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Quiz Week 2 History Test Score 00% A) 1) Which torm best describe the individuals or groups that are affected by an organization?” 10/10 Pains ‘Ad bominom Stakeholders Heuristics Bounded rationality Relationship confit 2) Which of the folowing Is NOT an element of emotional int ligence? 10/10 Points ‘Sel-awareness ‘Setf-regulation Empathy Heute Social is 3) Which ofthe following represents the first step in the decision making process? 10/10 Pains Evaluate the efectveness of selocted atematve Selet an ateratve. ‘Aly the alternatives, Recognize that a decision needs to be made. Generate mail atematives. 4) Susanne is interested in saving time when she is making programmed decisions at work. Which of the following she should focus on? 10/10 Pains ‘ak to other people ‘Systematically go trough the ax stops ofthe decision-making process Be creative Engage in eritcal thinking Saistiing 5) Determining which actions are right vs. wrong represents which element of James Rest’ ethical decision-making model? 10/10 Pains Moral mativation Moral judgmont Moral charactriation Moral senstivty| Moral intention 68) Advantages of virtual toams and organizations include cost savings, decreased respon: ‘fects onthe environment. time to customers, and ess harmful 10/10 Poinss Tue False 7) Which ofthe following is an element of technological forces? 10/10 Points CCurraney exchange rales Now production forces Ebies Pelton Wore 18) According tothe environment ndustry-organtzaton ft model, Call 2 represents which ofthese environments? 10/10 Poinss ‘Simple stable environment ‘Complax-stable ervzonment ‘Simple-unstabe environment CComplex-unstale environment None of thes, 28 9) ABC Manufacturing is organized by departments and expertise areas, such as RAD, production, accounting, marketing, and hhuman resources. Which of the following best describe ABC's organizational structure? 10/10 Pains ital srocture Functional stucue Matrx stucco Vertical team structure Geographic structure 10) Which ofthe following describe virtual structures? 10/10 Pains Grade Mechanistic Vertical Beundanless Ineo Chstered 100/100 soo 38

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