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TPACK Template Michael Puatu

Subject Nutrition

Grade Level 3rd Grade

Learning Objective
3.5 The student will describe energy balance.
a) Explain that energy balance relates to good nutrition
(energy in) and physical activity (energy out).
b) Identify one food per group to create a healthy meal that

meets USDA guidelines

In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch the board to move, sort,
and cross out different foods and learn about different food groups .
Pedagogy Planning

Activity Activity: Students will drag, move, or cross out different foods
depending on the slide that is presented. This activity focuses on
decision making with food groups, as students were taught food
groups in previous classes.

Teacher: Teacher will show example of what the prompt is

asking before allowing students to come up to the board and
giving it a try. For example, the prompt asks to circle all the grain
foods and the teacher circles one and the class begins the

Student: Student will grab the interactive smartboard pen and

follow the directions given from the prompt. If correct, the
student will sit back down and the next student will have their
turn. If wrong, student will try again and be guided to find a
correct answer

As a class we will encourage each other throughout the activity.

Technology Please provide the
direct link to the IWB lesson.
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