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Original Research

Spinal and Pelvic Kinematics During Prolonged

Rowing on an Ergometer vs. Indoor Tank Rowing
Katharina Trompeter,1 Jeronimo Weerts,2 Daniela Fett,1 Ali Firouzabadi,2 Kai Heinrich,3 Hendrik Schmidt,2
Gert-Peter Brüggemann,3 and Petra Platen1
Department of Sports Medicine and Sports Nutrition, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany; 2Julius Wolff Institute, Charité-
University of Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany; and 3Institute of Biomechanics and Orthopaedics, German Sport University Cologne,
Cologne, Germany

Trompeter, K, Weerts, J, Fett, D, Firouzabadi, A, Heinrich, K, Schmidt, H, Brüggemann, GP, and Platen, P. Spinal and pelvic
kinematics during prolonged rowing on an ergometer vs. indoor tank rowing. J Strength Cond Res 35(9): 2622–2628, 2021—This
investigation aimed to compare spinopelvic kinematics during rowing on an ergometer vs. in a rowing tank and to evaluate changes
with progressing fatigue. Spinal and pelvic kinematics of 8 competitive scull rowers (19.0 6 2.1 years, 179.9 6 7.6 cm, and 74.8 6
8.1 kg) were collected during 1 hour of rowing on an ergometer and in a rowing tank using a routine training protocol. Kinematics of
the upper thoracic spine, lower thoracic spine, lumbar spine, and pelvis were determined using an infrared camera system (Vicon,
Oxford, United Kingdom). There was a greater lumbar range of motion (ROM) and less posterior pelvic tilt at the catch during rowing
on the ergometer compared with in the rowing tank (p 5 0.001–0.048), but no differences in pelvic ROM. In the rowing tank, the
pelvic ROM increased over time (p 5 0.002) and the ROM of the lower thoracic spine decreased (p 5 0.002). In addition, there was
an extended drive phase (when the rower applies pressure to the oar levering the boat forward) and an abbreviated recovery phase
(setting up the rower’s body for the next stroke) in the rowing tank (p 5 0.032). Different rowing training methods lead to differences
in spinopelvic kinematics, which may lead to substantially different spinal loading situations. Greater pelvic rotation and lesser
lumbar ROM are considered ideal; therefore, the present results indicate that rowing in the rowing tank might facilitate the
maintenance of this targeted spinopelvic posture, which might help protect the lower back. Rowers, coaches, and researchers
should consider the differences between rowing training methods, especially when giving training recommendations.
Key Words: spine, pelvis, fatigue, movement

Introduction requires a large amount of lumbar flexion (8), which is a major risk
factor for low back pain (28).
Rowing is a popular and physically demanding endurance sport
Each rowing stroke cycle consists of different phases (catch,
(15). A systematic review identified rowing as one of the sport
drive, finish, and recovery). During the catch, the rower sits with
disciplines with the greatest prevalence of low back pain, with
flexed hips and trunk inclination at the foremost slide position
reported values as high as 94% (lifetime prevalence) and 64%
and places the oar blade in the water. The rower then applies force
(point prevalence). There is also a high prevalence of thoracic
to the oar to lever the boat forward, which is called the drive.
pain in scull rowers (33). Spinal injury and back pain in different
After this phase, the rower gets into the finish position, in which
spinal locations can lead to an average of 24 days per year of
she/he sits with trunk reclination and removes the oar blade from
missed training (4) and correlate to the success or failure of
the water. Then, the recovery phase starts, setting up the rower’s
a crew (30).
body for the next stroke.
The high prevalence of low back pain in sports may be due to
Training and testing of rowers at all competitive levels are
factors such as high training volume, repetitive motions, high phys-
frequently and intensively conducted on ergometers because this
ical loads, repetitive mechanical strain, and extreme body positions
enables rowing in a controlled environment that is protected from
(9,12,16,25,34). Recent research into low back pain in rowers has
adverse weather (31). However, a high volume of ergometer
focused on spinal kinematics (7,20–22,24–27,31,37,39), changes in
training is suggested to be a risk factor for low back pain
technique due to fatigue (15,39), and volume of ergometer rowing
(23,32,33,36), especially in combination with fatigue and
(23,32,33,36). During the multitude of stroke cycles that are com-
resulting changes in technique, such as increased spinal motion
pleted during rowing, great forces are placed on the spine, which may
(15,37,39). An investigation into the changes in rowing technique
predispose to low back injury and pain (30). Furthermore, rowing
under progressive fatigue during aerobic ergometer training
showed an increase in maximum spinal flexion and extension
Address correspondence to Katharina Trompeter, (15). It was revealed in cadaveric studies that changes in the
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear flexion-extension angle lead to an altered load distribution in the
in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on structures of a lumbar spinal motion segment, whereas tensile
the journal’s Web site ( stresses on the outer annulus of the intervertebral disc reportedly
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 35(9)/2622–2628 increase considerably above 50% of flexion (1). In line with these
ª 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association findings, recent studies examining technique on the rowing


Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Spinopelvic Kinematics in Rowing (2021) 35:9 |

ergometer have indicated the importance of lumbopelvic motion participation. Written informed parental consent was also
during rowing (32,38). It is suggested that it is ideal to have obtained for subjects younger than 18 years. Five of the rowers
a greater pelvic rotation and a lesser lumbar flexion and extension were competing at an international level, whereas 3 were com-
at either end of the stroke, enabling a smoothly flexed spine with peting at a national level. The weekly training volume was 18.0 6
a continuous flexion of the lumbar and thoracic spine (32,38). 1.5 hours and did not significantly differ between rowers of the
This curvature of the spine is necessary for its load-bearing national vs. international competition level. Subjects were free
function, which performs best with the load evenly distributed from acute back pain in any spinal region and other injury, had no
(32,38). Considering the results of recent investigations and the history of back pain within the previous 7 days, and had no his-
high prevalence of low back pain and thoracic pain in rowers, it tory of spinal surgery. All subjects were accustomed with the
needs to be clarified whether changes in lumbopelvic and thoracic experimental protocol. This study was approved by the ethics
motion occur during the time progression of routine training committee of the Faculty of Medicine, Ruhr-University Bochum.
sessions. In addition, it remains unclear whether changes occur The study took place at the federal base for junior athletes (Rhein-
during rowing training using other methods, such as the rowing Ruhr) in Essen, Germany.
tank. The rowing tank is a well-established indoor facility that
simulates an open-water situation. Rowers sit in a fixed rowing
position with sliding seats and 1 (sweep) or 2 (scull) oars and are Procedures
surrounded by a channel of water.
The evaluation of spinopelvic kinematics during different Each subject was tested twice using the same protocol: once in the
rowing training conditions would facilitate the development of rowing tank that was adjusted for sculling and once on the
training protocols to prevent low back pain and thoracic pain in CONCEPT2 indoor rowing ergometer (model D, Inc., Morris-
rowers. As lumbar flexion significantly increases during ergom- ville, NC). To simulate a realistic training setting, 2 rowers were
eter training, but not during open-water rowing (37), spinal ki- individually tested at the same time both on the ergometer and in
nematics and rowing technique might also not significantly the rowing tank. Each subject had 48 hours of rest between the 2
change during training in the rowing tank. Hence, rowers might tests. In accordance with a previous study (18), a 60-minute
be able to compensate better for high spinal loads during rowing training protocol was used. The experimental protocol (Figure 1)
tank training compared with ergometer training. was regularly used by the subjects. During the first 15 minutes of
This study aimed to compare spinopelvic kinematics in the this protocol, the rowers performed at a stroke rate of 18 strokes/
sagittal plane during a training session on the ergometer vs. in the minute followed by a 5-minute interval phase of higher intensity.
rowing tank using a routine training protocol. In addition, we Within this interval phase, the stroke rate was first increased to 20
aimed to evaluate the changes over time during the training ses- strokes/minute for 3 minutes, followed by 15 strokes at 24, 28,
sion. We hypothesized that spinopelvic kinematics differ between 32, and 36 strokes/minute, respectively (15 strokes at respective
different rowing training methods and that rowing technique frequencies equaled to 38, 32, 28, and 26 seconds). After this
changes over time. interval (starting from minute 20), the stroke rate was decreased
back to 18 strokes/minute until minute 45. Then, a second 5-
minute interval phase followed, which was identical to the first
Methods one. From minute 50 until minute 60, the stroke rate was again
decreased back to 18 strokes/minute. For the test, five 30-second
Experimental Approach to the Problem
recordings with a stroke rate of 18 strokes/minute were made: 1
We tested the hypothesis that spinopelvic kinematics differ be- recording at minute 0 and another recording 30 seconds before
tween different rowing training methods and that rowing tech- minutes 15, 30, 45, and 60.
nique changes over time during the training session. Healthy Kinematic data were collected in a motion capture laboratory
competitive scull rowers were recruited. Spinal and pelvic kine- that was constructed directly in the training center of the par-
matic data were collected during 1 hour of rowing on an er- ticipating rowers. Data were determined using an infrared camera
gometer and in a rowing tank using a routine training protocol. system (VICON, Oxford, United Kingdom) with 10 infrared
The range of motion (ROM) and the angles at the catch and finish cameras (MX F40) at 250 Hz and 11 light-reflecting markers. The
positions were determined for different spinal locations and for markers were placed on the spine (C7, T6, L1, and L5) and pelvis
the pelvis. Differences between the 2 rowing conditions were (left anterior superior iliac spine [LASI], right anterior superior
evaluated using the paired Student’s t-test and Bonferroni- iliac spine [RASI], left posterior superior iliac spine [LPSI], and
adjusted p values. Changes over time were evaluated conduct- right posterior superior iliac spine [RPSI]). Four segments were
ing a separate 2-way repeated-measures analysis of variance defined: the upper thoracic spine (C7–T6), lower thoracic spine
(ANOVA) for all variables in each of the 2 rowing conditions (T6–L1), lumbar spine (L1–L5), and pelvis (LASI, RASI, LPSI,
(rowing tank and ergometer). Changes over time were explored and RPSI). In addition, to define a local coordinate system for
using Bonferroni post hoc analysis with adjusted p values. each segment, 1 marker was placed 7 cm from C7, T6, and L1,
respectively (see Supplementary Material 1, Supplemental Digital
Content 1,
Subjects Kinematic data were filtered using a fourth-order Butterworth
An a priori power analysis revealed a statistical power of 0.9 with filter with a cutoff frequency of 6 Hz and analyzed using an in-
a sample size of n 5 8. Eight competitive scull rowers (4 men, 4 house developed unpublished MATLAB routine (MathWorks,
women, age 19.0 6 2.1 years (mean 6 SD), age range 17–22 Inc., Natick, MA). The position in which the z axes of adjoining
years, height 179.9 6 7.6 cm (mean 6 SD), and body mass 74.8 6 local coordinate systems were in 1 straight line was defined as
8.1 kg (mean 6 SD)) were recruited from a local rowing club. 0°. Movements of each spinal segment in the sagittal plane were
Subjects were informed of the benefits and risks of the in- defined as changes in extension (negative angle) and flexion
vestigation before providing written informed consent for study (positive angle) in relation to the adjoining segment below.


Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Spinopelvic Kinematics in Rowing (2021) 35:9

Figure 1. Experimental protocol with 2 interval phases. TP 5 timepoint. Minutes 0–15: 18

strokes/minute, minutes 15–20: first interval phase (3 minutes at 20 strokes/minute followed by
15 strokes at 24, 28, 32, and 36 strokes/minute, respectively), minutes 20–45: 18 strokes/
minute, minutes 45–50: second interval (3 minutes at 20 strokes/minute followed by 15 strokes
at 24, 28, 32, and 36 strokes/minute, respectively), and minutes 50–60:18 strokes/minute.

Movements of the pelvis were defined as anterior and posterior whereas values below or above 1 represent a greater contribution
rotation. from the pelvis or the lumbar spine, respectively. In addition, the
Sagittal plane changes in spinal and pelvic angles were recor- percentage length of the separate rowing stroke phases (recovery
ded for each rower on the ergometer and in the rowing tank. Data and drive) was analyzed by determining the proportion of the
from each rowing cycle were characterized into percentage catch position in relation to the entire rowing stroke at each of the
points, with 0% representing the finish position of the stroke 5 timepoints. Values are expressed as the mean and SD.
(defined as the maximum posterior tilt of the pelvis) and 100% The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was performed to confirm the
representing the return of this finish position (Figure 2). The catch normality of the distribution of each investigated variable and
position was defined as the maximum flexion angle of the lumbar the differences between compared variables. For the comparison
segment. of all variables over time, the differences between the 5 time-
The ROM and the angles at the catch and finish positions were points were tested for normal distribution. To compare the 2
determined for the defined spinal sections (upper thoracic, lower rowing conditions, the differences in all variables during train-
thoracic, and lumbar) and pelvis by calculating the mean of 3 ing on the ergometer vs. the rowing tank were tested for each
stroke cycles per measurement using MATLAB. The coefficient of timepoint.
multiple correlation was calculated and revealed excellent
between-stroke reliability (r . 0.9).
Statistical Analyses
Determination of Variables. The investigated variables were the
ROM and the angles during the catch and the finish positions of Statistical analysis was undertaken using SPSS software (version
the upper thoracic spine, the lower thoracic spine, the lumbar 23; IBM, Armonk, NY, US). Two statistical analyses were con-
spine, and the pelvis at each of the 5 timepoints, respectively. ducted to answer the research questions of this investigation:
Lumbopelvic (L/P) ratios were calculated by dividing the lumbar c Differences between the 2 rowing conditions were com-
ROM by the pelvic ROM for each timepoint and used as a mea- pared using the paired Student’s t-test for each variable at
sure of lumbar-pelvic coordination; a value of 1 represents equal each of the 5 timepoints. Bonferroni adjustment of p values
contributions of the lumbar spine and pelvis to the movement, was used to correct the alpha error rate because of multiple

Figure 2. Spinal and pelvic angles during an exemplary rowing stroke cycle on the ergometer and in a rowing tank. Illustration
of rowing phases: the American Academy of Pediatrics (2).


Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Spinopelvic Kinematics in Rowing (2021) 35:9 |

testing with help of an online calculator tool (13) (pi 5 p*n, Table 1
n 5 number of tests for 5 timepoints 5 5, pi 5 p*5). Descriptive data of the mean range of motion of 5 timepoints:
c Changes over time during training on the ergometer and in mean (6 SD), maximum and minimum range of motion of the
the rowing tank were evaluated by calculating a 2-way pelvis, and different spinal locations during rowing on an
repeated-measures ANOVA that was conducted for each ergometer and in a rowing tank.*
variable in the 2 rowing conditions. Bonferroni adjustment Mean 6 SD (˚) Min–Max (˚)
of p values was used (pi 5 p*n, n 5 number of tests in 2 Upper thoracic spine
rowing conditions 5 2, pi 5 p*2) (13). The Greenhouse- Ergometer 18.4 6 4.8 12.3–24.9
Geisser adjustment was used to correct for violations of Rowing tank 15.4 6 3.2 10.6–21.3
sphericity. Changes over time were explored using Bonfer- Lower thoracic spine
roni post hoc analysis with adjusted p values (pi 5 p*n, n 5 Ergometer 12.7 6 5.5 8.5–24.2
number of tests for 5 timepoints 5 5, pi 5 p*5) (13). The Rowing tank 10.9 6 2.7 8.4–15.2
statistical threshold was set at p # 0.05. Lumbar spine
Ergometer 22.6 6 4.5 17.1–29.2
Rowing tank 18.5 6 1.9 14.6–20.0
Results Ergometer 37.0 6 7.1 26.4–45.4
Rowing tank 35.7 6 4.7 28.7–42.7
Figure 2 shows the course of spinal and pelvic angles during an
exemplary rowing stroke cycle on the ergometer and in the *Min 5 minimum; max 5 maximum.
rowing tank. Descriptive data of the mean spinal and pelvic
ROMs of the 5 timepoints under the 2 rowing conditions are
shown in Table 1. Discussion
The evaluation of spinopelvic kinematics during different rowing
training conditions would facilitate the development of training
Differences Between the Two Rowing Conditions protocols to prevent back pain in rowers. Therefore, this study
aimed to evaluate spinopelvic kinematics in the sagittal plane
The thoracic region did not show differences between the 2
during training on the ergometer compared with training in
rowing conditions at any of the 5 timepoints (p . 0.05). How-
a rowing tank and to evaluate changes over the time progression
ever, on the ergometer, the pelvis showed a less posterior tilt at the
of the training session. We determined the ROM and the angles at
catch (p , 0.05), and the lumbar spine had a greater ROM and
the catch and finish positions of different spinopelvic locations.
was less flexed at the finish compared with in the rowing tank
These measurements were made for healthy competitive scull
(p , 0.05, Table 2).
rowers during 1 hour of rowing on an ergometer and in a rowing
tank. We hypothesized that spinopelvic kinematics differ between
the 2 rowing training conditions and that rowing technique
Changes in Spinal and Pelvic Angles Over Time in Both
changes over the time progression of the training session. The
Rowing Conditions
data analysis confirmed this hypothesis and showed large effects
Ergometer Rowing. The only significant change over time on the with a partial h2 of 0.34–0.71.
ergometer was an increased posterior pelvic tilt at the catch po- The main findings of the present investigation were as follows:
sition (F(4, 28) 5 5.37, pi 5 0.004, partial h2 5 0.43). Bonferroni- (a) differences between the 2 rowing conditions (greater lumbar
adjusted post hoc analysis identified the timepoints at which this ROM on the ergometer compared with the rowing tank) and (b)
change occurred (Table 2). changes over time on the ergometer (increased posterior pelvic tilt
at the catch position) and in the rowing tank (increased pelvic
Tank Rowing. In the rowing tank, the pelvis had an increased ROM and decreased ROM of the lower thoracic spine, and an
ROM (F(4, 28) 5 7.26, pi 5 0.002, partial h2 5 0.51), a more extended drive phase and an abbreviated recovery phase in re-
posterior tilt at the catch (F(4, 28) 5 3.28, pi 5 0.05, partial h2 5 lation to the entire rowing stroke).
0.319), and a more posterior tilt at the finish (F(4, 28) 5 9.20, pi The present results gave the first indication that there is a dif-
5 0.002, partial h2 5 0.57). The ROM of the upper thoracic spine ference in spinopelvic kinematics between rowing on the ergom-
did not change over time; however, there was increased flexion at eter vs. in the rowing tank. Recent studies also found differences
the catch (Greenhouse-Geisser: F(2.3, 15.8) 5 5.29, pi 5 0.03, between different rowing training conditions (30,31,37). Spinal
partial h2 5 0.43) and increased flexion at the finish (F(4, 24) 5 kinematics seem to depend on rowing conditions such as er-
4.31, pi 5 0.018; partial h2 5 0.42). The lower thoracic spine had gometer type (30), open-water condition (37), or rowing tank
a decreased ROM (F(4, 24) 5 14.49, pi 5 0.002, partial h2 5 condition. This should be taken into account in kinematic train-
0.71), a more flexed posture at the finish (Greenhouse-Geisser: ing analyses and in training recommendations.
F(1.6, 9.4) 5 7.66, pi 5 0.028, partial h2 5 0.56), and no changes In the present investigation, the most considerable differences
at the catch. In addition, the percentage proportion of the catch between the 2 rowing conditions were seen in the lumbar spine,
position in relation to the entire rowing stroke shifted forward which had a greater ROM on the ergometer compared with in the
over time during the rowing cycle in the rowing tank (F(4, 28) 5 rowing tank. The achievement of the appropriate body positions
3.65, pi 5 0.032, partial h2 5 0.34), meaning that the drive phase during the rowing stroke requires more anterior rotation of the
lengthened and the recovery phase shortened (catch position at % pelvis than extreme flexion of the lumbar spine at the catch po-
of the rowing cycle at timepoint 1: 63.3 6 2.5%, timepoint 2: sition, as well as more posterior rotation of the pelvis and less
61.4 6 4.6%, timepoint 3: 57.6 6 4.4%, timepoint 4: 58.8 6 extension of the lumbar spine at the finish position (38). On the
6.7%, timepoint 5: 56.0 6 6.8%). Table 2 shows in which ergometer, rowers extended their lumbar spine more during the
timepoints the changes over time occurred. finish position, thereby increasing the overall ROM. However, no


Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Spinopelvic Kinematics in Rowing (2021) 35:9

Table 2 Table 2
Differences between the 2 rowing conditions.* Differences between the 2 rowing conditions.* (Continued)
Description Description
of angle TP Ergometer (˚) Rowing tank (˚) pi value† 95% CI of angle TP Ergometer (˚) Rowing tank (˚) pi value† 95% CI
Pelvis Finish 1 26.6 6 7.4 19.7 6 6.9 0.09 1.6 to 12.2
ROM 1 34.8 6 7.6 30.4 6 5.8‡3 0.58 21.4 to 10.3 2 28.0 6 7.0 21.8 6 7.2 0.405 21.0 to 13.4
2 38.0 6 7.6 35.5 6 3.6 1.0 24.1 to 9.1 3 26.1 6 8.8 22.4 6 7.8 1.0 24.9 to 12.2
3 36.8 6 6.4 38.2 6 4.3‡1 1.0 27.7 to 5.0 4 26.5 6 9.0 23.0 6 6.4 1.0 24.7 to 11.8
4 38.0 6 8.3 36.7 6 5.8 1.0 25.6 to 8.3 5 27.6 6 7.2 22.8 6 5.6 1.0 22.3 to 9.7
5 37.3 6 8.2 37.9 6 7.5 1.0 25.7 to 4.5
*TP 5 timepoint; CI 5 confidence interval; ROM 5 range of motion.
Catch 1 212.5 6 5.3 216.2 6 6.7 0.025§ 1.6 to 6.0
†With Bonferroni adjustment, TP 1 at minute 0, TP 2 at minute 15, TP 3 at minute 30, TP 4 at minute
2 213.0 6 6.4 217.4 6 5.3 ‖ 3.1 to 5.7 45, and TP 5 at minute 60.
3 214.4 6 5.7 218.4 6 5.7 0.13 0.6 to 7.5 ‡Significant changes over time (pi # 0.05), 1,2,3,4,5 show to which TP a change over time occurred.
4 214.8 6 5.9 217.0 6 5.6 0.71 21.0 to 5.4 §pi # 0.05.
5 214.8 6 6.2 221.1 6 8.5 0.025§ 0.3 to 8.3 ‖pi # 0.001.
Finish 1 244.9 6 10.0 243.6 6 9.5‡3,5 1.0 25.6 to 3.0
2 247.3 6 8.7 248.8 6 8.6 1.0 24.6 to 7.6
3 246.9 6 8.9 251.1 6 6.5‡1 0.23 0.1 to 8.3
4 248.3 6 9.9 249.4 6 9.1‡5 1.0 23.8 to 5.9
5 247.2 6 10.9 252.2 6 8.3‡4,5 0.28 20.2 to 10.3 differences between the 2 rowing conditions were seen in the catch
Lumbar spine
position. The pelvic ROM was similar in both rowing conditions;
ROM 1 21.0 6 3.1 18.3 6 2.4 0.425 20.5 to 5.6
2 20.9 6 3.6 18.6 6 3.0 0.171 21.3 to 6.0
however, rowers had a lesser anterior tilt at the catch and a ten-
3 23.8 6 6.6 17.9 6 2.7 0.048§ 0.1 to 11.7 dency toward greater posterior tilt at the finish position in the
4 22.1 6 5.0 18.4 6 2.8 0.035§ 0.4 to 7.1 rowing tank (Table 2). After the conception of Wilson et al. (38)
5 25.1 6 7.5 18.3 6 0.8 0.037§ 0.6 to 13.1 who suggested that it is ideal to have greater pelvic rotation and
Catch 1 30.9 6 3.7 32.1 6 6.3 1.0 24.8 to 2.4 lesser lumbar flexion and extension at either end of the stroke, the
2 31.6 6 3.4 33.8 6 5.9 1.0 26.1 to 1.8 technique during ergometer rowing was unfavorable compared
3 31.9 6 6.1 32.5 6 5.6 1.0 25.2 to 4.0 with that in the rowing tank.
4 30.8 6 4.4 32.4 6 5.5 0.63 23.7 to 0.6 Differences in spinopelvic kinematics between different rowing
5 32.8 6 5.6 32.3 6 4.7 1.0 23.0 to 4.0 training methods might be explained by differences in the angle of
Finish 1 10.2 6 5.1 14.3 6 4.7 0.015§ 26.2 to 21.8
the footplate and its relation to the seat (30), and by differences in
2 10.2 6 5.2 14.3 6 5.2 0.015§ 26.3 to 21.9
3 8.6 6 6.3 13.6 6 6.8 0.02§ 27.6 to 22.2 the handle (1 more freely moving handle on the ergometer vs. 2
4 9.2 6 6.6 14.7 6 5.1 0.015§ 28.4 to 22.6 oars in the rowing tank) that might have led to different load
5 8.9 6 6.7 14.7 6 5.2 0.035§ 29.3 to 22.3 distributions. In addition, the power output might have differed
Lower thoracic spine because of differences in the flow dynamics of the airwheel vs.
ROM 1 13.6 6 5.0 13.6 6 4.2‡3,5 1.0 25.7 to 5.8 water. We standardized the rowing protocol by the stroke rate
2 13.5 6 5.8 11.4 6 3.2 1.0 24.6 to 8.8 because this is the established method in training practice and did
3 12.8 6 5.3 10.2 6 2.7‡1 1.0 23.5 to 8.9 not evaluate whether this resulted in a greater or lesser effort for
4 13.3 6 6.7 10.5 6 2.6 1.0 23.7 to 9.3
the rowers. Further studies should evaluate the power developed
5 12.7 6 6.4 9.6 6 2.2‡1 1.0 24.4 to 10.6
Catch 1 18.5 6 7.5 20.4 6 8.8 1.0 26.2 to 2.4 by rowing when comparing different rowing conditions. In ad-
2 18.2 6 8.3 19.7 6 7.9 1.0 26.5 to 3.6 dition, it would be beneficial to further quantify the physiological
3 18.1 6 8.0 18.2 6 6.7 1.0 25.1 to 5.0 or subjective state of fatigue by evaluating physiological param-
4 17.4 6 8.1 18.5 6 7.9 1.0 26.4 to 4.2 eters such as the heart rate or lactate concentration, or subjective
5 17.6 6 9.5 18.9 6 8.4 1.0 25.7 to 3.1 rating scales as the rating of perceived exertion (5,6).
Finish 1 8.4 6 9.5 9.0 6 7.6‡5 1.0 24.3 to 3.11 In line with our findings, previous studies found changes in spinal
2 8.5 6 8.2 11.0 6 11.0 0.51 25.6 to 0.6 kinematics over time in the sagittal plane during rowing
3 11.9 6 6.8 10.9 6 6.8 1.0 25.1 to 7.0
(8,15,21,37). These changes in kinematics may be associated with
4 11.5 6 10.5 10.7 6 8.4‡5 1.0 24.7 to 6.3
substantial fatigue in rowers (20,21) or may be due to fatigue of the
5 11.4 6 7.4 15.3 6 4.7‡1,4 0.47 28.7 to 0.9
Upper thoracic spine erector spinae muscles (8), and fatigue may be associated with
ROM 1 20.8 6 6.8 14.2 6 2.5 0.265 20.9 to 13.2 a greater risk of injury (8,21,37,39). In contrast to the literature, we
2 21.2 6 6.7 15.2 6 2.7 0.28 20.2 to 12.0 found a relatively small lumbar ROM and an increased pelvic ROM
3 18.8 6 6.2 16.4 6 4.4 1.0 22.7 to 7.4 in the rowing tank; although we did not follow the subjects during
4 19.5 6 5.0 15.6 6 4.3 0.135 0.6 to 7.1 the season to relate these findings to injury risk, we suggest that they
5 17.7 6 5.5 14.9 6 5.0 0.825 21.6 to 7.1 would not be associated with greater risk of injury. A straighter
Catch 1 12.4 6 6.5 8.7 6 6.5‡5 0.92 22.3 to 9.7 lumbar area during rowing could prevent injury by enabling better
2 14.2 6 7.5 11.2 6 5.8‡5 0.87 21.7 to 7.8 force transference from the hips to the shoulders (17). Furthermore,
3 14.7 6 7.2 10.6 6 6.0 0.95 0.9 to 7.4
an increased pelvic motion is considered ideal because it enables
4 15.3 6 6.9 13.0 6 5.7 1.0 22.2 to 6.9
a smoothly flexed spine, which performs best with the load evenly
5 16.2 6 5.5 14.1 6 5.4‡1,2 1.0 21.9 to 6.3
distributed (32,38). We conclude that prolonged rowing in the


Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Spinopelvic Kinematics in Rowing (2021) 35:9 |

rowing tank might facilitate the maintenance of the targeted spino- Owing to the instruments used in this investigation, we could
pelvic posture. This finding is important for training practice, espe- only compare the flexion of relatively large spinal segments; we
cially regarding long-lasting endurance training sessions. were unable to compare the spinal curvature in more detail, which
Changes over time were mainly seen in the rowing tank con- would have been beneficial.
dition, particularly in the pelvis and the lower thoracic spine. The Furthermore, although women and men differ in the function
pelvic ROM increased, whereas the lower thoracic ROM de- and shape of the pelvis and spine, we did not take sex into account
creased over time. The movement of the thoracic spine has not in our analysis. In addition, the Greenhouse-Geisser correction and
been previously examined. Although previous investigations the Bonferroni adjustment might have been too conservative, po-
suggested that increased spinal movement of the lumbar spine tentially producing false-negative results. Owing to the conserva-
might result in greater risk of injury, we cannot conclude whether tive correction of multiple testing in the post hoc analysis, it was not
a decrease in the movement of the thoracic spine is associated with possible to identify the timepoints at which some changes took
a greater, lesser, or constant spinal injury risk. However, because place. The Bonferroni correction is one of the most conservative
the lower thoracic spine was defined in reference to the lower adjustment methods. We decided to use this method to avoid
back, the biomechanical characteristics of this spinal area should producing false-positive results. However, the limitations of this
be considered. The thoracolumbar spine is particularly predis- method have to be considered in the interpretation of results.
posed to injury because the transition from the relatively rigid Supplemental Digital Content 2 (see Tables A and B, http://link-
thoracic spine to the much more mobile lumbar spine places shows the results of the ANOVA and the t-
special demands on the spinal stability or protection. The reduced test without Bonferroni adjustment. The results show uncorrected
ROM of this vulnerable spinal area might be the result of a stiff- differences between the 2 rowing conditions and angular changes
ening strategy to handle increased loads. In the rowing tank, the over time. Owing to the mentioned limitations, the results of these
posterior rotation of the pelvis increased over time, leading to an calculations can only be considered as trends.
increased pelvic ROM that enabled the decreased thoracolumbar Finally, because of limited access to the training center, it was
movement. not possible to randomize the order of the 2 different rowing
The upper thoracic spine was defined in reference to the lower conditions. Because all rowers were familiar with the rowing
thoracic spine and, hence, describes a thoracic kyphosis. The protocol in both rowing conditions, we think that the effects of
ROM of this spinal area tended to be greater on the ergometer, as the order would be negligible. However, future studies should
did the flexion angles at the catch and the finish positions. The avoid order effects by randomizing the order of rowing con-
ROM of the upper thoracic spine did not change over time; ditions. Despite this limitation, we calculated an ANOVA with 2
however, it became less upright in the rowing tank, leading to an within-subject variables (rowing condition and timepoint). The
increased kyphosis at the catch and finish positions. On the er- results of this calculation (see Table C, Supplemental Digital
gometer, there was a trend toward a less extended trunk at the Content 2, underline our
catch (Table 2). Changes in the thoracic kyphosis with pro- findings and show significant interaction effects between the
gressing fatigue have not been previously examined. Although rowing condition and timepoint for the pelvis, the lower thoracic
a connection between thoracic kinematics and the high preva- spine, the upper thoracic spine, and the L/P ratio. However, re-
lence of thoracic pain was not clarified, the present results give garding the mentioned limitations, these results can only be
a first indication. It would be beneficial to investigate whether regarded as trends.
changes in thoracic kinematics are associated with greater or
lesser loads and muscle activation.
In contrast to recent studies (8,15,21,37), this study found no Practical Applications
changes in lumbar spine kinematics. This might be due to the high
competition level and experienced rowing technique of the sub- The present investigation adds further information for the
jects because novice rowers use an especially large degree of understanding of the recently reported relationship between
lumbar flexion (20). Although no changes over time were ob- training and the high prevalence of low back pain and thoracic
served for the whole group, 2 individuals showed respective in- pain in rowers (3,11,14,16,19,23,25,29,33). However, addi-
creased ROMs of about 10 and 20° on the ergometer. It can only tional training parameters might also influence the de-
velopment of pain in different spinal locations; for instance,
be speculated whether these individual postures are relevant in the
previous studies have reported that strength training is asso-
development of back pain. It would be interesting to investigate
ciated with the development of low back pain (10,33,35).
whether there are differences in a few years in the incidence of
Rowing on an ergometer and in a rowing tank leads to
back pain in rowers with vs. without increased lumbar ROM.
differences in spinal kinematics, which may lead to a sub-
In the rowing tank, the unchanged lumbar ROM and the in-
stantially different loading situation in the spine. The present
creased pelvic ROM resulted in a decreased L/P ratio. This change
results indicate that rowing in the rowing tank might facilitate
over time was not significant and can only be considered as
the maintenance of the targeted spinopelvic posture, which
a trend. However, the L/P ratio was higher on the ergometer than
might help protect the lower back. However, it might also
in the rowing tank, supporting the hypothesis that spinopelvic
result in a different loading situation in the thoracic spine, and
kinematics during ergometer rowing are more unfavorable.
the effect of such loading on the risk of injury in this spinal
In the rowing tank, the drive phase extended over time in re-
area is not yet clarified. Rowers, coaches, and researchers
lation to the entire rowing stroke, whereas the recovery phase
should consider the differences between rowing training
abbreviated. We assume that the rowers fatigued over time and
methods, especially when giving training recommendations.
were unable to maintain the velocity of the blades and thus the
Future studies should evaluate whether rowers with low back
pressure on the blades; therefore, the drive phase extended. To
pain have a higher L/P ratio and identify which factors besides
reach the required stroke rate, the recovery phase had to be ab-
the rowing condition lead to this movement behavior.
breviated, which might further increase fatigue.


Copyright © 2019 National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Spinopelvic Kinematics in Rowing (2021) 35:9

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