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As the popularity of social networking has increased , so has the addiction to these social networks . The
statistic show that nine to fifteen million individual use the internet on daily bases . Even with this time
high number, the number increase by 25% every three months (Wieland et al., 2005) Although thesis
statistis do not address social media networking specially , the numbers show that any use of the internet is
significant. People use social networking as a means to stay connected in relationships and for other
reasons , such as creating a certain self- inage. Whilr staying connected and maintaining desired semi-
finals is important , constantly being on internet can be harmful . The harmful effects have been most
reported among adolescents, who are more likely to be enticed by thd internet and it's social networking
sites. According to Newman, the current generation , known as the "Millennials" have the highest
percentage of socail media use compared to any other group. Millenials have been defined as those ages
18-29 and are forging a path into the future unlike any otger (Newman,2012) . There has been discussion
over whether or not Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) should be added to tge Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorser(DSM_5) Therefore, the researcher , I want to explore the addiction to popular
social networking sites, such as Facebook. The researcher want to see how wide spread this addiction is
and the age group that is the most addicted. Given that a strong base of evidence suggests that social media
can be an addiction for some people, I conducted a survey to test the validity of this addiction .

Background of the study

The use of Facebook has increased rapidly . We are dealing a subdivision of Internet Addiction Connected
to social media .The reasearcher would like to know the reasons of the participants why they are addicted
to Facebook. The study will be conducted at Perpetual Health College Pangasinan particularly to students
age 16-19 years old as the participants for the research. Facebook is one of the fastest growing social
networks worldwide. This is a website where every user can make registration and create account for free .
Today, more than ever before, people are finding ways to connect with friends , family members ,co-
workers , classmates, and those they have just met using social networking sites . According to the
Facebook website, more than half of the active users log onto their accounts daily. Over the past few years ,
as usagw of Facebook has expanded beyond individual use, it has been a main concern for many
universities , schools, and companies to monitor and limit the use of the site for fear that some cannot
perform other tasks if they have access to this site. Although Facebook could be a great tool to use connet
with friends and maintain relationship, there is a line that could be crossed in which a person utilizes the
Facebook site too much.
Statement of the Problem

To investigate and determine the main reason by students addicted to social media particularly Facebook .

To determine the perception of the participants , the researchers sought to answer the following questions :


1. What is the Participant's profile in terms of the ff:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex;and

1.3 economic status?

2. What is the purpose using Facebook?

3. What are the factors that Facebook affects student's life in terms of the following:

3.1 academics

3.2 social; and

3.3 health?

4. What are the problems encountered to Facebook addiction?

Research Assumptions

1. People usually use Facebook to connect with other people and for some other reasons regardless of their
gender and teenagers are mostly affected by it.

2. Excessive use of facebook has a negative effect to a person.

3. Facebook addiction affects the student academically , mentally, social and physical aspect .

4. Addiction to Facebook is really hard to conttol that's why it can't be easily removed and prevented .


The study will be conducted at Perpetual Health College of Pangasinan particularly to student's ages 16-
19 years old as the participants for the research.


This study aims to determine the reasons why students are addicted to social media especially to

The said individuals are the perfect participants for this study because the scope and limitation of my
research is for social media addiction which is facebook . In this case , this study only focuses to the
students which were held on February 15,2022.

To the Students. For them to know how it can affect their academic performances in excessive use of

To the Parents. For them to be aware of the performances of their children not just academically but their
behavior inside the house.

To the Teachers. For them to know some of the factors affecting the performances of their students in the

To the Future Researchers. This study would serve as literature as basis and reference with the regards to
website development.

Operational Definition

Facebook. It refers to an American Online Social Media and Social networking service company based
in Menio park, California. Facebook which allows people to communicate with their familt , friends and

Internet. A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities ,
consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols .

Social Media. Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in
social networking.

Chapter II


Foreign Literature

Advancement in the technology alters the learning techniques of the teeangers. They reside in a
world of technology as a result , get technological capabilitu prematurely . Moreover this capability is very
significant in their academic results. Prenskyet al., 2012. Specific investigator brings into light that Senior
High School Students operates these social media only to strong their social dominance over the other
users. Ellison et., al 2014. India crossed the 100 million internet users . Moreover HT surveys exposed
that 24% of the respondent used social media on daily basis and 52% say there have more ghat two
profiles on different mefia. Lenhart, et., al 2010.

Local Literature

Understanding privacy in the age of Facebook (Kate Raynes-Goldie). First Monday January 15,2010 .
This paper explores how 20-something Facebook users understand and navigate privacy concerns . Baswd
on a year ling ethnographic study in Toronto, Canada. This paper looks at how contrary to many
mainstream accounts-younger users do indeed care about protecting and controlling their personal
information . However , their concerns revolve aroynd what I call social privacy , rather than thr more
conventional institutional privacy. This paper also examines the somewhat subversive practices which
users engaged in to enhance their own social privacy, and in some cases , violate that of others , Finacially ,
this paper examines some of the reason that users may continue using the site , despite privacy concern .

Social networking sites let individuals to present themselves , and begin or keep connectiongs with others .
The extremely populaf social network site for students in different levels , Facebook , has already orinted a
big impact on their lives. The site can used towards work-related context , Romantic relationship
commencement and connecting those with shares interests. Members may use the site to mingle with
people they already know offline, to find new friends. Facebook permits its users to present themselves in
an Internet profile, build-up "Friends" who can post , comment on each other walls , and view each other
page. Facebook associates can also join groups based on common interests , see what things they have in
common and learn each others hobbies, interests, favorite music anf Romantic Relationship status through
their page.

Foreign studies

"Facebook Addiction Survey" developed by Cam and Isbulan ( 2012) was uses as the date collection
instrument. The results of the study show the students had low levels of Facebook Addiction. On the other
hand, when the Facebook Addiction level mean scores were compared , male students were seen to have
higher scores than those in the 1st and 2nd grades. Although Facebook Addition is not a problem among
the students,proactive action is needed to enhance students awareness of the problem and ensure future
teacher can be role models in an addiction-free academic environmet . University of Malaya Faculty of
Education Kuala Lumpur 50603 Malaysia.


The study of Cam and Isbulan is not the samet to the result of my study. There are certain points that do not
match to my study. It was states in the other study that the students had low levels of Facebook while ours
were participants were negatively affected by Facebook. Another is Isbulan's result was males usually use
Facebook than girls. The result of my study was both male and female are prone to Facebook addiction .

Local studies

This study of Paculan, (2013) state that social networking sites let individuals to prsent themselves , and
begin or keep connections with others. The extremelt popular social networking site for students in
different levels, Facebook has already printed a big impact on their lives . The site can used towards work-
related context, romantic relationship commencement and connecting those with shared interests .
Members may use the site to mingle with people they already know offline or to find new friends .
Facebook permits it's users to present themselves in an Internet profile , build up "friends" who can post ,
comments on each other's walls and views each other page . Facebook Associates can also join groups
based on common interest, see what things they have in common and learn each other's hobbies , interests ,
favorite music and romantic status through their page.


The study of Paculan (2013) and the result of ours with pertain to communication is the same. Accoring to
Paculan ,social networking sites let individuals to present themselves , and begin or keep connections with
others. It was said by the participants that the purpose why they use Facebook is to communicate with
other people . They tend to meet and be friends with others because of Facebook.

Chapter III

Research Design

This chapter presents the gathered researcher from different sources. Theses studies will be used as a
guide and support to our research.our tradition of inquiry stands with the information about facebook &
social networking,as well as the possible effects that might affects students when Facebook & social
networking is being used extensively.

Sample and Sampling technique

Research use observation and structure of unstructured interview in the form or interview as a method
in this study. We formulated interview that could be answered age 16-19 years from Senior High School ,
Student in Perpetual Health College of Pangasinan as participants. Having confidence in this ages will be
enough to answer the questions to prevent the addiction of Facebook.


The instrument for data collection is a key element of the observation, structured of unstructured
interview are the main tool to gather data. Which are used to investigate various topics of interest among
participants which is Social Media Addiction.

Data Gathering Procedures

The researchers conducted on interview through the participants regarding Facebook addiction .The
researchers started their research by gathering some information from our respondents .

The researchers decided to use an interview to Perpetual Health College of Pangasinan student . Surveying
is an easy process so that it choice we made to do or to start our topic

Chapter IV


The salient findings of the study are the following:

1.The profile of the participants

We only get the age, gender, and economic status or participants which can be used to compare some
factors about Facebook addiction. As to age, Students ages 17 years old are mostly addicted to
Facebook.We have just limit the age of participants from 16-19 years old only particularly in Senior High
School. As to gender, There's no difference between boys and girls.almost all of the population of
teenagers are affected by Facebook.As to economics status,some of the participants answered of how often
they reload their phones for Facebook purposes, were sometimes logging into Facebook is free of data .You
just have to find strong internet connection to stay online. The maximum time they have spent in using
Facebook was 11hours. Most of them stayed online even during class hours. All of the participants said
that the gadget they usually use was cellular phones.

2. Purpose of using Facebook

The result from the gathered survey about the participants purpose of using Facebook was half of the
population of participants was for communication and followed by expression of their feelings . Most of
the girls usually post status on their timeline compared to boys. Participants always stay online because
they said that they usually chat their friends.

3. The factors that Facebook affect student's life in terms of academic performance , social and health

As to participants academic performance we formulated two questions to know the answer : A) Does it
affect your time for studying ? B)Does Facebook helps you for some educational purposes?Some of them
answered that their studies were affected by Facebook although it did not help them for study related
matter. As to social factors, through social media, they have experienced skipping meals because of using
Facebook but they still have time to sleep.

4.The problems encountered to Facebook Addiction

Most girls are prone to encounter problems due to Facebook addiction. It is because, the results were
most girls encountered chatting with strangers sending them nude photos or even vidoes . They experienced
skipping meals because of using Facebook. Also most of the boys were scolded by their parents because of
their matter.

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