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Including Electronics Digest®

Nathi tunes in to...

An all-new Citizens
Band technical theory
:series on how CB
transceivers work
beginning in this issue!
- Kathi
CB Editor

from a single IC
You bail i.t
from our
build it
from Heath's
simple plans!

Straight from our Test Lab-

E. F.
Messenger 130 CB Rig
Maranti 4230 4- Channel
Dolby Receiver
Huster 5M5 AM /FM/
VHF /UHF Monitor Match
They get paid top salaries
for keeping today's
electronic world running
Suddenly the whole world is
going electronic! And behind the
microwave towers, push -button
phones, computers, mobile radio,
television equipment, guided
missiles, etc., stand
- the men needed to inspect,
install, and service these
modern miracles. They enjoy
their work, and get well paid
for it. Here's how you can
join their privileged ranks -
without having to quit your job
or go to college in order
to get the necessary training.
Just think how much in demand you would be if you age components to let you perform 242 fascinating
could prevent a TV station from going off the air by electronics experiments. You learn the "how" as well as
repairing a transmitter ... keep a whole assembly line the "why" of Electronics ... the Science of the Seventies.
moving by fixing automated production controls ... pre- Many leading companies use CIE courses to train their
vent a bank, an airline, or your government from making own employees who are working on the latest electronic
serious mistakes by servicing a computer. equipment.
Today, whole industries depend on Electronics. When
breakdowns or emergencies occur, someone has got to
Get an FCC License -
or Your Money Back I
Two -way mobile work and many other types of trouble-
move in, take over, and keep things running. That calls
for one of a new breed of technicians The Trouble- shooting call for a Government FCC License, and our
training is designed to get it for you. But even if your
Because they prevent expensive mistakes or delays, work doesn't require a license, it's a good idea to get one.
they get top pay and a title to match. At Xerox and
Philco, they're called Technical Representatives. At IBM
Your FCC License will be accepted anywhere as proof
of good electronics training.
they're Customer Engineers. In radio or TV, they're the A good way to prepare for your FCC exam is to take
Broadcast Engineers. a licensing course from CIE. Our training is so effective
What do you need to break into the ranks of The that, in a recent survey of 787 CIE graduates, better than
Troubleshooters? You might think you need a college 9 out of 10 CIE grads passed the Government FCC
degree, but you don't. What you need is know -how -the License examination. That's why we can offer this
kind a good TV service technician has -only lots more. famous Money -Back Warranty: when you complete any
CIE licensing course, you'll be able to pass your FCC
Learn at Home ...
In Your Spare Time exam or be entitled to a full refund of all tuition paid. This
warranty is valid during the completion time allowed
As one of The Troubleshooters, you'll have to be ready
to tackle a wide variety of electronic problems. You may for your course. You get your FCC License or your -
not be able to dismantle what you're working on -
you money back.
must be able to take it apart "in your head." You'll have Mail Card for 2 Free Books
to know enough Electronics to understand the engineer- Want to know more? Then fill out and mail reply card
ing specs, read the wiring diagrams, and calculate how or coupon today. We'll send you our two FREE books on
the circuits should test at any given point. opportunities in Electronics. For your convenience, we
Learning all this can be much simpler than you think. will try to have a representative call. Act now, and get a
In fact, you can master it without setting foot in a class- high - paying job that much sooner.
room ... and without giving up your job!
For over 37 years, the Cleveland Institute of Electronics
has specialized in teaching Electronics at home. We've APPROVED UNDER G.I. BILL
developed special techniques that make learning easy, All CIE career courses are approved for educational
even if you've had trouble studying before. Our AUTO - benefits under the G.I. Bill. If you are a veteran or in
service now, check box for G.I. Bill information.
PROGRAMMED® Lessons build your knowledge as
easily and solidly as you'd build a brick wall -one brick
at a time. And our instruction is personal. Your teacher
Cleveland Institute
not only grades your work, he analyzes it to make sure
you are thinking correctly. And he returns it the same
- it is received, while everything is fresh in your mind. CIE of Electronics, Inc.
1776 East 17th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44114
To keep up with tl, . .esl u .. ,,.N nears, our courses are
Accredited Member National Home Study Council
constantly being revised. CIE students receive lessons
in Field Effect Transistors, Digital Switching Units, r
Microwave Systems, Lasers, Binary Coding and Com- Cleveland Institute of Electronics, Inc.
puter Arithmetic. 1776 East 17th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44114
In addition, CIE offers an exciting Electronics Tech-
nology with Laboratory course that includes 161 space- Please send me your two FREE books:

1. Your school catalog, "Succeed in Electronics."

2. Your book on "How To Get A Commercial FCC License."

Learn By Doing... I am especially interested in:

Electronics Broadcast First Class
Electronics Technology Technology Engineering FCC License
with Laboratory Course Electronic Industrial Electronics
Communications Electronics
teaches you the funda-
Electronics Technology with Laboratory
mentals.Using space -age
components and testing Name
techniques youwill apply (PLEASE PRINT)

the principles you learn Address

...actually analyze and State Zip
troubleshoot modern Veterans and Servicemen:
electronics equipment. Check here for G.I. Bill information. EL -47


ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS ineluding ELECTRONICS DIGEST (Vol. 13, No. 6) ise published bimonthly by Davie Publications, Inc., a! 249
Park Ave., S. New York N.Y. 10003. One year subscription (six issues) -$3.95. Second clona postage paid at New York. N.Y. 10003 and at
additional mailing office.
May /June 1974 Vol. 14 No. 3

Dedicated to America's Electronics Hobbyists
31 Can a Radio Controlled Submarine Operate Underwater ?
of radio guiding a yellow sub out of sight
-a tale
40 Klaxon Fire Alarm for Your Home-save yourself from a fiery
baste with an audio blast
t 61 IC Metronome -tick, tock, you're on time again
66 Build It Fast-loud -hailer and color organ you can build
xY 43 Kathi's CB Carousel- KGK3916 checks out the E. F. Johnson 130
51 Inside CB- beginning an all -new theory series
xt 60 e/e Checks Out the Hustler Monitor Match 5M5
28 DX Central Reporting -our shortwave column
69 Antique Radio Corner -the old that's new
77 Choosing the Right Receiver -an SWL roundup on receivers and
how to buy
81 Antennaless 1 -Tube Regen Receiver-an antique model maker's
45 e/e Checks Out the Heathkit Digital- Design Color TV Kit-we
found it true blue, red, and green
58 Eye Popping Connectors- snap, click, and fasten circuits with
eyelets and rivets
67 e/e Speaks Out on the Marantz 4230 4- Channel /Dolby receiver
47 Taking the Gamble out of Gain -by chance you'll design from
85 Basic Course -introduction to electricity
34 Electronics Gives Mending Bones a Break -the
last trip down
the slope causes the most problems
44 Looking at Color TV Energy Waste
64 Have a Heart, a Good One -electronics can give you more years
76 The Super -Squelch- here's room for quiet
8 Hey, Look Me Over -our
new products parade HIGH "FIDELITY
17 Reader Service Page-product service center
Ask Hank, He Knows! -a
bundle of knowledge in small packets
Bookmark by Bookworm -what d'ya read
93 Newsca n-news in brief
Cover 100 Literature Library- picking product info
Highlights 103 Reader Service Page -two extra coupons


photograph Norman Crawford, Peter L. Dexnis, James A. Fred,
by Herb Friedman, Joe Gronk, Jorma Hyypia, Don Jensen,
lieicklen C. R. Lewart, Kathi Martin, Hank Scott, Art Trauffer,
and the ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS editorial staff.

Reg. U.S.
Pat. Off.

and Electronics Circuits

Now Includes
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You will learn how to build radios, regular schematics; how to Wire and Solder TESTER INSTRUCTION MANUAL
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punched metal chassis as well as the latest development of Printed Circuit chassis. TELEVISION BOOK RADIO
You will learn the basic principles of radio. You will construct, study and work with TROUBLE -SHOOTING BOOK
RF and AF amplifiers and oscillators. detectors, rectifiers, test equipment. You will learn
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You will receive training for the Novice, Technician and General Classes of F.C.C. Radio
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Absolutely no previous knowledge of radio or science The "Edu -Kit" is SERVICING LESSONS I
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Ben Valerie,, P. O. Box 21. Magna.
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You will receive all parts and instructions necessary to build twenty different radio and fine. Alskits: e to et yoou know thatkt
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Printed Circuitry is the basis of modern
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terested in Electronics. 1 1189 Broadway, Dept. 567DJ, Hewlett, N.Y. 11557


MAY -JUNE. 1974 5
WR C O elementary
May /June 1974 Vol. 14 /No. 3
Dedicated to America's Electronics Hobbyists

Editor- in -Chiel
Technical Editor
Audio Editor
Displays Ohms, Volts or Amps in 5 ranges Voltage STEPHEN B. -GRAY
fron 100 Microvolts to 500 V Resistance from 100 News Editor
Milliohms to Megohm1 Current from 100 Nano JEFFREY APTER
Amps to Amp ..
1 $77 00 Case extra: $12.50 Lill Sara /Lind Editor
(Optional probe) $5.00 KATHI MARTIN, KGK3916
workbench Editor
Will not be damaged by high power transmission levels. Art Director
Simple, cable connection to transmitter's output.
Corer Art Director
Associate Art Director
Art Associate
Advertising Director
ES 220K -
Line frequency time base. DAVID J. MILLER
KHz resolution
1 ...
5 digit: $69.50. Case extra: $10.00
Production Director
ES 221K -
Crystal time base. Production Manager
100 Hz resolution .. 6 digit: $99.50. Case extra: $10.00 GERTRUD BORCHARDT
DIGITAL CLOCK: Assistant Production Manager
Newsstand Circulation Director
Subscription CirnBotion- Marketing Director
Subscription Circulation Manager
Instruments Division Manager
ES 112K/124K 12 hour or 24 hour clock: $46.95. WILFRED M. BROWN
Case extra: Walnut $20.00 Metal $7.50
President, Chairman of the Board ( 1957 -1978)
ES 201K -
Opt. addition to ES 112K, 124K or 500K
President and Publisher
Mounts on board. Accurate to .002% $25.00 .... JOEL DAVIS
Vice -President and General Manager
ES 200K- Reminds operator that 9minutes and 45 seconds
Vice President and Treasurer
have passed. Mounts on ES 112 or 124 board. Silent LED
flash: $10.95. Optional audio alarm $4 extra.

Dependable solid state components and circuitry. Easy reading, ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS is published bi-
monthly by Davis Publications, Inc. Editorial and
7 segment display tubes with clear, bright numerals. These products
Executive offices: 229 Park Ave. So. New York NY
operate from 117 VAC, 60 cycles. No moving parts. Quiet, trouble free 10003; all Subscription orders and mail regard-
printed circuit. ing subscriptions should be sent to P.O. Box
Each kit contains complete parts list with all parts, schematic illustrations 2600, Greenwich CN 06830. One -year subscription
and easy to follow, step by step instructions. No special tools required. (six issues) -$3.95; two -year subscription (12 is-
sues)-$7.95; three -year subscription (18 issues)
$11.95; and four -year subscription (24 issues)
$15.95. Add $1.00 per year for postage outside
ORDER YOURS TODAY: the U.S.A., its possessions and Canada. For
Use your Mastercharge or change of address, please advise 4 to 6 weeks
Bankamericard before moving. Send us your current mailing
label with new address. Advertising offices: New
Money Back Guarantee York, 229 Park Avenue South, 212- 673-1300; Chi-
cago, 520 N. Michigan Ave., 312 -527 -0330; Los
Angeles; J. E. Publishers' Rep. Co., 8732 Sunset
10418 La Cienega Inglewood, Ca. 90304 (213) 674 -3021
Blvd. 213 -659 -3810. Second -class postage paid
at New York NY and at addltonal mailing office.
Copyright 1974 by Davis Publications, Inc.

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MAY -JUNE, 1974
power hook me over
when you Showcase of New Products

need it! Lights On

The Heathkit GD -1018 solid-state lamp dim-
mer smoothly adjusts the brightness of table
or floor lamps from full on to complete dark-
ness with absolutely no step or flicker. It's
handier than a 3 -way lamp . . . and saves
money since it permits the use of lower cost
bulbs and eliminates the annoyance of

Circle No.1

the HUSTLER on Reader Service

Coupon on p. 17 or 107.
extended colinear
long range
burned -out elements in 3 -way bulbs. The
CB antenna GD -1018 is a phase -controlled switch, utiliz-
MODEL 27T ing a Triac and Diac solid -state switching ele-
ment. It is designed for resistive loads only
and will not work on motors or fluorescent
lamps. The kit can easily be assembled in
Every Hustler CB colinear base station an- one evening and costs only $7.95 mail order.
tenna is mechanically heavier, electrically longer
for the power you need when you need it! Get Energy Conservation
up to 20% greater range transmitting and re-
ceiving in any direction and talk over extended Specially designed labels which urge "Help
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the thousands of satisfied Hustler owners with switch in the home or on the job, they are a
outstanding signals. constant and immediate reminder to turn
Choose from more than 80 Hustler models off the switch. Label No. 124 reads, "Help
specially designed for CB and Monitor radio. Conserve Energy. Please ...
Turn Off Lights!"
Label No. 120 is used primarily on switch

Available from all distributors

who recognize the best! SAVE ENERGY
new 15800 commerce park drive.
trOnICS brook park. ohio 44142


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Now is the perfect time to begin enjoying the CB game. And you can,
with a SSB Citizen Band transceiver from SILTRONIX. There will be more
action to join in, during 1974, than ever before. CB enthusiasts throughout
the nation are realizing that it's time to "get it all together ". Be sure you have
what it takes, and that begins with the equipment you use.
Old fashioned AM equipment is too much of a hassle on crowded channels,
it just doesn't have the power to be a winner. You won't waste energy if you
use single sideband communications. By choosing equipment bearing the
SILTRONIX label, you're assured of quality in design and workmanship.
After all, quality is the name of the game when you want performance.
Check with your authorized SILTRONIX dealer for the full scoop on our
line -up of 1974 products ... there's a lot to choose from. ,

Choose a winner -

A Cubic Corporation Company

221 Via El Centro Oceanside, CA 92054
(714) 757 -8860
Dealers interested in adding quality merchandise to their
stock are invited to inquire on their letterhead.


MAY -JUNE, 1974 9
plates for homes. It reads "Please Turn Off
PACE Lights, Heating, Television and Air Condi-

makes PACE
tioning." The face of each label is covered
by a protective layer of clear transparent
mylar, making the labels mar -proof, and in-
another suring that they will remain permanently
legible. Get the facts by writing directly to
Seton Name Plate Corp., 592 Boulevard, New
Haven, CN 06519.

BREAK* 4- Channel Pocket Scanner

Teaberry has introduced
its new 4- channel VHF -
FM pocket scanner, the
is a
Scan. The new unit
completely solid
state, double conver-
sion, narrow band VHF -
FM portable receiver,
ALL crystals supplied capable of automatically
5 Watts of Transmit switching four crystal
Pace plus modulation
controlled channels. The
Pace Model 223 Ceramic microphone
carrier -delay feature
holds any channel locked
Locking latch rack for two seconds after
the signal stops so the
listener can hear the re-
plying station. A bypass
channel is provided so
the operator can lock
out a busy frequency
from the scanning se-
quence. The "T" Scan Circle No. 38
comes complete with Coupon on p. 17 or
belt clip and collapsible 107.
From the PACE U. S. Engineering Team that antenna for convenient portability. Write to
introduced the first all transistor CB transceiver, Teaberry Electronics Corporation, 3401 No.
the Model 223 offers another breakthrough in both Shadeland, Indianapolis, IN 46226.
Price and Quality. Taking advantage of U.S. mass
production techniques and engineering knowhow, CB Phone Patch
the PACE Model 223 provides the truly great bar- The GLC 1083 Phone Patch allows an opera-
gain for todays CB operator who wants performance tor to reach anywhere in the world from his
car. A simple installation connects the phone
and price with the quality guarantee of a U.S.
to a CB rig. It can be used with 3- to 16 -ohm
manufacturing firm. With a NO compromise speakers and high impedance mike inputs.
design approach the PACE engineersbuilt a double
conversion receiver with a full 6 section tuned
filter net-work for maximum receiver performance
even under adverse conditions - we can guarantee
performance for 2 years because we shake every
one in the roughest QC test proceedure ever
designed for 2 way radios.
If you compare before you buy you'll join the Proud
Pace owner's club!


Division of PATHCOM INC. 24049 South Frampton Ave.
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Export: 2200 Shames Drive, Westbury, New York 11590
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if you've beet'
next great step in C
you're the
essenger 13fi ... so radically new in
des'gn and pc -fcrmance that citizens band
radio will nevEr be the same again. Insice this prestigious
"radiotelephone" package is a unique ail solid-state chassis
that provides t.n aaralleled operating advantages. From
handset reception clarity... to automatic speaker
silencing for private listening ... this is truly an innovation
in CB mobile radio performance. An innovation that's
available only irom your E. F. Johnsor dealer.

CB mobile radio will never be the same cgairk..,


E. F.
Waseca, Minnesota 56092
son Co.
Excellence through ha/fa century of experience.

C re No. 33 Cn Reader Service
We will document the fact HEY, LOOK ME OVER
we make more models of The modulation gain control compensates
Monitoradio for varying line levels. An on /off switch dis-
(Scanners) connects the patch when not in use. Price,
than all other names com- $15.95. Gold Line Connector, Inc., Muller
bined -our satisfied users Avenue, Norwalk, CN 06852 will send you all
the facts if you write.
number more police de-
partments, more fire de-
partments, more CD units
in fact, just more happy
- A
It's The Nuts
new, compact, convertible nutdriver set
with precise metric dimensions, said to be
particularly useful and often essential in
customers, plain or fancy, assembling and servicing foreign -made equip-

than all competitors put
together we believe it's
because we try to be the
ment, is now available from Xcelite. Desig-
nated PS -121 MM, the set consists of ten
pocket-size nutdrivers plus Xcelite's original
"piggyback" torque amplifier handle that
difference with innovative
engineering delivered to
you at a price you prefer to
pay-for example:

our NEW
10 CHANNEL Hi /Lo /U
$169 °°
suggested list price.

Circle No. 39 on Reader Service Coupon

slips over the top of the midget tools to pro-

vide longer reach and greater driving power
whenever needed. Precision formed sockets
of the 31/2 -in. long drivers have hex open-
ings ranging from 3 mm to 10 mm. The
drivers and the 1'',6-in x 31/2-in. auxiliary
handle are housed in a convenient, flexible
plastic, see -thru, stand -up case with a snap -
lock cover. Nutdriver shafts are finished in
bright nickel chrome and securely embedded
in black plastic handles. Complete specifica-
tions and price information on the PS -121
MM Nutdriver Set may be obtained by writ-
Available at your favorite retailer now from- ing for new, illustrated Bulletin 1073 avail-
able from Xcelite, a Division of Cooper In-
dustries, Orchard Park, NY 14127.

© 1973 ell'eA1 Auto -Audio

Dynamount speakers by Jensen are made for
the people who produced surface mounting in cars, boats, and recrea-
tional vehicles and are available in ready -to-
the world's first transistor radio install stereo kits. Each kit contains two 51/4 -
in., 20 -oz. magnet high -fidelity speakers, with
1707 Records Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46226 enclosures, metal mounting rings, black
CIRCLE NO. 24 ON PAGE 17 OR 103 padded grills, attaching hardware, wiring

Improve your gas mileage! Hotter spark
for faster starts!

With an ArcherkitTM O
Points & plugs
last longer! )
from radio Shack

"After an how or so of drvmg

noted thet the engine .icna Lie
Pop .nar Electronics,

Deluxe, high- intensity

Radio Shack's Deluxe Capacitive Discharge Ignition puts more
"Go" in every gallon! It delivers 50% more spark power for timing light kit
faster acceleration and more complete combustion. That Tune -up aid for
means you get better gas mileage, and your points and plugs any engine. For
will last 3 to 10 times longer. An in /out button lets you make full power &
instant performance comparisons with your old ignition. Bright flash is
And it makes tuneups easier. The thorough step -by -step manual visible even
makes it easy for even a first -time kit builder to assemble in daylight!
and install -no wires to cut. Improves any 12 -volt negative #28-4016.
ground vehicle. #28 -3203. 1995 With All Cables

r- 1

ftad ióIhaek
180 Pages ... Full Color! Hi -Fi, CB, Kits,
,,;oR,. Recorders, Antennas, Parts, More!
Name Apt #
City State ZIP 111111 P. O. Box 1052, Fort Worth, Texas 76107
L Retail prices may vary at individual stores.
Products & Prices may vary in Canada. CIRCLE NO. 32 ON PAGE 17 OR 103
MAY-JUNE, 1974

Circle No. 167 on Lit -Lib on p. 100

cable, and installation instructions. Dyna-

mount Speaker Systems retail at $59.95.
Get more facts and other auto -audio product
data from Jensen Sound Laboratories, 4310
Trans World Road, Schiller Park, IL 60176.

Four to One
Increase the number of microphone inputs to
your tape recorder or amplifier with the new
Stereo Mike Mixer from Audiotex. The Mike
Mixer (No. 30 -2320) feeds up to four high
impedance signals to a single high imped-

Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Coupon

HOBBYIST ance input. With its separate volume con-
trols, it is possible to increase the volume of

& PROFESSIONAL any channel, while feeding or holding the

other channels. Ideal for recording or gen-
eral purpose P.A. uses, the Mike Mixer fea-
tures transistorized circuitry, Stereo /Mono
and On /Off switches, standard 1/4-in. phone
FREE! jack inputs and phono jack outputs and is
Printed Circuit Handbook 9 -volt battery operated. For more informa-
when you take this ad to tion, write to Audiotex Division, GC Electron-
your electronic supplier. ics, 400 South Wyman Street, Rockford, IL

Tune In Your Brain

With the ever increasing interest in biofeed-
back monitoring (listening to one's alpha
ELECTRONICS GC ELECTRONICS and theta brainwaves) it was inevitable that
DIVISION OF HYDROMETALS, INC.0 a popular priced "starter" unit would be
ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS 61101 U.S.A. made available to the public. So there is now
CIRCLE NO. 10 ON PAGE 17 OR 103 a fully portable, self- contained biofeedback

any way you
look at it...


In a recent coast-to -coast survey we discovered that over 60% of Golden
Eagle Mark Ill owners located (heir transmitter to the left, while about
20% liked the right -and still another 20% preferred to stack their units.
Left, right or stacked, these CB'ers all agreed their Golden Eagle Mark Ill's
gave them the ultimate in base station performance!
Plan a visit to your local Browning distributor today. Examine for your-
self Golden Eagle's precision craftsmanship. A word of caution, however
one look at a Golden Eagle Mark Ill in action and you %l never be satisfied
with any other base station!

rowni )Q laboratories inc.
TELEPHONE 16031 524 5454


MAY -JUNE, 1974 15
system priced at under
fifty dollars. It picks up
alpha and theta brain -
waves and provides an
audio signal so their
increase and decrease
(depending on mental
state) can be moni-
tored, which is a great
aid to relaxation and
concentration. The Ed-
mund Biosone (Stock
No. 71,809- $49.95)
contains narrow band
filters that isolate al-
pha and theta; and a
high -grain low -noise
amplifier that provides
5- microvolt sensitivity.
It includes stethoscope
earphones, a head-
band with permanent
Circle No. 6 on
electrodes, a neckband
Reader Service
that eliminates the Coupon on p- 17

Telex CB need to hold the unit,

electrode cream, com-
plete instructions and a 1 -year warranty.
The Biosone is available by mail from
headphon es... Edmund Scientific Co., 380 Edsorp Bldg.,
Barrington, NJ 08007. As with all Edmund
products, it is sold with a 30 -day money

they keep you


back guarantee.

Plug Lock

in touch. When you can't lock it away, lock it up!

That's what Plug Lock can do for your elec-
trical tools. Smaller than a pack of cigarettes,
For people who keep two hands on the Plug Lock contains a plug receptacle and
wheel, two eyes on the road and an ear for three numbered dials. Simply insert the plug
the dispatcher, Telex has the citizens' band into Plug Lock, twirl the dials and the equip-
headsets that provide the ultimate in hands
free mobility and convenience.
Features include a fully adjustable boom
mic that limits surrounding noise pick -up,
an easy to reach inline push -to -talk switch
and a clear, distraction free signal at
your ear.
For information write Telex Communi-
cations, Inc., 9600 Aldrich Avenue South,
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55420.

ment is inoperative. To remove Plug Lock
the owner just dials the three number com-
CANADA: Double Diamond Electronics Ltd.,
bination. Hand saws, power drills, lawn
mowers, edgers, stereo equipment, sewing
INTERNATIONAL: 9600 Aldrich Avenue South,
Telex Export Dept -,
machines, etc. can be locked up in sconds.
4'' np:nnhc Min' 55470 L! S A.
73,3 Plug Lock fits both two and three prong 110 -

CIRCLE NO. 18 ON PAGE 17 OR 103 (Continued on page 104)

The Editor of ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS offers readers an easy
way to get additional information about products and services advertised in
this issue. Just follow the instructions below and the material you requested will
be sent to you promptly and at no cost..

The coupon below is designed for your convenience. Just circle the num-
bers that appear next to the advertisement that interests you. Then carefully
print your name and address on the coupon. Cut out the coupon and mail to:
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS, Box 886, Ansonia Station, New York,
N.Y. 10023. Do it today! Coupon torn out? Then turn to page 103 for more!


r Void after SEPTEMBER 30, 1974
MAY -JUNE, 1974

I Box 886, Ansonia Station 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 I

I New York, N.Y. 10023 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 I

Please send literature for the numbers I 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
have circled. I understand this is a free 38 39 40
33 34 35 36 37
I We would like to know something about you. Plea >e help us by placing an "X" in the
I appropriate boxes. Do you own a Class D CB transceiver? 44 Yes 45 No If your
I answer is Yes, please check appropriate boxes be ow if you have one or more of the
I types indicated. 46 Base Station 47 Mobile Unit 48 Portable Do you use
CB in your work? 49 Yes 50 No
I 51 Enter my subscription for 9 issues at $3.97 and bill me.

Name (print clearly)

) Address

I City State Zip Code

r wwr r !Ur,

MAY -JUNE, 1974 17
HeathkìtDigital Color ¡V...
Digital technology comes to TV with
the new Heathkit GR -2000 Color TV.
It has on- screen channel numbers
and a digital clock ... programmable
digital channel selection, all
electronic varactor tuning, and an
IF that never needs alignment!
So advanced, it's like nothing
you've ever seen before.

tomorrow's TI flesign today!
The Heathkit GR -2000 Digital Color TV has instruments. And a service manual that shows
electronic on- screen readout you how to use them all.
that puts channel num- The Heathkit GR-2000 Digital TV is also an
ber and an optional easier kit-form TV to build. More modular
digital clock into the circuit boards, plus more prefabricated wir-
picture. Change chan- ing harnesses and cables, hold point -to -point
nels, or touch the "re- connections to a minimum. It may well be the
call' button and you most rewarding kit -building experience of
have instant, highly
your life.
visible station
identification. You can order the Heathkit GR-2000 Digital
Color TV with the optional on- screen digital
Digital logic circuitry selects channels. You clock (it can be set for 4- or 6 -digit readout),
program up to 16 stations, in ultrasonic digital remote control, and any of
any sequence, for auto- four beautiful factory assembled and finished
matic recall intermix cabinets. Mail order
UHF with VHF, even price for chas-
repeat a station in sis and tube,
the cycle. You'll $649.95. Remote
never switch through Control, $79.95
a "dead" channel again. mail order.
A solid -state UHF -VHF varactor tuner takes Clock, $29.95
the place of the noisy mechanical "thunker ", mail order.
corroding contacts, humming motors and me- Cabinets start
chanical linkages. It's completely silent and at $139.95. (Retail
never needs cleaning. prices slightly higher).
Yet another "first" is the unique fixed -filter Send the attached card for your FREE
IF amplifier that never needs instrument HEATHKIT CATALOG describing the amaz-
alignment! The picture re- ing new Heathkit Digital Color TV in detail. If
tains its brilliance card has been removed,
and clarity year after write: Heath Company,
year, without periodic Dept. 139 -5, Benton Har-
IF servicing. And you bor, Mich. 49022.
get truly superior recep-
tion, even in urban areas
where the high density of
stations causes adjacent Schlumberger
channel interference.
The 100% solid -state chassis HEATHKIT ELECTRONIC CENTERS
Units of Schlumberger Products Corporation
uses more integrated circuits ARIZ.: Phoenix; CALIF.: Anaheim, El Cerrito, Los Angeles,
than any other TV around. The 25" (diagonal) Pomona, Redwood City, San Diego (La Mesa), Woodland Hills;
COLO.: Denver; CONN.: Hartford (Avon); FLA.: Miami (Hia-
matrix picture tube is the most advanced leah), Tampa; GA.: Atlanta; ILL.: Chicago, Downers Grove;
available. There's even a volume controlled IND.: Indianapolis; KANSAS: Kansas City (Mission); KY.:
Louisville; LA.: New Orleans (Kenner); MD.: Baltimore, Rock-
hi -fi output jack, so you can reproduce TV ville; MASS.: Boston (Wellesley); MICH.: Detroit; MINN.: Min-
neapolis (Hopkins); MO.: St. Louis; NEB.: Omaha; N.J., Fair
audio through your separate amplifier. Lawn; N.Y.: Buffalo (Amherst), New York City, Jericho, L.I.,
Rochester, White Plains; OHIO: Cincinnati (Woodlawn), Cleve-
lus, the Heathkit Digital Color TV comes land, Columbus; PA.: Philadelphia, Pittsburgh; R.I.: Providence
(Warwick); TEXAS: Dallas, Houston; WASH.: Seattle; WIS.:
omplete complement of self- service Milwaukee.


Your Complete Electronics Buying Guide My science teacher uses a cat's fur to rub
Stereo /Hi -Fi Components CB Transceivers &
glass rods to generate static electricity. I

Walkie-talkies PA Systems Tools & Test Equipment think this is disgusting, do you?
Police /Fire Monitor Receivers Antennas Photog- -D.B., Gary, IN
raphy Equipment Ham Gear Books, Parts, and More! I'm with you. See if you can help the cat es-
cape! However, if only the fur remains, and the
Lafayette Radio Electronics rest of the cat has gone to where deceased cats
P.O. Box 10, Dept. 25054 go, there's nothing much you can do for it.
Syosset, L.I., N.Y. 11791
Classically, the ancient scientists performed the
25054 1 same static experiments using the same ma-
NAME terials. If you would like your teacher to switch
over to a fur cut from your mother's coat,
ADDRESS check with Mom first.

CITY Older Than This Column

Where can buy the instruction manual for my

STATE ZIP Paco S -50 push -pull oscilloscope?

-J.M.S., Industry, PA
CIRCLE NO. 16 ON PAGE 17 OR 103 The PACO products were manufactured by a
company that ceased making these products
NEW 5- ELEMENT about ten years ago. In fact, I don't know if
they are in business today. I think it's time for
a new scope.

CB Who Needs It
How important is an S -meter on a CB set?

MINI- -C.M., Staplehurst NE

Never knew why S-Meters were ever wired into
CB sets. If you can hear the station you want,
great. If not, tuff! My ears can tell me what I
BEAM hear, why resort to an S-Meter that's (often
as not) not calibrated.
Model GA-5D
Holy Halography
9.5db Gain .... 500 Watt Power Rating I realize that halography is still in the infant
The secret of success in this five-element min- stage. However, have seen on TV and in the

iature beam is in its coils. Ten High "Q" coils movies halographic projection systems which
molded on each element- extension limit the
mechanical size of the GA -5D without limiting
its electrical capability. Hank Scott, our Workshop Editor, wants to
These coils are built to take a powerful beat-
ing---- in fact, the same coils are used in the
construction of 10-meter amateur antennas.
share his project tips with you. Got a question
or a problem with a project you're building
ask Hank! Please remember that Hank's col-
umn is limited to answering specific elec-
The GA -5D is lightweight. Erect on TV antenna
mount. and turn with an inexpensive TV rotor. tronic project questions that you send to him.
Sorry, he isn't offering a circuit design service.
Get alIthe facts: see your Dealer or Write fac- Write to:
tory direct, Dept. 211 -RN
Hank Scott, Workshop Editor
AriaM ey e 4, tag 229 Park Avenue South
New York, NY 10003

Science Fair P- Box Kits
have helped launch 1000's
of careers in

This shortwave radio kit

is just one reason why.
Tune in foreign stations, police, amateurs,
Voice of America and more-on a radio you Here are 22
build yourself! Features 4.5 -50 MHz tuning, more reasons why .. .
high-gain regenerative detector, 2 audio
Light Transceiver Transistor AM Radio
stages. Like all P-Box kits, it's battery Electronic Organ One -Tube AM Radio
powered for safe operation, includes Electronic Metronome 2- Transistor FM Radio
instructions that let you learn as you build, Telephone Amplifier Solar- Powered AM Radio
IC AM Radio WWV Tuner /Converter
molded and coded Perfboard chassis, wire Voice -Controlled Relay 3 -Way Code Oscillator.
and all parts. Ask for #28 -110. Sold only by Electronic Thermometer OTL Audio Amplifier
"Goofy -Lité" Flasher
Metal Locator
Radio Shack. Siren Kit Lighted- Operated Alarm
Photo Night Light "Heads and Tails"
Wireless AM Mike P -Box Power Supply
180 Pages ... Full Color! Hi -Fi, CB. Kits, Science Fair'
Recorders. Antennas, Parts, More!

State ZIP


Retail price may vary at individual stores. P.O. Box 1052, Fort Worth, Texas 76107
Products & Prices may vary in Canada. CIRCLE NO. 32 ON PAGE 17 OR 103
MAY -JUNE, 1974
I believe are a reality. Can you verify this and
do you know of any plans available for the
building of such a system?
-P.L.W., Houston TX
Halography exists and is well! I suggest you
write to Scientific American magazine. Some
time ago they published a terrific article on this
THE SHOPPING CENTER FOR ELECTRONICS subject with plans for the amateur scientist.
(our catalog index of Mfrs extends from ADC to XCELITE)
. . . SERVICE Save Two Bucks
Can I use the FCC Rules and Regs in the
Your Satisfaction is Our Target
back of the CB Yearbook instead of buying a
Top Name Brands ... copy from the Feds? Why spend the extra
Low Prices Jú
AMPLE STOCKS -including cash is my question?
those ha-d -to-find Parts -T.K., Ft. Worth TX
whether you want a 15C capacitor, You bet you can, and send 10% of your sav-
a $50 FET -VOM, or a $450 stereo
ings to me. Why? That's my question!
system-you can get it at EDI!
Send for your FREE catalog Today.
A Four Alarmer
I happened to be in a burning building and
RUSH FREE CATALOG could not get my walkie- talkie CB rig to
work. Can the plasma gases of the fire do this
Name to radio communications?
-F.H., Detroit MI
Address I was once in a burlesque house when it was
raided and I couldn't hear the band. Every-
City State Zip Code body has problems. As for yours, I can't an-
ELECTRONIC DISTRIBUTORS INC. swer it, but I advise you to be more selec-
Dept. TA-2, 4900 Elston Chicago, III. 60630 tive in the future about the site you transmit
CIRCLE NO. 21 ON PAGE 17 OR 103 from. The first thing people in a burning build-
ing should do is get the H-1 out, and fast.
By the way, do you play with matches?

avant` Switcheroo!
I modernized my home's electrical system by
inserting screw -in circuit breakers in place of
MAKES the ordinary "one- blow" fuses. My neighbor
said I am breaking the law. Is he right?
J.J.A., Paxton, MA
No, because the circuit breakers you installed
are perfectly acceptable provided they are of
BRAG ABOUT ¶ the correct rating for your home's wiring. How-
... like the revolutionary
ever, you are wrong in saying that you mod-
ernized. You haven't increased the load capac-
ity of your home's wiring at all. I suggest that
ASTRO PLANE you consult your local power company. They
the only will be happy to advise you -and it's free.
omni- directional
antenna that Can't Pull It In
I can't
radiates from get my transistor radio to work in the
the top. attic. What gives, Hank?
-D.L., Macon, GA
I can't get my son to clean the basement; we
$34.95 both have problems. But yours is easy to ex-
plain. Many homes have aluminum foil laid
L.__ under the roof tile, the foil acting as a large
shield preventing radio signals from coming

Write for FREE 16-page color catalog through. Also, interior insulation packaged in
foil is often placed in the rafters effectively
-` 1rkin
creators of the
famous reducing, if not practically eliminating, radio
waves. The lower levels of the house have gaps
33.35 W. FolNnon Are., Addison, III, oit 00101
in the walls called windows and doors that per-


Heavyweight performance
in the lightweight class::

3 great new
hand -held
transceivers -
from Royce.
New, lightweight construction!
Model 1 -408 is light in
weight, with power to spare.
Choice of 5-watt or 2 -watt
power input -use only the

power you need and Model -406

increase battery life. 3 -way Suggested Retail Price

meter monitors battery level,
power output, incoming 77
signal strength. P.A. switch. 6- channel versatility
(Channel 11 crystals supplied). Heavy -duty carrying VJb'TF Tfl4rvEëGE3'Wi.-,..
case. Plus so much more. See this lightweight
Model -402
wonder at your CB dealer soon!

Suggested Retail Price

Full, 2 -watt transmitter input!

Model 1 -402 weighs less than 2 pounds, yet has 3- channel versatility.
Fully variable squelch control. Accessory jacks for earphone, external
speaker, AC adaptor, battery charger, or external power. Built-in noise Model -4001

limiter. Heavy -duty telescopic antenna. See the 1 -402 before you buy! Suggested Retail Price

1-watt, 3- stage! $39.95

Model 1 -400 features full -watt input power in a 3 -stage transmitter. Plus high performance receiver

chassis with tuned RF stage, and 2- channel versatility. Automatic noise limiter. Jacks for earphone,
external speaker, AC adaptor, battery charger, external power. Truly a deluxe hand-held transceiver!

Royce\}R electronics
DISTRIBUTORS: WRITE FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION! Get all the facts about new products from Royce -
the pacesetter in the CB field! Call or telex for complete information on our entire line of CB transceivers.
1142 Clay Street, North Kansas City, Missouri 64116
CALL: (816) 842 -0252 TELEX: 426-145


MAY -JUNE, 1974
ASK HANK, HE KNOWS! of sight of other chimneys, you got it made
in the green. Another reader emptied a few
mit passage of radio waves. The wall insula- power transformer windings and hooked up a
tion does limit the radio signals requiring ex- tree -to -tree long wire almost one -half mile long
ternal radio and FM antennas for otherwise set north to south, enabling him to pull in east
weak signals that are now totally lost. and west coast stations.
6SN7, 6K6, 6AL5, etc. Up With Coax-Sometimes
Ihave some old radio tubes from about 1950. Why do they still sell that worthless 300 -ohm
Can sell them?
antenna lead -in wire? I would think coax could
-F.T., Bloomington, IN have taken over the marketplace.
Sure you can if you can find a buyer. The tubes -V.F., Seattle, WA
of that period are not valuable, and many of the I know someone who owns a laundry basket
types you listed at the bottom of your letter woven from 300 -ohm lead -in wire. So you see,
are still available brand new! Visit a flea mar- it's not worthless. Properly installed on simple
ket-never can tell! installations, 300 -ohm lead -in is as good as
coax cable for antenna to TV receiver hookup.
Typical BCB Question In most cases, signal loss is not as important as
How long should a long -wire antenna be? "ghosts." That's why coax is preferred in dif-
-D.N., Scottsdale, AZ ficult situations. Of course, 300-ohm -to -75 -ohm
As long as is reasonably possible. For example, line matching transformers are necessary, rais-
if you own your own house on a 40 -foot by ing the cost of coax installations.
150 -foot plot in the suburbs, try to plan for an
L-shaped job 190 feet long. If you live in the Real Thin
city, you may be lucky enough to string 20 Can you settle an argument? Is there a special
feet out of doors. One reader had a 40 -foot solder for printed circuit boards?
antenna on his apartment house roof, but his -D.M., Galveston, TX
lead -in wire was 10 feet longer. Beg, borrow, Solder intended for point -to -point wiring in
or steal what you can, but it may not help if electronic circuits can be used for printed cir-
the electrostatic noise level near your apart- cuit board assembly. However, it may be too
ment house is high. If you are in the woods out (Continued on page 104)

SBE "Sentinel ", high performance, full- feature

scanning receiver. VHF, UHF and Hi -Lo models.

8 xtal controlled channels Automatic or
manual scanning Lockout of any channel Write for
Priority Channel! Provides instant shift to pre- full line
selected channel when priority signal appears scanner
-by- passes other channels 12VDC and brochure
115VAC operation for car or home use Big
audio -3/4 watts
mounting bracket.
Telescoping antenna,
power cords
LINEAR --------
2 Compact SYSTEMS, INC.. 220 Airport Blvd., Watsonville, CA 95076



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Professional results. By Business Opportunities
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Use Vista Kit ". money- making magazines covering
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All solid- state, using ments, business opportunities and much,
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Parts, controls, all publications subscription agency covering
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tions included. S'?0.00 PREPAID $6.95 remittance to receive all 20 publica-
U.S.A. & CANADA tions.
Vista Trigger Sweep Generator DAVIS PUBLICATIONS INC. EE-574
BOX 139, NEW YORK, NY 10016 New York, N.Y. 10003 Package #21

This is an updated ver Always good seller, we are now offer
siOn of our popular low ing these displays at the lowest pace
price clock kit. In ad- ever. Use for clocks, counters, and Other
ditionto the former of the world's largest manufacturers, applications We have previously sold
kas old as his surplus of multiple digit clusters with one bad
features which were a calculator. these for as much a $6.75 per digit
drat per cluster. They were for use in the
+1- decorator walnut case. DVM, and ether products. The remaining digits re 0 0.3 inch height red LED $2.25
six digit blue-green dis- guarantee perfect in all repects and are intensity gradad 6 for $12.00
12 ç -play, the clock now fea- Irked
me on the back with letters A tMu FI and matched. 10 0.3 HEIGHT GREEN L.E.O.
that several strips can be combine and still fault in a pa
tures 28/30131 day cal -
feet mates. These monolyl Ns GaAaP displays require as lit NUMERIC DISPLAY
a- ender, 12/24 hour clock tie as 7 mW per dolt, are highly readable at arm's length, and This K the lust time we have had green
and 24 hour alum. snooze'alarm, 50 /60 Hz Operation, setting lend themselves well to handJrld Potable applicat song. LED's at an economical price.
any counter (time, alarm, calendar, and clock radio) is quite Applications include head-held alculrrs, digital thermo- D 0.3 inch height green LED $3.95
easy. since a separate control of the hour and minutes digits meters. stopwatches. darkroom mars, DVM's, clocks and 6 for $21.00
has beencprovided. The setting of any counter does not affect watches, or any other product ramming low cost, low power,
watches, 0.3 HEIGHT YELLOW L.E.D.
lifetime indicators.
the contents of any other counter NUMERIC DISPLAY
D New Clock/Alarm/Calendar Clock Kit. Available Jan, The u cathode, we tie for muhsplexad neera- Vary your display colon for coding or
Two sdecimal point mylas are available; center decimal
1974. Send $10.00 deposit to insure early shipment Will Im PN 7804/05, and dgm decimal for PN 7814/15, as Thus Variety
be shipped C.O.D. for balance of $59.50 to make up lull are, The fallowing onfguratons are awilebla, where "8" D D.3 inch height yellow LED $3.98
purchase price of $69.50. represents a perler don, "X" a non-functioning their: 6 for $21.00
0 "OLD" Clock Kit. Ums 5311 Clock Chip does not have GIANT 0.750 INCH HEIGHT RED
Alarm/Calendar features indicates hours, minutes, sec-
08888 7401 or 74151, X888 7414.1
8X888 74052 or 7415-2, 8 %88 74142
onds. Available now., $47 50 7405 -3 or 7415-3, 88X8 74143
88088 This is one of the largest LED Displays

UNIVERSAL DIGITAL CLOCK TIMER - - 88808 74054 or 74164, 888% 74144 1__I made. Used in applications where the
8888X 7405.5 a 7415-5, 888X 75561 displays must be read at greater than
.r" STOPWATCH ALARM KIT All products are available at the following pria rate. enrage distances, or for commercial and
This new kit has so
1__4 advertising purposes.
many features and
1 - 24 digits . 51.875 /digit
- .
O 0.750 inch LED
25 - 99 digits ... $1.50/digit Numeric Readout $5.75
hardly know where
100 - 499 digits ... 51.25 /digit 6 fur $30.00
Higher quantity price ors request.
to start To sum- LOWEST PRICE EVER ON
marize the applica- For the lellowing aeplrcatons see recommend the following DISCRETE L.E.D. LAMPS
tions. configurations. These high quality red LED's are useful
'The unit can be Pocket calculators: 7405.1 & 74055, oehoh results in for Logic and Computor readouts. as
used as a conve %88888888 %, eight oneecutwa perlot dens P St. 875 Pilot Lights, or at this low price, they
t Tonal clock, either $15.00. can be grouped together to build your
from 'internal ins, or from the AC adapter Makes an Recommended Gkulror chips' own Giant size Abphsnumeric Readouts.
excellent travel clock Norte 4204 519.75 1$15.00 when ordered with displays/. D Discrete LED's 10 pals. 51.75
'The alarm feature can be set at any time. and will generate Caltai 5005 $9.75 1$7'.50 when ordered with displays/. 100 pals. $15.00
mails in 88088 %88%, 100D pals $125.00
a tone with an external speaker. Clacks'. 7405 -3 & 75561, which
The unit can be used as e stopwatch. either registering tex prfal dois at $1.875 511.25. 5000 and up S .10 each
hours, minutes, or seconds, up to 23.59 59. or minutes, Recommended clock drip: GREEN L.E.D, LAMPS
seconds, and 1/60 seconds up to 14 minutes, to an accuracy Same as above, but Green
of 1/60 second.
r National MM5314 $8.75 1$7.50 ordered with disptaysl.
National MM5316 5 $19.75, includes alarm. 1$15.00 order- 3 for $1.00
The unit can be used as a timer, to trigger an external ed with displays/. 100 for $30.00 10 for $4.00
For only hors and minutes, order 7405-3 only. 1000 for 1250.00
device at a preset tints-
0 This unit will be available as a complete kit in Jan. 1974. Dgdal rhermomrrc, DVM'. opwafdws, darkroom tamers, YELLOW L.E -D, LAMPS
To get one of the first, and take advantage of our lower frequency pumas. ate., order 7415.1 or 7415-5 for lour O Same as above, but Yellow.
pre-issue price, send $1000 deposit, will be sent COO for
dips 107.501or 74141 or 74144 far flew doris 1$5.601. 2 for $1.25
Use $aligon CM 4102AE 3% dort monter decoder $19.00.
balance. Total kit price will be $69.50 including pillow 10 for $5.00
speaker as shown. AC power. adapter $4.75 additional 1315.00 ordre with displays/.
0 Available now,w all parts, but no. circuit board or detailed
Schematics for olalatora docks and counters using
instructions 059 50
these comportants line witR order, 0 Sama, but no resistor
e required for 5
operation 2 for $1.00
10 for $4.00

These large scale integrated ILSII chips

eliminate literally thousands Of corneo
nents or hundreds of chips in the
ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY O Nortec 4204 - Eight Digit, floating
construction of e clock. For most ap- O This is a 5x7 135 Dot/ Dot Matrix whicn -will generate
point, constant operation single sup-
plications only a single supply and a alphanumeric characters when used with an appropriate
ply operation, very low power con-

minimum of components are required. generator such as the 2513. All 64 ASCII or EBDIC code
7001 Chip Features 28/30/31 day can be generated. . -... 59.7 sumption. 519.75
1515.00 with purchase of 7400 series
calendar, 12/24 hour clock, 24 hour
lock, 24 hour alarm. snooze alarm, 6 digit display. direct
drive to luminescent anode tubes or LED segments. single
0 5001 - Twelve Digit, fixed decimal
point, no constant, may be used for
transistor interface with Sperry displays Segment and Olt LPS
digital outputs can be "wire or ' D" to share calculator 111
44 a+
six digit Maley. $9.75
MM5314 Chip -
Features 6 digit seven segment output.
$14 75
s <, `,°as'
107.50 with purchase of 7400 series

operates from 50 or 60 Hz input. use for Minitrons LED's, Mfg. by T Cinch, high quality, most gold plated. Use for
I ,

SSI. MSI, and LSI chips. `ßu4 °\ataate y y3`h DIGIT COUNTER CHIP
Luminescent or Sperry display $9 75
This chip is useful inbuilding dint's

O MM5311 Chip Same as 5314 but with additional BCD D 14 Pin Solder Tail 3 for 51.00 ej..e`
OPM's and small counters, provides mul-
outputs. ceramic pkg ..... .. $12.50 O 14 Pin Wire Wrap 2 for St.00s,Pb
O 16 Pin Solder Tail 3 for 51 25 qf.
tiplexed seven segment output for LEO
FUNCTION GENERATOR CHIP, TYPE 4038 0 16 Pin Wire Wrap 2 for $1 25 .pis displays, Solnron 4012 or Equivalent.
This Chip goes simultaneous sine, square, savrtooth, and tri 0 24 Pin Solder Tad 2 for 51.25 519.00
angular outputs. Great for music synthesizers. or voltage con- 28 Pin Solder Tail 2 for $1 50 1515.00 with purchase of 7400 series
trolled function generators and oscillators. O 40 Pin Solder Tan $1 00 each LED's.)
O Function Generator Chip .. 57 75 O 10 Pin Round for to-5 style 3 for S1.00 Sind in an order and gel on our special sustome'
LUMINESCENT 7 SEGMENT NUMERIC 0 3 Pin Transistor Sockets 10 for $100 Maxima ist. I

READOUTS COSMOS & MISC. CHIPS CATALOG: Check egadee's card or write.
Bright Blue-Green display Tube. Very pleasing to the eye O Hairs 256 Bit Programable Read only memory.... 52 50 POSTAGE EXTRA ON ALL ABOVE ITEMS
Tube exhibits fast display speed and easy to read characters $2.50
O 2501 256 Bit RAM
of 0.57 "H a 0.36'W, with decimal point Complete with in-
4000ÁE Dual 3 Input NOR d INV S 99 CHARGES WELCOME!
structions to make a decade counting unit or a 6 Digit Clock. 400IAE Ouad 2 Input NOR S -99
Tuba are manufactured by Tung -Sol, part number 1705. Phone in charges to 617 5315774 or 617 5322323.
4002AE Dual 4 Input NOR S 99 Bank Americas d - Masteroharge. $10.00 minimum, No
D 7SDD'1705 READOUT. $1.70
4006AE 18 Stage Shift REG $4.99 C.O. D. 's pou.
6 for 58.50
40074E Dual Comp Pair S 99 6. &F, ENTERPRISES Mass. 01960
10 for $14.00

411in 40094E
Her Buffer, Inv
Hex Buller, NONIny.
Ouad 2 Input NAND
52 19
S .99
Phone 16171531 -5774
119 Foster Street
Peabody, Mass. 01960


MAY-JUNE, 1974 27
Getting The Most Out of Your Electronic Calculator -Solves

DX central
just about any everyday math problem you'll
truly modern math course-using the calculatorencounter, 1st
paper. Scores of practical examples on unit pricing,pencil
vs &
uses. interest, taxes, etc. 228 p. $7.95.
Auto Stereo Service & Installation -Save by Installing your
own 8 -track or cassette system! 240 p., 245 Çill. $7.95-
0 Don't Look at the Camera-Shortcuts to Television Photog-

raphy & Filmmaking -228 p., 46 III. $9.95.
Practical Test Instruments You Can Build -204 p., 157 ill. $7.95,
Modern Guide to Auto Tuneup & Emission -Control Seeing.-
240 p., 124 ill. $8.95.
Ques. & Ans. About Tape Recording -264 p., 103 ill.
Modern Comm's. Switching Systems -276 p., 171 !11. $8.95.
D Simplifled Computer Programming-The Easy RPG $17.95.
240 P.. 115 ill. $8.95.
Modern Applications of Linear IC's-276 p. Illus. $12.95.
Way -
Radio Production Techniques-204 p., 86 ill- $12.95.
How to Prepare a Prod. Budget for Film & Video Tape-$12.95. A, world of SWL info!
H Cassette Tape Recorders-204 pps. -over 160 i11.-54.95
Miniature Proj. For Elect. Hobbyists -168 p., ill. -$3.95
Experimenting With Electronic Music-I80 pps., 103 ill.-$4.95
Electrical Wiring & Lighting for Home /Office -204 pps.-$4.95
FM Stereo /Quad Receiver Servicing Man -192 p.,120 111. -54,95 BY DON JENSEN
Eleetronie Measurements Simplified -252 pps., ill -$4.95
Solid -State Circuits Guidebook-252 pps., 177 111 -$5.95
With headlines bannering shortages, real or
A UNIQUE CONCEPT IN KITS -TAB ELECTRONIC BOOK KITS imagined, of many consumer products from
For the prier) of a kit alone, you get an apropriate projects book
PLUS a complete kit to help you start building and learning.
Audio Mixer, $7.95
- gasoline to bathroom tissue, one wonders, what
next? Unhappily for SWLs, the answer may
5 -Watt Hi -Fi Amplifier, $9.95 Elec-
tronic Fortune Teller, $4.95 AM Wireless Mike, $6.95 Elee-
tronie Tough Switch, $6.95 Garage Light Control, $9.95 Audio be a shortage of shortwave communications
Signal Generator /Injector. $5.95 Low - Voltage DC Power Sup - receivers.
ly , $4.955 Diode Tester. $5.95 High Power Lamp Dimmer,
95 El 20W 4- Channel "Quad" Ampl. $19.95
.95 Intrusion Alarm, $7.95
Electric Siren.
Tunable Organ, $9.95.
Already old familiar names such as Ham -
marlund and Hallicrafters have faded from the
shortwave scene. National Radio Company,
10 -Min Test Techniques For PC Sveing-216pps., I14
TV Bench Servicing Techniques-228 pps., 177 111.-$4.95
I.- .95
whose receivers have graced many a DX shack,
How To Be A Ham -Inca Latest FCC Rules -192 p., 34111.-53.95
125 Typical Elect Cir. Analyzed & Repaired-208 pps. -$4.95 now turns out only a couple of high -priced
Handbook of Semiconductor Circuits -448 pps.-$5.95 models designed more for specialized com-
Everyman's Guide to Auto Maintenance -192 p., 111. -$4.95
Introduction to Medical Electronics -272 pps., 126 111. -$6.95
MATV Systems Handbook -176 pos., 91 ill.-$4.95
munications work than DX listening. And
p Trblshtg. Solid -State Wave Gen. /Shaping Cir. -192 p. -$4.95
Pictorial Guide to CB Rad. Inst. & Rep.-256 p., 111. -$4.95
Radio Shack's noble experiment, the SX -190,
Understand'g & Using the VOM & EVM -192 p.. 111 -$4.95 generally rated a god(' mid -priced communica-
Mobile Radio Handbook-192 pps., 203 111.-$4.95 tions receiver, has been closed out at the firm's
p Pictorial Guide to Tape Recorder Repairs -256 pps., III. -54.95
Aeoustic Techniques for Home & Studio -208 p., 111. -$4.95
Understanding & Using the Osellloseope -258 p., 111.-$4.95
stores across the nation.
Basle Audio Systems -272 ppps.. 203 111. -$4.95 SWLs in the market for a receiver once could
The Complete Mini -Bike Handbook -320 pps., 145 111. -55,95
Pictorial Guide to Color TV Cire. Troubles-256 pps -$4.95 count on a spinoff from the amateur radio hob-
Dictionary of Electronics -420 cps., 487 111. -$3,95 by. Most DX receivers were designed originally
Marine Electronics Handbook -192 pps., 121 ill.$4.95
FM Repeater Circuits Manual 305 pps., 182 111.-95.95 for the ham operator. But the continuing trend
Basic Electronic Circuits Simplified-352 pps., 170 111. -$5.95
How to Read Electronic Circuit Diagrams -192 p.. 111 -$3.95 to single sideband transceivers has changed all
4- Channel Stereo -From Source to Sound -176 p.. Ill. -$3.95
Basie Math Course for Electronics-152 pps., 111. -$4.95 that. The R.L. Drake Company, thankfully a
Basic Electricity & Beginning Electronics-256 pps. -$4.95
Computer Technician's Handbook-480 pps., 400 I1i. -$7.95 hold-out in the field, reportedly is working
Small Appliance Repair Guide -224 pps.. 400 ill. -$4.95
How to Repair Small Gas Engines-256 pps.. iI1. -$4.95
double shifts to turn out its R4 -C and popular
Electric Motor Test & Repair-160 pps. -hardback -$6.95
How to Build Solid -State Audio Circuits -320 pps., III.-$5.95
SPR -4 receiver lines. But dealers tell of back
BRTTY Handbook -320 pps., 230 111. -$5.95 orders and delivery delays due to the demand.
Des. & Maint. CATV & Small TV Studio-256 p.- HB- 512.95
How to Become a Radio Dise Jockey-256 pps. -HB -57.95 Where there once were a number of com-
IC Projs. for Amateur & Experimenter-192 p., 105 ill.-$4.95 munications receivers in the popular price range
Stereo /Quad Hi -Fi Prin's & Projects -192 p., 111.-54.95
Pulse & Switching Circuits -256 pps., 184 ill. -$4.95
Using Electronic Testers for Auto Tune -up -256 pps. -$4.95
between $100 and $200, Radio Shack's suc-
Digital Electr.: Prin's & Practice-288 p.. 191 ill. -$5.95 cessful DX -150B now stands virtually alone.
How to Repair Home & Auto Air Conditioners -208 pps. -$4.95
Basic Color Television Course -420 pos., 300 111. -$6.95 For the kit -builder, Heath still offers three
Fire & Theft Security Systems -176 pps., over 100 111.-$4.95
CB Radio Operator's Guide -224 pps., 111. -$3.95 models, from the SB -313 down to the SW-717,
D New IC FEY Prins. & Projects-160 p., 60 111. -$3.95 which except for the inexpensive Japanese -
ALL -IN -ONE COLOR & B$W.TV:SCHEMATIC/SERVICING made portables -not really DX machines at all
Each vol. contains complete service data, parts lists, full -sIze
schematics, and all other info needed. Each B,/zxl l °, 196 -212
-is the only choice left for the budget- minded
pps. Each only $4.95 unless otherwise marked. COLOR TV: shortwave listener.
Adm. Vol. 1_17 Vol. 2. $5.95 G -E Vol.
I Vol. 2 Vol. 3 Vol. 4. 55.95
Jap. Vol.
For U.S. manufacturers of radios, not just
Magnavox Vol.
Vol. I.ol$5
95 Vol.
pp5. Vol.

the communications types, the picture reported-
ly is not bright. Though the total radio market
Vol. oI.21!.I! B & TV: D G-E.O lap. Mag-
navox Motorola Phllco RCA Syl. Zenith Ó is expected to grow to 45 million units by next
year, most will be built in such places as Japan,
10 -DAY Trial, or attach payment and save postage. Fully guar. Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea. Can we then
anteed or money back! Pa. add 6% tax. Foreign IO °ó. (EE -54)
look to the Orient to provide the next generation


of shortwave communications receivers? Despite
BLUE RIDGE SUMMIT, PA. 1721 periodic rumors to that effect, knowledgeable
. insiders say it is unlikely that it is in the cards
CIRCLE NO. 7 ON PAGE 17 OR 103 for the immediate future. It is said that a U.S.
firm which sells by mail order and through a tests using a 500 watt transmitter, but by 1965,
network of local stores will import a mid - the first of a pair of 250- kilowatt giants was in
priced Japanese -made communications receiver operation. Since that time, thousands of DXers
by year's end. But aside from that one bright have been able to log and QSL this remote
spot, there's darkness at the end of the tunnel. country. Using a directional antenna system,
What does this mean to SWLs? It probably two "curtain arrays" separated by a pair of
means that now is the time to buy that new two-band quadrant antennas, DW's Kigali relay
receiver if you can. It means a good used set is widely heard by SW listeners.
may be a better bargain now than it will be Except for local identifications, the programs
later when an anticipated shortage of new are produced in DW's German studios. They
models drives prices upward. And it means that are fed by point -to-point facilities at Bockhagen,
if you already own a good SW receiver, take Germany, using highly directional rhombic
good care of it. It may have to last you a while. antennas. At Kigali they are recieved by an
Tip Topper. Many international broadcast- automatic listening station and are fed to the
ers are opting for higher and higher transmitt- shortwave transmitters for rebroadcast.
ting powers these days. And many DXers are At this writing, Deutsche Welle's station in
viewing the situation with alarm. For it is Rwanda could be heard after 2030 GMT on
inevitable that the proliferation of 250 -, 300 -, 11965 kHz. But DW does change frequencies
and 500- kilowatt transmitters causes increased with the season, so you may have to hunt a bit
interference on the SW bands, making it harder for this one. Or, better yet, a current schedule
and harder to hear the weaker DX stations. of all DW broadcasts, including the Kigali
If there is a bright side to the situation, it station's, can be yours free by writing
is the fact that some of the big broadcasters Deutsche Welle, Postfach 10- 04 -44, D-5, Koln
are installing their powerful transmitters at 1, Federal Republic of Germany. And when
relay locations in out -of- the -way corners of you do hear the station, a correct reception re-
the world, thus opening up new countries to port to the same address will get you an at-
be heard by the SWL. This happened nearly a tractive and colorful QSL card.
decade ago, when the West Germans built a Bandsweep. (Frequencies in kHz, times
high -powered relay station at Kigali, capital in GMT) 860 -Those of you who prowl the
of the tiny central African country of Rwanda. medium wave frequencies for foreign signals
Beginning in 1963, Deutsche Welle began (Continued on. page 101)


Collecting old time wireless and radio is fas-

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This book brings you pio 4
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Vintage Radio, hard cover
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Over 50, bay .4 pages. Lists radio Radio Collector's Guide 3.95
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MAY-JUNE, 1974
Step up to super
"side" power
Large, front -mounted
speaker for clear sound modulation
Illuminated meter
CB /PA switch lets combination
Power /S meter Illuminated
you drive a PA horn channel selector

"Dyna- Mike" Gain Delta Tune

control for full helps you
modulation tune in off -
Switchable Noise frequency
Limiter and signals
Noise Blanker Squelch threshold adjusts
to below 1 uV

Front panel AM /Upper Sideband/

microphone connector RF gain prevents Lower Sideband for 69-
overload and brings channel versatility
in weak stations

Emergency DC power operation,
extension speaker jack, automatic
gain control and slope -front panel
for easy operation. Send for more
(jbr $395
details or see your dealer.

PRODUCT OF DYNASCAN CORPORATION 1801 W. Belle Plaine Chicago, III. 60613


elementart italUNE
Do you guys really do alll that stuff? One of the many ques-
tions experimenter-hobbyists ask the editors is whether or
not they test projects in e/e. You bet we do. And we don't
stop there, either. This editor takes a vacation and gets
a chance to put in full time on his own projects. Here's a
report on ...

by Peter L. Dexnis WA3L0Q-Techwcal Editor

. , .

I T had been fully a year and a half since

bringing my new baby home 'rom the
iobay shop. nsile a yard-long box lay
ireslly hared cyliiders of wood, brass
Ilatis, foam ruaber strips, screws, nuts,
xopellers and fifty oth?,r bits and
aieces. Ma-r y hint-5 ot work were ahead,
it finaify she was ready for her first
"sea" trials. With twin Arstocraft
No. `..:15 electric engines rrounted
and tested in the bright yellow
huti a year before, she
was freshly packed to
;the rat-Jaunt. with a
lull corrpkment of
radio gear, rie.chergeabfe
batteries, seros, push-pull
control rods, lrive shafts. co Ipling5.,
and lots met... A C Lea - plexigiass top.
shaped to the bwe ni i and fitted will
a water-swing oya -shaped strip of
foam rubber, was p,.esed water--.ight to
the epoxy p.aint w th a cozen
screws. A fiexibie whitt, anit-nfla wire hag{
been fitted throu11 the Alper wood
ccver, looped around a spring.steef

Counter -revolving propeller system cancels

gyroscopic (twisting) effect from spinning
motor armatures. Thrust from the downward
slanted propellers aids the diving action.
rod and back to an eyelet at the rear of the yond your ability to see and control accu-
sub for maximum control signal reception. rately. Rechargeable batteries power the ra-
Splash! Launching took place on a cloudy, dios for at least four hours.
wet day in August into the fresh clear wa- Almost everything is right. "Almost ev-
ter of a Maine lake. Success? Well, not erything" because there's not a bit of re-
quite yet. Yes, she does respond well to left sponse when a control stick for the special
and right rudder, fast, slow, forward and R/C (radio control) diving plane channel
reverse speeds. She's bone -dry inside even is tilted forward. True, a special dive speed
though waves wash over her whale -like switch trips the propulsion engines to full
body. The cruising range with a pair of 4 power. The diving planes tilt downward to-
ampere -hour ni -cad batteries is nearly two wards Davey Jones' locker. But still it isn't
miles on the surface, and actual control enough to dunk the twenty -pound sub under-
range of the 53.2 MHz system is far be- water.

On the beach
showing heavy
steel keel. Radio
control system is
the Heath model
GD -57 -a three
channel digital
proportional kit
available for the
two Class C RC
bands and the six
meter amateur
band. Antenna
wire passes
through a water-
tight seal.




SERVO , __ _-iPPR


Simple sub wiring uses diode in series

} with batteries to lower motor voltage.

Activating diving planes closes switch
to short out diode for full motor power.
Battery power is applied to motors thru
a servo -operated forward- reverse switch.

And anyway, if it does go underwater, the sub's available interior space turned the
what will happen to the radio control? As tide! In the water she just broke the surface
the tip of the antenna dips under the sur- as wavelets splashed over her observation
face, will control be lost? How far will six - bubble. Her buoyancy was slighly positive,
meter signals from, a 1/2-watt transmitter meaning she would float, but just barely. So,
reach underwater? when full -ahead dive is commanded, she
Another Tack. To answer these questions slips under the surface with the kind of
and, hopefully, to feel the thrill of "flying" quietness that gave the real submarine corps
the sub underwater, we went to the office of its nickname-the "silent service."
the Camden Herald, a once-a -week local Ycs, the sub could be controlled under-
newspaper where a rickety linotype machine water. I made dives as deep as five feet and,
(a forerunner of the ones used to set this at a 2 -foot depth, from as far away as forty.
magazine) molds letters from a pot of molt- When you are ,watching from a few feet
en lead-alloy bars called "pigs." Well, a above the water's surface, it becomes diffi-
ten-pound piece of triangular "pig" cut to fit (Continued on page 94)

MAY -JUNE, 1974 33

It's Sunday, late afternoon. Somewhere aged limb has to be amputated.

high up in the Bavarian Alps a number of But now, at the County Hospital of
ski enthusiasts are ready for the last trip Garmisch- Partenkirchen, a German ski re-
down. These last trips are the ones during sort, a fascinating new method for curing
which most accidents happen. People have bone fractures has been developed and put
become a little too tired, and perhaps a lit- into practice. They use induction-electri-
tle too confident as well. An added hazard cal current.
is the fact that the composition of the snow The background for this breakthrough
will have changed during the day, and the was the discovery in the mid -1950s that.
skier descends rather faster than antici- certain kinds of electrical currents travel
pated. . . .
It's the same way on the roads. Cars are
faster than they used to be, accelerate fast-
through the human body. If there's an in-
terruption of the normal flow of current
for instance, if you break your leg-the
er, and more accidents are caused. One electricity can't travel properly anymore.
thing however hasn't changed: the fracture Werner Kraus, a Munich physicist, had
resistance of the human body. developed a theory that if the proper flow
As a result, doctors have to deal with of current in the body could be restored
many more complicated "open" fractures it would be very beneficial. Then he met Dr.
than ever before, fractures involving seri- Fritz Lechner, the General Director of the
ous damage to skin and muscles, as well as Garmisch- Partenkirchen hospital, and the
to bones; and with all this there is the
greater danger of infection of the damaged
parts of the body.
When dealing with compound fractures
the normal method followed is that a metal
plate is fixed to the fractured bone and to
a nearby joint with the aid of special
screws. This helps the bone fragments to
mend together properly by holding them in
place, but an obvious disadvantage is that
the living bone does not get much of a
chance to become flexible again. Often,
more than one operation is necessary; or
the patient has to use a cane for the rest
of his life; or even, sometimes, the dam-

Treatment going on (top of page). Not only is it not painful, says this patient,
it feels good! Above, we see the screwing through metal and bone in progress.

Operation on a severely fractured leg is on
two of them began putting the theory into the way (above). A metal plate is screwed
practice. to the bone, and a magnetic coil attached.
This is how it's done: two screws on
either side of the break are electrically in- mote healing. The power from the implant-
sulated from the metal brace with plastic ed coil passes through one screw through
inserts that do not react with the body's the damaged bone and flesh to the other
chemicals. The screws serve as electrodes screw. These electrical impulses promote
that receive electrical energy from a small healing of damaged blood vessels, skin,
coil connected to the screws during the muscle, and bone. The energy required is
surgery when.the leg bone was re- assembled less than 1/100,000 of that required to
with the implanted metal brace. The coil light up a 25 -watt bulb.
itself does not generate electricity; however, The new treatment has proved to work
when placed in a magnetic field it is induc- very well. Says Dr. Lechner, "We have al-
tively coupled to a power source. Thus the ready used this method on over 300 pa-
entire limb is inserted into an external coil tients, and we cured them. We believe that
that supplies the power. we have found a new way of promoting
The external coil and the implanted in- health in the general sense of the word.
ternal coil function together as an air core We also have reason to believe that this
transformer that is very inefficient. Very method will prove increasingly effective
little power, however, is necessary to pro- when fighting different tumor types."






This young lady suffered a nasty fracture, but she's The drawing above illustrates the
almost cured now. Soon she'll be back on the slopes! principle of the new treatment.
MAY -JUNE, 1974
make learning
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MAY -JUNE. 1974
The next "Wheep, wheep" you hear
D A fire in your home can mean more than sates -similar to the warning horns and
just a monetary loss or the loss of irre- klaxons used on boats.
placeable family heirlooms; if the fire The Klaxon Fire Alarm project is just
breaks out at night while your family is such a device. When triggered by a heat
sleeping it can mean the loss of life. Yet a detector, the horn produces a raucous
fire alarm is one of the least expensive and wheep, wheep, wheep, and keeps producing
easiest to install of all home protection. the sound until heat is removed from the
systems. detector.
Basically, -a fire alarm consists of one or The basic alarm consists of the alarm
more low -cost normally -open heat detec- horn and pulsation relay, which is mounted
tors, a 6 -volt battery, and an alarm horn or on a scrap of plastic or wood (not metal)
bell. When heat in the room becomes ex- approximately 3 x 4 inches. The power sup-
cessive the detector's contacts close, there- ply is a 6 -volt lantern battery which has a
by completing a circuit, and the alarm -horn shelf life of at least one year. The alarm re-
sounds. Even if there is an outdoor alarm quires no standby current.
bell, a horn should be positioned in the
The alarm and the battery can be
sleeping area to wake the occupants in mounted in any suitable enclosure -metal,
time to get out safely. Unfortunately, any wood, or plastic. Since the alarm should
continuous noise (such as a steady tone be mounted in the general sleeping area, or
from a horn) is not likely to wake a sound
perhaps directly at a child's bedside (several
sleeper. What's needed is a horn that pul- alarms can be connected in parallel), you
might prefer an enclosure that blends in
with the general decor. Our alarm is shown
in an attractive speaker enclosure pur-
B FIRE chased locally for $2.
ALARM For More Noise. If you wish to add an
outdoor alarm bell, or additional horns (up

NORMALLY - OPEN Yes, you can also connect normally open

HEAT DETECTORS smoke detectors to this alarm system.

by Herb Friedman

will save your life and maybe your home!

to three total), simply connect them across "radio" hook-up wire.
the horn (BU1) at points A and B. How- Horn BU 1 is supplied with only one ter-
ever, if you add any additional -horns or minal wire; the metal case is the other ter-
bells you must substitute a relay for RY1 minal. Using a soldering iron or gun rated
with contacts rated at least one ampere. at least 100 watts, "tin" a small area on the
Any 6 -VDC general purpose relay can be horn's case with solder-using a non-
used, such as the Potter & Brumfield corrosive soldering paste. Then solder a
KA5DY (Allied Radio 886 -0389). 2 -in. wire to the case. This wire must con-
Horn BU1 requires a 1% in. mounting nect to C l's negative terminal.
hole. It is cemented to the board with epoxy The terminal wire supplied with the horn
or one of the "miracle" adhesives such as is very delicate and almost impossible to
Permabond. Relay RY1 is supplied in a shorten without damage, so use it full
plastic case which should not be removed. length.
Position RY1 in relation to the horn as Checkout Before Installation. Connect a
shown in the photo and cement the case to wire from the terminal to which Cl's nega-
the board. Position RY1 so its leads stick tive lead connects to a 6 -volt battery's nega-
out from the top. tive terminal. Connect a wire from the ter-
The 5- terminal strip is cut down from a minal with RY l's wiper contact to the bat-
larger strip, or you can use two smaller tery's positive terminal. This should cause
terminal strips-the important thing is to the horn to sound. If it doesn't sound, ro-
have five terminals. Capacitor Cl is re- tate the small screw sticking out the back of
quired; C2 might not be needed and there's the horn until the horn sounds. Then care-
no need to purchase it in advance. fully adjust the screw until the sound is as
To avoid shorts between RY1's leads,
place insulation on every wire from RY1.
The wire leads are extra -thin, so you can r---
use the insulation stripped from ordinary B1
Note the very simple schematic. Normally
open detectors, left, connect to TS1, right.
MAY -JUNE, 1974

A complete alarm circuit is easily put to- Keep in mind that heat rises. You must no
gether on a small plastic or wood board. A install fire detectors near, of course, the
finger points to the loudness- adjust screw. floor. In the furnace room, secure a heat
Place the entire circuit in any convenient detector directly above the furnace. Look
enclosure such as this surplus speaker box. to the parts list for detector availability.
loud as possible. The horn should pulsate as Install a 2- terminal screw -type strip at the
it sounds. If the sound pulsates but the horn back of the cabinet and then install the
sounds as if it is sticking -barely getting battery, securing it with a metal, string, or
enough energy to sound loudly- install wire strap.
capacitor C2. The negative terminal of C2 Connect the battery's positive terminal to
connects to the same point as Cl 's negative one screw terminal on the strip. Connect
terminal. the remaining strip terminal to the alarm.
Completing the Fire Alarm. Install the Connect the battery's negative terminal to
horn assembly in the enclosure, making cer- the alarm. The system is ready for use.
tain you leave enough room for battery Bl. The heat detectors must be the normally -
open type, where the contacts are open un-
til excessive heat causes them to close. Any
PARTS LIST FOR KLAXON FIRE ALARM number of heat detectors can be used
Bl -6 -volt lantern battery (Radio Shack 23.066 they are all connected in parallel. Two
or equiv.)
BU1 -6 -volt alarm buzzer (horn) (Radio Shack
wires (lamp cord or equivalent) can be run
273 -049 or equiv.) from any of the heat detectors to the fire
C1 -500 ttF, 15 VDC electrolytic capacitor (Radio alarm terminals.
Shack 272 -1007 or equiv.) Standard heat detectors will protect an
C2 -100 µF, 15 VDC electrolytic capacitor, see
text (Radio Shack 272 -1005 or equiv.) area up to 20 x 20 feet (400 sq. feet). They
RY1 -SPST, 6 -volt DC relay (Radio Shack 275 -004 can be positioned in the center of a ceiling,
or equiv.) or even near a corner with the walls. If in-
TS1- 2- terminal, screw -type terminal strip (Radio stalled near a corner keep in mind that pro-
Shack 274-663 or equiv.)
Note: Heat detectors are available for $3.50 tection does not extend beyond 20 feet. If
each from Custom Components, Box 153, necessary, use two detectors in opposite
Malverne, N.Y. 11565. Specify either 130° F. corners.
or 190° F. heat rating. Add $1 postage and Heat detectors used for the general living
handling to total order. N.Y. State residents
must add sales tax. No foreign orders. area should be rated 135° F. Detectors
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I I II II II II II II II I I II II II II II II I I II 111 11 1111111111 I I II II II II II
(Continued on page 94)
by KGK3916

and almost blew my mind the speaker, which I'll explain carefully because
first time I saw the Johnson Messenger this is the feature I dig the most.
130 CB transceiver. After years of When the handset is in the cradle all
staring at black boxes whose only conde- received signals are heard through the
scension to modern styling and convenience speaker. If the speaker/handset switch is
was chromium plated knobs, there was a set to speaker the signals will still be heard
transceiver which looked as if it came right from the speaker even if the handset is
out of some Hollywood space flick -the lifted from the cradle. But if the speaker/
type of gear I don't mind putting in my handset switch is set to handset, the small
fireball- orange Vega. push button, which is released when the
The folks at Johnson just didn't put a handset is lifted, switches the signal from
CB transceiver into a case that looks like the speaker to the handset, bringing the
it came from a NASA workshop and call it signal right into my ear. Normally, I prefer
quits, for the heart of the 130 is a telephone the big sound of a speaker; but when road
handset, a gadget I consider one of the most noise gets so bad I have to run the speaker
important mobile features. How often I've volume almost to the threshold of pain tc
wished for some way to stick the signal right make sense out of the transmission, I simply
in my ear when road noise obliterated the switch to the handset monitor and the
sound from my rig's speaker! signal purrs into my ear -well in the clear
As you can see from the photographs, of the interfering road noise.
the Messenger 130 looks like a Princess-
Radiophone; something the telephone com- PA SPEAKER / ON /OFF
pany would sock you for an extra $10 a SWITCH
month if they could make their phones look
as good as the 130. Across the top half are
a 23 channel selector, volume control,
squelch control, PA switch, a speaker/
handset switch and a red -light transmit
The bottom half of the case is a molded
cradle for the handset. Two spring- loaded
clamps secure the handset by forcing it
down firmly into the side of the cradle.
A speaker is positioned under the handset.
A small push button switch, forced down by
the handset, controls the operation of the

The Messenger 130 Citizens Band radio is from the

E. F. Johnson Company, Waseca, MN 56093, and
for For more information, circle No. 33 on
Congratulations to E. F. Johnson for a most
Reader Service Coupon on page 17 or 103.
attractive mobile package that gets my vote
for best design innovation yet in AM CB.
MAY -JUNE, 1974

The back of the Messenger 130 has the

coax antenna jack, a PA /external speaker
mini-jack and a direct -connected positive
battery wire. The two steel brackets on the
rear are part of the mobile mount and pro-
vide the negative battery connection from
the car's frame.
Back To Basics. The Messenger 130 is
strictly a communications device -there are
no frills such as S- meters, RF-output meters,
modulation indicators, etc. The receiver is
single conversion, and full 23- channel cover-

age is provided through a frequency synthe- AND FUSE
sizer. For additional selectivity a bandpass
filter is used in the IF amplifier. The trans- Set must be grounded at mounting brackets.
mitter is more or less straightforward with A mini -jack in the antenna connector well
a pre -tuned (at the factory) pi -net output. serves for both PA and remote speaker out.
Getting Results. The receiver checked out output to a 50 -ohm load. The microphone
with a sensitivity of 1.0 uV for a 10 dB sensitivity for 85 percent modulation mea-
S+N /N ratio (signal -plus -noise to noise). sured -12 dB, an excellent value for the
Selectivity measured 49 dB adjacent channel close-talking handset. The modulation was
rejection while image rejection was 16 dB. limited to 100 percent.
Though the image rejection is nowhere near Performance aside, the feature I like the
the usual figure for double- conversion most is the mobile mount, which is shaped
receivers, 16 dB is typical of the better to fit the curve in the car's driveline hump
single conversion receivers. The AGC action
for signals ranging from 2 uV to 10,000 uV
-as well as serving as a dashboard mount.
Those cute U- brackets that come with most
was only 7 dB, the type of performance transceivers are great for installation under
needed when monitoring through an ear- the dash of a Detroit battleship, but they're
phone; in plain terms it means that switching zilch in a gas-saving mini -car. The 130's
from a very weak to a strong station will bracket, however, is extra sturdy for a hump
not cause the volume to suddenly blast the installation and makes installation a breeze.
speaker out of the rig or the phone from For more information about the E. F.
your ear. Johnson Messenger 130, Circle No. 33
The transmitter delivered 3.4 watts RF on the Reader Service page.
r iiiii11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111,


Now that the "out of gas" signs limit pleasure

driving, more people are looking to their color TV sets
as a source of enjoyment, with a second color set
moving into more and more homes. TV viewing cer-
tainly beats travel by car, when it's a question of
saving gas. But what about the electrical energy a
color set consumes?
Recent tests showed that the all -tube chassis of one
color TV set had a power rating of about 325 watts,
while the hybrid chassis of another model used power
at the rate of 260 watts. In contrast, the all solid -state
chassis of a third color set needed only 176 watts.
An "instant -on" feature wastes power round the
clock and should be wired out of the set. If your set
has automatic brightness control, which compensates
for room light, you are saving power, sometimes up to
15 watts. Yes, you can save energy.


e/e checks out Page


the Heathkit...
and channel /time video readout!
New features like varactor tuning, digital dialing

ALTHOUGH color TV manufacturers like GR-2000 Color TV we really enter the age
to speak in terms of "state of the art," of modern electronic technology as far as
the plain fact is that it has taken most of color TV is concerned, with all its advantag-
them somthing like seven years to just ap- es in the way of performance, reliability,
proximate-let alone equal-the picture and rock -bottom service problems. The fact
quality of a Heathkit color TV. And while is, today's Heathkit GR -2000 is the color
these same manufacturers talk of transis- TV the rest of the industry will be making
tors, or all solid state circuitry, it is never- tomorrow.
New Throughout. Everything about the
theless true that the solid state circuits are
generally straight replacements for tubes, GR -2000 is so new and advanced it's diffi-
with little that's new in actual "state of the cult to know where to start, so we'll begin
art." Many tuners still use the trouble -prone with two of the highlight features.
mechanical switching, and most sets have Firstly, the GR -2000 is all solid -state.
complex tuning and trap adjustments. The Except for the deep color saturation Black
limited attempts at modular snap-in circuits Matrix color tube, all circuits use solid state
still require the attention of an expensive devices, including the high voltage power
service technician; they help the technician supply. Unlike other solid state TVs, how-
get the circuits free, but do little towards ever, the transistors and ICs in the GR-
shaving your service bills. 2000 are not mere replacements for tubes;
But with the introduction of the Heathkit the complementary circuitry is as advanced

IF Filter - Luminance Circuit

Chroma Circuit
Amplifier Module Sound Circuit

Color Oscillator
Memory - Video Output &
Module Drive Control
AGC /Sync
- Service

- Solid -State
Hi- Voltage

Solid -State Low -Voltage Horizontal Oscillator

Supply Transformer & Circuit Module Module
Plug -in modules can be serviced by Heath at stores or main plant.
MAY -JUNE, 1974

as the solid state devices. For example, the

IF amplifiers do not use the common, drift -
prone sound and picture traps to keep "garb-
age" out of the picture. In the GR -2000 the
IF amplifier has a fix -tuned bandpass filter
whose characteristics place the picture and
sound carrier, and the chroma, exactly
where they belong without need for preci-
sion adjustment; in fact, the bandpass filter
takes no adjustment. Other circuits, as we'll
show, use the same high degree of advanced
The second big plus is the varactor-tuned
front end with its associated digital channel Unlike conventional tuners with switches, the
readout which appears directly on the screen. GR -2000 front end is programmed to tune in
Varactors are diodes whose capacitance is only those VHF and UHF stations near you!
determined by an applied voltage. Tuning channel number is displayed on the screen
of the Heathkit color TV is accomplished is determined by the user's programming
through these diodes, with no intermediate of the channel selector. An opitonal digital
mechanical devices. Simply touching a front clock assembly, which mounts in the TV,
panel button causes the channel selector to will display the precise time in hours, min-
electronically switch (count) up or down. utes and seconds in conjunction with the
Up to 16 pre-selected VHF and /or UHF channel number.
channels can be programmed into the elec- The tuner's output feeds the bandpass IF
tronic tuning "switch "; as each channel is amplifier and then branches out to several
tuned in its number appears in the upper small functional modules, each of which
right corner of the screen. (Electronic feed- snaps into matching connectors in the main
back insures that each channel is locked to frame. Each module provides an essentially
precise tuning -so important for proper independent function, so that in the event
color reception.) The length of time the of a component breakdown the difficulty
can be easily isolated. Unlike other TVs
with so- called "modular construction," when
you pull a module on the GR -2000 you
don't wind up disabling half a dozen cir-
cuits, which makes troubleshooting next to
Servicing, Made Easier. To assist the build
(Continued on page 96)

An optional digital readout clock assembly

indicates time to the second on the scope
face whenever the channel number appears.

From up to 20 feet away from the GR -2000

you can change channel (up or down), color
and tint adjustments, and volume.

by Norman Crawford


GAMBLERS and aníplifiers have one thing in pending upon transistors and ICs, which are
common: Their goal is to get more out notoriously unpredictable, even at the present
than is put in. But, while successful gambling state of the art.
requires the smiles of Lady Luck, amplification In the following paragraphs, we shall give
is not a matter which should be left to chance. examples of both long shots and sure things
All too often, however, amplifier circuits are in the amplifier world, and show how to con-
used whose actual gain is a complete unknown vert a long -shot risk into a much more reliable
until the circuit is actually built and tested. amplifier.
And gain is not the whole story. The bias, Russian Roulette Special. If you like to
or DC operating point, must also be known gamble, the circuit of Fig. 1 will give you a
and predictable, or the amplifier may clip and lot of gain -if
it works at all! But even if you
distort the signal it is passing. In extreme cases, get it working, the first hot day may send it
it will fail to pass a signal at all. Again, we into raspy distortion as the hot transistor shifts
often see amplifier circuits whose DC operat- its DC operating point, brutally destroying your
ing points are left to chance, or are "tweaked" clean hi -fi signals. And even if you can get it
into place only after the circuit is built and to keep its cool; you will find that the resistor
fails to operate correctly. values shown won't work if you change tran-
Such gambling with gain and bias is unnec- sistors, or if you try to build another identical
cessary. Very simple and straightforward meth- circuit. In brief, this circuit requires, first,
ods can be used to predict the gain and DC that you hand -tailor it to fit each and every
operating conditions of an amplifier, making transistor, and second, that you keep the cir-
its behavior a matter of logic, not luck. These cuit's transistor cool.
techniques succeed because they make the gain So in spite of the high gain available from
and DC operating points depend upon resistor
values, which are predictable, instead of de-
this circuit, it represents a bad gamble
long shot-because it may not work at all, or
real -a
Jl I11111111I IIIIIIII IIIII1111I1111IIIII11111111I1111111I III I I11I I II I I III I111I I I II I III111I1111I I II I III I111I I I I I I11II III I1111111111111111t111 l IIHIIIIIII I111111I1111111111II1t11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111100

+20 VDC
R2 Fig. 1. This circuit
R1 I0K is not too hot because
1 MEG even if you get it to
O OUTPUT keep its cool, replacing
resistor R1 is =_

INPUT O C2 necessary when you

change the transistor.
The Author calls this
circuit the "Russian
Roulette Special."

11111111111111111111I1111IIIIt 1111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111IIII11111111111111111111111111t111111111111111t1I1111111111 0 11 6 1111I111111111111111111IIII IIII IIIIIIII111111111111111111111111IIII IIIII111111111111I11111111111111IF

MAY-JUNE, 1974 47
even than the circuit of Fia_ / -anrt is Ae_
termined by the resistor values only.
Putting It Together. If you're a compulsive
gambler, or for some reason like to play Rus-
it may work one day and not the next, or it sian Roulette with your amplifier designs, you
may work with one transistor and not another. may opt for the simple but unreliable circuit
Even if Lady Luck smiles on you and the cir- of Fig. 1. In such a case, you can reduce your
cuit works, you cannot readily predict how high risk somewhat by following the step -by -step de-
the gain will be. sign arrangement given below:
A Better Gamble. If you don't like long shots, 1. Choose your power supply voltage. In
you can add one resistor to the Russian Rou- Fig. 1, we chose 20 volts, a good round
lette Special and improve its reliability con- number. For most transistors, values be-
siderably. But, as in most gambling operations, low 2 volts will make for a difficult design.
the payoff -in this case, the gain-goes down. In no case should the voltage chosen be
greater than the value given in the transis-
Take a look at Fig. 2 and you will see that
it is just the Russian Roulette Special with a tor data for BVC,,, (Breakdown Voltage;
resistor added in the emitter circuit. Collector -to- Emitter, with the remaining
The gain of this circuit is, for all practical electrode (base) Open).
purposes, completely independent of the tran- 2. Second, choose the current desired in
sistor. In fact, the gain is simply the value of the transistor. For economy, especially for
the collector resistor, R2, 10,000 ohms, divided battery operation, this should be as small
by the value of the emitter resistor, 2,000 as possible. However, many small transis-
ohms. Therefore, the gain is 10,000/2,000 = 5. tors do not operate well below 0.5 milli-
A one -volt signal applied to this circuit can ampere; often the transistor databook will
be relied upon to produce a five -volt output indirectly recommend a current by saying
signal, every time. something like "Beta (or h, e) is 35 at L.
The new emitter resistor also does nice = 2 mA." This is a broad hint that the
things for the DC operating point, by making particular transistor type you're consider-
it more predictable and less susceptible to high ing has been manufactured to work best
temperature difficulties. Although this circuit is at 2 mA. Under no circumstances should
still not the best we can do, it is a much better you choose the current value given under
bet than the Russian Roulette Special shown "Maximum Ratings." This is the red -line,
in Fig. 1. never-exceed value of current; one incre-
The Sure Thing. Adding yet another re- ment beyond this value and the transistor
sistor, R4, to the circuit of Fig. 2 gives us may vanish in a puff of silicon smoke! If
Fig. 3, which is a real sure thing in the amplifier in doubt, 1 or 2 mA is a reasonable value
world. for small transistors. In our example, we
Just as for the circuit of Fig. 2, the gain of chose 1 mA.
this circuit is R2 /R3. Since the value of R2 3. Having chosen the current, calculate
has to drop a little for this circuit -for rea- R2, the collector resistor, with the formula
sons explained below -the gain of this circuit
500 X E
is 9,100/2,000 = 4.55. Note that, just as in R2 _
Fig. 2, the transistor has nothing to do with I, (mA)
this value of gain. Only the fixed resistors de-
termine the gain, which is just the way we R2 - 500 X 20
= 10,000 ohms
like it.
The DC operating point of this circuit is ex- 4. For the next steps, you need a volt-
tremely stable and predictable -far better, meter, an ohmmeter, a 2- megohm po-

+20 VDC

Fig. 2. This circuit

OUTPUT amplies the input
signal, and the
INPUT amount of gain is not
a function of the
transistor, but the
ratio of resistances
R2 and R3. In this
case, gain is 5.

wuanuuuuuuunwanmauuua+ umimnmaunwuuauunuunuuuuuuunmm11muuuanuunonnnuuuuuuuuuanununuuunanuuuuuuuuuuuuuanuuuuuuuuuauuur-

u l ll I I uI III
I II N IN1111u111111111 N1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I
I III Illl llll l lll l lll l lll l llll llll lllllllllllllllllf

Fig. 3. Stability is
the name of the game
played with gain. The
addition of R4 removes
the circuit's tendency to
INPUT O self destruct like the one
shown in Fig. 1. Gain
is still the ratio of
R2 /R3, but notice value
is lower, with a
loss of some gain.

tentiometer, and a resistor somewhere be- supply voltage, which you want to appear
tween 10,000 and 100,000 ohms. Put the at the emitter. In the example in Fig. 3,
circuit together with the pot, resistor, and we chose 2 volts. If this voltage is chosen
voltmeter as shown in Fig. 4. too small (less than 1 /20th the supply
5. Adjust the potentiometer in Fig. 4 until voltage), gain predictability and bias pre-
the voltmeter reads one -half the supply dictability will be poor. If chosen too large
voltage-10 volts, in this case. (more than half the supply voltage), then
6. Without disturbing the potentiometer so much of the available voltage is "used
setting in Fig. 4, remove the pot and its up" on the emitter that there's very little
associated resistor and measure their com- left to produce signal output. So, it's a
bined value with the ohmmeter. trade -off between good stability and a large
7. Use the value obtained in step 6 for output. A good rule of thumb is to let
the R1 of Fig. 1. about one -fifth to one -tenth of the supply
To complete the design, Cl and C2 should voltage appear at the emitter.
be chosen to have values in the 100 uF region C. Calculate the emitter resistor, R3, by
for most audio work, with voltage ratings the formula
equal to or greater than the power supply
voltage. 1,000 X E(emitter)
If you ever have to replace the transistor,
you will probably have to repeat steps 4, 5, 6,
R3 - I (mA)
and 7. 1,000 X 2
The above effort, which includes all that R3= -2,000 ohms
playing around with meters and pots, yields
you an amplifier of unpredictable gain and D. Add 0.6 volt to the emitter voltage, to
doubtful reliability. The circuit of Fig. 2, obtain the base voltage:
though better, offers not enough real improve- E(base) = E(emitter) + 0.6
ment to warrant a detailed discussion. Fig. 3 = 2-0.6 =2.6 volts
is the circuit that removes us from the ranks
of risk-takers, so we should next see how this (Note: Use 0.6 volt for silicon transistors;
superior circuit may be designed, step -by-step. use 0.2 volt for germanium tran-
No- Gamble Gain: Here's the step by step sistors)
procedure that is foolproof. E. Calculate R4 by the formula
A. Select the supply voltage and transistor
10,000 X E(base)
current just as in steps 1 and 2, above. R4-
B. Select a DC voltage, smaller than the I, mA
N 1111111111111111111111111111111. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 X
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111N 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

1-20 VDC Fig. 4. Adjusting pot

until voltage across
2 MEG R2 transistor is one half
IOK of power supply is a
sure way cf discovering
ADJUST value R1 in Fig. 1. Be
10K TO IOOK sure potentiometer
READING ON resistance is maximum
VOLTMETER and decrease slowly,
never exceeding one -
half collector voltage.

MAY -JUNE, 1974
for is an open circuit to DC. the DC stabilizing
effect of R3 is unchanged -it's just as though
(3..4/(g GAIN WITHOUT GAMBLE R5 weren't there, as far as DC is concerned.
However, for the signal, which is AC, the ca-
pacitor looks like a short circuit looks -it
10,000 X 2.6
- 26,000 ohms exactly as though R5 were soldered directly
across the emitter resistor.
(use EIA value, 27,000 ohms) So, for the signal, the total resistance in the
emitter circuit is effectively the parallel combi-
F. Calculate R1 by the formula nation of R3 and R5:
10,000 X [E(supply) E(base)] - R3 X R5 2,000 X 300
L mA R R3-{-R5 2,300
10,000 X (20
2.6) - R = 261 ohms
And, since the gain is given by R2/R3, the
RI = 174,000 ohms (Use EIA value, addition of R5 in parallel with R3 has changed
180,000 ohms) the gain thus:
G. Calculate R2 by the formula Before R5 and C3 were added:
500 X [E(supply) - E(emitter)] Gain = (9,100)/(2,000) = 4.55
L (mA) After R5 and C3 were added:
R2- 500 X (20 -2) Gain = (9,100)/(261) = 34.9
The addition of R5, then, gave us nearly
= 9,000 ohms (use EIA value, 9100
eight times as much gain, and did so without
disturbing the excellent DC- operating -point
Notice that using up two volts on the emitter stability of the Basic circuit. What price do we
caused us to have only 18 volts left for output. pay for this improvement -that is, beyond the
The mathematics then forces us to drop the money cost of the resistor and capacitor? And,
10,000 -ohm collector resistor to 18 /20ths of if dropping in a 300 -ohm resistor yields eight
10,000 'ohms, which is 9,000 ohms. This causes times the gain, would a 30 -ohm resistor give
some loss of gain (from a gain of 5 for the 80 times the gain?
circuit of Fig. 2, to a gain of 4.55 for this Obviously, the smaller we make R5, the
circuit) which is the price paid for stabilizing
the amplifier. Again, it's just like gambling
when the risk goes down, so does the return.
- more gain we get, until finally, when R5 = 0,
we get the most gain we can obtain from this
transistor. At this point -with 'R5 shorted out,
Can we hedge our bets? That is, can we keep and the capacitor C3 therefore directly across
the DC operating point stable, and still get the 2,000 -ohm resistor, R3 -the gain is identi-
more gain? Indeed, we can. The circuit of Fig. cal to the gain obtained from the Russian
5 shows how this is done: Roulette Special circuit of Fig. 1. It is just as
In this circuit, a 300 -ohm resistor, R5, has large, and just as unpredictable. Such a circuit,
been added in parallel with the 2,000 -ohm with R5 shorted out and C3 directly across
emitter resistor, R3, but with a capacitor C3 R3, is sometimes used to obtain the most AC
in series with the new resistor. Since the capaci- (Continued on page 95)
NI11111111111111I IIII IIII II111111111111111111111'111111111111111' 1111I II IIII III
I I I I III I II II III II I I I I II I II I I II I II II I I II I I I II I III I I III I III I III I I11111111111111I III I IIII 11'111"111'I11111111'11111111111111111I I1II I III I'III II'1111111I11'1111111111

+ 20 VDC

Fig. 5. With the gamble

O gone, go for more gain.
With addition of R5
and C3, the circuit's
gain is effectively
increased to 34.9
that's an improvement
R5 over 4.55. R5 is effect-
= 30052 ively in parallel with
2K R3 reducing the overall
C3 = 200µF emitter resistance
to only 261 ohms.

71I1111111111I111I11'll'1I11'1111N IIINIIIIIIIINIIIIII'IIIIIIINIIII111111111I1111111I'lll"11111111111111II I IIINIII IIIIIIII

I I I111111111111II1111'lll'111' I1111111IIII III'1III III' III'l'II1111IIII1IIIIII111111II IIII IIII II'I III IIIIIIIII IIIIr.

The beginning
of e/e's
look inside
and around
your 2 -way
Citizens Band
by the Elementary Electronics Editorial Staff
The CB transceiver is truly an amazing and SSB, or single -sideband. They are incom-
device. Dollar for dollar it is the best value in patible with each other, meaning an AM sta-
consumer-type eletronic equipment. Organized tion cannot "work" a sideband station and vice
around two basic design systems-amplitude versa. Only if the individual transceivers have
modulation and single sideband -the modern both AM and SSB can they work all CB
CB transceiver can be specifically tailored to a stations.
given level of performance or operating con- In the amplitude modulation system the
venience by adding a dollar or so of parts voice energy, termed modulation, is impressed
here, fifty cent worth of hardware there. No on the radio frequency carrier generated by the
other consumer device can be so easily ex- transmitter. In the process of combining the
panded to meet the need of the user. Whether audio modulation and RF carrier, new fre-
you are a hobbyist, or business-only CB'er, that quencies called sidebands are generated. These
black box called a transceiver can do exactly sidebands are equal in frequency to: the RF
what you want it to do when you want it. carrier plus the modulating frequencies, and
The CB transceiver can provide general, or the RF carrier frequency minus the modulation
blanket, communications over a general area, frequencies.
provide pin-point line -of -sight communications, The maximum amount of undistorted modu-
keep you informed of emergency situations, lation that can be impressed on the RF carrier
record messages while unattended, substitute is one -half of the carrier power input, which,
for a telephone across inpenetrable mountains, of course, also means one-half the carrier
function as a pocket -fone, and ... well, any- power output. If the CB tranmitter takes 5
watts input, the maximum amount of modula-
thing you can think of in the way of personal
communications can probably be handled by tion is 2.5 watts. If the transmitter has 80%
the modern CB transceiver. In short, the CB efficiency-actual output power divided by in-
transceiver is a sort of universal "communica- put power -there will be 4 watts carrier output
tor" in that it can be made to meet any power and 2 watts of modulation divided be-
operating needs. tween two sidebands, so that each sideband has
The exact facilities delivered by your present only 1 watt of modulation power.
CB transceivers, or models you might be con- One Does The Job. The AM receiver re-
sidering adding to your CB station, depends on sponds only to the energy in one sideband; it
the performance and features of small, individ- requires the carrier and other sideband for
ual "modules" which the manufacturer has restoration of the signal back to audio, but only
plugged together at the factory. Using more or one sideband conveys intelligence. (The other
less basic circuits he can build upward from a sideband can be eliminated at the transmitter
three -control black box (channel selector, with very little audio loss at the receiver.)
volume and squelch) to one of those gold Therefore, of the entire 7.5 watts of energy
plated specials with everything except running put into the transmitter, at most, 1 watt of RF
water. output power is converted back to an audio
In this series we're going to look into those signal at the receiver.
"modules," for by having an understanding of The advantage of the AM system lies pri-
how CB transceivers work, you'll be able to marily in the fact that circuits are relatively
purchase a CB transceiver having all the fea- simple, and it is quite easy to build a good
tures and performance needed for all your communications system at a rather low price-
applications. As a side benefit, by knowing the as evidenced by some rather noteworthy CB
in and outs of your CB transceiver, you'll be transceivers in the $100 price range. It is the
able to handle operating and minor repair easiest system to use, requires no adjustments
problems which might come your way. other than selecting the desired channel, and
Two CB Systems. There are presently two will generally give years of trouble -free opera-
distinct and separate type of transmission sys- tion even under the most severe handling.
tems in use: AM, or amplitude modulation, Disadvantages to the AM system are exces-

MAY -JUNE, 1974 51

sive channel bandwidth and susceptibility to

Envelope power, which when integrated over
the complete cycle comes out as 5 watts aver-
age power input, which is the same thing the
F.C.C. means when they specify 5 watts DC
power input.
interference. Though only one sideband is All the RF energy radiated from the SSB
needed to transmit intelligence, the AM signal transmitter is sideband energy, and since the
has two sidebands, one sideband taking up power input of the sideband energy is four
space that could be used by another station. times that of the AM sideband input, the signal
Though this is really no concern to the average at the receiving station is four times stronger
user, the citizens band is fast becomming than that of an AM transmitter. Only problem
saturated with stations fighting for the available is the receiver hears the sideband signal as
channels; if the second, unneeded, sideband monkey chatter or Donald Duck; completely,
were eliminated, the citizens band could ac- but completely unintelligible.
commodate twice the number of interference - As we said, a carrier is necessary at the re-
free signals. As far as interference is concerned, ceiver for converting the signal back to audio.
an AM receiver is particularly susceptible to With a sideband receiver, the carrier is rein-
heterodyne interference, the whistle caused serted at the receiver by a separate oscillator
when two stations try to use the same fre- which is part of the receiver's detector. (The
quency simultaneously. The interfering sta- detector doesn't care where the carrier comes
tion's signal strength need be only 1/100 that from as long as one is there.)
of the desired station to cause objectionalable 23 times SSB =46. If we backtrack, we see
interference. SSB signal uses only the radio frequencies that
A Solution ?-Single Sideband, or SSB as it
is termed, utilizes the principle that only one
are needed for one AM sideband -it
could be
the upper or lower sideband frequencies. This
sideband is required for transmitting intelli- frees the frequencies needed by the unused AM
gence. By eliminating the carrier and second sideband for another SSB station, and, in fact,
sideband at the transmitter, all the intelligence - two SSB stations can share the same channel
carrying energy goes into the entire signal without interference, one using the upper side -
transmitted by the station. This means that the band frequencies, the other the lower sideband
transmitter input power allowed by the F.C.C., frequencies. If all CB stations were SSB the
5 watts average DC power, goes into the modu- present 23 channels could provide 46 com-
lation energy. This is four times greater than munication channels.
the 1.25 watts of power input for one sideband Single Sideband offers several advantages
of an AM signal. over AM. First, there's the matter of working
To digress for a moment, you'll often find range. The intelligence- carrying part of the
SSB transceivers rated at 10 watts P.E.P, or 15 signal is four times stronger than AM; added
watts P.E.P. This does not mean 10 or 15 to signal enhancement by the process of SSB
watts power input. The P.E.P. stand for Peak detection in the receiver, an SSB signal is the



1Tx .




This block diagram of a modern single sideband transceiver clearly

shows the additional circuitry required. To lower complexity,
11111111111111111 un nnunnnmlm un nmom nun il Ol111111111111111111111111111111111

111111111There's More CB to
Look to ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS for the over 100 dollars worth of crystals- without
inside theory of Citizens Band Radio. Don't any loss of frequency stability. Frequency
miss articles in this series of Inside CB in synthesis is the answer; see how it works in
future issues. Here's what's in store for you: transmitters and receivers for your benefit.
Receivers. What makes the big difference? Quiet is the word for modern sets; see how
Explore the famous dual conversion re- noise is limited and blanked out of exist -
ceiver. Learn why single conversion has its ance for more reliable communications.
place in todays CB transceivers -and why Power Communicating. What electronic
it will stay. Look for full information in the techniques increase range? We show the
easy to read e/e format about IF filters: smart CBer how to get his message through
tuned, crystal, mechanical and ceramic. and across more miles without risking the
Transmitters. What does more power mean rath of Uncle and the FCC. Discover how
in terms of signal? Facts about AM over easy it is to understand how clippers, corn -
SSB over AM and why each has its place pressors and other talk power boosters are
on the airwaves. We show you what, when used.
and how to tune your transmitter for maxi- Moving Out. What makes a mobile run? This
mum communications performance. And, is one of the most important and often used
plain talk on one much maligned mystery: techniques on the Citizens Band. Learn how
The importance of a matched transmission you should use and install transceivers for
and antenna system. maximum performance; how to utilize port -
Important Circuits. What means "Modern" able power packs and converters for maxi -
in today's CB transceivers? Find out how a mum use in emergencies when line power
full 23- channel CB of today does away with is out.

equivalent of 8 to 10 dB more effective than transceivers feature high selectivity (adjacent

an AM signal. The effect at the receiver is as channel interference rejection).
if an AM station were running almost 50 watts Since SSB requires considerable precision
input power. Also, there is no carrier, so there circuitry, as you'd expect, SSB rigs are not
is no heterodyne "whistle" interference if all cheap. Unlike AM transceivers, which can be
stations using a channel are SSB. The inter- stripped of circuits to the bare bone and still
ference between SSB signals sounds like chat- deliver excellent overall performance, SSB re-
ter, which is not as annoying as a constant quires sophisticated circuits for both budget and
background whistle. higher priced models-the differences in price
Since highly selective filter circuits are re- generally reflected operating convenience fea-
quired for the generation of an SSB signal, tures rather than performance.
these same filter circuits are sitting there, avail- The figure gives a good illustration of the
able for receiving, so you'll find that SSB (Continued on page 94)





manufacturers double -up wherever possible by using the same circuit
during both transmit and receive. SSB sets usually include the AM mode.

MAY -JUNE, 1974 53
Bell & Howell Schools
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You learn valuable skills in
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But now comes a color television
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And to insure highest quality per-
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MAY -JUNE, 1974
EgeletPapping V l'3/4;11=
by Jorma Hyypia

Here are several handy ways to use a useful if you obtain one that is also capable
"pop" rivet tool and an eyelet tool to make of setting snap fasteners. Although these
solderless connections when building elec- are basically solderless joints, you can add
tronic gadgets and when repairing home solder to obtain better electrical connec-
appliances. Obtain several sizes of rivets tion between joined wires. However, remem-
and a stock of washers that will slip neatly ber that you cannot solder to the eyelets
over the rivet shanks. If a rivet is too long which are of aluminum, and that you should
for a particular job, slide it off the long pin not use colored eyelets which would not
and file or hack saw to the desired length. conduct electricity. If in doubt, check con-
Your eyelet fastening tool will be doubly ductivity with an ohmmeter.

Wire -End Eyelet. Divide the conductor strands in

the wire into halves and wrap around two sides
of the eyelet shank. Twist the wire ends together to
keep tight fit. Set eyelet with tool to lock in wire,
trim off- excess wire strands. The eyelet is a perfect
fit on terminal bolts. For a rugged terminal eyelet
sandwich the wire strands between two washers that
fit snugly on the eyelet shank. Set eyelet and trim
off excess wire.

Rivet Wire Connectors. To join two

wires quickly without soldering, wrap the
bared wire ends around the shank of a "pop"
rivet, add a small washer, and set the rivet
with the rivet tool. For a stronger connection,
or when using heavier gauge wire, sandwich
the wire ends between two washers that just
fit the rivet shank. The handiest rivet size for
most applications is /8" diameter with a 1/8"

work thickness rating. This is a handy way to

connect a line cord to iron wires found in older
appliances. Note that the "pop" rivet has a hole
in the center through which you can insert a
screw, bolt or nail to mount the connector
to a panel.

Rivet -Eyelet Connector. Insert the

bared wire ends into an eyelet from the
flange side, then add a /8" x 1/e" "pop" rivet

from the same side. Set the rivet with the

rivet tool. The wire ends are thus pinched
between the rivet and inside of the eyelet for
a tight fit. Note that this connector provides
a stand -off shank with a hole rhrough the
middle that can be used to mount the wire
joint a fraction of an inch off the assembly
panel on which it is used.
Take -Apart Connector. Where you
anticipate the need to disconnect joined wires,
try this trick. Just attach the bared wire ends
to the two halves of a clothing snap fastener
using an eyelet setting tool having this
capability. For example, place the socket
portion and its mating prong ring into the tool
jaws, run the bared wire strands (flatten the
bundle) completely across the prong ring, and
mate the socket and prong ring by squeezing
the tool. Attach the other wire to the stud
section in the same manner. A handy
connector for breadboarding or wherever the
connection needs to be taken apart frequently.

Components Joiner. Want to join

several resistors, capacitors or other electronic
components together in a jiffy? Just wrap each
lead a full turn around the shank of an eyelet,
and pinch the eyelet shut with the tool. This
provides a good mechanical joining of the
wires, but you can run in some solder if you
like. The eyelet ring is handy for mounting the
assembly on a bolt or other support.

Wire Clamp and Strain Relief. An

easy way to bind two separate insulated wires
together is to slip them through an eyelet and
pinch the eyelet shank with pliers. To fashion
a strain relief that will keep a wire from being
pulled through a chassis hole, use two eyelets
with their flanges facing each other and a
washer between them. Lock the washer in
place by pinching the shanks of both eyelets.

Hot-Wire Connector. The burned -

apart ends of a heating coil in a space heater
or other appliance obviously cannot be
soldered together. For an emergency repair, try
this: form loops on the ends of the wires that
just fit the shank of a "pop" rivet and place
the loops between two washers slipped on the
rivet. Set the rivet to make a really tight
physical connection. To ensure good electrical
contact, be sure to brighten the heater wire
loops with sandpaper or light filing.
e/e checks out...

Your car aerial becomes an all -band Action Radio
ONCE You START adding radio monitor nect two different radios to the same an-
equipment to your car, the roof and fenders tenna.
quickly become an antenna farm; for with- Let's suppose your car has a built in AM
out an external, antenna few signals make it radio and you install a VHF hi -band moni-
through the car-body steel and into the tor. The VHF monitor radio's RF input con-
radio. While a slew of antennas might give sists of an antenna coil with a one or two
your wheels the gung -ho look, they also an- turn primary. If you connect the monitor
nounce to every hood in sight, "Hey, look radio across the car antenna, in parallel with
here, Detroit Iron loaded with nice expen- the AM radio, the AM radio signals will see
sive equipment." And when it comes time the 2-turn primary in the VHF monitor as
to trade in the heap the "trade estimator" a direct short to ground, and the AM radio
is so impressed he knocks off up to $75 per will appear "dead."
antenna hole. Alternately. An AM radio with a highly
But now there's no need to worry about capacitive antenna input will short circuit
the local delinquents spotting your equip- the VHF signals to ground, and the more
ment through multiple antennas, or "Honest radios you connect across the single an-
Stan-the trade -in man" reducing your tenna the more interaction there is causing
trade -in allowance, for New -Tronics, a name signal losses.
long familiar with quality mobile antenna Now that you've seen the problem, we'll
equipment, has introduced a gadget that lets examine the Hustler Monitor Match 5M5.
the car's usual AM or AM/FM antenna do The 5M5 brings in the antenna signals
triple duty for AM, FM and VHF /UHF through a series of passive filters and routes
monitor radios. the individual signals to four output jacks.
The device that pulls off this multi-con- One jack is for the AM /FM car radio, one
nection trick is the Hustler Monitor Match for a 25 -50 MHz VHF monitor, one for a
5M5. Before we get into what the Monitor 140 -175 MHz VHF monitor and one for a
Match does and how it does it, let's take a 300 -500 MHz UHF monitor. Each output
look at the reason you ordinarily can't con- jack is electrically isolated from the other
output jacks in such a manner that the an-
FILTER NETWORKS ON tenna signal can only travel to appropriate
jacks; for example, a 153 MHz signal can
only travel to the 25 -50 MHz and 140 -175
MHz jacks; filters prevent it from going to
other output jacks where the signals could
be shorted to ground by the radio's antenna
input. In a similar manner, the filters isolate
each output, so one radio input cannot af-
fect any other.
Because of the isolated inputs it is pos-
sible to receive, all ait the same time, AM,
ANTENNA CONNECTIONS (Continued on page 95)
Isolation filters that prevent interaction The Hustler Monitor Match model 5M5 is from the New -
between various radio connections are all Tronics Corporation, Brook Park, Ohio 44142 and has a
mounted behind the jacks on a circuit board. $14.95 price tag. Circle No. 14 on the Reader Service Page.

transistor -)
now the fourth generation!

It's stable, portable, economical and is the
only simple metronome we found that keeps its
beat for wide voltage and temperature changes.
by C. R. Lewart

THAT, ANOTHER METRONOME PROJ- a practice that is expensive both in parts

WECT? They've been around for years, and battery power. You either suffer a
you say. Why another one then? change in tempo in step with battery aging,
Well, as far as we're concerned, currently or tie yourself to a power socket.
popular versions of the electronic metronome In addition to battery voltage and tem-
-a unijunction relaxation circuit -simply perature independence, the sound this
metronome makes is a dry snap or click
aren't in the picture anymore.
With this project, you can have a metro- much like the mechanical variety. The sound
nome that will run on a single 9 -volt transis- of the click does not change as you vary
tor radio battery for thirty to fifty hours and the beat frequency, and the dial is not
keep the beat accurate throughout the useful squeezed at either end. An optional light -
battery life, even under wide temperature emitting diode (LED) flashes with each
variations. click to give a visual beat indication.
Unijunction transistors are extremely de- When we went to press the 556 IC was
pendent upon supply voltage. So either you new, so you may not be able to obtain it
power the unit with 117 VAC (which through the regular hobby channels. You
means it's tied to a not -always -convenient can,.howeverl use two individual 555 -type
outlet), or you regulate the battery voltage- IC timers which are much easier to find.
capacitor Cl to approximately two -thirds
IC METRONOME the battery voltage. By specifying Rl with
an audio taper, you have a fairly uniform
beat frequency scale without crowding at
The only disadvantage to using two 555 ICs the high end.
compared to a single 556 is a slightly higher Each on -off cycle of the first IC triggers
battery drain with its associated, slightly the second IC (an identical 555 -type unit)
lower, battery life. Check the table for for a short, fixed on -off cycle. It is the out-
equivalent pin connections if you use the put of the second IC that produces the
two 555s. waveform ultimately used to drive the
Why It's Better. The first IC, a 555-type speaker. This "click" stage lights the LED
timer, is connected as an astable multi - and, with additional amplification by transis-
vibrator, which is something like an auto- tor Q 1, drives the speaker.
matic switch that turns itself on -off -on -off. A critical component in the circuit is Cl,
This generates the basic metronome beat which determines the beat frequency. A
frequency, which is determined by Cl, Rl, ceramic or mylar capacitor would be best
R2, and R3. Variable resistor Rl de- here. Though an electrolytic will also work,
termines the time necessary to charge it will make you lose some of the inherent
11111111.111111111111111I III n u 111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111I111I111I111I
Il lI II II I111111111111111111111111111111111111 n u ll lu l la l

e b c
R3 R4 R6 1Z;(
68K 47K 10K
A K 62K

I R2

4 10 14





2 3
1. C6
11 12 13
Rl f`F R9
500K -MVbl1
POT 3.9KS2 220
3 R7 µF
Cl 1C21C3 C4 6852 SPK


Bl -9 -volt transistor radio battery Q1 -npn transistor, Motorola HEP735 or
(Radio Shack 23 -464 or equiv.) Radio Shack 276 -2013
C1 -2.2 uF capacitor ceramic or mylar, R1- 500,000 -ohm potentiometer, audio taper
Centralab ÚK225 w /SPST switch (Radio Shack 271 -1728 or
Note: Electrolytic capacitors such as the Radio equiv.)
Shack 272-1040 may be used with some loss R2, R4-47,000 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor (Radio
of temperature and frequency stability. Shack 271 -000)
C2, C3 -0.01 uF capacitor (Radio Shack 272 -1065
R3- 68,000 -ohm, 1/2-watt resistor (Radio Shack
or equiv.) 271 -000)
C4 -0.1 uF capacitor (Radio Shack 272 -1069 R5- 62,000 -ohm, 1/2-watt resistor (Radio Shack
or equiv.) 271 -000)
C5-2.2-uF electrolytic capacitor R6- 10,000 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor (Radio Shack
(Radio Shack 272 -1040 or equiv.) 271 -000)
C6 -220 uF electrolytic capacitor
R7 -68 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor (Radio Shack 271-
(Radio Shack 272 -1006 or equiv.) 000)
DI- Silicon diode, 1 -amp, 50 PIV or better -82 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor (Radio Shack 271-
(Radio Shack 276 -1101 or equiv.) 000)
ICI -Dual IC timer, Signetics or Raytheon R9- 3900 -ohm, 1/2 -watt resistor (Radio Shack
type 556 271 -000)
Note: You can use two 555 -type IC timers SPK -Small 3.2 to 8 -ohm speaker; salvage from
(Radio Shack 276 -1722 or equiv.) in place of discarded transistor radio
the 556, see text.
LED -Light emitting diode, 20 mA Misc. -Wire, solder, 3 x 4 x 5 -in. cabinet, perf-
(Radio Shack 276 -042 or equiv.) board, knob, etc.
au 11111111111111111111111111N11111n11W 1111111m1111111111111111111111111n11111111111111111II11111I11111111lllilllllllllllllllllllll1111111111111

voltage and temperature accuracy of the
Construction. Install the components on
a 21 -in. x 3 -in. piece of perf board, follow-
ing the layout shown. Then mount the perf

board on spacers in a 3 x 4 x 5 -in. cabinet.
0 1D D
OR5 Make a bracket for the 9 -volt battery. Cut a
hole in the cabinet wall for the speaker,
Ci and cover the hole with a piece of speaker
R8 O OC2 cloth or perf board. Mount the speaker with
R6 01 small brackets or attach it with epoxy glue.

+C6 -
O R2

3 2 1


Tempo-set potentiometer R1 drawn in birds

eye view above, shows solder lugs facing
up. It can be wired as indicated on the sche-
matic so clockwise rotation will decrease
tempo, or by moving the lug no. 2 con-
A musical tool for budding Beethovens.
nection from 3 to 1, for increasing tempo.
When you're ready to calibrate, use press
IC PIN EQUIVALENTS type or cut out a round piece of white
556 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 43 14
cardboard to make the dial. Mark the beats -
per- minute by counting them for sixty sec-

555 (N01) 7 6 5 4 3 2 8
onds at various settings of R1, or compare

555(N0.2)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
with a well- calibrated mechanical metro-

8 8 5
nome. The range should be between ap-
proximately 40 and 210 beats -per -minute.
556 VIEWS 555 If you would like a different range, change
C1 to affect low beat frequencies and R2
7 4 of

high frequencies. To change the sound

the metronome you may want to vary R6.
The layout shown above is for the single
You may also want to write the musical
IC version. If you use two 555s, convert (Continued on page 97)
from the 556 numbers with the chart above.
I 1111 II 11111
II I I III I III I III I III I III I III I I 11111111111111111111111111
111 11111111111 111111111111111 I 1111111 I I III I II II III I

1111 111 1111111 I III II I 1111111 1111 I I I 111111 I I I I I


1111111111111 I 111 I II I II I II I I I II II I I II I I I I II I I I I

11111111 1111111 1111 111 I I I

11 I I I I I

the metronome
Mechanical vs. electronic is not the first controversy surrounding among musical
(originally called the chronometer). There is a long- standing
actual date of the inven-
historians that surrounds the name of the inventor. The
1815. This is determined by the fact that Beethoven
tion is thought to be around with metronome
in 1817; all were marked
republished eight of his Symphonies
sixteenth notes in the
time. In fact, the Eighth Symphony has a series of staccata
tick of the metronome.
allegretta movement that are thought to represent the
it was Beethoven's feeling that no accomplished musician
Some historians believe
any orchestra that could properly play
required the use of a metronome; apparently,
learned of the metro-
the Eighth, was accomplished. It is believed that Beethoven
records it appears
nome from his friend Johann Maelzel. However, in some musical two gentlemen
Dietrich Winkel. Whichever of these
that the actual inventor was one be determined, but
was actually responsible for the metronome may never
made to improve
we're sure he would be pleased with the electronic advancements
his tick -tock wooden pacesetters.
. . .





MAY -JUNE. 1974
about everyone in middle age has the
notion that exercise is good for him. Just
about everyone, too, has heard about the week-
end "athlete" who dropped dead from a heart
attack on the tennis court. Outwardly he looked
strong, had a fine set of muscles. But something
went wrong. The question is, what kind of
exercise can help you keep your heart in shape?
At "Cardio- Metrics" in New York City some
of the answers to this question are provided,
via a battery of electronically- monitored stress
tests. Here, exercise is prescribed in a manner
similar to the way doctors prescribe medica-
tions. The specific purpose of Cardio- Metrics
is to determine the right exercise program for
the individual's present level of fitness. It uses
exercise as a means of preventing coronary
heart disease, or in some cases warding off a
a second heart attack.
The basis of the Cardio- Metrics program is
the exercise stress test, which is performed on
either a treadmill or a bicycle ergometer. This
test provides the necessary information to an-
swer the questions: Is exercise safe for this pa-
Electronics helps you to
tient? How much exercise, i.e. intensity (maxi-
mum strain on the heart), duration (times per
session), and frequency (times per week) should

Patient undergoes stress test (above) under Patient progresses to stationary bicycle
supervision of a physician, while an os- tes' (above), where his body's reactions
cilloscope displays his electrocardiogram. a-e measured by electronic equipments.
A [;Of1U
he do? During the stress test, the workloads
are increased gradually to a level that stresses
the individual to 85% of his heart rate system.
As the patient performs the test his electro-
cardiagram, heart rate, blood pressure, and oxy-
gen consumption are monitored closely by a
physician with the help of a technician on the
exercise controls.
After the test data are reviewed, the patient
is given his individualized exercise program.
Activities such as swimming, cycling, jogging,
and certain calisthenics form the basis of the
training program. Patients are taught to take
their own pulse rate, which they take routinely
as they train. The pulse rate level is used to
determine the limits of safe exercising.
The doctors at Cardio- Metrics do not say that
their program will prolong life. This is a matter
that depends on many unknown factors such as
heredity, life -style, stress, and diet. But for the
typical middle -aged person who is over -fed and
prescribe your exercise Ex! underexercised and worried about his inactivity,
the program does spell out in detail what his
exercise limitations are and what he can do
about them.

Archimedes thouglht of it first! This pa- Physician (above) checks electrocardiogram,

tient (abovei gels dunked in "fat tank" to heart rate, and oxygen consumption. It
determine specific: gravity of his body. couldn't be done without electronics!

MAY-JUNE, 1974 63
Get out your tools, clean up a soldering iron and try
your hand at one or both of these quick projects now!
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIII1111III IIII
I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIII I II I I I I I I 1111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

Build this loud hailer into a small cabinet
and you'll be able to outshout nearly every-
one at the next free -for-all. The microphone
should be mounted or held behind the front
facing speaker to reduce the possibility of
feedback. The speaker must be rated no
higher than 8 -ohms, though best results are


B1 -6V lantern battery (Radio Shack 23-066

or equiv.)
Ml-Carbon microphone (telephone type) 6V
Ql, Q2 -PNP transistors, (RCA 2N1486 or
RI -5000 ohm potentiometer, any taper (Radio
Shack 271 -1714 or equiv.)
obtained with speakers in the 3.2 to 4 -ohm
SPKR -3.2 or 4 -ohm speaker range. Adjust potentiometer R1 for mini-
S1 -spst switch (Radio Shack 275-401 or equiv.) mum distortion coincident with maximum
volume while speaking into the microphone.
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111


This simple color organ is certain to keep throb in time to the music. Paint the bulb
your party from becoming a drag. Con- red or deep blue and your party room will
nected to your hi -fi amplifier's speaker out- take on the atmosphere of a rock club.
put (across the speaker terminals) it will Transformer TI can be any matching tran-
sistor type in the range of 500 /500 to 2500/
PARTS LIST FOR 2500 ohms. Note that none of the connec-
BASIC COLOR ORGAN tions from SCR1 or its components are con-
nected to ground. For safety's sake, you
I1 -117V lamp, not to exceed 40 watts must keep the 117 volt line voltage from the
RI- Potentiometer, 500 to 5000 ohms (Radio amplifier connections; that's the reason for
Shack 271 -1714 or equiv.)
SCR1- Silicon Controlled Rectifier. HEP -R1221
T1. To adjust, set potentiometer R1 "off"
(Radio Shack 276 -1067 or equiv.) and adjust the arlìplifier volume control for a
Tl- Transistor output transformer, see text normal listening level. Then adjust R1 until
lamp I1 starts to throb in step with the beat.


e/e speaks out on the....

4-Channel/Dolby Receiver
WW ANT stereo with built -in 4- channel
potential? Dolby FM station decod-
SQ matrix mode is selected just as if the
receiver originally came with a built-in SQ
ing? Dolby pre-recorded tape-decoding? decoder.
Dolbyized recording directly from the re- If you want to add CD -4 capability, you
ceiver from any signal source? Look no need only connect the output of an add -on
further, for it's all in the new Marantz 4230 CD -4 demodulator to the auxilliary input.
receiver. Since both tape- recorder inputs and out-
Basically, the 4230 is a discrete 4 -chan- puts are 4- channel, recordings can be made
nel AM /FM receiver-that is, it has AM of any quadraphonic program. Similarly,
and FM tuners and four power amplifiers pre- recorded quadraphonic tapes can be
with discrete high -level inputs for aux played from 4- channel tape equipment.
(or CD -4 demodulator output) and two Down With Noise. Moving along we
tape. The magnetic phone input is stereo. find the Marantz 4230 has a complete
A strapping amplifier switch combines the record /play Dolby; there are play /calibrate
power output of the left front and rear, and record -level controls, a 400 -Hz Dolby -
and the right front and rear for standard level oscillator and a meter switch that
stereo. With the amplifiers strapped, the converts the AM /FM signal -strength meter
4230 is an ordinary stereo receiver with into a Dolby -level (test) meter. What is
4- channel potential. If you decide to up- unusual about this Dolby, as contrasted
grade to 4-channel you'll find a pre -wired with some Dolby circuits usually found in
compartment on the underside of the chas-
sis; simply snap a Marantz SQ decoder
with front /back logic -into the compart-
- receivers, is that it is basically independent
of the receiver; it can be switched into just
about any mode of operation. For exam-
ment, release the strapping switch, and ple, the Dolby control switch has five po-
the receiver is ready to play SQ- encoded sitions: Off, FM Dolby, Play, Record I
records. Since the compartment is pre - and Record II. These five positions provide
wired to a front-panel mode selector, the just about every possible combination of
Dolby operations for the front, or stereo
The Marantz 4230 4- Channel /Dolby receiver is from Su- channels (there is no Dolby on the rear
oerscope, Inc., 8150 Vineland Avenue, Sun Valley CA channels) . The best way to follow the Dol-
91352. Suggested retail price is $499.95.
by operation is with some practical exam-

CONNECTIONS SWITCH Rear panel of the 4230 has a
2/4 channel power mode switch
that lets you step right up to
4- channel sound by unstrapping
the power amps into two pairs
when your 4- channel speakers
arrive. That means you upgrade
your stereo system now, move
into 4- channel when you can.
For more info, circle No. 169
on the Literature Library page.



MAY-JUNE, 1974 67
Dolby adjustments -such as found on
MARANTZ 4230 "Dolby adaptors " -is provided on the front
panel. Once these adjustments are made,
for the particular tape recorder used, they
The Oft position disables the Dolby, of can be left alone. All signals passing
course. The FM Dolby position provides a through the front channels will then be
de-processed (flat) speaker and tape- record- processed to the recorder-output jacks with
er output from FM stations that are using "standard" Dolby level, and the tapes can
Dolby processing. The Play position pro- be interchanged with other Dolby record-
vides a flat output from signals (other than ers. In a similar manner, pre- recorded
FM) which are already Dolbyized-such Dolby tapes will play through the Marantz
as a pre- recorded tape. The Record / posi- 4230 with standard Dolby decoding.
tion will Dolby encode any signal source It May Change. There has been consid-
passing through the receiver to the tape erable talk of "modifying" the standard
recorder, but the amplifier output will be 75 -µsec pre -emphasis to 25 µsec for Dol-
flat. The Record II position makes a flat byized FM stations. The FCC, however, has
recording from any Dolbyized signal source no present intention whatsoever of allow-
passing through the receiver, and the ampli- ing this modification. But miracles do hap-
fier's output is flat. pen. and should the 25-µsec pre- emphasis
Double Check. Take particular note that, ever go through, the Marantz 4230 is pre-
in all instances, the user hears a flat output pared: a 25 /75µsec pre- emphasis switch
through the speakers. However, if the tape - is provided.
monitor switch is depressed when Dolby - A logical question is: "Why Dolby on
processing a program, the user will hear the front channels only, since this is a 4-
the accented high frequencies, thereby channel receiver?" Firstly, there's cost: a
checking that a Dolby recording is, in fact, second "Dolby stereo pair" would add
being made. somewhere near $100 to the package. Sec-
The Dolby decoder, when used for Dol - ondly, what purpose would 4- channel Dol-
byized FM broadcasts, is factory- adjusted by serve? The 4- channel FM broadcasts are
to the "FM Dolby level," which is 50% matrix only, and they are best recorded as
modulation. Our tests indicate the factory a stereo tape with decoding on the tape
adjustment was within 2 dB of the 50% playback; for this, only a stereo Dolby is
value (good). In the event the reference needed. Similarly, Dolby is presently used
level is changed, or should you have reason only on pre- recorded stereo tapes; again,
to check or adjust the reference level using only a stereo Dolby is needed. Records are
the calibration tone broadcast by the sta- not Dolby- encoded. In the event pre-
tion, two recessed (left and right) FM recorded Dolbyized 4- channel reel -to -reel
Dolby calibrate controls are provided on and 8 -track cartridges become available, a
the rear apron. standard stereo Dolby adaptor can be
For all other uses, a complete set of plugged into the rear -tape connections. In
the meantime, the average
stereo and quadriphile will
have 100 percent of his
Dolby needs covered by the
Marantz 4230.
For more information cir-
cle number 169 on the Liter-
ature Library page.

The optional front -back logic

SQ decoder plugs into a pre -
wired compartment on the un-
derside of the receiver. The
connector is pre -wired to the
front -panel mode selector, so
the decoder becomes an in-
tegral part of the receiver.

by James A. Fred

Hello out there in radio land! We are man's treasure.

back again to talk about collecting an- Out West. Council Bluffs, Iowa is the
tique radio and wireless equipment. Most birth place of the world- famous Dr. Lee
families have just completed their spring De Forest (1873 -1961), known as the "Fa-
housecleaning. This is one of the best times ther of Radio" for his invention of the
of the year to pick up items for your collec- three- element vacuum tube in 1906, and
tion. You might not realize it, but one place for his early experimental work in radio-
to find old radios is at your local landfill phone transmission and reception.
(it used to be the city dump). The next De Forest was one of the discoverers of
time you drop off your accumulation of tin the regenerative feed-back principle, and he
cans and trash make the acquaintance of patented over 300 other inventions in the
the landfill operator. For just a little bit of field of electronics. In the early 1920s
money he will set aside radios, TV sets, De Forest did important work in the devel-
electric motors, etc. for you. If he is really opment of sound -on -film recording for the
nice you can pay him to call you on the "talkies."
phone whenever he finds a "goody." Re- The son of a Congregational minister,
member, what is one man's trash is another Lee was born in the parsonage (believed

This line -up of antique horn -type speakers is just one corner
of Taylor's Electrical Archives in Indianapolis, Indiana.

MAY -J>, 1974



ANTIQUE RADIO CORNER Collectors of antique radio and wireless
equipment can get a Fact Sheet from Ele-
mentary Electronics which includes infor-
to have stood at 523 Fourth Street) in mation on antique radio publications and
Council Bluffs, Iowa, on August 26, 1873. clubs, and a listing of public and private
When Lee was three years old the family radio and wireless museums. To get your
moved to Waterloo, Iowa, then to Musca- copy send a long stamped self- addressed
tine, Iowa, and then to Talladega, Alabama, envelope to Antique Radio Corner, ELE-
where Lee's father became president of Tal- MENTARY ELECTRONICS, 229 Park Ave-
ladega College for Negroes. Lee received nue South, New York NY 10003.,
his elementary schooling in Talladega, and ,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111c

in Massachusetts, and then enrolled at

Yale's Sheffield Scientific School where he and constructional projects for mechanic,
received his Ph.D. in 1899. photography, and electronic magazines
It is interesting to note that De Forest since 1934. In 1965 he started collecting
invented his triode tube (grid audion) in his memorabilia for a permanent museum dis-
laboratory on the top floor of the old Parker play for posterity in Council Bluffs. He was
Building in New York City, which was also instrumental in having an elementary
destroyed by fire in 1908. The building at school in Council Bluffs named for De For-
229 Park Avenue South, in which ELE- est. Recently the board of the new Iowa
MENTARY ELECTRONICS now has its offices, Western Community College in Council
stands on the same spot. Bluffs named its administration building for
It is also interesting that Lee De Forest's De Forest. Art has a strict policy of not
widow, the former Marie Mosquini, now selling any of the De Forest items donated
living in Hemet, California, was leading to his museum, as these are being pre-
lady to Will Rogers in many of his silent served for posterity in Council Bluffs.
motion pictures. Thus, the actress of the If you have any De Forest items of any
silent days married "the man who made the kind you would like to donate to the Council
movies talk." Marie De Forest is a radio Bluffs De Forest Memorial, contact Art
amateur and operates station WB6ZJR. Trauffer, Curator, 120 Fourth Street, Coun-
When Art Trauffer moved to Council cil Bluffs, Iowa 51501. Phone: 712 322-
Bluffs twenty -four years ago, he saw that 6278. You will be given due credit in the
De Forest's birthplace had been torn down. display.
Art, an electronics experimenter, writer, and Until a more public place is available, the
photographer, has been writing "how to" De Forest Collection is on display in Art's

Present home of the De Forest museum at 120 Fourth Street just two blocks
north of De Forest's birthplace. Photo at right shows the De Forest Corner.

Use a very low heat, just enough to release
the part. An electric hot plate or oven is
ideal for this purpose. Keep the melted -out
compound so you can pour it back into the
restored container. If there is still a film of
compound on the part you will have to
disolve the balance. (See method three.)
2. Put the parts container into a freezer
and wait for the compound to become brit-
Early triode. tle. Regardless of what some restorers say, I
De Forest was never able to get the compound cold
added the enough in a home freezer. The best results
grid that I had was by using an environmental cham-
makes it ber set to -55 deg. C. which is -67 deg.
possible F. When the compound becomes brittle it
for a tube
to amplify.
can be chipped away with a screwdriver
and hammer. Again the film of compound
small apartment at 120 Fourth Street, visi- left can be removed with a solvent. (See
tors are most welcome, but an advance three.)
phone call would be appreciated. There is 3. The third method is to dissolve the pot-
no admission charge. ting compound with a suitable solvent. This
Old- fashioned Tar. Removing imbedded
method is slow, less dangerous, creates very
components in the early AC radios seems little odor, and can be left unattended. Ini-
to be one of the subjects most often men- tially, solvent is poured into the inside of
tioned by my readers. Potted or embedded the container and you wait. As the corn -
components are usually transformers, con- pound dissolves you pour out the dirty solv-
densers, and choke coils. The potting com- ent and pour in new. You can filter the old
pound was usually pitch, or a hard wax. solvent and reuse it. I have done many
When restoring a set with imbedded parts filter capacitor cans this way with good suc-
the first thing to do is to determine what cess. One of the safest, non -toxic solvents is
part is defective. On some sets, such as the Clorathene. Be very careful if you use gaso-
early Atwater Kents, this is no easy matter. lene, naphtha, kerosene, or fuel oil.
The power transformer, filter choke, and IHRS to Host AWA Summer Meet. The
output transformer are imbedded in a large Indiana Historical Radio Society will host
container with room left to slip in a can the Antique Wireless Association Summer
containing six condensers. Then, to compli- meet on Saturday, June 22, 1974 in West
cate matters, the parts are interconnected Lafayette, Indiana. Arrangements have been
and pitch poured over them, leads and all. made with Professor Clarence L. Coates,
Many battery receivers had audio trans- Jr., head of the Electrical Engineering De-
formers potted into individual cans. You partment at Purdue University, to hold the
can usually isolate the defective part with meet in Rooms 202 and 206 of the Stewart
an ohmmeter. Then you decide whether to Center. The Center is located near the
take the cowards' way out and hide a re- parking garage on State Street.
placement transformer under the chassis or Room 206 will hold an exhibition of old
do a professional restoration by removing radios, speakers, tubes, literature, and other
the defective part and repairing or rewind- accessories of the old days of radio. An
ing it. old time receiver contest will be held. A
If you decide to remove the imbedded Saturday evening banquet, featuring Bruce
part there seem to be three basic ways to do Kelly, Secretary of the AWA, as guest
it. I have tried all three, and the one speaker, will close the one -day meeting.
you use depends on your facilities and per- Registration information may be ob-
sonal preferences. These three methods are tained by writing Gary Vierk, 2505 Kicka-
as follows. poo Drive, Lafayette, Ind. 47905.
1. Use heat to melt the potting com- This is all for now. Next time I will tell
pound and remove the part. When doing you about the Yaxley Manufacturing Co.,
this there are a few facts to consider. You we will talk about old radio test equipment,
should do it outdoors unless you have a and about other things of interest to antique
barn or other non-living area to work in. radio collections.

MAY -JUNE, 1974 71
Whya Sylvania home training program may be

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For those already working in elec-
Over the years, Sylvania Resident
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Sylvania Home Training, you can wasting time on work you already And, there are never any interest or
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Remember, this training is designed
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Take Sylvania's Communications
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MAY -JUNE, 1974
'7 131 I I 1 l / .11:11:/1 ir1L'Ll'

The SuperSquc1ch

by Joe Gronk AN ANECHOIC CHAMBER lined with pyra-

mid-shaped spikes produces the perfect set-
These spikes squelch sound ting for scientific sound and radiation studies
and radio waves too! which require absolute reflection-free and
interference -free conditions. Producing such
a room -which guarantees virtually no re-
flection of either radio or sound waves -is a
very tall--order; but scientists in England
have developed a test chamber where only
one in ten billion parts of an audio or RF
signal is reflected. This "super- squelch" is
used to measure aerial radiation patterns in
the frequency range of from 500 MHz to
40 GHz.
When working inside the anechoic cham-
ber, scientists -without ear protection -can
use soundwaves directed away from them
which are so intense that they would deafen
anyone, even hundreds of feet away, in the
open. Because of the almost complete sound-
absorbency of the test chamber the scien-
tists are completely safe! In fact, outside the
so-called "quiet zone" down which the
signal is sent, nothing can be heard, and the
Scientist R. L. Light holds up a section scientists make their observations in silence.
of sound -absorbent spikes, exposing the Hmm . . . maybe this would be a good
aluminum -alloy wall of the test chamber. place for someone's mother -in-law!



by Don Jensen, Shortwave Editor

WHICH shortwave receiver should I buy? receivers on the market today. We're not
The answer -the one that's right for making value judgements; you'll have to
you-sounds like a cop -out, but it's the do that to choose the receiver that fits
only honest answer there is. Buying an SW your bill.
receiver is like purchasing your first car. Price. There's no point in considering a
Ask a Cadillac owner for advice and you'll set that costs a couple of grand if you've
get one answer; the driver of a Pinto or a only got $100 to spend. You get what you
Mustang II will give you another. A sports pay for, but maybe you don't really need
car buff will tell you four -on- the-floor is the all the plushy extras that add to the price.
only way to go, man! And there are some tremendous receiver
They're all right in their way but they're bargains in the mid to low price brackets.
talking about what's right for them, not In our chart, sets priced under $100 are
necessarily what fits your needs, dreams, coded (A); $100 to $200 as (B); (C) $201-
and wallet. Selecting a receiver is much the 350; (D) $351 -$500; (E) $501- $1,000; and
same. One that is right for John Q. DXer (F) over $1,000. The symbol (K) means a
may be wrong for you. It's a choice only build-it-yourself kit, a good way of saving
you can. make. Of course, it isn't so hard money, even if you know only a little bit
if you're an electronics whiz and can under- about radio construction.
stand those confusing receiver "specs." Coverage. Some receivers cover the full
But there are a lot of people who don't know shortwave frequency range, usually con-
a microvolt from a decibel-and there's sidered to be 1,600 to 30,000 kHz (1.6-
no shame in that! -but want to get in on 30 MHz), either continuously or in
the shortwave listening action. separate bands. Others allow you to select
To help you in custom- selecting your SW those particular bands in this entire range
set, we've tried to analyze those factors which most interest you. Still other sets
which seem to be most important to most offer frequency coverage of only part or
SWLs. And using a simple letter code, we'll parts of the shortwave spectrum.
take a look at a number of shortwave The coverage possibilities are (A) full


Channel Master, Division of Avnet, Inc., Ellenville, NY 12428
Collins Radio Company, Cedar Rapids, IA 52406
R.L. Drake Company, 540 Richard Street, Miamisburg, OH 45342
Galaxy Electronics, RR #3, Lincoln, NE 68505
Heath Company, Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Radio Shack, 2617 W. Seventh Street, Ft. Worth, TX 76107
Zenith Radio Corporation, 1900 N. Austin, Chicago, IL 60639
Panasonic, 200 Park Ave., New York, NY 10017
i Gillet. Associates Inc., P.O. Box 239, Park Ridge. NJ 05676
National Radio Company, Inc., 111 Washington Street, Melrose, MA 02176

MAY -JUNE, 1974

I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111


RF -5000A
Circle No. 165
SW range, continuous tuning; (B) full SW on Lit -Lib
range, series of switchable bands; (C) cov- Coupon
erage of certain shortwave bands which you on page 100
choose, usually by plugging in appropriate
accessory crystals: (Dl nartial cnveraire of
SW frequencies in several fixed bands; and
(E) a single predetermined band covering
only part of the shortwave spectrum. The
symbol (X) means that a rig will tune the
FM broadcast, VHF police /public service
and /or aircraft bands.
Readout. Frequency readout is the ability
of a receiver to display the frequency tuned.
If you tune an unknown station you want
to be able to "read" its correct frequency. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

And if you're looking for a particular SW have two dial mechanisms, main tuning and
station on a particular frequency you have bandspread. The bandspread, sometimes
to know just where to set your dial. with dial markings for the popular short-
The most accurate readout systems are wave bands, makes it easier to separate
(A) electronic digital, on which the exact stations in a crowded band. With practice
frequency is displayed in illuminated nu- and the aid of home -made charts or graphs
merals, and (B) mechanical direct frequen- one can determine tuned frequencies quite
cy. Frequency accuracy is possible anywhere accurately, possibly as close as some direct
in the range from a fraction of a kilohertz frequency readout receivers. But it is some-
to several kHz, depending on the specific what more work.
receiver. Usually less expensive are sets with The simplest tuning system is a single
(C) electrical bandspread. These usually main tuning without bandspread. It is con-


II 11 II 1 III I1 II 11 II 111111 II I 11 I I1 II 11 II I 11 I 11 II I 11 I 111 I 111 I I 11 I I 111 I 111 I 111 I 1111 I 11111111111 I 111 I I1 II 1111 I 11 I 111 I I 111 h 1111111 I I 111111 II 11 I 111 II 11 I 11 I I 111 I 111 I 111 II 1I I 111 I 11 I I 11 I I 111 I 1111111 I 11111111111 I 111 II 11 II 1I II 11 II 1111

Manufacturer Model Price Coverage Readout Sel. Port.

Barlow-Wadley XCR -30' C A B B B
Channel Master 6246 A D-X D D A
Collins 75S -3C F C B A D
Collins 51S-1 F B B A E

Drake SW-4A C D B B E

Drake R4 -C D C B A D
Drake SPR -4 E C B A C
Drake DSR -1 F A A A C
Galaxy R -1530 F B B A C
Heath SB -313 C-K C B A C
Heath SW -717 A-K B C D C
Heath GR -78 B-K B C C A
National HRO -600 F A A A C
National HRO -500 F B B A C
Panasonic RF -5000A C B-X D C A
Panasonic RF -1700 B D-X D D A
Radio Shack DX -150B B B C B C
Zenith Royal D7000Y C D-X C C A
*Distributed by Gilfer Associates, Inc.



National HRO -500

Circle No. 163 on
Lit -Lib on page 100
Heathkit SW -717
Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Page

Channel Master 6246

Zenith Royal D -7000Y
Circle No. 162 on
Circle No. 164 on Lit -Lib Coupon Lit -Lib on page 100
llolll ll l llll lll l llll llll oll l lll l l ll l llll lll llll l llll lll l lll l ol l lll l lllolll C
Illlllloll llloll lll llll lll llll l llll oll oll l lllolll l llll lll
l l ll l llll l lll l ll

siderably harder to determine frequencies

accurately, but if you are interested in more
random tuning, or listening to the more
powerful SW stations, you can get by.
Selectivity. Selectivity is the ability of a
set to separate stations in a crowded short-
wave band. With a very inexpensive radio.
you might find eight or nine strong stations,
plus a jumble of noise between these signals.
on a typical shortwave band. With a more
elaborate receiver you'll find the improved
selectivity allows the separation of the


Single sideband clarifier, antenna trim

VHF, FM broadcast, squelch
Preselector, mechanical filters
Mechanical filters, notch filter
Crystal -lattice i.f. filters, tone
Preselector, notch filter
Realistic DX -150B
Notch filter, crystal calibrator
Circle No. 32 on Reader Service Page
Squelch, noise blanker, notch filter
Crystal -lattice filters, bandwidth select.
Collins 75S -3C
Preselector, AGC, crystal calibrator
Circle No. 161 on Lit -Lib on page 100
BFO. ANL, S -meter
ANL, AGC, rechargable battery
Phase-locked frequency synthesizer
Bandwidth selection, passband tuning
BFO, ANL, AFC, bandwidth control
VHF, FM bands, squelch
BFO, ANL, antenna trimmer
BFO, time zone scale


MAY -JUNE, 1974
11111111111111111111111 I I I I I I I I 11111111 I 11111111 I 11111111 I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 '


jumble into many readable signals.

Manufacturers use a number of tech-
niques- double and triple conversion, filters
of various types, passband tuning and others
-to improve selectivity. But singly or in
combination, they add to the price of a
receiver. We rate selectivity from (A) to Galaxy R- 1530-Circle No. 160
(E), excellent to poor. Admittedly it is on Lit -Lib Coupon on page 100
somewhat subjective, but generally it is
based on the number and types of selectivity
features incorporated in the receiver designs. Barlow Wadley XCR -30 (Gilfer)
If you are a beginner or a casual some - Circle No. 159 on Lit -Lib
times-listener, a set with relatively little in Coupon on page 100
the way of selectivity may be more than
adequate. A dyed -in- the -wool chaser of the
flea -powered, hard-to -hear broadcasters will
want as much selectivity in his receiver as
he can afford.
Portability. Our fifth and final factor is
portability. To some listeners it is unimpor-
tant, but many readers have indicated they
are interested in a small, compact, battery -
powered receiver. For some, space is at a
premium. There's no room in a bedroom
corner or college dorm for an elaborate DX
shack. And, for the cottage at the lake, the
cabin in the woods, or a home when a storm
knocks down power lines, battery power is
essential. It is perfect for DX-peditions into
the country if your home location is plagued
by big -city electrical interference. It is great
for some casual shortwave listening at the
beach or on a picnic.
Portability code symbols: (A) fully por-
table SW receiver which can operate on
batteries or 117 VAC house current; (B)
battery- operated only; (C) solid -state com- Drake SW-4A- Circle No. 159
on Lit -Lib Coupon on page 100
munications receiver, usually for fixed loca-
tion use with 117 VAC power, but capable ñ1111III I I1111111I III III I1111I111111I1111III IIII IIIIIIII III1111IIII III III I111IIII III IIII IIII I111IIII I1111I111I Ilrt

of 12 (or 18) volt DC operation; (D) hy-

brid design, vacuum tubes and solid- state; play relative signal strengths.
and (E) vacuum tube design. (D) and (E) Recognizing the buck is often the single
generally are bulkier, require 117 VAC and most important factor; the best approach
are not really suitable for portable use. may be to check the chart for those sets
The chart's last column lists a few, but within your price range. Then weigh the
by no means all, of the other features that other factors in terms of what is most im-
may influence your choice. The abbrevia- portant to your listening habits and interests.
tions used include: BFO-beat frequency If you're still undecided, the companies who
oscillator, useful for CW code and single manufacture or market the receivers will send
sideband reception; ANL-automatic noise you further information about their prod-
limiter, an anti -interference aid; AGC- ucts. So go to it and custom-select the
automatic gain control, for combating the shortwave rig that's right for you and get a
problem of fading and maintaining steady piece of the fascinating action that is short-
signal levels; and S-meter--a device to dis- wave listening!
Build all antique


A model- maker's delight that actually works!
by Art Trauffer
A number of people would like to build in the old days, and for capacitor Cl yot
a one -tube regenerative receiver, similar to could use the RF section of a gang capacitor
the popular one -tubers of the early 1920s, salvaged from a junked AC-DC table radio
but they hesitate, thinking that a long out- You can use any low-filament -voltage, low
door antenna is needed. So here's a novel filament -drain triode tube for V 1. The writ
receiver, resurrected from an item in Hugo er used a type 30 in this project, since it ha
Gernsback's RADIO NEWS magazine of the a filament drain of only .06 amps making it
early 1920s, which requires no antenna and easy on the "A" battery. For a "B" battery,
works well with only a connection to your you need only two or three 9 -volt transisto
water pipe! As a bonus, you will get less batteries connected in series!
man -made and natural static! Spiderweb Coils. The drawing of the coil
This breadboarded regen receiver is beau- form is an actual size pattern for making
tiful in its simplicity, and you can probably the two spiderweb coil forms. The writer
find most of the parts in your "junk box." used gray sheet fiber used for electrical in-
Coils L1 and L2 are the highly efficient sulation, but if you cannot obtain this use
"spiderweb" type of coils that were popular stiff cardboard and two coats of shellac

MAY -JUNE, 1974 81

Spiderweb coil form shown

at right is same -size
pattern. You'll need two.

Stationary coil Ll consists of

55 turns of #26 gauge enameled
copper magnet wire, having three
taps near the outside of the coil.
In winding the spiderweb coils
you start on the inside of the
forms and wind to the outside.
Punch two small holes in the
form and anchor the end of the
wire in these holes, allowing six
inches of wire for connec-
tions later. Wind about 25
turns on the form; then twist a small loop
in the wire for a tap; then wind 15 more
turns and make another tap. The 55th turn
(outside end of winding) will be tap num- flat-head wood screw and glue.
ber 3. Put a little Dupont Duco cement on To make the adjustable assembly for the
the twist of each tap to make the taps rigid coils, use small diameter brass tubing (two
so you can scrape off the enamel on the telescoping lengths) obtainable at hobby
taps for clip connections later on. and crafts supply stores. The author used
Spiderweb coil L2 is the feed-back coil, or 1/s in. diameter tubing for the stationary
"tickler coil" as it was sometimes called in support "rod," and mating tubing for the
the old days. L2 has about 50 turns of #26 sliding "rod," but you may want to use
wire, and no taps. Note that both coils larger, more rigid pieces. The stationary
should be wound and mounted so the turns member is about 31/2 in. long, and the slid-
of wire are in the same direction. ing member is about 3 in. long.
Putting It Together. Referring to photo of Drill holes of the required size through
the regen radio, the hardwood baseboard the center of coil L1 form, and through the
(oak, walnut, maple, etc.) is 7% in. by 51 wood upright dowel near the top. Pass the
in. by 1h in. The supporting upright for the stationary brass rod through the hole in the
coil assembly is a 21 in. length of 1/i in., coil form and into the hole in the dowel.
or 5/s in. round or square wood dowel, Glue or Duco cement is used to hold coil
screwfastened at the bottom using a 1 in. L1 securely to the wood upright.
BP2 BP3 L1 BP4 L2



All wired and ready

Cl to pull in those DX
casts. Wiring is
1 point -to -point just
BASEBOARD CLIP BRASS ROD 8P5 BP6 like the schematic.
Drill a hole of required size through cen- hookup. Connections should be soldered
ter of coil L2 form, and cement the coil wherever possible. Use a sensitive pair of
form securely to one end of sliding brass high- impedance magnetic earphones when
tube. A knob goes on the other end of this listening. A size D flashlight cell will last
brass tube. for a while with a type 30 tube, but a No. 6
The tube socket (type depending on tube ignition battery will last longer. No switch
used) is supported by two stand -off metal is used-simply disconnect the "A" battery!
collars, as shown. For the "B" battery, connect two or three
The schematic diagram shows the simple 9 volt transistor batteries in series.




365 pF
- 0 BP6



Cl-One 365 pF. variable capacitor long (holds spiderweb coil assembly)
(Radio Shack 272.1341, or equiv.) 2 -Round or square telescoping brass tubing,
C2-One 250 pF. (.00025 uF) ceramic disc for spiderweb coil slider. (see text).
capacitor (Radio Shack 272 -124, 220 pF. is OK) Misc.-hardware: Knob for Cl. Mounting screws
RI-One 2- megohm, 1/2 watt resistor. for Cl. Mounting screws for Fahnestock clips.
(Radio Shack 271.000 or equiv.) Soldering lugs. Mounting screws and stand -off
Vi -Any low filament voltage, low filament collars for tube socket. Hookup wire. Flexible
drain, triode vacuum tube (Author used wire for "tickler" coil (L2) pigtail leads. Small
type 30) aligator clip. Pair high- impedance magnetic ear-
1 -One baseboard -mounting socket for vacuum phones. "A" battery for V1. "B" battery for V1.
tube (V1). Two or three 9 -volt transistor batteries con-
BP1- BP6 -Six medium -size Fahnestock clips. nected in series. (see text).
(Radio Shack 270.393 or equiv.) For type 30 tubes, try the following sources:
Ll -Home-made spiderweb coil, with three taps Mr. George Haymans, WA4NED, Box 468,
(see text) Gainesville, Georgia 30501.
L2- Home -made spiderweb feed -back ("tickler") Modern Radio Labs., P.O. Box 1477, or
coil. (see text) 10322 Ballard Drive, Garden Grove, Cali-
1 -1/4 lb. #26 gauge enameled magnet wire for fornia 92642.
Ll and L2. (Radio Shack 278 -005 or equiv.) Or any of the other surplus tube mail -order
1 -4-in. by 8 -in. piece gray sheet fiber, for firms that advertise in radio and electronics
making coil forms (see text) magazines.
1-Wood baseboard, 71/2-in. by 51/2-in. by'/2-in. Other low filament voltage, low drain, tri-
hardwood ode tubes: 1H4-G. 1G4-GT. VT- 24/864. 1B5
L-Round or square 1/2-in. wood dowel, 21/2-in. /255. 1H5-GT. LE3. 11114.

ftr`;iFíw i

Hard cover
306 pages
... $15.95
PC Repair. Printed- circuit board repair is a
breeze using the techniques described in this Circle No. 170 on Lit-Lib Coupon on Page 100
new Art Margolis text Ten -Minute Test Tech - CATV systems. Get Reston's latest book cata-
niques-a practical, easy -to- follow repair guide log by writing to Reston Publishing Company,
with scores of shortcuts for the beginning or Inc., Dept. EE, Box 547, Reston, VA 22090.
practicing technician. The author's methods
will enable any servicer to repair printed- Looking at Pictures. Here is a down -to-
earth yet intensive text that makes using a
scope as easy as A -B -C. Understanding &
Using The Oscilloscope is designed especially
for technicians who'd like to become more
familiar with the most versatile piece of test
equipment ever devised, and for the beginner
who wants to get started in servicing the right
way. This comprehensive volume is packed
with detailed information on scopes of every
Soft cover type and price range. With special emphasis
216 pages on solid -state circuits in modern scopes, the
114 illustrations
book describes basic functions, scope circuits,
AC vs DC inputs, differentiated and integrated
Circle No. 7 on Reader Service Coupon pulses and waveforms, and it outlines every
conceivable electronic test likely to be per-
circuit defects in ten minutes, after a little formed on any equipment. The first new chap-
practice. The text tells how printed -circuit
boards are made and how components are
mounted, thus providing the reader with an
understanding of printed-circuit basics upon
which to build. Replacement techniques for
damaged boards show how to construct a
breadboard or etch a new copper -clad board.
There is a detailed section on soldering and
desoldering techniques for PC boards, plus the
tools and chemicals needed for servicing work. Soft cover
The author reveals effective and unusual tricks 256 pages
used by the pros to remove and replace com- 170 illustrations
boards. Published by Tab Books, Blue Ridge Circle No. 7 on Reader Service Coupon
Summit, PA 17214.
ters cover the basics -how the scope works,
What's Wrong. With the rapid advance of how displays are created, how the cathode -ray
electronic technology, particularly in the solid - tube presents the information, etc. One chapter
state area, the need has become apparent for a is devoted to the how and why of scopes, with
generalized troubleshooting book. Electronic an introduction to internal and external sync,
Troubleshooting by Clyde N. Herrick was writ- the relationship between sweep and input -
ten to fill that need. The text keeps theory to signal frequencies, triggered sweep, blanking
a minimum, and the troubleshooting aspects and unblanking-and it's all covered with prac-
of electronic circuitry have been emphasized. tical, workable examples from the standpoint
A broad spectrum of topics has been chosen of the serviceman's everyday problems. Pub-
for instruction, including AM and FM broad- lished by Tab Books, Blue Ridge Summit, PA
cast radio receivers, hi -fi stereo units, tape 17214.
recorders, black- and -white television, television DXer's Delight. Shortwave Listener's Hand-
cameras, color television, various radio trans- book, by Norman Fallon, offers the beginning
mitters and receivers, electronic organs, digital listener a complete introduction to shortwave
computers, electronic instruments, and MATV/ (Continued on page 102)



i,. *AVG'
What You Will Learn. To be-
come acquainted with the
interesting world of electricity
and electronics, you must learn
what electricity is, what it does,
and how it does it. You will use
this information to obtain a bet-
This series is based on
ter understanding of what electri-
BASIC ELECTRICITY/ELECTRONICS, cal and electronic devices are all
Vol. 1, published by about, how they work, and how
to test and repair them. This in-
troduction is the beginners first
look into electronics-this is
where you start.

MAY -JUNE, 1974 85
What is electricity? Electricity is a combination of a force called voltage and the move-
ment of invisible particles known as current.

The force of voltage can be compared to the force of a water pump. The force of a pump
moves water through a distribution system, generally an arrangement of pipes. Voltage is
the force which causes electric current to flow through a system of wires.
(11. The force in electricity is Al. The force in electricity is voltage.
Q2. The force of voltage is something A2. The force of voltage is something like
like the force of a - the force of a water pump.
Current, the movement of invisible particles, causes electrical and electronic devices to
operate. We cannot see current, but we can determine its presence by the effects it produces.
Current flows through the wires of an electrical or electronic device much the same as
water flows through pipes.


Voltage is the electrical force that causes current to flow.

Current consists of invisible atomic particles called electrons.
There is an important difference between current in wires and water in pipes, however.
Water can flow out of a broken pipe, but current cannot flow out of a broken wire. In fact,
current will not flow anywhere in the broken wire. When the wire is broken, the force of
the voltage is removed from across the motor.
Q3. Current is a movement of invisible A3. Current is a movement of invisible par -
particles called tides called electrons.
Q4. When electric lights are operating, A4. When electric lights are operating, you
you know that is flowing. know that current is flowing.
Q5. Water is to pipes as current is to A5. Water is to pipes as current is to wires.
Q6. Wires provide a path for A6. Wires provide a path for current in
in much the same way that pipes much the same way that pipes provide
provide a path for water. a path for water.



imm N\\
r f;) l` 11 ^





Every electrical and electronic device makes use of one or more properties of electrica 1
current, such as heat and electromagnetism.

Wires can be heated until they are red or white-hot by causing current to flow through
them. The amount of heat given off by a wire is determined by the type of metal in the wire
and the quantity of current that is forced through it. A large current produces more heat in
the same size and type of wire than a smaller current. If the current is the same, a smaller
wire gives off more heat than one that is larger in diameter. Also, some metals produce more
heat than others as the result of current flow.
In fact, manufacturers select the size and type of wire that will produce a desired amount
of heat. To do this, they must know the amount of current that will flow through it.
Electrical Appliances-Electrical appliances, such as toasters, irons, heaters, and
broilers, make use of the heat produced by current flowing through a wire.
Q7. Current flow wires. A7. Current flow heats wires.
Q8. Current flow makes the filament of A8. Current flow heats the filament of an
an electric light bulb - electric light bulb white -hot.
MAY-JUNE, 1974


When current flows through a coil of wire, the coil acts like a magnet. This can be proved
by experimenting with an electromagnet like the one shown below.
Current flowing through a wire develops a magnetic field. This field is called an electro-
magnetic force because it is the result of the flow of electric current. If, as shown in the
illustration, the magnetic field passes through certain kinds of metal, such as soft iron,
the metal will become magnetized and take on the propertie of a magnet.




( "D" SIZE 10 FT OF

1.5 VOLT


The electromagnet retains its magnetic capability- continues to attract iron filings-as
long as current flows through the coil. When the current stops, the metal gradually loses
its effectiveness as a magnet.
The Telegraph -The telegraph system also makes use of magnetic forces. Current flow-
ing through a coil of wire creates magnetic forces to operate a buzzer, or other noise pro-
ducers. The sounds from the buzzer represent the dots and dashes sent by the operator.
When the telegraph key is closed (pressed down), current flows from the battery through
the coil of wire. The resulting magnetic force causes a movable metal plate to be attracted
to the soft -iron core of the coil, producing a buzzing sound. In this manner dots and dashes
(short and long buzzes) are transmitted.
The Speaker-The speaker in a radio, television, or telephone earpiece is an example of
another familiar device operated by magnetic forces created by current flowing in a coil of
The speaker consists of a permanent magnet and a coil of wire cemented to a paper cone.
Electrical currents which represent voice, music, or other sound flow through the coil.
Magnetic forces created by these currents cause the coil and cone to be attracted and re-
pelled by the permanent magnet. The movement of the paper cone creates corresponding
changes in air pressure heard as sounds.


Q9. in the telegraph A9. Magnetic force in the telegraph is
is created by current flowing in a created by current flowing in a coil of
coil of wire. wire.
Q10. Closing the key allows - to A10. Closing the key allows current to
- - - - through a coil of wire. flow through a coil of wire.
Q11. When currents are passed through All. When currents are passed through the
the coil of a speaker, coil of a speaker, magnetic forces
are created. are created.

MAY-JUNE. 1974
Q12. Magnetic force Al2. Magnetic force causes the coil and
causes the coil and cone cone to be attracted or repelled by
to be or a permanent magnet, causing changes
b a permanent magnet, causing in air pressure.
changes in air pressure.

Jobs in which heat is necessary can be performed by using electric current to heat wires.
Jobs calling for mechanical motion can be performed by the forces developed by magnetic
fields. Transmitting telegraph messages makes use of the magnetic forces in a buzzer coil.
These simple jobs are accomplished by using simple devices. However, even complex
jobs, such as sending and receiving telephone or radio messages, sending and receiving
television pictures, and completely controlling manufacturing processes, are also accom-
plished by using simple devices.
1.Electricity is a combination of a force called voltage and the movement of invisible
particles called current.
2. Voltage, as a force, is similar to the force developed by a water pump. Current flows
through wires in much the same way that water travels through pipes.
3. All electrical or electronic devices make use of one or more of the effects produced
by current flow.
4. Electrical current causes wires to heat. Toasters, irons, heaters, broilers, and lights are
examples of devices which use this electrical effect.
5. Current flowing through a wire or coil develops a magnetic field.

This series is based on material appearing in Vol. 1 of the 5- volume set,

BASIC ELECTRICITY/ELECTRONICS, published by Howard W. Sams & Co.,
Inc. @ $22.50. For information on the complete set, write the publisher at
4300 West 62nd St., Indianapolis, Ind. 46268.

Pacific Tel's oldest surviving manual office with
its original Western Electric switchboard.
"The great thing about that 50 year -old
switchboard is that it never really had to be

newscan replaced," said WE installer Mery Meece. "It

is absolutely compatible with the newer switch-
ing equipment used on the mainland, whether
mechanical or electronic. It will never be ob-
Electronics in the News! Mery and fellow installer Tom Sympson,
from Western Electric's Southern California
Installation Area, recently completed a job on
Hello Central, Give Me Aunt Maude Catalina. They felt as if they had somehow
Santa Catalina Island lies only 26 miles off been transported back in time. "We were add-
the coast of California, but it is 50 years away ing 160 lines to the old switchboard," said
from the modern, frenetic space of the nation's Merv, "and after working a few hours behind
most populous state. Life on Catalina is pretty that magnificent wooden antique we almost
much the same as it was in the '2Os and '3Os, forgot we were in the Space Age. When we
when big bands playing the island's fabled took a break, we half- expected the operators
Casino Ballroom would break into their ren- on the other side of the board to be dressed in
dition of "Avalon," and the radio station the clothes of the Roaring Twenties.
So Catalina Island moves ever -so- slowly
forward, reluctantly discarding old traditions
when they are no longer feasible and adding
innovations only if they're needed. A ferry
service, for example, has been augmented by
two seaplanes as a concession to speed. But
until their 50 -year old telephone system shows
some sign of breaking down, the islanders are
content to pick up their phones and say, "Hello
Central, give me Aunt Maude." And it looks
as if it's going to be that way for a long time
to come.

Touch of Memory
And now, the elephant telephone. Well, it's
not actually an elephant, but Western Electric's
Touch -A -Matic telephone has a memory that
would be the envy of the fabled pachyderm.
It even offers "trunk -ated" dialing. The new
phone can be programmed to "remember"
31 telephone numbers, any of which can be
Museum piece? No, it's a working phone in the called by pressing a single button.
central office on picturesque Santa Catalina Designed to save time for businesses which
Island. The island is served by a 50- year-old call particular numbers frequently, the Touch -
manual switching system that still works per- A-Matie set displays the programmed phone
fectly. numbers on a 32- position "repertoire" arrayed
on the telephone housing. The extra position
there would broadcast the night's festivities to is a sort of "scratch -pad" which automatically
the mainland. Back in those days-in 1923, to records the last number dialed manually. If
be exact -a brand -new manual telephone the number is busy, the caller can re -dial by
pressing the "last number called" button.
switching system was installed just up the block
from the Catalina Hotel and subscribers to To store a number the user depresses the
the service were issued one -digit numbers and "record" button, selects a space on the reper-
paper -thin directories. toire (which corresponds to a location in the
Time has taken its toll on Catalina. The memory), pushes the automatic dialing button
big bands are gone; so is the local radio sta- for that space and dials the number. He then
tion. The Casino Ballroom sits on the bay, presses the "record off" button. After this proc-
deserted, peering out at the weekly influx of ess he merely has to press the automatic
recreational boaters who have replaced the dialing button whenever he wishes to call that
"beautiful people" of a bygone era. The Cata- number. To change the entry in a particular
lina Hotel remains, however, doing a brisk space, the user dials in the new number over
business during the summer. And up the block, the old one. Up to 15 digits can be stored in any
still operating flawlessly, but now issuing three space, allowing the user to include outside ac-
and four -digit numbers to new subscribers, is cess codes and area codes.

MAY -JUNE, 1974
The Touch-A -Matic dialer's memory con-
sists of silicon integrated circuits, including Klaxon Fire Alarm
one for logic and another for switching. The
circuitry contains 15,000 transistors. Integrated Continued from page 42
circuits require constant power to retain their
memory. To prevent solid state amnesia in the
used for furnace rooms and attics should be
event of a power failure or disconnection, the
new telephone contains nickel-cadmium bat- rated 190° F.
teries for stand-by power. The batteries will For added protection a dated label should
safeguard the recorded numbers for about 24 be affixed to the battery, and the battery
hours. So that's the Touch -A- Matic. It's not should be changed at least once a year. It is
really the elephant telephone; it's just the also suggested that the alarm be checked
phenomenal phone with the mammoth memory periodically, say once a month, by simply
from Western Electric. shorting the connecting terminals with a
screwdriver and seeing that the horn really
sound off loudly. Alternately, you can con-
R/C Submarine nect a normally -open push-button test
Continued from page 33 switch across the heat detectors.
The Editors would like to point out that
this system is not suggested as a replace-
cult to see even a bright yellow sub under ment for a primary fire alarm which should
that much water, so I really don't know the use only U.L. (Underwriter's Laboratories)
maximum underwater control range. How- listed components. This system is suggested
ever, 40 feet is just about the maximum only if you can not afford a U.L. listed fire
practical viewing range for an operator a alarm, for something is better than noth-
few feet above the surface. ing. If you desire maximum reliability, we
The usual mixture of model kit builder suggest substitution of U.L. listed equip-
problems plagued this kit, too. For example, ment for relay RY1 and horn BU1. U.L.
all illustrated instructions were missing. Only listed components are available from your
a two -sheet set of written instructions was local burglar -fire equipment dealer.
found. Repeated attempts to have the miss-
ing sheets of instructions supplied, or an
appropriate refund offered, went without Inside CB
success. (The store at no time knew their Continued from page 53
customer was an editor of this magazine.) I
would, therefore, suggest taking all the time
you need to thoroughly inspect hobby models difference; "A" is a basic AM mobile trans-
before buying. It may help to avoid future ceiver; `B" is a basic mobile SSB transceiver.
problems with missing or damaged parts and If we consider that each individual circuit
function is a module or building block, you can
instructions. The submarine is a Hegi U -FSII see that many more modules or building blocks
kit imported from West Germany by Polk's are required for SSB. While the simplified AM
Hobby Shop in New York City. transceiver can be produced as a reliable, low
Lost -At -Lake? Most radio control systems cost unit suitable for mobile operation, the
have a type of servo (those small motor - basic SSB transceiver requires considerable
driven arms that duplicate the motion and circuit refinements and precision for fuss -free
position of the control stick) which is not operation. The extra circuitry required for SSB
self-neutralizing; that is, they remember and is reflected in its substantially higher price
hold their last position as radio -control is compared to AM CB transceivers; however,
because SSB transceivers must be built with a
lost. Because of this, it is necessary to add high degree of precision, all SSB models are
some type of fail -safe circuit or be in danger inherently "gold plated specials" offering the
of losing your craft in an uncontrolled dive! highest level of performance.
Therefore, I was very careful to dive only Preview. For the remainder of this series
after heading the bow toward the shoreline. we'll look into the individual modules that
Any loss of radio control would then have a make up a CB transceiver, and show you how
tendency to beach her by bouncing and skip- each module directly determines how much
ping up the sloping lake floor toward the performance you'll get in your particular CB
water's edge. Just wait till next year! Some application. Next issue we'll take a look into
the receiver, and see why one transceiver picks
mighty surprised goose is going to get ducked up two or three channels simultaneously, while
from underneath. Or is it the other way another transceiver gets only the signal you
around ...? want to hear.


Gain Without Gamble

Continued from page 50
"Tell it to me
straight, Doc,
(signal) gain available from the transistor, do you think I
while still preserving the top -notch DC-oper- have a screw
ating -point stability of the Fig. 3 circuit. Any loose ?"
transistor plugged into such a circuit will have
the same DC operating point as any other tran-
sistor in that circuit, or one like it; however,
the gain for the signal will differ markedly
from one transistor to another.
So gambling with gain and bias is completely
unnecessary, since simple methods let us pre-
dict accurately the exact values of resistors
needed to obtain optimum operation and relia-
bility from our transistor amplifiers. Hook-up a
few circuits today and checkout what you have
learned. Don't gamble on your memory. 8n111111111111111111110111011111111111110111 111011111110111t111111 110111 1111111111o1111t11111o111t111 11r

the radios checked for operation, we went

Hustler Monitor Match back and tried the AM /FM radio. Recep-
Continued from page 60 tion appeared to be the same with or without
the VHF -UHF monitors connected.
Similarly, disconnecting the AM /FM an-
VHF and UHF signals, without need for tenna had no effect on the VHF -UHF per-
re- arranging the antenna connections. formance. We then tried a hi -band VHF
The Monitor Match is housed in a 31- monitor connected to the 140 -175 MHz out-
in. x x 2%-in. metal enclosure. Swiv- put jacks, and again, there appeared to be
el -ears at the rear allow the unit to be no interaction between radios.
mounted out of sight anywhere under the Finally, for comparison we connected the
dashboard. The antenna input and the out- car antenna directly to each VHF -UHF
put jacks, 5 in all, are the Motorola (car radio input. There was a slight improvement
radiò) type. Two 24 -in. output leads with in reception noted only on the much weaker
connectors are provided, additional leads signals; strong signals appeared to be the
can be obtained. same. Naturally, when we connect monitor
We Tried It. The first connection we made radios to an antenna specifically cut for
was to the car's AM /FM radio. Because of each band, overall reception is considerably
the extra lead length introduced to the an- improved; but then, we are back to the
tenna system, the AM radio signals were mobile antenna farm and a lot of additional
considerably attenuated. The instructions expense, both for antennas and their instal-
packed with the Monitor Match made note lation.
of this effect, and by re-peaking the AM While no single antenna can deliver opti-
radio's antenna trimmer we restored normal mum performance on all frequencies, an
reception. (The instructions point out that ordinary AM car radio antenna did deliver
the AM trimmer is located next to the ra- admirable performance when combined
dio's antenna input or under the volume with the Monitor Match. If the AM antenna
control knob. We found our trimmer under is the telescopic type, rather than the flexible
the knob.) fixed -length whip supplied on some '73 and
Next, we connected a VHF -UHF monitor '74 cars, it can be telescoped for best re-
radio with only two antenna inputs -one ception on the VHF -UHF frequencies, with
for low and hi -band and one for UHF. some sacrifice in AM performance on the
Hustler's instructions state that low -hi an- DX stations. As a general rule, adjusting
tenna inputs should be connected to the the AM antenna for optimum FM length,
25 -50 MHz output jack, so that's the con- or using a fender type AM /FM antenna of
nection we made. The UHF radio antenna optimum length for FM, provides the best
input was connected to the 300-500 MHz all- around performance with the Monitor
output jack. With all connections firm and Match. (turn page)

MAY-JUNE, 1974 95
Summing Up. As you can see, we were for several mobile monitor radios.
impressed with the performance of Hustler's For additional Monitor Match 5M5 in-
Monitor Match 5M5. It is certainly the formation, circle No. 14 on the Reader
most convenient way to provide an antenna Service Coupon.

flesh tones, and a "service contract" that

Heathkit GR -2000 Color TV should be framed over the set. In just a
Continued from page 46 few years that service contract -which is
not needed with a Heathkit-results in a
total cost equal to or exceeding that of a
er in both initial adjustments and future GR -2000, and the color quality still isn't
checks, the GR-2000 has a service module too good.
(with built -in color killer switches), a dot To Explain. After a local appliance dealer
generator, and a test -meter package. Those quotes the "sale price" on a color set he
circuits, which must be adjusted-such as often follows with an "insurance offer"
the tuner (if you want to add a channel to which offers "complete parts and service
accommodate a new station), dot generator, protection" after the warranty runs out. The
digital clock and convergence panel-are price of this "protection" will cost you from
mounted in a slide -out service drawer ac- $20 to $60 a year depending on how much
cessible from the front of the set. "protection" he will talk you into. Sure,
The optional remote control receiver many color TVs come with a parts war-
which provides up -down channel selection, ranty, but they run about 90 days, and
color control, tint control, up -down volume, when you read the fine print you might find
and power on -off, also mounts in the service that only the parts are covered, the service
drawer. The associated ultrasonic transmit- is extra; and it is not unusual to get stuck
ter is powered by a standard transistor radio for a $25 service fee to replace a two dol-
battery, and has an effective range of up to lar- supplied free! -tube. After the free
20 feet. parts warranty runs out nothing is free. And
More Than Dollars. We don't have to what do you do with a "store bought" TV
look too closely at all the features in the when the color alignment needs a touch -up
new Heathkit GR -2000 color receiver to -which it does every so often. Either you
realize there is no other TV available at put up with smeared color, as does your
any price which incorporates what Heath neighbor, or you again pay a stiff service
has built into their latest color TV. Of fee for a job you could do yourself in min-
course, the kit price of $649.95, which does utes.
not include the cabinet, optional digital With a Heathkit GR -2000 you have none
clock ($29.95) or optional remote control of these problems and none of the added
($79.95) is not cheap. It is true that you expenses. Firstly, by building the colòr TV
can buy a color TV for a lot less -and it yourself you probably won't learn electron-
comes wired. We have all seen these cheaper ics, but you will learn what goes where and
sets at a neighbor's, with color that washes what happens when a particular circuit goes
out in a bright room, green or magenta out. If you have trouble you simply pull
out the offending module (the entire mod-
ule, not a component) and ship the module
off to Heath, or bring it in to a local
Heathkit store. They will repair the module
on a turn- around basis for a modest fee
(or replace it). You get the module back,
plug it into the main frame, and the set is
back in operation. If you want to change
the defective component yourself, you'll
find Heathkit provides a complete parts
list with prices, and they stock every item.
You won't have to spend days on the phone
trying to locate a replacement, or hear tell
Interconnecting cables come with plugs how the set is so new the spare parts aren't
prewired and wire ends tinned. available yet (or the set is so old no one
has the parts), or the parts will be in on the
next boat, assuming there's no labor strike.
As far as maintaining color quality is
International EX C ystal and EX Kits
concerned, you're way ahead of the game
when you finish the kit, for you will
perform the convergence adjustments
sometimes called a color alignment-your-
self. The first time out it takes about one
hour to obtain an outstanding color picture.
But once you learn the procedure you can
run through a color convergence trim in
a matter of minutes. Any time you feel
the color is off you have both the experi-
ence and confidence to tackle a color align-
ment. (Fact is, once they see your color, controlled transistor type. from 3,000 KHz to 60,000
you can expect friends and neighbors to ask Lo Kit 3,000 to 19,999 KHz KHz. Supplied only in HC
HI Kit 20,000 to 60,000 6/U holder. Calib. is
if you can get the same color quality on KHz (Specify) $2.95 -!- 02% when operated in
MXX -1 TRANSISTOR RF International OX circuit
their sets. Your best excuse is you will need MIXER A single tuned or its equivalent. (Specify
their step -by -step service manual -that will circuit intended for signal frequency) $3.95
conversion in the3 to 170 BAX -1 BROADBAND AMP.
put an end to all such requests.) MHz range. Lo kit 3 -20 May be used as a tuned
So you see, from just the service view- MHz. Hi kit 20 -170 MHz. or untuned amplifier in
$3.50 RF and audio applications
point alone you can expect years of precise SAX -1 TRANSISTOR RF 20 Hz to 150 MHz. $3.75
color reception without unnecessary service AMP. Amplifier to drive
MXX-1 mixer. Lo kit 3-20
costs. MHz. Hi Kit 20 -170 MHz. INTERNATIONAL
The plain truth is, with service and repair PAX -1 TRANSISTOR RF
costs soaring even for the most insignificant POWER AMP. A Single
tuned output amplifier to
in -home repair or adjustment, the GR -2000 follow the OX oscillator. 10 NO. LEE OKLA. CITY. OKLA. 73102

is the way all color TV sets will have to be 3,000 to 30,000 KHz $3.75 Write for FREE Catalog
made in the near future: with small user- CIRCLE NO. 11 ON PAGE 17 OR 103
serviced modules and easy -to- perform col-
or convergence. As far as we can tell the
Heathkit GR-2000 is tomorrow's color TV,
today. So if you're ready for the best in INDEX TO ADVERTISERS
color TV you can get more information
by circling No. 1 on the Reader's Service READER ADVERTISER PAGE
Coupon on pages 17 and 103. SERVICE NO.

IC Metronome

Avanti Research Development
Bell & Howell Schools
B &F Enterprises

Browning Labs 15
Continued from page 63 3
Circuit Specialist 06
8 Cleveland Institute of Electronics ....2nd Cover & Page 3
9 Cobra Communications Div., Dynasean Corp. 30
Cornell Electronics Co. 06
terms for various beat frequency ranges on 33 E. F. Johnson
Edmund Scientific Co
Eico Electronics á
the dial. They are: 2
21 Electronic Distributors, Inc. 24
5 Ese Enterprises
10 G.C. Electronics 14
I Heath Co. IB- 21
Tempo Beats /Minute I.0 S 108 & 3rd Cot er
11 International Crystal Mfg. Co.
Presto 208 -182 Kent 91
16 Lafayette Radio
Allegro 182 -154 Macromeoma Co.
22 Mosley Electronics. Inc. zi
Andante 154 -124 McGee Radio 1

National Radio Institute 36- 38

Adagio 124-98 14 Newtronies Corp.
Larghetto 98-69 12 Pate Div.. Pathcom Inc
Photoeireuit Consultants 1
Largo 69-44 13
Photolume Corp.
Progressive Edu- Kits
4/32 Radio Shack 4th Cover & 13/23/I 07
24 Regency Electronics, Inc. 12
Perhaps that tall pyramid -like box which 23
Relco Electronics
Royce Electronics Corp. 25
all music teachers once carried in their 19 S.B.E. Lineyard Systems, Inn 26
20 Siltronix
music case will become a thing of the past 7
Tab Books
72. 75

following the introduction of electronic 18 Telex Communications

Vintage Radio 29
metronomes. The old box is up against some Western Radio 06

stiff competition.

MAY -JUNE, 1974 97

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MAGIC TRICKS, JOKER NOVELTIES funded in full. Poplan, Box 2556- Dept.-14, TAPES, RECORDERS, SOUND
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SINGLE? Widowed? Divorced? Nation- ENERGY Crisis cramped your summer
WOW! Largest selection. Newest, best wide introductions! Identity, Box 315 -DC. vacation plans? $5.95 Cassette Beach
tricks, jokes. Giant 150 page catalog 25e. Royal Oak, Michigan 48068. Guide To Gasoline -Rich Ontario. Whelan,
Abracadabra -EE, Colonia. New Jersey Order #13. 73K Beam Circle, Franklin.
07087. JAPANESE introductions! Girls' photo- Ohio 45005.
graphs, descriptions, brochure, details,
MAGNETS $1.00. INTER -PACIFIC, Box 304 -SC, Birm-
ingham. Michigan 48012. GOLDEN AGE RADIO. Complete taped
TWENTY Disc, or ten bar magnets, shows. Box 25215 -X, Portland, Oregon
$1.00. Magnets. Box 192-E, Randallstown, BEAU'r1rvL MEXICAN GIRLS Want- 97225.
Maryland 21133. ing American boy- friends, "Free" details.
World, Box 3876 -SMC, San Diego, Ca. HEATHKIT, Eico, Rea and Stereo Equip-
MISCELLANEOUS 92103. ment. Fantastic Bargains, $25.00 Color TV.
Not Junk. Moving Sell out. Must Dispose
LOCKED OUT! Pick A Lock Tool Kit SINGLE? Nationwide introductions! Re- entire workshop. Radio, Test, Stereo
Helper $1.95. Wagar's, 169 Clover Drive, fined, confidential service! Free informa- Equipment bargains. For Catalog send
Upper Lake, Calif. 95485. tion! Identity. Box 315 -EL. Royal Oak. $1.00, to: 127 Park View Apt. 207, Los
Michigan 48068. Angeles, Calif. 90057.
tery operated light fixture anywhere. Easy Legal Blank form protects family! $2.00
mount makes It ideal for power emergen- Guaranteed! Commodore. Box #11193. PRACTICAL tips for home, garden and
cies. Comes with bulb and on -off pull Dept. 11A1, Chatt., Tenn. 37401. workshop are in "1001 How-To Ideas."
chain. Works on 2D battery, not included. Send $1.25 for your copy (includes postage).
$2.98. Brent's, 2832 Standish. Anaheim, LONELY? Find Your Lifemate! Nation- to 1001 How -To Ideas. 229 Park Avenue,
Cal. 92806. wide Datematching. Details $1.00- ELITE,
Box 64, New York City 10019. South. New York. New York 10003.
JAPANESE Girls Make Wonderful Wives. EQUIPMENT
GUARANTEED Home Income raising We have large number of listings. Many
chinchillas. 25e. Chinchilla, 11DC2, Port interested in marriage. Only $1.00 brings
Richey. Fla. 33568. application, photos, names, descriptions, FREE FACT- FILLED CATALOG.
questionnaire. Etc. Japan International. World's largest line of metal detectors.
Box 1181 -AA. Newport Beach. California Models as low as $49.50 and up. Two year
JOIN "Money- Getters Guild" 25d. 92663. Guarantee. Three factory locations, U.S.
Russell Advertising, Box 612 -D, New Phila and Canada. plus over 1,000 dealers and
delphia. Ohio 44663. PHOTOGRAPHY -PHOTO FINISHING 35 Service Centers from coast to coast. No
finer instruments made at any price. Bud-
MAKE Your Classified Ad Pay. Get SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS! ! get terms. Write: WHITE'S ELECTRON-
"How to Write A Classified Ad That Make your own S &M Densitometer. Send
ICS, INC., RM »399. 1011 PLEASANT
Pulls." Includes certificate worth $2.00 to- VALLEY ROAD. SWEET HOME
$3.00 for detailed drawings and instruc- OREGON 97386.
wards a classified ad in this publication. tions. A must for successful photography
Send $1.25 (includes postage) to R. S. in your darkroom. Order direct from
Wayner, Science & Mechanics, 229 Park S & M Instruments, Dept EES, 229 Park THERE is no charge for the Zip Code.
Avenue South, New York. N.Y. 10003. Avenue South, New York, New York 10003. Please use It in your Classified Ad.



MAY-JUNE, 1974 99
101. Kit builder? Like weird prod- 112. EDI (Electronic Distributors) that embrace many sciences and
ucts? EICO's 1974 catalog takes has a catalog with an index of man- fields.
care of both breeds of buyers at ufacturers' items literally from A to
prices you will like. Z (ADC to Xcelite). Whether you 121. Cornell Electronics' "Imperial
102. International Crystal has a free want to spend 29 cents for a pilot - Thrift Tag Sale" Catalog features TV
catalog for experimenters (crystals, light socket or $699.95 for a stereo and radio tubes. You can also find
PC boards, transistor RF mixers & AM /FM receiver, you'll find it here. almost anything in electronics.
amps, and other comm. products).
113. Get all the facts on Progressive 122. Radio Shack's 1974 catalog for
103. See brochures on Regency's Edu -Kits Home Radio Course. Build electronics enthusiasts has 180
1974 lineup of CB transceivers & 20 radios and electronic circuits; -a
pages, colorfully illustrated com-
plete range (kits & wired) of hi -fi,
VHF /UHF receivers (public service/ parts, tools, and instructions in-
business bands -police, fire, etc.) cluded. CB, SWL equipment and parts.
104. Dynascan's new B &K catalog 114. Olson Electronics' 244 -page 123. It's just off the press- Lafay-
features test equipment for indus- fully -illustrated ette's all -new 1974 illustrated cata-
1974 catalog car-
trial labs, schools, and TV servicing. ries leading national log packed with CB, hi -fi com-
brand products ponents, test equipment, tools, ham
105. Before you build from scratch, in all electronics categories. rigs, and more.
check the Fair Radio Sales latest
catalog for surplus gear. 115. Trigger Electronics has a com- 124. Mosley Electronics reports that
plete catalog of equipment for by popular demand the Model A-311
106. Get Antenna Specialists' cat. those in electronics. Included are 3- element CB beam antenna is be-
of latest CB and VHF /UHF innova- kits, parts, ham gear, CB, hi fi and ing reintroduced. Send for the
tions: base & mobile antennas, test recording equipment. brochure.
equipment (wattmeters, etc.), ac-
cessories. 116. Get the HUSTLER brochure il- 125. RCA Experimenter's Kits for
lustrating their complete line hobbyists, hams, technicians and
107. Want a deluxe CB base sta- and monitor radio antennas. of CB students are the answer for suc-
tion? Then get the specs on Tram's cessful and enjoyable projects.
super CB rigs. 117. Teaberry's new 6-page folder
presents their 6 models of CB trans- 126. B &F Enterprises has an inter-
108. Compact is the word for Xcel- ceivers (base and esting catalog you'd enjoy scan-
ite's 9 different sets of midget ceiver for marine -use, mobile): 1 trans- ning. There are geiger counters,
screwdrivers and nutdrivers with ner models (the innovative and 2 scan- logic cards, kits, lenses, etc.
"piggyback" handle to increase Fighter" receiver and a pocket-size "Crime
length and torque. A handy show scanner). 127. Avanti antennas (mobile and
case serves as a bench stand also. base for CB and VHF /UHF) are
fully described and illustrated in
109. Bomar claims to have C/B 118. Burstein -Applebee's 1974 cata- new cataolg.
crystal for every transceiver ... for log has 276 pages of radio /TV elec-
every channel. The catalog gives list tronics bargains. Selling for $2, it 128. A new free catalog is available
of crystal to set interchangeability. is offered free to our readers. from McGee Radio. It contains elec-
tronic product bargains.
110. A Turner amplified mike helps 119. Besides Browning's colorful
get the most from a CB rig. This leaflet on their Golden Eagle Mark 129. Semiconductor Supermart is
free brochure describes line of III base station, their packet in- a new 1974 catalog listing project
base & mobile station models. cludes other surprises. The LTD builders' parts, popular CB gear,
is pictured in actual size on a card and test equipment. It features
111. Midland's line of CB (base and for you to test on your car's dash. semiconductors. -all from Circuit
mobile) equipment, and marine Specifications are given for both Specialists.
transceivers and accessories are il- the SST and LTD.
lustrated in a new 4 -color 24 -page
folder. There's also a separate 8- 120. Edmund Scientific's new cata-
page, 4 -color flyer on scanners. log contains over 4000 products
130. Heath's new 1974 full -color
catalog is a shopper's dream
chockful of gadgets and goodies
everyone would want to own.

1' I
1 Elementary Electronics 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 1
1 Box 886 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 1

1 Ansonia Station 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 1
1 New York, N.Y. 10023 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 1
1 Please arrange to have this lit- 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 1
1 erature whose numbers haveI
151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 1
circled at right sent to me as 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 1
soon as possible. am enclos-
Are you a subscriber to this magazine? Yes
ing 50Ç to cover handling. (No No 1
1 stamps, please). 51 Enter my subscription for 9 issues at $3.97 1
1 and bill me. 1
1 Indicate total number of NAME 1

1 booklets requested. ADDRESS 1

1 Sorry, only 10 circled items 1
1 maximum. 1
M/J74 1
1 Not Valid After November 16, 1974
reported again since about Christmas time on
DX Central Reporting this out-of -band frequency. Try during evening
hours .
Continued from page 29 (Credits: Karl Forth, IL; Jim Whitehead,
MA; Neil Perdue, TN; Ernest Behr, Ont.; Fred
should check this frequency about sunrise for Huette, DC; Alvin Sizer, CT; Alan Roth, NY;
HILR, Radio Clarin in Santo Domingo, Do- National Radio Club, Box 127, Boonton, NJ
minican Republic . . . 3360-For the short- 07005; North American SW Association, Box
wave contingent of the "Dawn Patrol," a fairly 8452, South Charleston, WV 25303)
steady performer on the lower frequencies is Backtalk. Normally we don't cover very
the Guatemalan, La Voz de Nahuala ...
3985 much in the "utility" DXing field. The "utili-
-Generally one doesn't find many of the Euro- ties" are those point -to -point and communica-
pean broadcasters this far down in the SW tions stations, commercial, government and
bands, but SWLs lately have been reporting military, which do not have normal program-
the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation's European type broadcasts. But some time ago we men-
Service around 0600 and later, with English tioned a booklet on DXing the utility stations
after 0700 . . . 4830-Bad news for those and inadvertently caused a snafu.
hunting the on- again-off -again new transmitter The booklet, which was available from
at Franceville, Gabon: the South African SPEEDX, a DX hobby club, was out of print,
Broadcasting Corporation has jumped on this it turned out. Now, happily, an expanded and
frequency for one of its home service broad- updated version is available. It is called "World
casts during the prime African listening Utility DX Handbook," and is available from
times . 5038-Usually the first 60 -meter SPEEDXRAS, 780 N.W. Wallula, Gresham,
band station to fade in during the afternoon Oregon 97030, for $7.95, postpaid.
hours in North America is Bangui, Central Now a couple of quicky -questions.
African Republic. African music and French "I just received Radio South Africa and I
announcements are the usual program items wonder if you could print the address so I
heard ...6218 -HIAU, La Voz de la Liber- can send my report," writes Tom Force,
tad, a Dominican Republic station has been Farmingville, NY. (turn page)

cost to operate. A booklet on Pace's color catalog (base, mobile and ma-
scan /monitors to keep you informed rine transceivers, antennas, and
is included. accessories). Colorful literature il-
lustrating two models of monitor.
138. Pearce -Simpson has a booklet, scanners is also available.
"Citizens Band Radios & Scan-
Use Coupon on Left! ners," which pictures and de-
scribes the various models in this
146. Robyn International has 4 -color
"spec" sheets for each model of
line. A section on CB antennas is their CB (base and mobile) trans-
included. ceivers and monitor -scanner lines.
131. E. F. Johnson's 1974 full line 147. Telex's 4 -page, 2-color folder
139. For the latest information on illustrates their new line of boom
of CB transceivers and accessories CB transceivers by Courier, send
equipment is featured in a new 16- microphone head -sets for CB'ers
page brochure. A 4 -color folder on for their literature. and hams, as well as their line of
monitor scanner line is also offered. communications headphones.
140. Featured in Siltronix's bro-
chure are single sideband/AM citi- 148. American Trading Corp. offers
132. If you want courses in assem- zen band transceivers, pictured you two catalogs in 4- color. One
bling your own TV kits, National and described with extra features features their Electronics 2000/
Schools has 10 from which to and specifications listed. VFO slid- Contact CB, pictured with descrip-
choose. There is a plan for GIs. ers for monitoring are pictured as tions and specifications. Their
well as export models of linear am- Monitor /Scanner, Surveyor Model
133. Get the new free catalog from plifiers. 4H 4U, is featured in the second
Howard W. Sams. It describes 100's catalog.
of books for hobbyists and techni- 141. Lee Electronics Labs has an
inexpensive circuit analyzer, which 149. Oush Craft has a catalog on
cians -books on projects, basic Citizens Band Antennas for every
electronics and related subjects. is featured in this catalog. purpose. The Ringo base antenna is
142. Available from Royce Electron- featured, as is the new Superfire 8-
134. Sprague Products has L.E.D. element horizontal /vertical power
readouts for those who want to ics (a new name in electronics beam.
build electronic clocks, calculators, manufacturing) is a 16 -page cata-
etc. Parts lists and helpful sche- log for CB'ers. See their base and 150. Get the most out of your CB
matics are included. mobile transceivers, accessories rig or scanner receiver with ASCOM
and test instruments. accessories. An 8 -page brochure il-
135. The latest edition of Tab lustrates antenna matcher, anten-
143. A set of Abraxas /4 speakers na switch, modulation bridge,
Books' catalog has an extensive contains a rugged 12 -inch long - monitor/scanner, preamps, trans-
listing of TV, radio and general throw woofer with a 22 -oz. Alnico lators, and other equipment -per-
servicing manuals. magnet, a 5 -inch sealed -back rub- formance helpmates.
ber- damped midrange, and two 3-
136. Leader's catalog features "In- inch dome tweeters from Designers 151. For a complete audio acces-
struments to Believe In." They have Audio Products. sory line -TV, tape, phono and
a complete line for industry, educa- radio for home and auto, send for
tion and service, featuring oscillo- 144. For a packetful of material, Audiotex catalog FR 73 -A.
scopes/vectorscopes, many gener- send for SBE's material on UHF and
ators, accessories, etc. VHF scanners, CB mobile trans- 152. Operating two (or more) TV
ceivers, walkie- talkies, slow -scan sets plus your FM stereo receiver
137. Pace Communications has a TV systems, marine -radios, two - from one outdoor antenna? Find
packet of information for you. The way radios, and accessories. out how to improve your recep-
"Citizens two -way radio" answers tion with a Finco multiple -set am-
all the questions from how to op- 145. For CB'ers from Hy -Gain Elec- plifier in this booklet of detailed
erate one to how much they will tronics Corp. there is a 50-page. 4- specs of five models.

MAY -JUNE, 1974
ORDER NOW & SAVE! Actually, Tom, it's Radio RSA, and the
address is Box 8606, Johannesburg.
"What is the difference between MHz and
electronics hooks kHz and is there any way of converting one
to the other ?" This question, a common one
received here at DX Central, is from Eileen
from the Davis Markmaan of Tallahassee, FL.
Hertz (Hz) means cycles per second. Kilo-
hertz is 1000 cycles per second and megahertz
Magazine Mart is a million cycles per second. Multiply
by 1000 to get kHz; divide kHz by 1000 for
Lowest price! Guaranteed MHz. Example: 9,745 kHz = 9.745 MHz.
delivery despite paper shortages! Easy, no?
Single copies home -delivered at no A poem, no less, was received from Terry
Nichols of Rockford, IL, recently. Titled sim-
extra charge! Protection against ply "DX," Terry says, "It reflects the way
future price increases! most of us feel about the hobby." Sorry, Terry,
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS -For newcomer it's a bit long to print in full, but here are a
and hobbyist. In each issue theory articles and few lines. Referring to those who don't know
construction projects. General rules ol electronics
trouble-shooting techniques, much more.
the excitement of DXing .. .
"For if they had then they would know,
COMMUNICATIONS WORLD -For shortwave the mystery of this hex.
listeners to overseas radio, and to local 2 -way This time -consuming, fiendish friend, re-
transmissions. Serves users of monitor equipment. ferred to as DX.
Includes complete White's Radio Log as bonus.
All in all we think it's nice, as you can
ELECTRONICS HOBBYIST- For. beginner and plainly see.
advanced buff. Information, complete plans, tips, To tour the world both far and near, on
instruction on projects for home, car, out -of-doors a radio frequency."
and on the job.


beginners and the experienced. 100 -plus projects
in general circuits, passive circuits and integrated Bookmark
circuit projects.
Continued from page 84
ELECTRICAL GUIDE -For the homeowner. How i
to maintain, repair and modernize home electrical
system. New tools and products. Departments for istener a complete introduction to shortwave
furthering interest or finding a career in electricity equipment and techniques. Even the experienced
CLIP & MAIL TODAY DXer will find many valuable tips to increase
TO: Davis Magazine Mart his listening pleasure in this convenient all -
229 Park Avenue S., N.Y., NY 10003 points guide published by Hayden Book Com-
pany, Inc. Covering the full range of equipment
Enclosed is $ in payment of below
indicated order. -from the common multiband solid-state port-
able and whip antenna to sophisticated com-
Subscription to ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS munication receivers and antenna farms -the
El 1 yr. (6 iss.) $2.67 11/2 yrs. $3.97 book discusses and evaluates all types of receiv-
COMMUNICATIONS WORLD ers and antennas. It covers tuning and logging
O Fall /Winter '74 Edition $1.25 stations, coping with listening conditions, hunt-
ELECTRONICS HOBBYIST ing weak signals, and explains how to get
Fall /Winter '74 Edition $1.25 reception reports, station schedules, and other
101 ELECTRONIC PROJECTS UNDER $50 useful data. Hayden will be happy to send you
'74 Ed. $1.25 '75 Ed. $1.25 their catalog if you write to them at 116 W.
ELECTRICAL GUIDE 14th St., New York NY 10011.
'74 Ed. $1.25 '75 Ed. $1.25

Name (please print)



Soft cover
State Zip 144 pages
J $3.95
To ind out mare about these coupons, turn to page 17.

MAY -JUNE, 1974 Void after SEPTEMBER 30, 1974

Box 886, Ansonia Station 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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Please send literature for the numbers I 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
have circled. I understand this is a free 37 38 39 40
33 34 35 36
We would like to know something about you. Please help us by placing an "X" in the
appropriate boxes. Do you own a Class D CB transceiver? 44 Yes 45 No If your
answer is Yes, please check appropriate boxes below if you have one or more of the
types indicated. 46 Base Station 47 Mobile Unit 48 Portable Do you use
CB in your work? 49 Yes 50 No
51 Enter my subscription for 9 issues at $3.97 and bill me.

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MAY -JUNE, 1974 Void after SEPTEMBER 30, 1974

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have circled. understand this is a free
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
We would like to know something about you. Please help us by placing an "X" in the
appropriate boxes. Do you own a Class D CB transceiver? 44 Yes 45 No If your
answer is Yes, please check appropriate boxes below if you have one or more of the
types indicated. 46 Base Station 47 Mobile Unit 48 Portable Do you use
CB in your work? 49 Yes 50 No
51 Enter my subscription for 9 issues at $3.97 and bill me.

Name (print clearly)


City State Zip Code

MAY -JUNE, 1974
BE CHOOSEY. Ask Hank, He Knows!
YOU CAN AFFORD TO WITH EICO Continued front page 26
The more you know about electronics, the more you'll ap-
preciate EICO. We have a wide range of products for you to
choose from, each designed to provide you with the most thick and contain to much rosin. A smaller
pleasure and quality performance for your money. If you diameter solder with less rosin is especially
prefer, you can "Build -it- Yourself" and save up to 50% with made for printed circuit board wiring. I use it
our famous electronic kits.
For latest EICO Catalog on Test Instruments, Automo-
because the final job is neater and less "bridges"
tive and Hobby Electronics, Burglar -Fire Alarm Systems and occur.
name of nearest EICO distributor, check reader service card
or send 25¢ for fast first class mail service. Labor Is Expensive
Why is the cost for car tape units so high?
-A.Y., Detroit, MI
The prices are not high at all; in fact, since
competition is keen, prices are very low. Your
long letter, which I abbreviated, hints at in-
stallation costs. Now, these are high. An ordi-
nary car cassette unit that sells for about $100
costs a like amount to install in some garages.
Do it yourself and save the cash.

Who Needs It?

What is a DIN connector?
-L.M., Buffalo, NY
A DIN connector is Europe's answer to the
Over 3 million Eico
instruments in use
RCA phono plug.
since 1945.
Watch Out
What is the price of the cheapest burglar
alarm I can buy?
CIRCLE NO. 2 ON PAGE 17 OR 103 -J.A., Reno, Nevada
One can of dog food!
What Else!
Where can I buy a "like -new" Atwater -Kent
-F.B., Tempe, AZ
$8.00 Le Louvre! That's where they keep all works
Complete kit nothing else to buy, including power of art. Atwater -Kents are scarce. You'll never
supply, with quality etched and drilled printed cir- find them in retail stores.
cuit board, integrated circuit, diodes, resisters,
capacitors, etc. ready to wire. Constant amplitude
over wide frequency range 2Hz- 200KHz. Fall time
characteristics better than 200 nsecs. 18 volts p -p, Hey, Look Me Over
with variable duty cycle. Also included very com- Continued front page 16
plete instructions on assembly, applications, and
theory. Kit shipped prepaid same day order re-
ceived. volt plugs and comes with a plastic strap for
PHOTOCIRCUIT CONSULTANTS Dept. EE -50 attaching to power cords. Suggested retai
2309 Thurman, St. Louis, Mo. 63110 price is $2.50. For more information on Plug
Lock, contact Mercury Manufacturing Com-
pany, 1212 Grove Street, Wyandotte, Michi-
gan 48192.

Priority P.A.
Radio Shack's new Realistic MPA -50, 50-
PROFITABLE watt public address system amplifier, fea-
tures a priority switch that overrides any of
ELECTRONIC FACTORY its inputs for paging. The MPA -50 has four
Investment unnecessary, knowledge not required, microphone inputs, an auxiliary input for
sales handled by professionals. Ideal home business.
Write for facts today! Postcard will do. Barta-EB, tape or tuner, and rear panel switch for
Box 248, Walnut Creek, CA 94597. either ceramic or magnetic phono cartridge
(Continued on page 106)
Now get ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS sent to your home

all year long for ONLY $2.61! Order Now and Save!
* * * For beginner or expert EE is valuable * * *
Written by experts -you get a practical under- of electronics, develop trouble- shooting tech-
standing of IC circuits ... semi -conductors .. . niques, know how to calculate changing effects.
power supplies ... networks ... transistors ... TRY THIS NO -RISK SUBSCRIPTION
pulse circuitry, much more! Get general rules OFFER TODAY!

$ 278off
the newsstand price of

Enter my trial subscription for 1 year (6 issues) of Elementary

CB Electronics, for only $2.67. (regularly by subscription $3.95).
RADIO I prefer 11/2 years (9 issues) for $3.97 (on the newsstand $6.75).
New Subscription Renewal Subscription

WAVE (please print or type clearly)

NEW City State Zip

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COURSE Postage
Postage Stamp
Will be Paid Necessary
by if Mailed in the
PRODUCT Addressee United States

First Class Permit No. 790 (Sec. 34.9 P. L. & R.) New York, N.Y.


TODAY! P.O. Box 2600
Greenwich, Connecticut 06830
Dept. P5011
MAY -Jurys, 1974
(Continued from page 104)
PARTS! CORNEL TUBES! input. Other features include a master vol-
4,?' Send For "'Pee
New Color
3ó 1Cper
ume and tone control, as well as level con-
trols for each of its five inputs, and output
48 Pgs. New Items IN LOTS OF 100 IN 24 HOURS!


Circle No. 32 on Reader Service Coupon
1001 BARGAINS IN protection circuitry with an overload light
Tape Recorders- Kits -Everything in Electronics
- and reset button. Pushbutton on /off. The
1901 McGee Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64108 Realistic MPA -50 PA Amplifier is priced at
$129.95. Realistic products are available
from more than 2500 Radio Shack stores in
all 50 states and Canada.
Powerful electronic detector finds buried
gold, silver coins, etc. Write or call for Direct Drive Servo Tape Machines
free catalog. Dealer inquiries
invited. A new generation of stereo reel -to -reel tape
Financing Available transports with direct -drive servo-controlled
Phone day- night (713)682-2728
DC motor /capstan, which eliminates gears,
RELCO Dept.D -58 idlers and belts for quieter, smoother opera-
tion is now available from TEAC. At the top
of the line is the 5500 with dual-process
Dolby noise reduction system and DC motor.
SEMICONDUCTOR SUPERMART The 5500 operates with a direct -drive servo -
- controlled capstan which substantially re-
Other Parts For Elementary Electronics Projects
Box 3047 Scottsdale AZ 85257

Easy Do- It- Yours, K t

Project a giant S'x6' picture onto wall or screen.
B &W /C.Ior. Kit contains detailed plans, Inst., and
Precision Lens System. Only 512.95 ppd.,
or write for Free illustrated details.
The Macrocoma Co., Dept. IF
Washington Crossing, PA 18977


WORKS with ANY CAR -Poi table or HOME
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GOV'T 2 way Radio calls in YOUR AREA.
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NEBR. 68847 duces heat and vibration and fulfills the
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teristics. Four separate circuit cards in the
5500 permit simultaneous Dolbyized record-

ing with decoded tape monitoring, a distinct
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Write to TEAC, Dept. EE, 7733 Telegraph Rd.,
WATER óP 4 Montebello, CA 90640.


If you have stereo, you already own
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Save 17.45 off our "each" prices for everything you need
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MAY -JUNE, 1974
"Learn an honest trade
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Knuckle under to any man:'


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