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Date: 17/04/2022

Use the following questions to help us determine the stage of development in which our team - ALL STARS - is
operating. In this step,we will create a score for our team for each stage of development. Identify the stage in
which the team seems to operate the most.

Rating Scale Total of Stage 1 items 12

1 Not typical at all of my team Total of Stage 2 items 20 *
2 Not very typical of my team Total of Stage 3 items 9
3 Somewhat typical of my team Total of Stage 4 items 15
4 Very typical of my team

Score Stage 1: The Forming Stage

1 1. Not everyone is clear about the objectives and goals of the team.
2 2. Not everyone is personally acquainted with everyone else in the team.
3 3. Only a few team members actively participate.
1 4. Interactions among team members are very safe or somewhat superficial.
2 5. Trust among all team members has not yet been established.
3 6. Many team members seem to need direction from the leader in order to participate.

Score Stage 2: The Norming Stage

4 7. All team members know and agree with the objectives and goals of the team.
4 8. Team members all know one another.
3 9. Team members are very cooperative and actively participate in the activities of the team.
3 10. Interactions among team members are friendly, personal, and nonsuperficial.
4 11. A comfortable level of trust has been established among team members.
12. A strong unity exists in the team, and team members feel very much a part of a special group.

Score Stage 3: The Storming Stage

4 13. Disagreements and differing points of view are openly expressed by team members.
1 14. Competition exists among some team members.
1 15. Some team members do not follow the rules or the team norms.
1 16. Subgroups or coalitions exist within the team.
17. Some issues create major disagreements when discussed by the team, with some members on
1 one side and others on the other side.
1 18. The authority or competence of the team leader is being questioned or challenged.

Score Stage 4: The Performing Stage

19. Team members are committed to the team and actively cooperate to improve the team’s
3 performance.
20. Team members feel free to try out new ideas, experiment, share something crazy, or do novel
1 things.
21. A high level of energy is displayed by team members and expectations for performance are very
3 high
22. Team members do not always agree, but a high level of trust exists something crazy, or do novel
3 things.
23. Team members are committed to helping one another succeed and improve, so self-
3 aggrandizement is at a minimum.
2 24. The team can make fast decisions without sacrificing quality

Add up the scores for the items in each stage of team development. Generally, Stage 2: The Norming Stage
clearly stands out as having the highest scores. Team stages develop sequentially, so the highest stage in which
scores occur is usually the dominant stage of development. Based on these scores, we identified ways to move
the team to the next level.

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