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Location Recce

Type of room/area:


Lighting Information: Solutions:

Large window. Overhead lights. lamps Can controls light better by blocking

Sound Information: Solutions:

Very quiet except family downstairs Ask them to be quiet

Power Information Solutions:

Lots of power sockets available

Hazards Solutions:
Lots of tripping hazards Clean up
tape down wires
Location Recce

Type of room/area:


Lighting Information: Solutions:

Window at back of room. Overhead Shoot at specific times each day


Sound Information: Solutions:

Next to no outside sound Noise is already controlled

Power Information Solutions:

Very few power sockets Extension cords

Hazards Solutions:

Tight space Careful moving around

Location Recce

Type of room/area:


Lighting Information: Solutions:

One overhead light Lamps and overhead light

When all doors are closed not extra light

Sound Information: Solutions:

Close to family. Ask them to be quiet

Power Information Solutions:

2 power sockets Extension cords

Hazards Solutions:

Falling downstairs Be careful and aware of surroundings

Location Recce

Type of room/area:


Lighting Information: Solutions:

Large window overhead lights
Use blinds

Sound Information: Solutions:

Next to family Ask them to be quiet

Power Information Solutions:

Lots of available power sockets No solution needed

Hazards Solutions:

Hob oven and knives Be careful.

Location Recce

Type of room/area:


Lighting Information: Solutions:

No control over lighting Shoot during midday

Sound Information: Solutions:

Noise outdoors Use premiere pros denoise effect or

record multiple times

Power Information Solutions:

No available power socket. Extensions cords

Hazards Solutions:

Wet. Slip hazard. animal poo Be careful. Watch step

Location Recce

Type of room/area:

Dinner table

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Large window. 1 overhead light Use curtains and lamps

Sound Information: Solutions:

Noisiest part of the house Ask family to be quiet. Record in

between brothers’ lessons

Power Information Solutions:

Lots of power sockets No solution needed

Hazards Solutions:

Tripping hazard Be careful and watch step

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