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2022030 Poorvik MP
2022035 S.R Adithya
Step 1 : Identify
Impact of Modernization on Indian Society Step 4: Raise questions
• What are the effects of modernization in our society?
• How does modernization impact culture?
Step 2 : Dissection • What are the political factors yeaaffecting modernization?
• What is the importance of modernization in relation to social change?
The impact of Modernization on India, can be discussed in five phases
• hostile contact with the conquest love of Alexander
• Vasco de Gama arrived with his ships at Calicut in 1498 A.D
• East India Company established its rule in the beginning of the eighteenth
century Step 5: Formulate Objectives
• beginning of the nineteenth century following the industrial revolution Main objective:
• the political independence of the country in 1947 To Ascertain the impact of Modernization in Indian Society

Specific objectives:
• The introduction of western institutions and its impact.
• How acceptance of scientific innovations raised the standard
Step 3 : Select of living.
• Change from monarchic government to democratic
The Political Independence of the Country in 1947 government.
• The impact of introduction of modern means of
• The emergence of middle class and change in dominant
values of society.

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