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Katelyn Proffitt

Block 4

Dr. Lisa Maynard

22 April 2022

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Practices and Policies

in the Music Classroom and School Reflections

At my high school placement, I observed many effective practices and policies that relate

to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in both the music classroom and school setting. In the

band classroom, my cooperating teacher is sure to appeal to every student’s learning style. She

utilizes color, alters pacing depending on student needs, combining aural/kinesthetic/visual

learning, and whatever else her students need to be successful. She is sure to be aware of IEP and

504 plans to ensure student needs are taken care of. My cooperating teacher is passionate about

ensuring student voices are heard by allowing students to completely pick and vote on pieces to

play on their concerts. This allows not only for students to feel empowered but allows for a more

diverse program to support student identity and culture.

In the school setting, I have noticed support for diversity by speaking to the principal as

well as observing posters and bulletin boards in the hallways. The principal at my host school

noted that when hiring new members of their team, he looks for team members that support

diversity, equity, and inclusion as well as have evidence of doing so themselves. During Black

History Month, I noticed the hallways had bulletins highlighting prominent African Americans

in history that were created by students. My host school also supports and strives for inclusion of

students with exceptionalities. These students oversee sorting and delivering mail to teachers and
staff and keeping informational fliers on the walls up to date amongst other activities that allow

them to have experience being independent.

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