The Best Chess Games (Part 3)

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The Best Chess Games (part 3)

Compiled by Dr Esenville

37... R:f3!!
Marshall vs Rubinstein, 1908 
(D02) Queen's Pawn Game, 43 moves, 0-1

26. R:f6!!

vs Nimzowitsch, 1934 
(E23) Nimzo-Indian, Spielmann, 31 moves, 1-0

The Master and the Ivanovic

Makarichev vs B Ivanovic, 1977
(A22) English, 67 moves, 1-0

V Akopian
vs Khenkin, 1994 
(B40) Sicilian, 22 moves, 1-0

Karpov's Immortal

Karpov vs Topalov, 1994 

(A32) English, Symmetrical Variation, 39 moves, 1-0

22. Re6!!
Z Sturua
vs R Kutirov, 1996 

(B14) Caro-Kann, Panov-Botvinnik Attack, 27 moves, 1-0

Kasparov Crusher

Kasparov vs Topalov, 1999 
(B07) Pirc, 44 moves, 1-0

22... Rb5!

vs L Christiansen, 1982 
Sunye Neto
(A28) English, 29 moves, 0-1

The Prodigy

Larsen, 1982 
Kasparov vs

(A55) Old Indian, Main line, 39 moves,

Sicilian Trouble

Fischer vs Gligoric, 1959 
(B56) Sicilian, 32 moves, 1-0

22. Rf6!

vs Tartakower, 1936   
(A15) English, 30 moves, 1-0

23. Rf6!

vs Geller, 1968 
(B25) Sicilian, Closed, 32 moves,

Lasker Says, Lasker Does...

Lasker vs Pirc, 1935 

Classical, 20 moves, 1-0
(B85) Sicilian, Scheveningen,


R Nezhmetdinov vs Tal, 1961 

(B84) Sicilian, Scheveningen, 29 moves,

I Wanna Play Like Spassky

L Vizantiadis vs Spassky, 1970 

(D20) Queen's Gambit Accepted, 27 moves,

So Much Better...

Spassky vs Tal, 1973 

38 moves, 0-1
(E30) Nimzo-Indian, Leningrad,


Spielmann, 1928 
Reti vs

moves, 1-0
(D51) Queen's Gambit Declined, 31

18. Rf5
Tal vs F
Olafsson, 1961 

38 moves, 1-0
(B48) Sicilian, Taimanov Variation,

San Lajos

Larsen, 1972 
Portisch vs

(A40) Queen's Pawn Game, 35 moves, 1-0

31. Qf3
Shirov vs Topalov, 1998 
(B42) Sicilian, Kan, 34 moves, 1-0

22. Re6

vs H Wolf, 1922 

(D02) Queen's Pawn Game, 40 moves, 1-0

Steinitz's Success

Steinitz vs G MacDonnell, 1867 

(B46) Sicilian, Taimanov Variation, 30 moves, 1-0

Samuel Anderssen

S Rosenthal vs Anderssen, 1873
(B23) Sicilian, Closed, 50 moves, 1-0

11... Rd5

Botvinnik, 1939 
Tolush vs

moves, 0-1
(D83) Grunfeld, Grunfeld Gambit, 37

21. Re4

Tal vs Najdorf, 1960 
(B80) Sicilian, Scheveningen, 26 moves, 1-0

20. Rd7

G Ravinsky vs Panov, 1943 

(B80) Sicilian, Scheveningen, 36 moves, 1-0

Moscow Murder

Tukmakov vs Razuvaev, 1983 
(E15) Queen's Indian, 27 moves, 1-0

He did it, motherfucker!

Movsesian vs Kasparov, 2000 

(B80) Sicilian, Scheveningen, 32 moves,

33... Re3

vs Kramnik, 1997 

(D58) Queen's Gambit Declined, Tartakower (Makagonov-

Bondarevsky) Syst, 34 moves, 0-1

Making Draw

Portisch vs Petrosian, 1972 

(A35) English, Symmetrical, 39 moves,

13. Bd3

Spielmann vs Tartakower, 1909 
(B15) Caro-Kann, 22 moves, 1-0

Boris Bogoljubov

B Verlinsky vs Bogoljubov, 1925 

(E38) Nimzo-Indian, Classical, 4...c5, 28 moves, 1-0

Fischerman's Friend

Fischer vs Minic, 1968 
(C33) King's Gambit Accepted,
24 moves, 1-0

14. Nh7

J J O'Hanlon, 1919 
Euwe vs
(C54) Giuoco Piano, 29 moves, 1-0

23. Rd7
Flohr vs
Lasker, 1936 

(A06) Reti Opening, 35 moves,

31... Rb3
vs Smyslov, 1959 

(D87) Grunfeld, Exchange, 39 moves,

Never Ever Karpov

Karpov vs Sax, 1983 
(B81) Sicilian, Scheveningen,
Keres Attack, 39 moves, 1-0

24... Rg6
vs Dreev, 1993 
(D47) Queen's Gambit Declined
Semi-Slav, 44 moves, 0-1

Epic Battle
Geller vs Averbakh, 1954 

(A07) King's Indian Attack, 46 moves, 0-1

Leo Cleo
Stein vs
R Hartoch, 1969 
(B10) Caro-Kann, 44 moves, 1-0

18. Rd4

M Gurevich vs Lerner, 1987
(E12) Queen's Indian, 41 moves,
Better Than Drugs
Lautier vs Shirov, 1990 
(E63) King's Indian, Fianchetto, Panno Variation, 32 moves, 0-1

Live from Zurich

Kasparov vs Shirov, 1994 
(B33) Sicilian, 38 moves, 1-0

To Be Pissed Off

J Polgar vs Smirin, 2000 

(B09) Pirc, Austrian Attack, 22 moves, 1-0

La Meitner
Steinitz vs
Meitner, 1860 

(C55) Two Knights Defense, 26 moves, 1-0

10-Moves Combination

F Lee vs Lasker, 1899 

(C77) Ruy Lopez, 46 moves, 0-1

27. Rc6

Schlechter vs G Marco, 1904 

Defense, 32 moves, 1-0
(D63) Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox

Lasker Gonna Do

Lasker vs Duras, 1909   

moves, 1-0
(D26) Queen's Gambit Accepted, 54

Fuck 'em

Najdorf, 1962 
Fischer vs
(B90) Sicilian, Najdorf, 24 moves,


Karpov vs Quinteros, 1973 

(B97) Sicilian, Najdorf, 37 moves, 1-0

'Cause He Is Tal

Tal vs Huebner, 1979 

moves, 1-0
(B18) Caro-Kann, Classical, 41

Merciless Karpov

Karpov vs Shirov, 1992 
(D45) Queen's Gambit Declined
Semi-Slav, 32 moves, 1-0

33. Rd5

vs Adams, 1996 

38 moves, 1-0
(B17) Caro-Kann, Steinitz Variation,


Lilienthal vs Ragozin, 1935 
(E24) Nimzo-Indian, Samisch, 47 moves, 0-1

23. Rc6

vs S Holm Petersen, 1975 
S Mariotti
(B20) Sicilian, 36 moves, 1-0

23. Re4

vs Nisipeanu, 1996 
(B17) Caro-Kann, Steinitz Variation, 35
moves, 1-0

Nona, No!

N Gaprindashvili vs R Servaty, 1974 

(B39) Sicilian, Accelerated Fianchetto, Breyer Variation, 17 moves, 1-0

Bravo, Bareev

Topalov vs Bareev, 1994 
(C11) French, 23 moves, 0-1

Still Suat
S Atalik
vs Sax, 1997 
(E37) Nimzo-Indian, Classical,
26 moves, 1-0

32... g5

vs Chigorin, 1890 

(C55) Two Knights Defense, 55 moves,


vs H Steiner, 1933 
(C49) Four Knights, 25 moves, 1-0

Botvinnik vs Portisch, 1968 
(A22) English, 26 moves, 1-0

Liebert Missed A Liberty

Geller vs H Liebert, 1970 
(B07) Pirc, 47 moves, 1-0
28. Rb7+
Khalifman vs Serper, 1994 
(D38) Queen's Gambit Declined, Ragozin Variation, 31 moves, 1-0

18... Ra3
vs Lasker, 1896 

moves, 0-1
(D50) Queen's Gambit Declined, 30

Cobo Combo

E Cobo Arteaga vs Ivkov, 1963 

(C18) French, Winawer, 25 moves, 0-1

25... Nf4

V Kovacevic vs Timman, 1984 

(D02) Queen's Pawn Game, 32 moves, 0-1

Rocket Rooks

Huebner vs Salov, 1989 
(B62) Sicilian, Richter-Rauzer, 60
moves, 1/2-1/2

Epic Ending
vs Rubinstein, 1909   
(C84) Ruy Lopez, Closed, 75 moves, 0-1

42. Rc2

vs Euwe, 1946 

(D27) Queen's Gambit Accepted, Classical, 51 moves, 1/2-1/2

Streets of NY
vs Tartakower, 1924   
(A40) Queen's Pawn Game, 52 moves, 1-0

67. g5

Botvinnik vs Najdorf, 1956 
(E42) Nimzo-Indian, 4.e3 c5, 5.Ne2
(Rubinstein), 73 moves, 1-0

Go To Gulko

Gulko, 1988 
Speelman vs

(E17) Queen's Indian, 57 moves, 1-0


Kan vs Capablanca, 1936 
(C25) Vienna, 56 moves, 0-1


vs Steinitz, 1896 

(C64) Ruy Lopez, Classical, 57 moves,

41... Rd3
vs Lasker, 1914 

(C68) Ruy Lopez, Exchange, 89 moves, 0-1

Shitty Schiffers

Lasker vs Schiffers, 1896 

(D02) Queen's Pawn Game, 49 moves, 1-0

Alexander Euwe

Alekhine vs Euwe, 1936 

(C49) Four Knights, 60 moves, 0-1

Bots Over Fear

Botvinnik vs Tal, 1961 

moves, 0-1
(E81) King's Indian, Samisch, 75

Bogo Game

Bogoljubov, 1921 
Alekhine vs
(E15) Queen's Indian, 30 moves, 1-0

24. Qe5

vs K Sterk, 1921 
(D37) Queen's Gambit Declined, 30
moves, 1-0

25. Bg6

vs Rubinstein, 1923 

(D64) Queen's Gambit Declined, Orthodox, Rubinstein Attack, 32

moves, 1-0

It Doesn't Matter

J Kupper vs Petrosian, 1964 

(C05) French, Tarrasch, 49 moves, 0-1

The Razor
vs Uhlmann, 1975 
(D86) Grunfeld, Exchange, 29 moves,


Beliavsky vs Psakhis, 1980 
(E15) Queen's Indian, 35 moves, 0-1

17. Bh5
Alekhine vs Euwe, 1935 
(C15) French, Winawer, 41 moves, 1-0

30... b4

Blackburne vs Lasker, 1892 
(C22) Center Game, 50 moves, 0-1

A vs. B

vs Bogoljubov, 1934 
(D11) Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, 39
moves, 0-1

18. Be5
vs Ivkov, 1979

41 moves, 1-0
(D31) Queen's Gambit Declined,


Polugaevsky vs E Torre, 1989 

(D18) Queen's Gambit Declined Slav, Dutch, 39 moves, 1-0

18... b5

vs R Nezhmetdinov, 1951 

moves, 0-1
(A54) Old Indian, Ukrainian Variation, 4.Nf3, 28

Run, Flohrest, Run

Flohr vs Larsen, 1966 

(A56) Benoni Defense, 40 moves,

24... Ne4
vs Geller, 1955 

(E89) King's Indian, Samisch, Orthodox Main line, 34 moves, 0-1

32. Bf8+!!
Larsen vs
Kavalek, 1970 

moves, 1-0
(A01) Nimzovich-Larsen Attack, 33


Fischer vs Geller, 1967 

(B97) Sicilian, Najdorf, 25 moves,

15. Bf5

Alexander Petrov vs Szymanski, 1853 

(C01) French, Exchange, 17 moves, 1-0

25... Bf2
vs Savon, 1977 

(D87) Grunfeld, Exchange, 42 moves, 0-1

17... Bg4
vs Steinitz, 1894 
(D21) Queen's Gambit Accepted, 37
moves, 0-1

34. Bb3

vs Petrosian, 1956 

(B18) Caro-Kann, Classical, 52 moves,

22. Bc7
vs A Matanovic, 1968 

(C92) Ruy Lopez, Closed, 44 moves, 1-0

100 games

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