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76 (2010-03-05) Seventy Sixth Public Release

. Updated BDSup2Sub to version 4.0.0
. Corrected HD-DVD TrueHD With Delayed Audio. Thanks to phantom_zone for spottin
g & testing this
. Possible fix for users getting stuck on OPTIONS panel
. Updated eac3to 3.18
. Remove this change : Automatically add -keepdialnorm to TrueHD track
v0.75 (2009-10-18) Seventy Fifth Public Release
. eac3to v3.17 released.
. Show eac3to progress numbers now instead of bar
. Automatically add -keepdialnorm to TrueHD track
v0.74 (2009-10-11) Seventy Fourth Public Release
. Updated BDSup2Sub to version 3.9.8
. Changed method of parsing logs & additional clearing of memory before parsing.
This hopefully fixes the strange error that sometimes lead to incorrect displa
y of pass2
tree view showing strange results. additionally default audio and subtitle str
being selected when they were not favourites.
very hard to test, abit like trying to proove you're not a witch
. Changed use of AFTEN
. Fixed BATCH mode shutdown
. Changed Franch VIDEO_CONST
. fixed eac3toaextras and speedup/slowdown in NMT mode
. fixed LPCM problem in NMT mode
I really shouldn't have agreed to do NMT mode, it's such a hack
v0.73 (2009-10-01) Seveny Third Public Release
. Fixed PLAYWAV command in BATCH mode
. Fixed .m2ts etc BATCH mode. Thanks to MikeMcr for noticing this
. Chop off last 1 second with tsMuxeR as recommended by Adbear here http://forum
v0.72 (2009-09-26) Seveny Second Public Release
. Fixed NMT mode AFTEN error. Thanks to lcaufrie for pointing this out.
. Added a Post Process at request of MikeMcr. Edit the INI and add a .BAT or .CM
D or whatever in the place of XXX:
v0.71 (2009-09-25) Seventy First Public Release
. Fixed GUI force subtitles. Thanks to GODU for posting logs.
I didn't notice this myself, as generally I use BATCH mode.
v0.70 (2009-09-23) Seventieth Public Release
. Put back SET statement at start of BATCH mode for ImgBurn & Java.
v0.69 (2009-09-22) Sixty Nineth Public Release
. Small bug in WAV to W64 conversion in BATCH mode
. Remove SET statements at start of BATCH mode as no longer needed
v0.68 (2009-09-20) Sixty Eigth Public Release
. Fix HD-DVD sub conversion. Thanks to Shad_ for pointing this out.
. Deleted *_FORCED.SUP before calling eac3to (not after, as broke HD-DVD convers
ion). Thanks to Shad_ for pointing this out.
v0.67 (2009-09-12) Sixty Seventh Public Release
. Logfiles now get stored in a subdirectory in the Demux Location
. Fixed small display bug in step 3 when swapping from AVCHD mode and back
. Removed BDSup2Sub from main exe
. Updated BDSup2Sub to V3.97 in zip file
. Fixed small bug in NMT mode that mean the the WAV to W64 conversion got skippe
d for DTS sources
. Enhanced batch mode, so that all functions are now handled by Clown_BD.
. Added AFTEN mode for NMT mode
. Enhanced AFTEN mode for non 5.1 DTS tracks for AC3 conversion (Leaving Las Veg
. Updated French language. Thanks pseudo555
. Added support for custom chapters. Just drop in a file called CHAPTERS.TXT int
o the Demux Location
& don't check the Chapters. Standard eac3to format:

v0.66 (2009-08-31) Sixty Sixth Public Release

. Changed chapter filenames to be 4 digits with leading 0 at request of Julien32
1. See post #1525
. Fixed NMT mode E-AC3 as is. Thanks to steelgtr for nagging on this one.
Posting a log file from the start would have helped though.
. Changed the way tsMuxeR and BDSup2Sub are handled in BATCH mode.
They are now handled by Clown_BD, so you can see the progress in the splash ba
Also this means that logging is improved. It might not be everyone's cup of te
a (blocked instance
handling - but you can't have it all eh ?)
. Control http download locations over
.txt after the
hoo-ha over Java release 16 when nobody could find the download, although ente
ring 'yes' in the
msgbox would have taken you straight there.
v0.65b (2009-08-14) Sixty Fifth Public Release
. Update BDSup2Sub to V3.96
. Updated German language file. Thanks BurnerHead.
. Update Java version to 1.6r15
. Fixed 'Close GUI At End' thanks to Dann in post #1350 for spotting this
. Added -CORE to THD+AC3 tracks when extracting only AC3. Should prevent recodin
Thanks JJ666 for suggesting this in post #1343.
. Catered for RAW in NMT Unconverted mode.
thanks to JJ666 in post #1342 for spotting this & testing
v0.64 (2009-06-29) Sixty Fouth Public Release
. Update BDSup2Sub to V3.95
. Fixed stream language renaming that got broken who knows when
. Batch mode - always parsed chapter from 1st title, not the one selected.
. Added Chapter M2TS splitting
. Added NMT mode to options
. Pressing exit in BATCH mode didn't ask it you want to execute the .BAT file in
1 case
. Disallow '"|<>* in directory paths & filenames. Get's converted to _ if you us
e it. Caused problems with command line.
. Drag'n'Drop of multiple folders, now only take 1st
. Small bug parsing in Undetermined audio track (Wächter Der Wüsste)
. Updated French language. Thanks pseudo555.
. Updated Italian language file. Thanks Dr4ko.
. Updated Dutch language file. Thanks Pl4yIT
. Delete foced subtitles in directory before calling BDSup2Sub
v0.63 (2009-06-14) Sixty Third Public Release
. Various fixed to IfUseNMT=1 mode
Added IfUseNMT_PCM=1 IfUseNMT_AC3=1 IfUseNMT_DTS=-1 in INI
Will create PCM/AC3/DTS code for every high-def audio track
. Added fix to generate movie name when user enters drive root as DEMUX location
. Don't show splash screen in BATCH mode when building .BAT file (looks crap as
it flickers as it's updated so quickly)
. Suppress BDSup2Sup & Change MovieObject.BDMV when no subtitles selected.
. Dragging & Dropping into BDMV also select the correct radio button for you dep
ending on file type.
. Update BDSup2Sub to V3.91
v0.62 (2009-06-06) Sixty Second Public Release
. Updated French language. Thanks pseudo555.
. Removed PCM2TSMU as now eac3to can support .W64 output.
. Skip "Step 2" if there is only 1 playlist.
. Call BDSup2Sub to SPEEDUP or SLOWDOWN subtitles.
. Added IfUseNMT in INI. Slightly different dialogue in step 3
v0.61 (2009-05-27) Sixty First Public Release
. Suppress Java warning if user presses 'NO' when asked to download
. Update BDSup2Sub to V3.82
. Added /WAITFORMEDIA & /LOG to CLI for ImgBurn
v0.60 (2009-05-21) Sixtieth Public Release
. Handle 64 bit version of JAVA for damnskippy.
. Small bug meant ImgBurn was not called in 1 rare case.
. Update BDSup2Sub to V3.81
. Add RMDIR to files in batch mode. Just remove the REM to activate.
. Localised Tray Items.
v0.59 (2009-05-20) Fifty Nineth Public Release
. New homepage. Thanks to damnskippy for saving the day
. New feature, toggle shutdown at end over the tool bar. Particularly usefull if
you change your mind part way through processing
. Fixed logfile display autoclose. Now buttons are greyed out if AutoCloseLog_Ti
v0.58 (2009-05-19) Fifty Eigth Public Release
. Decided to implement Vicky Christina Barcelona fix. Basically, if the input so
urce is 3.0 channels DTS you can't use eac3to to convert to AC3.
the workaround is - download AFTEN
unpack the exe that matches your processor x32 or x64 normal SSE2 or SSE2 into
the .\AFTEN\ directory that Clown_BD makes for you.
that's it.
. Changed BDSup2Sup to v3.71
. Changed About link back to Slysoft forum whilst home page is out of action.
v0.57 (2009-05-18) Fifty Seventh Public Release
. Bug in generating .meta file when audio is TrueHD & user selects CORE as outpu
t. Thanks to gigah72 for spotting this
v0.56 (2009-05-18) Fifty Sixth Public Release
. Cater for a 404 error on Clown_BD server
. Fixed spash screen not disappearing when 404 occurs
. Default Allow_Internet=0
v0.55 (2009-05-17) Fifty Fifth Public Release
. Change E-AC3 audio to LPCM when using "Unchanged" Audio (formerly As-Is)
. Catered for more than 1 PCM track (usefull when converting E-AC3 to LPCM)
. Override bits per second to 24 when converting E-AC3 to LPCM
v0.54 (2009-05-15) Fifty Fourth Public Release
. Added new verion checking feature, that downloads
own_BD_Version_Check.txt on startup
. Added checkbox to revoke above ability if you don't wish to allow internet acc
. Updated German language file. Thanks BurnerHead.
. Updated Italian language file. Thanks Dr4ko.
. Updated Dutch language file. Thanks Pl4yIT
. Updated French language. Thanks pseudo555.
v0.53 (2009-05-11) Fifty Third Public Release
. Updated German language file. Thanks BurnerHead.
. Updated Italian language file. Thanks Dr4ko.
. Updated Dutch language file. Thanks Pl4yIT
. Don't try to connect to console for BDSup2Sub, Blu-Ray fixes or IMGBurn calls
. Don't throw an error message when get console text fails, disconnect and try t
o connect again
. StatusBar text no longer showing. Thanks for FastEddie for pointing this out
. Introduced strict Java version testing. Thanks to 0xdeadbeef for the info
. Added link to Java versioning. Thanks to Bluer
. Made tsMuxeR 1.10.3 / eac3to 3.16 minumum version
. Fixed small parsing error on eac3to warnings. Thanks jj666
v0.52 (2009-05-08) Fifty Second Public Release
. Rewrote the entire GUI dialogue. Should be smoother now
. Updated French language. Thanks pseudo555.
. Updated German language file. Thanks BurnerHead.
v0.51 (2009-05-08) Fifty First Public Release
. Call to PCM2TSMU got broke in version v0.49. Thanks to jbrisbin for noticing t
v0.50 (2009-05-07) Fiftieth Public Release
. Blu-Ray forced subs didn't correctly work if no forced subs were cound in prev
ious file. thanks to 0xdeadbeef for fixing so quickly.
. Added drag'n'drop for file/folders in options & step 1
. Updated German language file. Thanks BurnerHead.
v0.49 (2009-05-05) Fourty Nineth Public Release
. Fix small bug in parsing HD-DVD subtitles that had no language or type
. Updated Dutch language. Thanks Pl4yit.
. Removed "Sniff for text 'Aborted at file position'..." changed added in v0.48
as madshi changed eac3to to cater for this. Thanks madshi.
. Removed THD radio button, as this was no longer needed since 'As-Is' was more
likely to be used.
. Repositioned As-Is checkbox & parameterised the text (needs to be translated i
nto local language)
. Removed PathToBDSup2Sub from INI as this is now embedded in Clown_BD anyway.
. Updated eac3to version to 3.16 & BDSup2Sub to 3.51
. Now forced subtitles works in batch mode too
. Included -speedup/-slowdown options for subtitles
v0.48 (2009-05-01) Fourty Eigth Public Release
. Dropped BETA, as the program has been stable for a long time now.
. Updated German language file. Thanks BurnerHead.
. Updated Italian language file. Thanks Dr4ko.
. Updated French language file. Thanks pseudo555.
. Please make sure that you have Java Runtime Environment 6 correctly installed
see for details
. Remove trailing spaces from paths, this actually causes eac3to to hang
. Sniff for text 'Aborted at file position' in the eac3to console, as this is ca
uses eac3to to never write a log file (and Clown_BD hangs)
. Add splash screen on startup. More important on lower end or older PCs to expl
ain the short pause.
. BDSup2Sub now embedded in EXE, hence larger size
. Changed Language 'GERMAN' to BD-Lang 'deu'
v0.47b (2009-04-28) Fourty Seventh Public Beta
. Updated Dutch language file. Thanks Pl4yit.
. Small bug in dealing with HD-DVD subtitles and JAVA/BDSup2Sup not installed
. Update the BDSup2Sub current status in the splash bar
. Now parse subtitles with JAVA/BDSup2Sup & separated FORCED ones out.
This is the forced subtitled solution:
Assumptions JAVA & BDSup2Sub installed, working and the INI entries are correct.
BD subtitles
. can only be identified as forced after eac3to has run, BDSup2Sub is called to
parse out the forced subtitles into a separated *_FORCED.SUP file.
. based on the 'subtitle preference' the forced subtitles will appear as the 1st
(2nd, 3rd etc) subtitles. Other languages are excluded.
. if the 1st language (based on the 'subtitle preference') is FORCED, then the s
et stream 1 to show is performed
HD-DVD subtitles
. are identified by text containing "forced". to convert to BD, BDSup2Sub is cal
led anyway.
. based on the 'subtitle preference' the forced subtitles will appear as the 1st
(2nd, 3rd etc) subtitles. Other languages are ordered as selected.
. if the 1st language (based on the 'subtitle preference') is FORCED, then the s
et stream 1 to show is performed

v0.46b (2009-04-21) Fourty Sixth Public Beta

. Fix parsing bug in audio channel when no language exists
. Cater for extra information in HD-DVD subtitles (eg forces, Pip, Commentary et
. Split Audio (language, type & channels) & Subtitles (language & type -HD-DVD o
nly) tree views
. Fix small issue with subtitle ordering after pressing 'View Log' button
. Fix auto parsing chapters in batch mode (displayed the log file, not the BAT)
. Update DE, IT & FR Language files. NL still open.
. Updated BDSup2Sub v3.4.1 in ZIP download (don't forget you need JAVA installed
. This version will delete your old .LANG_XX files to cater for the updates
. HD-DVD forced subtitles are not automatically activated (yet)
. BD forced subtitles are automatically activated, but only subtitle 1 automatic
ally activated
I am still looking into this (actually hoping that Roman76R adds a feature in ts
MuxeR so I don't have to bother)

v0.45b (2009-04-19) Fourty Fifth Public Beta

. Accidentally removed 'force subtitles' feature in v0.44b
. Accidentally removed FAT32 8.3 filenames feature in v0.44b
v0.44b (2009-04-18) Fourty Fourth Public Beta
. tsMuxer 1.9.9 now minimum
. Remove fixes for header, FPS, aspect ratio & Blu-Ray/AVCHD folder structures
. Add auto chapter parsing in batch mode
. Include support for 'BDSup2Sub' see
5277 to convert HD-DVD subs to Blu-Ray
you need to manually populate/update the INI with:
v0.43b (2009-04-10) Fourty Third Public Beta
. Fix AVCHD change for tsMuxeR versions >= 1.8.35. Thanks to bdbd0909 for testin
g this
. Fix Always add shutdown in BAT mode.
. Increase the memory buffer for console output
. Default ifExecuteOrBAT=0 in INI file
v0.42b (2009-04-08) Fourty Second Public Beta
. Fix initialization problem selecting .m2ts files after .mpls
. Fix initialization problem in BAT mode (start with off, and you don't get a BA
T file)
. Only produce the BAT file when pressing NEXT (not simply when program starts)
. Suppress multiplex path when no tsMuxeR selected
. Check current path for tsMuxeR.exe and also eac3to.exe on 1st run
. Change way to check versions of eac3to & tsMuxeR
. Always add shutdown in BAT mode - but remarked out when not selected (then you
can change it when running)
. Ignore values in AC3Quality, DTSQuality & DTSCore when using Audio As-Is
. use --avchd in .meta for AVCHD/PS3 compatability (only when tsMuxeR 1.8.35 >=
. Change forced subtitle to "disp on pg stream 1" ... still thinking about how t
o dynamically do this
. Added Channels to 'Audio Type' tree view (mono and stereo are now deselect by
. header & clpi fixing - seems to work now in tsMuxeR 1.9.4 but leaving in prese
. PCM2TSMU still needed as at version tsMuxeR 1.9.4
v0.41b (2009-03-16) Fourty First Public Beta
. Updated French Language File Thanks pseudo555 & Lynx
. Fixed MKV as input source. Thanks to muad'dib
. Removed fixCLPI & made miniumum version of tsMuxeR 1.8.30
. Added Dutch language. Thanks to Pl4yit for the translation
. Update English Tooltips due to spelling mistakes. Thanks to Pl4yit for spottin
g the errors
. Correct 'Streams' language update bug. Thanks to Lynx for spotting this
. Introduce better checking on tsMuxeR - it was possible that it failed before a
nd slipped through withou error message
. Added AutoCloseLog_Timer into INI file. Set the time in ms to automatically cl
ose log files. Requested by Pl4yit.
v0.40b (2009-03-14) Fourtieth Public Beta
. Managed to break batch mode in V0.38b
v0.39b (2009-03-14) Thirty Nineth Public Beta
. Change E-AC3 to AC3 didn't work
. More performant 'check if directory empty' requested by Pl4yit
. Loose version number in INI & LANG file requested by Pl4yit (now it's very sta
ble, so not a problem)
. Only show 1 message box requested by Pl4yit
v0.38b (2009-03-13) Thirty Eighth Public Beta
. Force subtitles now optional (translations by BurnerHead, pseudo555 & Dr4k0)
. Added tray item 'center' to recenter the GUI (incase it got lost off screen)
. Added possibility to add [CR] to make tooltips appear on new line
. PCM audio request not initialized in program. Thanks to Pl4yit for spotting th
. Parsing error in HD-DVD audio (comments)
. Change E-AC3 to AC3 in As-Is mode
v0.37b (2009-03-09) Thirty Seventh Public Beta
. Added audio & subtitle default preferences based on system language.
. Disable THD, AC3 & DTS radio buttons when As-Is is checked.
. Reintroduce FixFPS & Aspect Ratio as fixCLPI does not cover this.
v0.36b (2009-03-08) Thirty Sixth Public Beta
. Fix Autodetect system language on 1st use - Thanks to BurnerHead for testing.
. Change shutdown method in batch mode. It didn't work in Vista.
. Always show forced captions (requested by Pl4yit)
. Added As-Is in audio. Meaning don't change audio format. This means PCM stays
PCM, TrueHD, AC3, DTS etc
. fixCLPI license & changelog not copied correctly - thanks BurnerHead
v0.35b (2009-03-05) Thirty Fifth Public Beta
. In Batch Mode Change DEL to RMDIR
. Autodetect system language on 1st use
. Correct bug introduced in v0.34b creating BD directory structure every time
v0.34b (2009-03-04) Thirty Fourth Public Beta
. Update French translation. Thanks to pseudo555
. Finally got the instance handling working properly.
. Removed word wrap when displaying logs. Left/Right scrollbars are better (espe
cially in BAT mode)
. If last item it dropdown was selected, it was not selected on next fire up of
. Change PSM2TSMU & fixCLPI file locations (TEMP directory didn't suit everybody
. Remove change to buttons from v0.33b, and make whole window dynamic.
. Small cosmetic problem on size of groupbox 'streams' in step-3
. Don't force 1.8.18 as minmum version in tsMuxeR
. Change constant Languages to Language (thank BurnerHead)
. A Fuller, richer BAT mode with playway & shutdown possibilities
v0.33b (2009-03-03) Thirty Third Public Beta
. Bug in call to fixCLPI, it doesn't always detect the end. Thanks to bdbd0909 f
or spotting this.
. Updated Italian translation. Thanks Dr4k0.
. Change way dropdowns are presented. BurnerHead didn't like it.
. Change buttons to absolute positions, as dynamic looks odd now in 96dpi in XP
. Added tsMuxeR version check at step 1
. Update to JDobbs fixCLPI V2.31
. Changed Language 'DUTCH' to BD-Lang 'nld'
. PCM2TSMU didn't work in 'batch mode'
v0.32b (2009-03-01) Thirty Second Public Beta
. Updated German Language File. Thanks BurnerHead
. Updated Itialian Language File. Thanks Dr4k0
. Now only install language files when they are needed
. Update to PCM2TSMU version that shows % complete rather than bytes rea
. Include JDOBBS fixclip v2.3 that should fix all known issues with .CLPI files
v0.31b (2009-02-28) Thirty First Public Beta
. Fix bug in calling PCM2TSMU introduced in v0.30b
v0.30b (2009-02-27) Thirtieth Public Beta
. Update French translation. Thanks to pseudo555
. Fixed bug on step 3 that identified all subtitles as 'undefined'
. Changed fields to accomodate 120dpi better
. Update MovieObject to force subtitles when forced subtitles exist
. Scan for demuxed files with DELAY in them abd pass this over to tsMuxeR
. Cater for and include only my version (the noisy version) of PCM2TSMU
v0.29b (2009-02-23) Twenty Nineth Public Beta
. Include Italian translation. Thanks to Dr4k0
v0.28b (2009-02-23) Twenty Eighth Public Beta
. Allow PCM audio (tsMuxeR doesn't currently allow for this mind you)
. Add call to PCM2TsMU - you need to manually add the path in the INI file.
I cannot guarantee this will work as-is, but it's more for the BAT users.
I guess multiple PCM tracks or PCM > 4gb won't work 'out of the box'
I tested it only on 1 file, and it seemed to work. PCM2TsMU does not write any
thing to the console, so you just have to be patient.
. Change GUI language in options (limited to English, German and French)
. Disable objects that are not needed
. Dynamic changing of audio/subtitle language with double click on stream tree (
limited to English, German and French)
. One or 2 minor bug fixes
. Add 'Close GUI at end option' (requested by Dann) - involved shuffling the opt
ions around.
. Less static options are now moved forward one screen
. Added 2 new items to the INI File eac3toVExtras eac3toAExtras - here you can a
dd any extra eac3to command to be applied to all
video or audio streams (for example onasj wanted to have -keepDialnorm added a
s an option)
v0.27b (2009-02-19) Twenty Seventh Public Beta
. Allow BMDV, MPLS or M2TS to be the input structure
v0.26b (2009-02-19) Twenty Sixth Public Beta
. Change tsMuxeR version error, as it's too late anyway once it's running. Now j
ust a warning.
. Fix the silly parsing bug introduced in v0.23b that messes up framerate
v0.25b (2009-02-18) Twenty Fifth Public Beta
. Incorporate True-HD now that tsMuxeR v1.8.18b claims to have fixed it
v0.24b (2009-02-15) Twenty Fourth Public Beta
. Small Bug, 1080i50 streams could not be 'slowdown'ed to 24/1001
. Small Bug, parsing video streams (only seen when HD-DVD 'with pulldown flags'
text was present
v0.23b (2009-02-11) Twenty Third Public Beta
. Change way FPS is presented on Step 3 (it is relevant for both audio and video
v0.22b (2009-02-05) Twenty Second Public Beta
. Corrected spelling mistake in "3nd Pass"
. Changed tooltips for PathToDMX so this it should be obvious the result file na
me comes from the lowest directory name
. Added 'secret' BAT mode. Please change the .INI file value "ifExecuteOrBAT=0"
to "ifExecuteOrBAT=1" to stop eac3to-tsMuxeR-IMGBurn from being called. You'll m
iss out on the other goodies like AVCHD/Blu-Ray correction, but that is your los
s I guess.
v0.21b (2009-02-04) Twenty First Public Beta
. Remove 24 & 30000/1001 FPS as this makes no sense.
. add -slowdown or -speedup for audio (based on selected stream FPS and required
. Patch CLIPINFO Frame Rate (eg 576i 25) if tsMuxeR got it wrong.
. Restricted Video to 1 stream, otherwise I can't reliably do the -speedup or -s
lowdown, nor correct the tsMuxeR bugs.
v0.20b (2009-02-03) Twentieth Public Beta
. Don't parse <warning> as audio track. Thanks JJ666
. Add FPS options (requested by boesemann). Leave as blank to use stream default
. Fix Blu-Ray file incorrect headers (currently index/movieobj=BD & clipinfo/pla
ylist=AVCHD due to bug in tsMuxeR)
. Set Blu-Ray aspect ratio to 4:3 when 1st video stream is neither 4:3 or 16:9 (
currently always set to 16:9)
. In AVCHD mode delete directories that are not needed (based on this http://upl )
v0.19b (2009-02-02) Nineteenth Public Beta
. Exclude fixCLPI.exe, as program handles correcting the CLIPINFO itself
. Add a new log to show what has been done to correct the Blu-Ray structure
v0.18b (2009-02-01) Eighteenth Public Beta
. Have to wait for fixclpi.exe to finish before renaming files to 8.3
. update of eac3to version
v0.17b (2009-02-01) Seventeenth Public Beta
. Remove tooltip when advancing in the dialogue
. Display eac3to pass3 & tsMuxeR log in every case
. Did not rename .m2ts in AVCHD compatability mode
. Now include fixclpi.exe (written by jdobbs see here
wthread.php?s=5b2c084d88be05d86981dbf1e2c5a369&p=1207492#post1207492 )
v0.16b (2009-02-01) Sixteenth Public Beta
. Startup default is centered
. Don't 'select' logfile text on display
. Changed height of window to 585 pixels (from 550), so that spacing was consist
. Cater for more than 1 page of console output
. Added context help
. Don't scroll when moving streams in step 3
v0.15b (2009-01-29) Fifteenth Public Beta
. Allow more than 2 preferred languages for audio & subtitles
. Change way the stream treeview is built in step-3 (allowing ordering via up'n'
down buttons)
v0.14b (2009-01-28) Fourteenth Public Beta
. Fixed remux location, no longer working since v0.10b - thanks to tomcam for po
inting that out
. Exclude 'Joined EVO Files' from Audio treeviews in Step 3 - thanks to jj666 fo
r pointing that out
v0.13b (2009-01-28) Thirteenth Public Beta
. 3rd Pass of eac3to no longer detecting failures (introduced in V0.10b)
. Check for disk in drive for BRN option (sorry, can verify it's a blank, or big
. Default 1st optical drive as Movie Location
. Fixed umounted VCD image as source in Vista
. Don't allow optical drives as demux-remux-iso output
. Made more literals (subtitles, ISO & Burn) into language changable constants
. Drop blank lines in tsMuxer log (from the console)
v0.12b (2009-01-27) Twelvth Public Beta
. Prevented very long paths from creating 2nd line on options & step-1 screens
. Added ISO or BURN options for ImgBurn (no validation whether you have a BD bur
. Check ImgBurn completed by PID rather than presence of MDS file (due to BURN o
. Finally got console read working without showing & then hiding DOS box
. Primary & Secondary audio & subtitle languages can now be changed in options s
v0.11b (2009-01-27) Eleventh Public Beta
. Now can Select/Deselect all Audio types (do this 1st)
. Fix small bug when trailing \ in demux, remux or ISO path
v0.10b (2009-01-26) Tenth Public Beta
. Attach to console to get information from eac3to & tsMuxeR
. Hide movie output when tsMuxeR not selected
. Added Primary & Secondary languages in INIfile (used for auto select & setting
order in tsMuxer .meta file)
. Restricted text size on options screen to 1 line, so the buttons don't slide o
ut of view
. Now can Select/Deselect all Audio/Subtitle languages (do this 1st)
v0.09b (2009-01-21) Ninth Public Beta
. FastEddie mode - split options and 1st dialogue. Reduce window size.
. Add option to show/hide DOS box for eac3to calls
. Add option to shutdown PC at the end
. Add option to remux to AVCHD mode (FAT32 PS3 compatability)
. Give option to create new directory (demux,remux & iso) when typing in field
. Added splash screens for eac3to calls 1 & 2
. Moved splash screens to top of 1st monitor so less invasive
. Save last position of windows
v0.08b (2009-01-19) Eigth Public Beta
. Added border back to logfile, looked too ugly without it
. Made view logfile bigger when other windows were bigger
. Improve Step1 status bar message (flickered on XP & did not clear when no more
. Improve splash screen - flickered
. Implemented minimum version of eac3to, & 1 time reminder when eac3to could be
. Allow AC3/DTS quality to be blank (This way you take bitrate as-is)
. All tree views now expanded by default
. Made calling tsMuxer optional (so only demuxing)
. Don't destroy window just for error message
. Allow user to accept a destination location, even when it's not empty
. Hide dos box for calls eac3to
. show splash screen on 3rd call to eac3to
. Add tray tips to inform user of possible longer waits
. Enable PC shutdown (set INI = 1)
v0.07b (2009-01-18) Seventh Public Beta
. Improve validation of Demux, Remux & ISO paths (removing duplicate messages fo
r duplcate paths)
. add CORE as a checkbox for DTS
. add AC3 quality as a dropdown
. add DTS quality as a dropdown
. Corrected logging eac3to pass#2
. rearranged the INI file into groups
. renamed INI and LANG file to include version. This avoids confusion when new i
tems are added
. reduced the size of the window,as FastEddie complained
v0.06b (2009-01-18) Sixth Public Beta
. Audio Output (AC3/DTS) was not correct if changed after items selected in tree
. Auto select only 1st video stream
. Increase sleep times waiting for file because possible performance problems on
slower machines
. fixed incorrect audio type in tsmuxer meta file
v0.05b (2009-01-17) Fifth Public Beta
. Check version of eac3to is 'latest'
. Check return message of eac3to on 1st & 2nd pass & display log instead of blan
k treeview
. cosmetic fix - correct gridbox on 2nd & 3rd steps
v0.04b (2009-01-17) Fourth Public Beta
. Allow separate locations to save tsMuxeR output & ImgBurn ISO files
. Better checking for multiple instances
. Save Audio & Video output formats in INI file
. Remove eac3to log headers from tree view, pass1
. expand tree view pass1
. fixed chapter parsing (simply didn't work)
v0.03b (2009-01-17) Third Public Beta
. changed .BAT filenames to include movie name (cosmetic change)
. corrected .meta file to provide language for subtitles
. corrected .meta file to remove fps subtitles (should get it from video stream)
. DOS box now hidden when running tsMuxer and ImgBurn
. added splash screen to show status of tsMuxer
. added changelog directly into exe file
. remove border from logfile display (stop you from hitting the X & closing the
. changed 'exit' button to 'back' on the logfile display windows
. added splash screen at end of the application
v0.02b (2009-01-16) Second Public Beta
. add version number
. take ImgBurn out of BAT file for tsMuxer & add to it's own
. change lang=xxx to lowercase in tsMuxer meta file
. use lowest directory name as movie name (for use in file names & ISO name)
. change Log3 exit button, so application is not ended.
. add 'waiting for xxx' text between dialogues (added tool tip)
. pipe out tsMuxer displays & show log (sorry the output is bad, not me)
. check for errors in eac3to & tsMuxer and halt
. fix to cater for audio with no language description
. parse chapters implemented (if selected, otherwise 5min intervals)
. reorder dialogue on 1st Step (movie, demux, eac3to, tsMuxer, ImgBurn and Play
. add about button to all windows (except logs)
. check boxes to make ImgBurn & Play WAV optional
. auto select Chapters, expand chapters & subtitles
. gridbox incorrect on step 2 & 3 (hard to see in Vista with Aero, but obvious o
n XP
. cater for pathnames with spaces in them on 3rd eac3to call
. static height buttons (was a problem on translated texts)
. wait for sound to finnish before ending application
v0.01b (2009-01-15) First Public Beta

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