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Layla Lucila de la Luz García Moreno

Emily Litle

ENG 121001

27 March 2022

Importance of Nutrition for Better Performance Focusing on Female Players.

The nutritional factor is a pillar in an athlete of any competitive level, sometimes

minimized by student-athletes; class attendance, weight lifting, meetings, social life, and

other circumstances become a primary pretext in the life of any student not to take care of

the importance of a proper diet; the benefits of this factor go beyond the aesthetic figure,

prioritize the athlete's performance; focusing on their daily requirements and needs. Taking

the resources that, in my opinion, could create an excellent annotation to the problem

presented; in addition to mentioning the benefits, it says serious dangers that can occur for

soccer players at the collegiate level. Focusing on optimal development in the different

areas in which they develop, emphasizing the nutritional needs as key points.

           For a prudent opening of this analysis, we must be clear about what adequate

nutrition for an athlete refers to, focusing our research on the female gender because it is a

vast field that we cannot cover with a single analysis. Proper nutrition cannot and should

not be generalized. It has to be adjusted to each player's needs, performance, and

objectives, depending on several factors that must be taken into account so that it is always

in favor of the player, taking her to her optimal performance in each activity related both

athletically and academically.


SOCCER ATHLETES" (2017). Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional

Papers. 10973. Taking some general parameters,

we deduce the recommended intakes of the main macronutrients in female soccer players,

taking into account the age of development in which they are in the collegiate period, as the

mentions, in contrasted research, we can deduce the recommendations of carbohydrates,

mainly used for the correct management of glycogen, rounding this in 6-10 g/kg of body

weight per day; Protein intake will depend on the level of activity but has a recommended

parameter of 1.2 to 1.4 g/kg, prioritizing whole foods to cover this intake, with

supplementation not being necessary to protect it adequately. Last but not least, the

information of healthy fats will be approximately 15% of daily calories, playing a role

sometimes minimized, this supports and facilitates the absorption of different vitamins,

these are essential in the diet in the female profile practicing soccer in which we focus as

they play a crucial role in hormonal regulation, being a fundamental component in the

tissue of these cells.

           Close GL, Kasper AM, Morton JP. From paper to podium: quantifying the

translational potential of performance nutrition research. Sports Med. 2018 (Suppl).

https :// 9-018-1005-2. It focuses on an important point in this topic,

talking about the danger of misinformation and lack of interest as this led us to a wrong and

dangerous understanding of a diet. As the article postulates, the existing myths within

proper nutrition often reach dangerous extremes in athletes who do not have proper

guidance for it. It is complicated to fully understand our biology and solve each question

because the human body is an extensive parameter for doubts. However, the articles

postulate it most and understandably adapt smoothly to our sports performance and daily

           Evelina E. Pérrz Sira, Nutrition of the Elderly, Institute of Food Science and

Technology. 2021, Venezuela, Faculty of Sciences, deduce the importance of establishing

priorities for a better sports performance, taking into account the benefits and the

importance of choosing the right foods for the perfect functioning of our organism. The

significant gap between health and aesthetics causes the central duels in college-age female

soccer players, which we must separate since the required skills will be above aesthetics,

understanding that an aesthetic body will not always reflect optimal health or performance

in women's soccer the university stage.

           Jacobson BH, Sobonya C RJ. Nutrition practices and knowledge of college varsity

athletes: a follow-up. J Strength Cond Res. 2001;15(1):63-68.

doi:10.1519/00124278200102000-00011. The article shows us the positive aspects of

proper nutrition and alludes to the risks women who practice soccer in a university

environment may present. When this is not given the proper importance, it can lead to

hormonal dangers due to a lack of energy or nutritional deficiencies. Mentions that an

adequate diet is directly connected to the prevention of injuries, mainly muscular, due to the

correct recovery of these and leads to an appropriate performance within the student and

sports environment. This diet should include the three main macronutrients: carbohydrates,

proteins and fats, and vitamins and minerals from the widest possible variety of foods for

proper energy management, making this as varied as possible, adapted to the facilities of

each person without giving rise to any problems. From my experience, I can add the

effectiveness of this in my performance, making me responsible for my correct nutrition. I

manage to maintain an optimal percentage of fat and muscle, which is reflected in my

workouts and classroom; as the article mentions, the ease of creating excuses or pretexts for
not being conscientious and not being responsible for nutritional aspects in the life of a

college student is very high. 

Works Cited

SOCCER ATHLETES" (2017). Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional

Papers. 10973.

Close GL, Kasper AM, Morton JP. From paper to podium: quantifying the

translational potential of performance nutrition research. Sports Med. 2018 (Suppl).

https :// 9-018-1005-2.

Evelina E. Pérrz Sira, Foods for the Elderly, Institute of Food Science and

Technology. 2021, Venezuela, Faculty of Sciences.

Jacobson BH, Sobonya C RJ. Nutrition practices and knowledge of college varsity

athletes: a follow-up. J Strength Cond Res. 2001;15(1):63-68.

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