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Dosen Pengampu : Aditya Septiani,S.E,M.Si,Ak,CA, QRMO

1. Shakeel agrees to purchase an automobile for $400.000. Shakeel will make a

$100.000 down payment and amortize the balance with monthly payments over 8
years at 12%.

• Determine Shakeel ’s monthly payment.

• Construct the first three lines of an amortization schedule

• The outstanding balance after 24th payment

• The interest in the 25th payment.

• The principal in the 25th payment.

• The total interest paid.

2. Calculate the purchase price and construct a bond amortization schedule for each of
the bonds described below

• 3-year 6% $100,000 bond issued in an 8% yield (compounded semiannually)

• 3-year 8% $100,000 bond issued in an 6 % yield (compounded semiannually)

3. From the time Janna and Raudah’s daughter was born, they decided to save for her
university education. Janna and Rauda assume their daughter will require $600 per
month for her four years of study and increase the saving 4 % per year. If Jane and
John save for 17 years, calculate the amount they must save each month. Assume 6
% p.a.interest is compounded monthly.
4. Suppose that the rate of discount is 12%. So, how much one must pay to receive $
100 per month, forever?

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