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Enterprise Applications Consultant

Project Rsum & Skills and Experience Summary

Updated: December 15, 2010
Offers over 23 years experience in all phases of ERP system implementation, conf
iguration and customization from analysis of client requests through specificati
on approval, development, testing, piloting and user training. He is known for
excellence in all fields of endeavor and is highly commended for performance and
professionalism. In addition to being a capable project leader, he is a first-
rate team player, an insightful business and technical analyst, an excellent pro
ject manager and an effective communicator. He achieved a CPIM certification fro
m APICS in 2002.
Consultant has acquired and demonstrated expertise or a high degree of experienc
e with the following applications and technologies.
Application Software (ERP):
QAD MFG/PRO (10 years exp., versions 7.x, 8.x, 9.0, eB, eB2), Endura Enterprise
, Infor (Frontstep/Mapics) Symix/Syteline (10 years exp.), MS+ ERP.
Database Environments:
Progress RDBMS (22 years experience), MS-SQL Server 2000, MS-SQL Server 7, MSDE
, MS-Access, Informix, MySQL.
Application types:
Financials (AR, AP, GL), Sales Order, Distribution, EDI, Customer Service, Manu
facturing, Inventory, Data Collection, Purchasing, MRP, MPS, Costing, Engineerin
g, Quote Generation, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), MHS (Material Handl
ing System), Forms Processing, Forms Archiving.
Other Software:
StreamServe 2, 3 & 4, Optio DCS/FAX-FX, Optio DesignStudio 7.8, Sterling EDI, S
TX EDI, Trinary EDI, Frontstep eBusiness Suite, Workflow, CRM, Robocom RIMS, Int
egral Enterprise Viewer, MS Office, SolidConverter, Intuit QuickBooks.
Languages and Protocols:
Progress 4GL Version 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, SQL-92, Visual Basic, Pascal, Fortran,
COBOL, C++, ODBC, HTML, XML, FTP, TCP/IP, UNIX shell scripting (Bourne and Korn
shells), MKPCL, SNA.
Operating Systems:
HP-UX 11, AIX 4.x & 5.x, SunOS, SCO UNIX, Windows Server 2000, Windows Server 2
003, Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000/NT/9x/DOS, Linux, VMS.
HP: 9000 & L1000 series, SUN Sparc, NCR Tower, Intel (PC & server), IBM RS-6000
Dec: PDP-11 & VAX.
verse project team whose goal it was to provide a smooth transition of critical
information systems during a change of ownership. Performed detailed analysis of
a custom-developed Progress-based Material Handling, Data Collection and wareho
using system for beef production for a major Canadian producer which was in the
process of purchasing a large production plant. Adapted applications to new busi
ness process and regulatory needs and facilitated network communications with th
e clientas IBM mainframe. (Sep 08-Nov 10)
a Made modifications to functionality of MHS, added ability to create reports in
Excel format.
a Oversaw expansion of new manual and automatic scale configurations.
a Led effort to bring Progress database licenses up-to-date for maintenance purp
a Provide ongoing support of MHS and Data Collection system remotely, automating
the adding of users, rebuilding indexes in database, monitoring performance, pe
rforming system administration and DBA functions. (Mar 09-present)
a Designed background program work-around to interface data from a Matrix system
to accommodate roll-off of ID Station and Grade Scale operations onto a new Mat
rix system station. (Jul 10-Aug 10)
a Modified messaging functionality to allow for larger weights to be sent to the
mainframe system via SNA protocol. Worked with mainframe personnel to test and
implement modifications smoothly.
a Documented functionality of Material Handling System and Data Collection in th
e clientas knowledgebase using Wiki-based software.
ERP IMPLEMENTATION AND SUPPORT II a" Served on the global implementation team fo
r a major MFG/PRO eB2 manufacturing user with over 30 sites and significant cust
om modifications. Was assigned wide-ranging duties, analytical, functional and t
echnical (May 07-Aug 08).
a Evaluated business forms software packages from four vendors and delivered rep
ort with recommendations.
a Streamserve Implementation: Implemented and supported for over 30 sites. Forms
included Purchase Order, Delivery Note (Shipper), Invoice, Work Order and Sales
Order Confirmation (Acknowledgement).
o Provided universal printer accessibility via print server setup and Adobe PDF
emailing functionality integrated with QAD user record email addresses.
o Modified XML output from MFG/PRO to include selectable page codes and user ema
o Used extensive scripting to provide support for dual language documents (Engli
sh/German) and double-byte support for Chinese and Japanese character printing.
o In addition to forms, added ability to send any QAD report as an Adobe PDF att
achment to a specified email address. Allowed users to conserve printing supplie
s and also print to non-network printers.
a CIM loaded data from centralized repository for new sites.
a Developed direct material cost extract to meet global raw material scheduling
a Designed and developed functional, flexible custom QAD security reports for au
a Used session trigger-wrapper method to change functionality of customer part a
ssignment in Sales Order entry. Added pop-up for customer part selection based o
n existence of values in the cp_mstr table. Utilized session trigger logic to ac
complish integration.
ERP IMPLEMENTATION AND SUPPORT I a" Served on a working committee which implemen
ted MFG/PRO eB with customizations for an international multi-site corporation.
Responsibilities encompassed both technical and functional roles. After implemen
tation, provided support and ongoing process and technical improvements (Oct 02-
Apr 07)
a Trained clientas users in both standard MFG/PRO functionality and customizatio
n for clientas repair shop.
a Tested highly customized system against particular siteas requirements.
a Developed forms specification and implemented form for Findings Report, FAA Ce
rtification (8130) and Invoice via Stream Serve forms software. Provided for spe
cific document needs for sites in three (3) countries.
a Designed a Production Routing form for a new aircraft engine component manufac
turer in Singapore.
a Performed custom data conversions and loads for Product Configuration, Customi
zed Routing Schemes, A/R, A/P, Vendor master and Global Tax Management using CIM
a Developed custom reports and performed troubleshooting for post-implementation
problems. Utilized systems change requests for full compliance with Sarbanes-Ox
ley requirements.
a Developed, implemented and supported forms using Stream Serve software for int
ernational standardized forms project.
a Oversaw development of external application interfaces using ASCII and XML pro
tocols with FTP transport.
a Created and maintained extensive, detailed procedural documentation defining s
tandard user processes for native and customized MFG/PRO functionality.
a Provided ongoing administration and support including the following: new user
setup and training, business process analysis, financial analysis, printer setup
and troubleshooting, legacy system support (older version of MFG/PRO), system p
erformance tracking, ad hoc report and spreadsheet creation, customer and busine
ss partner support for external B2B interfaces, internal interfaces to a StreamS
erve document processing application, a custom metrics system and a Cognos busin
ess intelligence application.
team with a new controller determined to improve inventory accuracy and the phy
sical inventory-taking process. This team achieved both goals and eliminated the
need for temporary hires by using improved forms and faster, more precise repor
ting. (original project: May 05, updated and improved: Oct 06)
a Developed user friendly, easy to read inventory tag forms via Streamserve form
s development. Forms contained one section for WIP and one for finished goods.
a Developed aWIP Inventory Taga program to print inventory tags for repair items
in WIP, sorted by milestone to make them easier to locate on the shop floor. Mo
dified MFG/PRO-standard Finished Goods tag code to work with Streamserve tag for
a Stream Serve tag forms could be called by either tag generation program (Finis
hed Goods or WIP.)
a Set up archive of tag forms so that any lost tags could be re-printed immediat
a Designed aInventory Valuationa reports for accounting to determine acarcass co
stsa of repair items in the Asset Management site.
STREAMSERVE FORMS DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT a" Served as the Streamserve developer
and ongoing support person for several firms:
a Served as interim Streamserve support for major manufacturer and SAP user. Suc
cessful telecommuting contract (Aug 05-Sep 05).
o Setup native Streamserve PDF-writer for invoice form.
o Added fuel surcharge, segregated from total freight per output.
a Ongoing Streamserve support for large firm, Oracle user (Jun 07-present).
o Added logo and address selection functionality based on corporation code.
o Made cosmetic changes to make forms more readable.
a Work for two other firms mentioned in implementation and support I & II above.
SOFTWARE PROJECT MANAGEMENT a" In the following projects, consultant had the rol
e of Project Manager or Project Lead:
a Virtual Printer system a" Envisioned, developed, implemented an automatic Adob
e Acrobat-based emailing system to work in lieu of printers with all QAD reports
. The system is fully automatic, instantaneous and because it is based on the ac
count ID of the user submitting the report, it is secure also. System saves pape
r, toner and is crucial for traveling employees who need to see report data imme
diately and do not have access to a printer. (Jul 07-Dec 07)
a Document tracking system a" Saved client approximately $70,000.00/year in docu
ment storage fees by designing a bar code system for critical documents. Require
d PCL-based subsystem to implement effectively, designed also. (Feb 06-Mar 06)
a Customer Field Tracking Sub-system a" Designed MFG/PRO application bolt-on to
capture specified repair field values per customer (e.g., Engine Serial, Warrant
y, Customer WO #, Sub-customer PO, etc.). Fields were captured during quote entr
y for customeras whose capture flag was set to YES for field values requested. (
Sep 04)
a Integrated FAA Certification Project a" Oversaw development of a repair certif
ication system which pulls data directly from MFG/PRO work orders, requests more
information from component inspectors and generates certifications via StreamSe
rve for multiple aviation authorities (FAA, JAA, CAAC, etc.). Developed for use
in three (3) countries. Provided ongoing support and enhancements for system. Us
ed StreamServe forms generator for output. (Sep 03-Feb 04)
a Internet Data Harvester System a" Proposed, designed and developed a Progress-
based system for client to automate information retrieval from internet sites. (
May 03)
a Implementing this system reduced the amount of time to download data at least
six-fold and eliminated all errors.
a Client realized a direct monetary savings of over $3,000.00/month.
a Features of system: Custom-built to address clientas needs, multiple session c
apability (up to 5 simultaneous sessions per client computer), recognized and pr
evented duplicate data, output interface to Excel spreadsheet format.
a Payroll System Integration a" Built a CIM interface in MFG/PRO eB to load data
from clientas payroll system (PDS) reports. Interface included accounts and for
mat error checking. Saved client between 6-10 hours per month of controlleras an
d payroll departmentas time. (Apr 03)
a Data Extract Project a" Built a data extract interface which delivered informa
tion to clientas largest customer from MFG/PRO. Developed roll out plan for four
(4) sites encompassing four (4) time zones in three (3) countries. System deliv
ered exception report and was automated to send data at the close of each work d
ay. System was later modified to also send XML files to a B2B site. (Jan 03-Mar
a Six Sigma Initiative: DSO reduction a" Problem: users were forgetting to send
Advanced Ship Notices to customers causing administrative errors and non-payment
. Worked with Sales Department and Six Sigma Black Belts to determine best way t
o increase accuracy in ASN delivery ad streamline the user process, thus reducin
g Days Sales Outstanding. Led project to automate Advanced Ship Notice documents
(EDI-856) sent at time of shipment. Tested project and rolled out to user base.
(Jun 02-Aug 02)
a Database Audit Trail System a" Managed project to design and develop a compreh
ensive Audit Trail system for table updates using database triggers in Progress
V8. System tracked record creation, modification and deletion in specified table
s recording user ID, date, time, current and former value of fields, etc. (Mar 0
2-Jun 02)
a MFG/PRO 9.0 Upgrade a" Led project to upgrade MFG/PRO from 7.4i to 9.0 SP4. Po
rted entire system from HP-9000 box to an HP L1000 series. Tuned kernel on new b
ox for Progress. Designed automatic UNIX FTP scripts and Progress code to aid in
dump and reload process. Reapplied modifications (200+ programs). (Feb 02-Jul 0
a Miscellaneous ODBC a" Administration and maintenance of ODBC for use with Crys
tal Reports, troubleshooting connections with Progress ODBC server process. (200
a JIT Initiatives a" Worked with Engineering, Material Management, Purchasing, O
perations and a contracted programmer to develop and implement application progr
ams designed to increase productivity, efficiency and accuracy. Examples include
a ASME Shop Traveler a" Designed developed and implemented a custom Shop Travele
r system into MFG/PROas Work Order module using Optio DCS forms generation softw
are. Also created product bar code identification label and stocking label to b
e output simultaneously on Zebra printers. Traveler and labels were designed to
promote ASME standards. (Apr 99-Jun 99)
a Automatic Backflush a" Developed an automatic backflushing and serial number b
ar code labeling system in MFG/PRO. Serial number entered is verified against op
en work orders for 100% accuracy. (Aug 99-Sep 99)
a Automatic PO a" Developed an automatic kanban Purchase Order Faxing system in
MFG/PRO using Optio DCS forms software and FaxFX. (Jun 99-Aug 99)
a Estimation System a" Led project to develop and implement a GUI-based Estimati
on System in Progress V8. Was in charge of status meetings and testing sessions.
Later managed project to upgrade to Progress V9 and roll out to 2nd division of
Client Company. (Mar 99-Oct 99)
a Built to clientas specification. Formulas adapted from clientas Excel spreadsh
eet models into modular Progress function calls. Screen flow built around engine
eras manual estimation processes to provide an intuitive user-interface.
a Fully integrated with clientas Symix ERP system. Estimation system uses data f
rom Symix tables (item, cost, work center, customer, etc.) as input and creates
new items and product structures with costs in Symix from generated quotes.
a Features maintainable parameter screens to control formulas for machine operat
ions, materials, packaging options, user access, pricing categories and pricing
a Template-driven for rapid development of quotes. Prints quote letter ready to
a Wrote documentation for system detailing the configuration, features and funct
ionality of Estimation System how it interfaced with the clientas ERP system.
a Modified original quoting system to make it callable by the clientas new ERP s
ystem, Microsoft Dynamics AX (formerly Axapta). Set up interface between SQL dat
abase and Progress using COM objects within the updated Progress code. Database
connections were achieved aon the flya within the code. (Oct 08-Jan 09)
SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT (Other) a" In the following projects consultant had the rol
e of lead developer or was a member of a team of developers:
a Document Archiving Program a" Goal was to increase speed and efficiency in the
filing and retrieval of automatically generated Adobe Acrobat documents. Devel
oped Progress program to manage large folders of archival documents: Invoices, C
ertification, Findings Reports. Program archives by date and type into specific
sub-folders. Program utilized Progress UNIX directory object model. (Feb 07-Mar
a Municipal Permit Tracking System a" Developed and debugged maintenance and inq
uiry screens for Progress-based permit tracking system in a major US city. (Aug
a Analysis and Testing a" (Team member) Performed various tasks related to analy
zing processes and testing modifications and solutions to problems. Became profi
cient with all forms of testing including regression testing. Proposed creative
solutions to long-standing problems such as reducing DSO, reducing purchasing ad
ministrative lead-time and increasing accuracy and timeliness in EDI Advanced Sh
ip Notices. (Jun 02-Aug 02)
a Service Charge Invoice System - (Lead) Designed, developed and implemented a f
ully integrated aservice charge invoicea sub-system in MFG/PRO whose function wa
s to break out service charges from sales orders into separate invoices. (Dec 01
-Feb 02)
a Receipt aRoll-upa System a" (Team member) Developed and tested an inventory re
ceipt rollup processing module to combine separate stock receipts from the wareh
ouse system (Robocom RIMS) into the highly customized QAD ERP system. Purpose wa
s to correct sample size calculations within the QA (Pilgrim Q*MIS). (Jul 01-Sep
a Data Collection a" (Team member) Modified and debugged a three-processor clien
t-server Data Collection system utilizing an Intel-based controller connected to
the production machine and the Progress Windows client. (Apr 96-Jun 96)
a Order Entry System a" (Lead) Designed, developed and implemented a GUI (graphi
cal user-interface) based Customer Order Entry System in Progress V7, which was
integrated into the clientas Symix ERP system. (95-96)
a EDI Integration a" (Lead) Developed and integrated EDI software into Symix ERP
system for transmission and receipt of Purchase Order documents, Customer Order
s, Invoices, Advance Ship Notices and Motor Carrier Information to multiple trad
ing partners. (94-95)
a Wiring List Database a" (Lead) Designed and developed a complete Wiring List S
ystem for use by Engineering in the design of circuit connections. (1993)
a Content Management System a" Set up a website design and development environme
nt for a manufacturer. Implemented Joomla as the content management solution, tr
ained users of the system, integrated template, text and images provided by clie
nt. (May 10-Jun 10)
a Modified many MFG/PRO financial reports to import directly into Excel cutting
down time for the accounting department.
a Made modifications to Trinary EDI package interfaced with MFG/PRO.
a Completed a backlog of MFG/PRO report modification requests including: Shippi
ng Report, Purchase Order Print, Inventory Comparison Report, Inventory Evaluati
on Report, Work Center Loading Report, Sales by Group Report, Work Order Cost Re
port, Promotional AP Reports, Physical Inventory Tag Quantity vs. System Quantit
y report.
a Designed and developed multiple system enhancements for companies related to t
he following business application systems: Engineering, Customer Order Processin
g, Inventory, MRP, Accounting, Purchasing, Warehouse Management, Production Cont
a Developed budgetary estimates and detailed specifications for programming proj
ects. Advised clients on feasibility of ERP projects and most efficient directio
ns to pursue.
a Developed and maintained programs to extract data from MFG/PRO for loading int
o a Sales Metrics and Analysis system written in MS-Access on a separate server.
a Performed Progress database administration and system configuration services f
or clients: single to multiple volume database conversions, index rebuilds, data
base dump and reload processes, backup management, archive and delete proposals,
resource needs assessments, log file analysis, etc. (Ongoing)
a Developed many one-time data-transformation scripts into Standard CSV, Progres
s a.da, QAD CIM format, etc. (Ongoing)
a Improved a clientas system performance to be roughly 10 times faster by utiliz
ing Progress database tuning techniques. (Aug 00)
a Orchestrated a data merge between two MFG/PRO systems (Versions 7.4i & 8). De
veloped custom replication system to transport and transform data. (Oct 99-Jan 0
a Set up a custom data replication system between MFG/PRO and OnContact Sales Qu
ote system running on MS-SQL server via ODBC connection across a network. Devel
oped software to synchronize the data between the Progress database and the SQL
server database. (Oct 99-Jan 00)
a Assisted with the implementation of a Central Database Management (CDM) Data R
eplication System. (Oct 99-Jan 00)
a Performed data translation analysis to determine data table exports from Sytel
ine database to be imported into ICIM ERP. (Aug 2009)
a Upgraded MFG/PRO from 7.4f to 7.4i. Reapplied modifications (100+ programs).
(Oct 99-Apr 00)
a Created data translation maps to convert data in an IBM System 38 file structu
re to appropriate Symix database fields. (1995)


a Developed MFG/PRO integration for sending electronic invoices to major multi-s
ite global customer via
a Installed Frontstep (Mapics) eCRM for companyas internal use. Created SQL Serv
er 2000 databases in conjunction with installation. Wrote VB & SQL scripts to st
andardize loading procedures. Performed import of ACT! Contact database and Harr
is database via Excel spreadsheets. Modified database and screens to handle cust
om fields. (Nov 00-Apr 01)
a Developed Intranet pages with resources for ERP consulting group.
a Acted as pre-sales technical analyst during sales calls.
a Administer several business and tech-based blogs (Oct 05-present).
a Trained clients as part of QAD eB implementation in eB functionality, work ord
ers, customer orders, product configuration, accounting modules. (2002-2004)
a Trained clients in Progress V6 and V7, Progress system administration and Symi
x administration. (1994-1997)
a Conducted client training in V8 windows GUI development. Designed curriculum f
or this class. (1996)
a Conducted code reviews explaining logical operation and data flow.
a Conducted user training in the development of Progress data-mapping routines.
a Acted in a mentoring role as Senior Developer and resident Progress specialist
for several clients.
a Extensive Streamserve training performed for major client. Approximately 200 h
ours. (2008)
a Progress ProDataSets (November 2004), Syteline/Frontstep: eSyte, eCRM, Workflo
w (Summer 2000), Progress Tuning Seminar (Jun 1999), QAD MFG/PRO Product Trainin
g I (July 1998), Progress Fundamentals (July 1990), NCR UNIX Basics (Summer 1989
a Recruited personnel for clientsa projects and on-going infrastructure needs.
a Member of APICS. Achieved CPIM certification in 2002.
a Technical advisor to investment firms via Gerson Lehrman Group.
a Associate Member of the Midwest MFG/PRO User Group.
a Officer-at-large of the Ohio Progress Users Group.
a Passport is current.

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