English File Advanced Unit 7 P. 169 Vocabulary and Speaking

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Which negative prefixes will be used with the following words?



- not easy to get to - unimportant - living forever - not follow the rules - cannot be easily sold
or exchanged for cash
- impossible to eat - not logical - rude - get off a vehicle
- unreadable
- unstable, variable - not useful - stop doing sth
- irrational
- not correct - not moving - unplug, detach
- cannot read or write
- cheap - boastful
- not legal; born of
- frowned upon - unlikely parents not married
to each other
- bothersome

VOCABULARY EXERCISE - based on p. 169 ex 1

Fill the gaps with proper words. In the square brackets there are synonyms

1. He had a plaster cast put on his arm to keep it _________ [not moving].
2. Anna and Bob have a child but they are not married. They have an _________ child.
3. Hospitals always seem so __________ [cold] - rows of identical beds in dull grey rooms.
4. Students viewed Latin as a boring and ___________ [unimportant] language to learn at school.
5. The doctor told me to ___________ [stop] taking these pills if they nauseate me.
6. I can’t comprehend what she has written in her essay. It is completely ____________ .
7. Discrimination on the basis of race is _________ .
8. Access to online services and live technical support will be __________ [stopped] after April 30th.
9. Passengers ___________ from [getting off] arriving planes should proceed to Passport Control.
10. The shop has an _________ [unwritten, inside] rule that customers who arrive at the shop at closing time
can still be served.
11. The lecture she gave was ___________ [confusing, chaotic] and badly prepared.
12. Arriving late at a social meeting is ______________ [not well seen]
13. I know it's totally _________ [inexplicable], but I'm frightened of mice.
14. It is hard to believe that nowadays many people are still __________ [unable to read and write]
15. Giving money as a present is rather _________ [not elegant, not showing affection]
16. Anna is a shoe addict. She seems _______ of walking past a shoe shop without going in
and buying another pair of shoes.
17. These documents are largely _________ [unrelated] to the present investigation
18. Although he is physically ____________, his inborn charm makes most of the girls he meets fall for him.


1. Do you think Polish people are hospitable or __hospitable ?

2. Do you prefer getting practical or __practical (but cute or fancy) presents?

3. Are you regular or __regular when it comes to keeping fit or studying?

4. Would you tell on your colleague if he did something __legal (like stealing stationery from the office)?

5. Would you rather work with an __competent or __honest colleague?

6. Do you think that there are no __replaceable people?

7. Do you think lying to somebody is __moral or __appropriate?

8. Your doctor has prescribed you some medicine to help you get rid of a headache / cold etc.

You have been instructed to take it for 10 days. You feel better after 6 days.

Will you __continue taking it?

9. What features [appearance / personality] do you find __attractive in a prospective partner?

EXERCISE Based on ex 2 page 169 Match the words with their definitions


1. defuse a) grow out of sth

2. ill-treated b) something which must happen before sth else happens
3. outgrow c) below a satisfactory standard
4. postgraduate d) give sb their previous position; cause sth to exist again
5. precondition e) someone who goes to hospital but does not stay for the night
6. reinstate f) treated badly
7. outpatient g) to improve the quality of sth; change sth for sth better, newer
8. substandard [adj] h) referring to university studies at a more advanced level than a first degree
9. upgrade i) to make a difficult or dangerous situation calmer
EXERCISE 2 Complete the words. Remember about correct forms. [ see the key blow]

1. A month after being unfairly dismissed, he was re……………. in his job.

2. She got a degree in history last year, and now she's doing a post……… course.

3. If your reserved car isn't available, most rental car companies will up……. you to the next size car at

no additional charge.

4. the method is minimally invasive and can be performed as an …patient procedure under local


5. Bob was shy as a child but he …..grew his shyness.

6. Innovation is an essential prec………… for growth.

7. The two groups are trying to de….. tensions in the town council over the budget.

8. Americans have long clashed and battled about the turkey dinner as vegetarians and carnivores fought

to …..instate their own menus.

9. Beth’s quiet voice helped to de…… Bob’s anger. Consequently, he calmed down.

10. The Supreme Court re…………. the death penalty in 1976

11. In this village literally hundreds of thousands of children are taught in sub……… buildings.

12. Anna had foot surgery as an out…………. . She didn’t need to stay overnight in the hospital.

13. You’ll need to up………… your hard drive to 120Mb before running this software.

14. My seven-year-old got new shoes in April, and he has already out……… them

15. Industrial expansion is not a necessary ….condition for the appearance of large cities.

16. We removed the clause from the contract but later we agreed to re……….. it.

17. Police found and de…….. a number of mines.

18. Most students passed the test however the results were mostly …..standard.

19. The organization is collecting money to help ill-……….. animals.

20. Change your tracksuit and up………. To a sophisticated look that really commands respect.

21. The company out …………. its office space

22. Negotiation could sometimes ……use these situations and produce more acceptable consequences for

both parties.

23. Most of the people in the department hold ……graduate degrees.

1. A month after being unfairly dismissed, he was reINSTATED in his job.
2. She got a degree in history last year, and now she's doing a postGRADUATE course.
3. If your reserved car isn't available, most rental car companies will upgrade you to the next size car at no additional charge.
4. the method is minimally invasive and can be performed as an OUTpatient procedure under local anaesthesia.
5. Bob was shy as a child but he OUTgrew his shyness.
6. Innovation is an essential precONDITION for growth.
7. The two groups are trying to deFUSE tensions in the town council over the budget.
8. Americans have long clashed and battled about the turkey dinner as vegetarians and carnivores fought to reinstate
their own menus.
9. Beth’s quiet voice helped to deFUSE Bob’s anger. Consequently, he calmed down.
10. The Supreme Court reINSTATED the death penalty in 1976
11. In this village literally hundreds of thousands of children are taught in subSTANDARD buildings.
12. Anna had foot surgery as an outPATIENT . She didn’t need to stay overnight in the hospital.
13. You’ll need to upGRADE your hard drive to 120Mb before running this software.
14. My seven-year-old got new shoes in April, and he has already outGROWN them
15. Industrial expansion is not a necessary ….condition for the appearance of large cities.
16. We removed the clause from the contract but later we agreed to reINSTATE it.
17. Police found and deFUSED a number of mines.
18. Most students passed the test however the results were mostly SUBstandard.
19. The organization is collecting money to help ill-TREATED animals.
20. Change your tracksuit and upGRADE to a sophisticated look that really commands respect.
21. The company out GREW its office space.
22. Negotiation could sometimes DEFuse these situations and produce more acceptable consequences for both parties.
23. Most of the people in the department hold POSTgraduate degrees.

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