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JMAJ, January / February 2013 — Vol. 56, No.

Site name: kota medan, Sumatra utara ( sumut )

Rapid Assessment Form

5. Health facilities Information source BNPB Government Contact
Date of visit: 09 April 9, 2022 Compiled by: Aminah Aprillia Team: Delitua Deli Husada
Lubis Health facility name: RSU terdekat Structure OK: Yes / No Distance from shelter:
Hours open: Overnight stay: Yes / No # Doctors: # Nurses: (No Information)
Location (Address/GIS coordinates): ota medan, Sumatra utara ( sumut )
Running water: Yes / No Toilet: Yes / No Electricity: Yes No Food supply: Yes / No
IVF: Yes / No X-ray: Yes / No Dialysis: Yes / No Respirators: Yes / No Medication supply: Yes / No #
Visits/wk: # Deaths/wk: # Referrals/wk: Referral destination:
Access and security Information source -BNPB Goverment Contact Main routes to location:
kota medan, Sumatra utara ( sumut ) Ambulance service: Yes / No Air-lift service: Yes / No
Incidence (past week): (No Information)
1. Road access: Yes / No Building collapse? Yes / No Chemical concerns? Yes / No Fires? Yes / No Damaged
Trauma: Bone and Muskuloskeletal Types of trauma: Luka Robek, Luka Lecet, Patah Tulang
pipelines: Gas: Yes / No Water: Yes / No Sewage: Yes / No
Psych: Fear in population: Yes / No Reason: (No Information)
Security concerns? Yes / No Specify: Climate:
Drowning: X Burns: X Other major diagnosis: ISPA, Fibromialgia, Fever, etc
Satellite phone? Yes / No Mobile phone? Yes / No Internet access? Yes / No
Outbreaks? Yes / No Type: (No Information) Epidemic control plan: (No Information)
Provider stated needs: (No Information)
2. Population Information source BNPB Government Contact
Local population before event: Displaced population: >9.228Jiwa
6. Child health Information source BNPB Government
Estimated sex ratio: % women Children <5 years: % ( No Information)
Do children have appropriate access to healthcare/caretakers proactively seeking care? Yes / No
# Unaccompanied minors: # Pregnant women: # HD-dependent: # O2-dependent:
# Unaccompanied/immobile elderly: Other vulnerable groups: ( No Information) 7. Reproductive health Information source BNPB Government
Is there access to an emergency obstetric care center in the area? Yes Systems / No
3. Community resources Information source BNPB Government Contact to prevent sexual violence in place? Yes / No
Emergency warning system functioning? Yes / No If yes, what type? Rapid Need Assestment • Well lit facilities (living space, latrines, walking paths)
Other available disaster infrastructure: • Adequate privacy (living space, bathing facilities)
• Promotion of awareness
Method(s) of transportation accessible to the affected population:
Available communication infrastructure: Mobile phone Landline Internet TV Radio
8. Water Information source BNPB Government
% of population using the following as main water source: (No Information)
4. Mortality Information source BNPB Government Contact
Piped system: % Bottled water: % Well: % River: %
Estimated # deaths within 27 hours of event:10 Orang Estimated # missing : 0 Orang Distance of main water source from homes: m (No Information)
Estimated # deaths (past week): <5 years: ≧5 years: ( No Information) Portable water bags: Yes / No liters/person/day (No Information)
Overall mortality rate (all ages): deaths per persons per ( No Information)) Water-testing system functioning? Yes / No Chlorination: Yes / No Coliforms/dl: (0)
Mortality rate in children <5: deaths per children <5 years per (( No Information)) Turbid: Yes / No Color: Yes / No Odor: Yes / No


• >15 liters/person/day
(>3 liters/person/day for drinking and food)
• <500 m from household to water point
• <30 minutes queueing time

Fig. 1 Rapid Assessment Form

9. Sanitation Information source BNPB Government
% of population with access to: None Latrine Inside toilet Other (specialty) 13. Priority recommendations
persons/latrine Functioning latrine % <50 m from home % Internally lockable: Yes / No
Rekomendasi :
• <20 people/toilet
• Toilets <50 m from dwellings ● Percepatan pemenuhan kebutuhan logistik masyarakat pengungsi.
• Trench latrines >30 m from groundwater source, >1.5 m above water table ●2.Pembenahan alur data dan pelaporan di Posko Tanggap Darurat.
Water at latrines: Yes / No Cleaning supplies: Yes / No Maintenance teams Yes / No ● Agar dilaksanakan pemantauan dan pemetaan ekstensif guna mendapatkan situasi
mutakhir di bagian hulu sungai deli, sungai Babura, sungai sei batuan dan sungai
Yes /
sei sanggal(Medan, Sumatera Utara)
Printed health messages: Yes / No Clean latrines: No Material for menstrual hygiene: Yes / No 3.

Waste drums: Yes / No Wash bucket: Yes / No Hot water: Yes / No Showers: Yes / No
Private bathing area for women: Yes / No (No Information)

10. Food and non-food items Information source BNPB Government Kebutuhan Mendesak : – Tenda keluarga/terpal – Tikar – Sembako – BBM – MCK – Air Bersih –
Specify what distributions have occurred Selimut & Bantal – Vitamin – Tempat cuci tangan di pengungsian komunal – Paket dapur

Food Yes / No keluarga – Kasur lipat – Matras – Kelambu

• >2,100 kcal/person/day
Yes / No
Self-preparation Communal • Safe, accessible distribution system
kitchen Yes / No

Staples: , kcal/person/day

Water containers Yes / No

Bottled water Yes
/ No
Blankets Yes
/ No
Mats/mattresses Yes
/ No
Soap (bathing+laundry) Yes / No
Cooking utensils Lighting es / / No
(flashlights) Y Stoves Yes No
Availability: Electricity: Y es / / No

Cooking gas: Yes / No Fuel for vehicles: Yes / No

11. Shelter Information source BNBD Government

Estimated % of population living in following: 185 jiwa mengungsi dengan persebaran 2 titik
None/Exposed: % Makeshift materials: %Own homes: % Shelter buildings: % Percentage of homes non-habitable: % (No Information)
Specify number of shelters and each capacity: shelters (No Information)
Capacity for people at (No Information) Space partitions: Yes / No m2/person
Capacity for people at (No Information) Space partitions: Yes / No m2/person • >3.5 m2/person covered area
• >45 m2/person usable surface area
• Floor to ceiling height >2 m
12. Main needs Prioritize needs from 1–6
Water Yes Sanitation Yes Food Yes Health care Yes Shelter Yes Non-food item

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