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Facilitator’s CALA Guide

Learning Area : A Level Physics

CALA Type: Pen and Paper

Level : Form Six

Topic: Radioactivity

Duration Three Weeks

Concepts /Skills

1. Research on background radiation

2. Data Compilation

3. Data Analysis

4. Report Writing

Dimensions / Criteria To Be Assessed

1. Researching on background radiation

2. Compiling Data of Measured Background Radiation

3. Analysing the compiled data

4. Writing a report to advise the community of levels of their background radiation

Assessment Objectives

Learners should be able to

 Search the internet for data on background radiation

 Get typical background radiation levels for the whole world
 Research on how Geiger Counters work
 Operate the available Geiger counter and take background radiation count for the local community
 Draw a map of the measured area
 Write a report to the community conscientising them of their background radiation levels


Incidences of cancer amongst indigenous peoples of Africa is the rise and one possible cause of cancer is high radiation levels.
Candidates are to investigate the background radiation levels and publish such data so that any changes in these levels would be used
to indicate danger to living things.

Facilitator’s notes

 Facilitator issues learners with the CALA Learner’s guide , marking guide and background
 Learners compile data from selected areas in the community and present to the facilitator in the first week
 Learners analyse the data and draw a pie chart of radiation count of a selected areas and facilitator assesses the calculations and
 Learners write a report on their findings and facilitator assesses the recommendations made by the learner
Marking Guide

Dimension Mark Allocation

Researching on background radiation 10
Compiling the researched data into tables 5
Analyzing the compiled data 10
Writing A Report 5
Total Marks 30
Achievements Standards

Dimension/ Criteria A B C D E

Researching on Prologue citing latest website data on background At least one At least two At least three At least
background radiation radiation four
count [10] Missing Missing Missing aspects
 At least two websites not older than 2 aspect aspects Missing
years [2] aspects
 Units of radiation count /CPM[1]
 Typical CPM of different regions of the
 Values of acceptable levels of radiation
 Components of background radiation[1]
 Sources of background radiation[1]
 Evidence of how Geiger counter is used
to measure radiation levels[1]
 Formulae for calculating error levels
involved in measurement of radiation[2]

Compiling the Results of measurement of background radiation At least one At least two At least three At least
researched data into in at least 6 chosen areas in the community four
tables [5] Missing Missing Missing aspects
 6 sets of results with units [2] aspect aspects Missing
 Possible error level for the machine [1] aspects
 Evidence of taking long time or large
readings [1]
 Evidence of repeated readings[1]
Analyzing the Calculating the background radiation giving its At least one At least two At least three At least
compiled data units as CPM , drawing a map of the measured four
area and indicating the CPM values on the map Missing Missing Missing aspects
[10] aspect aspects Missing
 Correct formula [total count /time in aspects
mins=CPM] [1]
 Calculation of percentage error in
count[3] {sub ,value,%}
 Calculation of average count per area[2]
 Drawing / printing of map of area of
choice showing background count in
CPM[4] {map,key,label,scale]

Writing A Report Citation of background radiation of some places At least one At least two At least three At least
of the earth. Compare with the measured CPM four
value. Reference to acceptable levels and hence Missing Missing Missing aspects
make conclusions whether the measured values aspect aspects Missing
[5] aspects
are acceptable or not.
Learner’s Cala Guide

Learning Area : A Level Physics

Candidate Name : _______________________________________

Candidate Number : _______________________________________

Centre Name : _______________________________________

Centre Number : _______________________________________

CALA Type : Pen and Paper

Level : Form Six

Topic : Radioactivity

Duration : Three Weeks


Incidences of cancer amongst indigenous peoples of Africa is on the rise and one possible cause of cancer is high radiation levels. You
the candidate are to investigate the background radiation levels and publish such data so that any changes in these levels would be
used to indicate danger to living things in the community.
Marking Guide

Dimension Mark Allocation

Researching on background radiation 10
Compiling the researched data into tables 5
Analyzing the compiled data 10
Writing A Report 5
Total Marks 30

CALA Description

 Facilitator issues learners with the CALA Learner’s guide , marking guide and background
 Learners compile data from selected areas in the community and present to the facilitator in the first week
 Learners analyse the data and draw a pie chart of radiation count of a selected areas and facilitator assesses the calculations and
 Learners write a report on their findings and facilitator assesses the recommendations made by the learner

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