Second Response Essay - K

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Kirstyn Murrow

Mrs. Bazil

COMP 101


Is College really what’s best for everyone?

Decide your degree, decide if college is right for you. College is really expensive. But

does everyone really need to go to college. If your degree doesn’t require you do go to a big

university, why spend the money to go there? If you choose your degree then you can decide if

college is right for you. Spending all that money isn’t worth it if you aren’t going to use the


Am I really going to make a lot more if I go to college. Do people who go to college

actually make that much more than people who don’t? People who go to school and are more

educated are more desired by the workforce. They are taught for that specific thing that they

will be doing. The companies are going to pay good money to know that what they need done

is going to get right. The salary difference between those who have graduated from college and

those who haven’t. According to the Labor Department statistics by the Economic Policy

Institute in Washington the salary “gap” had reached a “record high.” (Leonhardt 33) “The

average hourly wage for college graduates has risen only 1 percent over the last decade, to

about 32.60. The pay gap has grown mostly because the average wage for everyone else has

fallen--5 percent, to about $16.50.” (Leonhardt 35)

There are way too many people in college that don’t need to be. College isn’t for

everyone, maybe try a trade school instead. People are going to college and most of the time

they don’t know what they want to do with their lives. They end up going to college and most

of the time find out they don’t know what they want to do. They end up getting frustrated and

then they drop out and end up with a lot of debt or a degree that they aren’t going to use. A

majority of college dropouts have low self-esteem and a colossal amount of debt this is because

they leave with learning practically nothing. People almost never leave with a career path that

will make them more than minimum wage. They almost always leave with a job they could’ve

gotten right out of high school and without the debt. (Nemko 37) “It’s often wise to choose the

college that requires you to pay the least cash and take on the smallest debt. College is among

the few products where you don’t get what you pay for—price does not indicate quality.”

(Nemko 39)

College is worth it, for some people. College is worth it when you know what you want

to do. Yes, you will have the occasional degree change, but you most likely know what field you

want to go into. When you know what degree or occupation you want and college is in it then

yes college is worth it. It is worth it when you know that you will be using your money wisely

and towards what you want to do with the rest of your life. It isn’t worth it though to spend the

thousands of dollars on a degree that you know won’t pay enough for you to pay back those

debts that you have racked up. College is worth it, but it may not be worth it for everyone.

What needs to be looked at is what you want to do with your life, your occupation. You need to

look at how much it’ll cost, what you want to do, and where you want to go. (Long 45) Debt is a
big thing with college now a day. It all depends on the field you go into and what school you

attend on how much debt you will acquire. You don’t have to go into a bunch of debt though

you could go through a cheaper 6-week certification process and be just as qualified as the guy

who spend 20k on college. (Long 46)

College is worth it when you know what you want to do with your life. Spending all that money

isn’t worth it if you aren’t going to use the degree. You don’t want to spend thousands of

dollars on a degree that you’re not going to use. There is no point in doing that. If you are going

to do something and get a degree do it because you love it and want to do it for the rest of your

life. If you are trying to decide if it is worth it for you to go to college think about what you want

to do with your life and think about alternative education before looking to college.

Works Cited:

Leohnhardt, David. “Is College Worth? Clearly, New Data Say.” Practical Argument: A Text

and Anthology, edited by Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell, Bedford/ St.

Martin’s, 2014, 33-35.

Long, Bridget Terry. “College Is Worth It Some of the Time” Practical Argument: A Text

and Anthology, edited by Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell, Bedford/ St. Martin’s,

2014, 45-46

Nemko, Marty. “We Send Too Many Kids to College” Practical Argument: A Text
and Anthology, edited by Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell, Bedford/ St. Martin’s,

2014, 37-40

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