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The Benefits of Using Gmail for

Baby Boomers
By Niesha Morales
The Benefits
● It has a huge amount of storage space for all your emails
● Access anywhere with internet
● It’s very cheap to maintain
● Easily find old emails by using keywords in the search box
● Security with data
● Able to connect other accounts (yahoo/hotmail)
Accessing Gmail
To access the platform of gmail you have two options.

1. Download it to your device

● You go to your app store and find the magnifying icon
● Tap this search button and type in the word Gmail and hit search
● Once you find the app that looks like the picture hit the button that says “Get”
● Once it has downloaded you just hit the icon and should be taken to it’s login page
2. Type it into google
● Open up your google/safari app and hit the search box
● Type in Gmail and hit search
● It should be the first result to pop up
● Just hit the result and it should send you to the login page
Creating an Account
1. Once on the login page, if you have an account already then you type in the
email you use with it and then the password you chose for that account.
2. If you don’t yet have an account you click on the link that says “Create an
● You should be taken to a page that asks you for a set of information the
first of which is your name
● Then you should be asked to make a username. It’s best to make it
something professional and yet easy for you to remember. (For Example:
JSmith-John Smith)
● Once you have created a strong Username then you need to create a
password, this needs to have at least 8 letters/numbers. (For Example:
● Then you hit next and fill out any other information asked of as well as
agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.
Using Gmail
Now that you have an account we can take a look at the set up and how to
navigate the site.

● The first thing you should see is any emails you have in your inbox.
There should also be a search box at the top, right in the middle.
● Then on the right hand side you have a box that should have a
colorful circle with your initial in it, this shows you your account
and by clicking on it you will receive the options to add an account
or log out.
● Lastly on the left hand side you have your compose. You will click
on this when you are going to write a new email
● Under that you have your navigation bar. The order of this bar is:
○ Inbox
○ Starred
○ Snoozed
○ Sent
○ Drafts
○ Deleted Messages
○ More
Short Descriptions
● Inbox- Where you receive regular emails.

● Starred- Where the emails that you have starred are. This allows you to find them easier.

● Snoozed- This is where messaged that you have snoozed are. You snooze your messages so

that you can be alerted about them at a later time.

● Sent- If you send an email using the compose button then this is where you can go to find


● Drafts- If you were in the middle of an email and had to close it to take care of something

else then you can save it to draft and finish it at a later time.

● Deleted Messages- This is where you can find any messages that you had deleted before and

then realized that you did need them.

The last piece of the sidebar is the more button. This actually has
two subbars that pop up when you click on it.

● The Important
● Chats

Important is where you store any emails that you know you
need to keep in a safe place so they won’t be accidentally

Chat is where you are able to access and chats that you
have had with anyone else with a gmail account.

● You chat with people by clicking on the plus button

next to your name.
● Next you just need to enter the name, email, or
phone number to search for the person
● After you find the right person you can type up a
message and send it to them.
Additional Information
The last features of Gmail that I would like to mention would be that you are able to receive notifications when receiving an email. This
is good because it allows the receiver to be alerted as soon as the email come in. Right next to the notification button is a set of nine
squares. By clicking on this it allows you to have access to the other features that are handled by google. Some of these features are
google drive, google docs, google calendar, and even google maps.

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