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Brief Review

Effects of Resistance Training Methods on Golf

Clubhead Speed and Hitting Distance: A
Systematic Review
Aaron Uthoff,1 Lesley M. Sommerfield,1 and Andrew W. Pichardo2
Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand; and 2Robert E. Lee
High School, Tyler, Texas

Uthoff, A, Sommerfield, LM, and Pichardo, AW. Effects of resistance training methods on golf clubhead speed and hitting distance: A
systematic review. J Strength Cond Res 35(9): 2651–2660, 2021—Resistance training is widely regarded within the golfing community
to improve golf performance by increasing clubhead speed (CHS) and drive distance and can be classified into 3 categories:
nonspecific, specific, and combined. However, it is currently unclear which resistance training methods are most effective in improving
predictors of golf performance. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to compare the effectiveness of nonspecific, specific, and
combined strength training methods on CHS and drive distance. A systematic search strategy was performed using the Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses guidelines to identify eligible articles through PubMed, SPORTDiscus,
MEDLINE (EBSCO), and Google Scholar. The searches identified 4,557 potentially relevant results, with 20 studies that met the
inclusion criteria and were included in the final review. Thirteen studies investigated nonspecific resistance training, one study
investigated specific resistance training, and 7 studies investigated combined resistance training. Collectively, resistance training
positively impacts golf CHS and hitting distance, but adaptations vary depending on the type and intensity of training, as well as
subject’s characteristics. Using a combination of nonspecific and golf-specific training (average increase of 4.1% CHS and 5.2%
hitting distance) seems to enhance golf performance more than nonspecific strength training (average increase of 1.6% CHS and 4.8%
hitting distance). Eight-week programs including golf-specific movements at high velocities for 3 to 4 sets of 5 to 15 repetitions are the
most effective in increasing CHS and hitting distance. Future research investigating how golf-specific training influences CHS and
hitting distance in various subgroups may provide further insight regarding prescription of this training type.
Key Words: driver distance, golf performance, strength training, specificity, golfing

Introduction (38). In fact, golfers with greater CHS are stronger than lesser
skilled counterparts (7,23,30,50,59). Chest, back, and lower-
Golf is a popular sport throughout the world, with more than 60
limb maximal strength assessed using nonspecific compound
million people estimated to participate in the game annually (2).
movements (e.g., upper-body presses, upper-body pulls, and
Each player’s goal is to achieve the lowest possible score within a
squat movements) were moderate to strongly correlated with
given round by hitting the ball from the starting point (tee) into the
hole 150–700 yards away (3) in the fewest shots possible. Drive CHS (23,30) and ball speed (59). Ballistic movements that require
distance is strongly correlated to a player’s handicap or current the projection of one’s own body mass, such as jumps, are simi-
ability over an entire round of golf, which includes long game, short larly related to CHS (28). Furthermore, single-leg jumps had
game, and putting performance (21). Golf clubhead speed ([CHS], stronger correlations to CHS compared with bilateral counter-
the velocity at which the golf clubhead impacts the golf ball (20)), is movement jumps and squat jumps (28,47,59), suggesting uni-
easily measurable and influences drive distance, which can make lateral power transfers to hitting performance more than bilateral
approach shots shorter, particularly on longer holes. Therefore, measures. The assessment of rotational power has been limited to
improving CHS is often a goal of physical training for golf. machine and seated medicine ball protocols and is similarly cor-
An effective golf swing is determined by proper biomechanics, related to strength testing (23,47). Furthermore, strength in bio-
kinetics, and neuromuscular factors (20), such as strength and mechanically similar movements, such as the golf-specific cable
power. The opportunity to improve CHS through technique im- down swing, has stronger correlations with CHS when compared
provement is limited because of the complex nature of a golf with less specific rotational movements (30,47). Given the re-
swing (7,26,66), so coaches and athletes may also focus on force lationship between strength, power, and hitting performance, it
and rate of force development (RFD) to improve hitting perfor- seems prudent to target these qualities to improve CHS.
mance, which is a predictor of overall score. Several studies have Resistance training is widely regarded within the golfing
shown that hitting performance is related to strength and power community as a means to improve golf performance (60) and
(16,27,45), whereas endurance capacity is poorly related to CHS CHS by improving kinetic variables such as peak force (PF), im-
pulse, and RFD (8). These improvements allow golfers to increase
Address correspondence to Lesley M. Sommerfield, drive distance and CHS, which may influence approach shots as
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 35(9)/2651–2660 well, with little to no change in swing technique (8). Resistance
ª 2021 National Strength and Conditioning Association training for golf can be classified into 3 categories: nonspecific,


Copyright © 2021 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Resistance training effects on golf shot performance (2021) 35:9

specific, and combined. Nonspecific resistance training com- control groups, dependent variables definition, assessment
monly refers to traditional gymnasium-based exercises such as the methods, study duration, statistics, results, and conclusions.
power clean, back squat, and bench press or other functional The scale uses a rating system of 20 points where zero repre-
body mass movements (65). Specific resistance training refers to sents clearly no, one is maybe, and 2 is clearly yes. Table 1
methods that closely resemble the biomechanics of the movement provides a detailed overview of the scale.
(e.g., golf swing) (65), for instance, using weighted clubs, swing-
ing medicine balls in a golf swing motion, and performing swings
with wearable resistance. Combined resistance training refers to a Statistical Analyses
blend of nonspecific and specific methods in which traditional To evaluate the effects of strength training on CHS and hitting dis-
gymnasium-based resistance exercises are performed with some tance, percentage change ([postintervention group mean 2 pre-
form of specific strength exercise, such as a back squat and intervention group mean]/preintervention group mean 3 100) and
weighted golf swing (52). effect size (postintervention group mean 2 preintervention group
The principle of training specificity suggests maximal transfer mean/preintervention SD) were calculated using Microsoft Excel.
of training occurs when exercises are biomechanically similar to The effect sizes (d) were classified as small (0.20–0.49), moderate
the sporting movement (4,33). However, it is currently unclear (0.50–0.79), and large ($0.80) according to Cohen (12).
which resistance training methods are most effective in improving
hitting performance. Therefore, the primary purpose of this re-
view is to compare the effectiveness of nonspecific, specific, and Results
combined strength training methods on clubhead speed and drive Search Results
distance. Based on the literature synthesized, we also aim to
provide resistance training recommendations for golf and high- The searches identified 4,557 potentially relevant results. After a
light areas for future research. review of titles and abstracts, the total was reduced to 31 training
studies. Twenty studies met the inclusion criteria and were ana-
lyzed. These studies included a total of 412 subjects (297 men, 77
Methods women, and 38 unspecified). The subjects included were char-
acterized as either healthy sedentary, recreational golfers, or elite
Search Strategies
golfers (as classified by handicap), as described by the authors of
A systematic review of literature was undertaken for longitudinal the reviewed articles.
studies assessing the effects of resistance training on golf performance
(CHS and hitting distance) in accordance with the Preferred
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses Characteristics of Included Studies
(PRISMA) statement guidelines (43). The search for scientific liter- There were 20 studies that examined the effects of resistance training
ature relevant to this review was conducted using 4 electronic da- on either CHS or hitting distance in 308 golfers (220 men, 69
tabases: PubMed, SPORTDiscus, MEDLINE (EBSCO), and Google women, and 19 unspecified) (1,10,16,18,20,27,29,31,32,35,37,
Scholar from inception to March 2020. Key search terms used were 44–46,49,52,54,56,62). One of the 20 studies examined both non-
“golf” AND “strength,” OR “training,” OR “conditioning,” OR specific training and combined training, so it was included in 2 tables
“resistance,” AND “club head speed,” OR “distance,” OR “per- (27). The training interventions for the studies ranged from 6 to 18
formance” using Boolean logic for query “resistance training and weeks in duration. Most studies used high repetition (8 to 25 repe-
golf.” A manual search for related articles was conducted by titions), slow movement speed, or rehabilitation exercises
screening the reference lists of the retrieved articles (Figure 1). (9,18,20,22,32,35,37,56,62), with the exception of 3 studies that
used strength and power repetition ranges (5–6 repetitions)
(1,19,45). The following sections provide a summary of the available
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria literature on the effectiveness of nonspecific, specific, and combined
The articles were deemed appropriate for use through the fol- strength training methods on golf hitting performance.
lowing inclusion criteria: (a) studies included injury-free subjects
of any age, sex, or activity level; (b) training interventions lasted at
least 4 weeks; (c) was published in English; (d) was published Study Quality
using a peer-review process; and (e) reference “golf” in relation to The average assessment quality score obtained from the McMaster
resistance training. Studies were excluded if they (a) used a single- (42) scale was 15.3 6 2.22 and ranged from 10 to 19 (Table 2). This
group study design; (b) were a cross-sectional correlational study; demonstrates a moderate to high study quality for the included
(c) examined the effects of a warm-up; (d) examined post- studies. Items 2 (subjects assigned appropriately [random/equal
activation potentiation; and (e) did not report pre-post results on baseline]), 4 (control group inclusion), and 9 (results detailed [mean,
either clubhead speed or hitting distance. SD, percent change, and effect size]) were the most variable factors
distinguishing between high-quality and low-quality studies.

Study Quality
Nonspecific Training Methods
A scale designed specifically for sports science research (42) was used
to assess the quality of the included studies. This scale uses a com- Thirteen studies used nonspecific resistance training methods vary-
bination of items from the Cochrane, Delphi, and PEDro scales and ing in volume and intensity (16,18,27,29,32,37,44,45,49,52,56,62)
expands on a scale designed by Brughelli et al. (6) to evaluate re- (Table 2). For the 9 studies using high-repetition, low-load training,
search in athletic-based training environments. The method- CHS increased an average of 0.9% (d 5 20.26 to 0.59) and hitting
ological scale assesses 10 domains of the study: inclusion distance improved an average of 4.1% (d 5 0.24–0.95)
criteria stated, subject assignment, intervention description, (17,27,32,36,44,49,52,54,62). For the 5 studies including low-


Copyright © 2021 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Resistance training effects on golf shot performance (2021) 35:9 |

Table 1 Discussion
Study quality scoring assessment (42). This review was the first to examine the effectiveness of different
No. Item Score nonspecific, specific, and combined training methods on CHS and
1 Inclusion criteria stated 0–2 hitting distance. Clubhead speed and hitting distance were found
2 Subjects assigned appropriately (random/equal baseline) 0–2 to mostly improve regardless of training type. However, prefer-
3 Intervention described 0–2 ential responses were apparent between training methods.
4 Control group 0–2 There were mixed results regarding the effect of nonspecific
5 Dependent variables defined 0–2 resistance training on hitting performance. Training programs
6 Assessments practical 0–2 using weightlifting movements or suspension systems showed
7 Training duration practical (acute versus long-term) 0–2
improvements of CHS in collegiate and youth golfers (45,49),
8 Statistics appropriate (variability, repeated measures) 0–2
9 Results detailed (mean, SD, percent change, and effect 0–2
whereas similar traditional resistance training methods had neg-
size) ative effects on CHS in male and female collegiate golfers, despite
10 Conclusion insightful (clear concise, future directions) 0–2 increases in leg and chest strength (32,45). This suggests that
Total 0–20 although there is a positive relationship between strength and
CHS (23,30), gaining strength alone may not necessarily result in
improved hitting performance.
repetition, high-load strength training and explosive exercises, CHS Three of the 13 studies using traditional resistance training
increased an average of 3.3% (n 5 4, d 5 0.11 to 1.53) and hitting methods observed decreases in CHS (27,32,37), so the lack of
distance improved an average of 3.3% (n 5 2, d 5 0.31–1.22) kinematically specific exercises and velocities may have influ-
(16,19,29,45,49). enced the magnitude of performance gains (45). For example,
Loock et al. (37) observed a small decrease in CHS after 12 weeks
of COREPOWER machine training (2 by 3-minute sessions, 3
Specific Training Methods times per week), which only allows movement through a sagittal
Only one study examined the effects of specific resistance training plane (37). Furthermore, several studies also used single-joint,
methods on hitting performance (10) (Table 3). Hitting distance open-chain exercises, such as leg curls and leg extensions. On the
improved 7.1% and CHS improved by 15.9% after an 8-week other hand, several studies reported greater CHS or hitting dis-
training program. Specific training had a large effect on CHS (d 5 tance after performing multijoint free-weight exercises such as
1.60) and moderate effect on hitting distance (d 5 0.82). squat, deadlift, bench press, and weightlifting derivatives
(16,17,19,27,45,61), supporting nonspecific training as a means
to improve sport performance. Given the diversity of exercise
selection and inconsistencies in the program design, it is unclear
Combined Training Methods
which nonspecific method is optimal for enhancing predictors of
Seven studies examined the effectiveness of combined resistance golf performance. However, a golf swing is a closed-chain, mul-
training methods on either CHS or hitting distance tijoint movement, so resistance training should incorporate sim-
(1,20,27,31,35,46,54) (Table 3). Clubhead speed improved 4.1% ilar exercises for maximum transfer to hitting performance.
on average, ranging from 1.5 to 11.1%, whereas hitting distance Specificity of movement and speed is critical for training
improved 5.2% on average, ranging from 1.9 to 8.1%. Combined methods to transfer to the desired sporting task. Hitting distance
training had a moderate effect on CHS (d 5 0.51), ranging from improved after 8 weeks of training with a 3- and 5-kg medicine
0.17 to 1.41, and a moderate effect on hitting distance (d 5 0.52), ball, mimicking a golf swing as the ball is released. Specific
ranging from 0.13 to 0.89 (Table 4). training may have the highest transfer to golf-specific

Figure 1. Selection process for articles included in this review.


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Resistance training effects on golf shot performance (2021) 35:9

Table 2
Effects of nonspecific resistance training on clubhead speed and hitting distance (n 5 13).*
Study Subjects Duration Exercises Sets Reps Intensity Results QS
Cummings et al. (16) INT n 5 5 8 wk Resistance exercises: 3 4–12 Self-selected loads and INT: 17
Males Front squats, val slide push-up, DB 60–80% 1 RM ↑ 4.5%; d 5 1.53
20.8 6 1.0 y row, val slide reverse lung, dips, DB CHS
CON n 5 5 squat press, partner 4-way stick ↑ 5.2%; d 5 1.22
Males push, speed quarter squats, DB distance
20.7 6 1.0 y bench, stir-the-pot, chin ups, snatch- CON:
Collegiate golfers grip BB RDL, rotary push-up plank, ↑ 1.2%; d 5 0.63
overhead lunge, trap-bar deadlift, CHS
barbell row, TRX body saw, ↓ 2.2%; d 5 0.37
plyometric push-up, DB RDL, distance
landmine rotations with lunge, and
Turkish get-up
Doan et al. (17) n 5 10 11 wk Resistance exercises: 3 7–12 N/A Males: 14
Males Bench press, upright rows, pullover, 2–4 10–15 ↑ 0.6%; d 5 0.21
19.8 6 1.7 y n 5 6 leg curl, back extension, step up, CHS
Females cable row, military press, good Females:
18.5 6 0.8 y mornings, barbell squat, shoulder ↑ 3.4%; d 5 0.59
Intercollegiate golfers circuit, lunges, leg extension, and CHS
No CON group wrist curl
Medicine ball exercises:
Speed rotation, and standing throws
Driggers and Sato (19) n 5 10 10 wk Resistance exercises: 3 2–8 65–90% 1 RM ↑ 1.4%; d 5 0.31 16
Males Sprints, overhead squat, DB bench distance
18–22 y press, DB shoulder press, push
Collegiate golfers press, step-ups, back squat,
No CON group midthigh pull, clean pull from knee,
supine DB pullover, single arm DB
row, lying leg lift, bent-over bar row,
and DB reverse fly
Hegedus et al. (27) n 5 15 10 wk Traditional resistance exercises: 3 10 N/A Driver 14
Females Back extension, wrist curls, side ↑ 2.5%; d 5 0.23
58.2 6 2.1 y plank, bench press, seated lat pull- CHS
Amateur golfers down, shoulder shrugs, bent over ↑ 5.9%; d 5 0.34
No CON group row, hip abduction machine, distance
modified Russian deadlift, and 7-Iron
reverse hyper hip extension ↓ 0.8%; d 5 20.06
↑ 10.7%; d 5 0.61
Hetu, Christie, and n 5 17 (12 males, 5 8 wk Resistance exercises: 2 6–12 N/A ↑ 6.3%; d 5 0.37 12
Faigenbaum (29) females) Leg extension, leg curl, chest press, CHS
52.4 6 6.7 y lat pull-downs, lateral raise, No results by sex
Recreational golfers abdominal exercises, lower-back reported
No CON group exercises, DB press, internal rotation,
external rotation, wrist flexion, wrist
extension, body mass squat, DB
squat, and DB power clean
Lamberth et al. (32) INT n 5 5 6 wk Resistance exercises: 3 8–25 N/A INT: 14
Males Back hyper, leg press, leg curl, ↓ 3.9%; d 5 20.54
CON n 5 5 reverse lunge, Bulgarian lunge, CHS
Males walking lunge, DB forward lunge, CON:
21.4 6 2.3 y Smith machine squat, bench press, ↓ 1.9%; d 5 20.58
Collegiate golfers DB rows, shoulder complex, DB CHS
incline bench press, lat pull-down,
double curls, DB bench press, DB
upright row to curl to press, double
LAT pull-downs, horizontal pull-ups,
standing cable twist, and cable wood
Loock, Grace, and Semple n59 12 wk COREPOWER machine 2 3 min N/A ↓ 2.6%; d 5 20.26 10
(37) Males CHS
17–76 y
Recreational golfers
No CON group


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Resistance training effects on golf shot performance (2021) 35:9 |

Table 2
Effects of nonspecific resistance training on clubhead speed and hitting distance (n 5 13).* (Continued)
Study Subjects Duration Exercises Sets Reps Intensity Results QS
Olivier et al. (44) n 5 43 (36 males, 7 7 wk Lunge variations, push up variations, 1–3 5–15 N/A 0%; d 5 0.00 CHS 16
females) prone hold, Russian twist, barbell ↓5.4%; d 5 20.38
24 6 8.9 y wood chop, DB rows, renegade rows, distance
Amateur golfers and resisted band sprints No results by sex
No CON group reported
Oranchuk et al. (45) INT n 5 6 (3 males, 3 7 wk CON exercises: 3–4 6–10 N/A INT: 17
females) Single-leg squat, DB SL-RDL, leg 3–6 2–10 75–100% 1RM ↑ 1.0%; d 5 0.11
21.2 6 0.9 y curl, plate sit up, MB twist, pull-up, CHS
CON n 5 6 (3 males, 3 DB 1-arm bench, band pull-apart, CON:
females) face-pulls, MB golf swing, MB ↓ 3.7%; d 5 20.20
19.5 6 1.5 y walking lunge, cable internal rotation, CHS
Collegiate golfers cable wood chop, MB sit up, and 1-
leg back extension
INT exercises:
Hang clean, push press, front squat,
incline DB bench, seated row,
deadlift, back squat, trap-bar-jump,
DB shoulder press, pull-up, power
clean, BB RDL, DB bench press, and
BB rows
Seiler, Skaanes, and SET n 5 10 9 wk SET exercises: 2 5–10 10% BM SET: 13
Kirkesola (49) 15 6 2 y Hip abduction, pike, lat extension, 3 6–12 ↑ 3.7% CHS†
CON n 5 10 bridge and curl, unstable bilateral CON:
15.8 6 2 y squat, unstable unilateral squat, and ↑ 1.2% CHS†
Junior golfers suspended push-up
No sex reported CON exercises:
Bench press, squats, biceps curl, dip,
back extension, 1-arm row, sit up,
and seated MB rotation
Sung et al. (52) CEG n 5 20 8 wk CEG exercise: 3 12–15 60–70% 1RM CEG: 17
Males Crunch, reverse crunch, trunk twist, ↑ 4.8%; d 5 0.24
23.0 6 0.5 y good morning, and DB side bend distance
NCEG n 5 20 NCEG exercises: NCEG:
Males CEG core exercises, DB curl, wrist ↑ 10.9%; d 5 0.95
23.2 6 0.6 y curl, reverse wrist curl, triceps distance
CON n 5 20 extension, DB press, and side lateral CON:
Males raise ↑ 0.4%; d 5 0.05
24.0 6 1.0 y distance
Elite golfers
Thompson, Cobb, and INT n 5 11 8 wk Functional training 1–3 8–15 BW INT: 18
Blackwell (54) Males Spinal stabilization ↑ 4.9%; d 5 0.33
CON n 5 7 Balance training CHS
Males Resistance training CON:
70.7 6 7.1 y ↓ 0.9% CHS†
Recreational golfers
Weston, Coleman, and INT n 5 18 8 wk Resistance exercises: N/A N/A N/A INT: 15
Spears (62) Males Squat, bent leg curl, superman, ↑ 1.7% CHS†
CON n 5 18 supine bridge, prone bridge,
Males quadruped, lunge, and side bridge
47 6 12 y
Recreational golfers
*QS 5 quality score; INT 5 intervention; CON 5 control; DB 5 dumbbell; BB 5 barbell; RDL 5 Romanian deadlift; d 5 effect size; N/A 5 not available; CHS 5 clubhead speed; BM 5 body mass; RM 5
repetition maximum; SL 5 single leg; MB 5 medicine ball; SET 5 sling exercise training; CEG 5 core exercise group; NCEG 5 nondominant arm and core exercise group.
†Standard deviation not available so effect size could not be calculated.

performance, provided the previous suggestions that training at a specific resistance training using weight clubs and a band-resisted
specific velocity improves strength primarily at that velocity (14). drive system for a 6-week phase but was part of an 18-week
High-velocity, low-load movements, such as golf-specific medi- progressive training program. The lack of literature on the effects
cine ball training used by Choi, Kim, and Oh (10), seem to enable of specific resistance training methods highlights the need for
strength gains in biomechanically similar movement patterns to future research into other specific methods. Specifically, further
the golf swing, subsequently enhancing performance. research is needed using wearable resistance because it provides
Unfortunately, this is the only standalone specific resistance an easy method to incrementally load certain body segments and
training study available in golf. The INT group in another study has been shown to improve other complex athletic activities
(1) also improved clubhead acceleration after performing golf- (39,40).


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Resistance training effects on golf shot performance (2021) 35:9

Table 3
Effects of specific resistance training methods on clubhead speed and hitting distance (n 5 1).*
Study Subjects Duration Exercises Sets Reps Intensity Results QS
Choi, Kim, and Oh (10) INT n 5 9 8 wk Medicine ball exercise: N/A 4-5 per minute N/A INT: 14
36.22 6 5.91 y 3-kg and 5-kg golf-specific throws ↑ 15.9%; d 5 1.6 CHS
CON n 5 9 ↑ 7.1%; d 5 0.82 distance
35.83 6 9.01 y CON:
Amateur golfers ↑ 1.4% CHS†
No sex reported ↑ 1.5% distance†
*QS 5 quality score; N/A 5 not available; d 5 effect size; CHS 5 clubhead speed.
†Standard deviation not available so effect size could not be calculated.

Subjects in the combined training method studies range from technique, whereas sets with lower repetitions improve the athlete’s
amateur to professional level and range in age from 22 to 65 years. kinetic profile. Two studies, including the only specific training
Of the 7 combined resistance training studies, 3 have used an air- study, did not report the set and repetition schemes (10,62).
resisted device, elastic tubing, or cable pulley system to mimic the golf Given the inverse relationship between load and volume, it is also
swing (27,35,46), 2 used medicine ball throws to replicate swing important to consider whether there is an optimal training intensity
movement (20,31), and 2 used weighted clubs (1,54). Combining that transfers to predictors of golf performance. Of the 20 available
traditional exercises such as bench press, lat pull-downs, and Ro- studies, only 6 reported training intensity. Five studies using non-
manian deadlifts with pulley machine–resisted golf swings lead to the specific training methods reported intensities from body mass up to
greatest improvements in CHS for recreational golfers older than 47 100% one repetition maximum (1RM) (16,19,45,49,52,54), 3
years (27,35). The study by Alvarez et al. (1), which had the greatest studies using combined training methods used intensities from 60%
training effects, included 3 training blocks of 6 weeks, each with a of 10RM to 85% 1RM (1,31,56), and there was no intensity
different focus: maximal strength training and golf-specific strength reported for the only specific training study. There were no distin-
training. This study also included a CON group that performed basic guishable differences regarding intensity between nonspecific and
resistance training exercises once a week and core stability training combined strength training methods. However, using relatively low
once a week throughout the 18-week intervention, but the im- repetitions allows for greater intensities to be used and maintained,
provements in clubhead acceleration were much smaller compared which allows for greater gains in strength and power (53).
with the INT group. This suggests a long-term approach using phase Intervention length ranged between 6 and 18 weeks. Strength
potentiation is most beneficial for improving hitting performance. transfers from the training programs were the least effective for 6-
Given that high-load and high-velocity resistance training week and 12-week interventions. The most effective training dura-
uniquely affect muscle morphology (57) and different components tion was 8 weeks, where CHS increases ranged from 2.0 to 16.0%
of the force-velocity curve (14,15), using a combination of both (10,16,20,27,29,35,52,55,56,62) and hitting distance improved
slow and fast exercises may enable strength training to transfer to between 1.9 and 10.9% (10,16,20,27,29,35,52,55,56,62). These
golfing performance. For example, strength training can be used to findings suggest that training adaptations to hitting performance are
increase maximal force production capabilities through increases influenced by intervention duration. A novel training stimulus may
in physiological cross-sectional area of muscles (58), whereas high- elicit improvements in neuromuscular coordination and strength in
velocity exercises (e.g., medicine ball rotations, elastic swings with the early periods of training; however, as subjects accumulate
tubing, or cable pulley swings) may enhance the neural determi- training experience, training intensity must be continually increased
nants, such as intramuscular and intermuscular coordination (64), to elicit strength adaptations.
subsequently enabling increased swing performance (14). How- When assessing the influence of intervention duration on hitting
ever, this postulate requires further investigation because no studies performance, it is important to consider the types of training used for
have looked at the effects of combined training using golf-specific different intervention lengths. For example, the only 6-week training
methods on muscle architecture or mechanics. intervention used nonspecific training, so readers should consider the
Training load is the interaction between training volume and limitations due to limited research in this area (32). Studies between 9
intensity. This metric is used to guide exercise prescription and and 18 weeks used either nonspecific or combined training methods,
plays an integral role on adaptations to strength (41,51). Training resulting in improvements in CHS ranging from 0.5% (12 weeks) to
programs aimed at improving golf-specific performance have 2.4% (9 weeks) and hitting distance from 4.3% (12 weeks) to 6.0%
used one to 6 sets ranging from 2 to 25 repetitions (10 weeks). Interestingly, 8 weeks of training was still the most ef-
(1,10,16,18–20,27,29,31,35,37,44–46,49,52,54,56,62). These fective for both CHS and hitting distance, regardless of training type.
set and rep schemes are tailored for adaptations to power (45), With only a single study investigating the adaptations associ-
maximal strength (1,19,20,44,46), hypertrophy ated with a full training cycle for golf-specific strength and power
(16,18,27,29,31,45,49), and strength endurance (32,35,52,54). (1), it is problematic to extrapolate these findings for general
For nonspecific strength training, using one to 4 sets of less than strength and conditioning purposes. Despite the lack of in-
12 reps show the best average results for CHS vestigation into periodized training for golf performance, pre-
(16,18,19,27,29,45,49,56,62), whereas programs using 15 reps or vious literature supports the effectiveness of periodized training
more had the least amount of transfer. Studies examining the effect programs on general strength and power adaptations, which can
of combined training methods on CHS and hitting distance used 3 improve CHS and hitting distance (24,25). Based on the available
sets with rep ranges between 5 to 15 (1,20,27,31,35,46,54), with evidence, programs as short as 8 weeks may cause meaningful
sets up to 15 repetitions having the greatest average effect on CHS changes in hitting performance. Given the variety of study designs
performance. Given that combined training includes golf-specific and training methods, there is still uncertainty regarding optimal
movements, the high repetition range may improve swing training duration.


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Resistance training effects on golf shot performance (2021) 35:9 |

Table 4
Effects of combined resistance training methods on clubhead speed and hitting distance (n 5 7).*
Study Subjects Duration Exercises Sets Reps Intensity Results QS
Alvarez et al. (1) INT n 5 5 18 wk Maximal strength training: 3 5 85% 1RM INT (1st phase) 19
Males Bench press, seated row, barbell squat, 3 6–10 70% 1RM ↑ 4.1%; d 5 0.62 clubhead
24.2 6 5.4 y military press, calf extension, and triceps 3 10 acceleration
CON n 5 5 push-down INT (2nd phase)
Males Explosive strength training: ↑ 2.7%; d 5 0.43 clubhead
23.9 6 6.7 y Bench press 1 plyometric push-up, acceleration
Low-handicap golfers seated row machine 1 explosive pull- INT (3rd phase)
downs, barbell squat 1 vertical jumps, ↑ 4.3%; d 5 0.56 clubhead
seated barbell military press, seated calf acceleration
extension, and triceps cable push-down INT (Overall)‡
Golf-specific strength training: ↑ 11.1%; d 5 1.41 clubhead
Weighted clubs and accelerated drives acceleration
with tubing club system CON:
↑ 1.2%; d 5 0.06 clubhead
Fletcher and Hartwell INT n 5 6 8 wk Resistance training: 3 6–8 N/A INT: 18
(20) Males Bench press, squat, single-arm row, 3 8 ↑ 1.5%; d 5 0.31 CHS
CON n 5 5 lunge, shoulder press, upright row, ↑ 4.3%; d 5 0.63 distance
Males abdominal crunch, back extension, and CON:
29 6 7.4 y side bends ↑ 0.5%; d 5 0.04 CHS
Club golfers Medicine ball exercises (3 kg): ↓ 0.7%; d 5 20.08 distance
Seated horizontal twists, standing
horizontal twists, standing back extension,
and golf swing
Hegedus et al. (27) n 5 14 10 wk Golf-specific resistance exercises: 3 10 N/A Driver 14
Females Back extension, cable wrist flexion/ ↑ 2.0%; d 5 0.20 CHS
57.6 6 3.7 y pronation, standing cable diagonal chop, ↑ 1.9%; d 5 0.13 distance
Amateur golfers 1-arm/1-leg cable bench press, standing 7-Iron
No CON group lat pull-down, shoulder shrugs, 1-arm/1- ↑ 7.2%; d 5 0.60 CHS
leg cable row, 1-leg Russian deadlift, ↑ 7.6%; d 5 0.50 distance
lateral plyometrics, and standing cable hip
Kim (31) INT n 5 9 12 wk Part 1 (home exercise): 3 12–14 60–70% INT: 15
Females Tubing deadlift, tubing squat, incline 3 12–14 1RM ↑ 3.5%; d 5 0.63 CHS
22.9 6 3.7 y crunch, gymnasium ball back extension, ↑ 4.3%; d 5 0.89 distance
CON n 5 8 leg raise, tubing hip abduction, total body CON:
Females twist, kneeling rollout, and medicine ball ↓ 1.96%; d 5 20.56 CHS
21.8 6 4.4 y rotations ↑ 0.47%; d 5 0.11 distance
Professional golfers Part 2 (fitness club exercise):
Deadlift, squat, incline crunch, hyper
extension, body turning, hip abduction,
cable crunch, kneeling rollout, and 3-kg
medicine ball swing
Lephart et al. (35) n 5 15 8 wk Resistance exercises: 3 10–15 N/A ↑ 5.2%; d 5 0.61 CHS 15
Males Hip abduction/adduction, scapular 1 30 s ↑ 6.8%; d 5 0.65 distance
47.2 6 11.4 y retraction, resisted backswings, resisted 1 30 s
Trained golfers downswings, resisted through-swings,
No CON group and crunches
Balance exercises:
Static front squat, single-leg stances on
floor, and single-leg stances on foam pad
Stretching exercises:
Supine hip flexion, prone torso flexion,
kneeling lunge, seated hip rotation, seated
torso rotation, seated torso rotation with
club, and standing lateral bending
Parker et al. (46) IK n 5 10 (6 males, 4 9 wk IK exercises: 3 5 N/A IK: 14
females) Isokinetic and isometric exercises N/A N/A ↑ 1.7%; d 5 0.17 CHS
22.0 6 4.0 y performed with free weights and body ↑ 8.1%; d 5 0.59 distance
IT n 5 10 (7 males, 3 mass, isokinetic standing rotation golf IT:
females) swing, and loaded isokinetic squat ↑ 1.9%; d 5 0.18 CHS
22.0 6 4.0 y IT exercises: ↑ 3.6%; d 5 0.28 distance
Intercollegiate golfers
No CON group


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Resistance training effects on golf shot performance (2021) 35:9

Table 4
Effects of combined resistance training methods on clubhead speed and hitting distance (n 5 7).* (Continued)
Study Subjects Duration Exercises Sets Reps Intensity Results QS
Isotonic and isometric exercises
performed with free weights and body
mass and ballistic rotation exercises
Thompson & Osness INT n 5 19 8 wk Resistance exercises: 1 12 80% 10RM INT: 17
(56) Males Chest press, leg press, biceps curl, lat 1 20–30 ↑ 2.5% CHS†
64.3 6 6.2 y pull-down, abdominal crunch, leg 1 s CON:
CON n 5 12 extension, seated row, shoulder press, leg 10 ↓ 0.6% CHS†
Males curl, and back extension
66.2 6 5.9 y Flexibility exercises:
Recreational golfers Lateral trunk side bends, chest muscle
stretch, posterior and inferior shoulder,
back extensor, quadriceps, hamstring,
angry cat, and lateral trunk rotations
Weighted swings:
1.3 kg slow and controlled swing
*QS 5 quality score; INT 5 intervention; CON 5 control; d 5 effect size; CHS 5 clubhead speed; IK 5 isokinetic; IT 5 isotonic, N/A 5 not available.
†Standard deviation not available so effect size could not be calculated.
‡Calculated from the end of training program, before a 5-week washout period.

Different training methods result in improved neuromuscular from analysis (10), regardless of sex, combined resistance training
capabilities, which transfer to golfing performance. However, methods resulted in greater relative strength transfers to CHS and
subject’s characteristics may influence the level of adaptations hitting distance compared with nonspecific strength training
depending on age, sex, and skill level. methods. However, no study has examined the effects of specific
Age is a factor that may influence the effectiveness of strength resistance training on CHS and hitting distance in female athletes
training interventions (34). However, the effectiveness of strength and only one is available in men, so research in this area is sparse.
training on hitting performance of golfers of different ages has not Another important factor to consider when examining the cur-
been previously investigated. The available literature examined a rent literature is the skill level of the subjects. Because experienced
large range of subjects, spanning from 15 to 76 years. Golfers and professional golfers exhibit more efficient biomechanics (67), it
younger than 30 years had lower improvements than golfers aged is likely that strength from resistance training may transfer more
between 30 and 50 years. Furthermore, golfers aged between 50 efficiently to predictors of golf performance (1,52). This is sup-
and 70 years had greater improvements than golfers younger than ported by findings that experienced and professional golfers with
30 years but had lesser improvements than those aged 30–50 years. handicaps less than 10 report the largest gains in both CHS and
In the only study that examined athletes older than 70 years, hitting distance (1,31,35,52) compared with less skilled amateur
nonspecific training improved CHS almost 5% (54). One possible and recreational golfers. Furthermore, less skilled golfers respond
explanation for the greatest transfer of strength to hitting perfor- more positively to combined resistance training methods than
mance in 30- to 50-year-old golfers is that resistance exercise can nonspecific strength training for both CHS and hitting distance.
minimize or negate the onset of connective tissue stiffening in this This may be partially explained by providing more practice to
age group (5), enabling a more effective transfer from elastic simulate the sequencing of segments in a golf swing, such as swings
musculotendinous structures (63). Furthermore, better golfers tend with a medicine ball or cable. Over time, the specific training may
to be younger, which may affect the amount of improvement from aid in improving swing technique, whereas the nonspecific training
a training program and account for the relatively small improve- allows for greater force and power production from the muscles.
ments in CHS and hitting distance. Based on these results, 30- to Finally, although specific training was the most effective method
50-year-old golfers have the greatest improvements in hitting per- for experienced or professional golfers, there were no studies that
formance after resistance training, and combined training should investigated the effectiveness of nonspecific strength training on
be used to optimize strength transfers to golf performance for CHS in experienced or professional golfers. This highlights the
golfers younger than 70 years. However, readers should be aware need for research examining strength training in higher-level golf-
that no studies have yet investigated specific strength training ers. Furthermore, the available literature suggests that less skilled
methods for golfers younger than 30 years or older than 50 years or golfers should be prescribed combined strength training methods to
the effects of combined training on golfers older than 70 years. enhance performance and skilled golfers should use specific and
Previous research has established that both men and women can combined training to maximize their golfing performance.
increase muscle size and strength from resistance training; how- A lack of relevant studies examining resistance training for golf
ever, it is unclear if there are sex-specific adaptations from the same highlights several limitations and areas for future research. First, there
training stimulus (48). Specifically, it is unclear how sex differences is a glaring lack of research investigating specific training methods on
influence strength training adaptations and CHS and hitting dis- CHS and hitting distance. The one study in this area featured amateur
tance. Twelve of the 20 studies investigated the effects on male golfers 301 years training for 8 weeks using 3- and 5-kg medicine ball
golfers (1,10,16,18–20,32,35,37,52,54,62), 3 investigated female exercises. Although the improvements in CHS and hitting distance
golfers (18,27,31), and 5 used a combination without dis- were promising, further research in younger, more skilled golfers and
tinguishing the results between sexes (29,44–46,56). Overall, men longer interventions with specific resistance training is needed.
and women responded similarly to the different training programs. Another limitation in the available literature is the lack in fe-
In addition, when the only specific training study was removed male subjects. Only 8 of the 20 studies used female subjects and


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Resistance training effects on golf shot performance (2021) 35:9 |

often in smaller numbers than the men. Given the differences in resistance training may improve force production and CHS, optimiz-
anthropometrics and physiology, further research is warranted to ing swing technique is paramount for overall golf performance.
determine whether and how resistance training for golf should
differ between men and women.
Finally, intervention length varied greatly, with most training Practical Applications
programs lasting 8 weeks of less. Given that golf is a sport typi-
cally played year-round, more long-term interventions are needed Strength and conditioning coaches should aim to follow best
as resistance training can be performed alongside other forms of practice and implement resistance training programs based on
training with proper integration. In addition to the lack of liter- subject ability and training goal. When training golfers, ex-
ature, one limitation of the systematic review procedure was the ercises should be multijoint movements, similar to a golf
focus on CHS and hitting distance, specifically. Furthermore, swing, an intention to move with high velocity, or load the
there was a high level of heterogeneity in the studies regarding the trunk safely (33). Such protocols may improve muscular ki-
age, skill level, sex, and type of exercises used. Practitioners netics such as PF that transfer to golf swing kinematics and
should be cognizant of this when interpreting the effectiveness of CHS (1,11). Thus, practitioners working with an elite cohort
different training methods in this review. should use low repetition sets to allow for high movement
Collectively, resistance training positively affects golf CHS and velocity of biomechanically similar movements. In addition, a
hitting distance, but adaptations vary depending on the type of long-term program with phases that build upon each other,
training (1,9,18,20,22,29,31,35,56,62). The variation in results is transitioning from general to specific training over time, may
indicative of the training stimulus offered, as greater improvements to be most effective to improve CHS and hitting distance. Finally,
CHS and hitting performance are seen when higher degrees of given the limited research regarding the utility of specific
movement specificity are integrated into the training program through strength training for predictors of golf performance, future
ballistic methods (10,27,35,46). Regardless of sex or skill level, using a investigations should aim to explore the effectiveness of golf-
combination of nonspecific and golf-specific training seems to en- specific resistance training using novel training protocols,
hance CHS and hitting performance more than nonspecific strength such as wearable resistance, on CHS and hitting distance.
training. Although evidence is limited, the one study investigating Further research investing the influence of training load and
exercises kinematically similar to a golf swing resulted in improved intervention length, as well as subject’s age, sex, and skill level
hitting performance; however, more research is needed to substantiate may provide further insights into resistance training pre-
this type of training. In addition, compound movements (i.e., jump scription to improve CHS and hitting distance.
type movements, upper-body pressing, and pulling) with higher ve-
locities (ballistic, high velocities) and moderate loads (i.e., maximal
power training) should be incorporated to maximize effectiveness.
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