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Second Grade Art

Van Gogh
Miss Derrig
Who was
Vincent van Gogh?
- He was a Dutch painter, born in 1853
- He wrote many letters to his brother Theo
- He took inspiration from nature and
impressionist painters like Monet
- At 27 he started focusing on his art, made
most of his work in the 10 years leading up to
his death in 1890
- He was very poor during his life, and didn’t
live to see how famous he would become
Van Gogh’s Style
- Bright, vibrant colors
- Visible brush strokes
- Impasto lines
- Movement
- Expresses the world as he
experiences it
- Often depicted nature

Post-Impressionist Artist
“Post” = After
- Came after Impressionism,
artist’s response to it
Where The Artists Lived
Where The Artists Lived
Monet vs Van Gogh
Monet vs Van Gogh
Van Gogh Museum. (n.d.). Van Gogh Museum - The Museum about Vincent van Gogh in Amsterdam - The
Netherlands. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from

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