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Proportionality and percentages. Workbook. 2º ESO.



Ratio & Proportion

1. Choose the correct answer for each of the following:

1 1 2
a) The ratio of 5 and 15 is , , .
2 3 3
2 3 2
b) The ratio of 24 and 36 is , , .
3 4 5

2. Calculate the unknown term in each proportion.

1 5 6 10 x 35
a) = b) = c) =
3 x 9 x 3 7

15 x 14 21 91 x
d) = e) = f) =
6 14 x 33 42 9

3. Write.

a) Three pairs of numbers with a ratio of .
b) Three pairs of numbers with a ratio of five to one.
c) Three pairs of numbers with a ratio of three to four.

4. Calculate x in the following proportions.

6 10 6 x 8 12
a) = b) = c) =
9 x 4 6 x 15

x 4 x 30 14 49
d) = e) = f) =
21 28 39 65 x 42

15 55 42 x 16 32
g) = h) = i) =
24 x 54 63 x 16

Direct proportionality

5. Solve.

a) 12 liters of water flow from a tap in 3 minutes. How many litres will flow from it in 5
minutes? (Sol.: 20 litres)
b) Three boxes of pins weigh 150 grams. How much do 10 boxes weigh? (Sol.: 500 g)

6. How much will I pay for 300 grams of smoked salmon which costs 16 € per kilo?
(Sol.: 4,8 €)

7. A cyclist travelling at a constant speed has travelled 200 meters in 20 seconds. How far
will he travel in 5 minutes? (Sol.: 3000 m)

Proportionality and percentages. Workbook. 2º ESO. Mathematics

8. Two and a half kilos of potatoes cost 1,75 €. How much will three and a half kilos cost?
(Sol.: 2,45 €)

9. A pack of 500 sheets of paper weighs 1,8 kg. How much will a pack of 850 sheets weigh?
(Sol.: 3,06 kg)

10. A bottling machine fills 750 bottles in a quarter of an hour. How many bottles will be filled
in an hour and a half? (Sol.: 4500 bottles)

Inverse proportionality

11. A car travelling at 80 km/h takes two hours to reach Barcelona. How long would the
journey take a truck travelling at 40 km/h? What about a high speed train travelling at
160 km/h? (Sol.: 4 hours, 1 hour)

12. Three workers clean a park in seven hours. How long would it take for seven workers?
(Sol.: 3 hours)

13. A water pipe, with a flow rate of three litres per second, takes 20 minutes to fill a tank.

a) How long would it take if it had a flow rate of two litres per second? (Sol.: 30 mins)
b) What about 10 litres per second? (Sol.: 6 mins)

14. Four workers take 10 hours to clean a solar panel. How long will it take five workers?
(Sol.: 8 hours)

15. A tractor working for eight hours a day ploughs a field in nine days. How many hours
does it need to work to plough the field in just six days? (Sol.: 12 hours a day)

Problems of proportionality

16. Indicate, in each table, if the two magnitudes are in direct proportion, inverse proportion,
or they are not neither in direct nor in inverse proportion.

Magnitude A 2 4 6 10

Magnitude B 5 10 15 25

Magnitude A 1 5 10 15

Magnitude B 2 10 25 30

Magnitude A 1 5 10 20

Magnitude B 100 20 10 5

Magnitude A 15 30 45 60

Magnitude B 10 4 3 1

Proportionality and percentages. Workbook. 2º ESO. Mathematics

Magnitude A 40 20 10 8

Magnitude B 3 6 12 15

Magnitude A 100 150 300 500

Magnitude B 4 6 12 20

17. Fill the following tables so that the two magnitudes are in direct proportion.

Magnitude A 1 10 20

Magnitude B 25 75 100

Magnitude A 2 8 12 50

Magnitude B 18 36

18. Fill the following tables so that the two magnitudes are in inverse proportion.

Magnitude A 3 9 12

Magnitude B 120 60 24

Magnitude A 600 300 150

Magnitude B 25 75 150

19. Indicate, in each table, if the two magnitudes are in direct or inverse proportion, and its
constant of proportionality.

Magnitude A 60 120 180 240

Magnitude B 12 24 36 48

Magnitude A 500 250 125 100

Magnitude B 2 4 8 10

Magnitude A 1 3 9 27

Magnitude B 5400 1800 600 200

Magnitude A 1000 1500 4000 5000

Proportionality and percentages. Workbook. 2º ESO. Mathematics

Magnitude B 5 7,5 20 25

20. A farmer has enough hay to feed his 65 cows for 32 days. How long will the hay last if
she buys 15 more cows? (Sol.: 26 days)

21. A fish that weighs two kilos and 300 grams costs 28,75 €. How much will a smaller one
that weighs one and a half kilos cost? (Sol.: 18,75 €)

22. A cargo train, travelling at an average speed of 72 km/h, makes its journey from City A
to City B in seven hours. How fast should the train travel to make the journey in six
hours? (Sol.: 84 km/h)

23. A cyclist travels 25 kilometers in one hour and 15 minutes. Travelling at this speed, how
long will it take to travel 64 kilometres? (Sol.: 3 hours 12 minutes)

24. A train travelling at 90 km/h covers a route in six hours. How long will it take travelling at
100 km/h? (Sol.: 5 hours 24 mins)

25. A tap with a flow rate of 3,5 litres per minute fills a tank in an hour and a half. How long
would it take to fill with a flow rate of 4,5 litres per minute? (Sol.: 1 hour 10 mins)

26. TRIP TO FRANCE. My sister is about to finish Bachillerato, and her school is planning
an end of year trip to France, which is quite expensive, about 630 €. My sister and her
classmates intend to collect money for the trip by
selling T-shirts, sweaters and backpacks, among
other things.

On the trip to France, they will be driving close to

the border with Switzerland, so my sister has
decided to take some Swiss francs, just in case she
decides to buy something. Currently, the exchange
rate is 1 euro for 97 cents of a Swiss franc. To buy
100 Swiss francs, my sister will have to pay

a) 94 euros b) 103 euros c) 940 euros d) 1030 euros

Make your guess and calculate the answer to check whether you were right or wrong.
27. PARTY AT SCHOOL. The school is organising a party to collect money for the trip. My
group has decided to sell tangerine juice in small glasses.

Proportionality and percentages. Workbook. 2º ESO. Mathematics

We want to buy bags of tangerines like the one in the image. How much will a kilogram
of tangerines cost?

a) 1 €
b) 1,1 €
c) It depends on the number of tangerines.
d) It’s not possible to know, the information is not provided.

Make your guess and calculate the answer to check whether you were right or wrong.

28. PARTY AT SCHOOL. A bag like the one in the image contains 18 tangerines, and we
have verified we can fill 2 glasses of juice with 3 tangerines. How many glasses can we
fill with a bag of tangerines?

a) 6 glasses
b) 9 glasses
c) 12 glasses
d) 18 glasses

Make your guess and calculate the answer to check whether you were right or wrong.

29. PARTY AT SCHOOL. How much money will it cost approximately to prepare each glass
of juice?

a) 0,06 €
b) 0,12 €
c) 0,18 €
d) 0,24 €

Make your guess and calculate the answer to check whether you were right or wrong.

Proportionality and percentages. Workbook. 2º ESO. Mathematics

30. PARTY AT SCHOOL. A 50 kg person should consume 40 grams of protein daily. Using
the information on the table, how many 2 kg bags should you buy to reach those 40
Nutrition size for every 100
edible grams of tangerines

Energy 43 kcal

Protein 0,8 g

Carbohydrates 9g

Fiber 1,9 g

Calcium 36 mg

Write down the steps and the solution.

That person should buy …………………. bags of tangerines.


31. Calculate mentally.

a) 50% of 46 b) 50% of 120 c) 25% of 40

d) 75% of 40 e) 25% of 24 f) 75% of 24
g) 10% of 460 h) 5% of 460 i) 10% of 70

32. Calculate.

a) 12% of 750 b) 35% of 240 c) 85% of 360

d) 14% of 650 e) 2,5% of 20 f) 95% of 20
g) 150% of 40 h) 115% of 200 i) 200% of 10

33. Copy and complete the table, matching each percentage with a decimal number:

Percentage 35% 24% 8% 95% 120%

Decimal 0,35 0,52 0,03 1,50

34. Calculate.

a) 50% of x = 150 b) 50% of x = 7

c) 25% of x = 120 d) 25% of x = 6
e) 75% of x = 150 f) 75% of x = 9

Problems using percentages

35. An employee earns 1700 euros a month and spends 40% on the mortgage for his home.
How much is left to cover the rest of his expenses? (Sol.: 1020 €)

Proportionality and percentages. Workbook. 2º ESO. Mathematics

36. In a class of 35 students, 28 have gone on a school trip. What percentage of the class
have not gone on the school trip? (Sol.: 20%)

37. A hotel has 187 occupied rooms, representing 85% of the total number of rooms. How
many rooms are unoccupied? (Sol.: 33 rooms)

38. A water tank is full to 93% of its capacity. If 14000 litres are added, it will be full. What is
the total capacity of the tank? (Sol.: 200000 litres)

39. A jumper that costs 45 € is on sale for 36 €. By what percentage has it been discounted?
(Sol.: 20%)

40. PREPARING A TRIP. At school, there are two groups of 2º ESO and two groups of 3º
ESO. The number of students going on an end of year trip to Port Aventura is as follows:

Using this information complete the following table using percentages.

41. PREPARING A TRIP. Which of these fractions represents the number of students of 2º
A compared to the number of students of 2º B?


Make your guess and calculate the answer to check whether you were right or wrong.
42. Nowadays, only a small number of the bags produced are recycled. It is expected that
by 2022 40% of the bags will be recycled. What will be by then the proportion of bags
that are NOT recycled?

Proportionality and percentages. Workbook. 2º ESO. Mathematics


Make your guess and calculate the answer to check whether you were right or wrong.

43. PLAYING CATÁN. Catán is one of the most famous board games of the last decades.
The main goal is to conquer the whole island by making good use of its resources and
thus obtaining more points of victory than the rest of the players.
It is a game with a strong mathematical background, so you and your mates decide to
give it a try.

The game starts by placing on the board the 18 hexagonal sections that correspond to
the different resources.

In order to build a village, wood and bricks are needed. According to the information on
the table, what percentage of the sections would be used?

a) 16,67%
b) 22,22%
c) 25,71%
d) 38,89%

Make your guess and calculate the answer to check whether you were right or wrong.

Proportionality and percentages. Workbook. 2º ESO. Mathematics

44. PLAYING CATÁN. A friend of yours is buying an expansion of the

game called “Catán: Ciudades y Caballeros”. The best offer is on an
Argentinian website and the price of the game is 550 pesos. Her
parents are paying with a credit card. If the exchange rate is 1 € = 25
pesos and the bank applies a fee for using the credit card as
indicated in the table:

Payment lower than 20 € 3% of the price

Credit card fee
Payment higher than 20 € 5% of the price

How many euros will they pay in total? Write down the steps and the solution.

They will pay …………………. euros for the game.

Percentage increase and decrease

45. Solve.

a) Alberto buys a coat that costs 148 €, but it is reduced by 25%. How much does he
pay for the coat? (Sol.: 111 €)
b) Alberto pays 111 € for a coat that is reduced by 25%. How much is the full price of
the coat? (Sol.: 148 €)
c) Alberto pays 111 € for a coat that originally cost 148 €. What percentage discount has
been applied to the coat? (Sol.: 25%)

46. Solve.

a) In a supermarket, 2500 cans of fizzy drink were sold last month. How many cans
were sold this month if sales have grown by 12%? (Sol.: 2800 cans)
b) In a supermarket, 2800 cans of fizzy drink have been sold this month, which is a 12%
increase from last month. How many cans were sold last month? (Sol.: 2500 cans)
c) In a supermarket, 2800 cans of fizzy drink have been sold this month and 2500 cans
were sold last month. By what percentage have sales increased? (Sol.: 12%)

Percentage increase and decrease. Problems

47. Five years ago, I bought a flat for 240000 €. Since then, the flat has increased in value
by 37%. How much is the flat worth now? (Sol.: 328800 €)

48. A loaf of bread has risen in price by 10%, and now costs 0,55 €. How much did it cost
before the price increase? (Sol.: 0,5 €)

49. At the beginning of the summer, a reservoir held 775 cubic decametres of water. During
the summer, its reserves have reduced by 68%. Now, at the end of the summer, how
much water is left? (Sol.: 248 cubic decametres)

Proportionality and percentages. Workbook. 2º ESO. Mathematics

50. A gardener has a field of 3500 m 2 and wants to plant tomatoes on 45% of it. How many
plants should he buy if each covers 9 m 2, and you should always buy 10% more?
(Sol.: 193 plants)

51. A SUBMARINE ADVENTURE. In summer, the good

weather is inviting for sports such as submarinism. You
have signed up for a day of submarinism, and your sister
has decided to accompany you.
You contact diving clubs from Navarra and Euskadi to
check the fees of each company.

Calculate the percentage increase in Club Bilbao of the 3 immersion pack for clients up
to 16 years compared to the same pack for clients older than 16.

Write all the steps and round the result to the hundredth.

The percentage increase of the 3 immersion pack is ………………………. %.

52. PORT AVENTURA! To celebrate the end of the course

you are going on a trip to Port Aventura. To pay for the
expenses (bus, tickets, etc) you are organising a party
at school.
The parents of the APYMA are spreading the news on
the following social networks: Instagram, Facebook,
Twitter and Tumblr.

Proportionality and percentages. Workbook. 2º ESO. Mathematics

Look at the increase of the number of men who use Facebook in the range 21 to 25
years old, compared to the range 26 to 30 years old. What percentage represents that

a) 10%
b) 20%
c) 30%
d) 50%

Make your guess and calculate the answer to check whether you were right or wrong.

53. LET’S GO ON A TRIP! The party organised to raise funding was an

astounding success, and you have collected all the money you needed.

The price of a ticket to Port Aventura has a discount if you buy it on the
website. What discount is applied to single person tickets bought on the
website from Monday to Friday?

a) 2%
b) 3%
c) 5%
d) 10%

Make your guess and calculate the answer to check whether you were right or wrong.

54. LET’S GO ON A TRIP! If we buy the tickets on the website, we go to the park on a
Tuesday, we are 60 people in total and when paying by card we are charged a 4% price
increase, how much will we have to pay in total?

a) 2188,80 €
b) 2304,00 €
c) 2371,20 €
d) 2496,00 €

Make your guess and calculate the answer

to check whether you were right or wrong.

55. REMEMBERING EUROVISION! After playing Catán, you and

your friends feel hungry and decide to prepare supper while
watching a 2018 Eurovision Festival recording. You all feel
like eating pizza and sushi.

You decide to prepare some sushi at home by yourselves. For

a Futomaki roll, you have to place the ingredients on a square
sheet of nori seaweed, and roll it up until it takes the shape of
a cylinder.

Proportionality and percentages. Workbook. 2º ESO. Mathematics

Grains of rice increase their volume 30% when they are boiled. Taking this information
into account, what volume of grains of rice should you boil to obtain 1000 cm3 of cooked

a) Approximately 700 cm 3
b) Approximately 770 cm 3
c) Approximately 970 cm 3
d) Approximately 1300 cm 3

Make your guess and calculate the answer to check whether you were right or wrong.

56. REMEMBERING EUROVISION! Besides preparing sushi, you decide you order two
large pizzas from MatePizza, using a discount coupon. If P represents the price of the
first pizza, and Q the price of the second pizza, which of the following formulas
calculates the price to pay for your order?

MatePizza discount coupon

Ordering the delivery of any of our large pizzas:

Caribbean Barbecue Tagliatella

a 15% discount will be applied. Additionally, if you order a second large pizza, a 20%
discount will be applied on the second pizza.

a) 0,15∙P + 0,20∙Q
b) 0,20∙P + 0,15∙Q
c) 0,80∙P + 0,85∙Q
d) 0,85∙P + 0,80∙Q

Make your guess and calculate the answer to check whether you were right or wrong.

Unit review

57. Solve using the rule of three.

a) A car travelling at 70 km/h completes a journey in six hours. How long will the return
trip take if it travels at 100 km/h? (Sol.: 4 hours 12 mins)
b) Eva paid 10,85 € for a fish that weighed 875 g. How much will Miguel pay for a fish
that weighs 1,2 kg? (Sol.: 14,88 €)

58. Calculate.

Proportionality and percentages. Workbook. 2º ESO. Mathematics

a) 65% of 80 b)4% of 3200 c) 16% of 160

59. A basin of water contained 36000 litres. 15% has been used. How many litres are left?
(Sol.: 30600 litres)

60. Out of a class of 30 students, six have gone on a school trip. What percentage of
students stayed at school? (Sol.: 80%)

61. A hospital has 210 occupied beds, which is 84% of the total beds available. How many
beds are available in the hospital in total? (Sol.: 250 beds)


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