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12/07/2018 Euctoronics and digital System Digitot incuts axe also callid sogie cfncuit becawe J+ obeys certain Set of cody pxogfams. Sti wed do th computor ond data Ein, /contstal ryt hens commusrtitation Advantey Algital eb ctororiice — 4) eased to desfan 2) Sm paxmaston sto Cis higher) BDoaccwnacy cond Pe precision axe greater P mos Veuodils Coperatfons aru conta olbd by 0 Setof Code ‘instanctPon called Paogeam) 5) faite Gouits axe uy feted by noise 6) Moxe dig Toe SG cxcuit can be po cates wna #in D mn oe maxe dit advanta ) The seat would dy a The digttou System och divided nto 3 stagu ri 4) System de sion D Gate destgS 2 Cfsenict design bigh— — — 5 i) High dling >| Too eer] [ts ee] dow -4 Positive Joa megatfve pulee edge ed ‘aland Soagonud Scanned with CamScanner Ht HC oto Jive genuat CMAN GAL fy On digital cfsrcudy 7 vi q° a dq Lorn high dotow state So p we au neg imposctant "i, a 0 ° auments of digital Joie using fifp- flops moe complex Jogic ducuuity eRe coups, encodus ;decociz y ME r anearanee KONE Can by Conltaucted . functions of digital togies - 1) Alotimadtc Opexiations 2) encodin 3) an 4) stosia a) countlng well oF tntegratfon - 1) Small scale Sntegratos. (séz) - 12 gates ona chip 2) medium scale integration, (rast) 7 1240-99 tr goctec 3) hange Scale, “Integsat$ on ~ doo to 399g GM Cmiicso processoss) 4) vous large scale nctegs ater, ~ 1G ~ 89;999 gate S) ultsa large Scale ~eurr 160,000 AE 123 tn g's co 399 - 123 B76 —Q's co +1 Scanned with CamScanner 484-54 fh 9's compdiirn ent 999-99 3B2:S4 2194S — 9's eA AINE — Jorg Compdim ent ayn bike 38 )o7/138 Old £00 tt esos sin TP 1J0} 10011 5 _5, for 0 ® fori © ® L ° 367.5 25 > 2 3 8| 365 86% 25 2 + + gS 28 at Bier G10 ¢ gS cag Ss > - 2 Coloii-toloie) . 365-52 C ve (054-06), O), } 0.06 x8=o0.48 es > O4Bxg=3-84 8 |tos> ' S55 3}. a (393)-03) 4 62.3 ‘ | oF ° a Scanned with CamScanner fr 6G (4053-06), —> 4 x 18 = axgitoxgtexe! 4 4x8? - 08 xe 4 6X G2 = 2099: 0934,, ® (278-33) = (G92 F341), zi)" 0-93 X&= Feuy Be Ou4xB= 352 a\s fF t O52x8 = Ul & OlexB = pas A | O:9$2= 0-734] 1 (s72-3341) 8 S2y Crt, ~2{ soa | 2 aBS™ ’ | afr (Goosssoity #/ Fi 3 % 3 [es a lig 4 i 2] 2 ae “sa 1 Dee wt Yate a|\2 9 ~ oF Scanned with CamScanner (4) ~ _8| $492 g| 68? i a BS 10 Ss + 2 (42571) —-( 004 oto for Lit GOL) a 1+ 010404 24404294 27 408% 994 oD! = QOuk+ S124 256 +128 +64 + IG FL =@oas),, On LleTl tot SSeDy s- > a Sx 879+ 3-xg240 x8! +1%g° = 3025 lo Kexademal = 2% = oublace ohh elias s » eo(lonotiol), —> ( dig ” 2433 41 | ' 2de ! i ‘ ( 16 : 9. lo —A th, Lacey i \z— ce lA = & [y= & Is—eF Scanned with CamScanner oii t3d )ep= 1044 So 2) ofososits 27 eo — {om a as at ca foh 3 | | -3c) ad tw (QF B: ?C)t6 4 : Zs Ss & a ; (£9 (enc), — Cds § : @ (0100 f9@44 L010) 1100), 8 1" a 3 05 +! lo A £04 i: to Day res hy, 41 8 toy 2) 6 ia oo Lie 3) SKIS He Leh + ax 16° 13) gd 419 4 J d = 1280+ 19249 =Iyag a fat s isp Lat 24655. JERE Poi, re F of t Pie er ea fl Geo 10x 1634 oy, tic x be “{11208-0599) lo C188 Oa am lo o> Cy 69S x46 . 10g ‘ 8x16 =o Serle 1s 9-8 xt as (626-Acec) le Scanned with CamScanner +) (49056) lo € D5 16 | Ygose6 —>-_-—--—-—— 1i6| 3066 ° 16 494 1o 16 id \s BF AO AGcSuce ou wt @ | itl toto 9000), ong 8) (356.603) —. @ SY aaa 7 6 peels O00Lat tQ4 P40 4 L100 Noo, OTL C06 1 ete fe ee. E € a : aire G@ee-c18) © Cdnk ) (g9e. 4e),, = t Bea 1041 fOoo144 44+ LOLO L4t00 (S 687-534), (89. 9e) )g = (5637-534) 9 ans Scanned with CamScanner (9) Fay lao 2 Biase Code 4 Numex?o—> vupsuents numesic infoumectien Cnty O%5 ong, > 8421, xs-3, Gay Code Cased in Imo, Py, ™ Number code dr wed to supsuent +A, dedmal digits aru call ct Bina. Conky Dedimat (Bev) Cocky H Oo _Ohite 1 O-o if fo! s-zes Hoy black 8 Albho numesdc — 94. Wed cto Supuy Codes AscH coder The 8404 BCD co Nora! BeD Code }— and each hdmat Point 4 bit bin Ot br wih from WHO FDI WY codig S421 DUPRE attech cto Hy. '$ 8421 Code counter , * dedmat addition tin 4) astig 2S 2°40 o104 > 2001 66 Se ig Coin Looe THES SEO He m0 tin im B98 48a cut + ‘Teer Sum term by say Gadd 6, Cono) and aoe ee NR tai az Houp SUygat combination — 1010, 10211, t4£00, tLo4,41410, tdid 0) 653.6 S219 «~O1tt = t004 ‘0440 + 536-8 C404 C014 oye L000 (216-4 fell “Tore ttey a) oO add 6 tello eit = *oOllo °"0001 Goose alos ee - Scanned with CamScanner at ovoyp exist tBen paopagate Ladd, P01 2000 Bol . G100 bt +1 +1 41 0001 Oglo O00L Oll oe ooo ee a . © L i 6 i Thin hh called BED addition BCD Bubst+gactf on— ee nal SEP SF en Gy bowitw no 66, mwnection Sy needs d , + bosurcw ten substecctten 6's , pom te. nian dhtt dors to Skip dMegat Biers. “er a) -98 As PR thon 23 PLS ORL Takin do + aac 12 10 10 ) 206.5 0040 COCO omeO . orit — 149-8 Coot OL1900 O404 wifcoo OS8-9 ©0900 1100 o000.- iida OBMROOL4LO, Oto 0110 0404@ t1@a0-.1004 _ Sigsgt again - O©c1QK 0000 Ortio. ofst O0OOL co oLrt . Lodo j Oo00+-144tt i ae t O0l6 C000 off0™ orl . ©0014 0100 O14! +4000 ©0000 orl 1f10+liii bowcws ase es, -OLL0+0110 O1L10 Deuwtent an m0 1 Scanned with CamScanner os 6 e iz Pi J@ite plement- 8cb substgaction ating. 9's £ 10's Com 0 306.5 305-5 “lSSe8, Boe (9's complument-) 336.7 1136°6 | “Hes 2) 349.9 342.5 ttos.g D> 88t-1 Cio’s complament) 233.8 1233-8 ignou Heat, 233-8 308-5 = °Oft O000 of04. OLoy £ B8(« | $000 C04L C004 + oo04 "3666 SF Pea ois O10 -onfo Pigal +0110 10 add aan OHO ie aif 1 ony i 36.94 ee nt 2407/18 Bep Substaadten wn dole Compliment ~ 34Q7 342.9. = (08.9 TASH Il (Hole ompiiane) 233-8 O233-8 (Pgnau ) Ooig C100 0040 . a4at Looo £O00L D004 + COOL 1044 LLOL “Soyy “i000 + 0110+ O1d16 ~~ S8te wee SS CO-#=t -+oeo pee aoe P0001 Obo110 OOtl-icoo el! Ces ope ee 0048 6 O5T BOT ee oe «2 Oo LOCO (igo, 2 3 Scanned with CamScanner Excet-3 Lex-a)0 ( yo 3) Code — 794 La non weighted Ben Code | Each binary wosd ue Conttbonding 8491 code plus | ods (3) oro _— % a 4 iz 1¢ 15 7 Six Tnualtd State : 0900 70001 , 1104 ,4tlo, t1tL XS—3 Addition — . OF « 4) 3% Ss Lo o1410 1010 te PS AL > ood tore ¥S-8 code 6s “Loli Ooo, +33 Loii So as bi eecec fe Aloo oton ~OOst t0041 TPO it Fo Oe L doot sooo 2 8 IF noc) 80m tht addition of four gacu)> subs. COLt an ft c Hen add oo41. Sth antl TF case BF cou tan oad set 2) 243-6 5% tog Olof O11t pono. door Hgso4y 6 6 42-77 0141 (topo oO oll = a. 607-0 1100 [yard 0110.0000 333-3 th +h SY oS 4499 920604147 .GaG0 — = 3 O- 3 10-3 flo 0600 Si1l . O00 —FOOL1 4001) +0011 onli Feet tet oop, tte; 1004 O01 1010 001; ae. 2 10-3 XS-3 gubsteactfon- Tiel aks 5) ie noes cnihy od..asa; i Kno Fnvalicl Sep alll come’ ) a O40L 4001 40140 . 3) 96> 5 9 10 —0100 ‘4o10 4o00 BS — + 1p 8 2 0000 “Tria sae og FOOLS-O04tss0 044 ‘ress O01 iio ofot 3125 3 i cam Scanned with CamScanner waht of bowiow Substvact OOF 4 no bouow add ool HW sag 48 10-9 4000 4010 «61484 7 23-8 S io+ti -oL0L 1040 104, 29-8 ooto £1EL. pa 33°3 4+ O001L-COL]. ~o0}) ee aoe o4104 £100 5 top> 5 42.44 4s lorie Eng ito Se, converts fon — ~ 3# an n-bat Sie gatanbe a Jupsurented Bm) Bn. ————- By & Br ge code equivalent 4 Gn Gay -— Gi, what Bn £ Gn asxu Msge Hen Gn=8n, Gn = Bn@® Bn Gro= BAO By2—-- ot st a = B2@6, * convetct the, ody 1001 +o 486 ay Code Pinata 1 Os 0 B+ 0-@+1 aay ea 4 Bind. ote meRod~ Bin emi de Ogre cig _o* + na 141040 (ignow *iy) “tio Scanned with CamScanner - any to Bie 7 i ; Br-2= Bni@ Gn-2 -—~ ~ Bn= Gn; Boi = B® Gn-, ; Bn-2 B= 2204, % convert Geay code L101 to bin ait Ge 8. fob 7, 8% Di B- 1-85 -85-*I ®)- Convert tRe no. tinto Hg SAF OOC14 10410 oat 46 sey. - O@10 O1114 O100 oy shitting method- Ooig foL1o ols) £ 9S 4 ior CERO fy a) Oote oj114 0100 (dont take corey and bow ovo Esuiost detecting Qode- 2 then Binawy data i oltected SULOA May occus duro to noise colltch distoxd ody content, so letect&on of enon Uy vou mpastant « Poy iu tRe simpli st technique to VY diteutn eno addin OW) extza bit Thue ou seoo pes oF pat P +) odd Padty — Total no’ of 4 bit an one's word 3) wen postiy ~ Total no. of 4 bit in one's. wosd. * Snthe even scheme, ffne He esuian toioioio; fiLtoito; 4014), OOL No eon NO HOH Cure ward , Scanned with CamScanner ,. ™/! | Esvox cosuiecting cocde- Acode wt said 2 AN ery 90 e 4 cl dle b 1 sto mama code, TF 4B: comyodt-cocle word can Glo cys be decluced teom an eurosin ess word fox Sni bit Hon Savcnoating code mut be three SF connects sing bit eseran boot and alro detected 2 bIF eumosy 4) ote Code ~ 7 - bit hammitp Code~ — The wosd omar Pro a Dg Pa Ds De Po Pasty bite O- data ‘bite ~ Pt Sito be seta fo! ox's! go Rat 5 St ortablithee ew paxity oven bie 413,59 Co, abs, Dz) — Pa ” "fou 403/69 Crs /o3bé7b5) — 3 “ a ESTING 0s aM DN go a Fe Pp Pg rerrReEP OOO DO oO eo pafo: Se ho ONG orAarKOKOD ee — SF Bex Gran ewion 1 bit can be tocated by. fouming 9 soir b Vrary numbex Ca cacy whew G = F4@ 0s © Ps @e Oy = PO dso 26 Da Scanned with CamScanner 3 = P4® De® De © Dg, Solur~ Bt Patten pp Ps Pe Ds De Dg : 4 Lo 48 Bis 143,5,3( te Pr dtd) ge Promaub ty! BHs 2,3,6,2(Te Po 104) 93 py mmagpes o! Bs 4) 516 a NGfe crs 401) 50 Pe must be 'o! Finak Code 404 odox * he fesse Below coded Snte 4-6iF hamming code, fed trough a noley, channel: Decod the mess os ustin 4 as. m qa Sing& eva Occuicl In eachVeode corey « Loodool aid loos, 2410110, Gousiouy fol Total ag- Shr 1 fous groupe of 92-bit each & commect FO9 eos Py, Po Ps, 04, De,D6) D> pub “Tysoup~ 4,9,5, all. Bet) He Meet se ‘oe tis Pogition c= 0 aso 243+ Bs F+CO cal) SOOM pub!) in ity POSHI on Q=1 S169 (4004) — noowoy . lo! Caro. 7 S0 wg word S030 =010 1 \ ots . Thus Compbment 2°4 or¢ fem ttt We br OlooL 1234 969 h O1siLoo1 " 2G roup ~ 23) (Sy 9 (ood) — potaitgd See 21376,% (1101) — 0nay Cone 415164 (1001) —noewoy c320 So euxod ward uy COC =a10 = 2 Te comptimunt 277 GH denen noe Scanned with CamScanner 229 1 3sad ou i gop ; 66 JO11 0 23 +s 6? 6 $73,6,9 (£4140) -euon cyan 23,6,9 (i110) —euay, Cr=4 WS, 6,% (0110) — noewoe, G=0 Ost $234 +f gooup oo1lai? "3,5,5 (6, ¢30,1) essrog c= 0 2 | 1316/3 (04 2) eh co of | “WiSrés> C4OLL) ean Co = 210 = Be Cro The compaiment of +h bit from Ar i = Cetiete =O0LL00L . | $0 decoded message 31 | 4to1oo1 , ool1odt, “4166110; OoLL1oo01 XOR a qe A Ko 7 e R, y Y= A@B= ABs 6A Scanned with CamScanner emplomentation ~ 8 Bt xNOR~ V=AO8= ae AE = Aes - | Fe * FRod Aogicad eqdivatert Cexove them too) @ ado= a : © a@i= F © a@o= F @ 8OL= A © 1@F= 1 Fats atocag ) A ° A®o 3 ° ° ° ° o ° t o 4 L ° L b) A@L a 1 ° ° % exam make, 1] 220 seperate FadL OF RIE ang R ° ° x a ee ae * Show ot A@B= AB+EA L conrtauch Hu taste diagsam wR x L o o O} ius Scanned with CamScanner vr oa # chew that AB+A+8) = 908 A—s a— 5 a8 As RB+ AB Al B AB 7 Bea | ate | AtB | noe | @+8)+Ar o|o ° ° dl a | [72 6 | # ° 4 ° oO Oo a ° ° L o ° oO aia L 4 ° i 4 @ jo ny F —) + 8 Are Design ox gade wing, NAND gore 41 18 ti : | sf 8 4 9 1M Scanned with CamScanner OR Gate “tog AUR gates a We J > Y= AtO = A+B 8 $$. AND gore iting NOR gate NAND Gate uly NOR grote i a a t= = A Aaloa A oT B “OR gate uting NAND Gare~ ns 8 — a AB feieees in 8 An We e ae = AB+ap ® Reatfre thr doate exp sursfon se bate qe 5 I= @+NF+OCB 40) Scanned with CamScanner BB e=. Ase ay nts, 2= tte SS te .8b - RTE Bp or =. (Pe tk again) =F S=SE—_——— (e+ 85 ]-[ are see] le Loree J. [ore ae], Scanned with CamScanner * using loge g™ Replace Gate 6 ty an 4 shy a OR gate wit bubblid od sch Ip. a YE (ate Ferg a pee A t g Do 03]08 [18 Scanned with CamScanner | Bolen aygebsa > AO=O 2. A=A a) Ato=a W Aten 5S) AtaeaA 6) Aty= commutative (auo— A+e= 649 Ae= 6.9 Assodative tau — (M48 )+e= At (Bec) (h8)\e= 4. (Be) Oistetbutfue dow — Al B+) = Agtee A+ Be =(8+8) (Arey Reetunslanct Cttesat Rute (RL) = dow i — wera lao? ACs eye ge Sarde] Bndemportence Lai ~ WA=A, AtaoR Absospsfon texo- AtA-eag Al A+B) =A Consentum taio— AS+ ActBecs Ae+ac Lis = ag+Ac tec W AB+ Act+@clarm) Scanned with CamScanner ee = AB+ Ac+ ABC+ OCH = AB(I+c) + Ac (+8) = AB +AC Rig Gdendecl Theogm— ® fete +ecn= AB+ Ac @ (ata) (Ate) (atc) = LHS Cate) (A+) (+8) (Fe) (4c) - CAF + ac + a+ ec) (e+e) ~ c+ B+ ec) Carey 7 (€CA+8) +87) (are) a Ab sMece + Bes % Tae ees, + Bee ROC a Tic ee 4s fe Cee) = 8C (a+) +Aac+He +9c Bct+ Act+AB Ret ete) a ea > ACtHah +ec Ras bis = RMS Taam position ‘feos m - Hep R +e) CH+8) Rue (+c) (+8) AR+AB+ cA ace AB+ cA+ BC (A+m) AB+ Ae + pact Fac AB+ABC+ Act Foc = AB+AC nae Scanned with CamScanner De- moagan's theogm- laoi-~ AHS - Ae A = B Ba hRE oOo OP rFOrFO ® FroO> forOen Corr a cia of ol | Lata = * > o 1 >! 2 | Fn ey bore > | W Rits- fs 8 FB ate o 8 “re ’ 2 - 2.20 £ Loo ge L L £"o 6 ° Piatieg Theoam— Atoz a AB+ AE = 4 1 Aiea g Ret RE Actece bette @+a) (ate) = 4 HE) CF) Cote) = (49) Fey Scanned with CamScanner x% PRove thar - A (H+) (Hate) (Rect T) ag bins: = AC Atc) (R84) (Aecee) Ga *8¢) (RE+c) ( wecez) (Qe Fes Re-c) (Wec4e) Ac ( Fecez) AR Bec Verne Dna S= (Ate) Gage +z))+ Rete) ~ 978 Ta s(fe+ne) = (A+B) a( FO Ksrero = (atey( 8c) + AB ABc+A + Fearne ABc+ Renfc Carey f w+ 2)] Xrerme) ~ 48) { a4 ac prc meme) 4+ Rec+ aB+ece Heme A+ AeCc+1) + Ly A~(84) +8¢ A+ ABCco+) +H (etc) 8c < At ABC + AB+ AB+ Ac+EC = At abe + BCA+A) +ActEec At RectAs B+ Fe+ec 3 AIC+e + ng = At = AtBE , gos’ A+ BcCati)4+ cts pa ~ AtePect Fe Ac At@+- AF B(cry) tHe = AtB+A Scanned with CamScanner ©7108} 418, oe” x Sinpti ty ABthe + ABC (AB4tC) AB+AC+ ABc-A-B+ ABcC | ABt+ AC + ABc.A8+ ARe AB+(AT+E) + AR. “ABE ABC +A4T =fA+8)+ A(8+cBV+ Ate AG4+AC+ ABc A(84Bc)4+Fe A( 840) 4 Ae E+ Act He RE C(A+F) bag ~ Al ett Fee = AB+ Ac+A+E = Abt. “éolutfon— Ab+(A+z)+ ABC 68 +. ABC. c:. AB+A+E+ ABe = AB+ A+ + pee “ AO+A+ a 8le+e) +A +e A+A4+E L+e i = 5 * RB +ABC + A(BY AB) satutfen- = Grae) . Wray (Br asc ( B+TAT8) ) - = (AB 4 REC) (wy 73) © Ble BA (B+ec) +ABC) Scanned with CamScanner 6 % Reduce 10. Boatean Ox PHU] On f= 8 [842 (RBGAE)] | Soaluh'en— ® [+= (mB ae) | & [e+ (ae Wey a [ere tavartres rd ex ‘ [6+z( a A+ net oF +8c)] ~ AB an Show hat as + ABe+ 62 = pep Br = ABt+ABC+ ee =A ) = A (8+et )+er A( 840) +87 Ae+AC+ BE ABlC+E) + AC 4 BT ASC+ ABT + ACc+BE AC CB4i) + Be (ATL) i SAact+er a ee tee, des fe Oe draw th. vuduced one- ac An } Sr Scanned with CamScanner - (hrB +8) (B+ BIE) ~ (nae +8) + (54 oe) = (PE+A)+ (rae) +1) + Bees) | = ats i tHe } Ye nie Reduced egte dagiom OF Product & Peoduct of Semitum— ee Sop Pos SOP i Y= Aatec+ae Peasy §= (Ate) (ate) Mfntemm— oa prcduet orm containing k VaPableof Hu functPon fh cities complimented as UncompLimented form du Rnown ax nfintesm 9 2 variable Funct en hos 4 powsibitittos AB AG, AB, AB Be ae calli standaxd product, tun clamentag Peo t OF fin ste1m Bodice « ra i. ? 2 vashable ~ mo, ms .ma)m3 fx 2 vadobus : 01 Mi,m21m3,my,Ms, Me, ms, Mm. The minterm tabu fo, 3 vasdotles — a ® © patnteem ° 0. (oO 6 ° Oo He a oO sh £ A oO i of a i a # nee 4 o of Abe | 1 £ oO ase g a 4 ib Aga : Scanned with CamScanner « iy min team canontcal Sum of- Proctuuts expruition alia collect canonical form - + A 3-vadabu ogi function V hod 9 minterm AAT, ABC ane * comuMpondiing mintenm YF 2m Yo, s,6) = Mo+ ms +me6 = REC+ ABC + nae * obtain $ Wi canonfcar sor sam of Hx -fuunctfen Yiagje A+B = AB +B) + B(A+A) ~ 86+Ab+ po4 me Y(Ais)= AB+AB+AR Obtain Re sop form— TE SOP form— Y= AB+ AcH ¥* AEC c4+e) (4B) +a(a4B en Y= 08 Cco4 ena ey ye O+TD) + (as+AB)cp Aecd + Reca + ABTO + AB o+ABep Y= Aecp+ ABCD + ABCD + nacD bs Yesm = (is,ig, 31120) (afintam ) m= Cia, 18, 14,15) maxtem 2-vasrable- A Maxtorm ae Scanned with CamScanner Q-voatabir K ma 4 =Bm (0,212) a Bo de aA WE aS ATE = WM (02,3) =m (0/218) eo. mintem = mu) m(0,1,2,3) maaderm = = Mot M+ m2+ m3 — SOP ™ (015,2,3) Monty, Mo. rr3 > Pos Svagfabte Kk pree 00 Mot 41 to a T 3| ° me | Rie Fee = = e L ec mye code sto adjacent squat UL Ee fe nfinfesm and master di one variable » {sequence OF 03,92 & At exert | angen 4 above Uline J Map the expauiton~ f= Rect ag. Ct ABC+ Age io 04 Jos aio fot AE + ABE = Scanned with CamScanner 4° Sm (41915,6,9) f= Act Bet ec ® fo (A484) (A+5 47) (B+B4t) (M484) CAF BE) La OLo L100 OoL Con f= ©&2,2,u,2) a BS ese nae? A tho) ReE+ Solut Pen — for = €0 00) (ro;) Cur) Cory (uo) ~5,4,3,6 fA (0,3,s, 6) (we) Be a (A+B84c) CATE) (E+Z) (A+B) Scanned with CamScanner Note poséib.Le to pay, . ep i « 4] i x Apia uh map— Y= m4ma+ mst mat me 4 mg + M2 +O) d=Sm (413.8, 3:2, 9, 42/43) cD A AB 0g [O88 % Reduce He expsuuion += 7M (0,2,3,4, 5,6) udo mer 45d Impliment In aor togte an oe ei ND oR aNuerten NANO logte A Scanned with CamScanner ABC ABS Rec ABc aec AB AB Sop = AB+AB+C in 21841) wing . my A [ pte | AoT & Nok gate. a o° 60 a Bc ec age o |lele 9 Rec ARE Awe sf ap A AB 9 o ifdf Te} 28 Aac+ ABS AB PRE P\> © VD > ayyar oy @ Scanned with CamScanner Cmidininainfimin = ACB #) (B+) fmin = “WCeter (Fee) W+ (Be) + (B4z) * Reduce wing mapping and Jinplimenct fn univewial gf fe i 1 aco (28, 9110, 0, 12,0) Pas = (A+a5)( AtD)(c+E) (WHE Fe¥S) Scanned with CamScanner ee POS = A+B) ( Ateun) (Fe DB A+8-+¢D) FOS! fin’ =! tarppy (B48) (8424p) SOP. ep. PE fena, 3, 44s, 1h, 43,45) 6 00 OL 4 to > / (Hite) (A+D) B4+T4D) +t 4D) é t]he Don't casu condftion- The combsnation fo which +f valuy oF Re exprunton au mat speditfed at calli don't cans condition = PE AB ic, D) = Sm (47s, 4, 12,4, 18) + dls, 8, 10) ooo to Ae = 4\_] rer (Ey Bcd ae vey [alr _to| a] ky afin = Ad +ABBC+ Bcd oo ab Scanned with CamScanner SS (o © obtain te Simplitied expauuton Gn Pos fost PCR BIC, D)= Sm (01412) 8,418) 4 C10 Fla 8.cr0) = ZI we? (6.F,8,9). re\Poo of a 1D ed Cro, 1 T byl me} ily hi: 2113 - 45 ) Se ee) Scanned with CamScanner bin ada ul Dig efgcuie mh Sequintio Peet cambinastfoncd seuits 94 Pefosmu sbedtfe baocenfn operation ctione. fully spedited doi feally al SOmPle Ada on, Substgadog, encodey , 245 output depends 9 Chanactenistick - D forte Peed ») og 4 clesten 2) une only opie gots 1) do not hasie Hop decodes mattiptiaus, emuttiplons oly upon peutent ‘input. Clo ang no Weary Seq uunttal scuit - 2 ue ‘Hip Hope « 9) ot needle maping and have men ay Hats Scanned with CamScanner Hatt Addy — a to; Hatt Aelctiy (ate But Tht toby — Toputs Out puts i) & « ® 9 5 ov: i. Gi a oO Be is He oo 8F 0 wed Jp Cdd dteoo bits ge hat hoof, nests @ugend nas cutputs Cows any) '» [ED . Scanned with CamScanner BAND Logfe~ Ss = AB+ae = AB +a t+ Feiss “ACA+B 4g (A+B) BAS +6. 5m Scanned with CamScanner 'ets full add - -9. Ton add 9 stata me The +ffeg Bit ts +h cass FO™ 2 dower column . Bb 216 ies Finpur & hay 2 ‘puts. a, a7 ‘out Bo ug. Ce 0 ay “ pe, th Set = (ABB) Cin tag HA 7 f ee ee La Ha S= ABB O cH a ® O80 cy, in Cout- a 06) Ga tag TRuti tabu @ By SCout & ° ° ° o ° ° 4 in : ° 1 ° t ° ° i 4 oO 4 1 © o 1 ° 1 ° 4 Oo L 1 ef 0 ° t teste 4 as el Le £ = ABC + AB Cit ASCin + AEG, S=(a5+he) Gy, +e +K8 Jay = (A68)Cin+ GOB) cin AOeOcin Scanned with CamScanner KO foe Cour Loe Co = Rein ween dale ACin (e+e) 4 BCin ( AP+A) + ag AB Cin + AB cin 4 ABCin+ ABCin +AaB ~ ABE 4 ABCin + AB Ccings) Cout = @@e) Cin+ AB fulladca wing NAND— A@e= Aaa SRE S= ————— A® BO cin = 8@8 (ROE) cy + a Cin Soa Cone * Go (ape)ens = Cin(h@a) He (=, DS 1%, om Con ink dicsgram of BA “eg nnn gate . Subt_actos — - ota combinasfonal circit Wud to eubctaae- two blts- Se has two inputs X(mnuend) £¥ (eubtratund ) and 00 outpur dl dtpuence “S Bout (Box oto out i" Scanned with CamScanner Hal F gubshaadozr —y,. 4 — > bout Teuth tcble a 6B dq bout oo ° ou hook 1 0 L 0 \ tL 0 0 | Falls Substeactag— ~OF per foot Suubeta a ot an uate tice bit (minuend, Subs teahend & busscw) | a ed os Fs bin f—> bout $ * Ip 3% é e & -f8 B btn do bout o oO 0 O ° 20 Oo ft 1 i ‘ o ft 0 Be_oi o 4d gs oO a dy x Oiv.aQ gate ab? 0 i 0 ste Oo oD 4 Lor Oo oe peel a ob Scanned with CamScanner K mop fox at + We b97) Supauente d es d= ABSID + AS bt + AB bin d= bin (RE+A8) + bin (ade he Ag An Ar Aoe aa 4° Bs 82 81 8= 9.0 Kmop fos bout . = Bolin t A+ Cabin ce. = A bin( e+ B+ Fe (Sinabin) + (A+R) bin = Fe bin+ AE bint ABbin + FB bin+Ae © 49 (HBE) +3 (ROB) | = bin AEs AB) 4 He bint d= A@2® b4, . ne = bin (WOs) +08 i\> beute (ABE) bin +48 Ld > "he Ht slogte afagsarn of Ue bub rings parattal adds « > due 4 b+ coords do be adds d os 7 Ay inde a Scanned with CamScanner a Stemi Heat y & & a / . 4 . ap 9 = bok 6 eng . d=.i £ & 8 en : Addend = 6 O $ aE ° 2a G L Stadd @ 2 binas hoe output cos. | D foom and produces, Hop 4 “Ay ae Hie Scum of ‘Hse Ponty : A & 9 constits OF Full addins connecied, dn d thas, die ° Oud pug from each Full addes conne cteg toa ‘nud ote of ti next full adder. The pasatt adler dn usbich He ecatey out-of eadh full adde, UH Cosy dn do He next most Sgrifant odd, of ful Mose apices adder o4 Shown ts called pl. ~9F pe Soe Scie > Bloslis aq the 400k ahead « addue— 8 +The a Prepegation cn for eth, ull adda or te Hou botwietn “Re Spplicedtion OF cay ty cure He Occurence OF cosur op Cou)» On mel Oddy Re Speed dn whitch an adatifan can be pewld3nid dig ouned ° by He cit squlied 8 HR ccasdox Po-baoposate fae WW otnea oF He ada. ee © Thu ie pe ; dook ae seat ad dig Speed Ub HR proce Chorin cating Rt “ipple cdsay delay. 9% exantinul all Hs foputs gimutanveusy;; and elie’ ganzader if nd Tn iS fo ay stogus Lane oP + The metRod Wits Coote Aclelitfon pro cet u ba On two addftfonal Yunchons of #eu fayy addin colli oy Graote and caany Ro paqate. om Scanned with CamScanner eee Tom Teulth dobte of full adder crmphontiig on Cory genuotton 2 Rowo AB th Come SS . ear 8 | Nocasy. gonnode t oo 4 1 6 : ¢ i =p a > ££ 9 4 OF| be can 3 a i f pm 2 propgate 4 Loe 6 4 ofl meds mh, Ke hptes- tt: ge 6 1 3 0 oo4 + a oe L “Y pe e° Cot = 1 9 2) 131 U.S Re Crk cin Bere Popagate combinat? en we Coty An Bn =Gn @mbinatten Bn ol Coa HA Sy Fall adds (niistage Fa pallu adder) Cin Grays Con= (An @ Bn) Cn + Anan (Cont, ) Sh = Pn® Br OCy Scanned with CamScanner Y Gin figetee if buh bits a, own an Cnidu om FA. stage a4 sh in a alee Ond By eae tan a Carry har 40 Gore Rib gy ‘ i uh called generated ¢ Wheaton cin br 0 07 1 tha Gnd exbaused ay Gq = AnBn $ The Beclean’ bg Sum and cng Culpa of nit stage &y gis ¢ b= Po Ch ’ fo = ona = Gat Pach hear cre y.Bn, ° “ott ext of tw addy fh ay felts 4d n=5 = Got boc, fu fern=, ce Git Preps Git Pi oe Poco) _ = Giyp ot Piece fox, =o, eo 5 ; Ot Hi GatPag, Peep) + P2PI Poco 6; t mg eneeat- Bin Sf Addu Substeadon ~ ya Bs Ley Lo 33. Se, 3 BUN aE Aogie digsam of 4-4 Add abtone ’ Scanned with CamScanner 5 & ? The mode Snpect ty fontnol: the opexatfons usfen N=0, the Oratit & an Addu € when m=4 Re deuit ts Subtadbe ate. D tRe BSnpub ace hh In put cass oy Hx Geeuit petra $ COMP Limeng ht6 Ph put re 4 Plus ai Scanned with CamScanner £ 4-bit comparator 8 magnitude OF ty 94 Sig sage dealt wed to comput thu ; ( °, i srovide the, bin no-, depends on Hx cueggn db mH provk Ay Fale high ( acive) « | NOR dha bude compazatoy becawe ult aupat J "HS doo Toput bib au o a j an seo Hoey ‘ moe > Tnplemontation as te, Aofic fo a Ubu b%p, OD wnboy Rafa hi Ao £8382 6,86 \ of Equality = (9, ©83) (A2@B2) ( 91 ©B)) (Ae O80) fora 4 bi magtihicle compatatos — ut 41-bit number be Re Ao £ gag Se Box, > + £6o=6 Men en, Hewfoe Ade os Tauté tobe Sa Scanned with CamScanner = yt fozo RBo=l tin A Tt SSS cS out combinatfonat Lagi A Bectlirens Co 6 — a nt $= Sm (4214/4) me oj 4 1 Oo Cout = Tay (3:8, 614) on ty 0 BUS Seton ay A8Gin + BB Gn + ee : Aen 1 0 0 10 = Sot 2142) J 3 z - i od yO = Bacth + aBein s ae Oe f 1 6. + ABCIo, i ; L 1 L = Em (3/516, 29 Tid decodcluy “A+ will be alos dn mid sem ‘nate degnam of Full adder ating 8-1-8 dim decade Scanned with CamScanner fi: fu ~or| ® seven Seprment cpl On og a ty uy Fm be dt noem wed to dirpl Sedmal digit © do 9. Soddetinu hex character, pRoduce. Gach Semmens Se mady of a matdial Mot emis eget Ren oF cuss ent 3 ued Recugh Jy , Comino Und Makerialy eds, ded's | ‘mete th candece: fllamense . * ° dig 80 Mputs Seen Sea ment ou B® NFO Sibedetg ° oO 8 oo Liu ripe 1 °o oO od @eL S000 2 o Oo 40 tLroirsog 3 So oO tao 1C4Sa' PO oY 4 oo. oy O1toorinr 5 Coat on eCes LO Lt ¢ 2 a aa OTM teil tL 3 Oe 1 y ttt0000 2 © 0 oo frietvuy 9 tO 6 & LE LiLo oe Scanned with CamScanner The K map bt wed do efmn patty te stegic expruatfon example fog \ ie for Bnp fos cmpty box wit conte CaxL COMdiH On , = Sem (01/93, 4, 989454 ( 10,tis 19/13 14; 18) Yto-l6 decd fom two 3-t~3 deodey= oa sta Tre eiiieid cod oe hoe — “x uthen €=0 “uppoe x t{—p, Ay decoods will be activated _ And Do — pa ag % Wher €a1, 1 outer dower decoadss will be activated ’ vo De-pis’ nase apace ; {Ra's aa oufpur . 6060 0° Be ah i ye 6 DS ‘ : bs pn se a puqet dog hal dis Scanned with CamScanner ii i, Mabitpteres S ( Data Selictoe) The cern Mull buy means m tntoont 94 Ga PHOCH 4 Fanci ts Q Jas Gt Ne ef Infosmatfon over q Hn © | line OF Bog two type tine mei pda od Cie Muh 15 and 1 cele ine ushose bet combi nation clitemfinus lot ch $n put Gr welectedd » i baie 8-in but Mabel prema St has two Do and D, din» data Sn pity And One celeet- ‘Ynput's' and on cu put — Scanned with CamScanner boca a | b r I? whun ¢= 4 oo Scanned with CamScanner Te exbsuuution fox 10x data culpa — | Z= ae ; DoSos; + Diso gy + d2S0c, + DsSoc, icetfon ot mutt per 3 Sos, Weot py Ux 40 TmpLun ene TAL Logtg ss Bye ff fon E= R@ 2g = A@ea Popo KFoRa]o PF OO KROOKRFKSO Scanned with CamScanner | . rm Floepur 9. 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Scanned with CamScanner @= 00 § Po LIL ahear gy F Dg will Appear at Fs , » Dw wll appear st cf Gnd om will appear at Fy co=-tr Or, D ' e $19, Dig SpPeors at Fr, ho jes, Fay er 0) D21Pe, Die, Dy), a Appear ox Fi Par Ps, py fi? a win Oo” Os O82 On D6 wal co aes = ' a ding “bon 4c y, i Ai op ale OF AB, Clery Fr F243 og Fy wi appt at curput # 0edign ofd 1614 Muy wing ury Mux ¥ Deen of a 8214 Mux ws J ‘ eee f mux Bi Bia UK, oudpuk FORE, cD.) o+ suq ubtes S data select Ger F daa eobiet. tine BOEad connected to 16:1 MUX and MsB A gis Mux. * fea Hu value a Ben, € (ooce,— 1) input oto 1s wit appeas at Hes fnpud Terminal 2010 of 211 muy Scanned with CamScanner ay \ easy at seis: Bt wl opp Tey - ‘s . ux Hacugh cute. temnal of + of 2X! m “4 a rough Fy and tx a fox A=o , Output Fe FI om A=1 + outpur F=F2° Pe matiiplerer (oaia ditatrutex) A Mine ~ 4 -u— 4). 3 Dsis0 Scanned with CamScanner '9|Sepl2oig Scanned with CamScanner Do Logic diggs is Ao= Dutost Det D> A= D2+Da + Det? fo= bit Dat Dot De De = clon't-Care 2) Dedmat 40. Bop Encoaclig— 9 pat 6cD el ere = = ° Do oaoo i o) eo oot 2 D2 © O 10d 35 DB pou? tu By ©o.1 00 Sb 6 - O 4£ OL 3 Be o£ to eB 8 D Lio ei 4 D Do — dbo 4 o oy A eect ae, Scanned with CamScanner aX efi pe Sap att cop dio —> + TT Ded Ben Ben td put et 3 epaiity, Encodu— patoaity. Encodn Yodst operates sees fraulaee “Rag "OB ont dedmat wpe OL HIGH qe in? Machicauty wo 09 may, dedmas Input md Secome Hier Oh FL Sante Fine» ¥ emote cee torte reat Roy vd “HPondly to § An acordance’ tp coms pedo! Pe Je ont fnput! geork beued ony detim ar g, wa en 4 ercodil eg). Fis ase 4 Rant tou, y welt b SPesiifice: 9 4-Papt prloatie. Encoder Onputs Out pacts: Do Dr D2 ds oe a o 0 oo MAL ¥ 5 1 0 00 oo 4 x Loo w ae hE x x ED toot - x xX x tL 3 a Fomth dati tab Sn addifon of muda A 8, te Saeuit hor ged out pu Rot fev; wich Gi a vali bap ‘indeatos Rak set toe with £03 mow Inputs ar equal 40 one « SF alld oO te sst condition, novalld Tnput, vi 20x06 , “| UR Scanned with CamScanner y Highs 464 subscatpd no- Mighua 10s patogt, hight podostity so output for A. Ly Do dy fit next tf Ds Sy 0 fy 1 On pr Gd! 2? pug ; Jt, K Map fog p- —_ Dob3 | Dopye_el 11 lo oo|_X |} 4 | fa]} 2 oo lalfsif a]] &= S2+0s L i t]o vfs Lo fa fal B93 +p. 5p | V= Dat O24 D145 bg as _ 8 = detordz Dy Di A= Ds+02 VU D24024Di+ De ds —— Scanned with CamScanner PS Clotke dade put nis = Aes Q ctle s Ginay * . ° ° 2 no 5 4 ° ° 4 Shan o 4 Oo 4 ° = 4 o 4 ° Reve @ 1 Loo i. 2 L o 1 Sep L Scanned with CamScanner Pnpud- iK ped " ¢ : output Aton s Gat x a 8 Qn No dhange 1 oO oO Qn , oe ‘ L 7 Ruut Lo i See. a L L is vy ge when T= 0 7 wRateven value of ond Gy ee cued cubput of 754 Nard gate lin eKo . whurtKous fen Ke OT KS 0, woRatevey Value of @ ande output of IT nang o GPE 4 22H0, mention aen auy , Scanned with CamScanner 2 aalay (0) tip Flop >D D e- ° Ss 9 _ clk —pe @ RF Gv D ah as g ak 8 slog ys “dlagsam wg NAND gate Ps ou Bn Onput 5 Subbu ns Action! state ° L a = - 4 a 9 ° Ree L ‘ L i rf i Sep J x ° oO 4, x 0° i No T Flip Fy —P Flop Shh st, Ge ontao Snpat tabewd OT & Te age feiggeu a Fe. Scanned with CamScanner T a = coe. k syn T Clip Pop vatng. TKEF uk T 8n4 Raton Qn ated a Ne 1 » 0 L * L OL fe t 1 0 Se * " 26|08 Jig fing choxdcteulittde, of Flip Flo oper 'p Flop— 4) Jig gen of FFs 1) dwe ‘egatng << positive Awel Cinq) magodtve duel (tow ) when chock pulse goee wget He tltp Flop %. cod +0 Lwet Feggoue flip Plop. when Hu clock i positive ten dt di id positive Let epee Flip Flop % FF change city strcter only when clock 1 negatPue (Low) Orel Hen Hs collec! -ve davele ‘talygoud erp eep- eg lagna 1 tvepane 4 le Negative Thosiifue poifie eee natu eye edge be Scanned with CamScanner Hen Bqnal Want Boy, p two 7 y 6 om £7 to a thew 4 dlock pure goo HC) gs O-ty—1 and gure f age 2) Propagation pad Apne Le measusudl fem Be iy Aiggoing of tht pulie uP one high totow dganfilion Chigh—4 a0) a l_» OF TRL cudput ph seggeaing pulte Nga, Afi The ame fntewal between time OF appsicatfoy, oe, Hejgeting o and tim of which Hu cutpet maby & a tranfitten di called | él sting Os ori ds few ng +o Lous Enput s—> tply aging pulre louo high Scanned with CamScanner conclitfen (Clock skew and Afme wtace )~ ‘ oun a ate oe Systm AfK clock egal 1 applic dl Smutoncours, ; ip flops, S4 tm i j - (Ge {ep ops ¥ wie gs, a4 degree te between Components and paitual of clock ‘input, +88; cl Ay 40 wise : au 4 eg d Si callud clocked ces, F 4h. dock's skew & nfirfimal a Fr gu docktd betory gb weciivel new Snpuk and i ‘Clock pole & detayed fife fe EltpFlop may changed betone tee Fy any i iy 1 clock pure O8fived » Bn Hue Stucdions we k an bave a Kind of a between duo Com, iG Signals Mat ra fh oa occompatt to Compl effets thin dy called dime vace. lord Wa TK FE, hen gaye 2) TH whut of the Cok pute & deotfng eo state. of fHtip Flop will Regs on Chang etegaking) andar Hx end of HA clock puke bh stale callf be uncertain Sue phenomenon oy Callecl wace around! Conditfen, Matter slave lip-Fio Ee Rod Joa%e Baasram Scanned with CamScanner hed at ak RT Hi ist be called master dy dssven A tue eg, OF 48 clocks Fl. Second Flip Hop Gh culled Sdge slowe and, Aivens by — ve edge. hay on clock input hax podiifve enely HRs mosh dks accardin » Te ints tu" Slave do nat and uty eqasive edge At slave g FF copier te marten, Outputs oo dt do n Clock Fnpur ax n e+ have waco around condit Scanned with CamScanner o Cts)— The mfifimenrn ; ‘Hive ug! fo9 uh fie contval need to be maintained Contant on 1a np doofina pita FF a ti aatived of fr 8 6 wl? Jn oxdut to enabu ee . fim! eee? " ng edge of 18: clock. \= The m8, 5 aa “ a ‘imum Sime siqciued sop tofidn a Cousot quel nee manrdinil consteut 48. atiual of a 2ateging SG OR clock pute Tn ona do enable FF Snax Cmax. dock Fauquen )— 9+ & tor Wighext Farquiney ob whid? 7 FF con be “sa iggeng . Pa, ae poo Dissipation 94 8 -Hfk total power Contumpsion oF teu BB device baud on Pe Veet, mW Rip Flop ExcHaaon toot — SR t2uth tobe Exditection tabu SR nti Psy. Ns Required onpud- 0. 0. Amy on Bax = R o 1 0 o 98 o xX ew A o of 4 . 10 > a ? & 4. Xs ° TK FF taut tabu Cx&tadion tobe 5K ana LPs Ns Regulsed tnpuck a 6 Ss, Gn Orr TK o 4 ° eo} o x Loo 4 ie an. Loo 1 1 5 ‘ay & 4, x ° Scanned with CamScanner hu #8 aca FF Gn Converfion of og do FEE Senal puts Ps ows a kK FP impute Bn @nay s ‘¢ o ° a e a “te o ° L j x a = 4 ° ° oO x bre _Cxctieation tab Ps oNS Re ae ey Set Gn toes NM, : —™ . 8 ° ° oO i L 1 0 6 & of £ TEE Ead ator tout T Goa @ om oT al. to o & s 5 3 1 & Oo <4, at L ° L LY oy Convention of FES— es Pudi og Ra Uited ey Aare We howe -to Obtetin 44, Foams of Scanned with CamScanner dog atagram | Scanned with CamScanner Vr centa SR Filp HOP ~ voufon of reetip Flop 22 Pp con EF Inputs | Be External ps K Onpats Oot # GOR Gn 5 ° x ne) 0 ‘ x ° 0 oO " a # Bh oll ° 0 x £ o 3 i , x 1 0 ° : a & 1 0 i k map fo3 T&k- Rn } K=a Gf ———4+F 9 +. | ——pax | R kK 9 Scanned with CamScanner o_o este diagram 03/10/2018 _Siitt Register nastet vugister 2a setoe FFs, auitobee fox stoxing Hee Sertosmedtion a) An bir sagiiter Fas o Gooup of 1 FFs o of z Seria dupe sequintiat cert and an‘important bulleting bo Ud Gn feo sietein Like mublipsion tivicler, nficaopocerr oa. mf ole Regirton- ) oha Fmplut seaste may be Wed tas bin (Bigeki Srey Srtesmotton, e, mg el | Scanned with CamScanner r Sh ougtstes | 7 Ano. OF Flip Flop 1 connected tagett Such be shittect nto on chifed out of Rem Be Shite ougérter “lly \ The data may be Shifted Sin padetlel on Seda) the ype of shite augierten aa — “thas 4) SeSal Gn sefal ove (siso) 2) Sefal dn Posallt out (.5/Po) 2) Pasalll on sefiut -¢ piso) ay > Pasatt Sn pasalll out ¢ py po) Sefal OM Sedat ou— Ghitted pute | 9a | G2 Ge | Ge | taps g ° ° a} o | O° | 4404 1 1 AN] © 6 a 2 5 4 o |0 3 gif|o 1 |o° | + ZL Br G.] Lt Scanned with CamScanner a a poral w- ' : ! %6 wt toe aft [vs “ ra Gy a eee eh ype of Shitt Sudistex Hh. bits on ented sefally on a . e gut soudl Atta Sint Vurottion i etitted Sp pascalled fom i fs 6B ee, b (eh | = | re Tre data bits oak entesed Fmuattane into Ru sughitese & PORALLY foams budata bit Cae de anefesed oud “wally 46 Signal shee (Toad allows +e data atvbe OME Sy peste foam when sire (Joed Ga man gata SiG Ge aay dtinbis, and Gu, Ge, @ Ge At enabbuct ewig 4€. data bit do otis 4g, Foon om Siage 4 Scanned with CamScanner { Oy Sit when shitt/ Toad & dow , 1 §ate g Ou diab. whe as G3, G2, Gy ht woke Hie data. Grput cto Appear at 4B. p% inputs og My Aupecting £6 URen cox Gy appsied stig t Gh sfitted to He g oud pub Uteentin aly OF Hae & Gnd ad es Hn data Gs availabe ate and os ade b Ge ollewos Mermal

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