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Lesson Plan Template

Name Georgia Orfanides

Lesson #, Lesson Title Lesson #1, Introduction to Sound
Date (including day of week) Monday September 1st
Grade Level & Class Title Kindergarten General Music
Period or Block (# of minutes) 2nd Period 40 minutes

Instructional Context
o My students have never taken an elementary level music course before
o Most of them will not know how to read so I will have to use auditory and
visual examples
o Some students may be interested but some might not be
o I can motivate interest by making my lesson engaging and fun
o My students are a variety of races, socioeconomic classes and abilities

o How does this lesson connect with and build on the previous lessons?
o This lesson connects with the continuing lesson because it is an introduction
to topics we will cover in the year
o Most students will have never formally studied this topic before. There are
not many connections to units studied in years past
o This lesson is the beginning of a unit
o This lesson serves an introduction to my class philosophy and to the topics
that will be addressed in the following lessons.

Central Focus
o Sounds can create feelings and there are many different elements to sound

● I want students to understand that there are many different components of

music that can be explored. I also want them to have a positive view on

Revised: August 13, 2016

Lesson Plan Template

o List state, national, and/or Common Core standards addressed in the lesson.

● Virginia Standards K.3, K.4

● National Core Art Standards- Responding Anchor Standart #7, and #8

Learning Objectives and Assessments

List the specific content learning objectives for the lesson. What do I want my
students to know, understand and do? How will I assess these objectives?
Learning Objectives Assessment Plan
● The students will be able to ● I will ask the students at the end
describe feelings after listening to of the class period questions
musical examples pertaining to tempo, dynamics
● Students will be able differentiate and pitch.
sounds that are high or low, fast
and slow and loud or soft

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks (Procedures & Timelines)

o Launch/Hook—How will you start the lesson to engage and motivate
students in learning?

● I will start the lesson by playing a fun song and ask all the students to clap
along and dance

Time Instructional Rationale/Research & Theory

Tasks/Questions to Ask
● This relates to the central focus of
5 ● Play song the lesson by having students
minutes ● Ask students to listen to music and feel the tempo
either clap along or ● This connects to the body of my
dance lesson by introducing sound

o Middle of the lesson—What will you do to engage students in developing

understanding of the lesson objectives?
o I will play different instruments, sing songs and play videos on the board of
different musical performances
Time Instructional Rationale/Research & Theory
Tasks/Questions to Ask
● Each step is connected to the
central focus on how sound makes

Revised: August 13, 2016

Lesson Plan Template

● I will play different us feel and different elements of

25 instruments and sing sound
minutes songs ● Each step builds new ideas and
● I will then play short introduces topics that will be
phrases and ask the covered more in depth throughout
students what the year.
feelings they have ● This step will help the students
towards the music. think about music in a different
e.g. happy, sad, way then they are used to
● I will then
demonstrate the
difference between
loud and soft music
● I will then
demonstrate the
difference between
fast and slow music
● I will then
demonstrate the
difference between
high and low sounds

o Closing the lesson—How will you end the lesson?

Time Instructional Strategies/Learning Tasks/Questions Rationale/Research
to Ask & Theory
● At the end of the lesson I will have the
students ask any questions they may have ● The ending
and allow them the opportunity to allows
10 differentiate tempos, dynamics and pitches students to
minutes for themselves if they feel comfortable understand
● I will explain how we will cover each of the the future of
topics in the following lessons and explain the class and
the units the different
topics that
will be
covered in
the year

Materials and Resources

Revised: August 13, 2016

Lesson Plan Template

o Attach the handouts, notes, books, and other materials you will need for the
o Ukulele, drum, piano, YouTube, percussion instruments.

Differentiation/Planned Support For Students

How will you support students with gaps in the prior knowledge that is
necessary to be successful in this lesson?
● There is no prior knowledge need for the lesson since it is an introduction

Strategies for responding to individual students or groups of students with

similar learning styles, needs, IEP’s or 504, ELL. What alternative approaches do
you have to content for these students?
● I will have computers with musical examples and me explaining the lesson on
them so that students who learn better by themselves have the ability to use
the computers during class time
● Another alternative approach is that I will have availability outside of class
time for one on one teaching on the subjects that I teach

Strategies for responding to common errors and misunderstandings. What

alternative approaches do you have to content if you need it?
● I have a variety of music to show to the students so that they can understand
the concepts in a style that makes sense to them.
● I will have simpler and shorter musical examples that I can play

Analysis of your teaching

o What worked? What did not? For whom? Why?
o Based on your planned assessment describe the varying levels of
achievement in this lesson:
▪ Needs work
▪ On target
▪ Exemplary
o Based on the evidence from your assessment, how would you improve this

● This analysis will be your reflection after the fact.

● Remember: Assessment drives instruction. How will you use your
assessment of this lesson to inform your next lesson in this unit?

Revised: August 13, 2016

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