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Suggest A Good Book Title


SINCE 1908, the name Gernsback has been synonymous.
with scientific and radio literature. Since that time, rrany
millions of Gernsback magazines and books have been dis-
tributed and read by people all over the globe.
Recently, Hugo Gernsback decided to place upon the market
a new, popular priced series of books under the name of GERNS-
BACK'S EDUCATIONAL LIBRARY. It is the intent of the
publisher to continuously add books to the library, from time to
time, under various titles. These books will cover a great rrany
subjects, which will not necessarily be restricted to radio or
science, but which will encompass many other arts.
It is Mr. Gernsback's plan to have all the books of uniform
size. Their price being extremely low, everyone will ultimately
be able to possess the en:ire library, especially since they are
purchased piece -meal as the books are published.
Don t forget either, that Gernsback books
and magazines always have given you your PRIZE WINNERS
full money's worth. The present series
books again proves this. Never in the his- ALFRED CETTIE
tory of technical publishing have you beer 4115 Midvale Avenue
able to buy so much for so little money. The Seattle, Wash.
answer to this is in turning out a greater Title: ALL ABOUT AERIALS,
Book 4
number of books and in large quantities.
In bringing out new books, we want your 3441 California Avenue
help. Perhaps you have an idea for a certain St. Louis, Mo.
book title (subject for a new book) that you Title: BEGINNERS' RADIO DIC-
think we should publish in one of these 10c TIONARY, Book 5
volumes. If you have such an idea, commu- KENNETH WARNER
nicate it to us; we will pay $10.00 for each R. F. D. No. 2
new book title which we accept. If you sub- Burbank, Ohio
mit more than one title, write each one on a Title: HOW TO READ RADIO
separate sheet of paper. In case of a tie, CLYDE SORRELL
identical prizes will be paid to the contest- 504 North 10th Street
Rockyford, Colo.
Address all letters to Title: RADIO FOR BEGINNERS,
Book 8
RADIO TITLE EDITOR (Watch the List Grow)
25 West B'way NEW YORK City. Copyright 1938, by H. Gernsback
Printed in U.S.
2 -TUBE 12,500 MILE

HEREWITH is the original article describing the original "12,500 Mile

Doerle", the simple 2 -tube short-wave set which has spun circles around
many an elaborate commercial receiver. Simply and inexpensively constructed
but with great respect for radio "losses", this set has become world-famous
for its superlative performance. Follow the constructional details carefully and
you will have a short-wave set "second to none".

WHAT the heck's the idea Good night, my pencil is nearly

of wasting power, of blast- worn to the wood and I haven't
ing out ear -drums, of go- even let you fellows in on a dia-
ing "bugs" with the performance of a gram; but here she follows and
costly short-wave receiver, when you with the losses reduced maybe to
can build a two -tube outfit that
gets signals from the 12,500 'mile me-
ridian? Why, there is nothing to brag
about when you "log" a bunch of sta-
tions with a powerful receiver; but lis-
ten to a man who "pets" a two -tube
set, and then you get the "thrill of a
It's quite possible to continue the
entertainment with words, but our
problem is to tell how you too can
get thrills that will last a life-
time. Here we go on our journey
of description - hold your breath,
read vigorously and absorb all de-
tails - everything is important. Schematic diagram of "13,500 miler"
4 Doerle Short Wave Sets
a third, because of careful and about 154 square inches ii. area and
thoughtful construction and con- spaced on the binding -post strip
sideration, you could very well inch apart, will serve very well for
guess it's our old timer -- the Schnell coupling the R.F. energy from the
method of regeneration control antenna to the oscillating circuit of
for the detector, and a stage of the receiver.
audio frequency. (See hookup dia- (An adjustable padding condenser
gram.) or a 35 mmf. midget variable will
We know that some people write provide an easy way of overcoming
backward and think forward; but dead spots caused by the anten-
let's start the discussion just as na. - Editor.)
you perhaps draw a radio hook-up
diagram - starting with the antenna Keeping Down Those
symbol and completing the dia-
gram with a few curves or loops "Losses"!
to represent the output load - in Be sure that the post strip is of
our set we intend to use head bakelite; this is the cheapest,
"phones." though not the best, insulation for
the purpose. In some experiments
Antenna and Ground made by the author, a home-made
series condenser was mounted on
Now as to the antenna, a wire %-inch plywood baseboard, but a
strung twice across the living room surprise awaited - the signal inten-
and anchored to the picture mold- sity as heard in the phones was
ing with small finishing nail, to- about three-quarters its value when
gether with a good "water -pipe" the series condenser plates were
ground connection, has enabled the mounted on the bakelite strip. If
author to pick up signals with such there is nothing else to gain from
a receiver from stations 6,000 miles this article, be sure that, when you
away, even on a hot summer day make a two -tube set, you keep all
on the Pacific Coast (Oakland, Cal- losses as low as possible. It's hard
ifornia). Say, fellows, if a well - to compensate for them.
insulated outside antenna had been Since this type of receiver would
possible of erection why the other undoubtedly call for home-made
6,500 miles of "no -man's land" plug-in coils, because of their con-
would have been easily heard and venience, we follow up our diagram
conquered. with a discussion of this type of coil
Time is moving along, and there for the oscillating circuit. To hold the
is much ground yet to be gained. wire in place on the tube -base, the
Let us consider for a moment the author has found orange shellac to
antenna "series condenser." For have small loss, and it gives a shiny
the operator's convenience, a seven - finish to the form. As to the conden-
plate midget is quite suitable for sers for use in this receiver, select
the purpose; but in a small receiver those that have the smallest amount
of this price, a condenser made of two of dielectric in supporting the stator
pieces of old condenser plates, cut to plates.
4 Doerle Short Wave Sets 3

Use a 5-megohm leak and .0001- the temper; but, at any rate, 300
mf. . grid -condenser. These values turns of No. 36 D.S.C., magnet wire,
will make the receiver very sen- dose -wound on a Y2 -inch wooden
sitive. dowel, will choke the R.F. current
Now, in our discussion we are near out of the transformer primary, even
the audio -frequency transformer and at 20 meters or, use a standard SW
our eyes immediately behold an R.F. choke (about 2.5 mh. )
choke. Gee, what a mean thing for As to the audio transformer, we

Illustration showing placement of parts.

4 4 Doerle Short Wave Sets
can't boast for any type; but a good above hints apply to the construction
5 to 1 ratio and a hefty type, will and wiring of all short wave sets
be good. using two winding coils.
U for any reason the set should . The following is a list of parts for
fail to work, the first place to look the set proper:
for the trouble is in the coil con- List of Parts
nections. In connecting the coil make One Bakelite panel 7 x 10 in.;
sure that the end of the grid coil One Baseboard 9 x 11 in.;
which is farthest from the tickler Three 4 -prong cockets;
is connected to the grid -leak and grid - One Tuning condenser .00014-mf.;
condenser. The other terminal of the One Throttle condenser .00025-mf.;
grid coil goes to the A minus. The Two condenser plates 1 'A inches
tickler is connected so that the lead square;
farthest from the grid coil goes to Seven terminal poststrip;
the plate of the tube. And the other Seven binding posts;
side of the tickler goes to the re- Five megohm grid -leak;
generation control (condenser) and to One .0001-mf. grid condenser;
the primary of the audio transform- One 5:1 transformer;
er. If the above instructions are Two telephone binding posts;
followed the detector tube should Two 3 in. dials, (vernier type are
oscillate. best);
Failure of the tube to oscillate One 20 -ohm rheostat;
may be due to the antenna being Hook-up wire, screws, etc.
too closely coupled to the grid coil.
While the diagram shows a home- Coil Data
made antenna coupling condenser, it Turns
is much better to use a small va- Range (meters) S T
riable condenser which can be ad- 15-45 5 6
justed to suit the particular antenna 35-75 9 5
which is used. Before you assemble 60-125 16 6
and wire the set, make sure that all All coils are close -wound with No. 24
parts are in good condition and there enamelled copper wire, and with no
will be no reason for failure. The spacing between S and T.


IN THE first article, Mr. Doerle de- and an insensitive pair of phones are
scribed at length his interesting short used, that one cannot hope to hear
wave receiver, which is capable of far -distant signals. Let's go on with
picking up signals from almost any- Mr. Doerle's tale:
where, depending on the parts used. It Let it be understood here that all
goes without saying that if cheap parts tube -base coils are not going to act
4 Doerle Short Wave Sets
alike in the detector stage. Some tance of cutting down its losses to
bases are made of genuine bakelite, a low value, shall we now throw
while others are made of an extra away our labor and have a poor,
bard "tar" or "composition." You will insensitive receiver, by taking no
probably appreciate that fact better precautions in the selection of other
if you get some experience in drilling parts? By no means, and we intend
small holes in these bases with the to fight until the globe is encircled
use of a power -driven drill press. In and we can hear the "peeps" from
some instances, the drill must be a "5-watter" at the 12,500 -mile me-
forced for cutting action; while in ridian. We started out after signals,
others, the drill eats in as though it records, "logs," and the whole field
were going through cardboard. of short waves to show the "rich"
man that a "super" midget radio
"What" Tube Base Is still exists in poor Lazarus' field.
Important That R.F. - Choke - Its
But you will probably say - Pedigree I
"What difference do tube bases
make? Here is the explanation. 300 turns of No. 36 D.S.C., mag-
Since we want a maximum signal net wire, dose -wound on a %-in.
voltage existing between the grid wooden dowel, will choke the R.F.
and filament of the detector tube, current out of the audio transformer
that means the oscillating circuit primary, even at 20 meters. This can
should have a maximum impedance be verified by pressing the phone cord
(for it if a tuned circuit) ; and, if in the hand while the set is operating.
a high resistance is in parallel with If no change occurs in the received
the oscillating circuit (the losses audio notes, the choke is performing
constituting part of this resistance, its duty.
because the condenser tuning across
the coil also has losses), this resis- Try Different Grid Leaks
tance determines the voltage drop
from grid to filament. Not only for and Condensers!
this reason do we want "low losses"
in the oscillating circuit, but for an- Try different leak -condenser val-
other which regards the amount of ues; by the time you have done this
feed -back energy from the plate cir- and have soldered some of these
cuit, via the tickler coil and the grid- condensers in place and used
throttle condenser. The lower these leaks thereon, you will probably give
losses, the smaller can be the tick- up in disgust and say, "Aw shoot!
ler coil and feed -back condenser ca- Let's take the other fellow's values
pacity. To hold the wire in place on to save time and trouble." After go-
the coil forms use a few drops of ing through part of such an experi-
shellac or rubber cement. ment, even to getting knuckle burns
Now that the oscillating circuit from the hot iron, take a tip and use
has withstood the fire, and em- the values given herein -5 megohm
phasis has been laid on the impor- leak and .0001-mf. grid -condenser.
6 4 Doerle Short Wave Sets
These values will make the receiver Efficiency of Battery Tubes
very sensitive and, if you listen in the
phones, to notice how the back ground -
noise level comes into prominence, Didn't we say in the beginning
when using the throttle condenser on that power should not be wasted?
increasing its capacity for feed -back, Well, let's back up our words with
you will greatly commend the receiver action and use the '30 (2 -volt fila-
for its sensitivity. Also notice the ment) type of tubes- the tubes with
"softness" of feed -back (no spilling the '99 economy, but '01A amplifica-
over) with "power plus" and "free tion and output. Can you imagine
wheeling." Aren't you getting anxious this economy - two dry cells and 90
to "work" one of these receivers? volts of "B" battery for at least six
As to the audio transformers, a months of pleasure at a cost of $2.50 -
good 5 to 1 ratio and a hefty type only about $0.50 a month!
will certainly make the signals more Short-wave stations are growing
prominent in the phones. Oh! that more numerous; and the time to build
the day would come when radio parts this "super midget" and get a long
would be sold by weight, and prices "log" of stations is now.
could be vetoed! Phones! phones! and
we must have a pair, but let's not
Suggestions and Parts
be guilty of innocent blood. Just buy
a pair large enough to cover nearly
the whole ear and, together with that, The simplicity of the hook-up and
with enough weight. The "skinny photo has warranted us not to give
make" of phones always give the sig- a
nals a mouse -squeak background, at mass of details for constructing
least that's been my experience. this receiver; for we believe that by
Before proceeding further, the cir- so doing, the ingenuity of the builder
cuit is checked against the wiring dia- has free course with the parts he may
gram, preferably with a continuity me- have available. The tubes burn at a
ter (volt meter with series battery or dull red color when two volts are im-
ohmmeter). pressed on the filaments.
4 Doerle Short Wave Sets 7


FOR a long time no single article
has occurred in print which gave
the "babe" the outstanding princi-
ples of operation and description of a
short-wave set. Not only do the follow-
ing paragraphs remedy the ill, but
supply the "food" for the two
classes of will -be short-wave en-
30 Minutes of Short -Wave
For the facts that are of out-
standing importance, and that will
soon be elaborated, assume that the
neophyte has listened to a friend's
short-wave receiver bring in distant "Signal Gripper" Works Loudspeaker
signals and that from such an "au-
dition" he has received his inspiration would be amazed at his technique and
to construct a receiver that will af- "trouble -shooting" for the "needle in
ford him pleasure in his home. No the haystack."
doubt he also has searched through Since the story is getting some-
short-wave magazines to outfind what lengthy already, it is necessary
which materials and radio parts are at this point to give a hook-up of
necessary for the construction of a a short-wave set that involves all
set - one that fits the leanness or fat- the principles which will be explained
ness of his purse - but is at a great in the text. This diagram for a set
loss to get a panoramic view of the would be called a three -tube hook-
whole situation. If the "beginner" up, embodying a stage of R.F. (ra-
goes too blindly at the construction dio frequency) amplification, a regen-
of a short-wave set, he will be ad- erative detector (DET.) and a stage
dressing many letters to radio edi- of A.F. (audio frequency) amplifica-
tors, set manufacturers, and compan- tion. As a battery set has such a
ies selling radio parts, asking for versatility of' use (portable, can be
help with his difficulties; whereas if operated in an automobile, affords
he knew the facts about short-wave much pleasure while rolling along
receiver operation and construction, he with the breeze, can be operated in
4 Doerle Short Wave Sets
R.F. E4 0E7. A.F
C2 C5 .30

ti P2 52
Ci C7
VI V2 V3
0.1. cs
MC. - SS

A-. -A+- BA-- 90 V. - El+. 45 V.
OR 135 V. OR 67.5 V.
Schematic Diagram of the Doerle "Signal Gripper." R. F. stage, uses a
92 screen grid tube
wooded lands, and in short is inde- How Antenna and R.F.
pendent of all external circumstances),
the diagram and photographs show Stage Work
the use of the '30 two -volt tubes,
which require two dry cells in series
for filament -supply current. For the antenna element, this is not
The important items which come "just a wire insulated in the air,"
up for consideration can be grouped but an oscillating circuit which is
around five elements - antenna, ra- composed of the wire (as the induc-
dio frequency amplifier, detector, au- tance) and its inherent capacity (as the
dio frequency amplifier and output condenser) to its image below the
device. It cannot be too strongly ground surface and to nearby objects
emphasized that the neophyte should above the surface. Its function is to
make a study of these elements, for intercept the radio waves and by the
by so doing his radio education will use of condenser C2 electrostatically
become rounded out. (Be it made couple this R.F. energy to that oscil-
known here that all facts are not lating circuit made up of coil S6 and
brought to light, but only those which condenser C6.
are of the utmost value to the be- This leads to a consideration of
ginner - if all were included, there the stage of radio frequency. If
Would be volumes instead of a few S6 -C6 be tuned to the wavelength of
Pages.) the transmitted signal, then a very
4 Doerle Short Wave Sets 9
high value of oscillating current is It acts as the plate "load" (for with-
set up in S6 -C6, which in turn estab- out a load, the tube will not amplify),
lishes a large value of R.F. voltage and while one end, nearest the plate,
between the grid and filament nega- is "alive," the other end should be
tive connection of tube VI. As this practically at zero potential or "dead"
stage is called an R.F. amplifier, its if properly constructed. (use standard
function is to enlarge the amplitude 2.5 mh. choke.)
of the R.F. voltage that will act on Thus, succinctly stated, a stage
the grid of the detector (DET.). This of R.F. is used to get large enough
amplified voltage is due to the in- values of grid voltage "swing" in the
herent characteristic of any screen detector oscillating circuit S7 -C7, so
grid radio tube. (If the beginner will that the plate current of tube V2 will
consult an up-to-date book on prin- cause a reasonable amount of mag-
ciples of radio communication, he netization of the iron in the primary
will see very readily why such a tube winding P2 of the audio transformer
acts as an amplifier - the curve of T2. But before proceeding too far, it
grid voltage versus plate current should is well to state here that coils S6, S7,
be convincing proof.) But the discus- and condensers C6, C7, have the same
sion of the R.F. stage does not end
here - the RFC1 (radio frequency number of turns and capacities respec-
choke coil) still must be considered. tively.

(5 AIG)

C4 G000,-


(20 000
(.00033 -HE (.00014 -Mr

Pictorial Diagram Showing Placement of Parts. It. F. 'stage uses a type 32 tube.
10 4 Doerle Short Pave Sets
Since the plate end of RFC1 is reception C7 is detuned somewhat
"alive" with R.F. voltage and if so that an audible beat -note suitable
the oscillating circuit S7 -C7 of the to the listener's ear can be heard.
detector stage be tuned to the same Thus the detector stage is in fash-
frequency as that in S6 -C6, then it ion a converter stage - high frequen-
acts as a wavemeter, and coupling cy current in S7 -C7 is changed to
of the R.F. and detector stage takes audio frequency or zero -beat fre-
place through condenser C3. As quency, respectively, for code and
listed in the circuit constants (C2 phone reception in the plate circuit
equals C3), these condensers are of V2.
made of thin copper sheet cut to Now three other items command
1 x PA inches and spaced 1/16 inch interest of a deep nature, but briefly
apart on the baseboard with their theorized can be thus stated - con-
longest dimension folded 1/4 inch, denser C4 holds the electric charge on
thus making effective areas of 1 x 1 the grid, while R4 permits this
inch. (If these are made too large, charge to leak off slowly, thereby
broadcast harmonics will "peep in" and creating an automatic grid bias.
also may cause blocking of the de- RFC2 is a coil identical with RFC1,
tector; if made too small, C3 will have for its purpose here is not to "load"
such a high reactance in the region the plate of V2, but to keep the
of 150-200 meters that these signals creeping R.F. energy out of the au-
will not be detected. In other words dio transformer primary, and con-
not enough coupling will exist between fining "serious trouble" to a limited
the R.F. and detector stage in this space. (If allowed to "wander," the
region of wavelengths.) speaker might squeal if the cord is
The Detector Stage It has been implicitly stated that
due to the changes in grid voltage
in the R.F. and detector stages, an
Passing so closely to the brink of identical change occurs in the plate
the stream, it is time to take a drink current of coil P2 of the audio
of that which pertains to the detector transformer Tl. It i s this variation
stage. This is made up of the coils S7 in the plate current through P2 that
and S8, condensers C5 and C7, and is heard from the speaker. The audio
tube V2 with its grid -leak R4 and frequency transformer T greatly in-
grid condenser C4. The tickler coil creases the voltage which exists across
serves as the "power" source for re- coil P2. If a 5:1 transformer, S2 vol-
generation, while the condenser C5 tage will be five times that of P2.
has the purpose of throttling this With this S2 voltage applied to the
feed -back energy. If the oscillating grid -filament of tube V3, here again
circuits S6 -C6 and S7 -C7 are tuned amplification of the detected (rectified')
exactly to the same wavelength (the signal occurs, for V3 acts as an audio
condition for clear short-wave phone amplifier.
And lastly in theory is mentioned
reception), no audible sound comes the speaker, which in fashion, too,
from the speaker. However, for code is a converter device - the electrical
4 Doerle Short Wave Sets 11

changes which occur in the plate cur- wood baseboard, 8 x 11 inched, the lat-
rent of V3, by actuating electro- ter being mounted on Y2 x % x 8 inch
magnets and diaphragm, produce en- wood cleats.
ergy in the form of sound waves.
Be it noted that the "steady" plate Mounting Condensers
current creates no sound, but only the Though the three variable con-
variable component. densers on the panel make the set
The panel size is 7 x 12 inches and appear Babylonian, the beginner need

The Completely Assembled "Signal Gripper."

12 4 Doerle Short Wave Sets
not fear their price, for many com- of plug-in coils may be used and will
panies now have on the market very give better results.
compact midget condensers which Several reasons may be mentioned
have practically the same capacity why they are better - the forms are
(140 mmf.) as those shown in the genuine bakelite, while a flock of tube
illustration for the R.F. and detector bases today are more or less porous
stages. It might be supposed that ver- composition material; if metal sub -
nier dials would be necessary for panels are used and the coils are
tuning these stages, but the ease of too dose to it (as would occur with
tuning -in stations with common 2 -inch tube bases) a great deal of the R.F.
dials on the condenser shafts (C6, C7) energy "shoots" to ground because of
can hardly be appreciated until the the condenser action between coil wind-
set is actually built and is doing its ings and subpanel, and the coils, as
duty. For the position of the con- seen from the appreciative side, make a
densers, all are on the same level set appear more majestic.
(2% inches from top of panel) with
the end ones 2% inches and the center Memorized Knowledge Proves
one at the middle.
The three UX tube sockets for
the tubes are mounted on the base- After constructing this set and
board directly behind the panel va- trying to get it to work in a decent
riable condensers with about Y2 inch manner, "old man trouble" was not
clearance and in line with these are far away. There existed right at the
the plug-in coil sockets, with each point of maximum sensitivity that
4 inches from the center of the trans- "plop" or "howl." At first it was
former, thus making the R.F. and thought to be due to the 'closeness
detector stage coils 8 inches apart. of the R.F. and detector stage coils,
A good reason exists for this dis- but recalling that mistakes are made
tance. If coils S6 and S7 are too in the process of manufacture, the
close, the coupling will be too "tight" idea of correction was followed out
and the set will give the R.F. "plop" to make things right. It is a well-
or "howl." Thus the coupling between known fact that when an audio trans-
these two stages should be through former coil has reverse connections
condenser C3 and not between the made to it, that coil will act as a
coils. "tickler" and due to its large value
of inductance and capacitance, there
Coil Details results the audible (audio) "howl."
Sure enough, that proved to be the
Through an elaboration of con- "bugaboo," for the connections from
structional facts, the details for the the transformer coil had run to the
coils have now appeared for con- wrong binding posts on the shell.
sideration. These may be wound on Instead of the "P" terminal of V2
the regular size tube bases and else- going to "P" on the transformer and
where in this article appears the neces- "B" battery connection to B -plus
sary data for those who wish to "roll on the same, connections were re-
their own." However any good make versed with "B" battery going to
4 Doerle Short Wave Sets 13

"P" on the transformer and B -plus One 5:1 transformer (T1);

to "P" on the tube socket of V2. And Seven Fahnestock dips;
"old man trouble" flew to another Two R.F. chokes; 2.5
job, for the stations that poured in One 5-megohm grid -leak (R4) ;
with their melody indicated that his One .0001-mf. grid condenser (C4);
services were no longer required. One 20 -ohm rheostat (R) ;
Hook-up wire, screws, etc.
List of Parts for Coil Data
"Signal Gripper"
Coil Turns
One Panel 7 x 12 inches; R.F. DET.
One baseboard, 8 x 11 inches; Range S6 S7 S8
Two wood cleats, TA x 1/2 x 8 inches; 15- 25 meters 4 4 4
Two .00014-mf. variable condensers 24- 45 meters 8 8 5
(C6, C7) and 2 -inch dials; 40-110 meters 20 20 6
Ohe .00035-mf. variable condenser (C5) All coils wound with No. 24 D.C.C.
and 2 -inch dial; copper wire. Note also the feature that
Four pieces of sheet copper, 1 x the coils give ample tuning range for
inches (C2, C3); the 20, 40, 80 meter short-wave code
Five four prong sockets; and phone amateur bands.


CABLE TO 570R 77 56 OR 37


Front View of the A. C. 2 -Tube "Doerle."
14 4 Doerle Short Wave Sets
WITH all the fine reports formerly occupied by the audio trans-
from users of the famous former. We are now ready to wire the
"Doerle" receivers, the au- set.
thor decided to convert one of these
receivers for A.C. operation using the
new screen -grid
Hook-up "OK" for 2.5 or 6
pentode tubes. The
results were so gratifying that it was Volt Tubes
decided to pass the information on to Referring to the diagram it will be
the readers of this book. seen that the circuit is a straight-
A commercial 2 -tube model of this forward regenerative one, with re-
receiver was obtained for this pur- sistance -coupled audio amplifier stage
pose. This model uses two type 30, and "throttle" (condenser) control of
two -volt tubes; one as regenerative de- regeneration. There are no changes
tector and another as transformer - in the circuit originally used in the
coupled audio amplifier. The first op- Doerle receiver, other than those nec-
eration is to remove all wiring, the essary to the use of the new type
two four -prong sockets for the two tubes. Either the 2.5 volt or the 6
type 30 tubes, the filament rheostat, volt tubes can be used in the new re-
and the audio transformer; the four ceiver, with no change in the circuit
prong coil socket remains. being necessary, the results being the
It might be well to mention at this same in either case. If the build-
point the list of parts necessary to do er wishes to stick to batteries, and still
the job. They are as follows: have the benefit of the new type
One six -prong wafer socket; tubes with their high "gain" the use
One five -prong wafer socket; of the 6 volt tubes is recommended.
One screen-gfid tube shield. Type 50 In this ease the detector should be the
One 2,000 ohm fixed resistor, 1 watt; type 77, with a type 37 for the
One 250,000 ohm fixed resistor, 1 watt audio. This is very practicable as
One 2 meg. grid -leak type resistor; the set will operate on as low as 90
Two .1 mf. by-pass condenser; volts on the plates, although better re-
One .005 mf. fixed condenser; sults are obtained with from 135 to
One 1 mf. by-pass condenser; 180 applied to the tubes. A storage
One terminal strip - 5 lugs. battery is used for filament supply
for these tubes and lasts quite some
The first of the above parts to be time due to their low filament cur-
mounted are the two tube sockets. The rent rating.
six -prong socket mounted in the
center -hole and the five -prong socket Plate Supply
in the hole nearest the phone ter-
minal strip. For 110 volt A.C. operatio a
"power supply" is recommended; this
Next mount the terminal strip with should furnish 2.5 volts A.C. for the
the five lugs on it in the center of the filaments, the high -voltage section sup-
base on the under side. The one mf. plying 180 volts, with a low voltage
by-pass condenser is mounted on the tap at 22 for the screen. This screen
top side of the base in the position voltage is a very important point,
4 Doerle Short Wave Sets 15



X x C41
Cl ANT. Tam mei.
C2 Cs .00014 -Mr.

"MIN" 22sv. 12190V.
C1..0001 -up. Pomo
64133 C4.011. .1- ki !WARS.
R2. 0.t1 -MN.
t 000 OW-
'oz.. al Oval COO.
Schematic Diagram of the A. C. 2 -Tube "Doerle"
as we are now controlling regen- der an idea of just how flexible this
eration with a potentiometer in the set really is.
screen -grid circuit, as is done in many Wiring the set is a very easy task,
other receivers. If this voltage is any and if the diagram is followed care-
higher than 22 volts the sensitivity of should be expe-
the receiver will be affected to a very rienced in getting the set to "perk."
great extent. Therefore one must re- All connections should be soldered with
member, when the "throttle" conden- rosin -core solder and a hot and well -
ser method of regeneration control is tinned iron. File the sides of the iron
used with screen -grid tubes, the screen - when they become corroded and retin
grid voltage must be checked very care- by rubbing the hot iron in flux and
fully; otherwise poor results are liable solder. (Rubbing it in sal -ammoniac or
to be experienced. rosin and then applying solder is one
of the old plumbers' tricks.) Only
"B" Batteries May Be Used enough solder should be used to make
a secure electrical connection. When
If one wishes to use the 2.5 volt the wiring is completed all connections
tubes and does not have on hand a should be traced and "double checked"
regular power supply, a 2.5 volt fila- to make sure that no error has been
ment transformer can be used to made.
furnish the filament voltage with or-
dinary "B" batteries for the plate, The standard coils that come with
Three 45 -volt batteries will operate the receiver are used, however it may
the set very nicely and last for a long be necessary to remove a few of the
time, as the plate current of this set tickler turns on each coil, as the new
is in the order of 7 milliamperes. The tubes oscillate more easily than the
foregoing paragraphs will give the buil- type 30's formerly used in the set.
16 4 Doerle Short Wave Sets
This is best done by experimenting the operation of the receiver will be
after the set has been tried. The symp- the same as before it was changed, the
toms of too many tickler turns are only difference being an extreme in-
violent and erratic operation of the crease in signal strength over the two -
detector when it goes into oscillation volt tubes.
as the regeneration condenser is turned The regeneration condenser is the one
towards maximum capacity. Otherwise mounted on the left, the tuning con -

Bear View of the A. C. 2 -Tube "Doerle."

4 Doerle Short Wave Sets 17

Pictorial Diagram Showing Placement of Parts

denser being mounted on the right. One five wire cable;
The antenna used with this receiver One four -prong socket (Eby; Na-Ald;
should be anywhere from 25 to 100 National; Hammarlund);
feet long, the longer antenna usually One five -prong socket (Eby; Na-Ald;
adds little to reception, other than National; Hammarlund);
an increase in background noise. If One six -prong socket (Eby; Na-Ald;
the set refuses to oscillate in some National; Hammarlund);
portions of the bands and oscillztc., Two 2 meg. resistors (IRC);
well in others, it can be laid to ab- One 250,000 ohm resistor (IRC) ;
sorption by the antenna. This can be One 2,000 ohm resistor (IRC);
readily overcome by an adjustment of One .0001 mf. mica grid condenser;
the antenna trimmer condenser. If this Two .1 mf. by-pass condensers;
condenser is coupled too closely the One 1 mf. by-pass condenser;
set will refuse to oscillate at all. One .006 mf. by-pass condenser;
List of Paris One mounting strip (5 lugs);
One antenna ground terminal strip; One tube shield;
One phone terminal strip; Two Harnmarlund .00014 mf. tuning
One antenna trimmer cond. cap. about condensers;
100 mmf.; Two 3 -inch vernier dials.
18 4 Doerle Short Wave Sets



.00014-14F. .00014 -Ms.



REGEN. 2a 000

Front View or the Electrified 3 -rube "Signal Gripper."

IN VIEW of the wonderful results How to Change Battery

obtained from the two -tube Doerle
receiver, using the new type tubes, Model
described elsewhere in this book by Mr. , For those who already have the
G. Shuart, the author decided to elec- three -tube set, the operation of chang-
trify the three -tube model, and present ing to the new type tubes is as fol-
it to the readers of this book. lows. Remove all wiring, all sockets ex-
The set described in this article is cept the four -prong one on the left side
truly a wonderful short-wave receiver. of the chassis (front view) which is
Foreign short-wave stations can be used for the R.F. coil. Remove the 20
brought in loud enough to operate a ohm rheostat and replace it with a
speaker even with only a triode (3 -ele- 20,000 ohm unit, which will be used
ment tube) used in the output stage. for volume control. The additional parts
If a pentode were used greater volume that will be needed to convert this set
would be obtained, but then headphones are:
would be out of the picture, and the One set of six -prong, three -winding
author just can't seem to break away' coils;
from phones, which are really the best Five .01 mf. fixed condensers, Cornell-
for "DX" short-wave reception. Dubilier ;
4 Doerle Short Wave Seta 19
One .002 mf. fixed condenser, Cornell- the R.F. stage and the detector, with a
Dubilier ; tuned impedance, is done away with
One .5 mf. by-pass condenser, Cornell- and inductive coupling is used. The coils
Dubilier ; for this arrangement have three wind-
One 300 ohm fixed resistor, IRC; ings, one for the grid, one for the tick-
One 100,000 ohm resistor, IRC; ler, and a winding inter -woven with
One 100,000 ohm resistor, IRC; grid coil for the plate circuit of the
One 250,000 ohm resistor, IRc; R.F. tube. Four of these coils will be
One 1 meg. resistor, IRC; needed and it is cheaper to buy them
One 2,000 ohm resistor, IRC; than to wind them by hand, because
One 2,000 ohm variable resistor; this is quite a difficult task. Four of
Thre six -prong sockets, Eby (Na-Ald; the old coils formerly used with this
National; Hammarlund); receiver are used in the R.F. stage. In-
One five -prong socket, Eby (Na-Ald; stead of coupling the antenna directly
National; Hammarlund);
Two screen grid tube shields; National to the grid of the R.F. tube, as is done
(Hammarlund). in the old receiver, the antenna wind-
The old system of coupling between ing on the R.F. coil that was unused

Pictorial Diagram Showing Placement of Parts

1fb 4 Doorha Short Wow Soto

DYNAMIC 20,000 .00014 -

.00014- REGEN.
COND. 56 00014 -ME


DET. R. F.


( 11.1111

0 ,f01 0


Rear View of Electrified "Signal Gripper."
is now employed to coupling the an- with a hot and well -tinned iron, using
tenna to the set. pure non -corrosive rosin -core solder.
Mount all the parts, following the Various Sources of Power
same layout as in the old receiver, ex-
cept that the audio transformer is not Usable
used. Resistance coupling is used instead This receiver can be operated from
because of the high plate impedance of various sorts of power supply arrange-
the detector tube. Solder all connections ments and is adaptable to any loca-
4 Doerle Short Wave Sets 21
tion whether A.C. power is available smoothly if the voltage is not of this
or not. For those having A.C. power value. If one wishes to operate this
it is suggested that this set be run set from batteries it can be done very
from regular power supply, delivering
from 180 to 250 volts with a 2.5 volt nicely with no change in the circuit.
filament winding. A 22 veil tap will It's just a matter of changing the tubes
be required for the screen of the detec- to the automobile type and running
tor tube, of course. It might be well them from a six -volt storage battery
to state here that the voltage applied
and using "B" batteries for the plate
to the screen should not exceed 22
supply. 135 volts will work very nicely,
volts under any consideration, because
although higher voltage is recommended
the sensitivity of the receiver will be if full signal strength is to be had.
very much affected by running the
For operating on a regular power sup-
screen at a higher potential. Also the ply from 110 volts A.C., a 58 will be
regeneration control will not operate needed for the tuned R.F. stage,

Da tia.MK

10 10 0.aaA 2/1 40 wITER.I. 40-40 80-100 WILEILtS


1.5 41.14

4 -2' M


Schematic Diagram and Coll -Winding Data.

22 4 Doerle Short Wave Sets
a 57 for the detector, and a 56 as One set of (6 -prong) special three -
the output tube. When operating from winding coils;
a storage battery with "B" batteries One set (4 -prong) plug-in coils;
for the plate supply, a 78 will be used Five .01 mf. fixed condensers, Flecht-
for the R.F. tube, a 77 for the detec- heim;
tor and a 37 for the audio tube. One .002 mf. fixed condenser, Solar;
One .5 by-pass condenser, Solar;
Operation One 300 ohm resistor;
One 100,000 ohm resistor, IRC;
One 250,00(1 ohm resistor, IRC;
The operation of this receiver is ex- One 1 megohm resistor, IRC;
actly the same as before it was changed, One 2 megohm resistor, IRC;
as far as the tuning is concerned. The One 2,000 ohm resistor, IRC;
two tuning condensers will have to be One 20,000 ohm resistor, Variable;
tuned at the same time, and the sta- Three six -prong sockets, Eby (Na-
tions formerly received on this set will tional; Hammarlund; Na-ald);
be received on practically the same dial One five -prong socket, Eby (Na-
settings, because the new coils tune ex- tional; Hammarlund; Na-ald);
'actly the same as the old ones. Tuning One four -prong socket, Eby (Na-
of the R.F. stage, however, will be tional; Hammarlund; Na-ald);
much sharper than before; in fact the Two triple grid tube shields, Ham-
selectivity of the whole set is far greater marlund (National);
than when it used the 2 -volt type tubs. One .0001 fixed condenser, Solar;
Three Hammarlund .00014 mf. tuning
List of Parts of the New condensers;
"Doerle" 3 -Tube A.C. Two tuning dials, National or other
Receiver One antenna ground terminal strip,
One drilled metal chais; One phone terminal strip, Eby;
One R.F. choke coil; One five -wire cable.
4 Doerle Short Wave Sets 23



Front View of the Bandsprend "Doerle" Set.

24 4 Doerle Short Wave Sets
IT HAS been proven by the hun- bring up those very weak signals. The
dreds of letters received from short- new set utilizes a pentode amplifier,
wave constructors and experimen- which will be discussed later.
ters, that the Doerle sets are among
the most popular. Along with these let- New "Band -Spread"
ters have come the requests from a
great number of amateurs asking that Coils Used
the 2 -tube Doerle set be modified for
amateur or "Ham" use. In order for To introduce band -spread use is
any set to comply with amateur re- made of Meissner band -spread coils.
quirements, it is necessary that the set The construction of these coils can be
spread the various "Ham bands" over seen by referring to the drawing and
a goodly portion of the tuning dial. also the writing diagram. It will be
Operation on the amateur bands with noticed that they are five -prong coils
an ordinary receiver not having band having the regulation tickler and grid
spread is just about impossible, as the coil. The grid coil has been tapped and
forty meter band, for instance, occu- to obtain band -spread the main tuning
pies only about five or six divisions of condenser is connected across only a
the dial and with the great congestion portion of the inductance. A small pad-
on this band this condition would be ding condenser has been mounted in
prohibitive. the top of the coil form and this ca-
pacity is connected across the entire
Ham's Requirements Met coil in order to obtain a stabilized
tuning circuit. This capacity is also used
It is the purpose of this article to to tune the coil so the band will ap-
present a method by which the 2 -tube pear in the center of the tuning coil.
electrified Doerle can be revamped with The Meissner concern manufactures
the Ham's most rigid requirements, and another set of the same type coils,
also to serve as constructional informa- which are designed to be used on the
tion for any one wishing to build the various short-wave "broadcast" bands.
set, if they have not already done so.
With these coils the short-wave "Fan"
For the amateur possessing a receiver can have greater tuning ease on his
of an older type and wishing to build favorite foreign broadcast band. The
something more satisfactory for his set described in this article, together
purpose, we can highly recommend this with a set of the short-wave "broad-
little receiver. It is very economical to cast" band -spread coils, would make an
construct and will give most gratifying ideal combination.
For those who have already built
The original receiver is described by the 2 -tube electrified Doerle it will be
the writer elsewhere in this book. This a comparatively simple matter to make
set used a type 57 detector and a 56 the simple changes outlined. The first
as the audio amplifier. While this tube procedure is to remove the four -prong
arrangement produced excellent results coil socket and the five -prong tube
it was believed that there could be just socket. The four -prong socket will be
a little more audio amplification to
discarded but the one used for the 56
4 Doerle Short Wave Sets 25
140 R E. CHOKE
2 ME5S. 57 MAW. a 23- S
44.44,L, .02 -ME

; .1'
.01- 1. MEG.


r" TN\ 0.25-

GRID g 1401 20 MF.


5:02 I-4
it FIL.
2.5 v, A. C.
+22 V. B- 4- 180 no 250V.


100 MMF 2.5-5 MM.
ANT. 140 WO
p..o NES

STA ?"."


1. SG P
-C) MEG.

140 MMF. 20U.405

w MF

.01- 20p...4F


SO 000
0 fig Fl L
2.5 V A.C.
8- +18010
GN +22V. 250 v
26 4 Doerle Short Wave Sets
The metal chassis used in construct-
ing this set is of the variety sold by
nearly every mail-order house and
comes completely drilled and finished in
GRID TICKLER 130710/A 212W
various colors of lacquer. These chasses
20 wITE.2 COIL LEO '/21 Nt 24 Role TAPPED AT
are really cheaper to buy than to con-
I'/AT. 1.2,401,4 Of win0,4G 1/87 TIC,,Ltil, struct, and they present a more busi-
ST Nt 30 ',OE CLOSE wOUNO nesslike appearance. The illustrations
show the placement of the various parts
77 142 30 WIRE CLOSE WOUND. and this general layout should be fol-
60 METER CO. C.210, 201/2r NP 24 VAR/ TAP22047
,3T 62nGTH or w,5011e0
lowed as closely as possible in construct-
T n2 30 od.RI. CLOSE WOUND ing the set.
POD METER CO3. GRID. 5172 r NO. 25 WeE MARIO AT It will be noticed that there are two
321 LEn01.,0C wow:A/40 13/0".
17 T 1411 30 will' Cs.032 WOUND.
more changes in the new version of
the Docrle, viz.: the addition of a
potentiometer in the screen -grid of the
These coils are available commercially detector tube, and the 57 detector is
but if you wish to "roll your own" here provided with a shield. The potentio-
is all the data meter was added because various makes
of 57 tubes require slightly different
tube will now be used for the five -prong voltages on the screen -grid. And then
band -spread coils, and is mounted on the higher frequency bands,
where the four -prong socket was for- it has been found that a slight change
merly located. It will be nrcPsaary to in screen voltage is necessary to obtain
obtain a six -prong wafer socket to ac- smooth regeneration. Then in many
commodate the 2A5 pentode tube. This cases the builder may not have pro-
will be mounted in place of the one visions for adjusting the voltage from
used before for the 56. Mount the six - the power supply where the potentio-
prong socket so that the filament ter- meter permits the voltage to be set
minals are facing the end of the for maximum sensitivity. The regenera-
cha-ssis. The five -prong socket will be tion is then controlled with the throttle
mounted with the filament holes toward condenser.
the rear of the base. Mounting the
sockets in this manner will simplify Detector Tube Shielded
wiring to quite an extent. The rest is
easy, just wire up the two sockets ac- When using a pentode, such as the
cording to the diagram. 2A5 tube, it is necessary to shield the
For the "Fans" who have not con- detector tube in order to prevent feed-
structed the 2 -tube Doerle, this set back between the two stages, which
offers about the ultimate in 2 -tube re- causes the pentode to howl. So don't
ceivers; the builder will be more than forget to shield the detector tube! The
thrilled with the results obtainable same cathode biasing resistor that was
with this little "band -spread" two - used in the 56 amplifier of the original
tuber. set is used for the 2A5. While 500
4 Doerle Short Wave Sets 27

ohms is the proper value for the 2A5 is available its use is preferred and then,
tube, the 2,000 ohm unit was used to of course, the 500 ohm resistor should
lighten the load on the earphones, when be used. The by-pass condenser across
used directly in the plate circuit of the this resistor should be one with a high
pentode; the 2,000 ohm resistor pro- capacity, around 20 mf. and with a
vided less plate current to pass through working voltage of 20 to 25. This
the phones and the slight difference in condenser will be necessary if full vol-
volume is nothing to worry about. ume and natural tone is expected from
However, if an output transformer the pentode. Another item that stabli-

140 57 50.000 OHMS

2 A5 140
100 MMF.

;L. dip
COILS --10-
Raw View of the Bandspreed "Doerle" Receiver.
28 4 Doerle Short Wave Sets
am the pentode and eliminates "fringe ling condenser of course will have to
howl" is the by-pass condenser from be adjusted for best results. It is best
the plate to the B negative. This con- in the beginning to set this condenser
denser also reduces tube hiss to a to minimum capacity and make ad-
minimum. justments after the "feel" of the set is
acquired. As for results - the foreign
Check All Connections broadcasts come in on the speaker in
After the set is wired up it is ad- most cases and amateurs can be brought
in with astonishing volume.
visable to check all connections to
make sure everything is firm and in Parts List -2 -Tube Doerle
its right place. Connect the power
supply to the set and we are ready Band -Spread
to hear some real 2 -tube performance. 1 Set of Meissner "band -spread" coils
Tuning is exactly the same as in the 1 drilled metal chassis. Meissner Mfg.
original set, except that the "band - Co.
setting" condenser mounted in the top 2 140 mmf. variable tuning condensers.
of the coil form will have to be ad- Hammarlund (National)
justed to bring the desired band within 1 antenna trimmer (low min. cap.) 35
the range of the dial. This only needs mmf. max
to be done once on each coil; after the 1 .0001 mf. mica condenser. Aerovox
adjustment has been made no further 1 .01 mf. bypass condenser. Aerovox
attention need be given to it. 1 .02 mf. bypass condenser, Aerovox
Any type of antenna will work with 1 .002 mf. bypass condenser. Aerovox
this set. The length can be anywhere 1 20 to 25 mf. 25 -volt electrolytic con-
from 25 to 100 feet. The antenna coup- denser. (Aerovox)
4 Doerle Short Wave Sets 29



0 NE of the most common buga-

boos that the set builder runs
across is hum in receivers. Pecu-
liarly enough most constructors never

give the power source much con- P.T

sideration. Yet, it is the life -supply
for the set, the power -plant that supplies
the "juice" to make the wheels go
round I Most packs that I have seen
were hay -wire affairs thrust off on the
floor or the bottom shelf of a table,
with leads running every which way
from them. 110V,
MF, 500V.
The little pack shown and described (EACH) A.C.
is one that I made up for testing pur- ELECTROLYTIC CONDENSERS LINE
poses around the "shack," and although The Completely Assembled Short -Wave
it did not cost eight dollars in its Power Unit. Note Compactness.
entirety, still up to 300 volts of pris-
tine pure, direct current at 60 mills lytics and two 30 henry, 100 MA.
is available when needed, and likewise chokes. The following are general truths
2/ volts at any current up to ten am- that can always be followed in choosing
peres. The layout of the pack can be apparatus for power supplies.
clearly seen from the picture and
schematic diagram. Transformers
There is nothing unconventional in
any part of the pack circuit. A midget When purchasing a power trans-
power transformer provides the high former for a receiver, make sure that
voltage, rectifier filament voltage, and it will supply enough current for all
the 2% volt winding for filament the tubes in the receiver. For instance,
supply on the unit with which the pack if the set is a four tuber, with a '47
is used. A 280 is used as a conventional in the output, it will draw about forty
full -wave rectifier, followed by a two milliamperes. Hence the rating of .the
section filter system and a bleeder re- high voltage winding should be at least
sistor. The "B" and filament currents 50 mills (M.A.) at the required vol-
are connected to a five-foot cable which tage (300). For short-wave work, the
is used for connection to sets. The filter best type of transformer is one that
system consists of three 8 mf. electro- has au electrostatic shield. This is a
30 4 Doerle Short Wave Sets

This Pictorial
Diagram will
new -comers
to build
power unit
without and

winding between the primary and high - The Rectifier

voltage winding, which is connected
to the core of the transformer and An 80 is the most common choice
grounded; this shield frequently elim- for the rectifier, but if there is to be
inates annoying hums. Likewise be sure a heavy drain and the transformer is
that the filament winding on the trans- built to give a 3 -ampere, 5 -volt -
former will supply sufficient amperage winding, a 5Z3 should be used. The
for the set. Even the cheapest of trans- 5Z3 is the big brother to the 80, and
will give more current, with lower vol-
formers will stand some overloading, tage drop in the tube. Never use mer-
but it is good practice, and eliminates cury vapor tubes, such as the 82 and
quite a few "headaches" if all apparatus the 83, as this is only courting trouble
is run underloaded. If the transformer from various types of hums.
is to be used, reused, and then once Filter System
more reused, (as in most experimental The filter system consists usually of
shacks), get one with soldering lugs, as condensers across the positive and neg-
the type with wire leads will perhaps ative output of the transformer -
cause trouble in some instances, due to rectifier system, with chokes in series
wit} either the negative or positive
too short a lead or frayed and sloppy lead. Electrolytic condensers are the
connections. most compact type, and being generally
4 Doerle Short Wave Sets 31

made with a 500 volt rating will rent needed. If the pack is to supply
usually be good enough for any re- 60 mills (MA.), a choke with a 100
ceiver power supply. One caution mill rating at thirty henries should
though. Always be sure to buy a be used. Again, as with the condensers,
standard, reputable make of condenser. do not buy cheap chokes.
I had one of the surprises of my life
when I saw several cheap brand of Bleeder Resistor
so-called 8 mf. electrolytics put across
a capacity meter, while in operation. For a pack up to 350 volts, a 25,000
Their capacities ranged anywhere from ohm 50 watt resistor is the best
two to five mikes under operating con- bleeder. Sliders on the resistor will pro-
ditions! Likewise, cheap condensers vide any desired voltage between high
usually have short life, and after a and ground. Remember to by-pass every
year or so will have to be yanked out tap to ground through a condenser,
and replaced. Chokes should be 30 even if it is by-passed in the set. Should
henry units capable of carrying the cur- it be desired to get "C" bias from the

OUTPUT 8 MR 500V. P.T.


25,000 0.5 - R. F.C. .002- 80 .002 -

Underside View of Power Unit Showing Correct Placement of Parts.
32 4 Doerle Short Wave Sets
MF. 6 .5 25000
500V. MF. Omm5


diagram for
Power Pack
2.5V. incidental
10V 2.5 CHOKE) details for

(-) obtaining bias

5. MF
- voltages

(4) 8*

pack, it is only necessary to use some

point above ground as "B" minus and Parts List - Doerle
the remainder of the resistor back to Power Supply
the negative point on pack will be
minus potential. This is shown in an
accompanying diagram. To obtain bias
for a power tube, such as a '45 or a 1-Chassis, 6x9x2 inches.
'47, a resistor is put in series with the 1-Power transformer, 325-0-325 V.,
filament center -tap. This resistor is by- 70 ma.; 2% volts; 5 volts.
passed by a high capacity, low -voltage
condenser, generally 5 or 10 mf. rated 2-30 henry filter chokes, 70 ma.
at 50 volts. The circuit for this is shown 3-8 mf. electrolytic" condensers (500
in the diagram. For a single 245, the V.).
resistor should be 1500 ohms! for a mf. condenser (200 V.).
47, 450 ohms. The resistor should be of
5 watt rating, wire -wound. 1-25,000 ohm, 50 watt voltage di-
Remember to always use a good vider. (With slider.)
ground and be sure that all chokes and 2-.002 mf. mica condensers.
transformers are grounded to the chassis. 1-R.F. choke. 2.5 M.H. Hammarlund.
Likewise always to ground the centertap
of all filament windings, even if they 1 -4 -prong wafer socket.
are only spares that are not being used 1-"On"-"Off" switch.
on the set. 1-Type 80 or 5Z3 RCA Radiotron.
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