Seethamraju Publications

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\deftab1298 \paperw11907 \paperh16443 \margl1701 \margr1701 \margt567 \margb1134 {\
header \pard \qc \sa180 {\fs24 \f1 Publications for Ravi Seethamraju}
\par }
\cols2 \colsx567
\pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b Publications for Ravi Seethamraju}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2022}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Dyball, M., Seethamraju, R. (2022). Client
use of blockchain technology: exploring its (potential) impact on financial
statement audits of Australian accounting firms. \i Accounting, Auditing and
Accountability Journal\i0 , Published online: 22 October 2021. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2021}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Dyball, M., Seethamraju, R. (2021). The
impact of client use of blockchain technology on audit risk and audit approach - an
exploratory study. \i International Journal of Auditing\i0 , 25(2), 602-615. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2020}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Dyball, M., Seethamraju, R. (2020). Client
use of blockchain technology: exploring its (potential) impact on financial
statement audits of Australian accounting firms. \i Accounting and Finance
Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference AFAANZ 2020\i0 , Virtual: The
Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Hecimovic, A. (2020). Impact
of Artificial Intelligence on Auditing - An Exploratory Study. \i 26th Americas
Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2020)\i0 , Salt Lake City: Association for
Information Systems (AIS). <a
stems/8">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2019}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Frost, G. (2019). Deployment
of Information Systems for Sustainability Reporting and Performance. \i 25th
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2019)\i0 , online: Association
for Information Systems (AIS). <a
9/">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Diatha, K. (2019).
Digitalization of Small Retail Stores - Challenges in Digital Payments. \i 52nd
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2019)\i0 , Manoa:
University of Hawaii at Manoa | Shidler College of Business. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Coyte, R. (2019). Technology
frames, Accountants and ERP systems use. \i 25th Americas Conference on Information
Systems (AMCIS 2019)\i0 , online: Association for Information Systems (AIS). <a
stems/2/">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2018}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Diatha, K. (2018). Adoption
of Digital Payments by Small Retail Stores. \i 29th Australasian Conference on
Information Systems (ACIS) 2018\i0 , Sydney: Australasian Conference on Information
Systems. <a
re Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Venkatraman, S., Sundarraj, R., Seethamraju,
R. (2018). Assessing Strategic Readiness for Healthcare Analytics: System and
Design Theory Implications. In Samir Chatterjee, Kaushik Dutta, Rangaraja P.
Sundarraj (Eds.), \i Designing for a Digital and Globalized World: 13th
International Conference, DESRIST 2018, Chennai, India, June 3-6, 2018,
Proceedings\i0 , (pp. 116-131). Cham: Springer International Publishing. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Diatha, K., Garg, S. (2018).
Intention to Use a Mobile-Based Information Technology Solution for Tuberculosis
Treatment Monitoring - Applying a UTAUT Model. \i Information Systems Frontiers\
i0 , 20(1), 163-181. <a href="">[More
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2017}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Diatha, K. (2017).
Digitalization of Small Retail Supply Chains in India - Antecedents and
Challenges. \i The Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) 2017
International Conference\i0 , Sydney, Australia: The Production and Operations
Management Society (POMS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Pedell, B., Roetzel, P., Seethamraju, R.
(2017). Information Load, Escalation of Commitment and Culture. \i 23rd Americas
Conference on Information Systems AMCIS\i0 , United States: Association for
Information Systems (AIS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2016}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Frost, G. (2016).
Information Systems for Sustainability Reporting - A State of Practice. \i 22nd
Americas Conference on Information Systems\i0 , San Diego: Association for
Information Systems (AIS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2015}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2015). Adoption of Software
as a Service (SaaS) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems in Small and Medium
Sized Enterprises (SMEs). \i Information Systems Frontiers\i0 , 17(3), 475-492. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Hallikainen, P., Seethamraju, R. (2015).
Aligning Enterprise Systems with the Organisation - A Sensemaking Perspective. \i
26th Australasian Conference on Information Systems ACIS\i0 , Adelaide: University
Of South Australia.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2015). Barriers to the
Adoption of Management Accounting (MA) Processes in Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) Environments. \i 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences HICSS 2015\i0 , Piscataway: IEEE Computer Society. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2015). Expert Commentary -
Optimising the deployment and use of enterprise systems and process management in
the higher education sector. \i 5th Annual Higher Education Strategic Management
Accounting Forum 2015\i0 , Sydney, Australia: Higher Education Strategic Management
Accounting Forum.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Venkatraman, S., Sundarraj, R., Seethamraju,
R. (2015). Healthcare Analytics Adoption-Decision Model: A Case Study. \i The 19th
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)\i0 , Singapore: Association
for Information Systems (AIS). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2014}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2014). Adoption of SaaS
Enterprise Systems - A Comparison of Indian and Australian SMEs. \i 14th
International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions\i0 , Colombo, Sri
Lanka: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2014). Effectiveness of
Using Online Discussion Forum for Case Study Analysis. \i Education Research
International\i0 , 2014 (2014), 1-10. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2014). Enterprise systems
and demand chain management: a cross-sectional field study. \i Information
Technology and Management\i0 , 15(3), 151-161. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2014). Information
Technology; University of Sydney Details Findings in Information Technology
(Enterprise systems and demand chain management: a cross-sectional field study)
(Enterprise systems and demand chain management: a cross-sectional field study). \i
Computer Weekly News\i0 .}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Diatha, K., Garg, S. (2014).
Service Process Mapping and Mobile Workflow Solutions in the Monitoring of
Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment in Regional India. \i NITE-POMS 2014 Conference 2014
Manufacturing Excellence: Imperative for Emerging Economies\i0 , New Delhi, India:
Excel India Publishers.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2013}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2013). Determinants of SaaS
ERP Systems Adoption. \i 17th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems
(PACIS) 2013\i0 , Jeju Island, Korea: The Korean Society of Management Information
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Krishna Sundar, D. (2013).
Influence of ERP systems on business process agility. \i IIMB Management Review\
i0 , 25(3), 137-149. <a href="">[More
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2012}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2012). Business process
management: a missing link in business education. \i Business Process Management
Journal\i0 , 18(3), 532-547. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2012). Work Integrated
Learning (WIL) Through a Field Project - A Study of Design, Delivery &
Challenges. \i 16th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems PACIS 2012\i0 ,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Association for Information Systems (AIS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2011}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2011). Design and Evaluation
of a Work Integrated Learning (Wil) Initiative in an Accounting Information Systems
Course. \i 2011 International SIGED: IAIM Conference\i0 , Pretoria, South Africa:
International Academy for Information Management (IAIM).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2011). Effectiveness of
Online Discussion Forum for Case Study Analysis and Assessment. \i 11th
International Conference on Electronic Business: Borderless E-Business for the Next
Decade\i0 , Bangkok: Thammasat University.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2011). Enhancing Student
Learning of Enterprise Integration and Business Process Orientation through an ERP
Business Simulation Game. \i Journal of Information Systems Education\i0 , 22(1),
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2011). Enterprise Systems
and Demand Chain Management. \i International Conference on Information Technology,
Systems and Management ITSM 2011\i0 , Kozhikode. India: Indian Institute of
Management - Kozhikode.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2010}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2010). Business Process
Management- A Missing Link in Business Education. \i 16th Americas Conference on
Information Systems (AMCIS 2010)\i0 , Atlanta: Association for Information Systems
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2010). Demand-Chain
Management and Enterprise Systems - A Case Study. \i Pre-ICIS (International
Conference on Information Systems) 2010 Workshop on Enterprise Systems Research in
MIS\i0 , Australia: Queensland University of Technology.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2010). Information
Technologies in Accounting Education. \i 2010 International SIG-ED: IAIM
Conference\i0 , United States: International Academy for Information Management
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2009}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2009). Achieving Business
Process Orientation using ERP Simulation Game. \i AIS Special Interest Group for
Education: International Academy for Information Management International
Conference AIS SIGED: IAIM 2009\i0 , United States: International Academy for
Information Management (IAIM).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2009). Effects of ES-enabled
standardization and integration on business process agility. \i Pacific Asia
Conference on Information Systems PACIS 2009\i0 , USA: Association for Information
Systems (AIS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Seethamraju, J. (2009).
Enterprise systems and Business Process Agility - A Case Study. \i 42nd Annual
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS 2009\i0 , Washington:
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Borman, M. (2009). Influence
of group formation choices on academic performance. \i Assessment and Evaluation in
Higher Education\i0 , 34(1), 31-40. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2009). Managing Supply Chain
Risk- Role of IT/IS. \i Ninth International Conference on Electronic Business ICEB
2009\i0 , Hong Kong: International Consortium for Electronic Business.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Marjanovic, O. (2009). Role
of process knowledge in business process improvement methodology: a case study. \i
Business Process Management Journal\i0 , 15(6), 920-936. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2009). Sense and Respond
Capability - Study of the role of Enterprise Systems. \i 7th Annual Conference on
Information Science, Technology & Management (CISTM 2009)\i0 , United States:
Virginia Commonwealth University.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2008}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Seethamraju, J. (2008).
Adoption of ERPs in a Medium-sized Enterprise- A case study. \i 19th Australasian
Conference on Information Systems ACIS 2008\i0 , New Zealand: University of
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2008). Building Supply Chain
Integration Capability - Role of Standardization and Integration enabled by
Enterprise Systems. \i Global Supply Chain Management: Role of Emerging Economies
(IMRC 2008)\i0 , India: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2008). Enhancing student
learning of enterprise integration through ERP business simulation game. \i AIS
SIG-ED IAIM Annual International Conference\i0 , Paris, France: Association for
Information Systems (AIS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2008). Enterprise system's
characteristics in small and medium sized enterprises context - a case study. \i
European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems - EMCIS 2008\i0 ,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Information Systems Evaluation and Integration Group
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Seethamraju, J. (2008). ERP
Systems and Managerial Decision Making - A Model for Analysis. \i The Eighth
International Conference on Electronic Business 2008 - Enriching Global Business
Practices\i0 , United States: International Consortium for Electronic Business.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2008). Role of Enterprise
Systems in Achieving Supply Chain Integration. \i International Journal of Business
Insights and Transformation\i0 , 1(1), 18-25.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Marjanovic, O., Seethamraju, R. (2008).
Understanding Knowledge-intensive, Practice-oriented Business Processes. \i Forty-
First Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)\i0 , Los
Alamitos California, Washington, Tokyo: Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE). <a href="">[More
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Seethamraju, J. (2008). Web
Services and Business Process Agility - Opportunities and Challenges in Supply
Chain Management Context. \i 22nd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management
Conference ANZAM 2008\i0 , Auckland, New Zealand: Australia and New Zealand Academy
of Management (ANZAM).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2007}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Seethamraju, J. (2007). Do
Web Quality Characteristics Influence Initial Trust Beliefs? \i The Sixth Workshop
on e-Business Web 2007: Customer-Centric Information Systems\i0 . Web 2007
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2007). Enterprise Systems
(ES) Software in Business School Curriculum - Evaluation of Design and Delivery. \i
Journal of Information Systems Education\i0 , 18(1), 69-83.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2007). Enterprise Systems
Software in the Business Curriculum: Aligning Curriculum with Industry
Requirements. In Lowry, Glenn.R and Turner, Rodney.L (Eds.), \i Information
Systems and Technology Education: From the University to the Workplace\i0 , (pp.
57-81). Hershey, PA & New York: Information Science Reference.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2007). ERP Systems and
Decision Support - An Exploratory
\par Study. \i 9th International Conference on Decision Support Systems (ICDSS)
2007\i0 , USA: International Society for Decision Support Systems.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2007). Influence of
Enterprise Systems on the Management and Performance of Supply Chains. \i 13th Asia
Pacific Management Conference -Managing Transitions in the Asia Pacific:
Globalization and Localization\i0 , Australia: Monash University.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2007). Process Orientation
to Business Students - Enabling Role of Enterprise Systems in Curriculum. \i 18th
Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2007)\i0 , Toowoomba,
Australia: University of Southern Queensland.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Marjanovic, O. (2007). The
Role of Process Knowledge in a Business Process Improvement Methodology. \i Seventh
International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2007)\i0 , Taiwan: National
Chenchi Univeristy.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2007). Using online
discussion board for case study discussion. \i International Conference on
Informatics Education Research (AIS SIGED:IAIM 2007)\i0 , United States:
International Academy for Information Management (IAIM).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2006}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2006). Best Practice
Business Processes in ERP systems and SMEs. \i Internet & Information systems in
the Digital Age: Challenges & Solutions - 7th International Business Information
Management Association Conference (IBIMA2006)\i0 , Italy: International Business
Information Management Association (IBIMA).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Leonard, J., Razeed, A.
(2006). Development of integrated learning in business curriculum. \i 2006 annual
international conference of the Higher Education Research and Development Society
of Australasia Inc (HERDSA 2006)\i0 , Perth, WA: Higher Education Research and
Development Society of Australasia.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2006). Do enterprise systems
enable supply chain integration? \i ICEB + eBRF 2006 - Research Forum to
Understand Business in Knowledge Society\i0 , Tampere, Finland: Tampere University
of Technology and University of Tampere. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2006). Enhancing student
learning of enterprise integration by deploying SAP/R3 into curriculum. \i ICEB +
eBRF 2006 - Research Forum to Understand Business in Knowledge Society\i0 ,
Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology and University of Tampere.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2006). Impact of e-commerce
on business process redesign and integration. \i International Journal of
Electronic Business\i0 , 4(5), 380-400.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2006). Influence of
enterprise systems on business process agility. \i ICEB + eBRF 2006 - Research
Forum to Understand Business in Knowledge Society\i0 , Tampere, Finland: Tampere
University of Technology and University of Tampere.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2006). Teaching E-Commerce
using an E-Business Group Project - A case study. <i>SIGED:IAIM 2006
\par The International Academy for Information Management</i>, Milwaukee, USA:
International Academy for Information Management (IAIM). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2006). Web Quality - A Study
of User Perceptions. \i IIMB Management Review\i0 , 18(1), 15-24.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2005}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2005). An Exploratory Study
of E-Commerce Operations and Business Process Changes. \i 5th International
Conference on Electronic Business: Enhancing Logistics & Supply Chain Competence
through eBusiness (ICEB 2005)\i0 , Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Borman, M. (2005). An
Exploratory Study of the Influence of Group Formation Choices on Academic
Performance. \i 20th Annual Conference of the International Academy for Information
Management (IAIM 2005)\i0 , Las Vegas, Nevada: International Academy for
Information Management (IAIM).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2005). Enterprise Resource
Planning Systems - Implications for Managers and Management. \i Australian
Accounting Review\i0 , 15(3), 90-96.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Borman, M. (2005). Group
work - the influence of formation, working
\par and feedback on academic performance. \i Higher Education Research and
Development Society of Australasia Annual Conference - HERDSA 2005\i0 , Sydney:
Institute for Teaching and Learning.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2005). Impact of ERP Systems
on Managerial Roles - A Case Study. \i First Asia/Pacific Research Symposium on
Accounting Information Systems\i0 , Melbourne: University of Melbourne and Special
Interest Group for Accounting Information Systems (SIG-ASYS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2005). Relative Importance
of Web Quality Dimensions. \i Eleventh Americas Conference on Information Systems
(AMCIS 2005)\i0 , Omaha, NE, USA: Association for Information Systems (AIS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Leonard, J., Seethamraju, R. (2005). Towards
a holistic understanding of business and an applied understanding of information
systems: the use of a 'scaffolding approach'. \i 16th Australasian Conference on
Information Systems (ACIS 2005)\i0 , Australia: Australian Chapter of the
Association for Information Systems.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2004}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Leonard, J., Seethamraju, R. (2004). A
Thematic Approach To The Development Of Business Process Awareness In Students. \i
15th Australian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)\i0 , Hobart: AIS
Electronic Library (AISeL).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2004). Effectiveness Of A
Post-Graduate Program In Enterprise Resource Incorporating Sap R/3. \i Journal of
Informatics Education and Research\i0 , 6(1), 29-42.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2004). Effectiveness Of
Using An Enterprise System (ES) Software In Business Curriculum. \i 19th
International Conference on Informatics Education Research\i0 , Washington DC:
International Academy for Information Management (IAIM). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Leonard, J. (2004).
Imparting The Knowledge Of Business Processes And Integration To Business Students
- Evaluation Of An Approach. \i 15th Australasian Conference on Information Systems
(ACIS 2004)\i0 , Hobart: University of Tasmania. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2004). Measurement Of User-
Perceived Web Quality. \i 12th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS
2004)\i0 , Finland: Turku School of Economics and Business Administration.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2003}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Waters, S., Seethamraju, R. (2003). Adoption
of information technology and logistics performance - A theoretical framework. \i
1st ANZAM Operations Management Symposium\i0 , University of Sydney: University of
Sydney. <a href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2003). Consequences of e-
business initiatives on business process performance - A model for analysis. \i 3rd
International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2003)\i0 . Academic Press.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2002}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2002). Impact of Enterprise
Systems on Managing Business Processes. \i 9th EUROMA Conference "Operations
Management and the New Economy"\i0 , Aalborg, Denmark: Department of Operations
Management, Copenhagen Business School and Centre for Industrial Production,
Aalborg University. <a href="">[More
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2002). Role of Enterprise
Systems in Managing Value Chains. \i ANZAM/IFSAM 6th World Congress\i0 , Australia
and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) and Griffith University: Australia
and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2002). Trials and
Tribulations in the Design and Delivery of an Innovative Business Course in
Enterprise Resource Planning in Australia. \i International Conference on
Informatics Education Research\i0 , Barcelona, Spain: International Academy for
Information Management (IAIM).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2001}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2001). Integration of online
and off-line distribution channels in the e-Business era. \i International Academy
of E-Business 2001 Conference\i0 , California: International Academy of E-
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2001). Knowledge management
issues in the management of professional engineers. \i Journal of Scientific and
Industrial Research\i0 , 12(6), 69-81.}

}{\rtf\ansi\deff0 \r\n{\fonttbl{\f0 Times new Roman;}{\f1 Arial;}}

\deftab1298 \paperw11907 \paperh16443 \margl1701 \margr1701 \margt567 \margb1134 {\
header \pard \qc \sa180 {\fs24 \f1 Publications for Ravi Seethamraju}
\par }
\cols2 \colsx567
\pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b Publications for Ravi Seethamraju}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2022}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Dyball, M., Seethamraju, R. (2022). Client
use of blockchain technology: exploring its (potential) impact on financial
statement audits of Australian accounting firms. \i Accounting, Auditing and
Accountability Journal\i0 , Published online: 22 October 2021. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2021}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Dyball, M., Seethamraju, R. (2021). The
impact of client use of blockchain technology on audit risk and audit approach - an
exploratory study. \i International Journal of Auditing\i0 , 25(2), 602-615. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2020}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Dyball, M., Seethamraju, R. (2020). Client
use of blockchain technology: exploring its (potential) impact on financial
statement audits of Australian accounting firms. \i Accounting and Finance
Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference AFAANZ 2020\i0 , Virtual: The
Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Hecimovic, A. (2020). Impact
of Artificial Intelligence on Auditing - An Exploratory Study. \i 26th Americas
Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2020)\i0 , Salt Lake City: Association for
Information Systems (AIS). <a
stems/8">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2019}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Frost, G. (2019). Deployment
of Information Systems for Sustainability Reporting and Performance. \i 25th
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2019)\i0 , online: Association
for Information Systems (AIS). <a
9/">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Diatha, K. (2019).
Digitalization of Small Retail Stores - Challenges in Digital Payments. \i 52nd
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2019)\i0 , Manoa:
University of Hawaii at Manoa | Shidler College of Business. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Coyte, R. (2019). Technology
frames, Accountants and ERP systems use. \i 25th Americas Conference on Information
Systems (AMCIS 2019)\i0 , online: Association for Information Systems (AIS). <a
stems/2/">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2018}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Diatha, K. (2018). Adoption
of Digital Payments by Small Retail Stores. \i 29th Australasian Conference on
Information Systems (ACIS) 2018\i0 , Sydney: Australasian Conference on Information
Systems. <a
re Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Venkatraman, S., Sundarraj, R., Seethamraju,
R. (2018). Assessing Strategic Readiness for Healthcare Analytics: System and
Design Theory Implications. In Samir Chatterjee, Kaushik Dutta, Rangaraja P.
Sundarraj (Eds.), \i Designing for a Digital and Globalized World: 13th
International Conference, DESRIST 2018, Chennai, India, June 3-6, 2018,
Proceedings\i0 , (pp. 116-131). Cham: Springer International Publishing. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Diatha, K., Garg, S. (2018).
Intention to Use a Mobile-Based Information Technology Solution for Tuberculosis
Treatment Monitoring - Applying a UTAUT Model. \i Information Systems Frontiers\
i0 , 20(1), 163-181. <a href="">[More
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2017}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Diatha, K. (2017).
Digitalization of Small Retail Supply Chains in India - Antecedents and
Challenges. \i The Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) 2017
International Conference\i0 , Sydney, Australia: The Production and Operations
Management Society (POMS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Pedell, B., Roetzel, P., Seethamraju, R.
(2017). Information Load, Escalation of Commitment and Culture. \i 23rd Americas
Conference on Information Systems AMCIS\i0 , United States: Association for
Information Systems (AIS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2016}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Frost, G. (2016).
Information Systems for Sustainability Reporting - A State of Practice. \i 22nd
Americas Conference on Information Systems\i0 , San Diego: Association for
Information Systems (AIS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2015}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2015). Adoption of Software
as a Service (SaaS) Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems in Small and Medium
Sized Enterprises (SMEs). \i Information Systems Frontiers\i0 , 17(3), 475-492. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Hallikainen, P., Seethamraju, R. (2015).
Aligning Enterprise Systems with the Organisation - A Sensemaking Perspective. \i
26th Australasian Conference on Information Systems ACIS\i0 , Adelaide: University
Of South Australia.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2015). Barriers to the
Adoption of Management Accounting (MA) Processes in Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) Environments. \i 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences HICSS 2015\i0 , Piscataway: IEEE Computer Society. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2015). Expert Commentary -
Optimising the deployment and use of enterprise systems and process management in
the higher education sector. \i 5th Annual Higher Education Strategic Management
Accounting Forum 2015\i0 , Sydney, Australia: Higher Education Strategic Management
Accounting Forum.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Venkatraman, S., Sundarraj, R., Seethamraju,
R. (2015). Healthcare Analytics Adoption-Decision Model: A Case Study. \i The 19th
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)\i0 , Singapore: Association
for Information Systems (AIS). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2014}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2014). Adoption of SaaS
Enterprise Systems - A Comparison of Indian and Australian SMEs. \i 14th
International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions\i0 , Colombo, Sri
Lanka: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2014). Effectiveness of
Using Online Discussion Forum for Case Study Analysis. \i Education Research
International\i0 , 2014 (2014), 1-10. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2014). Enterprise systems
and demand chain management: a cross-sectional field study. \i Information
Technology and Management\i0 , 15(3), 151-161. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2014). Information
Technology; University of Sydney Details Findings in Information Technology
(Enterprise systems and demand chain management: a cross-sectional field study)
(Enterprise systems and demand chain management: a cross-sectional field study). \i
Computer Weekly News\i0 .}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Diatha, K., Garg, S. (2014).
Service Process Mapping and Mobile Workflow Solutions in the Monitoring of
Tuberculosis (TB) Treatment in Regional India. \i NITE-POMS 2014 Conference 2014
Manufacturing Excellence: Imperative for Emerging Economies\i0 , New Delhi, India:
Excel India Publishers.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2013}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2013). Determinants of SaaS
ERP Systems Adoption. \i 17th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems
(PACIS) 2013\i0 , Jeju Island, Korea: The Korean Society of Management Information
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Krishna Sundar, D. (2013).
Influence of ERP systems on business process agility. \i IIMB Management Review\
i0 , 25(3), 137-149. <a href="">[More
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2012}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2012). Business process
management: a missing link in business education. \i Business Process Management
Journal\i0 , 18(3), 532-547. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2012). Work Integrated
Learning (WIL) Through a Field Project - A Study of Design, Delivery &
Challenges. \i 16th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems PACIS 2012\i0 ,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Association for Information Systems (AIS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2011}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2011). Design and Evaluation
of a Work Integrated Learning (Wil) Initiative in an Accounting Information Systems
Course. \i 2011 International SIGED: IAIM Conference\i0 , Pretoria, South Africa:
International Academy for Information Management (IAIM).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2011). Effectiveness of
Online Discussion Forum for Case Study Analysis and Assessment. \i 11th
International Conference on Electronic Business: Borderless E-Business for the Next
Decade\i0 , Bangkok: Thammasat University.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2011). Enhancing Student
Learning of Enterprise Integration and Business Process Orientation through an ERP
Business Simulation Game. \i Journal of Information Systems Education\i0 , 22(1),
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2011). Enterprise Systems
and Demand Chain Management. \i International Conference on Information Technology,
Systems and Management ITSM 2011\i0 , Kozhikode. India: Indian Institute of
Management - Kozhikode.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2010}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2010). Business Process
Management- A Missing Link in Business Education. \i 16th Americas Conference on
Information Systems (AMCIS 2010)\i0 , Atlanta: Association for Information Systems
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2010). Demand-Chain
Management and Enterprise Systems - A Case Study. \i Pre-ICIS (International
Conference on Information Systems) 2010 Workshop on Enterprise Systems Research in
MIS\i0 , Australia: Queensland University of Technology.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2010). Information
Technologies in Accounting Education. \i 2010 International SIG-ED: IAIM
Conference\i0 , United States: International Academy for Information Management
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2009}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2009). Achieving Business
Process Orientation using ERP Simulation Game. \i AIS Special Interest Group for
Education: International Academy for Information Management International
Conference AIS SIGED: IAIM 2009\i0 , United States: International Academy for
Information Management (IAIM).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2009). Effects of ES-enabled
standardization and integration on business process agility. \i Pacific Asia
Conference on Information Systems PACIS 2009\i0 , USA: Association for Information
Systems (AIS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Seethamraju, J. (2009).
Enterprise systems and Business Process Agility - A Case Study. \i 42nd Annual
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences HICSS 2009\i0 , Washington:
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Borman, M. (2009). Influence
of group formation choices on academic performance. \i Assessment and Evaluation in
Higher Education\i0 , 34(1), 31-40. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2009). Managing Supply Chain
Risk- Role of IT/IS. \i Ninth International Conference on Electronic Business ICEB
2009\i0 , Hong Kong: International Consortium for Electronic Business.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Marjanovic, O. (2009). Role
of process knowledge in business process improvement methodology: a case study. \i
Business Process Management Journal\i0 , 15(6), 920-936. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2009). Sense and Respond
Capability - Study of the role of Enterprise Systems. \i 7th Annual Conference on
Information Science, Technology & Management (CISTM 2009)\i0 , United States:
Virginia Commonwealth University.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2008}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Seethamraju, J. (2008).
Adoption of ERPs in a Medium-sized Enterprise- A case study. \i 19th Australasian
Conference on Information Systems ACIS 2008\i0 , New Zealand: University of
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2008). Building Supply Chain
Integration Capability - Role of Standardization and Integration enabled by
Enterprise Systems. \i Global Supply Chain Management: Role of Emerging Economies
(IMRC 2008)\i0 , India: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2008). Enhancing student
learning of enterprise integration through ERP business simulation game. \i AIS
SIG-ED IAIM Annual International Conference\i0 , Paris, France: Association for
Information Systems (AIS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2008). Enterprise system's
characteristics in small and medium sized enterprises context - a case study. \i
European and Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems - EMCIS 2008\i0 ,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates: Information Systems Evaluation and Integration Group
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Seethamraju, J. (2008). ERP
Systems and Managerial Decision Making - A Model for Analysis. \i The Eighth
International Conference on Electronic Business 2008 - Enriching Global Business
Practices\i0 , United States: International Consortium for Electronic Business.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2008). Role of Enterprise
Systems in Achieving Supply Chain Integration. \i International Journal of Business
Insights and Transformation\i0 , 1(1), 18-25.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Marjanovic, O., Seethamraju, R. (2008).
Understanding Knowledge-intensive, Practice-oriented Business Processes. \i Forty-
First Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)\i0 , Los
Alamitos California, Washington, Tokyo: Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE). <a href="">[More
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Seethamraju, J. (2008). Web
Services and Business Process Agility - Opportunities and Challenges in Supply
Chain Management Context. \i 22nd Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management
Conference ANZAM 2008\i0 , Auckland, New Zealand: Australia and New Zealand Academy
of Management (ANZAM).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2007}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Seethamraju, J. (2007). Do
Web Quality Characteristics Influence Initial Trust Beliefs? \i The Sixth Workshop
on e-Business Web 2007: Customer-Centric Information Systems\i0 . Web 2007
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2007). Enterprise Systems
(ES) Software in Business School Curriculum - Evaluation of Design and Delivery. \i
Journal of Information Systems Education\i0 , 18(1), 69-83.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2007). Enterprise Systems
Software in the Business Curriculum: Aligning Curriculum with Industry
Requirements. In Lowry, Glenn.R and Turner, Rodney.L (Eds.), \i Information
Systems and Technology Education: From the University to the Workplace\i0 , (pp.
57-81). Hershey, PA & New York: Information Science Reference.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2007). ERP Systems and
Decision Support - An Exploratory
\par Study. \i 9th International Conference on Decision Support Systems (ICDSS)
2007\i0 , USA: International Society for Decision Support Systems.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2007). Influence of
Enterprise Systems on the Management and Performance of Supply Chains. \i 13th Asia
Pacific Management Conference -Managing Transitions in the Asia Pacific:
Globalization and Localization\i0 , Australia: Monash University.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2007). Process Orientation
to Business Students - Enabling Role of Enterprise Systems in Curriculum. \i 18th
Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS 2007)\i0 , Toowoomba,
Australia: University of Southern Queensland.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Marjanovic, O. (2007). The
Role of Process Knowledge in a Business Process Improvement Methodology. \i Seventh
International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2007)\i0 , Taiwan: National
Chenchi Univeristy.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2007). Using online
discussion board for case study discussion. \i International Conference on
Informatics Education Research (AIS SIGED:IAIM 2007)\i0 , United States:
International Academy for Information Management (IAIM).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2006}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2006). Best Practice
Business Processes in ERP systems and SMEs. \i Internet & Information systems in
the Digital Age: Challenges & Solutions - 7th International Business Information
Management Association Conference (IBIMA2006)\i0 , Italy: International Business
Information Management Association (IBIMA).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Leonard, J., Razeed, A.
(2006). Development of integrated learning in business curriculum. \i 2006 annual
international conference of the Higher Education Research and Development Society
of Australasia Inc (HERDSA 2006)\i0 , Perth, WA: Higher Education Research and
Development Society of Australasia.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2006). Do enterprise systems
enable supply chain integration? \i ICEB + eBRF 2006 - Research Forum to
Understand Business in Knowledge Society\i0 , Tampere, Finland: Tampere University
of Technology and University of Tampere. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2006). Enhancing student
learning of enterprise integration by deploying SAP/R3 into curriculum. \i ICEB +
eBRF 2006 - Research Forum to Understand Business in Knowledge Society\i0 ,
Tampere, Finland: Tampere University of Technology and University of Tampere.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2006). Impact of e-commerce
on business process redesign and integration. \i International Journal of
Electronic Business\i0 , 4(5), 380-400.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2006). Influence of
enterprise systems on business process agility. \i ICEB + eBRF 2006 - Research
Forum to Understand Business in Knowledge Society\i0 , Tampere, Finland: Tampere
University of Technology and University of Tampere.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2006). Teaching E-Commerce
using an E-Business Group Project - A case study. <i>SIGED:IAIM 2006
\par The International Academy for Information Management</i>, Milwaukee, USA:
International Academy for Information Management (IAIM). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2006). Web Quality - A Study
of User Perceptions. \i IIMB Management Review\i0 , 18(1), 15-24.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2005}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2005). An Exploratory Study
of E-Commerce Operations and Business Process Changes. \i 5th International
Conference on Electronic Business: Enhancing Logistics & Supply Chain Competence
through eBusiness (ICEB 2005)\i0 , Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Borman, M. (2005). An
Exploratory Study of the Influence of Group Formation Choices on Academic
Performance. \i 20th Annual Conference of the International Academy for Information
Management (IAIM 2005)\i0 , Las Vegas, Nevada: International Academy for
Information Management (IAIM).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2005). Enterprise Resource
Planning Systems - Implications for Managers and Management. \i Australian
Accounting Review\i0 , 15(3), 90-96.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Borman, M. (2005). Group
work - the influence of formation, working
\par and feedback on academic performance. \i Higher Education Research and
Development Society of Australasia Annual Conference - HERDSA 2005\i0 , Sydney:
Institute for Teaching and Learning.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2005). Impact of ERP Systems
on Managerial Roles - A Case Study. \i First Asia/Pacific Research Symposium on
Accounting Information Systems\i0 , Melbourne: University of Melbourne and Special
Interest Group for Accounting Information Systems (SIG-ASYS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2005). Relative Importance
of Web Quality Dimensions. \i Eleventh Americas Conference on Information Systems
(AMCIS 2005)\i0 , Omaha, NE, USA: Association for Information Systems (AIS).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Leonard, J., Seethamraju, R. (2005). Towards
a holistic understanding of business and an applied understanding of information
systems: the use of a 'scaffolding approach'. \i 16th Australasian Conference on
Information Systems (ACIS 2005)\i0 , Australia: Australian Chapter of the
Association for Information Systems.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2004}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Leonard, J., Seethamraju, R. (2004). A
Thematic Approach To The Development Of Business Process Awareness In Students. \i
15th Australian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)\i0 , Hobart: AIS
Electronic Library (AISeL).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2004). Effectiveness Of A
Post-Graduate Program In Enterprise Resource Incorporating Sap R/3. \i Journal of
Informatics Education and Research\i0 , 6(1), 29-42.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2004). Effectiveness Of
Using An Enterprise System (ES) Software In Business Curriculum. \i 19th
International Conference on Informatics Education Research\i0 , Washington DC:
International Academy for Information Management (IAIM). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R., Leonard, J. (2004).
Imparting The Knowledge Of Business Processes And Integration To Business Students
- Evaluation Of An Approach. \i 15th Australasian Conference on Information Systems
(ACIS 2004)\i0 , Hobart: University of Tasmania. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2004). Measurement Of User-
Perceived Web Quality. \i 12th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS
2004)\i0 , Finland: Turku School of Economics and Business Administration.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2003}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Waters, S., Seethamraju, R. (2003). Adoption
of information technology and logistics performance - A theoretical framework. \i
1st ANZAM Operations Management Symposium\i0 , University of Sydney: University of
Sydney. <a href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2003). Consequences of e-
business initiatives on business process performance - A model for analysis. \i 3rd
International Conference on Electronic Business (ICEB 2003)\i0 . Academic Press.}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2002}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2002). Impact of Enterprise
Systems on Managing Business Processes. \i 9th EUROMA Conference "Operations
Management and the New Economy"\i0 , Aalborg, Denmark: Department of Operations
Management, Copenhagen Business School and Centre for Industrial Production,
Aalborg University. <a href="">[More
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2002). Role of Enterprise
Systems in Managing Value Chains. \i ANZAM/IFSAM 6th World Congress\i0 , Australia
and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM) and Griffith University: Australia
and New Zealand Academy of Management (ANZAM). <a
href="">[More Information]</a>}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2002). Trials and
Tribulations in the Design and Delivery of an Innovative Business Course in
Enterprise Resource Planning in Australia. \i International Conference on
Informatics Education Research\i0 , Barcelona, Spain: International Academy for
Information Management (IAIM).}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs24 \f0 \b 2001}
\par \pard \ql \sb20 \sa80 {\fs20 \f0 Seethamraju, R. (2001). Integration of online
and off-line distribution channels in the e-Business era. \i International Academy
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