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Let us say that the goal above is competitive profits. What do you personally, as an employee bring to
the table to help a company generate competitive profits? What are organizations looking for when they
hire people? They want both skills and characteristics/traits that will help them generate that
competitive profit.

Least desirable Characteristics: Most desirable Characteristics:

Arrogance Confidence without arrogance
Dishonesty Authenticity
Entitlement Honesty
Unreliability Reliability
Closed-Mindedness Self-discipline
might-think-%E2%80%94-these-traits-are-the-biggest-turn-offs/ar-AAEML9r 08/01/2019

Other key characteristics that employers are looking for: willingness to use your skills to be a pro-active
problem solver, pro-active learner (willingness to learn quickly and appropriately), willingness to get
involved, ability and willingness to think critically (making the connections), willingness to work in teams,
willingness to lead, able to work under pressure, willingness to play well in the sandbox, and
tenacity/perseverance/motivation. Of all your characteristics, the most critical is your degree of
integrity/honesty. Without integrity, all the others do not matter.

The skills they are looking for are: Commercial awareness (read
08/15/2019), communication (written, oral, and body language), know how to work in teams, know how
to effectively manage a meeting, leadership skills, negotiate and persuade, skill set to solve problems
(math, statistics, logic, probabilities, technical proficiency theory…), organize/prioritize, skill set to solve
problems, and knowing how to learn.
when-you-graduate 08/01/2019 08/01/2019

You have arrived at this class with your specific characteristics; only you can grow or change your
characteristics. However, the fastest way to become interested in issues, learn, and be a problem solver
is to become involved. What that means in a class is that you do the readings, come to class, participate
in class, and engage your professors/TA’s when you are at a roadblock. These actions take time when
learning about class design; instructors are told that the common expectation is for students to work
two to three hours out of class for every hour in class. The expectation for a full-time student is five
classes per semester, meet three hours per week per class, for a total of 15 hours in class per week.
Thus, to be involved in your learning experience at college, time spent on school per week should
average 45 to 60 hours (15 + (2or3*15)). This time commitment is no different than most salaried
positions that many of you will be offered.

The specific purpose of OM370 is to help you build/grow/create specific skills necessary to help an
organization create/build/produce the correct product and answer those five questions posted above.
Specific skills presented in OM370 are centered on process management skills and how to execute key
processes that are general to any organization.

Process: a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.
wiz.......0i71j33i10j33i160j0j0i131j0i131i67.TPScaZkeYKM 08/08/2019

Process Management: The design, implementation, management and control, and continuous
improvement of processes and the enterprise-wide set of processes used in an organization.

Is process management that big a deal, enough to warrant a whole class? Turns out that everything we
do to accomplish a goal is accomplished by executing a process or an enterprise-wide set of processes.
Deming estimated that 85 to 97% of problems in an organization are process problems, not people
problems. Juran stated that 20% of the processes cause 80% of the problems.
08/01/2019. Such statements support the statement that many processes just evolved without design
or consideration, and those that were deliberately designed were either not effective, to begin with, or
have outlived their usefulness. Thus, process management is one of the most important, tasks that
anyone has that will help an organization create the correct product and, thus, competitive profit.
Process Management does warrant a whole class, even a major. Operations Management is that major.

Before we dive into process management, a subject within Operations Management, let’s look at what
Operations Management is and how operations help an organization achieve competitive profits and
how Operations Strategy constrains Process Management.

Operations Management: “Operations management is the administration of business practices to create

the highest level of ‘effectiveness’ [the quote says efficiency, but that is not the correct word] possible
within an organization. It is concerned with converting materials and labor into ‘the correct’ goods and
services as efficiently as possible to maximize the profit of an organization. Operations management
teams attempt to balance costs with revenue to achieve the highest net operating profit possible…
Operations managers are involved in coordinating and developing new processes while reevaluating
current structures. Organization and productivity are two key drivers of being an operations manager,
and the work often requires versatility and innovation.“ 08/09/2019.

Effectiveness: do the correct things (meet the objectives and goals) > build the correct product >
measured by customer satisfaction measures

Efficiency: actual output/standard output > do things correctly > can be doing things correctly without
doing the correct thing. Build a barn fast and well, but you wanted a house.

Productivity: correct output/input > effectiveness and efficiency are both necessary conditions of high
productivity 08/09/2019

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