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End The Cover-Up Of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster

NONUKESACTION Close All Nuclear Plants In Japan, US, And the World
The nuclear melt down and environmental catastrophe in Fukushima, Japan
continues unabated. The nuclear workers, the communities and their children in
— 6.11 WorldWide — the Fukushima area continue to be contaminated. The Tokyo Electric Power
Company (TEPCO) along with the government have withheld information
about this disaster to the workers, people, and their families and have changed
the regulations protecting people from radioactive dangers.
STOP Nuclear Weapons & Nuclear Power Plants At the same time, this radioactive leaking and contamination is spreading to
the US and around the world and the California nuclear power plants at San
PROTECT Our children & our grandchildren Louis Obispo and San Onofre have been built right on faults as well. The
Nuclear Regulatory Commission has also admitted that they have no plans for a
regional environmental catastrophe like the earthquake in the Sendai/Tohoku
This means similar events can happen right here in the US. We will also be
demanding that all US nuclear plants be closed and that there be no US tax
dollars used to subsidize the nuclear industry. Funds should be used for
solar/clean energy and the building of a public/community controlled energy
system along with a mass public transportation system that is energy efficient
and not based to support the profit of these industries.
Today even in California, for example in Fresno, efforts are still being made
to build nuclear plants (Fresno Bee, 3/15/2011)
The US government in collaboration with GE, Westinghouse, Babcock-
Wilcox, Bechtel and other corporations are pushing nuclear power plants and
industry for profits despite the deadly dangers for humanity. It is time to call a
halt to this nightmare.

Join with us to call for action to close these plants now.

Join actions in Tokyo & NYC and let our voices be heard on June 10 & 11th— NO NUKES Action Committee
three months after the Fukushima nuclear disaster—STOP NUKES and End
The Cover-Up Of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Catastrophe
For info or to endorse: (917) 774-4079 or (415) 867-0628
CLOSE ALL NUCLEAR PLANTS IN JAPAN, US, AND THE WORLD. Endorsed by: United Public Workers For Action UPWA,
Peace and Freedom Party, Green Party,
San Francisco - Fri, June 10, 3:30-5:30 pm Veterans For Peace, Labor Video Project
Rally Japan Consulate Mission and Fremont St. San Francisco ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
This flyer is distributed by the East Bay Chapter of Veterans for Peace.
March to Bechtel Corporation 50 Beale St. San Francisco Join us at our monthly meetings from 10 am to noon on the 2nd Saturday of
every month and at our noon peace vigil with tabling and leafleting nearly
every Wednesday from Noon to 1 PM at Bancroft Way & Telegraph Avenue,
— more on the other side — UC Berkeley. Info, Gene Ruyle, 510-428-1578 or email:

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