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101 Starship Cargos

The following list is intended to be a generic starting point when the contents of a
cargo container become important. Simply pick one at random, or roll some dice. As
always, if an item isn’t suitable simply pick again.
The reason why a particular item is present are left up to the GM to decide!

1. Adhesives 25. Cooking oil 51. Industrial ore 77. Pungent smelling
2. Agricultural 26. Corrosive substances 52. Industrial robot herbs
equipment 27. Cryo-tube (empty) 53. Inert chemicals 78. Reptiles
3. Alcohol 28. Cryo-tube (occupied) 54. Insects 79. Restricted drugs
4. Android 29. Daggers 55. Kitchenware 80. Robot parts
5. Animals 30. Dead body 56. Lanterns/Torches 81. Rocks
6. Archeological artifacts 31. Educational software 57. Leather 82. Rotting food
7. Art 32. Electronic toolkits 58. Light body armor 83. Rugs
8. Assault rifles 33. Encyclopedias 59. Long life food 84. Scientific samples
9. Assorted medical 34. Exhibit (for museum, 60. Machine lubricants 85. Sculptures
supplies etc) 61. Mechanical toolkits 86. Sea creatures (alive)
10. Binoculars 35. Fashion accessories 62. Medical equipment 87. Seeds
11. Blood & tissue 36. Flammable liquids 63. Medium body armor 88. Semi-Precious gems
samples 37. Fresh food 89. Servant robot
64. Medkits
12. Bolts of cloth 38. Frozen food 90. Shotguns
65. Military robot
13. Books 39. Fuel 91. Silk
66. Money (counterfeit)
14. Bootleg music/videos 40. Furniture (flatpacks) 92. Sniper rifles
67. Moss
15. Cameras 41. Furs 93. Soil
68. Nothing
16. Camping equipment 42. Gardening supplies 94. Sporting equipment
69. PDAs
17. Childrens toys 43. Glass items (broken) 95. Starship parts
70. Paper (records of
18. Clothes 44. Glow rods some kind) 96. Stun batons
19. Collectables 45. Grenades 71. Pistols 97. Stun grenades
20. Comlinks/Phones 46. Heavy body armor 72. Plants 98. Submachine Guns
21. Common drugs 47. Hold-out pistols 73. Power packs 99. Swords
22. Computer games 48. Human organs 74. Powered armor 100. Vehicle parts
23. Computer parts 49. Illegal drugs 75. Precious gems 101. Water
24. Computers 50. Industrial gems 76. Prescription drugs

SOS – Space Opera Support

The Space Opera Support line from Polgarus Games is an aid for busy gamemasters running a game in a
space opera setting. No setting is assumed – the products are intended to be as generic as possible so they can
be used in most settings. If you need quick adventure ideas, a planet or space station for the PCs to visit, or
even passengers to travel on the PCs ship and cause trouble, Space Opera Support is the answer!

Copyright © 2007, 2012 Polgarus Games. Some artwork Misfit Studios © 2005 by Steven Trustrum, used with
permission. Some art © 2012 by Joshua D. Meadows, used with permission. All Rights Reserved. Visit us at

Joe Robinson (Order #33824254)

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