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Reading comprehension

1. Previewing : ( it is an early exhibition ), is to give an advance idea / overview.

2. Skimming : is to read a text quickly to get a general idea / meaning.

3. Reading for gist = Skimming : is the general meaning or purpose of a text, Before
answering the detailed comp Q u read quickly for the gist.

4. Scanning : is reading in order to find specific information, figures or names.

5. Text organisation :
6. Guessing word meaning from context :

A. Building Vocabulary : Using Context Clues to Learn Word Meaning :

1. Definition context clue .
2. Synonym context clue.
3. Antonym context clue.
4. Description context clue.
5. Summary context clue : the author make a number of statements that help
the reader understand the meaning of a word.
6. Visual context clue : by a pic, drawing, chart, graph,..

B. Ten tips to build English Vocabulary :

1. Connect.
2. Write.
3. Draw.
4. Act.
5. Create.
6. Associate.
7. Listen.
8. Choose : Select words that u will find useful or interesting.
9. Limit the number of words u want to learn.
10. Observe : keep an eye on the woed u are learning or listening.

7.Making inferences : to infer is to figure ST out, or make a guess about ST, Making
inferences means choosing the most likely exolanation from the facts at hand. Make sure
your inferences rely mainly on the authors words rather than your own feelings or
experience, Your goal is to read the authors mind, not invent your own message.

8. Critical Reading : is to read beyond the basic meaning or to read between the lines,
is to evaluate the opinions of the writer as well as the credibility of a piece of writing by
questioning how and why it says it .
Critical Reading means that we become actively engaged in what we read by first
developing a clear understanding of the authors ideas, then questioning and evaluationg
the arguments and evidence provided to support those arguments, and finally by forming
our own opinions.
When reading critically, we should first scan and skim the passage to get an idea of what it
is about and what the main argument is. Then, we should keep a running dialoque with the
author through annotation by recording our thoughts, ideas, and questions. We should
underline, highlight, or circle important parts and points, and write comments in the
margins. After reading, we should look over our annotations to get an overall idea of the
text. We may also choose to write a summary to solidify our understanding.

A. Applying Critical Thniking to Reading : critical Reading Strategies :

1. Previewing : to get a sense of what the text is about and how it is organized
before reading it closely.
2. Skimming : to get an overview of the content and organisation, and identifying the
rhetorical situation.

3. Annotation : Underlining key words, phrases, or sentences, and writing

comments or questions in the margins, as well as making note of anything that
strikes you as interesting.

4. Contextualizing : means placing a text in its historical, biographical, and cultural


5. Questioning : this mean asking questions about the content. This method help
understand the material better and remember it longer if you write a question for
every paragraph or brief section. Each Q should focus on a main idea and
expressed in your own words.

6. Reflecting on challenges to your beliefs and values : As you read a text for the
first time, mark an X in the margin at each point where you feel that your attitudes,
beliefs, or status are challenged. Make a brief note in the margin about what you
feel or about what in the text created the challenge.

7. Outlining and summarising : this stategies are helpful for understanding the
content and structure of a reading selection and being able to distinguish
between the main ideas and the supporting ideas and examples. Outlining revear
the basic structure of the text.

8. Summarising : a summary is to recomposes ideas to form a new text, it begins

with outlining. Whereas outlining dependes on a close analysis of each
paragraph, summarising also requires creative synthesis. Putting ideas together
again in your own words and in a condensed form.

9. Evaluating : Means testing the logic of a text as well as its credibility and
emotional impact.
*An argument has two essential parts : A claim and support. The claim asserts a
conclusion, an idea, an opinion, a judgment, or a point of view, that the writer
wnats you to accept. The support includes reasons and evidence that give
readers the basis for accepting the conclusion.
*At the most basic level, in order for an argument to be acceptable, the support
must be appropriate to the claim and the statement must be consistent with one

10. Comparing and contrasting related readings : this refers to exploring similarities
and differences between texts to understand them better.
10.Integrated Comprehension Skills :

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