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An empirical study on the impact of Brand

Awareness, Brand Loyalty, Brand Association and

Perceived quality on customer purchase intention in
terms of branded tea in Sri Lanka

Chapter 03: Methodology

3.1 Introduction
This chapter will provide an overview of the methodology employed in this study. To
elaborate, the discussions detail how to select an acceptable technique of inquiry and how to
use a causal research design and a survey to answer the research questions. Following that,
the researcher outlines the research sampling technique, including the use of surveys as a
means of data gathering. Following that, the researcher defends the usage of quantitative
research methods in this study. The research is then given with a description of the
operational framework.

3.2 Research Technique

The following section presents the research approach, research design and research method
applied for this research.

3.2.1 Research Approach

Quantitative and qualitative approaches are the two primary categories of research approach.
Quantitative research is concerned with numbers and figures, whereas qualitative research is
concerned with words and their interpretations. Quantitative approaches allow you to
measure variables and test hypotheses in a systematic way. Qualitative approaches allow for a
more in-depth examination of concepts and experiences (Hameed, 2020). This study
undertakes the quantitative approach, all of the data generated is numerical, and it is analysed
using mathematical and statistical processes.
3.2.2 Research Design
The research design refers to the overarching approach for integrating the various
components of the study in a logical and consistent manner. There are a variety of study
designs, each with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. The study used a Causal
Comparative or Ex Post Facto research design, depending on the study's goals and the nature
of the phenomena. Where causes already exist and cannot be influenced, causal research
design aims to investigate cause and effect correlations. It makes use of what currently
existing and explains why by looking backward (Kabir, 2016).

3.2.3 Research method

There are two major approaches to gathering information about a situation, person, problem


Method of data collection

Because survey research is used to: "answer questions that have been raised, solve problems
that have been posed or observed, assess needs and set goals, determine whether or not
specific objectives have been met, establish baselines against which future comparisons can
be made, analyze trends over time, and generally, to describe what exists, in what amount,
and in what context (Glasow, 2005), the study adopted the survey method.
3.3 Hypotheses
In quantitative research, developing a hypothesis is critical to creating a research problem. a
hypothesis is a hunch, assumption, suspicion, assertion or an idea about a phenomenon,
relationship or situation, the reality or truth of which you do not know. A researcher calls
these assumptions, assertions, statements or hunches hypotheses and they become the basis of
an enquiry. In most studies the hypothesis will be based upon either previous studies or your
own or someone else’s observations (Kumar, 2011). Accordingly, the following hypothesis
were developed for the study.

1. H1: Brand Awareness have a strong and positive impact on customer purchase
intention in terms of branded tea in Sri Lanka
H0: Brand Awareness have no strong and positive impact on customer purchase
intention in terms of branded tea in Sri Lanka
2. H1: Brand Loyalty have a strong and positive impact on customer purchase intention
in terms of branded tea in Sri Lanka
H0: Brand Loyalty have no strong and positive impact on customer purchase intention
in terms of branded tea in Sri Lanka
3. H1: Brand Association have a strong and positive impact on customer purchase
intention in terms of branded tea in Sri Lanka
H0: Brand Association s have no strong and positive impact on customer purchase
intention in terms of branded tea in Sri Lanka
4. H1: Perceived quality have a strong and positive impact on customer purchase
intention in terms of branded tea in Sri Lanka
H0: Perceived quality have no strong and positive impact on customer purchase
intention in terms of branded tea in Sri Lanka

3.4 Sampling
The purpose of sampling in quantitative research is to draw inferences about the group from
which you have selected the sample, whereas in qualitative research it is designed either to
gain in-depth knowledge about a situation/event/episode or to know as much as possible
about different aspects of an individual on the assumption that the individual is typical of the
group and hence will provide insight into the group (Kumar, 2011).
3.4.1 Population
Definition of population according to Sugiyono (2007) is: '' Population is a generalization
area consisting of; objects / subjects that have certain quantities and characteristics
determined by researchers to be studied and then conclusions are determined ''. In this study
the population is infinite, it means the population cannot be determined or measured. The
population is Badulla district residents. In this study the population is the number of
customers who shop for branded tea in Badulla district.

3.4.2 Sampling Frame

The study required sampling from two aspects: first, a sample of brands to be selected from
the entire set of tea brands, and second, a sample of branded tea consumers.

Selected tea brands for the sample based on the market availability;

Ceylonta tea
Bogawantalawa Tea
Richy Tea
Tea brands
Maskeliya Kahata
Watawala Tea
Ran Kahata

Demographic profile

Demographic factor Characteristic

Gender Male, Female
Age 21-60
Residence Badulla district

3.4.3 Sample Size

Considering the above sample framework, the sample size for the study was decided as 384
branded tea consumers whose residence in Badulla district.
3.4.4 Sample unit
The sample unit is considered as a consumer (Individual), who enjoys branded tea and lives
in Badulla district.

3.4.5 Sampling Method

Considering the current pandemic situation and the health and safety restrictions imposed by
the government, the convenience sampling was used to collect data which is convenient
(Kumar, 2011) for the researcher to collect the data for the study.

3.5 Operationalization of variables

Variables Indicators Source
Brand Awareness Can recognize product among competing (Riznal, B., and Syafrizal.,
brands 2020)
Know the product
Know what product what it looks like
Packaging (Susilowati and Sari, 2020)
Brand Loyalty Willing to continue the brand ( PRAKASH, K.C. and
Satisfaction PARAMASIVAM, P.,
Regard the brand as ‘value for money 2013)
Willing to pay premium price
Willing to stick to the brand
Perceived quality High product quality (Riznal, B., and Syafrizal.,
Product reliability 2020)
Positive image (Sumi and Kabir, 2018)
Brand Association Product characteristics (Riznal, B., and Syafrizal.,
logo or symbol of product 2020)
Imagination of product
Unique concept (Susilowati and Sari, 2020)
Purchase intention Will buy the product (Riznal, B., and Syafrizal.,
Will make the same choice 2020)
Personal and Family Influence
Recommend the products to others
3.6 Summary
To investigate the impact of Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty, Brand Association and
Perceived quality on customer purchase intention in terms of branded tea in Sri Lanka. The
research conducted as a quantitative approach method was adopted in this study since the
research plan was devised to evaluate the hypothesis. The study picked a convenience sample
of 384 consumers to achieve the research objectives.

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