Character Profiles

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He doesn’t really have time for

interests as most of his time is

spent working, repairing or
He is like a father figure to the scavenging.

He hates the bandits for killing

his parents. 15-20

The Mechanic wants to build the He works in the town repair shop,
robot to protect his town, so no The repairing things such as speeder,
one will lose their family like he ships and blasters. He also must
Mechanic scavenge the nearby forest to find
parts to trade with the bandits, so he
isn’t robbed, many other members of
the town do this as well.

Outer: he has conflict with the bandits His family was killed by bandits
after the killed parents, so he must protect when they couldn’t pay them off
the town. with parts or supplies.
Inner: He just reprograming a killer robot, He is very poor, like most of the
that can change with his help, to kill again.
He is blinded by his want to protect others.
town. He has to scavenge for
food and supplies to survive.

It is a robot it has no interests

It views The Mechanic as a father

figure as he was the one who
reprogramed the robot, created
the new version of it

Originally his program was its Before The Mechanic found The
motivation to protect the town, The Robot it was just a rusting piece of
but after the town members are scrap. But after reprograming, its is
tasked with the protection of the
willing to put their life on the line Robot
for something that use to hunt
them during war, he has more

Outer: the bandits are attacking the town It has no family as it was not
and the robot is programmed to protect it born. But it views The Mechanic
as a father figure because he was
Inner: the robot’s new programming
conflicts with its old. It was designed for the one who reprogrammed The
It is a robot, it has not ethnicity
war and to kill all, now it protects. Robot.
or social class. However, robots
are widely hated for the war

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