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Timecode Visuals Sound

(20 secs) Title Screen – “The Box In The Loft” appears in a The Box Theme plays in

font of shifting sizes and positions background

(5 secs) Wide Shot – cuts from title to black. The hatch Hatch opening

from the loft opens, letting in some light. Hatch sliding

(3 secs) Close Up – Lightbulb turns on Light switch flick

Small hum from light

(10 secs) Wide Shot – Shawn is lifting boxes into the attic; Box thuds

he gets up through the hatch and place down one of Grunting

the boxes. He spots something in between some of


(5 secs) Close Up – Shawn takes a lighter from one of the Box opening

boxes and flicks it open Lighter opening

(20 secs) Mid Shot – Shawn hears a ding from his phone he Phone notification

gets it out of his pocket to check the message. A Second phone notification

text from his mum says “how’s the clear up going? Lighter closing clothes

We’ll be back in a few days, see you soon “ rustling

A second text comes in saying “please don’t burn

down the house”

Shawn looks at the lighter and closes it

(5 secs) Close up – Shawn puts the lighter in his pocket Flickering sound*

(10 secs) Wide Shot – Shawn goes towards the ladder to Floorboard creaking

retrieve more boxes but suddenly he hears a sound Rustling

from somewhere in the loft. He climbs back up the Metal clanking


(5 secs) Mid Shot – Shawn turns around an makes his way to Footsteps

the source of the noise. Ominous riser

(7 secs) Close Up – Shawn lifts up an old carpet and finds Dragging box

a black box. It has a note on top of it. He pulls Paper rustle

the box out from under the carpet.

(4 secs) Close Up – Shawn picks up the note

(4 Secs) Close Up – The note reads “Keep us fed, Keep us

dark, Never open us”

(10 secs) Mid Shot – Shawn backs away from the from the box Footsteps

and goes down the ladder. The camera pushes in Creaking

towards the hatch and the music rises. Suddenly, a

pack of ham is thrown up thought that hatch.

(2 secs) Close Up – the ham lands Ham thud

Scene Cuts

(30 secs) Wide Shot – Shawn is sat in bed texting his Phone notifications

friend. Wind blowing

“so how was the loft, find any ghosts?” Small creaking

“Haha, no” “I did find an old box tho”

“huh? Is it worth anything?”

“Idk I haven’t opened it”

“y not”

“it said not to”

“so ur listening to a box???”

“it said to keep it dark and feed it as well” “so

I gave it some ham”

“ur insane”

(3 secs) POV Shot – looking up at the ceiling footsteps Footsteps

walking around. The footsteps are loud creaking

(7 secs) Mid Shot – Shawn looks confused and somewhat Phone notification

frightened. He gets another text. Phone being put down

“u realise that all the ham is gonna do is bring


“yeah rats”

He puts down the phone.

Cut to next scene

(15 secs) Wide Shot – Shawn takes more boxes into the loft. Footsteps

He put the boxes down.. Box Drops

(2 secs) Mid Shot – Shawn looks down

2 secs Close up – pack of ham has been torn to pieces

4 secs Mid Shot – Shawn picks up the pack

1 secs Close Up – shawn looks down

(3 secs) Mid Shot – camera push in on the box. riser

(1 secs) Mid Shot – Shawn drops the empty ham box

(10 secs) Wide Shot – Shawn goes back down the ladder and Footsteps

closes the hatch. Forgetting to turn off the Hatch close


(4 secs) Close Up – looking at the note’s first 2 rules.

(3 secs) Mid Shot – light bulb starts to flicker

Cuts to Next Scene

(15 secs) Mid Shot – Shawn is texting his friend again Text alert

“Did you check what was in the box, I’ve got cash

in the attic on speed dial”

“very funny, Ill check tomorrow”

Cut to Next Scene

(7 secs) Wide Shot – Shawn opens the hatch and peeks his Hatch opening

head up, he sees that the light has been on all Light Buzz


(3 secs) Close Up – Low angle following Shawn as he Footsteps

approaches the box

(7 secs) Mid Shot – over Shawn’s shoulder. Kneel creak

(5 secs) Close Up - Shawn kneels down in front of the box Clothe rustle

and hesitates before quickly opening it.

(3 secs) POV Shot – Shawn Sighs and closes the box Sigh

Metallic thud

Cut To Black

(4 secs) Close Up – Shawn wakes up after hearing 1940s 1940s music


(100 secs) Mid Shot – Shawn leaves his room and walks Door opening

downstairs; he looks towards the loft and sees its Footsteps

closed. He continues down the stairs an see that Picking up remote

the tv is on. Its playing a montage of static and Tv sounds

strange images. He turns off the tv, but the music Footsteps

keeps playing he walks back up the stairs and the riser

loft is open.

(3 secs) Wide Shot – Push in on the open hatch leading to Riser

the loft. Distorted 1940s music

(3 secs) Mid Shot – Push in on Shawn. Panicked breathing

(5 secs) Close Up – Dirty contorted fingers reach over the Scraping

edge of the hatch. Box theme

(2 secs) Mid Shot – Shawn runs towards the hatch Footsteps

Box theme

(2 secs) Close up – The fingers retract Scraping

Box theme

(7 secs) Birds Eye – Shawn stares up through the hatch. The

camera moves into the loft to see the box sitting

in the middle of the walkway.

(5 secs) Close Up – Shawn wakes up gasping gasping

Cut To Next Scene

(6 secs) Wide Shot – Shawn is standing on a ladder with a Screwdriver

drill. He is screwing down the hatch to the loft.

(4 secs) Close Up – Shawn screws in another screw. He gets Screwdriver

down from the ladder

(6 secs) Mid Shot - Shawn sit down in his chair and starts Chair creak

googling to find out more about the box. typing

(10 secs) Close Up – google searches Typing


(10 secs) Close Up – Shawn looking at the searches. A faint Typing

sound can be heard, Shawn looks up. screwing

(3 secs) Close Up – a screw hits the floor Screw drops on the floor

(5 secs) Mid Shot – Shawn comes out of the door looking up Footsteps

at the loft Door opening

Box theme
2 secs Close Up – Shawn keeps moving his head down

2 secs POV shot – looking down towards the box.

1 sec Mid Shot – Shawn falls back

1 sec Mid Shot – Shawn hits the ground

(2 secs) Close Up – The light starts to flicker Light flicker

(2 secs) Mid shot – The box starts to rumble rumbling

Mid shot – Shawn crawls back and the sound of the Box opening

box opening can be heard

(5 secs) Mid Shot – the dirty hand reaches out Light flicker

(3 Secs) Close up – The light starts to flicker again and Light flicker

turns off

(7 secs) Mid Shot – Shawn takes out the lighter he found in Lighter

the loft. He uses it to see. Slowly the creature Riser

from the box peers out from behind him and blows Lighter being blown out

out the lighter.

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