TLE 9 - Cookery - Week6-7

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Department of Education

National Capital Region

Schools Division of Parañaque City
Self-Learning Modules
Cookery 9- Quarter 1 Week 6&7

Learning Competencies (Essential Competencies)

LO 3: Present a Range of Appetizers (TLE_HECK9PA-Ii-5)


At the end of the lesson, the learner is expected to:

a. Identify the fundamental of plating,
b. Enumerate the accompaniments of appetizer and
c. Prepare and present appetizer.

Let’s Recall (Review)

1. Differentiate hot and cold appetizers

2. Give the five types of cold hors d’oeuvres

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

Appetizers can be more appreciated if presented attractively like the saying goes “the
eyes eat first”. Plate presentation is the process of offering the appetizer to guests in a
stylish and pleasing manner. It requires skills, style and creativity. This lesson will provide
you the knowledge, skills and understanding in presenting range of appetizers.

Fundamentals of Plating

1. Balance. The rules of good menu balance also

apply to plating. Select foods and garnishes that
offer variety and contrast.
• Color. Two or more colors on a plate are usually more
interesting than one. Garnish is also important.
• Shapes. Plan for variety of shapes and forms. Cutting
vegetables into different shapes gives you great flexibility.
• Texture. Not strictly visual consideration, but important in plating in

menu planning.
• Flavors. One of the factors to consider when balancing colors, shapes,
and texture on the plate.
2. Portion size. This is important for
presentation as well as for costing
• Match portion sizes and plates. Too
small a plate makes an overcrowded,
jumbled, messy appearance. Too
large a plate makes the portions look
• Balance the portion sizes of the
various items on the plate. Apply
logical balance of portions.
3. Arrangement on the plate

Accompaniments of the Appetizer

Accompaniments of appetizers are sometimes highly flavored seasonings of various
kinds. The purpose of which is to improve its flavour or to counteract its richness or texture.
Accompaniment – something that is added to another thing to make it better or
more appealing.
Below are examples of appetizers and their accompaniments:

Best served with

Cold lobster mayonnaise sauce

Shrimps cayenne pepper, lemon wedges, hot breakfast toast

Fresh Prawn brown bread and butter, mayonnaise sauce

Smoked salmon cayenne pepper, lemon wedge, brown bread and butter

Oysters Cayenne pepper, chili vinegar, Tabasco sauce, brown bread and
Gulls egg Brown bread and butter, oriental salt

Ham mousse Hot breakfast toast

avocado Brown bread and butter

Grapefruit cocktail Served with castor sugar

Asparagus Hollandaise sauce if hot, vinaigrette if cold

Chilled Melon Ground ginger and castor sugar

Sweet potato chips Sweet chili catsup

Roasted potatoes Olive oil, Italian spices

Bruschetta Diced tomatoes, roasted garlic, basil, parsley, garlic oil, cheese

Stuffed shells Cheese filling, marinara sauce

Chicken meatballs Tomato cream sauce


1. The three elements of a buffet platter.
• Centerpiece or Grosse piece (gross pyess). This may be an uncut portion of the
main food item, such as a pate or a cold roast, decorated and displayed whole. It
may be a separate but related item, such as molded salmon mousse.
• The slices or serving portions should be arranged artistically.
• The garnish should be artistically done in proportion to the cut slices.
2. The food should be easy to handle and serve, so that one portion can be removed
without ruining the arrangement.
3. A simple design is best. Simple arrangement is easier to serve, more appetizing, and
still attractive when are half consumed by the guest.
4. Attractive platter presentation may be made on silver or other metals, on mirrors,
chinaware, plastic ware, wood, or any other materials provided they are presentable and
suitable for food.
5. Once a piece of food has touched the tray, do not remove it. Shiny silver or mirror trays
are easily smudged, and you’ll have to wash the tray and start over again. Good pre-
planning should be considered.
6. Think of the platter as part of the whole. It must be attractive and appropriate to the
other presentation in the table.
1. Plan ahead. Make a sketch by dividing the tray into six or eight sections. This will help
you lay out a balance and symmetrical design. The sketch should indicate the
centerpiece, slices of foods and garnishes.
2. Get movement into your design. Good design makes your eyes move across the platter
following the lines you have set up. It could be arranged in rows or lines.
3. Give the design a focal point. Use centerpiece to emphasize and strengthen the design
by giving it direction and height. Note that centerpiece is not always in the center.
4. Keep items in proportion.
5. Make the garnish count. Use garnish to balance out a plate by providing additional
element. Two items on a plate often look unbalanced, but adding a garnish completes
the picture. On the other hands do not add unnecessary garnishes.
6. Don’t drown every plate in sauce or gravy. It may hide colors and shapes. You may
cover a part of it or a band of sauce across the center.
7. Keep it simple. Simplicity is more attractive than complicated designs.
8. Let the guest see the best side of everything. Angle overlapping slices and
wedged-shaped pieces toward the customer and the best side of each slice is face up.

Let’s Apply

Hands-On Activity
Prepare at least one kind of appetizer and let’s find out if you can arrange your
prepared appetizers attractively following the fundamentals of plating, principles of platter
presentation and designing the platter. Take a video or a photo. Your output will be rated
using the rubric below:
Score Criteria

5 Very artistically and creatively done

4 Artistically and creatively done

3 Properly and less creatively done

2 Improperly done and unattractive

1 No attempt

Let’s Analyze

Directions: Answer the following questions. Five (5) points each.

1. What are the fundamentals to be followed in plating appetizers?

2. Why should appetizers be served with accompaniments?
3. What are the guidelines in designing platter?

Let’s Try (Evaluation)

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement
is incorrect.
1. Plate presentation is the process of offering the appetizer to guests in a stylish
and pleasing manner.
2. Flavor is one of the factors to consider when balancing colors, shapes, and texture
on the plate.
3. Too small plate makes an overcrowded, jumbled, messy appearance.
4. Good design makes your eyes move across the platter
5. Use garnish to emphasize and strengthen the design by giving it direction and

Let’s Create

Activity No.1 Prove It More!

Goal To prepare and present appetizer.

Role To make your own appetizer using the ingredients that are available in
your kitchen.
Audience The target audience are your TLE Teacher as well as your parents .
Situation You were tasked to choose between chips and dips or finger food.
Note: Ask for help from your parents/guardian while doing this task.
Product Performance Present appetizer through plating. You will be rated based on
the preparation of materials and ingredients, actual preparation
and presentation.
Standard Your output will be rated using the scoring rubric.


(20) (15) (10 (5)

1. Use of tools Uses tools and Uses tools Uses tools and Uses tools and
and equipment equipment and equipment correctly equipment
correctly equipment and but less incorrectly and less
and confidently correctly and confidently confidently most of
at all confidently sometimes the time
times most of the
2. Application Manifests very Manifests Manifests Manifests less
of procedures clear clear understanding of understanding of
understanding understanding of the step-by-step the
of the the step by-step procedure step- by-step
step- by-step procedures but sometimes procedure seeking
procedure seeks clarification clarification most of
the time
3. Safety work Observes Observes Observes safety Most of the time
habits safety safety precautions not
precautions at precautions sometimes observing safety
all times most of the precautions

4.Work Effort The work was The work was Work is done with Lack of effort on
done well to the done with good fair effort, but the the learner’s part.
best of the effort that shows quality is still not Work is incomplete
learnings what the what the learner is learners capable of
ability. Quality learners is capable of it. it is doing better
time and effort capable of. It is evident that the
was put into the evident that time work is rushed or
presentation. was put into this done with lack of
display and effort.
5.Presentation The plating has The plating has The plating has less The plating lacks
creativity and less creativity creativity and does creativity and does
observes the and observes not observes the not observe the
balance color, the balance of balance of color, balance of color,
shape portion, color, shape shape portion, of shape, portion, of
of size, and portion, of size, size, and size and
arrangement of and arrangement of arrangement of
plate arrangement of plate plate/


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