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G English 9 3/7/22

Reading Questions

Of Mice and Men Chapter 3

Instructions: Answer these questions while you read through chapter 3. Pay close attention to any
questions that require minimum number of sentences.

1.) What are George and Slim discussing at the beginning of the chapter?

2.) On page 40, George is discussing how George and Lennie became partners. Briefly summarize
his story. Does his explanation make you feel any differently about George as a character? (5

3.) On pages 44-48 Candy’s dog is shot by Carlson. What reason does Carlson give for needing to
shoot the dog? Do you agree with this decision? (4 sentences)

4.) What might the incident of the dog foreshadow?

5.) Consider the conversation from pages 51 to 53. How do you feel about the way the men talk
about Curley’s wife? What does the quote “jailbait all set on a trigger” imply? (4 sentences)
Mr. G English 9 3/7/22

6.) On page 55, consider the quote, “both ends the same”. What is Lennie actually referring to?
What symbolism might this have for the novel? (5 sentences)

7.) When Candy offers to help buy the ranch, what reason does George give for being hesitant?
How does he feel when he accepts the offer?

8.) Refer back to questions 3 and 4 and think about your answers here. Do you agree with Candy
when he says, “I oughtta shot the dog myself”? Why might he say that? (3 sentences)

9.) Consider the incident with Curley from pages 62 to 65. What does this incident say about
Lennie? Curley? George? (2 sentences per individual)
Mr. G English 9 3/7/22

10.)The question you will answer depends on whether or not you know the ending to the book.
a. If you do not know the ending of the book. Point out something in this chapter that might
foreshadow the ending. You cannot use Candy’s dog for this question. (5 sentences)
b. If you do know the ending to the book, explain how a certain event or symbol ties into the
ending of the book. You cannot use Candy’s dog for this question. (5 sentences)

11.) What might the events and symbols of this chapter say about the idea of fate? Consider your
answers to numbers 3, 4, 6, and 9 to answer this question. (5 sentences)

12.)How does the idea of fate, as presented in this chapter, affect how you view the importance of
dreams? In other words, should people have dreams? (5 sentences)

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