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SY. B.Ed. (2021-2022)


ASSIGNMENT- Choose a textbook of any one standard from your pedagogy.
Identify the different types of text used. Write a report on use of these text and
explain the significance to education.

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Nitin Jain as well as our
principal Mrs. Megha Ghoke who gave me the golden opportunity to do this wonderful
project on the topic Choose a textbook of any one standard from your pedagogy. Identify the
different types of text used. Write a report on use of these text and explain the significance to
education, which also helped me in doing a lot of research and I came to know about so many
things I am really thankful to them. Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and
friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.

I am over helmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to acknowledge my depth to all those
who have helped me to put these ideas, well above the level of simplicity and into something
concrete. Any attempt at any level can’t be satisfactorily completed without the support and
guidance of my parents and family. I would like to thank my teacher who helped me a lot in
gathering different information, collecting data and guiding me time to time in making this
project, despite of their busy schedules, they gave me different ideas in making this project

Thanking You,
Khushboo Gada
(SY B.Ed.)

In academic terms, a text is anything that conveys a set of meanings to the person who
examines it. You might have thought that texts were limited to written materials, such as
books, magazines, newspapers, and ‘zines (an informal term for magazine that refers
especially to fanzines and webzines). Those items are indeed texts—but so are movies,
paintings, television shows, songs, political cartoons, online materials, advertisements, maps,
works of art, and even rooms full of people. If we can look at something, explore it, find
layers of meaning in it, and draw information and conclusions from it, we’re looking at a text.


 Anderson (1985) defined reading as the process of constructing meaning from
written texts. It is a complex skill requiring the coordination of a number of
interrelated sources of information.
 Wixson (1987) called reading as the process of constructing meaning through
the dynamic interaction among: (1) the reader’s existing knowledge; (2) the
information suggested by the text being read; and (3) the context of the reading

Reading is a complex skill where the reader constructs meaning using the readers ‘prior
knowledge, material covered in the text and the context in which the reading is taking place.

• A reader’s purpose defines the entire reading process. It sets the stage about how the
reading process is going to be. Therefore, it is very important for the reader to know the
purpose of reading the piece. There could be three purposes of reading: Reading for Pleasure,
reading for Literal Understanding, Reading for Analysis, Interpretation and Application.

• There is a five stage reading process as discussed by Tompkins (2006):

Stage 1: Pre-Reading; Stage 2: Reading; Stage 3: Responding; Stage 4: Exploring; Stage 5:


• Reading across the curriculum helps students develop their thinking skills and develop an
interdisciplinary perspective for any concept.

• In our school textbooks we come across varied styles of texts - literary texts, non-literary,
narrative texts, expository texts, technical texts, persuasive texts, etc. In education we come
across many types of texts like Reference books, Textbooks, Policy documents and Research

• Teachers can employ strategies like encouraging novice readers, keeping series of books
which would interest their students, organising book fairs, organising reading corners and
reading periods in their timetables etc. to help students build the reading habit.

Diversity of Text:

The first thing that we need to decide is the book. There are hundreds of choices in the
market but we need to sort that out and choose the most appropriate book for study. Also, the
right book will increase the understanding and culture importance of the course of study in a
classroom. In addition, this process helps in choosing the correct textbook.

There are various points that help teachers to diverse text on the basis of some principles.
And help ion choosing the right book.

1. Author
2. Publication
3. Reading level
4. Grade level
5. Category
6. Character
7. Writing style

Types of text: Texts can be grouped into categories based on their structure and purpose.
These categories include narratives, expository texts, technical texts and persuasive texts,
which can be distinguished by examining what the author's intent and how the author goes
about achieving the intended result. Knowing the features of each type of text allows you to
choose the format that best suits your work.

Narrative Text

Narratives are accounts of past events, either real or fictional. A narrative essay, which tells
about real incidents, must have a clearly defined setting, characters, plot and point of view. It
must include an introduction, a climax and a conclusion. The author's purpose in writing a
narrative essay is to communicate an important lesson learned during the story -- such as the
importance of knowing how to swim when the author nearly drowned -- and not just recount
past events.

Expository Text

The purpose of an expository text is to give information about a specific topic. It is not
storytelling, but a straightforward discussion of a topic, such as population increase in New
England, the reasons behind it and its effects. According to Professor Arnetha F. Ball of
Stanford University, the author of an expository text cannot assume that the reader has prior
knowledge of the topic; therefore, the writer must use plain language and an easy-to-follow

Technical Text

The author of a technical text also has the purpose of explaining a specific topic, but a
technical text's language and structure distinguish it from other expository types. A technical
text contains specific terminology to address the text's issues and avoids colloquial terms,
humor and critical language. In addition, vague terms and figurative language have no place
in a technical text, in which authors use few, if any, interrogative sentences -- sentences that
are questions and imperative sentences -- sentences that are commands.

Persuasive Text

The author of persuasive text tries to convince the audience of the validity of the author's
opinion. This type of text can employ a number of different persuasive methods. These
techniques include the use of rhetorical questions, repetition, emotive language, exaggeration,
addressing the readers directly and using facts as a means of backing up a point. The writer
must mention the issue clearly and must express an opinion on it explicitly.

I have taken 8th std geography textbook (Maharashtra state).

Publisher- Shri Vivek Uttam Gosavi.

Pedagogy- Economics

There is a narrative text in chapter 1. Local time and standard time, where a short story is
written on Jantar-Mantar. Essentially, the purpose of narrative texts is to tell a story.
Narrative text, to explain natural phenomena and legends can be used to pass on cultural
beliefs. Storytelling itself is a means to entertain and inform readers and allows for the writer
to express themselves creatively and imaginatively. There are many types of narrative text,
including myths, fables, traditional tales, novels, short stories, etc., to name but a few.

Narrative text was also used in chapter 3. Humidity and clouds which focuses more on
elements of storytelling, role play, comics. It is shown with the help of characters discussing
about the weather conditions, it is processing of thematic structures and not so much of
details. Effective narrating techniques provides deeper meaning for the students and help
them to visualize situations.

I came across Expository text, provides a reader to construct meaning. It draws more on
background knowledge and evoke processing of details. Expository text is seen where sample
of property card and Sat bara is shown in chapter 6. Land use. It provides extra information to
the students. Expository text exists to provide facts in a way that is educational and
purposeful. The text is fact-based with the purpose of exposing the truth through a reliable
source. True and deliberate expository text will focus on educating its reader. Other
descriptors of exposition are clear, concise, and organized writing.

Technical text was used in chapter 3. Humidity and cloud where an experiment was
explained in detail, step by step explanation was done. Technical writing in geography serves
as an essential tool in communicating or conveying one's ideas, views, observations,
instructions, and suggestions in a more logical and technical manner. It promotes inclusion
and the development of digital literacy skills. It extends learning beyond the text – and
beyond the classroom walls. It ultimately exposes students and teachers to new online global
communities. This in turn promotes a global awareness, which is an essential component to a
21st century education.

Historical text is used in chapter 7. Population, where past information on census 2011 is
given. Regarding population and area sq. of per states. Statistic as per 2010 of literacy rate
and migration rate is shown. Historical text is a “tool for helping students at practically any
level learn how to formulate and support arguments based on primary sources, as well as to
understand and challenge historical interpretations related in secondary sources. It can help
students to improve their entire educational experience. Instead of the rote memorization of
events in the distant past, students can use history as the launchpad for learning essential
critical thinking skills, and thus better learning how to learn. The more it is used, the better
equipped students will be to think critically about information they’re presented.

Now that we have understood the meaning and purpose of reading; as teachers, we should
make efforts so that our students enjoy reading and enrich their learning. In order to do that
we need to remember two things:

1) Reading is a skill

2) Reading is a process.

When we say reading is a skill, it means it can be developed in students provided the
approach to develop the skill is well tested and methodical; and that is why reading is also
known as a process. Like all processes, if we follow certain steps, students can enjoy the
meaning making complex skill of reading.

As a teacher and even as a reader a good idea would be to connect the material either to past
personal experiences or to prior literary experiences or anything of special interest. Another
good strategy employed by teachers to engage students in reading exercises across the
curriculum is to help them make predictions regarding the text they are reading; when
students learn to make predictions they are automatically using higher order thinking skills
that help them in other spheres of their learning.

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