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I. Abstract
- Background (Simple Present)
- Purpose (Present Perfect)/(Simple Past)
- Method (Simple Past)
- Results (Simple Past)
- Conclusion Simple Present)/(Auxiliary)/(Tentative Verbs)
II. Introduction
- Settings
+ General area -> Subarea -> Topic
- Literature Review
+ Information Prominent (Simple Present) = (Smith, 1968)
Weak Author Prominent (Present Perfect) = Several researchers…
Author Prominent (Simple Past) = Smith (1968) described…
+ Ordering
By approach = 1stA -> 2ndA -> 3rdA ->…
From distant to close
Chronologically = (earliest) ->... -> (latest)
- Gap Statement (transition) (Simple Present or Present Perfect)
+ Gap + Research Topic = However,…
- Purposes (page 81)
+ Report Orientation = The purpose of this report is…
Research Orientation = The purpose of this research was…
+ Modal auxiliary: (Sure) will – would – ………………………………. (Tentative)
- Value
+ Pratical Orientation = Giving suggestions
Theoratical Orientation = Create new things
+ Modal auxiliary: (Sure) ………………… – should – may – could (Tentative)
III. Method (Simple Past) + (Passive Voice)
- Overview
- Population/Sample (Simple Present)
- Location
- Restrictions/Limiting Conditions
- Sampling Technique
- *Materials
- *Procedure
- Variables
- Statistical Treatment
IV. Results
- Location (Simple Present)
- Most important findings (Simple Past) (page 150-152)
- Comments (Simple Present)
+ Generalizing from the results (may) (Tentative Verbs: appears, seems, is likely)
Explaning possible reasons for the results (Auxiliary)
Comparing the results from other studies (Simple Present)
+ Alternating Pattern: R1 + C1; R2 + C2; R3 + C3
Sequential Pattern: R1 + R2 + R3 + C
V. Discussions (page 164 + 170-175)
- Original Hypothesis (Simple Past)
- Findings (Simple Past)
- Explanation (Simple Present) + (Simple Past) + (Auxiliary)
- Limitations (Simple Present) + (Simple Past) + (Auxiliary)
- Need for further research (Simple Present) + (Auxiliary)/(Tentative Verbs)

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