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High School Life

Joe Ahumada
1. The far right side of my collage was my freshman year, I chose these images
that showed pictures of my friends Dylan, Kevin, and Edrych, playing
basketball with my friend Lucas, and then a picture of my face on a meme.
The reason why I chose these images was because they helped me get
through my first year of high school. I spent a lot of time either hanging out
with them outside of school or playing video games. I made lots of memories
with them that I will definitely remember throughout the rest of my life.
1. My sophomore year is on the middle-right side of the collage. I met my best
friend Xavier this year and me and our other friend Lucas became very close.
I also chose a picture of me playing basketball for the first time, and I put a
picture of me and my friend Josh together. The picture of my friend Xavier
was taken at a paintball place, which hurt a ton, but was also so fun. The
other picture of him was an inside joke between me and all of my other
friends. I also went to a lakers game this year, where they played and beat the
celtics. That year meant a lot to me and I was very happy with the way I was
1. This was the covid year. I actually had a ton of fun this year. The pictures from
junior year are on the left-middle side of the screen. I chose a picture of my
discord call with my friends Lucas and Xavier, everyday we would play call of
duty, minecraft, fortnite, or we would listen to music or watch a new movie that
just came out. The picture of the guy on the computer was my friend spencer
and that was when the lakers won the championship so that what he was
looking at. Lastly when covid quarantine was a little chilled down, me and my
friends would have wing nights on friday and I became well acquainted with
my friends dog named Lucas. (not to be mixed up with my friend Lucas.)
So far this year has been up and down, with lots of downs. However I highlighted
lots of my highs from this year. The pictures from my senior year are on the far left
side of the screen. Meeting new friends and new people was very fun, as well as
fully evolving the way I dress. I still play basketball and I have an awesome new
coach and team which I connected with so fast. The picture of me and Jeremias
was from prom and we had a really good time with our girlfriends. I used a picture
from this class because I became friends with the people inside of it. Without
english I would’ve never met them. I also chose a picture of my friend Nick who
has been so funny and always makes me laugh. I plan on ending this year with a
bang and making sure the rest of it keeps going uphill, and I can’t wait for what
CSN is going to bring to me.

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