Evs Genetic Engineering

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SY. B.Ed. (2021-2022)


ASSIGNMENT- Report on presentation on Genetic

 Meaning –
Genetic engineering is the process of using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology to alter the
genetic makeup of an organism. Traditionally, humans have manipulated genomes indirectly
by controlling breeding and selecting offspring with desired traits. Genetic engineering
involves the direct manipulation of one or more genes. Most often, a gene from another
species is added to an organism's genome to give it a desired phenotype.
The term genetic engineering initially referred to various techniques used for the modification
or manipulation of organisms through the processes of heredity and reproduction. As such,
the term embraced both artificial selection and all the interventions of biomedical techniques,
among them artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization (e.g., “test-tube” babies), cloning,
and gene manipulation. In the latter part of the 20th century, however, the term came to refer
more specifically to methods of recombinant DNA technology (or gene cloning), in which
DNA molecules from two or more sources are combined either within cells or in vitro and are
then inserted into host organisms in which they are able to propagate.
The possibility for recombinant DNA technology emerged with the discovery of restriction
enzymes in 1968 by Swiss microbiologist Werner Arber. The following year American
microbiologist Hamilton O. Smith purified so-called type II restriction enzymes, which were
found to be essential to genetic engineering for their ability to cleave a specific site within the
DNA (as opposed to type I restriction restriction enzymes, which were found to be essential
to genetic engineering for their ability to cleave a specific site within the DNA (as opposed to
type I restriction enzymes, which cleave DNA at random sites). Drawing on Smith’s work,
American molecular biologist Daniel Nathans helped advance the technique of DNA
recombination in 1970–71 and demonstrated that type II enzymes could be useful in genetic
studies. Genetic engineering based on recombination was pioneered in 1973 by American
biochemists Stanley N. Cohen and Herbert W. Boyer, who were among the first to cut DNA
into fragments, re-join different fragments, and insert the new genes into E. coli bacteria,
which then reproduced.

 Uses of Genetic Engineering in different field-

1. Protection of crop against insects by BT-Toxins
A major proportion of the crops yield is lost from insect attacks. About one-sixth of the
global food production is lost by insect pests. There is no other alternative by farmers for the
use of chemical pesticides that cause damaged to the environment. These bacteria's produce
toxic pesticides called BT toxins, which impairs the absorption of food in the intestine of
some insect causing starvation and death. These BT toxins are not harmful to human. Now a
day the BT-toxins genes have decomposed in the soil and digested in the human body as all
other proteins. Insects resistant transgenic lines of potatoes, maize and cotton have been
licence for agriculture and used in the USA. Scientist are still trying to generate transgenic
insect- resistance plants for other crops.
2. Protection of plants against viruses
The introduction of coat protein gene of the tobacco mosaic virus into the genome of tobacco
plants makes them resistance to the virus. Sufficient expression of the gene in a plant is the
cause of protection. Although the mechanism is not yet understood, still the principle has
already been used with the success in many cases.
3. Herbicide-Resistant plants
In order to use this powerful herbicide as a selective post emergence herbicide, glyphosate
resistant transformed plants have been generated for a number of crop plants through genetic
engineering. EPSP synthesis genes have been isolated from bacteria, cloned and used to
transform the crop plants. Glyphosate resistant cotton, rapeseed and soya bean have been
already reduced. Similarly, glyphosate resistant maze and rapeseed plants have also been
licence for cultivation.
4. Improvement of Yield and quality of crops
Yield and quality of crop can be improved through the generation of hybrid from genetically
engineered male sterile plants. Genetic engineering is being used in many ways to modify the
quality of crops. It has been possible to increase the starch content and decrease the water
content in potato tubers by transforming the ADP glucose gene from e coli. By antisense are
RNA inhibition of the same gene decreased of starch content and increase of sucrose content
has been achieved. Transgenic tomatoes have been raised with altered ripening process and
improve quality and storage stability.
5. Protection against Environmental Stress
Transgenic plants are being produced to increase the stressed tolerance of cultivated plants
through alteration or over expression of genes involved in stress resistance. The cold
tolerance of tobacco has enhanced by increasing the amount of unsaturated fatty acid in
membrane lipid by genetic engineering.

 The positive effects of Genetic Engineering-

1. Disease Prevention
One of the top goals of genetic engineering is the improvement of health. Imagine a world
without the threat of AIDS or cancer. Those working in the genetics field hope that
manipulating the genes of humans will one day enable science to Prevent people from
contracting these potentially deadly diseases. Some diseases are more likely in certain people
because they have a history of the disease in the family, meaning it could be passed down and
make someone predisposed to a particular illness. Genetic engineering could theoretically
eliminate the passing of "disease" genes.
2. Pharmaceutical Development
Genetic engineering can be used to improve the drugs available on the marketplace by
making them more effective and safer. By using genetic modification scientists can make
pharmaceuticals more effective than the existing versions of the medicine. There are already
improved versions of insulin for diabetics and human growth hormones on the market thanks
to genetic engineering. Manipulation of genes may also make it possible to create plants that
contain natural medicine in labs.
3. Agriculture
Saving the seeds from the best looking plants to replant the following year has been a method
of manual genetic selection for many years. But science has made it possible to engineer
plants to produce the biggest and best fruits and vegetable possible by replacing the genes
and designing plants with the most desirable traits. This leads to the availability of more and
higher quality food that may also be resistant to the most common plant diseases.
4. Transplants
One of the most serious problems in medicine is the lack of available organs on the transplant
list. While donating organs is a good way to help your fellow man, there are simply not
enough to go around. Demand always exceeds the need, meaning many patients simply can't
survive until a match is found. But when those patients with failing organs knew in advance
that they would need a new organ, doctors could simply order it and have a compatible heart,
lung or other part "grown" in a lab. Genetic engineering may be able to make that a common
Occurrence eventually.

 The negative effects of Genetic Engineering-

1. The uncertainty –
Biggest concern is of course the uncertainty that is born out of the unfamiliarity of the whole
thing since this is a fairly new processes and mostly in the research stage many people are
worried that it might lead to unforeseen complications.
Unexpected side effects- The introduction of a mutation that is change in the genes might
give positive result but it might turn the tables and turn up the entire system it might give rise
to new disease that will have no cure for years to come.
Potential harms to health- One cannot predict the changes that a genetically engineered
species would make on the health. An accident or an unknown result could cause several
problems. An accident in engineering the genetics of a virus or bacteria for example could
result in a stronger type, which could cause a serious epidemic when released. This could be
fatal in genetic engineering creating problems ranging from minor medical problems, to death
2. Biological welfare-
The release of a new genetically engineered species would also have the possibility of
causing an imbalance in the ecology of a region just exotic species would do. genetically
engineered virus and bacteria can be created and unleashed on the world as very effectively
and deadly, biological weapons. it will certainly not be a fun scenario to be in a world where
there is the constant threat of being affected by a virus or bacteria that has been genetically
engineer to resist all known at times of killing them
Unknown harms to the environment- Genetic modification produces genetically modified
animals, plants and organisms. If they are introduced into the environment they can affect
biodiversity. For example, existing species can be overrun by more dominant new species.
Deadly biological weapons – Another dangerous scenario is the destructive use of genetic
engineering. Terrorist groups or armies could develop more powerful biological weapons.
People have created chemical weapons in chemical engineering. These chemical weapons
have caused massive destruction. Genetically engineered organisms used for biological
weapons might also reproduce faster, which would create larger quantities in shorter periods
of time, increasing the level of devastation
3. Cloning-
This is unnatural and may cause problems in clones
Several issues have also been raised as regards the acceptance of this technology. These
concerns range from ethical issues to lack of knowledge on the effects genetic engineering
may have. One major concern is that once an altered gene is placed in an organism, the
process cannot be reversed. 
Create birth defects- This include an increase in birth size and a variety of defects in vital
organs, such as the liver, brain and heart. Other consequences include premature aging and
problems with the immune system.

 The Impacts of Genetic Engineering on Biodiversity-

1. Elimination of Varieties-
Of the many GM organisms around, GM crops have been the subject of much concern about
their potentially adverse effects on biodiversity. Proponents of the use of genetic engineering
in agriculture argue that GM crops are indispensable to ensure a stable food supply for the
future. Yet, critics of GM crops argue that these GM crops only speed up the reduction of
diversity. They state that the spread of commercial GM crop varieties has only led to the
elimination of local varieties and other variants.
2. Herbicide Resistance-
Another way that GM crops may affect biodiversity is by promoting the greater use of certain
herbicides. According to critics, GM crops that are resistant to a particular herbicide promote
the overuse of that herbicide. The weeds that the herbicide is supposed to kill now develop a
resistance to the herbicide due to its overuse. Glyphosate is one common herbicide to which
some GM crops have developed resistance.
3. Spreading Engineered Genes-
There is concern that the use of GM organisms can potentially introduce exotic genes and
organisms into the environment that may disrupt natural communities and other ecosystems.
GM animals can escape from fishponds and cages, while GM plants can spread their seeds
outside fields and greenhouses. This incursion into natural ecosystems can contaminate the
natural gene pool and disrupt the biodiversity of such ecosystems.
4. Urban Sprawl-
Urban sprawl is basically another word for urbanization. It refers to the migration of a
population from populated towns and cities to the low density residential development over
more and more rural land.
In conclusion, genetic engineering is a scientific breakthrough that has led to developments in
biotechnology. Growth and human consumption of GM crops has been on the increase
dispute less regard to the consequences. Thus, ethical issues arise as they try to determine if
GM crops are good or bad for humans. Genetic engineering can have very many dangers. But
such fears will reduce once it is realized that everything has the potential to be dangerous or
harmful. Thus, the issues arising due to GM crops can be related to the ethical issues resulting
from science.

It was a great learning experience. As I researched, I learnt something new and I will connect
it with my lessons in future. My learning from this session is identifying various problems
related to environment and their solutions as well. Wherever possible I will apply this
knowledge and also teach the students to not harm the environment directly or indirectly. I
will teach in what ways we can save the environment. As I research on this topic, I went
through various websites and learnt something new on it which I will surely use this learning
in my future lessons.

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