
Select one:
a. They are the primary source of energy for all physiologic processes.
b. They regulate various metabolic processes, including energy metabolism.
c. They are the primary energy source during short, high-intensity training.
d. They provide some calories, and they are required for the regulation of
muscle protein synthesis and glucose metabolism.

The correct answer is: They regulate various metabolic processes, including
energy metabolism.

Changing leadership style based on the size of a group would be an example of

which component of leadership?
Select one:
a. Follower's qualities
b. Situational factors
c. Leadership styles
d. Leader's qualities

The correct answer is: Situational factors

What is a key mechanism involved in internal feedback?

Select one:
a. Knowledge of results
b. Knowledge of performance
c. Motivation
d. Proprioception

The correct answer is: Proprioception

Which muscles may be overactive with knee valgus during the single-leg squat?
Select one:
a. Adductor complex
b. Gluteus maximus and medius
c. Upper trapezius
d. Hip flexors

The correct answer is: Adductor complex

If a muscle is stretched too quickly, the muscle responds with an immediate

contraction to stop the stretch. What is this specific action called?
Select one:
a. Lengthening reaction
b. Isometric contraction
c. Eccentric contraction
d. Stretch reflex

The correct answer is: Stretch reflex

A client is performing the multiplanar step-up, balance, curl to overhead press

exercise. During the movement, their low-back arches. Which muscles are
potentially overactive and underactive?
Select one:
a. Overactive hip adductors and underactive gluteus medius
b. Overactive core stabilizers and underactive hip flexors
c. Overactive latissimus dorsi and underactive abdominals
d. Overactive upper trapezius and underactive lower trapezius

The correct answer is: Overactive latissimus dorsi and underactive abdominals

Which essential component of an OPT workout is beneficial for developing

stability, muscular endurance, hypertrophy, strength, power, and athleticism?
Select one:
a. Skill development
b. Activation
c. Warm-up
d. Resistance training

The correct answer is: Resistance training

The deep longitudinal subsystem includes which of the following muscle
Select one:
a. Adductors (inner thigh) and hip external rotators
b. Adductors (inner thigh) and contralateral quadratus lumborum
c. Hamstrings and erector spinae
d. Thoracolumbar fascia and contralateral gluteus maximus

The correct answer is: Hamstrings and erector spinae

Other than age, training history, and injury history, what screening tool is most
beneficial in assessing whether a client is ready for plyometric training?
Select one:
a. PAR-Q+
b. Movement assessments
c. Body composition assessments
d. Strength assessments

The correct answer is: Movement assessments

What phase of the OPT model aims to maximize prime-mover strength through
the lifting of heavy loads?
Select one:
a. Strength Endurance Training
b. Muscular Development Training
c. Stabilization Endurance Training
d. Maximal Strength Training

The correct answer is: Maximal Strength Training

Which surface would be the most challenging for a new client starting a
balance training program?
Select one:
a. Balance beam
b. Foam pad
c. BOSU ball
d. Firm surface

The correct answer is: BOSU ball

What RPE range (on a scale of 1 to 10) aligns with training in zone 2?
Select one:
a. An RPE of 7 to 8
b. An RPE of 9 to 10
c. An RPE of 5 to 6
d. An RPE of 3 to 4

The correct answer is: An RPE of 5 to 6

Individuals in this stage of change may sporadically engage in physical activity

but without any form, structure, or consistency.
Select one:
a. Maintenance
b. Precontemplation
c. Preparation
d. Contemplation

The correct answer is: Preparation

What is excess postexercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)?

Select one:
a. EPOC is the increase in protein breakdown that occurs after exercise.
b. EPOC is the increase in breathing rate that occurs during rest periods
between exercise intervals.
c. EPOC is the faster rate of glycolysis that occurs after exercise.
d. EPOC is the increase in aerobic metabolism above baseline that occurs for a
period after exercise.

The correct answer is: EPOC is the increase in aerobic metabolism above
baseline that occurs for a period after exercise.

Catecholamines are responsible for which of the following actions?

Select one:
a. Increased lipogenesis
b. Increased stroke volume and decreased heart rate
c. Increased heart rate and decreased stroke volume
d. Increased lipolysis

The correct answer is: Increased lipolysis

Circuit training is best described as what?
Select one:
a. Taking two modalities and combining them into one exercise movement,
such as placing the hands on a balance tool while performing a suspended
b. A full-body program that incorporates high-intensity aerobic conditioning,
muscular strength, and endurance training movements
c. Exercises that are performed back-to-back with no rest between each
d. A system of handing straps that allows the user to use their own body weight
to load exercise movements

The correct answer is: A full-body program that incorporates high-intensity

aerobic conditioning, muscular strength, and endurance training movements

In what training zone are you exercising at a challenging to hard intensity,

where continual talking would become challenging?
Select one:
a. Zone 2
b. Zone 4
c. Zone 3
d. Zone 1

The correct answer is: Zone 2

The number of sidewalks available in a community is an example of which of

the following?
Select one:
a. The constructed environment
b. The manufactured environment
c. The assembled environment
d. The built environment

The correct answer is: The built environment

What is defined as the number of foot contacts, throws, or catches occurring

during a plyometric exercise session?
Select one:
a. Recovery
b. Intensity
c. Volume
d. Frequency

The correct answer is: Volume

What concept allows a person to jump higher during plyometric exercises?

Select one:
a. Concentric contractions
b. Increased amortization
c. Eccentric loading
d. Ankle stability

The correct answer is: Eccentric loading

Performing a biceps curl with a dumbbell in the hand is an example of which

type of lever?
Select one:
a. Fourth class
b. Second class
c. Third class
d. First class

The correct answer is: Third class

Which of the following statements defines the chest skinfold location for men?
Select one:
a. A diagonal fold taken immediately superior to and in line with the natural
angle of the iliac crest (top portion of the hip bone), aligned with the anterior
axillary line
b. A diagonal fold, 1 to 2 centimeters below the inferior angle of the scapula
c. A diagonal fold taken half the distance between the anterior axillary line and
the nipple
d. A vertical fold taken on the mid-axillary line at the level of the xiphoid
process (which is typically just below the nipple line)

The correct answer is: A diagonal fold taken half the distance between the
anterior axillary line and the nipple
Which muscle would be considered overactive, leading to the low back arching
during the overhead squat assessment?
Select one:
a. Gluteus medius
b. Gluteus maximus
c. Hamstrings complex
d. Hip flexor complex

The correct answer is: Hip flexor complex

What type of client would ideally participate in stage 4 training?

Select one:
a. Fitness enthusiasts with high levels of cardiorespiratory fitness, seeking
improvements in aerobic capacity and power
b. Advanced clients with moderate levels of cardiorespiratory fitness, seeking
improvements in anaerobic capacity and speed
c. Fitness enthusiasts with moderate levels of cardiorespiratory fitness, seeking
improvements in aerobic capacity and speed
d. Advanced clients with high levels of cardiorespiratory fitness, seeking
improvements in anaerobic capacity and power

The correct answer is: Advanced clients with high levels of cardiorespiratory
fitness, seeking improvements in anaerobic capacity and power

Which muscles are typically underactive with knee valgus during the overhead
Select one:
a. Lower trapezius
b. Gluteus maximus and medius
c. Adductor complex
d. Tensor fascia latae

The correct answer is: Gluteus maximus and medius

From the list of items provided, which of the following are not considered
benefits of cardiorespiratory training?
Select one:
a. Improved respiratory efficiency and metabolism
b. Decreased tolerance for stress and reduced mental alertness
c. Increased cardiac output and oxygen transport
d. Reduced blood pressure and cholesterol levels

The correct answer is: Decreased tolerance for stress and reduced mental

You have a client seeking weight loss. What number of repetitions is most
appropriate for SAQ drills?
Select one:
a. 1 or 2 reps
b. 8 to 10 reps
c. 3 to 5 reps
d. 6 to 8 reps

The correct answer is: 3 to 5 reps

If someone engages in a short, intense burst of activity lasting less than 30

seconds, which energy system will contribute the most to ATP production?
Select one:
a. The ATP-PC system
b. The citric acid cycle
c. Oxidative phosphorylation
d. Glycolysis

The correct answer is: The ATP-PC system

Which of the following types of balance occurs when an individual seeks to

maintain postural control within a stationary limit of stability but with a moving
base of support?
Select one:
a. Dynamic balance
b. Semi-dynamic balance
c. Moderate-level balance
d. Static balance

The correct answer is: Semi-dynamic balance

Training the eccentric phase of plyometric movements with a new client will
help them improve which of the following?
Select one:
a. Core stability
b. Power development
c. Landing mechanics
d. Force production

The correct answer is: Landing mechanics

What scientific term is used to describe the concept whereby a loaded

eccentric contraction prepares the muscles for a rapid concentric contraction?
Select one:
a. Altered reciprocal inhibition
b. Reciprocal inhibition
c. Stretch-shortening cycle
d. Series elastic component

The correct answer is: Stretch-shortening cycle

Which muscles are typically overactive when the feet turn out?
Select one:
a. Adductor complex
b. Upper trapezius
c. Gastrocnemius and soleus
d. Hip flexors

The correct answer is: Gastrocnemius and soleus

Which disease is caused by a degeneration of cartilage within joints?

Select one:
a. Osteoarthritis
b. Rheumatoid arthritis
c. Osteoporosis
d. Osteopenia

The correct answer is: Osteoarthritis

How should an eccentric muscle action be described?
Select one:
a. The development of muscle tension without shortening or lengthening of the
contractile tissue
b. The development of muscle tension during lengthening of the contractile
c. The development of muscle tension at a fixed speed during both shortening
and lengthening of the contractile tissue
d. The development of muscle tension during shortening of the contractile

The correct answer is: The development of muscle tension during lengthening
of the contractile tissue

Which regions of the spine demonstrate lordotic curves?

Select one:
a. Cervical and thoracic
b. Thoracic and lumbar
c. Cervical and lumbar
d. Cervical and sacral

The correct answer is: Cervical and lumbar

During a squat, which muscle group isometrically contracts to prevent

unnecessary thigh movement in the frontal plane?
Select one:
a. Hip abductors
b. Hip flexors
c. Hip internal rotators
d. Hip extensors

The correct answer is: Hip abductors

Which of the following is not considered a component of fitness?

Select one:
a. Power
b. Aerobic fitness
c. Flexibility
d. Muscular strength

The correct answer is: Power

Which of the following modality/exercise combinations provides the most

freedom of movement in the transverse plane?
Select one:
a. Suspended chest press
b. Dumbbell lat row
c. Elastic band woodchop
d. Seated abdominal crunch machine

The correct answer is: Elastic band woodchop

What is the acceptable macronutrient distribution range (AMDR) for fat in the
Select one:
a. 5 to 20% of total calories
b. 10 to 35% of total calories
c. 20 to 35% of total calories
d. 45 to 65% of total calories

The correct answer is: 20 to 35% of total calories

Posture of the spine is primarily controlled by which muscles of the core?

Select one:
a. Local muscles
b. Back muscles only
c. Global muscles
d. Local and global muscles

The correct answer is: Local muscles

What percentage of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) converts to a biologically

available form called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)?
Select one:
a. About 50%
b. About 90%
c. About 5-15%
d. About 30%

The correct answer is: About 5-15%

Davis's law describes what type of changes within the cumulative injury cycle?
Select one:
a. Adhesions may begin due to lack of physical activity and poor flexibility.
b. Tight muscles may cause synergistic dominance from pattern overload.
c. Adhesions can occur after strenuous exercise that breaks down muscle fibers
and joint cartilage.
d. Adhesions may begin to form structural changes in the soft tissue

The correct answer is: Adhesions may begin to form structural changes in the
soft tissue.

Which of these is considered the most advanced plyometric exercise?

Select one:
a. Ice skaters
b. Single-leg hops
c. Depth jumps
d. Box jumps

The correct answer is: Depth jumps

What is end-systolic volume?

Select one:
a. The amount of blood in the ventricle before contraction

b. The volume of blood pumped by the heart per minute

c. The amount of blood pumped out of the heart with each contraction
d. The amount of blood remaining in the ventricle after contraction

The correct answer is: The amount of blood remaining in the ventricle after

Extension of the shoulder is common in many pulling movements. Which of the

following muscles is involved?
Select one:
a. Pectoralis major
b. Anterior deltoid
c. Gluteus maximus
d. Latissimus dorsi

The correct answer is: Latissimus dorsi

Research has demonstrated that moderate-intensity exercise is best for which

of the following?
Select one:
a. Developing intrinsic motivation
b. Reducing burnout
c. Winning a triathlon
d. Providing psychological benefits

The correct answer is: Providing psychological benefits

How many repetitions of each SAQ drill is appropriate for youth athletes?
Select one:
a. 8 to 10 reps
b. 3 to 5 reps
c. 6 to 8 reps
d. 1 or 2 reps

The correct answer is: 3 to 5 reps

Which disease is associated with normal aging and is attributable to a lower

production of estrogen and progesterone, both of which are involved with
regulating the rate at which bone is lost?
Select one:
a. Type 1 (primary) osteoporosis
b. Type 1 diabetes
c. Type 2 (secondary) osteoporosis
d. Type 2 diabetes

The correct answer is: Type 1 (primary) osteoporosis

Which of the following statements would be accurate with regard to muscle

force and velocity during a concentric contraction?
Select one:
a. As the velocity of the muscle action increases, its ability to produce force
b. As velocity decreases, the force remains constant.
c. As the velocity of a concentric muscle action decreases, its ability to produce
force decreases.
d. As the velocity of a concentric muscle action increases, its ability to produce
force increases.

The correct answer is: As the velocity of the muscle action increases, its ability
to produce force decreases.

Contraction of the hamstring and rectus abdominis muscles create what

motion of the pelvis in the sagittal plane?
Select one:
a. Medial pelvic tilt
b. Anterior pelvic tilt
c. Lateral pelvic tilt
d. Posterior pelvic tilt

The correct answer is: Posterior pelvic tilt

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