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Grammar & Usage

Simple Present Vs.

Present Progressive

Simple Present Present Progressive

base verb (+ -s) Be + -ing verb

Pattern (ends in -s for he, she, it, singular (forms of be include am, are,
count nouns, and non-count nouns) and is, depending on the subject)

Use repeated actions continuing actions


• every
(every day, every week,
every month, every year, etc.)
• now • at the moment
• once, twice, three times, etc. • right now • at this time
Time Markers (once a week, twice a month,
• these days • currently
three times a year, etc.)
• nowadays • presently
• adverbs of frequency
(always, almost always, often,
usually, sometimes, never, etc.)

• I play volleyball every day. • We are taking a test now.

• My sister usually drinks coffee. • She’s learning French these days.
• Do you jog every morning? • What are you doing right now?
• He always does his homework. • My manager is talking at the moment.

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Simple Present Vs. Present Progressive
Grammar & Usage

Reference Cont.

Note #1
Non-action verbs (verbs with no movement)
are almost always in the simple present.

Non-Action Verb Categories Examples

be He is hungry now.

have I have two brothers.

feelings (like, love, hate, feel) They like pizza.

thinking verbs (think, know, believe) My friend knows a lot about birds.

the senses (see, hear, taste, smell) This ice cream tastes delicious.

Note #2 Note #3
The simple present is also used for true facts. The simple present can also be used for schedules
(TV schedules, transportation timetables, etc.).
• Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
• T he Big Bang Theory is on
• Leaves fall off of the trees in autumn.
channel 22 at 4:00 pm tomorrow.

• Bus #451 leaves from the

station at 9:00 pm tonight.

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Simple Present Vs. Present Progressive
Grammar & Usage

Fill in the blanks with either the simple present or
the present progressive form of the verb in parenthesis.

Ex. Are you             to what I’m saying right now?

1. She             English every day.


2. I             my homework right now.


3. We             TV at the moment.


4. Do you             to school on time every morning? Tip:

Look for time markers
5. I             pancakes on Saturdays and Sundays. (words about time) to help you
(eat) decide which tense is needed.

6. Hurry up! The bell             .


7. They always             to the gym after class.


8. My friend             usually sleepy after school.


9. Is the class             now?


10. He never             at night.


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Simple Present Vs. Present Progressive
Grammar & Usage

Answer Key

1. studies
2. am doing
3. are watching
4. get
5. eat
6. is ringing
7. go
8. is
9. starting
10. reads

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